ANSYS Mechanicalfasdfasfs APDL Thermal Analysis Guide

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The document discusses how ANSYS performs thermal modeling and analysis including convection, radiation, and special effects. It also discusses different types of thermal analysis and elements used.

The document discusses steady-state and transient thermal analysis.

Elements used for steady-state thermal analysis include layered elements. Elements used for transient thermal analysis include layered elements.

ANSYS Mechanical APDL Thermal Analysis


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Release 15.0
November 2013
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Table of Contents
1. Analyzing Thermal Phenomena .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1. How ANSYS Treats Thermal Modeling ................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1. Convection .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.2. Radiation ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.3. Special Effects .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.4. Far-Field Elements .................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Types of Thermal Analysis ................................................................................................................. 2
1.3. Coupled-Field Analyses ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.4. About GUI Paths and Command Syntax ............................................................................................. 2
2. Steady-State Thermal Analysis ............................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Available Elements for Thermal Analysis ............................................................................................ 5
2.2. Commands Used in Thermal Analyses ............................................................................................... 9
2.3. Tasks in a Thermal Analysis ................................................................................................................ 9
2.4. Building the Model ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1. Using the Surface-Effect Elements .......................................................................................... 10
2.4.2. Creating Model Geometry ...................................................................................................... 12
2.5. Applying Loads and Obtaining the Solution .................................................................................... 13
2.5.1. Defining the Analysis Type ...................................................................................................... 13
2.5.2. Applying Loads ...................................................................................................................... 13 Constant Temperatures (TEMP) ...................................................................................... 13 Heat Flow Rate (HEAT) ................................................................................................... 13 Convections (CONV) ...................................................................................................... 14 Heat Fluxes (HFLUX) ....................................................................................................... 14 Heat Generation Rates (HGEN) ....................................................................................... 14
2.5.3. Using Table and Function Boundary Conditions ...................................................................... 16
2.5.4. Specifying Load Step Options ................................................................................................. 17
2.5.5. General Options ..................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.6. Nonlinear Options .................................................................................................................. 18 Tracking Convergence Graphically ................................................................................. 19
2.5.7. Output Controls ..................................................................................................................... 20
2.5.8. Defining Analysis Options ...................................................................................................... 20
2.5.9. Saving the Model ................................................................................................................... 21
2.5.10. Solving the Model ................................................................................................................ 21
2.6. Reviewing Analysis Results .............................................................................................................. 21
2.6.1. Primary data .......................................................................................................................... 22
2.6.2. Derived data .......................................................................................................................... 22
2.6.3. Reading In Results .................................................................................................................. 22
2.6.4. Reviewing Results .................................................................................................................. 22
2.7. Example of a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (Command or Batch Method) ....................................... 23
2.7.1. The Example Described .......................................................................................................... 24
2.7.2. The Analysis Approach ........................................................................................................... 25
2.7.3. Commands for Building and Solving the Model ...................................................................... 25
2.8. Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method) ............................................................... 27
2.9. Performing a Thermal Analysis Using Tabular Boundary Conditions .................................................. 36
2.9.1. Running the Sample Problem via Commands .......................................................................... 36
2.9.2. Running the Sample Problem Interactively ............................................................................. 37
2.10. Where to Find Other Examples of Thermal Analysis ........................................................................ 41
3. Transient Thermal Analysis ................................................................................................................... 43
3.1. Elements and Commands Used in Transient Thermal Analysis .......................................................... 44
3.2. Tasks in a Transient Thermal Analysis ............................................................................................... 44
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Thermal Analysis Guide

3.3. Building the Model ......................................................................................................................... 44
3.4. Applying Loads and Obtaining a Solution ........................................................................................ 44
3.4.1. Defining the Analysis Type ...................................................................................................... 45
3.4.2. Establishing Initial Conditions for Your Analysis ....................................................................... 45 Specifying a Uniform Temperature ................................................................................. 45 Specifying a Non-Uniform Starting Temperature ............................................................ 46
3.4.3. Specifying Load Step Options ................................................................................................. 46 Defining Time-stepping Strategy ................................................................................... 46 General Options ............................................................................................................ 48
3.4.4. Nonlinear Options .................................................................................................................. 50
3.4.5. Output Controls ..................................................................................................................... 53
3.5. Saving the Model ............................................................................................................................ 54
3.5.1. Solving the Model .................................................................................................................. 54
3.6. Reviewing Analysis Results .............................................................................................................. 54
3.6.1. How to Review Results ........................................................................................................... 54
3.6.2. Reviewing Results with the General Postprocessor .................................................................. 55
3.6.3. Reviewing Results with the Time History Postprocessor ........................................................... 55
3.7. Reviewing Results as Graphics or Tables ........................................................................................... 56
3.7.1. Reviewing Contour Displays ................................................................................................... 56
3.7.2. Reviewing Vector Displays ...................................................................................................... 56
3.7.3. Reviewing Table Listings ......................................................................................................... 56
3.8. Phase Change ................................................................................................................................. 56
3.9. Solution Algorithms Used in Transient Thermal Analysis ................................................................... 58
3.9.1. FULL Method ......................................................................................................................... 58
3.9.2. QUASI Method ....................................................................................................................... 59
3.9.3. Solving for Temperature and Radiosity .................................................................................... 60
3.10. Example of a Transient Thermal Analysis ........................................................................................ 62
3.10.1. The Example Described ........................................................................................................ 62
3.10.2. Example Material Property Values ......................................................................................... 63
3.10.3. Example of a Transient Thermal Analysis (GUI Method) .......................................................... 64
3.10.4. Commands for Building and Solving the Model ..................................................................... 64
3.11. Where to Find Other Examples of Transient Thermal Analysis ......................................................... 65
4. Radiation ............................................................................................................................................... 67
4.1. Analyzing Radiation Problems ......................................................................................................... 67
4.2. Definitions ...................................................................................................................................... 67
4.3. Using LINK31, the Radiation Link Element ........................................................................................ 68
4.4. Modeling Radiation Between a Surface and a Point ......................................................................... 69
4.5. Using the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method ...................................................................................... 69
4.5.1. Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 69 Defining the Radiating Surfaces ..................................................................................... 69 Generating the AUX12 Radiation Matrix ......................................................................... 72 Using the AUX12 Radiation Matrix in the Thermal Analysis .............................................. 73
4.5.2. Recommendations for Using Space Nodes .............................................................................. 74 Considerations for the Non-hidden Method ................................................................... 74 Considerations for the Hidden Method .......................................................................... 74
4.5.3. General Guidelines for the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method .................................................... 75
4.6. Using the Radiosity Solver Method .................................................................................................. 75
4.6.1. Process for Using the Radiosity Solver Method ........................................................................ 76 Step 1. Define the Radiating Surfaces ............................................................................. 76 Step 2. Define Solution Options ...................................................................................... 77 Step 3. Define View Factor Options ................................................................................. 78 Step 4. Calculate and Query View Factors ........................................................................ 79


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Thermal Analysis Guide Step 5. Define Load Options ........................................................................................... 79
4.6.2. Further Options for Static Analysis .......................................................................................... 80
4.7. Advanced Radiosity Options ........................................................................................................... 80
4.8. Example of a 2-D Radiation Analysis Using the Radiosity Method (Command Method) ..................... 84
4.8.1. Problem Description .............................................................................................................. 84
4.8.2. Commands for Building and Solving the Model ...................................................................... 85
4.9. Example of a 2-D Radiation Analysis Using the Radiosity Method with Decimation and Symmetry
(Command Method) ............................................................................................................................. 85
4.9.1. The Example Described .......................................................................................................... 85
4.9.2. Commands for Building and Solving the Model ...................................................................... 86
Index .......................................................................................................................................................... 89

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List of Figures
2.1. Minimum Centroid Distance Method ..................................................................................................... 11
2.2. Projection Method ................................................................................................................................ 11
2.3. Varying FLUID116 Element Length - Minimum Centroid Distance Method .............................................. 11
2.4. Varying FLUID116 Element Length - Projection Method ......................................................................... 11
2.5. Projection Method Fails for Certain Elements ......................................................................................... 12
2.6. Convergence Norms ............................................................................................................................. 20
2.7. Contour Results Plot ............................................................................................................................. 23
2.8. Vector Display ....................................................................................................................................... 23
2.9. Pipe-Tank Junction Model ..................................................................................................................... 25
3.1. Examples of Load vs. Time Curves .......................................................................................................... 43
3.2. Sample Enthalpy vs. Temperature Curve ................................................................................................ 57
3.3. FULL Solution Method (Newton-Raphson Algorithm) ............................................................................ 59
3.4. QUASI Solution Method (Picard Algorithm) ............................................................................................ 60
3.5. FULL Solution Method When Radiosity Is Present ................................................................................... 61
3.6. QUASI Solution Method When Radiosity Is Present ................................................................................ 62
4.1. Radiating Surfaces for 3-D and 2-D Models ............................................................................................ 70
4.2. Superimposing Elements on Radiating Surfaces .................................................................................... 71
4.3. Orienting the Superimposed Elements .................................................................................................. 71
4.4. Decimation ........................................................................................................................................... 81
4.5. Planar Reflection ................................................................................................................................... 82
4.6. Cyclic Repetition (Two Repetitions Shown) ............................................................................................ 82
4.7. Multiple RSYMM Commands ................................................................................................................ 83
4.8. Annulus ................................................................................................................................................ 84
4.9. Problem Geometry ............................................................................................................................... 86

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List of Tables
2.1. 2-D Solid Elements .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2. 3-D Solid Elements .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3. Radiation Link Elements .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.4. Conducting Bar Elements ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.5. Convection Link Elements ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.6. Shell Elements ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.7. Coupled-Field Elements .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.8. Specialty Elements .................................................................................................................................. 8
2.9. Thermal Analysis Load Types ................................................................................................................. 14
2.10. Load Commands for a Thermal Analysis ............................................................................................... 15
2.11. Boundary Condition Type and Corresponding Primary Variable ............................................................ 16
2.12. Specifying Load Step Options .............................................................................................................. 17
2.13. Material Properties for the Sample Analysis ......................................................................................... 24

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Chapter 1: Analyzing Thermal Phenomena

A thermal analysis calculates the temperature distribution and related thermal quantities in a system
or component. Typical thermal quantities of interest are:
The temperature distributions
The amount of heat lost or gained
Thermal gradients
Thermal fluxes.
Thermal simulations play an important role in the design of many engineering applications, including
internal combustion engines, turbines, heat exchangers, piping systems, and electronic components.
In many cases, engineers follow a thermal analysis with a stress analysis to calculate thermal stresses
(that is, stresses caused by thermal expansions or contractions).
The following thermal analysis topics are available:
1.1. How ANSYS Treats Thermal Modeling
1.2.Types of Thermal Analysis
1.3. Coupled-Field Analyses
1.4. About GUI Paths and Command Syntax

1.1. How ANSYS Treats Thermal Modeling

Only the ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, and ANSYS Professional programs support thermal
The basis for thermal analysis in ANSYS is a heat balance equation obtained from the principle of conservation of energy. (For details, consult the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.) The finite element
solution you perform via Mechanical APDL calculates nodal temperatures, then uses the nodal temperatures to obtain other thermal quantities.
The ANSYS program handles all three primary modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation.

1.1.1. Convection
You specify convection as a surface load on conducting solid elements or shell elements. You specify
the convection film coefficient and the bulk fluid temperature at a surface; ANSYS then calculates the
appropriate heat transfer across that surface. If the film coefficient depends upon temperature, you
specify a table of temperatures along with the corresponding values of film coefficient at each temperature.
For use in finite element models with conducting bar elements (which do not allow a convection surface
load), or in cases where the bulk fluid temperature is not known in advance, ANSYS offers a convection
element named LINK34.
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Analyzing Thermal Phenomena

1.1.2. Radiation
Radiation problems, which are nonlinear, can be solved using any of these methods:
By using the radiation link element, LINK31
By using surface effect elements with the radiation option (SURF151 in 2-D modeling or SURF152 in
3-D modeling)
By generating a radiation matrix in AUX12 and using it as a superelement in a thermal analysis.
By using the Radiosity Solver method.
For detailed information on these methods, see Radiation (p. 67).

1.1.3. Special Effects

In addition to the three modes of heat transfer, you can account for special effects such as change of
phase (melting or freezing) and internal heat generation (due to Joule heating, for example). For instance,
you can use the thermal mass element MASS71 to specify temperature-dependent heat generation

1.1.4. Far-Field Elements

Far-field elements allow you to model the effects of far-field decay without having to specify assumed
boundary conditions at the exterior of the model. A single layer of elements is used to represent an
exterior sub-domain of semi-infinite extent. For more information, see Far-Field Elements in the LowFrequency Electromagnetic Analysis Guide.

1.2. Types of Thermal Analysis

ANSYS supports two types of thermal analysis:
1. A steady-state thermal analysis determines the temperature distribution and other thermal quantities
under steady-state loading conditions. A steady-state loading condition is a situation where heat
storage effects varying over a period of time can be ignored.
2. A transient thermal analysis determines the temperature distribution and other thermal quantities
under conditions that vary over a period of time.

1.3. Coupled-Field Analyses

Some types of coupled-field analyses, such as thermal-structural and magnetic-thermal analyses, can
represent thermal effects coupled with other phenomena. A coupled-field analysis can use matrixcoupled ANSYS elements, or sequential load-vector coupling between separate simulations of each
phenomenon. For more information on coupled-field analysis, see the Coupled-Field Analysis Guide.

1.4. About GUI Paths and Command Syntax

Throughout this document, you will see references to ANSYS commands and their equivalent GUI paths.
Such references use only the command name, because you do not always need to specify all of a
command's arguments, and specific combinations of command arguments perform different functions.
For complete syntax descriptions of ANSYS commands, consult the Command Reference.

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About GUI Paths and Command Syntax

The GUI paths shown are as complete as possible. In many cases, choosing the GUI path as shown will
perform the function you want. In other cases, choosing the GUI path given in this document takes you
to a menu or dialog box; from there, you must choose additional options that are appropriate for the
specific task being performed.
For all types of analyses described in this guide, specify the material you will be simulating using an
intuitive material model interface. This interface uses a hierarchical tree structure of material categories,
which is intended to assist you in choosing the appropriate model for your analysis. See Material Model
Interface in the Basic Analysis Guide for details on the material model interface.

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Chapter 2: Steady-State Thermal Analysis

The ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, and ANSYS Professional products support steady-state
thermal analysis. A steady-state thermal analysis calculates the effects of steady thermal loads on a
system or component. Engineer/analysts often perform a steady-state analysis before performing a
transient thermal analysis, to help establish initial conditions. A steady-state analysis also can be the
last step of a transient thermal analysis, performed after all transient effects have diminished.
You can use steady-state thermal analysis to determine temperatures, thermal gradients, heat flow rates,
and heat fluxes in an object that are caused by thermal loads that do not vary over time. Such loads
include the following:
Heat flow rates
Heat fluxes (heat flow per unit area)
Heat generation rates (heat flow per unit volume)
Constant temperature boundaries
A steady-state thermal analysis may be either linear, with constant material properties; or nonlinear,
with material properties that depend on temperature. The thermal properties of most material do vary
with temperature, so the analysis usually is nonlinear. Including radiation effects also makes the analysis
The following steady-state thermal analysis topics are available:
2.1. Available Elements for Thermal Analysis
2.2. Commands Used in Thermal Analyses
2.3.Tasks in a Thermal Analysis
2.4. Building the Model
2.5. Applying Loads and Obtaining the Solution
2.6. Reviewing Analysis Results
2.7. Example of a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (Command or Batch Method)
2.8. Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method)
2.9. Performing a Thermal Analysis Using Tabular Boundary Conditions
2.10. Where to Find Other Examples of Thermal Analysis

2.1. Available Elements for Thermal Analysis

The ANSYS and ANSYS Professional programs include about 40 elements (described below) to help you
perform steady-state thermal analyses.
For detailed information about the elements, see the Element Reference, which manual organizes element
descriptions in numeric order.
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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

Element names are shown in uppercase. All elements apply to both steady-state and transient thermal
analyses. SOLID70 also can compensate for mass transport heat flow from a constant velocity field.
Table 2.1: 2-D Solid Elements


Shape or Characteristic




Triangle, 6-node

Temperature (at each node)



Quadrilateral, 4-node

Temperature (at each node)



Harmonic, 4-node

Temperature (at each node)



Quadrilateral, 8-node

Temperature (at each node)



Harmonic, 8-node

Temperature (at each node)

Table 2.2: 3-D Solid Elements



Shape or Characteristic




Brick, 8-node

Temperature (at each node)



Tetrahedron, 10-node

Temperature (at each node)



Brick, 20-node

Temperature (at each node)



Brick, 8-node

Temperature (at each node)



Brick, 20-node

Temperature (at each node)

Table 2.3: Radiation Link Elements



Shape or Characteristic



2-D or

Line, 2-node

Temperature (at each node)

Table 2.4: Conducting Bar Elements



Shape or Characteristic




Line, 2-node

Temperature (at each node)

Table 2.5: Convection Link Elements



Shape or Characteristic




Line, 2-node

Temperature (at each node)

Table 2.6: Shell Elements



Shape or Characteristic




Quadrilateral, 4-node

Multiple temperatures (at each


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Available Elements for Thermal Analysis



Shape or Characteristic




Quadrilateral, 8-node

Multiple temperatures (at each


Table 2.7: Coupled-Field Elements



Shape or Characteristic




Thermal-structural, 4-node

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential, magnetic

vector potential



Thermal-fluid, 2-node or 4-node

Temperature, pressure



Thermal-structural and thermalelectric, 8-node

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential, and magnetic scalar potential



Thermal-structural and thermalelectric, 10-node

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential, magnetic

vector potential



Thermal-electric, 2-node

Temperature, electric potential



Thermal-electric, 4-node

Temperature, electric potential



Target segment element

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential



Target segment element

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential



Surface-to-surface contact element, 2-node

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential



Surface-to-surface contact element, 3-node

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential



Surface-to-surface contact element, 4-node

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential



Surface-to-surface contact element, 8-node

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential



Node-to-surface contact element,

1 node

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential



Thermal-structural, thermal-electric, structural-thermoelectric, and

thermal-piezoelectric, 8-node

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential



Thermal-structural, thermal-electric, structural-thermoelectric, and

thermal-piezoelectric, 20-node

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential

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Steady-State Thermal Analysis



Shape or Characteristic




Thermal-structural, thermal-electric, structural-thermoelectric, and

thermal-piezoelectric, 10-node

Temperature, structural displacement, electric potential

Table 2.8: Specialty Elements



Shape or Characteristic



1-D, 2D, or 3D

Mass, one-node




Control element, 4-node

Temperature, structural displacement, rotation, pressure



Surface-effect element, 2-node to





Surface-effect element, 4-node to





Radiation surface-effect element,





Radiation surface-effect element,





Matrix or radiation matrix element, [1]

no fixed geometry

INFIN9 [2 ]


Infinite boundary, 2-node

Temperature, magnetic vector potential

INFIN47 [2 ]


Infinite boundary, 4-node

Temperature, magnetic vector potential

INFIN110 [2


Infinite boundary, 4 or 8 nodes

Temperature, magnetic vector potential, electric potential

INFIN111 [2


Infinite boundary, 8 or 20 nodes

Temperature, magnetic scalar potential, magnetic vector potential,

electric potential


1-D, 2D, or 3D

Combination element, 2-node

Temperature, structural displacement, rotation, pressure



Combination element, 2-node

Temperature, structural displacement, rotation, pressure



Combination element, 2-node

Temperature, structural displacement, rotation, pressure

1. As determined from the element types included in this superelement.

2. For information on modeling the effects of far-field decay, see Far-Field Elements in the Low-Frequency
Electromagnetic Analysis Guide.

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Building the Model

2.2. Commands Used in Thermal Analyses

Example of a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (Command or Batch Method) (p. 23) and Performing a
Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method) (p. 27) show you how to perform an example steady-state
thermal analysis via command and via GUI, respectively.
For detailed, alphabetized descriptions of the ANSYS commands, see the Command Reference.

2.3. Tasks in a Thermal Analysis

The procedure for performing a thermal analysis involves three main tasks:
Build the model.
Apply loads and obtain the solution.
Review the results.
The next few topics discuss what you must do to perform these steps. First, the text presents a general
description of the tasks required to complete each step. An example follows, based on an actual steadystate thermal analysis of a pipe junction. The example walks you through doing the analysis by choosing
items from ANSYS GUI menus, then shows you how to perform the same analysis using ANSYS commands.

2.4. Building the Model

To build the model, you specify the jobname and a title for your analysis. Then, you use the ANSYS
preprocessor (PREP7) to define the element types, element real constants, material properties, and the
model geometry. (These tasks are common to most analyses. The Modeling and Meshing Guide explains
them in detail.)
For a thermal analysis, you also need to keep these points in mind:
To specify element types, you use either of the following:
Command(s): ET
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Element Type> Add/Edit/Delete
To define constant material properties, use either of the following:
Command(s): MP
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models> Thermal
The material properties can be input as numerical values or as table inputs for some elements.
Tabular material properties are calculated before the first iteration (i.e., using initial values [IC]).
See the MP command for more information on which elements can use tabular material properties.
To define temperature-dependent properties, you first need to define a table of temperatures. Then,
define corresponding material property values. To define the temperatures table, use either of the
Command(s): MPTEMP or MPTGEN, and to define corresponding material property values, use
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models> Thermal

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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

Use the same GUI menu choices or the same commands to define temperature-dependent film coefficients (HF) for convection.

If you specify temperature-dependent film coefficients (HF) in polynomial form, you should
specify a temperature table before you define other materials having constant properties.

2.4.1. Using the Surface-Effect Elements

You can use the surface-effect elements (SURF151, SURF152) to apply heat transfer for convection/radiation effects on a finite element mesh. The surface-effect elements also allow you to generate film
coefficients and bulk temperatures from FLUID116 elements and to model radiation to a point. You can
also transfer external loads (such as from CFX) to ANSYS using these elements.
The guidelines for using surface-effect elements follow:

Create and mesh the thermal region as described above.


Use ESURF to generate the SURF151 or SURF152 elements on the surfaces of the finite element mesh.
For SHELL131 and SHELL132 models, you must use SURF152. Set KEYOPT(11) = 1 for the top layer
and KEYOPT(11) = 2 for the bottom layer.
For FLUID116 models, the SURF151 and SURF152 elements can use the single extra node option
(KEYOPT(5) = 1, KEYOPT(6) = 0) to get the bulk temperature from a FLUID116 element (KEYOPT(2)
= 1).
SURF151 and SURF152 elements can also be used to define film effectiveness on a convection
surface. For more information on film effectiveness, see Conduction and Convection in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
For greater accuracy, the SURF151 and SURF152 elements can use the option of two extra nodes
(KEYOPT(5) =2, KEYOPT(6) = 0) to get bulk temperatures from FLUID116 elements (KEYOPT(2) = 1).
For two extra nodes, you must set KEYOPT(5) to 0 before issuing the ESURF command. After issuing
ESURF, you set KEYOPT(5) to 2 and issue the MSTOLE command to add the two extra nodes to
the SURF151 or SURF152 elements.
The following methods are available for mapping the FLUID116 nodes to the SURF151 or SURF152
elements with MSTOLE.
Minimum centroid distance method: The centroids of the FLUID116 and SURF151 or SURF152 elements
are determined and the nodes of each FLUID116 element are mapped to the SURF151 or SURF152
element that has the minimum centroid distance. The minimum centroid distance method will always
work, but it might not give the most accurate results.


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Building the Model

Figure 2.1: Minimum Centroid Distance Method
or SURF152

Projection method: The nodes of a FLUID116 element are mapped to a SURF151 or SURF152 element
if the projection from the centroid of the SURF151 or SURF152 element to the FLUID116 element intersects the FLUID116 element perpendicularly. An error message is issued If a projection from a
SURF151 or SURF152 element does not intersect any FLUID116 element perpendicularly.
Figure 2.2: Projection Method
or SURF152

Hybrid method: The hybrid method is a combination of the projection and minimum centroid distance
methods. In this method, the projection method is tried first. If the projection method fails to map
correctly, a switch is made to the minimum centroid distance method. Any necessary switching is
done on a per-element basis.
If the FLUID116 element lengths vary significantly as shown in the following two figures, the projection method is better than the minimum centroid distance method. The minimum centroid
distance method would map the nodes of the shorter FLUID116 element to the SURF151 or SURF152
element, but the projection method would map the nodes of the longer FLUID116 element to the
SURF151 or SURF152 element.
Figure 2.3: Varying FLUID116 Element Length - Minimum Centroid Distance Method
or SURF152
Figure 2.4: Varying FLUID116 Element Length - Projection Method
or SURF152

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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

The projection method will not map any FLUID116 nodes to the SURF151 or SURF152 elements
that are circled in the following figure. However, the hybrid method will work because a switch
will be made to the minimum centroid distance method on the second pass.
Figure 2.5: Projection Method Fails for Certain Elements
SURF151 or SURF152



Solve the analysis.

For example problems using SURF152 with a FLUID116 model, see VM271 in the Mechanical APDL
Verification Manual and Thermal-Stress Analysis of a Cooled Turbine Blade in the Technology Demonstration
For information in using surface-effect elements to model radiation to a point, see Modeling Radiation
Between a Surface and a Point (p. 69).
For information on transferring external loads from CFX to ANSYS, see the ANSYS CFD-Post help, or the
Coupled-Field Analysis Guide.

2.4.2. Creating Model Geometry

There is no single procedure for building model geometry; the tasks you must perform to create it vary
greatly, depending on the size and shape of the structure you wish to model. Therefore, the next few
paragraphs provide only a generic overview of the tasks typically required to build model geometry.
For more detailed information about modeling and meshing procedures and techniques, see the Modeling and Meshing Guide.
The first step in creating geometry is to build a solid model of the item you are analyzing. You can use
either predefined geometric shapes such as circles and rectangles (known within ANSYS as primitives),
or you can manually define nodes and elements for your model. The 2-D primitives are called areas,
and 3-D primitives are called volumes.
Model dimensions are based on a global coordinate system. By default, the global coordinate system
is Cartesian, with X, Y, and Z axes; however, you can choose a different coordinate system if you wish.
Modeling also uses a working plane - a movable reference plane used to locate and orient modeling
entities. You can turn on the working plane grid to serve as a "drawing tablet" for your model.
You can tie together, or sculpt, the modeling entities you create via Boolean operations, For example,
you can add two areas together to create a new, single area that includes all parts of the original areas.


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Applying Loads and Obtaining the Solution

Similarly, you can overlay an area with a second area, then subtract the second area from the first; doing
so creates a new, single area with the overlapping portion of area 2 removed from area 1.
Once you finish building your solid model, you use meshing to "fill" the model with nodes and elements.
For more information about meshing, see the Modeling and Meshing Guide.

2.5. Applying Loads and Obtaining the Solution

You must define the analysis type and options, apply loads to the model, specify load step options, and
initiate the finite element solution.

2.5.1. Defining the Analysis Type

During this phase of the analysis, you must first define the analysis type:
In the GUI, choose menu path Main Menu Solution> Analysis Type> New Analysis> Steady-state
If this is a new analysis, issue the command ANTYPE,STATIC,NEW.
If you want to restart a previous analysis (for example, to specify additional loads), issue the command
ANTYPE,STATIC,REST. You can restart an analysis only if the files Jobname.ESAV and Jobname.DB
from the previous run are available. If your prior run was solved with VT Accelerator (STAOPT,VT),
you will also need the Jobname.RSX file. You can also do a multiframe restart.

2.5.2. Applying Loads

You can apply loads either on the solid model (keypoints, lines, and areas) or on the finite element
model (nodes and elements). You can specify loads using the conventional method of applying a single
load individually to the appropriate entity, or you can apply complex boundary conditions as tabular
boundary conditions (see Applying Loads Using TABLE Type Array Parameters in the Basic Analysis Guide)
or as function boundary conditions (see Using the Function Tool).
You can specify five types of thermal loads: Constant Temperatures (TEMP)

These are DOF constraints usually specified at model boundaries to impose a known, fixed temperature.
For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP
instead of TEMP when defining DOF constraints. Heat Flow Rate (HEAT)

These are concentrated nodal loads. Use them mainly in line-element models (conducting bars, convection
links, etc.) where you cannot specify convections and heat fluxes. A positive value of heat flow rate indicates heat flowing into the node (that is, the element gains heat). If both TEMP and HEAT are specified

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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

at a node, the temperature constraint prevails. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3)
= 0 or 1, use the labels HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP instead of HEAT when defining nodal loads.

If you use nodal heat flow rate for solid elements, you should refine the mesh around the
point where you apply the heat flow rate as a load, especially if the elements containing the
node where the load is applied have widely different thermal conductivities. Otherwise, you
may get an non-physical range of temperature. Whenever possible, use the alternative option
of using the heat generation rate load or the heat flux rate load. These options are more
accurate, even for a reasonably coarse mesh. Convections (CONV)

Convections are surface loads applied on exterior surfaces of the model to account for heat lost to (or
gained from) a surrounding fluid medium. They are available only for solids and shells. In line-element
models, you can specify convections through the convection link element (LINK34).
You can use the surface-effect elements (SURF151, SURF152) to analyze heat transfer for convection/radiation effects. The surface-effect elements allow you to generate film coefficient calculations and bulk
temperatures from FLUID116 elements and to model radiation to a point. You can also transfer external
loads (such as from CFX) to ANSYS using these elements. Heat Fluxes (HFLUX)

Heat fluxes are also surface loads. Use them when the amount of heat transfer across a surface (heat
flow rate per area) is known. A positive value of heat flux indicates heat flowing into the element. Heat
flux is used only with solids and shells. An element face may have either CONV or HFLUX (but not both)
specified as a surface load. If you specify both on the same element face, ANSYS uses what was specified
last. Heat Generation Rates (HGEN)

You apply heat generation rates as "body loads" to represent heat generated within an element, for
example by a chemical reaction or an electric current. Heat generation rates have units of heat flow
rate per unit volume.
Table 2.9: Thermal Analysis Load Types (p. 14) below summarizes the types of thermal analysis loads.
Table 2.9: Thermal Analysis Load Types
Load Type


Cmd Family

GUI Path

TE2, TE3, . . .


Main Menu> Solution> D

Thermal> Temperature

Heat Flow Rate

HE2, HE3, . . .


Main Menu> Solution> D

Thermal> Heat Flow


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Applying Loads and Obtaining the Solution

Load Type


Cmd Family

Convection (CONV),Surface
Heat Flux (HFLUX) Loads


Heat Generation
Rate (HGEN)



GUI Path

Main Menu> S
Apply> Therm
Main Menu> S
Apply> Therm

Main Menu> Solu

Thermal> Heat G

Table 2.10: Load Commands for a Thermal Analysis (p. 15) lists all the commands you can use to apply,
remove, operate on, or list loads in a thermal analysis.
Table 2.10: Load Commands for a Thermal Analysis
Load Type

Solid or FE







Solid Model






Finite Element





Solid Model






Finite Element





Heat Flux

Solid Model





Solid Model






Finite Element







Finite Element










Heat Flow

Heat Genera- Solid Model

tion Rate






Solid Model





Solid Model






Solid Model

Volumes BFV




Finite Element














You access all loading operations (except List; see below) through a series of cascading menus. From
the Solution Menu, you choose the operation (apply, delete, etc.), then the load type (temperature,
etc.), and finally the object to which you are applying the load (keypoint, node, etc.).
For example, to apply a temperature load to a keypoint, follow this GUI path:
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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Temperature> On Keypoints

2.5.3. Using Table and Function Boundary Conditions

In addition to the general rules for applying tabular boundary conditions, some details are information
is specific to thermal analyses. This information is explained in this section. For detailed information on
defining table array parameters (both interactively and via command), see the ANSYS Parametric Design
Language Guide.
There are no restrictions on element types.
Table 2.11: Boundary Condition Type and Corresponding Primary Variable (p. 16) lists the primary variables
that can be used with each type of boundary condition in a thermal analysis.
Table 2.11: Boundary Condition Type and Corresponding Primary Variable
Thermal Boundary Condition

Cmd. Family

Primary Variable

Fixed Temperature


Heat Flow


Film Coefficient (Convection)



Bulk Temperature (Convections)



Heat Flux



Heat Generation



Fluid Element (FLUID116 ) Boundary Condition

Flow Rate





If you apply tabular loads as a function of temperature but the rest of the model is linear (e.g., includes
no temperature-dependent material properties or radiation ), you should turn on Newton-Raphson iterations (NROPT,FULL) to evaluate the temperature-dependent tabular boundary conditions correctly.
An example of how to run a steady-state thermal analysis using tabular boundary conditions is described
in Performing a Thermal Analysis Using Tabular Boundary Conditions (p. 36).
For more flexibility defining arbitrary heat transfer coefficients, use function boundary conditions. For
detailed information on defining functions and applying them as loads, see Using the Function Tool in
the Basic Analysis Guide. Additional primary variables that are available using functions are listed below.
Tsurf (TS) (element surface temperature for SURF151 or SURF152 elements)
Density (material property DENS)
Specific heat (material property C)
Thermal conductivity (material property KXX)
Thermal conductivity (material property KYY)
Thermal conductivity (material property KZZ)


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Applying Loads and Obtaining the Solution

Viscosity (material property VISC)
Emissivity (material property EMIS)

2.5.4. Specifying Load Step Options

For a thermal analysis, you can specify general options, nonlinear options, and output controls.
Table 2.12: Specifying Load Step Options


GUI Path

General Options


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc>

Time-Time Step

Number of Time Steps


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc>

Time and Substps

Time Step Size


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc>

Time-Time Step

Stepped or Ramped


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc>

Time-Time Step

Max. No. of Equilibrium



Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear>

Equilibrium Iter

Automatic Time Stepping


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc>

Time-Time Step

Convergence Tolerances


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear>

Convergence Crit

Solution Termination


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear>

Criteria to Stop

Line Search Option


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear> Line


Predictor-Corrector Option


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear>


Printed Output


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Output Ctrls>

Solu Printout

Database and Results

File Output


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Output Ctrls>

DB/Results File

Extrapolation of Results


Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Output Ctrls>

Integration Pt

Nonlinear Options

Output Control Options

2.5.5. General Options

General options include the following:
The TIME option.

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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

This option specifies time at the end of the load step. Although time has no physical meaning
in a steady-state analysis, it provides a convenient way to refer to load steps and substeps.
The default time value is 1.0 for the first load step and 1.0 plus the previous time for subsequent
load steps.
The number of substeps per load step, or the time step size.
A nonlinear analysis requires multiple substeps within each load step. By default, the program
uses one substep per load step.
Stepped or ramped loads.
If you apply stepped loads, the load value remains constant for the entire load step.
If you ramp loads (the default), the load values increment linearly at each substep of the load
Monitor Results in Real Time
The NLHIST command allows you to monitor results of interest in real time during a solution.
Before starting the solution, you can request nodal data such as temperatures or heat flows. You
can also request element nodal data such as thermal gradients and fluxes at specific elements
to be graphed. The result data are written to a file named Jobname.nlh. Nodal results and
contact results are monitored at every converged substep while element nodal data are written
as specified via the OUTRES setting. You can also track results during batch runs. To execute,
Access the ANSYS Launcher and select File Tracking from the Tools menu.
Type nlhist150 in the command line.
Use the supplied file browser to navigate to your Jobname.nlh file, and click on it to invoke
the tracking utility. You can use this utility to read the file at any time, even after the solution is
To use this option, use either of these methods:
Command(s): NLHIST
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Results Tracking

2.5.6. Nonlinear Options

Specify nonlinear load step options if nonlinearities are present. Nonlinear options include the following:
Number of equilibrium iterations.
This option specifies the maximum allowable number of equilibrium iterations per substep. The
default value of 25 should be enough for most nonlinear thermal analyses.
Automatic time stepping.


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Applying Loads and Obtaining the Solution

For nonlinear problems, automatic time stepping determines the amount of load increment
between substeps, to maintain solution stability and accuracy.
Convergence tolerances.
ANSYS considers a nonlinear solution to be converged whenever specified convergence criteria
are met. Convergence checking may be based on temperatures, heat flow rates, or both. You
specify a typical value for the desired item (VALUE field in the CNVTOL command) and a tolerance
about the typical value (TOLER field). The convergence criterion is then given by VALUE x
TOLER. For instance, if you specify 500 as the typical value of temperature and 0.001 as the
tolerance, the convergence criterion for temperature is 0.5 degrees.
For temperatures, ANSYS compares the change in nodal temperatures between successive
equilibrium iterations ( T = Ti -Ti-1) to the convergence criterion. Using the above example, the
solution is converged when the temperature difference at every node from one iteration to the
next is less than 0.5 degrees.
For heat flow rates, ANSYS compares the out-of-balance load vector to the convergence criterion.
The out-of-balance load vector represents the difference between the applied heat flows and
the internal (calculated) heat flows.
Termination settings for unconverged solutions.
If ANSYS cannot converge the solution within the specified number of equilibrium iterations,
ANSYS either stops the solution or moves on to the next load step, depending on what you
specify as the stopping criteria.
Line search.
This option enables ANSYS to perform a line search with the Newton-Raphson method.
Predictor-corrector option.
This option activates the predictor-corrector option for the degree of freedom solution at the
first equilibrium iteration of each substep. Tracking Convergence Graphically

As a nonlinear thermal analysis proceeds, ANSYS computes convergence norms with corresponding
convergence criteria each equilibrium iteration. Available in both batch and interactive sessions, the
Graphical Solution Tracking (GST) feature displays the computed convergence norms and criteria while
the solution is in process. By default, GST is ON for interactive sessions and OFF for batch runs. To turn
GST on or off, use either of the following:
Command(s): /GST
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Output Ctrls> Grph Solu Track
Figure 2.6: Convergence Norms (p. 20) below shows a typical GST display.

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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

Figure 2.6: Convergence Norms

Displayed by the Graphical Solution Tracking (GST) Feature

2.5.7. Output Controls

The third class of load step options enables you to control output. The options are as follows:
Control printed output.
This option enables you to include any results data in the printed output file (Jobname.OUT).
Control database and results file output
This option controls what data ANSYS writes to the results file (Jobname.RTH).
Extrapolate results.
Use this option to review element integration point results by copying them to the nodes instead
of extrapolating them. (Extrapolation is the default.)

2.5.8. Defining Analysis Options

Next, you define the analysis options. Possible options include:
VT Accelerator (Variational Technology Accelerator) (used only in nonlinear analyses). This option selects
an advanced predictor-corrector algorithm to reduce the overall number of iterations.
Command(s): STAOPT
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> Analysis Options
Select an equation solver. You can specify any of these values:
Sparse solver (default for static and full transient analyses)
Jacobi Conjugate Gradient (JCG) solver
Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient (ICCG) solver
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient solver (PCG)


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Reviewing Analysis Results

To select an equation solver, use either of the following:
Command(s): EQSLV
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> Analysis Options
Specify a temperature offset. This is the difference in degrees between absolute zero and the zero of
the temperature system being used. The offset temperature is included internally in the calculations
of pertinent elements (such as elements with radiation effects or creep capabilities). It allows you to
input temperatures in degrees Celsius (instead of kelvin) or degrees Fahrenheit (instead of Rankine),
and then postprocess temperatures in like fashion. For more information, see Radiation (p. 67).
To specify the offset temperature, use either of the following:
Command(s): TOFFST
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> Analysis Options
Sometimes you may need to restart an analysis after the initial run has been completed. A multiframe
restart allows you to save analysis information at many substeps during a run, then restart the run at
one of those substeps. Before running your initial analysis, you should use the RESCONTROL command
to set up the frequency at which restart files are saved within each load step of the run.
To set the controls for a multiframe restart, issue the following:
Command(s): RESCONTROL
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear> Restart Control
If your analysis contains material nonlinearities, results from a restart may be different than results from
a single run because the stiffness matrices are always recreated in a restart run, but may or may not be
in a single run (depending on the behavior resulting from the THOPT,REFORMTOL setting).

2.5.9. Saving the Model

After you have specified the load step and analysis options, you should save a backup copy of the
database to prevent your model from being lost if your computer system should fail. Should you ever
need to retrieve your model, do so via either of the following:
Command(s): RESUME
GUI: Utility Menu> File> Resume Jobname.db
Utility Menu> File> Resume from

2.5.10. Solving the Model

To start the solution, use either of the following:
Command(s): SOLVE
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Solve> Current LS
When you need to restart a job, use the ANTYPE command to specify the restart point and type of restart.
You can continue the job from the restart point (making any corrections necessary), or you can terminate
a load step at the restart point (rescaling all of the loading) then continue with the next load step.

2.6. Reviewing Analysis Results

ANSYS writes the results from a thermal analysis to the thermal results file, Jobname.RTH. Results
contain the following data:

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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

2.6.1. Primary data

Nodal temperatures (TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . . TTOP)

2.6.2. Derived data

Nodal and element thermal fluxes (TFX, TFY, TFZ, TFSUM)
Nodal and element thermal gradients (TGX, TGY, TGZ, TGSUM)
Element heat flow rates
Nodal reaction heat flow rates
You can review these results using the general postprocessor, POST1 (The GUI menu path is Main Menu>
General Postproc.) Some typical postprocessing operations for a thermal analysis are described below.
For a complete description of all postprocessing functions, see the Basic Analysis Guide.

To review results in the general postprocessor, the ANSYS database must contain the same
model for which the solution was calculated. (If necessary, use the resume operation or issue
the RESUME command to retrieve the model.) In addition, the results file, Jobname.RTH,
must be available.

2.6.3. Reading In Results

After you enter POST1, read in results for the desired load step and substep. To do so, use either of the
Command(s): SET
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Read Results> By Load Step
You can choose the load step to be read by number, or you can request that the first load step be read,
the last load step, the next load step, etc. If you are using the GUI, a dialog box presents you with options
for choosing the load step to be read.
The TIME field enables you to identify the results data by time. If you specify a time value for which
no results are available, ANSYS performs linear interpolation to calculate the results at that time.

2.6.4. Reviewing Results

Once you have read results into memory, you can use the ANSYS graphics displays and tables to review
them. To display your results, use the following menu paths. Equivalent commands are shown in parentheses.
For contour displays:
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Contour Plot> Element Solu
Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Contour Plot> Elem Table
Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Contour Plot> Nodal Solu


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Example of a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (Command or Batch Method)

Figure 2.7: Contour Results Plot (p. 23) shows you an example of a contour display:
Figure 2.7: Contour Results Plot

For vector displays:

Command(s): PLVECT
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Vector Plot> Pre-defined or Userdefined
Figure 2.8: Vector Display (p. 23) shows you an example of a vector display:
Figure 2.8: Vector Display

For table listings:

GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> List Results> Element Solution
Main Menu> General Postproc> List Results> Nodal Solution
Main Menu> General Postproc> List Results> Reaction Solu
When you choose one of the GUI paths or issue one of the commands shown above, the ANSYS program
displays the results in a text window (not shown here).

2.7. Example of a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (Command or Batch

This section describes how to do a steady-state thermal stress analysis of a pipe intersection by issuing
a sequence of ANSYS commands, either while running ANSYS in batch mode or by issuing the commands
manually during an interactive ANSYS session. Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI MethRelease 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

od) (p. 27) explains how to perform the same example analysis by choosing options from the ANSYS

2.7.1. The Example Described

In this example, a cylindrical tank is penetrated radially by a small pipe at a point on its axis remote
from the ends of the tank. The inside of the tank is exposed to a fluid of 450F (232C). The pipe experiences a steady flow of 100F (38C) fluid, and the two flow regimes are isolated from each other by a
thin tube. The film coefficient in the tank is a steady 250 Btu/hr-ft2-F (1420 watts/m2-K). The film
coefficient in the pipe varies with the metal temperature and is given in the material property table
The purpose of the example is to determine the temperature distribution at the pipe-tank junction.

The example analysis presented here is only one of many possible thermal analyses. Not all
thermal analyses follow exactly the same steps or perform those steps in the same sequence.
The properties of the material or materials being analyzed and the conditions surrounding
those materials determine which steps a specific analysis needs to include.
Material properties are as follows:
Table 2.13: Material Properties for the Sample Analysis





















Specific Heat







Film Coefficient








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Example of a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (Command or Batch Method)

Figure 2.9: Pipe-Tank Junction Model
di = 0.8
do = 1.0

di = 2.6
do = 3.0
Cutout portion will be modeled

(All dimensions in inches)

2.7.2. The Analysis Approach

The model in this example uses quarter-symmetry to represent the pipe-tank junction. The tank is assumed to be long enough for its remote end to be held at a constant temperature of 450F. A similar
assumption is made at the Y=0 plane of the tank.
Building the model involves defining two cylinder primitives and a Boolean overlap operation. A mapped
(all-brick) mesh is used. The meshing operation produces warnings for a few distorted elements, but
you can ignore the warnings because the cited elements are remote from the region of interest (the
junction of the pipe and tank).
Because the analysis uses temperature-dependent material properties, the solution requires multiple
substeps (50 in this case). Automatic time stepping also is used. After you solve the model, a temperature
contour plot and a vector plot of thermal flux enables you to review the results.

2.7.3. Commands for Building and Solving the Model

The following sequence of commands builds and solves the finite element model. Text preceded by an
exclamation mark (!) is comment text.
/TITLE,Steady-state thermal analysis of pipe junction
! Use U. S. Customary system of units (inches)
! Specify graphics driver for interactive run
! Define 20-node, 3-D thermal solid element
! Density = .285 lbf/in^3
! Create temperature table
! Define conductivity values
! Define specific heat values
! Define film coefficients

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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

! Define parameters for model generation
! Inside radius of cylindrical tank
! Outside radius
! Length
! Inside radius of pipe
! Outside pipe radius
! Pipe length
! 90 degree cylindrical volume for tank
! Rotate working plane to pipe axis
! 90 degree cylindrical volume for pipe
! Return working plane to default setting
! Turn off Boolean numbering warning
! Overlap the two cylinders
! Turn volume numbers on
/TITLE,Volumes used in building pipe/tank junction
! Trim off excess volumes
! Meshing
! Select area at remote Z edge of tank
! Select area at remote Y edge of tank
! Create area component called AREMOTE
/TITLE,Lines showing the portion being modeled
! Overlay line plot on area plot
! Concatenate areas and lines
! at remote tank edges
! 4 divisions through pipe thickness
! 6 divisions along pipe length
! 4 divisions through tank thickness
! Restore full set of entities
! Set default element size
! Choose mapped brick mesh
! Save database before meshing
! Generate nodes and elements within volumes
/TITLE,Elements in portion being modeled
/COM, *** Obtain solution ***
! Steady-state analysis type
! Program-chosen Newton-Raphson option
! Uniform starting temperature at all nodes
! Nodes on inner tank surface
! Convection load at all nodes
! Select AREMOTE component
! Nodes belonging to AREMOTE
! Temperature constraints at those nodes
! Rotate working plane to pipe axis
! Define local cylindrical c.s at working plane
! Nodes on inner pipe surface
! Temperature-dep. convection load at those nodes
! Temperature b.c. symbols on
! Convection symbols on
/TITLE,Boundary conditions


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Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method)

! Automatic time stepping
! Number of substeps
! Ramped loading (default)
! Optional command for solution printout
/COM, *** Review results ***
! Edge display
! Legend column on
! Legend header off
! Redefine window size
/TITLE,Temperature contours at pipe/tank junction
! Plot temperature contours
! Nodes and elements at outer radius of pipe
! Vector mode
/TITLE,Thermal flux vectors at pipe/tank junction
! Plot thermal flux vectors

2.8. Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method)

This section describes how to use the menus on the ANSYS GUI to perform the same steady-state
thermal analysis described in Example of a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (Command or Batch Method) (p. 23). In this version of the sample analysis, instead of issuing commands, you select options from
the GUI menus.

Step 1: Give the Analysis a Title

After you have started the ANSYS program and have entered the GUI, you need to begin the analysis
by assigning a title to it. To do so, perform these tasks:
1. Choose Utility Menu> File> Change Title. The Change Title dialog box appears.
2. Enter the text Steady-state thermal analysis of pipe junction.
3. Click on OK.

Step 2: Set Measurement Units

You need to specify units of measurement for the analysis. For this pipe junction example, measurements
use the U. S. Customary system of units (based on inches). To specify this, type the command /UNITS,BIN
in the ANSYS Input window and press ENTER.

Step 3: Define the Element Type

The example analysis uses a thermal solid element. To define it, do the following:
1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Element Type> Add/Edit/Delete. The Element Types dialog box
2. Click on Add. The Library of Element Types dialog box appears.

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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

3. In the list on the left, scroll down and pick (highlight) "Thermal Solid." In the list on the right, pick
"Brick20node 90."
4. Click on OK.
5. Click on Close to close the Element Types dialog box.

Step 4: Define Material Properties

To define material properties for the analysis, perform these steps:
1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models. The Define Material Model Behavior dialog box appears.
2. In the Material Models Available window, double-click on the following options: Thermal, Density. A
dialog box appears.
3. Enter .285 for DENS (Density), and click on OK. Material Model Number 1 appears in the Material Models
Defined window on the left.
4. In the Material Models Available window, double-click on the following options: Conductivity, Isotropic.
A dialog box appears.
5. Click on the Add Temperature button four times. Four columns are added.
6. In the T1 through T5 fields, enter the following temperature values: 70, 200, 300, 400, and 500. Select
the row of temperatures by dragging the cursor across the text fields. Then copy the temperatures by
pressing Ctrl-c.
7. In the KXX (Thermal Conductivity) fields, enter the following values, in order, for each of the temperatures,
then click on OK. Note that to keep the units consistent, each of the given values of KXX must be divided
by 12. You can just input the fractions and have ANSYS perform the calculations.

8. In the Material Models Available window, double-click on Specific Heat. A dialog box appears.
9. Click on the Add Temperature button four times. Four columns are added.
10. With the cursor positioned in the T1 field, paste the five temperatures by pressing Ctrl-v.
11. In the C (Specific Heat) fields, enter the following values, in order, for each of the temperatures, then
click on OK.

12. Choose menu path Material> New Model, then enter 2 for the new Material ID. Click on OK. Material
Model Number 2 appears in the Material Models Defined window on the left.


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Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method)

13. In the Material Models Available window, double-click on Convection or Film Coef. A dialog box appears.
14. Click on the Add Temperature button four times. Four columns are added.
15. With the cursor positioned in the T1 field, paste the five temperatures by pressing Ctrl-v.
16. In the HF (Film Coefficient) fields, enter the following values, in order, for each of the temperatures. To
keep the units consistent, each value of HF must be divided by 144. As in step 7, you can input the data
as fractions and let ANSYS perform the calculations.

17. Click on the Graph button to view a graph of Film Coefficients vs. temperature, then click on OK.
18. Choose menu path Material> Exit to remove the Define Material Model Behavior dialog box.
19. Click on SAVE_DB on the ANSYS Toolbar.

Step 5: Define Parameters for Modeling

1. Choose Utility Menu> Parameters> Scalar Parameters. The Scalar Parameters window appears.
2. In the window's Selection field, enter the values shown below. (Do not enter the text in parentheses.)
Press ENTER after typing in each value. If you make a mistake, simply retype the line containing the error.

(Inside radius of the cylindrical tank)

(Outside radius of the tank)
(Length of the tank)
(Inside radius of the pipe)
(Outside radius of the pipe)
(Length of the pipe)

3. Click on Close to close the window.

Step 6: Create the Tank and Pipe Geometry

1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Volumes> Cylinder> By Dimensions. The
Create Cylinder by Dimensions dialog box appears.
2. Set the "Outer radius" field to RO1, the "Optional inner radius" field to RI1, the "Z coordinates" fields to
0 and Z1 respectively, and the "Ending angle" field to 90.
3. Click on OK.
4. Choose Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Offset WP by Increments. The Offset WP dialog box appears.
5. Set the "XY, YZ, ZX Angles" field to 0,-90.
6. Click on OK.
7. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Volumes> Cylinder> By Dimensions. The
Create Cylinder by Dimensions dialog box appears.

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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

8. Set the "Outer radius" field to RO2, the "Optional inner radius" field to RI2, the "Z coordinates" fields to
0 and Z2 respectively. Set the "Starting angle" field to -90 and the "Ending Angle" to 0.
9. Click on OK.
10. Choose Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Align WP with> Global Cartesian.

Step 7: Overlap the Cylinders

1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Operate> Booleans> Overlap> Volumes. The Overlap
Volumes picking menu appears.
2. Click on Pick All.

Step 8: Review the Resulting Model

Before you continue with the analysis, quickly review your model. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Numbering. The Plot Numbering Controls dialog box appears.
2. Click the Volume numbers radio button to On, then click on OK.
3. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> View Settings> Viewing Direction. A dialog box appears.
4. Set the "Coords of view point" fields to (-3,-1,1), then click on OK.
5. Review the resulting model.
6. Click on SAVE_DB on the ANSYS Toolbar.

Step 9: Trim Off Excess Volumes

In this step, delete the overlapping edges of the tank and the lower portion of the pipe.
1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Delete> Volume and Below. The Delete Volume and
Below picking menu appears.
2. In the picking menu, type 3,4 and press the ENTER key. Then click on OK in the Delete Volume and Below
picking menu.

Step 10: Create Component AREMOTE

In this step, you select the areas at the remote Y and Z edges of the tank and save them as a component
called AREMOTE. To do so, perform these tasks:
1. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Entities. The Select Entities dialog box appears.
2. In the top drop down menu, select Areas. In the second drop down menu, select By Location. Click on
the Z Coordinates radio button.
3. Set the "Min,Max" field to Z1.
4. Click on Apply.
5. Click on the Y Coordinates and Also Sele radio buttons.


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Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method)

6. Set the "Min,Max" field to 0.
7. Click on OK.
8. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Comp/Assembly> Create Component. The Create Component dialog
box appears.
9. Set the "Component name" field to AREMOTE. In the "Component is made of" menu, select Areas.
10. Click on OK.

Step 11: Overlay Lines on Top of Areas

Do the following:
1. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Numbering. The Plot Numbering Controls dialog box appears.
2. Click the Area and Line number radio boxes to On and click on OK.
3. Choose Utility Menu> Plot> Areas.
4. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Erase Options.
5. Set "Erase between Plots" radio button to Off.
6. Choose Utility Menu> Plot> Lines.
7. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Erase Options.
8. Set "Erase between Plots" radio button to On.

Step 12: Concatenate Areas and Lines

In this step, you concatenate areas and lines at the remote edges of the tank for mapped meshing. To
do so, follow these steps:
1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Mesh> Volumes> Mapped> Concatenate> Areas. The
Concatenate Areas picking menu appears.
2. Click on Pick All.
3. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Mesh> Volumes> Mapped> Concatenate> Lines. A
picking menu appears.
4. Pick (click on) lines 12 and 7 (or enter in the picker).
5. Click on Apply.
6. Pick lines 10 and 5 (or enter in picker).
7. Click on OK.

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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

Step 13: Set Meshing Density Along Lines

1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Size Cntrls> ManualSize>Lines> Picked Lines. The
Element Size on Picked Lines picking menu appears.
2. Pick lines 6 and 20 (or enter in the picker) .
3. Click on OK. The Element Sizes on Picked Lines dialog box appears.
4. Set the "No. of element divisions" field to 4.
5. Click on OK.
6. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Size Cntrls> ManualSize> Lines> Picked Lines. A
picking menu appears.
7. Pick line 40 (or enter in the picker).
8. Click on OK. The Element Sizes on Picked Lines dialog box appears.
9. Set the "No. of element divisions" field to 6.
10. Click on OK.

Step 14: Mesh the Model

In this sequence of steps, you set the global element size, set mapped meshing, then mesh the volumes.
1. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Everything.
2. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Size Cntrls> ManualSize> Global> Size. The Global
Element Sizes dialog box appears.
3. Set the "Element edge length" field to 0.4 and click on OK.
4. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Mesher Opts. The Mesher Options dialog box appears.
5. Set the Mesher Type radio button to Mapped and click on OK. The Set Element Shape dialog box appears.
6. In the 2-D shape key drop down menu, select Quad and click on OK.
7. Click on the SAVE_DB button on the Toolbar.
8. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Mesh> Volumes> Mapped> 4 to 6 sided. The Mesh
Volumes picking menu appears. Click on Pick All. In the Graphics window, ANSYS builds the meshed
model. If a shape testing warning message appears, review it and click Close.

Step 15: Turn Off Numbering and Display Elements

1. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Numbering. The Plot Numbering Controls dialog box appears.
2. Set the Line, Area, and Volume numbering radio buttons to Off.
3. Click on OK.


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Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method)

Step 16: Define the Solution Type and Options

In this step, you tell ANSYS that you want a steady-state solution that uses a program-chosen NewtonRaphson option.
1. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> New Analysis. The New Analysis dialog box appears.
2. Click on OK to choose the default analysis type (Steady-state).
3. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> Analysis Options. The Static or Steady-State dialog
box appears.
4. Click on OK to accept the default (Program-chosen) for "Newton-Raphson option."

Step 17: Set Uniform Starting Temperature

In a thermal analysis, set a starting temperature.
1. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Temperature> Uniform Temp. A
dialog box appears.
2. Enter 450 for "Uniform temperature." Click on OK.

Step 18: Apply Convection Loads

This step applies convection loads to the nodes on the inner surface of the tank.
1. Choose Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Change Active CS to> Global Cylindrical.
2. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Entities. The Select Entities dialog box appears.
3. Select Nodes and By Location, and click on the X Coordinates and From Full radio buttons.
4. Set the "Min,Max" field to RI1 and click on OK.
5. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Convection> On Nodes. The Apply
CONV on Nodes picking menu appears.
6. Click on Pick All. The Apply CONV on Nodes dialog box appears.
7. Set the "Film coefficient" field to 250/144.
8. Set the "Bulk temperature" field to 450.
9. Click on OK.

Step 19: Apply Temperature Constraints to AREMOTE Component

1. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Comp/Assembly> Select Comp/Assembly. A dialog box appears.
2. Click on OK to select component AREMOTE.
3. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Entities. The Select Entities dialog box appears.
4. Select Nodes and Attached To, and click on the Areas,All radio button. Click on OK.
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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

5. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Temperature> On Nodes. The Apply
TEMP on Nodes picking menu appears.
6. Click on Pick All. A dialog box appears.
7. Set the "Load TEMP value" field to 450.
8. Click on OK.
9. Click on SAVE_DB on the ANSYS Toolbar.

Step 20: Apply Temperature-Dependent Convection

In this step, apply a temperature-dependent convection load on the inner surface of the pipe.
1. Choose Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Offset WP by Increments. A dialog box appears.
2. Set the "XY,YZ,ZX Angles" field to 0,-90, then click on OK.
3. Choose Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Local Coordinate Systems> Create Local CS> At WP Origin. The
Create Local CS at WP Origin dialog box appears.
4. On the "Type of coordinate system" menu, select "Cylindrical 1" and click on OK.
5. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Entities. The Select Entities dialog box appears.
6. Select Nodes, and By Location, and click on the X Coordinates radio button.
7. Set the "Min,Max" field to RI2.
8. Click on OK.
9. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Convection> On Nodes. The Apply
CONV on Nodes picking menu appears.
10. Click on Pick All. A dialog box appears.
11. Set the "Film coefficient" field to -2.
12. Set the "Bulk temperature" field to 100.
13. Click on OK.
14. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Everything.
15. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Symbols. The Symbols dialog box appears.
16. On the "Show pres and convect as" menu, select Arrows, then click on OK.
17. Choose Utility Menu> Plot> Nodes. The display in the Graphics Window changes to show you a plot
of nodes.

Step 21: Reset the Working Plane and Coordinates

1. To reset the working plane and default Cartesian coordinate system, choose Utility Menu> WorkPlane>
Change Active CS to> Global Cartesian.

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Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method)

2. Choose Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Align WP With> Global Cartesian.

Step 22: Set Load Step Options

For this example analysis, you need to specify 50 substeps with automatic time stepping.
1. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Options> Time/Frequenc> Time and Substps. The Time
and Substep Options dialog box appears.
2. Set the "Number of substeps" field to 50.
3. Set "Automatic time stepping" radio button to On.
4. Click on OK.

Step 23: Solve the Model

1. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Solve> Current LS. The ANSYS program displays a summary of the
solution options in a /STAT command window.
2. Review the summary.
3. Choose Close to close the /STAT command window.
4. Click on OK in the Solve Current Load Step dialog box.
5. Click Yes in the Verify message window.
6. The solution runs. When the Solution is done! window appears, click on Close.

Step 24: Review the Nodal Temperature Results

1. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Style> Edge Options. The Edge Options dialog box appears.
2. Set the "Element outlines" field to "Edge only" for contour plots and click on OK.
3. Choose Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Contour Plot> Nodal Solu. The Contour Nodal
Solution Data dialog box appears.
4. For "Item to be contoured," pick "DOF solution" from the list on the left, then pick "Temperature TEMP"
from the list on the right.
5. Click on OK. The Graphics window displays a contour plot of the temperature results.

Step 25: Plot Thermal Flux Vectors

In this step, you plot the thermal flux vectors at the intersection of the pipe and tank.
1. Choose Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Change Active CS to> Specified Coord Sys. A dialog box appears.
2. Set the "Coordinate system number" field to 11.
3. Click on OK.
4. Choose Utility Menu> Select> Entities. The Select Entities dialog box appears.
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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

5. Select Nodes and By Location, and click the X Coordinates radio button.
6. Set the "Min,Max" field to RO2.
7. Click on Apply.
8. Select Elements and Attached To, and click the Nodes radio button.
9. Click on Apply.
10. Select Nodes and Attached To, then click on OK.
11. Choose Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Vector Plot> Predefined. A dialog box appears.
12. For "Vector item to be plotted," choose "Flux & gradient" from the list on the left and choose "Thermal
flux TF" from the list on the right.
13. Click on OK. The Graphics Window displays a plot of thermal flux vectors.

Step 26: Exit from ANSYS

To leave the ANSYS program, click on the QUIT button in the Toolbar. Choose an exit option and click
on OK.

2.9. Performing a Thermal Analysis Using Tabular Boundary Conditions

This section describes how to perform a simple thermal analysis, using a 1-D table to apply loads. This
problem is shown twice, once done via commands, and then done interactively using the GUI.

2.9.1. Running the Sample Problem via Commands

Text preceded by an exclamation mark (!) is comment text.
/title, Demonstration of position-varying film coefficient using Tabular BC's.
/com * -----------------------------------------------------------------/com * Table Support of boundary conditions
/com *
/com * Boundary Condition Type Primary Variables Independent Parameters
/com * ----------------------- ----------------- ---------------------/com * Convection:Film Coefficient X
/com *
/com * Problem description
/com *
/com * A static Heat Transfer problem. A 2 x 1 rectangular plate is
/com * subjected to temperature constraint at one of its end, while the
/com * remaining perimeter of the plate is subjected to a convection boundary
/com * condition. The film coefficient is a function of X-position and is described
/com * by a parametric table 'cnvtab'.
/com **
*dim,cnvtab,table,5,,,x ! table definition.
cnvtab(1,0) = 0.0,0.50,1.0,1.50,2.0
! Variable name, Var1 = 'X'
cnvtab(1,1) = 20.0,30.0,50.0,80.0,120.0


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Performing a Thermal Analysis Using Tabular Boundary Conditions

eplot! convection at t=60 sec.

! show convection bc.

! show table names


Numerical values of convection bc's

turn off table name
show convection bc.
show numerical values of table bc's

2.9.2. Running the Sample Problem Interactively

The same problem is shown here using interactive menu selections on the GUI.

Step 1: Define a 1-D table

1. Choose Utility Menu> Parameters> Array Parameters> Define/Edit. The Array Parameters dialog box
appears. Click Add...
2. The Add New Array Parameter dialog box appears. Type cnvtab in the "Parameter name" field.
3. Select "Table" for Parameter type.
4. Enter 5,1,1 as I,J,K values
5. Enter X as row variable.
6. Click OK.
7. In the Array Parameters dialog box, make sure cnvtab is highlighted and click Edit. The Table Array:CNVTAB=f(X) table editor dialog box appears. (See TABLE Type Array Parameters in the ANSYS Parametric
Design Language Guide for details about table arrays.)
8. Two columns appear in the table editor dialog box. The first column is column 0; the second column is
column 1. Column 0 contains six boxes. Do not do anything in the first (top) box. In the five other boxes,
type 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0. These are row index values.
9. Column 1 also contains six boxes. You do not have to enter anything in the blue (top) box, because this
table is one-dimensional. In the other five boxes, type 20, 30, 50, 80, and 120.
10. Choose File> Apply/Quit.
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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

11. Close the Array Parameters dialog box.

Step 2: Define your element type and material properties

1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Element Type> Add/Edit/Delete. The Element Types dialog box
appears. Click Add.
2. The Library of Element Types dialog box appears. Select Thermal Solid from the list on the left, and select
Quad 4node 55 from the list on the right.
3. Click OK.
4. Close the Element Types dialog box.
5. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models. The Define Material Model Behavior dialog box appears.
6. In the Material Models Available window, double-click on the following options: Thermal, Density. A
dialog box appears.
7. Enter 10.0 for DENS (density). Click on OK. Material Model Number 1 appears in the Material Models
Defined window on the left.
8. In the Material Models Available window, double-click on the following options: Conductivity, Isotropic.
A dialog box appears.
9. Enter 1.0 for KXX (Thermal conductivity). Click on OK.
10. In the Material Models Available window, double-click on Specific Heat. A dialog box appears.
11. Enter 100.0 for C (Specific Heat). Click on OK.
12. Choose menu path Material> Exit to remove the Define Material Model Behavior dialog box.

Step 3: Build and mesh your model

1. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Areas> Rectangle> By Dimensions. The
Create Rectangle by Dimensions dialog box appears.
2. Enter 0, 2 for X1,X2 coordinates.
3. Enter 0, 1 for Y1, Y2 coordinates.
4. Click OK. A rectangular area appears on the screen.
5. Choose Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> MeshTool.
6. Under the Size Controls section of the Mesh Tool, click Globl,Set. The Global Element Sizes dialog box
7. Set the Element endge length field to 0.5 and click on OK.
8. In the Mesh area of the Mesh Tool, choose Areas and Map and verify that Quad and 3/4 sided are selected.
9. Click on MESH. The Mesh Areas picking menu appears.


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Performing a Thermal Analysis Using Tabular Boundary Conditions

10. Click on Pick All. The mesh appears in the Graphics window.
11. Close the MeshTool dialog box.
12. Click on SAVE_DB on the ANSYS Toolbar.

Step 4: Apply Tabular Boundary Conditions

1. Choose Utility Menu> Plot> Lines.
2. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Temperature> On Lines. The Apply
TEMP on Lines picking menu appears.
3. In the Graphics window, select the vertical line at x=0 (on the far left of the model). Click OK.
4. The Apply TEMP on lines dialog box appears.
5. Enter 100 for VALUE. Click OK.
6. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Convection> On Lines. The Apply
CONV on Lines picking menu appears.
7. In the Graphics window, select all lines except the line at x = 0.
8. Click OK. The Apply CONV on lines dialog box appears.
9. In the drop-down selection box for "Apply Film Coef on lines," select "Existing table."
10. Remove any value in the VALI field.
11. Enter 20 in the "VAL2I Bulk temperature" field. Click OK.
12. A second Apply CONV on lines dialog box appears. Verify that the selection box for "Existing table" shows
CNVTAB. Click OK. The ANSYS Graphics Window displays arrows on all lines except the line at x = 0.
13. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Temperature> Uniform Temp. The
Uniform Temperature dialog box appears.
14. Enter 50 as the uniform temperature. Click OK.

Step 5: Show the applied loads to verify

1. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Symbols. The Symbols dialog box appears.
2. Select "Convect FilmCoef" in the "Surface Load Symbols" drop down selection box.
3. Select "Arrows" in the "Show pres and convect as" drop down selection box.
4. Click OK.
5. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Numbering. The Plot Numbering Controls dialog box appears.
6. Click Table Names on. Click OK. The table name CNVTAB appears on the arrows on the right side of the
Graphics window.
7. Click on SAVE_DB on the ANSYS Toolbar.
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Steady-State Thermal Analysis

Step 6: Set Analysis Options and Solve

1. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> New Analysis. The New Analysis dialog box appears.
2. Verify that Steady-State is selected and click OK.
3. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time and Substps. The Time and
Substep Options dialog box appears.
4. Enter 60 as "Time at end of load step."
5. Enter 1 as Number of substeps.
6. Choose Stepped. Click OK.
7. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Output Ctrls> DB/Results File. The Controls for
Database and Results File Writing dialog appears. Verify that the "Item to be controlled" field shows "All
8. Select "Every substep" for "File write frequency" field. Click OK.
9. Choose Main Menu> Solution> Solve> Current LS. Review the /STATUS Command dialog box. If OK,
click Close.
10. In the Solve Current Load Step dialog box, click OK to begin the solve. When the solution is done, click
Close in the "Solution is done!" information box.

Step 7: Postprocess
1. Choose Main Menu> General Postproc> Read Results> Last Set.
2. Choose Utility Menu> List> Loads> Surface Loads> On All Nodes. The SFLIST Command dialog box
appears. Review the results and click Close.
3. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Numbering. The Plot Numbering Controls dialog box appears.
4. Click Table Names display off.
5. Click Numeric contour values on. Click OK.
6. Choose Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Symbols. The Symbols dialog box appears.
7. In the "Surface Load Symbols" drop down selection box, select "Convect FilmCoef."
8. In the "Show pres and convect as" drop down selection box, select "Arrows." Click OK.
9. Choose Utility Menu> Plot> Elements. Observe the numbers over the arrows on the model.
10. Choose Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Contour Plot> Nodal Solu. The Contour Nodal
Solution Data dialog box appears.
11. Verify that DOF Solution is selected in the list on the left, and Temperature is selected in the list on the
right. Click OK. Observe the resulting display.


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Where to Find Other Examples of Thermal Analysis

Step 8: Finish
1. You are now finished with this sample problem. Click QUIT in the ANSYS Toolbar. Choose a save option
and click OK.

2.10. Where to Find Other Examples of Thermal Analysis

Several ANSYS publications, particularly the Mechanical APDL Verification Manual and the Heat Transfer
Training Manual, describe additional examples of steady-state and other types of thermal analyses.
Attending the Heat Transfer seminar may benefit you if your work includes analyzing the thermal response
of structures and components such as internal combustion engines, pressure vessels, heat exchangers
and furnaces, etc. For more information about this seminar, contact your local ANSYS Support Distributor or telephone the ANSYS Training Registrar at (724) 514-2882.
The Mechanical APDL Verification Manual consists of test cases demonstrating the analysis capabilities
of the ANSYS program. While these test cases demonstrate solutions to realistic thermal analysis problems,
the Mechanical APDL Verification Manual does not present them as step-by-step examples with lengthy
data input instructions and printouts. However, you should be able to understand each problem by
reviewing the finite element model and input data with accompanying comments.
Here is a list of sample thermal test cases (steady-state, transient, and so on) that the Mechanical APDL
Verification Manual includes:
VM3 - Thermal Loaded Support Structure
VM23 - Thermal-structural Contact of Two Bodies
VM27 - Thermal Expansion to Close a Gap
VM32 - Thermal Stresses in a Long Cylinder
VM58 - Centerline Temperature of a Heat Generating Wire
VM64 - Thermal Expansion to Close a Gap at a Rigid Surface
VM92 - Insulated Wall Temperature
VM93 - Temperature-dependent Conductivity
VM94 - Heat-generating Plate
VM95 - Heat Transfer From a Cooling Spine
VM96 - Temperature Distribution in a Short Solid Cylinder
VM97 - Temperature Distribution Along a Straight Fin
VM98 - Temperature Distribution Along a Tapered Fin
VM99 - Temperature Distribution in a Trapezoidal Fin
VM100 - Heat Conductivity Across a Chimney Section
VM101 - Temperature Distribution in a Short Solid Cylinder
VM102 - Cylinder with Temperature Dependent Conductivity
VM103 - Thin Plate with a Central Heat Source
VM104 - Liquid-solid Phase Change
VM105 - Heat-generation Coil with Temperature Dependent Conductivity
VM106 - Radiant Energy Emission
VM107 - Thermocouple Radiation
VM108 - Temperature Gradient Across a Solid Cylinder
VM109 - Temperature Response of a Suddenly-cooled Wire
VM110 - Transient Temperature Distribution in a Slab
VM111 - Cooling of a Spherical Body
VM112 - Cooling of a Spherical Body
VM113 - Transient Temperature Distribution in an Orthotropic Metal Bar
VM114 - Temperature Response to a Linearly Rising Surface Temperature
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Steady-State Thermal Analysis



- Thermal Response of a Heat-generating Slab

- Heat-conducting Plate with Sudden Cooling
- Centerline Temperature of a Heat Generating Wire
- Centerline Temperature of an Electrical Wire
- Laminar Flow through a Pipe with Uniform Heat Flux
- Pressure Drop in a Turbulent Flowing Fluid
- Laminar Flow in a Piping System
- Discharge of Water from a Reservoir
- Radiation Heat Transfer Between Concentric Cylinders
- Heat Transferred to a Flowing Fluid
- Gray-body Radiation Within a Frustrum of a Cone
- Temperature Controlled Heater
- Solid Cylinder with Harmonic Temperature Load
- Heat Flow from an Insulated Pipe
- Cooling of a Circular Fin of Rectangular Profile
- Drying of a Thick Wooden Slab
- Cooling of a Billet by Radiation
- Adaptive Analysis of 2-D Heat Transfer with Convection

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Chapter 3: Transient Thermal Analysis

The ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, and ANSYS Professional products support transient thermal
analysis. Transient thermal analysis determines temperatures and other thermal quantities that vary
over time. Engineers commonly use temperatures that a transient thermal analysis calculates as input
to structural analyses for thermal stress evaluations. Many heat transfer applications - heat treatment
problems, nozzles, engine blocks, piping systems, pressure vessels, etc. - involve transient thermal
A transient thermal analysis follows basically the same procedures as a steady-state thermal analysis.
The main difference is that most applied loads in a transient analysis are functions of time. To specify
time-dependent loads, you can either use the Function Tool to define an equation or function describing
the curve and then apply the function as a boundary condition, or you can divide the load-versus-time
curve into load steps.
If you use the Function Tool, see Using the Function Tool in the Basic Analysis Guide for detailed instructions.
If you use individual load steps, each "corner" on the load-time curve can be one load step, as shown
in the following sketches.
Figure 3.1: Examples of Load vs. Time Curves

Stepped (KBC,1)



Stepped (KBC,1)







For each load step, you need to specify both load values and time values, along with other load step
options such as stepped or ramped loadsautomatic time stepping, etc. You then write each load step
to a file and solve all load steps together. To get a better understanding of how load and time stepping
work, see the example casting analysis scenario in this chapter.
The following transient thermal analysis topics are available:
3.1. Elements and Commands Used in Transient Thermal Analysis
3.2.Tasks in a Transient Thermal Analysis
3.3. Building the Model
3.4. Applying Loads and Obtaining a Solution
3.5. Saving the Model
3.6. Reviewing Analysis Results
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Transient Thermal Analysis

3.7. Reviewing Results as Graphics or Tables
3.8. Phase Change
3.9. Solution Algorithms Used in Transient Thermal Analysis
3.10. Example of a Transient Thermal Analysis
3.11. Where to Find Other Examples of Transient Thermal Analysis

3.1. Elements and Commands Used in Transient Thermal Analysis

Transient thermal analyses use the same elements as steady-state thermal analyses. See Steady-State
Thermal Analysis (p. 5) for brief descriptions of these elements.
For detailed, alphabetized command descriptions, see the Command Reference.

3.2. Tasks in a Transient Thermal Analysis

The procedure for doing a transient thermal analysis has three main tasks:
Build the model.
Apply loads and obtain the solution.
Review the results.
The remainder of this chapter explains each task in the transient thermal analysis process. Because not
every transient analysis includes exactly the same tasks, the text both provides general descriptions of
the tasks and relates them to example analyses. The examples walk you through doing an analysis via
commands, then show you how to do the same analysis by selecting items from the menus.

3.3. Building the Model

To build the model, you start by specifying the jobname and a title for your analysis. If you are running
the program interactively and using its GUI, you also set preferences for the options you want to display.
Then, you use the preprocessor (PREP7) to perform these tasks:
1. Define the element types.
2. If necessary, define element real constants.
3. Define material properties.
4. Define the model geometry.
5. Mesh the model.
These tasks are common to all analyses. The Modeling and Meshing Guide explains them in detail.

3.4. Applying Loads and Obtaining a Solution

In a transient analysis, you must first apply transient loads by defining the analysis type and then establishing initial conditions for your analysis:
3.4.1. Defining the Analysis Type
3.4.2. Establishing Initial Conditions for Your Analysis
3.4.3. Specifying Load Step Options
3.4.4. Nonlinear Options

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Applying Loads and Obtaining a Solution

3.4.5. Output Controls

3.4.1. Defining the Analysis Type

To specify the analysis type, do either of the following:
In the GUI, choose menu path Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> New Analysis> Transient.
If this is a new analysis, issue the command ANTYPE,TRANSIENT,NEW.
If you want to restart a previous analysis (for example, to specify additional loads), issue the command
ANTYPE,TRANSIENT,REST. You can restart an analysis only if the files Jobname.ESAV and Jobname.DB from the previous run are available. If your prior run was solved with VT Accelerator
(TRNOPT,VT), you will also need the Jobname.RSX file.
If your analysis contains material nonlinearities, results from a restart may be different than results
from a single run because the stiffness matrices are always recreated in a restart run, but may
or may not be in a single run (depending on the behavior resulting from the THOPT,,REFORMTOL

3.4.2. Establishing Initial Conditions for Your Analysis

To establish the initial conditions, you may need to obtain a steady-state solution, or you simply may
need to specify a uniform starting temperature at all nodes. Specifying a Uniform Temperature

If you know that the model starts at ambient temperature, specify that temperature at all nodes. To do
so, use either of the following:
Command(s): TUNIF
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Loads> Settings> Uniform Temp
The value you specify via the Uniform Temp dialog box or the TUNIF command defaults to the reference
temperature, which in turn defaults to zero. (You specify the reference temperature using either item
Command(s): TREF
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Loads> Settings> Reference Temp

Specifying a uniform starting temperature is not the same as applying a temperature degree
of freedom constraint (which you do using either item below):
Command(s): D
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Temperature>
On Nodes
The uniform starting temperature is the temperature in effect at the beginning of an analysis, while a
temperature DOF constraint forces a node to have the specified temperature until it is deleted. (To delete
the temperature, you would choose one of the following:
Command(s): DDELE
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Loads> Delete> Thermal> Temperature> On Nodes

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Transient Thermal Analysis Specifying a Non-Uniform Starting Temperature

In a transient thermal analysis (but not in a steady-state thermal analysis), you can specify one or more
non-uniform starting temperatures at a node or a group of nodes. To do so, use either of the following:
Command(s): IC
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Loads> Apply> Initial Condit'n> Define
You can also apply a non-uniform starting temperature to one or more nodes and at the same time
have all other nodes use a uniform starting temperature. You simply specify the uniform temperature
before applying the non-uniform temperature to selected nodes.
To display a list of the nodes using a non-uniform starting temperature, choose either of the following:
Command(s): ICLIST
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Loads> Apply> Initial Condit'n> List Picked
If the initial temperature distribution is not uniform and is not known, you will need to do a steadystate thermal analysis to establish the initial conditions. To do so, perform these steps:
Specify the appropriate steady-state loads (such as imposed temperatures, convection surfaces, etc.).
Specify TIMINT,OFF,THERM (Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc>
Time-Time Integration) to turn off transient effects.
Use the TIME command (Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc>
Time-Time Step) to define a value of time. Typically, the time value is extremely small (e.g. 1E-6
Specify ramped or stepped loading using the KBC command (Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads>
Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc> Time-Time Step). If ramped loading is defined, the effect of the
resulting temperature gradients with respect to time should be considered.
Write the load data to a load step file using the LSWRITE command (Main Menu> Preprocessor>
Loads> Load Step Opts> Write LS File).
For the second load step, remember to delete any imposed temperatures unless you know that those
nodes will maintain the same temperatures throughout the transient analysis. Also, remember to issue
TIMINT,ON,THERM in the second load step to turn on transient effects. For more information, see the
descriptions of the D, DDELE, LSWRITE, SF, TIME, and TIMINT commands in the Command Reference.

3.4.3. Specifying Load Step Options

For a thermal analysis, you can specify general options, nonlinear options, and output controls. Defining Time-stepping Strategy

You can manage your transient problem either by defining multiple load steps (for stepped or ramped
boundary conditions) or by using a single load step and tabular boundary conditions (for arbitrary timevarying conditions) with an array parameter to define your time points. However, you can only apply
the table method to heat transfer (only) elements, thermal electric elements, thermal surface effect
elements, fluid elements, or some combination of these types.
To use the load step method, follow this procedure:
1. Specify the time at the end of the load step using one of these methods:


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Applying Loads and Obtaining a Solution

Command(s): TIME
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc> Time-Time Step
2. Specify whether your loads are stepped or ramped. Use either of the following:
Command(s): KBC
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc> Time-Time Step
3. Specify the load values at the end of the load step. (This requires various commands or menu paths,
as described in Table 2.9: Thermal Analysis Load Types (p. 14) and Table 2.10: Load Commands for
a Thermal Analysis (p. 15) in this document.)
4. Write information to a load step file using one of these methods:
Command(s): LSWRITE
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Write LS File
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the next load step, then the next, and so on until you have finished
writing all load step data to the file.
If you will delete any loads (except temperature constraints), set them to zero over a small time
interval instead of deleting them.
To use table parameters, follow this procedure:
1. Define your loading profile (i.e., load vs. time) using TABLE type array parameters as described in
Applying Loads Using TABLE Type Array Parameters in the Basic Analysis Guide.
2. Specify automatic time stepping on (AUTOTS,ON). Specify either time step size (DELTIM) or number
of substeps (NSUBST).
3. Specify the time step reset option. You can choose to not reset the time stepping during the solution,
to reset the time based on an already-defined array of key time values, or to reset the time based
on a new array of key times.
Command(s): TSRES
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time-Time Step
Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time and Sub Stps
If you select new while working interactively, you will be asked to fill in the n x 1 array of key
times at this point. If you are working in batch mode, you must define the array before issuing
TSRES, which resets the time step to the initial value as specified on DELTIM or NSUBST.
If you use an array of time values (FREQ = %array% on the OUTRES command) in conjunction
with a time step reset array (TSRES command), you need to ensure that any FREQ array time
values exceed the nearest TSRES array value by the initial time step increment specified with
DELTIM,DTIME or NSUBST,NSBSTP. For example, if you have a FREQ array with the values
1.5, 2, 10, 14.1, and 15, and a TSRES array with the values 1, 2, 10, 14, and 16 (where the time
stepping would restart at those values), and you specify an initial time step increment of DTIME
= .2, the program will stop. In this example, the requested FREQ array value of 14.1 does not

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Transient Thermal Analysis

exist, because the TSRES value specified that the time step be reset at 14 and increment at an
interval of .2; therefore, the first available time for the FREQ array would be 14.2.

TSRES is used only with AUTOTS,ON. If constant time stepping is used
(AUTOTS,OFF), TSRES is ignored.
Command(s): *DIM
GUI: Utility Menu> Parameters> Array Parameters> Define/Edit
When you create a key time array, the time values in the array must be in ascending order and
must not exceed the time at the end of the load step as defined on the TIME command.
During solution, the time step size will be reset at the key times identified in the array. Time
step sizes are reset based on initial time step size [DELTIM,DTIME] or number of substep
[NSUBST,NSBSTP] settings.
4. Specify when the information is to be written to the results file using an nx1 array type parameter,
just as you did with the key time array. You can use the same key time array that you used to reset
time stepping, or you can use a different array. If working interactively, you can create the array at
this time or use an existing array. If working in batch mode, you must define the array before issuing
Command(s): OUTRES
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Ouput Ctrls> DB/Results File

You can use the TSRES command and time stepping strategy only if using the following heat transfer (only) elements, thermal electric elements, thermal surface effect
elements, fluid element FLUID116, or some combination of these types:


CONTA174 General Options

General options include the following:
Solution control option
This option turns solution control heuristic ON/OFF for thermal analysis. With this option turned
ON, you normally specify the number of substeps (NSUBST) or the time step size (DELTIM), and
the time at the end of the load step (TIME). The remainder of the solution control commands


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Applying Loads and Obtaining a Solution

then default to their optimal values for the particular thermal problem. See the SOLCONTROL
command in the Command Reference for more details.
To turn solution control ON or OFF, use either of the following:
Command(s): SOLCONTROL
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> Sol'n Controls
The time option
This option specifies time at the end of the load step.
The default time value is 1.0 for the first load step. For subsequent load steps, the default is 1.0
plus the time specified for the previous load step.
To specify time, use either of the following:
Command(s): TIME
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc> Time and Substps
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc> Time-Time Step
Number of substeps per load step, or the time step size
A nonlinear analysis requires multiple substeps within each load step. By default, the program
uses one substep per load step.
In regions of severe thermal gradients during a transient (e.g., surfaces of quenched bodies),
there is a relationship between the largest element size in the direction of the heat flow and the
smallest time step size that will yield good results. Using more elements for the same time step
size will normally give better results, but using more substeps for the same mesh will often give
worse results. When using automatic time stepping and elements with midside nodes (quadratic
elements), ANSYS, Inc. recommends that you control the maximum time step size by the description of the loading input and define the minimum time step size (or maximum element size)
based on the following relationship:
ITS = 2 / 4
The value is the conducting length of an element (along the direction of heat flow) in the
expected highest temperature gradient. The value is the thermal diffusivity, given by k/C.
The k value is the thermal conductivity, is the mass density, and C is the specific heat.
If the above relationship (ITS = 2 / 4 ) is violated when using elements with midside nodes,
the program typically calculates unwanted oscillations and temperatures outside of the physically
possible range. When using elements without midside nodes, the unwanted oscillations are unlikely to occur, and the above recommendation for the minimum time step can be considered
somewhat conservative.

Avoid using extremely small time steps, especially when establishing initial conditions.
Very small numbers can cause calculation errors. For instance, on a problem time scale
of unity, time steps smaller than 1E-10 can cause numerical errors.
To set the number of size of time steps, use either of the following:
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Transient Thermal Analysis

Command(s): NSUBST, DELTIM
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc> Freq and Substps or Time and Substps
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc> Time-Time Step
If you apply stepped loads, the load value remains constant for the entire load step. If you ramp
loads (the default), the load values increment linearly at each substep (time step) of the load
To step or ramp loads, use either of the following:
Command(s): KBC
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc> Time and Substps
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc> Time-Time Step
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/ Frequenc> Freq and Substps
Monitor Results in Real Time
The NLHIST command allows you to monitor results of interest in real time during a solution.
Before starting the solution, you can request nodal data such as temperatures or heat flows. You
can also request element nodal data such as thermal gradients and fluxes at specific elements
to be graphed. The result data are written to a file named Jobname.nlh. Nodal results and
contact results are monitored at every converged substep while element nodal data are written
as specified via the OUTRES setting. You can also track results during batch runs. To execute,
Access the ANSYS Launcher and select File Tracking from the Tools menu.
Type nlhist100 in the command line.
Use the supplied file browser to navigate to your Jobname.nlh file, and click on it to invoke
the tracking utility. You can use this utility to read the file at any time, even after the solution is
To use this option, use either of these methods:
Command(s): NLHIST
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Results Tracking

3.4.4. Nonlinear Options

For single-field nonlinear thermal analysis, the program allows a choice of two solution options. The
Full option corresponds to the default full Newton-Raphson algorithm. The Quasi option corresponds
to only selective reforming of the thermal matrix during solution of the nonlinear thermal problem. The
matrix is only reformed if the nonlinear material properties changed by a significant amount (usercontrolled). This option performs no equilibrium iterations between time steps. Material properties are
evaluated at the temperatures at the beginning of the load step.
The options can be selected via the THOPT command. The Quasi solution option performs direct assembly
of the thermal matrix, and only the ICCG and JCG solvers support solutions under this option. You can
choose either of these solvers using the EQSLV command.
For the Quasi solution option, you have to also specify the material property change tolerance use for
matrix reformation. The reform tolerance defaults to .05, corresponding to a 5% change in material


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Applying Loads and Obtaining a Solution

properties. The Quasi option sets up a single fast material table, with equal temperature points between
a maximum and a minimum temperature for evaluation of temperature-dependent material properties.
Using this option you have to also specify the number of points (defaults to 64) and the minimum and
maximum temperature (defaults to the minimum and maximum temperature defined by the MPTEMP
command) for the fast material table. All other nonlinear load options are valid with the THOPT command.
Command(s): THOPT
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Analysis Type> Analysis Options
The Full option used with VT Accelerator (TRNOPT,VT) selects an advanced predictor-corrector algorithm
to reduce the overall number of iterations. This option is not available for THOPT,QUASI.
Command(s): TRNOPT
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> Analysis Options
Specify nonlinear load step options only if nonlinearities are present. Nonlinear options include the
Number of equilibrium iterations
This option specifies the maximum allowable number of equilibrium iterations per substep. With
SOLCONTROL,ON, this command defaults to between 15 and 26 iterations, depending upon
the physics of the problem.
To specify the number of equilibrium iterations, use either of the following:
Command(s): NEQIT
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear> Equilibrium Iter
Automatic Time Stepping
Also called time step optimization in a transient analysis, automatic time stepping allows the
program to determine the size of load increments between substeps. It also increases or decreases
the time step size during solution, depending on how the model responds. In a transient thermal
analysis, the response checked is the thermal eigenvalue. For the THOPT,Quasi option, the time
step size is also adjusted based on property change during solution. If the eigenvalue is small,
a larger time step is used and vice versa. Other things considered in determining the next time
step are the number of equilibrium iterations used for the previous time step, and changes in
the status of nonlinear elements.
For most problems, you should turn on automatic time stepping and set upper and lower limits
for the integration time step. The limits, set via the NSUBST command or DELTIM command,
or the menu path shown below, help to control how much the time step varies.
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time-Time Step
To specify automatic time stepping, use either of the following:
Command(s): AUTOTS
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time and Substps
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time-Time Step
To change the default values used for automatic time stepping, use either of the following:
Command(s): TINTP
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time Integration

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Transient Thermal Analysis

Time integration effects
These load step options determine whether the analysis includes transient effects such as
structural inertia and thermal capacitance.

The program assumes time integration effects to be on in a transient analysis (unless
they were turned off to establish initial conditions). If time integration effects are
turned off, Mechanical APDL calculates a steady-state solution.
To specify time integration effects, use either of the following:
Command(s): TIMINT
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time Integration
Transient integration parameters
These parameters control the nature of your time integration scheme and specify the criteria for
automatic time stepping. Consult the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for details.
To minimize inaccuracies in a solution, you can set the transient integration parameter (the
THETA value) to 1.0.
To specify transient integration parameters, use either of the following:
Command(s): TINTP
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time Integration
Convergence tolerances
The program considers a nonlinear solution to be converged whenever specified convergence
criteria are met. Convergence checking may be based on temperatures, heat flow rates, or both.
You specify a typical value for the desired item (VALUE field on the CNVTOL command) and a
tolerance about the typical value (TOLER field). The convergence criterion is then given by
VALUE x TOLER. For instance, if you specify 500 as the typical value of temperature and 0.001
as the tolerance, the convergence criterion for temperature is 0.5 degrees.
For temperatures, the program compares the change in nodal temperatures between successive
equilibrium iterations (T = Ti - Ti-1) to the convergence criterion. Using the above example, the
solution is converged when the temperature difference at every node from one iteration to the
next is less than 0.5 degrees.
For heat flow rates, the program compares the out-of-balance load vector to the convergence
criterion. The out-of-balance load vector represents the difference between the applied heat
flows and the internal (calculated) heat flows.
To specify convergence tolerances, use either of the following:
Command(s): CNVTOL
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear> Convergence Crit
As nonlinear thermal analysis proceeds, the program calculates convergence norms with corresponding convergence criteria each equilibrium iteration. Available in both batch and interactive
sessions, the Graphical Solution Tracking (GST) feature displays the calculated convergence norms


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Applying Loads and Obtaining a Solution

and criteria while the solution is in process. By default, GST is ON for interactive sessions and
OFF for batch runs. To turn GST on or off, use either of the following:
Command(s): /GST
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Output Ctrls> Grph Solu Track
Termination settings for unconverged solutions
If the program cannot converge the solution within the specified number of equilibrium iterations,
it either stops the solution or moves on to the next load step, depending on what you specify
as the stopping criteria.
To halt an unconverged solution, use either of the following:
Command(s): NCNV
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear> Criteria to Stop
Line search
The line search option allows the program to perform a line search with the Newton-Raphson
method. To use the line search option, use either of the following:
Command(s): LNSRCH
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear> Line Search
Predictor-corrector option
This option activates the predictor-corrector option for the degree of freedom solution at the
first equilibrium iteration of each substep.
To use the predictor option, use either of the following:
Command(s): PRED
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear> Predictor

3.4.5. Output Controls

This class of load step options enables you to control output. Output controls options are as follows:
Control printed output
This option enables you to include any results data in the printed output file (Jobname.OUT).
To control printed output, use either of the following:
Command(s): OUTPR
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Output Ctrls> Solu Printout
Control database and results file output
This option controls what data goes to the results file (Jobname.RTH). To control database and
results file output, use either of the following:
Command(s): OUTRES
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Output Ctrls> DB/Results File
Extrapolate results
This option allows you to review element integration point results by copying them to the nodes
instead of extrapolating them. (Extrapolation is the default.) To extrapolate results, use either of
the following:
Command(s): ERESX
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Transient Thermal Analysis

GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Output Ctrls> Integration Pt

3.5. Saving the Model

After you have specified the load step options and analysis options, save your database contents to a
backup file. To do so, choose one of the methods shown below:
Command(s): SAVE
GUI: Utility Menu> File> Save As
Utility Menu> File> Save Jobname.db
Backing up your database prevents your model from being lost should your computer system fail. If
you need to retrieve your model, choose either of the following:
Command(s): RESUME
GUI: Utility Menu> File> Resume Jobname.db
Utility Menu> File> Resume from

3.5.1. Solving the Model

To start the solution, choose either of the following:
Command(s): LSSOLVE
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Solve> From LS Files
If you prefer, you can create and solve multiple load steps using array parameters or using the multiple
solve method. For information about these methods, see the Basic Analysis Guide.
To finish your solution and exit from the SOLUTION processor, choose either of the following:
Command(s): FINISH
GUI: Main Menu> Finish

3.6. Reviewing Analysis Results

The program writes the results from a transient thermal analysis to the thermal results file, Jobname.RTH. Results contain the following data (all of which are functions of time):
Primary data
Nodal temperatures (TEMP)
Derived data
Nodal and element thermal fluxes (TFX, TFY, TFZ, TFSUM)
Nodal and element thermal gradients (TGX, TGY, TGZ, TGSUM)
Element heat flow rates
Nodal reaction heat flow rates

3.6.1. How to Review Results

You can review these results using either of the following:


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Reviewing Analysis Results

The general postprocessor, POST1. (Main Menu> General Postproc.) POST1 enables you to review
results at one time step over the entire model or a selected part of the model.
The time history postprocessor, POST26. (Main Menu>TimeHist Postproc.) POST26 lets you review
results at specific points in the model over all time steps. Other POST26 capabilities include graph
plots of results of data versus time or frequency, arithmetic calculations, and complex algebra.
The next few paragraphs describe some typical postprocessing operations for a transient thermal analysis. For a complete description of all postprocessing functions, see the Basic Analysis Guide.

To review results in either postprocessor, the database must contain the same model for
which the solution was calculated. (If necessary, retrieve the model.) In addition, the results
file, Jobname.RTH, must be available.

3.6.2. Reviewing Results with the General Postprocessor

After you enter POST1, read in results at the desired time point. To do so, use either of the following:
Command(s): SET
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Read Results> By Time/Freq
If you specify a time value for which no results are available, the program performs linear interpolation
to calculate the results at that time. The program uses the last time point if you specify a time that is
beyond the time span of the transient.
You also can have the program read results by their load step and substep numbers. To do so, use the
following menu path instead of the one shown above: Main Menu> General Postproc> Read Results>
By Load Step.

For a nonlinear analysis, linear interpolation of results data between time points can cause some
loss of temporal accuracy. Therefore, take care to specify a time value for which a solution is

3.6.3. Reviewing Results with the Time History Postprocessor

The time history postprocessor, POST26, works with tables of result items versus time, known as variables.
The program assigns each variable a reference number, with variable number 1 reserved for time.
If you are reviewing your analysis results using POST26, begin by defining the variables.
To define variables for primary data, use either method below:
Command(s): NSOL
GUI: Main Menu> TimeHist Postproc> Define Variables
To define variables for derived data, use the following command or GUI path:
Command(s): ESOL
GUI: Main Menu> TimeHist Postproc> Define Variables
To define variables for reaction data, use either method below:
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Transient Thermal Analysis

Command(s): RFORCE
GUI: Main Menu> TimeHist Postproc> Define Variables
Once your variables are defined, you can convert them to a graph, issue PLVAR (Main Menu>
TimeHist Postproc> Graph Variables). Choosing this command or menu path also gives you
a listing of the variables.
To list only the extreme variable values, use either of the following:
Command(s): EXTREM
GUI: Main Menu> TimeHist Postproc> List Extremes
By reviewing the time-history results at strategic points throughout the model, you can identify the
critical time points for further postprocessing with POST1.
POST26 offers many other functions including performing arithmetic operations among variables,
moving variables into array parameters, and moving array parameters into variables. For details, see
Basic Analysis Guide.

3.7. Reviewing Results as Graphics or Tables

Once you have read results in, you can use the programs graphics displays and tables to review them.
To display your results, use the menu paths shown below. Equivalent commands are shown in parentheses.
For examples of contour and vector displays, see either Steady-State Thermal Analysis (p. 5) in this
manual or various chapters in the Basic Analysis Guide.

3.7.1. Reviewing Contour Displays

Command(s): PLESOL
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Contour Plot> Element Solu
Command(s): PLETAB
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Contour Plot> Elem Table
Command(s): PLNSOL
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Contour Plot> Nodal Solu

3.7.2. Reviewing Vector Displays

Command(s): PLVECT
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Plot Results> Vector Plot> Pre-defined or User-defined

3.7.3. Reviewing Table Listings

Command(s): PRESOL
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> List Results> Element Solution
Command(s): PRNSOL
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> List Results> Nodal Solution
Command(s): PRRSOL
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> List Results> Reaction Solu

3.8. Phase Change

One of the program's most powerful features for thermal analysis is its ability to analyze phase change
problems, such as a melting or solidifying process. Some of the applications for phase change analysis


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Phase Change
The casting of metals, to determine such characteristics as the temperature distribution at different
points during the phase change, length of time for the phase change to occur, thermal efficiency of
the mold, etc.
Production of alloys, where chemical differences instead of physical differences cause the phase
Heat treatment problems.
To analyze a phase change problem, you perform a nonlinear transient thermal analysis. The only differences between linear and nonlinear transient analyses are that, in nonlinear analyses:
You need to account for the latent heat; that is, heat energy that the system stores or releases during
a phase change. To account for latent heat, define the enthalpy of the material as a function of
temperature (see below):
Figure 3.2: Sample Enthalpy vs. Temperature Curve
Enthalpy (H)


Phase change


Enthalpy, which has units of heat/volume, is the integral of density times specific heat with respect to


In nonlinear analysis, you must specify a small enough integration time step for the solution. Also, turn
on automatic time stepping so that the program can adjust the time step before, during, and after the
phase change.
Use lower-order thermal elements, such as PLANE55 or SOLID70. If you have to use higher-order elements,
choose the diagonalized specific heat matrix option using the appropriate element KEYOPT. (This is the
default for most lower-order elements.)
When specifying transient integration parameters, set THETA to 1, so that the Euler backward difference
scheme is used for the transient time integration. (THETA defaults to 0.5.)
You may find the line search option helpful in phase change analyses. To exercise the line search option,
use either of the following:
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Transient Thermal Analysis

Command(s): LNSRCH
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Nonlinear> Line Search

3.9. Solution Algorithms Used in Transient Thermal Analysis

Two methods are available for solving for temperature degrees of freedom (TEMP):
FULL Method (p. 58)
QUASI Method (p. 59)
Issue the THOPT command to specify the solution method. The commands ALGO argument determines
whether the specified solution method uses a multipass process or an iterative process.
For a thermal analysis where radiosity is present, see Solving for Temperature and Radiosity (p. 60).

3.9.1. FULL Method

The FULL solution method (THOPT,FULL) uses a Newton-Raphson (NR) algorithm and solves for the
temperature correction (T). This method allows for multiple corrections to be applied to obtain the
final converged solution.
The following figure illustrates how the FULL method obtains the solution via a multipass process:


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Solution Algorithms Used in Transient Thermal Analysis

Figure 3.3: FULL Solution Method (Newton-Raphson Algorithm)

The FULL solution method can also solve for degrees of freedom other than temperature.

3.9.2. QUASI Method

The QUASI solution method (THOPT,QUASI) uses a Picard algorithm and solves directly for the temperature (T).
The following figure illustrates how the QUASI method obtains the solution via a multipass or an iterative

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Transient Thermal Analysis

Figure 3.4: QUASI Solution Method (Picard Algorithm)

The QUASI solution method solves for temperature degrees of freedom only.

3.9.3. Solving for Temperature and Radiosity

When radiosity is present, adjustments to the FULL or QUASI solution method are necessary so that
separate solutions can be obtained for temperature and radiosity.
The following figure illustrates how the FULL method obtains temperature and radiosity solutions via
a multipass process:


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Solution Algorithms Used in Transient Thermal Analysis

Figure 3.5: FULL Solution Method When Radiosity Is Present

When using the FULL solution method (which requires the multipass [THOPT,FULL,,,,,0] option), the
MAXFLUXITER argument on the RADOPT command controls the number of passes. This method may
sometimes converge prematurely for temperature, but not for radiosity flux, giving an unconverged
solution. The QUASI solution method is therefore generally preferred when radiosity is present.
The following figure illustrates how the QUASI method obtains temperature and radiosity solutions via
a multipass or an iterative process:

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Transient Thermal Analysis

Figure 3.6: QUASI Solution Method When Radiosity Is Present

The number of equilibrium iterations required for the iterative QUASI option (THOPT,QUASI,,,,,1) is set
via the NEQIT command.

3.10. Example of a Transient Thermal Analysis

This section presents an example of a transient thermal analysis.

3.10.1. The Example Described

The example analysis this chapter describes is a transient heat transfer analysis of a casting process.

A pictorial version of this example appears in the Thermal Tutorial.


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Example of a Transient Thermal Analysis

This example tracks the temperature distribution in the steel casting and the mold during a three-hour
solidification process. The casting is made in an L-shaped sand mold with four-inch thick walls. Conduction
occurs between the steel and the sand mold, and convection occurs between the sand mold and the
ambient air.





The example performs a 2-D analysis of a slice that is one unit thick. Half symmetry is used to reduce
the size of the model. The lower half is the portion modeled.
To analyze the entire thickness of the model, use PLANE55 with KEYOPT(3) = 3 and specify the THK real
constant. In this case, the temperate results will not be any different than modeling a one-unit thickness,
but the heat flow results (PRRSOL, PRRFOR, PRNSOL, PRESOL) will be different.



Symmetry plane



3.10.2. Example Material Property Values

Sand and steel, the materials used in the sample analysis of the casting, have these properties:

U.S. Customary Measurement Units

Material properties for sand:

Conductivity (KXX)

0.025 Btu/(hr-in-F)

Density (DENS)

0.054 lb/in3

Specific heat (C)

0.28 Btu/(lb- F)

Material properties for steel:

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Transient Thermal Analysis


U.S. Customary Measurement Units

Conductivity (KXX):
at 0 F

1.44 Btu/(hr-in- F)

at 2643 F


at 2750 F


at 2875 F


Enthalpy (ENTH):
at 0 F

0.0 Btu/in3

at 2643 F


at 2750 F


at 2875 F


Initial conditions:
Temperature of steel

2875 F

Temperature of sand

80 F

Convection properties:
Film coefficient

0.014 Btu/(hr-in2- F)

Ambient temperature

80 F

Material properties for the sand are constant. The steel casting has temperature-dependent thermal
conductivity and enthalpy.
The solution method for this example uses automatic time stepping to determine the proper time step
increments needed to converge the phase change nonlinearity. The transition from molten to solid
steel uses smaller time steps.

3.10.3. Example of a Transient Thermal Analysis (GUI Method)

The example casting solidification analysis is included in the Thermal Tutorial.

3.10.4. Commands for Building and Solving the Model

The following example input builds and solves the casting model. Comments (text preceded by the
exclamation mark or ! character) explain what functions the commands perform.
/TITLE,CASTING SOLIDIFICATION !Give the analysis a title
!Turn triad symbol off
!Connect keypoints to define mold area
!Create a primitive rectangle
!Display areas
!Overlap the areas
!Delete area 3
!Define sand properties


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Where to Find Other Examples of Transient Thermal Analysis

MPTEMP,1,0,2643,2750,2875,,, !Define steel properties
!Plot steel conductivity
!Plot steel enthalpy
!Use element PLANE55
!Specify smart element sizing level 5
!Mesh with quadrilateral-shaped elements
!Specify free meshing
!Mesh mold area, area 5
!Set element type attribute pointer to 1
!Set element material attribute pointer to 2
!Set element real const set attribute pointer
!Set the element coord sys attribute pointer
!Mesh casting area, area 4
!Apply film coefficient and bulk temperature
!Specify transient analysis
!Activate optimized nonlinear solu defaults
!Select casting area, area 4
!Select nodes associated with casting area
!Display casting area nodes
!Apply initial condition of 2875F on casting
!Select nodes of steel area, area 5
!Display mold area nodes
!Apply initial condition of 80F on mold
!Select all entities
!Set time at end of load step
!Program chosen automatic time stepping
!Specify time step sizes
!Specify stepped loading
!Write to file at every step
!Display solution options
!Display all nodes
!Display areas
!Time-history postprocessor
!Display elements
!Define postprocessing variable
NSOL,2,cntr_pt,TEMP,,center !Specify nodal data to be stored
!Display nodal temperature versus time

3.11. Where to Find Other Examples of Transient Thermal Analysis

Several ANSYS, Inc. publications, particularly the Mechanical APDL Verification Manual and the Heat
Transfer Training Manual, describe additional examples of transient and other types of thermal analyses.
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Transient Thermal Analysis

Attending the Heat Transfer seminar may benefit you if you analyze the thermal response of structures
and components such as internal combustion engines, pressure vessels, heat exchangers and furnaces,
etc. For more information about this seminar, contact your local ANSYS Support Distributor or telephone
the ANSYS Training Registrar at (724) 514-2882.
The Mechanical APDL Verification Manual consists of test case analyses demonstrating the analysis capabilities of the program. While these test cases demonstrate solutions to realistic thermal analysis
problems, the Mechanical APDL Verification Manual does not present them as step-by-step examples
with lengthy data input instructions and printouts. However, most users who have at least limited finite
element experience should be able to fill in the missing details by reviewing each test case's finite element
model and input data with accompanying comments.
The Mechanical APDL Verification Manual contains a variety of transient thermal analysis test cases:
VM28 - Transient Heat Transfer in an Infinite Slab
VM94 - Heat Generating Plate
VM104 - Liquid-Solid Phase Change
VM109 - Temperature Response of a Suddenly Cooled Wire
VM110 - Transient Temperature Distribution in a Slab
VM111 - Cooling of a Spherical Body
VM112 - Cooling of a Spherical Body
VM113 - Transient Temperature Distribution in an Orthotropic Metal Bar
VM114 - Temperature Response to a Linearly Rising Surface
VM115 - Thermal Response of a Heat Generating Slab
VM116 - Heat Conducting Plate with Sudden Cooling
VM159 - Temperature Controlled Heater
VM192 - Cooling of a Billet by Radiation


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Chapter 4: Radiation
Radiation is the transfer of energy via electromagnetic waves. The waves travel at the speed of light,
and energy transfer requires no medium. Thermal radiation is just a small band on the electromagnetic
spectrum. Because the heat flow that radiation causes varies with the fourth power of the body's absolute
temperature, radiation analyses are highly nonlinear.
The following radiation topics are available:
4.1. Analyzing Radiation Problems
4.2. Definitions
4.3. Using LINK31, the Radiation Link Element
4.4. Modeling Radiation Between a Surface and a Point
4.5. Using the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method
4.6. Using the Radiosity Solver Method
4.7. Advanced Radiosity Options
4.8. Example of a 2-D Radiation Analysis Using the Radiosity Method (Command Method)
4.9. Example of a 2-D Radiation Analysis Using the Radiosity Method with Decimation and Symmetry (Command

4.1. Analyzing Radiation Problems

The program provides four methods for radiation analysis, each meant for a different situation:
You can use LINK31, the radiation link element, for simple problems involving radiation between two
points or several pairs of points.
You can use the surface-effect elements, SURF151 and SURF152 for radiation between a surface and
a point.
You can use the AUX12 radiation matrix method for more generalized radiation problems involving
two or more surfaces. (Only the ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, and ANSYS Professional
programs offer the radiation matrix generator.)
You can also use the radiosity solver method for more generalized radiation problems in 3-D/2-D involving two or more surfaces. This method is supported by all 3-D/2-D elements having a temperature
degree of freedom. (Only the ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, and ANSYS Professional programs
offer the radiosity solver.)
You can use the four radiation analysis methods for either transient or steady-state thermal analyses.
Radiation is a nonlinear phenomenon, so you will need an iterative solution to reach a converged

4.2. Definitions
The following definitions apply to terms used in radiation analysis.
Enclosure: An open or closed enclosure in a radiation problem is a set of surfaces radiating to each
other. You can have many enclosures, with surfaces radiating to each other. The program uses the
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definition of an enclosure to calculate view factors amongst surfaces belonging to an enclosure. Each
open enclosure can have its own space temperature or space node which radiates to the ambient
Radiating Surfaces: An open or closed enclosure can consist of many surfaces radiating to each other.
Each radiating surface has an emissivity and a direction of radiation assigned to it. The Emissivity for
a surface can be a function of temperature.
View Factors: To compute radiation exchange between any two surfaces, you calculate the fraction
of the radiation leaving surface i which is intercepted by surface j. This fraction is known as the view
factor, form factor, or shape factor. You can calculate view factors using the hidden/non-hidden
method for 2-D and 3-D problems or the Hemicube method for 3-D problems.
Emissivity: Emissivity is a surface radiative property defined as the ratio of the radiation emitted by
the surface to the radiation emitted by a black body at the same temperature. The program restricts
radiation exchange between surfaces to gray-diffuse surfaces. The word grey signifies that emissivity
and absorptivity of the surface do not depend on wavelength (either can depend on temperature).
The word diffuse signifies that emissivity and absorptivity do not depend on direction. For a gray
diffuse surface, emissivity = absorptivity; emissivity + reflectivity = 1. Note that a black body surface
has a unit emissivity.
Stefan-Boltzmann Constant: Stefan-Boltzmann constant provides the proportionality constant between
the radiative heat flux and the forth power of temperature in the radiation model. The units for the
constant depends on the absolute temperature units used in the model.
Temperature Offset: The unit of temperature plays an important role in radiation analysis. You can
perform radiation calculations in absolute temperature units. If the model is defined in terms of degrees
Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius, you must specify a temperature offset. The temperature offset is 460
for the Fahrenheit system and 273 for the Celsius system.
Space Temperature: For an open enclosure problem, the program requires specification of a space
temperature for energy balance to the ambient. Each enclosure can have its own space temperature.
Space Node: For an open enclosure problem, if the ambient is another body in the model, you can
use the temperature of a space node to represent the free-space ambient temperature
Radiosity Solver: The radiosity solver method accounts for the heat exchange between radiating
bodies by solving for the outgoing radiative flux for each surface, when the surface temperatures for
all surfaces are known. The surface fluxes provide boundary conditions to the finite element model
for the conduction process analysis. When new surface temperatures are computed, due to either a
new time step or iteration cycle, new surface flux conditions are found by repeating the process. The
surface temperatures used in the computation must be uniform over each surface facet to satisfy the
conditions of the radiation model.

4.3. Using LINK31, the Radiation Link Element

LINK31 is a 2-node, nonlinear line element that calculates the heat flow caused by radiation between
two points. The element requires you to specify, in the form of real constants:
An effective radiating surface area
Form factor


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Using the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method

The Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
Limit your use of the LINK31 analysis method to simple cases where you know, or can calculate easily
by hand, the radiation form factors.

4.4. Modeling Radiation Between a Surface and a Point

A convenient way to model radiation between a surface and a point is to use surface-effect elements
superimposed on surfaces that emit or receive radiation. The following such elements are available:
SURF151 for 2-D models and SURF152 for 3-D models. The element option KEYOPT(9) activates radiation
for these elements. The form factor can be specified as a real constant (defaults to 1) using KEYOPT(9)
= 1, or you can calculate a cosine effect (using KEYOPT(9) = 2 or 3) from the basic element orientation
and the extra node location.

4.5. Using the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method

Offered in the ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, and ANSYS Professional programs only, this
method works for generalized radiation problems involving two or more surfaces receiving and emitting
radiation. The method involves generating a matrix of form factors (view factors) between radiating
surfaces and using the matrix as a superelement in the thermal analysis. You also can include hidden
or partially hidden surfaces, as well as a "space node" that can absorb radiation energy.
The following AUX12 topics are available:
4.5.1. Procedure
4.5.2. Recommendations for Using Space Nodes
4.5.3. General Guidelines for the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method

4.5.1. Procedure
The AUX12 radiation matrix method consists of three steps:
1. Define the radiating surfaces.
2. Generate the radiation matrix.
3. Use the radiation matrix in the thermal analysis. Defining the Radiating Surfaces

To define the radiating surfaces, you create a superimposed mesh of LINK33 elements in 2-D models
and SHELL131 (KEYOPT(3) = 2) elements in 3-D models. To do so, perform the following tasks:
1. Build the thermal model in the preprocessor (PREP7). Radiating surfaces do not support symmetry conditions, therefore models involving radiating surfaces cannot take advantage of geometric symmetry
and must therefore be modeled completely (except for 2-D axisymmetric cases). The radiating surfaces
usually are faces of a 3-D model and edges of a 2-D model, as shown below:

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Figure 4.1: Radiating Surfaces for 3-D and 2-D Models




2. Superimpose the radiating surfaces with a mesh of SHELL131 (KEYOPT(3) = 2) elements in 3-D models
or LINK33 elements in 2-D models, as shown in the graphic below. The best way to do this is to first
create a subset of the surface nodes, and then generate the surface elements using one of the following:
Command(s): ESURF
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Elements> Surf/Contact> Surf Effect> General
Surface> Extra Node
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Elements> Surf/Contact> Surf Effect> General
Surface> No extra Node
Make sure to first activate the proper element type for the surface elements. Also, if the surfaces
are to have different emissivities, assign different material reference numbers before creating the


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Using the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method

Figure 4.2: Superimposing Elements on Radiating Surfaces

Radiating surface mesh of SHELL131 or LINK33 elements must match (node for node) the
underlying solid element mesh. If it does not match, the resulting thermal solution will
be incorrect.
The orientation of the superimposed elements is important. The AUX12 radiation matrix generator
assumes that the "viewing" direction (that is, the direction of radiation) is along +Ze for SHELL131
elements and along +Ye for LINK33 elements (where e denotes the outward normal direction of the
element coordinate system). Therefore, you must mesh the superimposed elements so that the radiation occurs from (or to) the proper face. The order in which the element's nodes are defined
controls the element orientation, as shown below:
Figure 4.3: Orienting the Superimposed Elements







3-D Object

2-D Object

3. Define a space node, which simply is a node that absorbs radiant energy not received by other surfaces
in the model. Location of this node is not important. An open system usually requires a space node.
However, you should not specify a space node for a closed system.
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Radiation Generating the AUX12 Radiation Matrix

Calculating the radiation matrix requires the following inputs:
Nodes and elements that make up the radiating surfaces
Model dimensionality (2-D or 3-D)
Emissivity and Stefan-Boltzmann constant
The method used to calculate the form factors (hidden or visible)
A space node, if desired.
To generate the matrix, perform these steps:
1. Enter AUX12 using one of these methods:
Command(s): /AUX12
GUI: Main Menu> Radiation Opt
2. Select the nodes and elements that make up the radiation surfaces. An easy way to do this is to
select elements by type and then select all attached nodes. To perform these tasks, use the GUI
path Utility Menu> Select> Entities or the commands ESEL,S,TYPE and NSLE. If you have defined
a space node, remember to select it.
3. Specify whether this is a 2-D model or a 3-D model, using either of the following:
Command(s): GEOM
GUI: Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Matrix Method> Other Settings
The AUX12 radiation matrix generator uses different algorithms to calculate the form factors
for 2-D and 3-D models respectively. It assumes a 3-D model by default. The 2-D models may
be either planar (NDIV value = 0), or axisymmetric (NDIV value > 0), with planar as the default.
Axisymmetric models are expanded internally to a 3-D model, with NDIV representing the
number of axisymmetric sections. For example, setting NDIV to 10 indicates ten sections, each
spanning 36 degrees.
4. Define the emissivity using either method shown below. Emissivity defaults to unity (1.0).
Command(s): EMIS
GUI: Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Matrix Method> Emissivities
5. Define the Stefan-Boltzmann constant using either method shown below. The Stefan-Boltzmann
constant defaults to 0.119E-10 Btu/hr-in2-R4. (In S.I. Units, the constant has the value 5.67E-8 W/m2-K4.)
Command(s): STEF
GUI: Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Matrix Method> Other Settings
6. Specify how to calculate form factors, using either of the following:
Command(s): VTYPE
GUI: Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Matrix Method> Write Matrix
You can choose between the hidden and non-hidden methods:
The non-hidden method calculates the form factors from every element to every other element
regardless of any blocking elements.


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Using the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method

The hidden method (default) first uses a hidden-line algorithm to determine which elements
are "visible" to every other element. (A "target" element is visible to a "viewing" element if
their normals point toward each other and there are no blocking elements.) Then, form factors
are calculated as follows:
Each radiating or "viewing" element is enclosed with a unit hemisphere (or a semicircle in
All target or "receiving" elements are projected onto the hemisphere or semicircle.
To calculate the form factor, a predetermined number of rays are projected from the
viewing element to the hemisphere or semicircle. Thus, the form factor is the ratio of the
number of rays incident on the projected surface to the number of rays emitted by the
viewing element. In general, accuracy of the form factors increases with the number of
rays. You can increase the number of rays via the NZONE field on the VTYPE command
or the Write Matrix menu option; both indicate the number of radial sampling zones.
7. If necessary, designate the space node using either of the methods shown below:
Command(s): SPACE
GUI: Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Matrix Method> Other Settings
8. Use either the WRITE command or the Write Matrix menu option to write the radiation matrix to
the file Jobname.SUB. If you want to write more than one radiation matrix, use a separate filename
for each matrix. To print your matrices, issue the command MPRINT,1 before issuing the WRITE
9. Reselect all nodes and elements using either of the following:
Command(s): ALLSEL
GUI: Utility Menu> Select> Everything
You now have the radiation matrix written as a superelement on a file. Using the AUX12 Radiation Matrix in the Thermal Analysis

After writing the radiation matrix, re-enter the preprocessor (PREP7) and read the matrix in as a superelement. To do so, perform these steps:
1. Re-enter the preprocessor using one of these methods:
Command(s): /PREP7
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor Specify MATRIX50 (the superelement) as one of the element types.
2. Switch the element type pointer to the superelement using either of the following:
Command(s): TYPE
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Elements> Elem Attributes
3. Read in the superelement matrix using one of these methods:
Command(s): SE
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Elements> Superelements> From .SUB
4. Either unselect or delete the superimposed mesh of SHELL131 or LINK33 elements, using either of
the following:
Command(s): EDELE
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Delete> Elements
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(The thermal analysis does not require these elements.)
5. Exit from the preprocessor and enter the SOLUTION processor.
6. Assign the known boundary condition to the space node using either of the following:
Command(s): D, F
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> option
This boundary typically is a temperature (such as ambient temperature), but also may be a heat
flow. The boundary condition value should reflect the actual environmental conditions being
7. Proceed with the thermal analysis as explained in the other chapters of this manual.

4.5.2. Recommendations for Using Space Nodes

Although modeling radiation does not always require a space node, the decision to or not to use one
can affect the accuracy of your thermal analysis results. Keep the following recommendations about
space node usage in mind as you build your model. Considerations for the Non-hidden Method

The non-hidden method of form factor calculation usually is accurate enough for any system without
requiring special attention to space nodes. Generally, you should not specify a space node for a closed
system, but you should specify one for an open system. Only one situation requires special attention:
when modeling an open system which includes gray body radiation (emissivity is less than 1), you must
use a space node to ensure accurate results. Considerations for the Hidden Method

For the hidden method of form factor calculation, the accuracy of the form factor calculations within
AUX12 can affect the accuracy of the radiation calculated to the space node. Because inaccuracies in
the calculations accumulate at the space node, the relative error in the space node form factor can be
exaggerated in a closed or nearly closed system.
When using the hidden method, you may need to increase the number of rays used in the form factor
calculation and to refine the mesh in order to make the form factors more accurate. If this is not possible,
consider the following tips when defining the space node:
For a closed system in which all radiating surfaces form an enclosure and do not radiate to space,
do not use a space node.
If the nature of the problem makes it acceptable to simulate radiation between the radiating surfaces
only (ignoring radiation to space), then do not specify a space node. This approach is valid only when
modeling black body radiation (where emissivity = 1).
For a nearly closed system, if you must account for radiation to space, then mesh the opening and
constrain the temperature of the nodes in the opening to the temperature of space. The form factor
to space will then be calculated explicitly and more accurately.
For an open system where there are significant losses to space, you can use a space node (with a
specified boundary condition) to capture the lost radiation with acceptable accuracy using moderate
mesh refinement and a moderate number of rays.


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Using the Radiosity Solver Method

4.5.3. General Guidelines for the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method

Below are some general guidelines for using the AUX12 radiation matrix generator approach to radiation
The non-hidden method should be used if and only if all the radiating surfaces see each other fully.
If the non-hidden method is used for cases where any blocking effect exists, there will be significant
inaccuracies in view factor calculations, and the subsequent thermal analysis results can be physically
inaccurate, or the problem might not even converge.
The hidden method requires significantly longer computer time than the non-hidden method.
Therefore, use it only if blocking surfaces are present or if surfaces cannot be grouped.
In some cases, you may be able to group radiating surfaces so that each group is isolated completely
from the other groups in terms of radiation heat transfer. In such cases, you can save significant time
by creating a separate radiation matrix for each group using the non-hidden method. (This is true so
long as no blocking effects exist within a group.) You can do this by selecting the desired group of
radiating surfaces before writing the matrix.
For the hidden method, increasing the number of rays usually produces more accurate form factors.
For both hidden and non-hidden methods, the finer the mesh of the radiating surface elements, the
more accurate are the form factors. However, when hidden method is used, it is particularly important
to have a fairly refined mesh in order to obtain the same level of accuracy in view factor computation
as the non-hidden method. Event though increasing the number of rays used (controlled by NZONE
argument of the VTYPE command) helps in accuracy, for a coarse mesh, increasing NZONE to even
its maximum limit might not yield an accurate solution for the hidden method.
For axisymmetric models, about 20 axisymmetric sectors provide reasonably accurate form factors.
Elements should have reasonable aspect ratios whey they are expanded to a 3-D model.
LINK33 elements, which are used as superimposed radiation surface elements in 2-D planar or
axisymmetric models, do not directly support the axisymmetric option. In axisymmetric models,
therefore, be sure to delete (or unselect) them before doing the thermal analysis.
Theoretically, the summation of view factor from any radiating surface to all other radiating surfaces
should be 1.0 for a closed system. This is printed as ***** FORM FACTORS ***** TOTAL = Value for
each radiating surface if the view factors for radiating surfaces are printed using the MPRINT,1 command.
For open systems, the summation should always be less than 1.0. One way of checking whether the
view factor calculations are correct or not is to use the MPRINT,1 command, and check if the summation
of view factors for any radiating surface exceeds 1.0. This can happen if the non-hidden method is inadvertently used for calculating view factors between radiating surfaces with blocking effects. For more
information, see Radiation Matrix Method in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.

4.6. Using the Radiosity Solver Method

Offered in the ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, and ANSYS Professional programs only, the radiosity solver method also works for generalized radiation problems involving two or more surfaces receiving and emitting radiation. The method is supported by all 3-D and 2-D elements having a temperature degree of freedom.
Elements supported for the radiosity method include:
SOLID279 -- 3-D 20-Node Thermal Solid
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SOLID278 -- 3-D 8-Node Thermal Solid
SHELL157 -- 3-D Thermal-Electric Shell
SHELL132 -- 3-D 8-Node Thermal Shell
SHELL131 -- 3-D 4-Node Thermal Shell
SOLID90 -- 3-D 20-Node Thermal Solid
SOLID87 -- 3-D 10-Node Tetrahedral Thermal Solid
SOLID70 -- 3-D Thermal Conduction Solid
PLANE77 -- 2-D 8-Node Thermal Solid
PLANE55 -- 2-D Thermal Solid
PLANE35 -- 2-D 6-Node Triangular Thermal Solid
PLANE13 -- 2-D Coupled-Field Solid
The following radiosity topics are available:
4.6.1. Process for Using the Radiosity Solver Method
4.6.2. Further Options for Static Analysis

4.6.1. Process for Using the Radiosity Solver Method

The process for using the radiosity solver method involves these steps: Step 1. Define the Radiating Surfaces Step 2. Define Solution Options Step 3. Define View Factor Options Step 4. Calculate and Query View Factors Step 5. Define Load Options Step 1. Define the Radiating Surfaces

Define the radiating surfaces as follows:
1. Build the thermal model in the preprocessor (PREP7). Radiating surfaces support symmetry conditions
in some cases; see Advanced Radiosity Options (p. 80) for information on modeling symmetry for radiating
surfaces. Radiating surfaces are considered to be the faces of a 3-D model or the sides of a 2-D model.
2. Flag the radiation surfaces for a given emissivity and enclosure number using the SF, SFA, SFE, or SFL
command. For all surface or line facets radiating to each other, specify the same enclosure number.
To specify temperature-dependent emissivity, issue the SF, SFA, SFE, or SFL command with VALUE
= -N. Emissivity values are from the EMIS property table for material N [MP].
Since radiation can pass through a fluid region and impact on a solid, you can apply the surface-tosurface radiation load on a fluid/solid interface, as well as on external model boundaries. In this
case, you should apply the RDSF load to either the fluid or solid element faces, or the solid entity
defining the interface.
3. Verify the flagged radiation surfaces for properly specified emissivity, enclosure number and direction
of radiation:
Command(s): /PSF
GUI: Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Symbols
To apply radiation surface loads on the SHELL131 (KEYOPT(3) = 2) or SHELL157 elements, you must
specify the face number with the exterior or interior orientation to properly flag it. You can use the SF,
SFA, or SFE commands to apply these loads. The SF and SFA commands apply the radiation surface
loads only on face 1 of the shell element. To apply radiation surface loads on face 2 or on both faces


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Using the Radiosity Solver Method

of the shell elements, use the SFE command. See SHELL131 and SHELL157 in the Element Reference for
information on face orientation and numbering.
Although the radiosity solution can be obtained by flagging element surfaces with RDSF flags (RDEC),
a faster solution is possible by superimposing radiation surface-effect elements on those surfaces
(RSURF). The radiosity solution is calculated on the surface-effect elements, which can be less accurate
than is the case with the RDSF-flagged surface but requires fewer computational resources. If you choose
the superimposition method for a faster solution and you wish to
impose a symmetry boundary condition: Do so via the RSYMM command. This practice is more computationally efficient than it is to generate the full model.
integrate the radiation heat flux on a surface: Do so via the NMISC output data of SURF251 or SURF252. Step 2. Define Solution Options

For radiation problems, you must also define the Stefan-Boltzmann constant in the appropriate units:
Command(s): STEF
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Radiation Opts> Solution Opt
Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Radiosity Meth> Solution Opt
Main Menu> Solution> Radiation Opts> Solution Opt
If you define your model data in terms of degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius, you must specify a
temperature offset:
Command(s): TOFFST
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Radiation Opts> Solution Opt
Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Radiosity Meth> Solution Opt
Main Menu> Solution> Radiation Opts> Solution Opt
Next, select the radiosity solver and choose a direct solver or an iterative solver (default). You can also
specify a relaxation factor and convergence tolerance for the heat flux:
Command(s): RADOPT
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Radiation Opts> Solution Opt
Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Radiosity Meth> Solution Opt
Main Menu> Solution> Radiation Opts> Solution Opt
If you are analyzing an open enclosure problem, you must specify the ambient temperature or the
ambient node for each enclosure.
Specify the space temperature for the ambient radiation:
Command(s): SPCTEMP
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Radiation Opts> Solution Opt
Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Radiosity Meth> Solution Opt
Main Menu> Solution> Radiation Opts> Solution Opt
The SPCTEMP command specifies a space temperature for each enclosure. You can also list or delete
all specified space temperatures using this command.
To specify a space node for each enclosure, use one of the following:
Command(s): SPCNOD
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Radiation Opts> Solution Opt
Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Radiosity Meth> Solution Opt
Main Menu> Solution> Radiation Opts> Solution Opt

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If the ambient is another body in the model, you must specify the space node for the ambient radiation
using the SPCNOD command for each enclosure. The SPCNOD command specifies a space node for
each enclosure. The radiosity solver retrieves the nodal temperature for the specified node as the ambient temperature. You can also list or delete all specified space nodes using this command. Step 3. Define View Factor Options

To calculate new view factors for either 3-D or 2-D geometry, you can specify various options:
Command(s): HEMIOPT
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Radiation Opts> View Factor
Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Radiosity Meth> View Factor
Main Menu> Solution> Radiation Opts> View Factor
HEMIOPT allows you to set the resolution for 3-D view factor calculation using the Hemicube method.
The default resolution is 10. Increasing the value increases the accuracy of the view factor calculation.
Command(s): V2DOPT
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Radiation Opts> View Factor
Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Radiosity Meth> View Factor
Main Menu> Solution> Radiation Opts> View Factor
V2DOPT allows you to select options for 2-D view factor calculation. The geometry type can be set to
either 2-D plane or axisymmetric (defaults to plane). You can also define the number of divisions (defaults
to 20) for an axisymmetric geometry.
The program uses different algorithms to calculate the form factors for 2-D and 3-D models respectively.
It assumes a 3-D model by default. The 2-D models may be either planar (NDIV value = 0), or axisymmetric (NDIV value > 0), with planar as the default. Axisymmetric models are expanded internally to a
3-D model, with NDIV representing the number of axisymmetric sections. For example, setting NDIV
to 10 indicates ten sections, each spanning 36 degrees. This expansion is done only for view factor
calculation, and not for the thermal solution.
The V2DOPT command also allows you to select hidden or non-hidden viewing option (defaults to
The non-hidden method calculates the form factors from every element to every other element regardless of any blocking elements.
The hidden method (default) first uses a hidden-line algorithm to determine which elements are
"visible" to every other element. (A "target" element is visible to a "viewing" element if their normals
point toward each other and there are no blocking elements.) Then, form factors are calculated as
Each radiating or "viewing" element is enclosed with a unit hemisphere (or a semicircle in 2-D).
All target or "receiving" elements are projected onto the hemisphere or semicircle.
To calculate the form factor, a predetermined number of rays are projected from the viewing element
to the hemisphere or semicircle. Thus, the form factor is the ratio of the number of rays incident
on the projected surface to the number of rays emitted by the viewing element. In general, accuracy
of the form factors increases with the number of rays. You can increase the number of rays via the
NZONE field on the V2DOPT command.


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Using the Radiosity Solver Method

For more information, see the discussion on hidden and non-hidden options and axisymmetric geometry
in Using the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method (p. 69) earlier in this chapter andRadiation Matrix Method
in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference
You can specify whether new view factors should be computed or if existing values should be used:
Command(s): VFOPT
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Radiation Opts> View Factor
Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Radiosity Meth> View Factor
Main Menu> Solution> Radiation Opts> View Factor
VFOPT, Opt allows you to compute view factors and write them to a file (Opt = NEW). If view factors
already exist in the database, this command also allows you to deactivate the view factor computation
(Opt = OFF). OFF is the default upon encountering the second and subsequent SOLVE commands in
/SOLU. After the first SOLVE command, the program uses view factors existing in the database, unless
they are overwritten by the VFOPT command.
For 3-D analyses using Distributed ANSYS, you can specify parallel or serial mode for view factor calculations. See the Notes section of the VFOPT command for more information.
VFOPT allows you to output view factors in ASCII or binary file format. Binary is the default.
To ensure a good energy balance, you need to satisfy both the row sum relationship as well as the reciprocity relationship for the view factor matrix. The VFSM command can be used to adjust the view
factor matrix to satisfy reciprocity and/or row sum properties.
For a perfect enclosure, each row of the generated view factor matrix should sum to a value of 1. For
a leaky enclosure, the sum across any row can be less than or equal to one, depending on the amount
and characteristics of the leakiness.
The VFSM command must be used before VFOPT is issued, or Solve is initiated. Step 4. Calculate and Query View Factors

Next, you calculate the view factors. You can also query the view factor database and calculate an average
view factor.
Compute and store the view factors:
Command(s): VFOPT
GUI: Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Radiosity Meth> Compute
List the calculated view factors for the selected source and target elements by querying the view factor
database and calculate the average view factor:
Command(s): VFQUERY
GUI: Main Menu> Radiation Opt> Radiosity Meth> Query
You can retrieve the calculated average view factor using *GET,Par,RAD,,VFAVG. Step 5. Define Load Options

Specify an initial temperature if your model starts at a uniform temperature, then specify the number
or size of the time steps and specify a ramped boundary condition.
To assign a uniform temperature to all nodes, use one of the following:
Command(s): TUNIF
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GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Settings> Uniform Temp
Solution accuracy is governed by the time step size you use and the convergence criterion you chose.
When using auto-time stepping, review the transient results carefully. The radiosity method works best
when there are other forms of heat transfer besides radiation determining the temperature of a body.
Set the number or size of time steps, using one of the following:
Command(s): NSUBST or DELTIM
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Freq and Substps or Time and
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time-Time Step
Due to the highly nonlinear nature of radiation, you should specify ramped boundary conditions:
Command(s): KBC
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time-Time Step

4.6.2. Further Options for Static Analysis

You can also solve a static problem using a false transient approach.
The analysis would include the following three steps:
1. Issue a constant density and specific heat for the model using the MP command. You should use a typical value of unit density and specific heat for the approach. The exact value for density and specific heat
are not important as the problem finally approaches a steady-state solution.
2. Specify a transient analysis using one of the following:
Command(s): ANTYPE
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Analysis Type> New Analysis
3. Run the quasi static radiation analysis to steady-state, using one of the following:
Command(s): QSOPT
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Quasi-Static
The QSOPT command is available only when SOLCONTROL is ON. You can set the tolerance for
the steady-state temperature using the OPNCONTROL command.
Depending on the material properties of the model (that is, density, specific heat, and thermal
conductivity), temperature changes may be small at the beginning of a transient. With QSOPT on
and the final time set to the default value (TIME = 1), you may obtain a solution before the true
steady-state is reached. To obtain the true steady-state solution, use one of the following strategies:
Tighten the steady-state temperature tolerance on the OPNCONTROL command. Be aware, though,
it may take a long time to reach the true steady-state solution.
Increase the final time (TIME) and the time step size (DELTIM) so that large temperature changes
are captured at later time.

4.7. Advanced Radiosity Options

Use the advanced radiosity options to reduce the number of surface elements and then use symmetry
to reduce the problem size. You must understand the programs basic radiosity capabilities before using
the advanced options.


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Advanced Radiosity Options

The advanced radiosity options work with the same elements as the basic radiosity capability.

Build the model in the preprocessor.


Select the appropriate set of solid elements to be flagged.


Apply any appropriate radiosity settings.


Specify decimation parameters for the selected solid elements. Decimation allows you to use fewer radiation surface elements than there are underlying solid or shell element faces. Figure 4.4: Decimation (p. 81) illustrates this concept.
Figure 4.4: Decimation
Underlying solid

SURF 251

Command(s): RDEC
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Radiation Opt> Advanced Solution Option> Decimation Options>
Define Specifications
Where different parts of the thermal model differ in size significantly, you should decimate these
parts separately. Otherwise, smaller parts of the thermal model can be overdecimated.
You should estimate the number of radiosity surface elements on a decimated mesh before specifying the degree of decimation. The number should be enough to represent the original surface.
For example, you would not want to represent a sphere using only five surface elements.
The goal of decimation is to reduce the time required for view factors calculation, as well as the
heat flux calculation. For a small model with a small degree of decimation, the time saved for the
view factors calculation could be offset by the amount of time required for the decimation calculations. Therefore, we recommend using decimation only for sufficiently large models.

Specify symmetry options for the selected solid elements.

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Command(s): RSYMM
GUI: Main Menu> Solution> Radiation Opts> Advanced Solution Option> Radiation Symmetry
Options> Clear Symmetry
Use this command to specify either the plane of symmetry (POS) for planar reflection or the center
of rotation (COR) for cyclic repetition. Note that POS reflection is NOT the same as COR repetition.
Figure 4.5: Planar Reflection (p. 82) illustrates how the original sector is duplicated about a plane.
Figure 4.6: Cyclic Repetition (Two Repetitions Shown) (p. 82) illustrates how the original sector is
duplicated about a center point.
The figures below show the results of planar and cyclic repetition. Issue RSYMM,,,X for duplication
around the X axis (Figure 4.5: Planar Reflection (p. 82)). Issue RSYMM,,,,n for a cyclic repetition
(Figure 4.6: Cyclic Repetition (Two Repetitions Shown) (p. 82) uses RSYMM,,,,11; only 2 repetitions
are shown in the figure).
Figure 4.5: Planar Reflection
POS (plane of symmetry)

1 reflection only

original sector

Figure 4.6: Cyclic Repetition (Two Repetitions Shown)

Original sector
Duplicate sectors

COR (center of rotation)

If you issue RSYMM more than once, each command will be processed in the order issued. For
example, you could issue the following to turn condensation on, conduct a planar reflection about
the global X axis, and then conduct a planar reflection about the global Y axis:


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Advanced Radiosity Options

Figure 4.7: Multiple RSYMM Commands




Original Model


After RSYM Reflections

Generate the radiosity surface elements, SURF251/SURF252. Select the solid elements that you have
flagged (using SF,,RDSF) and issue the following:
Command(s): RSURF
GUI: Main Menu> Radiation Opt>
If you need to regenerate the surface mesh (for example, unsatisfactory degree of decimation, improper symmetry reflection, etc.), delete the unsatisfactory results (RSURF,clear,last), adjust your
decimation or symmetry parameters, and reissue the RSURF command. All RSURF commands must
be issued after the model is complete (i.e., after all meshing operations are complete).
The RSURF command applies symmetry reflections only to radiosity surface elements created by
the current RSURF command, even if other elements are selected. You must use RSURF to create
the surface elements; you cannot create SURF251/SURF252 elements manually using the E, ESURF,
or AMESH commands.


Solve the model, and postprocess as usual. You can postprocess radiation heat flux using the NMISC
records in SURF251 and SURF252.

If you save your database or model information (either through a SAVE or CDWRITE operation), the
mapping information is automatically saved to a .rsm file if SURF251 and SURF252 elements are present
in the model. A .rsm is useful for restarting your analysis. Without the .rsm file, you need to issue
RSURF,DELE and then reissue RSURF,CREATE to recreate the mapped SURF251 and SURF252 elements.
Doing so can be time-consuming for very large models.
To resume an analysis after you've issued a SAVE or CDWRITE and exited the session:

Resume your database or .cdb file using RESUME or CDREAD. The mapping information is automatically saved to an .rsm file if SURF251 and SURF252 elements are present in the model. The .rsm file
will be located in the directory specified by the SAVE or CDWRITE command.


Solve the model, and postprocess as usual.

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You can also create the mapping (.rsm) file manually without issuing SAVE or CDWRITE. Issue the
following command:

where file,ext, and dir are the name, extension, and location of the file.
You can also read the .rsm manually (for example, if the .rsm file is located in a different directory
than your database or .cdb file). Issue the following command:

where file,ext, and dir are the name, extension, and location of the file.
There is no GUI equivalent for the RSOPT command.
Multi-field Restriction: When doing a multi-field analysis, we recommend that you first create all of
the physics meshes in the database (either by using MFIMPORT commands or by using meshing commands) and then create the SURF251/SURF252 elements using the appropriate combination of RSYMM,
RDEC, and RSURF commands. At this point, you can save the file (via SAVE or CDWRITE), which will
create the .rsm file for a later restart.

4.8. Example of a 2-D Radiation Analysis Using the Radiosity Method

(Command Method)
This section describes how to do a steady-state thermal radiation analysis of a conical fin using the radiosity solver method by issuing a sequence of commands, either while running in batch mode or by
issuing the commands manually during an interactive session.

4.8.1. Problem Description

In this example, two circular annulus radiating to each other are considered. The outer surface of the
inner annulus has an emissivity of 0.9. Its inner surface is maintained at a temperature of 1500F. The
inner surface of the outer annulus has an emissivity of 0.7, and its outer surface is maintained at a
temperature of 100F. The space temperature is maintained at 70F.
Figure 4.8: Annulus
Surface temperature 100F
Radiating Surface
( = 0.9)

Radiating Surface
( = 0.7)
Surface temperature 1500F



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Example of a 2-D Radiation Analysis Using the Radiosity Method with Decimation
and Symmetry (Command Method)

4.8.2. Commands for Building and Solving the Model

The following sequence of commands builds and solves the finite element model. Text preceded by an
exclamation mark (!) is comment text.
! Example for 2-D radiation analysis using the radiosity method
! Circular annulus 1
! Circular annulus 2
! 2-D thermal element
SFL,ALL,RDSF,.9, ,1,
! Radiation boundary condition on inner annulus
SFL,ALL,RDSF,.7, ,1,
! Radiation boundary condition on outer annulus
DL,ALL, ,TEMP,1500,1
! Temperature on inner annulus
DL,ALL, ,TEMP,100,1
! Temperature on outer annulus
! Stefan-Boltzmann constant
! Temperature offset
! Radiosity solver options
! Space temperature for enclosure 1
! 2-D view factor options
! Thermal Conductivity

4.9. Example of a 2-D Radiation Analysis Using the Radiosity Method with
Decimation and Symmetry (Command Method)
This section describes how to do a steady-state thermal radiation analysis of two parallel planes using
decimation and symmetry by issuing a sequence of commands, either while running in batch mode or
by issuing the commands manually during an interactive session.

4.9.1. The Example Described

In this example, two parallel planes are considered for radiation. The underlying regions are meshed
using PLANE55 elements. The first plane has a temperature of 1000C and an emissivity of .5, and the
second plane has a temperature of 500C and an emissivity of .25.

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Figure 4.9: Problem Geometry

4.9.2. Commands for Building and Solving the Model

The following sequence of commands builds and solves the finite element model. Text preceded by an
exclamation mark (!) is comment text.
/title,Radiation Problem Using Radiosity Surface Elements
= 1
thick = 1
= 0.06
tempoff = 273
! Conversion to absolute temp
= 5.67e-8
! Stefan-Boltzman constant
= 1000
= 500
emiss1 = 0.5
emiss2 = 0.25
! Specify temp/emissivity/rdsf on plane 1
! Specify temp/emissivity/rdsf on plane 2


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Example of a 2-D Radiation Analysis Using the Radiosity Method with Decimation
and Symmetry (Command Method)

! Select PLANE55 nodes/elements for RSURF command

! Specify radiation options

! Set decimation to 50 percent reduction

! Specify reflection about the x-axis
! Generate SURF251 elements and store in database


! Includes SURF251 nodes

! Includes SURF251 elements

! Select nodes of plane 1 and get nodal reaction
! Select nodes of plane 2 and get nodal reaction
*get,radnh,RAD,1,nethf ! Get the net outgoing radiant heat flux
! This should equal reaction 1 + reaction 2
!using nmisc element records to get net heat rate/emissivity/temp/
esel,s,type,,2 !select surf251
! Get element areas
etable,elmradnf,nmisc,7 ! Get element net outgoing radiant heat flux
smult,elmradnh,elmarea,elmradnf ! Multiply area*flux, store as heats
! Get net area net heats.
! Net heat should = reaction 1 + reaction 2
!report element centroid & enclosure
! Get element
! Get element
! Get element
etable,elmencl,nmisc,18 ! Get element

centroid x-coord
centroid y-coord
centroid z-coord
enclosure number

!report element avg temp, emiss


! Get element average temp

! Get element average emissivity

!report netheatflux = emit+refl-inci


! Get element net outgoing radiant heat flux

! Get element emitted heat flux

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


etable,elmradre,nmisc,9 ! Get element reflected heat flux
etable,elmradin,nmisc,10 ! Get element radiant heat flux


Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


material model, 2
internal heat generation, 2

and thermal analysis, 1
ANSYS Professional, 5, 43
automatic time stepping, 18, 43, 50
AUX12 analysis method, 69
guidelines for, 75

key time array, 46
key times, 46

layered elements, 5
load step options
automatic time stepping, 18, 43, 50
convergence tolerances, 18, 50
database and results file output, 20, 53
extrapolating results, 20, 53
for steady-state thermal analysis, 17
line searching, 18, 50, 56
number of equilibrium iterations, 18, 50
number of substeps, 17, 48
predictor option, 18, 50
printed output, 20, 53
solution control, 48
stepped or ramped loads, 17, 43, 48
terminating an unconverged solution, 18, 50
time integration effects, 50
time option, 17, 48
time step size, 17, 48
transient integration parameters, 50
load stepping
applying in a transient thermal analysis, 46
load vs. time curve, 43
applying in a transient thermal analysis, 46
applying in steady-state thermal analysis, 13, 16
applying using table and function boundary conditions, 16
applying using TABLE array parameters, 13
stepped or ramped, 43
time-dependent, 43

choosing 2-D or 3-D, 72

change of phase, 2
conduction, 1
contour displays, 22
convection, 1, 5, 14
convection film coefficient, 1
convergence tolerances, 50
coupled-field analysis, 2

element types
specifying, 9
for steady-state thermal analysis, 5
for transient thermal analysis, 44
LINK31, 68
superimposing on radiating surfaces, 69
surface-effect elements, 69
emissivity, 67, 72
enclosure, 67

film effectiveness, 9
form factors
calculating, 72, 74
function boundary conditions
defining loads with, 16

heat flow rates, 5, 13
heat fluxes, 5, 14
heat generation rates, 5, 14
heat transfer, 1
heat transfer coefficients
defining with functions, 16

magnetic-thermal analysis, 2
material model interface, 2
material properties
defining constant properties, 9
defining temperature-dependent properties, 9
defining values for, 9
monitor diagnostics results
monitor results in real time, 17, 48

Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.



offset temperature, 20

table type, 16
phase change, 56
POST1, 54
POST26, 54

radiating surfaces, 67
defining, 69
radiation, 2, 67
analysis, 67
definition of, 67
radiation link elements, 68
radiation matrix, 2, 67, 69, 72-73
radiosity solver, 67, 75
resuming an analysis, 21

solution control options, 48
Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient (ICCG)
solver, 20
Jacobi Conjugate Gradient (JCG) solver, 20
Pre-Conditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) solver,
selecting, 20
space node, 67, 69, 72, 74
space temperature, 67
steady-state thermal analysis, 5
applying loads in, 13, 16
building a model, 9
definition of, 2, 5
elements used in, 5
examples of, 23
linear analyses, 5
load step options for, 17
nonlinear analyses, 5
reviewing results from, 21
Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 67, 72
stepped or ramped loads, 17, 48
surface-effect elements, 69

applying non-uniform starting temperature, 46

deleting, 45
specifying reference temperature, 45
specifying uniform temperature, 45
temperature offset, 67
temperature-dependent film coefficient, 9
thermal analysis
applications of, 1
performed by ANSYS, 1
purpose of, 1
types of, 2
thermal gradients, 5
thermal stresses, 1
thermal-structural analysis, 2
time integration effects, 50
time step optimization, 50
time step size, 48
time stepping
defining strategy in a transient thermal analysis, 46
defining via tables, 46
time-dependent loads, 43
transient integration parameters, 50
transient thermal analysis, 43
building a model, 44
defining load steps, 46
defining time-stepping strategy, 46
definition of, 2, 43
elements used in, 44
examples of, 62
reviewing results as graphics or tables, 56
reviewing results from, 54
reviewing results in POST1, 55
reviewing results in POST26, 55
setting initial conditions for, 44
solution algorithms, 58
specifying loads and load step options, 46
time stepping via table, 46
using the radiation matrix in, 73

variables, 55
vector displays, 22
view factors, 67

table array parameters, 16
defining loads with, 16
table listings of results data, 22
temperature, 5, 13
applying a temperature DOF constraint, 45

Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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