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ACT Customization Guide For Mechanical

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ANSYS ACT Customization Guide for


ANSYS, Inc. Release 2020 R1

Southpointe January 2020
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Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Mechanical Scripting View ...................................................................................................................... 1
Debug Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Mechanical Feature Creation ...................................................................................................................... 3
ACT-Based Property Parametrization in Mechanical ................................................................................. 3
Defining ACT-Based Properties as Input Parameters in Mechanical .................................................... 3
Defining ACT-Based Properties as Output Parameters in Mechanical .................................................. 5
Defining Parameters under Results in a Third-Party Solver for Mechanical .......................................... 6
Preprocessing Capabilities in Mechanical ................................................................................................ 6
Adding a Custom Load ..................................................................................................................... 6
Creating the Extension for Adding a Custom Load ....................................................................... 6
Defining Functions for Adding a Custom Load ............................................................................. 8
Adding Content Menu Options ................................................................................................... 9
Defining Objects and Loads that Do Not Affect the Solution State .................................................... 12
Creating Objects and Loads that Have Body Views ........................................................................... 12
Coupling Two Sets of Nodes ............................................................................................................ 13
Creating the Extension for Coupling Two Sets of Nodes ............................................................. 13
Defining Functions for Coupling Two Sets of Nodes ................................................................... 15
Postprocessing Capabilities in Mechanical ............................................................................................. 18
Creating a Custom Result (Von Mises Stress) .................................................................................... 18
Creating the Extension for the Custom Result (Von Mises Stress) ................................................ 18
Defining Functions for the Custom Result (Von Mises Stress) ...................................................... 19
Creating a Custom Result (Absolute Principal Stress) ........................................................................ 22
Creating the Extension for the Custom Result (Absolute Principal Stress) .................................... 22
Defining Functions for the Custom Result (Absolute Principal Stress) ......................................... 24
Accessing Results on Shell and Layer Elements ................................................................................ 27
Creating a Custom Stress Result on a Shell Element ......................................................................... 28
Creating the Extension for a Custom Stress Result on a Shell Element ......................................... 29
Defining Functions for a Custom Stress Result on a Shell Element .............................................. 30
Creating a Custom Stress Result on a Layer Element ........................................................................ 31
Creating an Extension for a Custom Stress Result on a Layer Element ......................................... 31
Defining Functions for a Custom Stress Result on a Layer Element ....................................... 32
Creating a Custom Result on a Contact ............................................................................................ 33
Creating an Extension for a Custom Result on a Contact ............................................................ 34
Defining Functions for a Custom Result on a Contact ................................................................. 35
Retrieving Mechanical Results More Efficiently ................................................................................ 36
Reading Results in a Result (RST) File ........................................................................................ 36
Using the Standalone Result Reader .......................................................................................... 37
Managing Degenerate Elements ............................................................................................... 38
Retrieving Nodal Results ........................................................................................................... 38
Retrieving Elemental Results ..................................................................................................... 39
Third-Party Solver Connections in Mechanical ....................................................................................... 40
Creating the Extension for Connecting to a Third-Party Solver .......................................................... 40
Defining Functions for Connecting to a Third-Party Solver ............................................................... 43
Creating a Result Reader to Expose Results ...................................................................................... 46
Loading and Saving Third-Party Solver Data .................................................................................... 47
Creating a Custom Solver that Can Bypass the Function Evaluation of Properties on Native Ob-
jects ............................................................................................................................................... 50
Additional Methods and Callbacks ........................................................................................................ 50
Creating Results with Imaginary Parts ............................................................................................. 50

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ACT Customization Guide for Mechanical

Responding to a Change to the Active Unit System ......................................................................... 50

Mechanical Wizards .................................................................................................................................. 53
Mechanical Wizard Definition ................................................................................................................ 53
Mechanical Wizard Function Definition ................................................................................................. 55

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iv of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This guide assumes that you are familiar with the general ACT usage information in the ACT Developer's
Guide. This first section supplies ACT usage information specific to Mechanical:
Mechanical Scripting View
Debug Mode

Subsequent content is organized into primary sections as follows:

• Mechanical Feature Creation (p. 3): Provides examples of how to integrate ACT parameters into
Mechanical models, create preprocessing and postprocessing capabilities, and connect to third-party

• Mechanical Wizards (p. 53): Describes Mechanical product wizards, using a supplied extension as an


For information on Mechanical ACT API changes and known issues and limitations that
might affect your existing ACT extensions, see Mechanical API Migration Notes and
Mechanical API Known Issues and Limitations in the Scripting in Mechanical Guide.

Mechanical Scripting View

In Mechanical, you can open and close the Scripting view from the ribbon's Automation tab. In the
Mechanical group, clicking Scripting switches between opening and closing the view.

For information on using the Mechanical Scripting view, see Scripting Introduction in the Scripting in
Mechanical Guide.


You can revert to the ACT Console by changing the scripting view preference under
File > Options > Mechanical > UI Options > New Scripting UI. Mechanical must be
restarted to see the scripting view change.

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Debug Mode
The Mechanical ribbon's Automation tab displays the ACT Development group whenever debug mode
is enabled. If Mechanical is already started when Debug Mode is enabled, you must exit Mechanical
and then restart it. For more information, see Debug Mode in the ANSYS ACT Developer's Guide.

• Clicking the first button reloads ACT extensions.

• Clicking the second button switches between opening and closing the Extensions Log File.

• Clicking the third button opens the ACT Debugger.

• Clicking the fourth button opens the help panel for the ACT Start Page.

If you have ACT extensions loaded, in the lower left corner of the Mechanical Scripting view, a tab
displays for each loaded extension. Tabs are only shown when debug mode is enabled for ACT extensions.
For more information, see Scope Selection for ACT Extensions in the Scripting in Mechanical Guide.

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2 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Mechanical Feature Creation
In addition to supporting the common feature creation capabilities described in the ANSYS ACT Developer's
Guide, Mechanical supports product-specific feature creation capabilities:
ACT-Based Property Parametrization in Mechanical
Preprocessing Capabilities in Mechanical
Postprocessing Capabilities in Mechanical
Third-Party Solver Connections in Mechanical
Additional Methods and Callbacks


• All extensions referenced in this section are supplied. Mechanical requires BMP files for the images
to display as toolbar buttons, while all other supported ANSYS products require PNG files.

• The callbacks <onstarteval> and <getvalue> have been replaced by the single callback
<evaluate>. The callback <evaluate> simplifies the implementation of an ACT result, which
now requires only a single IronPython function. While the callbacks <onstarteval> and
<getvalue> are still supported, using the callback <evaluate> is recommended.

ACT-Based Property Parametrization in Mechanical

In Mechanical, it is possible to define ACT properties as either input parameters or output parameters.
This section addresses how to implement a parameter on an ACT-based object in Mechanical. Specifically,
it describes how to parameterize loads, results, and user objects. ACT objects in any of these categories
behave and interact with parameters in exactly the same way.

The following topics provide examples and methods for integrating ACT-based parameters into your
Mechanical model:
Defining ACT-Based Properties as Input Parameters in Mechanical
Defining ACT-Based Properties as Output Parameters in Mechanical
Defining Parameters under Results in a Third-Party Solver for Mechanical

Defining ACT-Based Properties as Input Parameters in Mechanical

To define an ACT-based property as a parameter, add the attribute isparameter to the XML file
and set it to true.

For example, the following code segment creates a property named float_unit. The property is
a pressure and its value is a float.

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Mechanical Feature Creation

<property name="float_unit" caption="float_unit" control="float" unit="Pressure" isparameter="true"/>


Other attributes such as default and isload can also be added. When adding a default
value for a quantity, you must define both the value and the unit, placing the unit in
brackets like this: default="12 [C]"

The attribute isparameter adds a check box to the Details view for the property, making it possible
for this property to be selected for parameterization.

Once the property is selected for parameterization, it automatically displays in both the Outline and
Table views for the Parameter Set bar.

The following code is extracted from the XML file for this example. You can see how the definition
of the property float_unit is incorporated into the file.
<load name="CustomPressure" version="1" caption="CustomPressure" icon="tload" support="false"
isload="true" color="#0000FF">
<getsolvecommands order="1">writeNodeId</getsolvecommands>

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4 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ACT-Based Property Parametrization in Mechanical

<property name="Geometry" caption="Geometry" control="scoping">

<attributes selection_filter="face"/>
<property name="float_unit" caption="float_unit" control="float" unit="Pressure" isparameter="true"/>

Defining ACT-Based Properties as Output Parameters in Mechanical

It is also possible to define an ACT-based property as an output parameter.

The process for making a property available as a parameter is the same as for any input parameter.
You add the attribute isparameter and set it to true. A check box allowing parameterization of
the property then becomes available in the Details view for the property. To specify that the property
is to be an output parameter, you must also add the attribute readonly to the XML file and set it
to true.

For example, the following code segment creates a property named MyOutPutProperty. As in the
previous example, the property is a pressure and its value is a float. However, because it has the at-
tribute readonly set to true, this property can be parameterized only as an output parameter.
<property name="MyOutPutProperty" caption="MyOutPutProperty" control="float" unit="Pressure"
readonly="true" isparameter="true"/>


Other attributes such as default and isload can be added as well. When adding a
default value for a quantity, you must define both the value and the unit, placing the unit
in brackets like this: default="12 [C]".

Again, in Mechanical, the check box provided by the ACT attribute to parameterize the property must
be selected for the corresponding output to be automatically generated in the Outline and Table
views for the Parameter Set bar.

In addition, the minimum and maximum values of an ACT result object are available to become output
parameters by default. This capability is not managed by the ACT extension but takes advantage of
the Mechanical environment.

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Mechanical Feature Creation

Defining Parameters under Results in a Third-Party Solver for Mechanical

The process for defining parameters under Results in Mechanical is identical to the process for
parametrizing properties (p. 3) in Mechanical. Results parameters can be either inputs or outputs,
depending on whether the attribute readonly is set to true or false.

Preprocessing Capabilities in Mechanical

You can use ACT to create custom boundary conditions or loads:
Adding a Custom Load
Defining Objects and Loads that Do Not Affect the Solution State
Creating Objects and Loads that Have Body Views
Coupling Two Sets of Nodes

Adding a Custom Load

While toolbar examples in the ANSYS ACT Developer's Guide show how to extend the interface of an
ANSYS product, they do not show how to perform meaningful operations. Here, the supplied extension
DemoLoad shows how to add a button to Mechanical that adds a generic load to the project.

Creating the Extension for Adding a Custom Load

The file DemoLoad.xml follows.
<extension version="1" minorversion="0" name="DemoLoad">
<guid shortid="DemoLoad">7dfd2b34-dfe1-469d-b244-1c7e5c222e54</guid>
<script src="main.py" />
<interface context="Mechanical">
<toolbar name="Loads" caption="Loads">
<entry name="DemoLoad" icon="tload">

<simdata context="Mechanical">

<load name="DemoLoad" version="1" caption="DemoLoad" icon="tload" color="#00FFFF">

<getsolvecommands order="1">GetSolveCommands_DL</getsolvecommands>

<property name="Geometry" caption="Geometry" control="scoping">

<attributes selection_filter="edge" />
<property name="Text" caption="Text" control="text"></property>
<property name="FileName" caption="FileName" control="fileopen"></property>
<property name="SelectStatic" caption="Select (static)" control="select">
<attributes options="Option 1,Option 2,Option 3" />
<property name="SelectDynamic" caption="Select (dynamic)" control="select">

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6 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Preprocessing Capabilities in Mechanical

<property name="Double" caption="Double" unit="Length" control="float"
default="1 [m]"></property>




In this file, the element <script> references the IronPython script main.py. The element <in-
terface> defines the toolbar and buttons. The callback function CreateDemoLoad creates and
adds the load to the simulation environment.

The element <simdata> defines the load. The attributes for the child element <load> provide
the name, version, caption, icon, and color that apply to the load. The attribute color is defined
in a hexadecimal format. This color is used to contrast the load when it is displayed on the model.
Its child element <callbacks> defines three callbacks: <getnodalvaluesfordisplay> and
two occurrences of <getcommands>.

• The callback <getnodalvaluesfordisplay> specifies the name of the function that is invoked
when the load is displayed in the product.

• The two occurrences of the callback <getcommands> specify the names of the functions that are
invoked to insert specific solver commands in the solver input file.

– For the first occurrence, the attribute location is set to pre, indicating that the solver com-
mands defined in the function GetPreCommands_DL are to be inserted before the standard
loads and boundary conditions defined in the product. For the ANSYS solver, the new commands
are inserted in the context of the /PREP7 preprocessor after the mesh has been written.

– For the second occurrence, the attribute location is set to solve, indicating that the solver
commands defined in the function GetSolveCommands_DL are to be inserted just before the
SOLVE command. Consequently, the related function is responsible for generating the APDL
commands that describe the load within the ANSYS input file.


For the callback <getcommands>, the attribute location can be set to any
of these values: init, pre, post, solve, and preload.

In the callback definition, you define the properties to apply to the definition of the load. These
properties are displayed in the Details view in Mechanical, where you provide the necessary values
to complete the load definition. In the IronPython script, you see how the load's properties can be
retrieved and modified.

The following figure shows how each property defined in the XML file appears in the Details view.

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Mechanical Feature Creation

For the properties Select (static) and Select (dynamic), the attribute control is set to select.

• The first property populates the list of options from the XML file.

• The second property defines the callback <onactivate>. This callback, which is invoked when
the control is activated, populates the available options for the property. The definition for the
second property provides full control of the options to expose in the drop-down menu and makes
the list dependent on the current status of the project. Many different situations that can impact
the content of the list can be addressed, as long as they are implemented in the callback <onac-

The next property, Double, does not require the definition of a specific callback. Instead, the attribute
unit is set to Length to indicate that the property is a physical quantity. The attribute default
is set to 1 [m]. This default value appears in the Details view each time a new load is created.

Defining Functions for Adding a Custom Load

The IronPython script main.py follows.
import os

def init(context):
ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Init DemoLoads...")

def CreateDemoLoad(analysis):

def StringOptions_DL(load,prop):

def GetPreCommands_DL(load, solverData, stream):

stream.Write("/COM, **************************************************" + "\n")
stream.Write("/COM, Load properties from DemoLoad getcommands pre event" + "\n")
stream.Write("/COM, Text Property = " + load.Properties["Text"].ValueString + "\n")

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8 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Preprocessing Capabilities in Mechanical

stream.Write("/COM, SelectDynamic Property = " + load.Properties["SelectDynamic"].ValueString + "\n")

stream.Write("/COM, SelectStatic Property = " + load.Properties["SelectStatic"].ValueString + "\n")
stream.Write("/COM, Double Property = " + load.Properties["Double"].ValueString + "\n")
stream.Write("/COM, **************************************************" + "\n")

def GetSolveCommands_DL(load, solverData, stream):

stream.Write("/COM, **************************************************" + "\n")
stream.Write("/COM, Load properties from DemoLoad getcommands solve event" + "\n")
stream.Write("/COM, Text Property = " + load.Properties["Text"].ValueString + "\n")
stream.Write("/COM, SelectDynamic Property = " + load.Properties["SelectDynamic"].ValueString + "\n")
stream.Write("/COM, SelectStatic Property = " + load.Properties["SelectStatic"].ValueString + "\n")
stream.Write("/COM, Double Property = " + load.Properties["Double"].ValueString + "\n")
stream.Write("/COM, **************************************************" + "\n")

def GetNodalValuesForDisplay_DL(load, nodeIds):

dval = load.Properties["Double"].Value
coordselect = load.Properties["SelectDynamic"].ValueString
mesh = load.Analysis.MeshData
values = []
for id in nodeIds:
node = mesh.NodeById(id)
dispval = float(0.0)
if coordselect == "X":
dispval = node.X * float(dval)
elif coordselect == "Y":
dispval = node.Y * float(dval)
elif coordselect == "Z":
dispval = node.Z * float(dval)
dispval = float(0.0)
return values

The functions GetNodalValuesForDisplay_DL and GetSolveCommands_DL are critical to

the behavior and application of the load. GetNodalValuesForDisplay_DL is called each time
the graphic is refreshed. The required input arguments are load and nodeIds, where load is
the load object for the load and nodeIds is a list of node identifiers.

In this script, load.Properties["Double"].Value queries for the value of the property

"Double". The argument nodeIds contains a list of node numbers on which one value has to
be returned by the function. For every node in the list, the value of the property "Double" is as-
signed in the values array representing the output of the function. This output is subsequently
treated by the graphics engine of the product so that the visualization on the FE model is available.

The function GetSolveCommands_DL is intentionally simplified for this example. The prototype
of this function is made of two input arguments, the load object and the filename in which the
new specific solver commands are written. The output file is only a temporary file. The content is
rewritten in the final solver input file to ensure that the specific commands related to the customized
load are merged with all the other commands already defined by the standard features of the

Adding Content Menu Options

In the XML file, you can create a specific set of context menu options in the element <callbacks>
for the load. Each menu option is defined in a child element <action>.


<action name="a1" caption="Action 1" icon="update">action1 </action>

<action name="a2" caption="Action 2" icon="update">action2 </action>

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Mechanical Feature Creation


The element <action> takes three attributes:

• The attribute name identifies the action.

• The attribute caption is the text to display in the context menu.

• The attribute icon specifies the name of the image file to display as the icon. You must place the BMP
file that Mechanical requires in the directory images specified in the extension's XML file.

The element <action> defines the function to invoke when the associated context menu option
is selected.

The following figure shows two additional context menu options, Action 1 and Action 2.

This figure also displays a Generate context menu option. This option derives from the standard
action generate provided by Mechanical. For this reason, the declaration of the option Generate
differs from the declaration of the options Action1 and Action2. The option Generate is always
associated with the option Clear Generated Data.

These options allow you to create a load that can mimic a standard imported load. The callback
associated with the option Generate replaces the standard function integrated in Mechanical.

The feature is activated when you define the callback <ongenerate> for the load. The callback
<ongenerate> is invoked each time the Generate context menu option is selected. It is also in-
voked during a solve if the state of the load is set to "not solved."

As for the standard imported load object, the callback <ongenerate> is called only if the mesh
is already generated.

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10 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Preprocessing Capabilities in Mechanical



<action name="a1" caption="Action 1" icon="update">action1 </action>

<action name="a2" caption="Action 2" icon="update">action2 </action>


The associated IronPython code looks like this:

def generate(load, fct):
pct = 0
fct(pct,"Generating data...")

propEx = load.PropertyByName("Expression")
exp = propEx.Value
if exp=="":
return False
vexp = compile(exp,'','eval')
return False

values = SerializableDictionary[int,float]()
nodeIds = []

propGeo = load.PropertyByName("Geometry")
refIds = propGeo.Value
mesh = ExtAPI.DataModel.MeshDataByName("Global")
for refId in refIds:
meshRegion = mesh.MeshRegionById(refId)
nodeIds += meshRegion.NodeIds

nodeIds = list(set(nodeIds))

for i in range(0,nodeIds.Count):
id = nodeIds[i]
node = mesh.NodeById(id)
x = node.X
y = node.Y
z = node.Z
v = 0.
v = eval(vexp)
new_pct = (int)((i*100.)/nodeIds.Count)
if new_pct!=pct:
pct = new_pct
stopped = fct(pct,"Generating data...")
if stopped:
return False

fct(100,"Generating data...")

return True

def clearData(load):
ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("ClearData: "+load.Caption)
propEx = load.PropertyByName("Expression")

The callback <ongenerate> takes two arguments: the load object and a function to manage a
progress bar. The function also takes two arguments: the message to display and the value of the
progress bar, which is between 0 and 100.

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Mechanical Feature Creation

During the process, the generated data is stored using an attribute on the property Expression.
For more information, see Extension Data Storage.

The callback <oncleardata> takes one argument: the load object. This callback is invoked each
time the mesh is cleared or when the Clear Generated Data context menu option is selected.

Defining Objects and Loads that Do Not Affect the Solution State
You can create custom objects or loads that don’t affect the solution state. Any interactions with the
object or load, such as inserting, suppressing, editing properties, or deleting, will keep the solution
up-to-date. The feature can be used by setting the affectSolution attribute to false on the
<object> or <load> tag:
<object name="objectName" version="1" caption="Object" icon="group" affectsSolution="false" > </object>

For example, if a load with the attribute affectSolution="false" is inserted in a solved analysis,
the solution will stay up-to-date. If this attribute is not set, it will default to true. This feature also
extends to the child entities. You can define a child entity with the same attribute and it will not affect
the solution state.


In Template2-GenericObjectCreation, you can see an example where this

callback is implemented. To download all Mechanical templates, on the App Developer
Resources page, click the ACT Templates tab and then click ACT Templates for

Creating Objects and Loads that Have Body Views

To show body views for custom objects or loads, you define the callback onDrawBodyViews. This
callback allows entities to show body views in the same fashion as for native connection objects such
as joints, contact region, and so on. With this callback, you can set the properties of a single-body
view or a two-body view. Properties include the pane name, scoping, and whether to show the body

The return value from this callback determines whether to show body views. The callback gets passed
in three arguments: a user load, view one, and view two, respectively.

• View one corresponds to the top pane in the body views as seen in the default pane layout.

• View two corresponds to the bottom pane.

A view has two properties that can be set on it:

• Name of the pane

• Selection to display in the pane

An example follows of the IronPython code:

def OnDrawBodyViews(load, view1, view2):
view1.Name = "View 1"
view2.Name = "View 2"

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12 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Preprocessing Capabilities in Mechanical

view1.Selection = load.Properties["Scoping1"].Value
view2.Selection = load.Properties["Scoping2"].Value

return True

To show a single body view, you do not set a pane name value for view two:
def OnDrawBodyViewsBodyToGround(load, view1, view2):
view1.Name = "Body 1"
view1.Selection = load.Properties["Scoping1"].Value
return True


Scopings supported by this feature are the same as those supported by native con-
nection objects:

• Faces

• Bodies

• Vertices

• Edges

• Element Faces


In Template12-BodyView, you can see an example where this callback is imple-

mented. To download all Mechanical templates, on the App Developer Resources
page, click the ACT Templates tab and then click ACT Templates for Mechanical.

Coupling Two Sets of Nodes

The supplied extension Coupling creates a tool for coupling two sets of nodes related to two edges.
This extension demonstrates how you can develop your own preprocessing feature, such as a custom
load, to address a specific need.

Creating the Extension for Coupling Two Sets of Nodes

The file Coupling.xml follows.
<extension version="1" name="Coupling">
<guid shortid="Coupling">e0d5c579d-0263-472a-ae0e-b3cbb9b74b6c</guid>
<script src="main.py" />
<interface context="Mechanical">
<toolbar name="Coupling" caption="Coupling">
<entry name="Coupling" icon="support">


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Mechanical Feature Creation


<simdata context="Mechanical">

<load name="Coupling" version="1" caption="Coupling" icon="support" issupport="true"


<property name="Source" caption="Source" control="scoping">

<attributes selection_filter="edge" />

<property name="Target" caption="Target" control="scoping">

<attributes selection_filter="edge" />

<property name="Reverse" caption="Reverse" control="select" default="No">

<attributes options="No,Yes" />

As in the earlier custom load example (p. 6), the element <interface> adds a toolbar and a
toolbar button to Mechanical. The callback function <CreateCoupling> is invoked when the
toolbar button is clicked.

The element <simdata> encapsulates the information that defines the support. The value for the
attribute issupport is set to true. The attribute issupport is of particular importance because
it tells Mechanical which type of boundary condition to apply. Three result level callback functions
are declared.

• The function SolveCmd is registered and called for an event that gets fired when the solver input
is being written.

• Both the functions ShowCoupling and HideCoupling are registered and called for events
used to synchronize tree view selections with content in the graphics pane.

The details needed to define the inputs and behavior of this special load consist of three properties,
Source, Target, and Reverse, along with their behavioral callbacks.

The following figure shows how a fully defined coupling appears in Mechanical.

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Defining Functions for Coupling Two Sets of Nodes

The IronPython script main.py for this extension follows.
import graphics

def CreateCoupling(analysis):

# Callbacks

def OnValidateReverse(load, prop):


def OnValidateScoping(load, prop):


def IsValidScoping(load, prop):

if not prop.Controller.isvalid(load, prop):

return False

selection = prop.Value
if selection == None: return False
if selection.Ids.Count != 1: return False
return True

def IsValidCoupledScoping(load, prop):

sProp = load.Properties["Source"]
tProp = load.Properties["Target"]

if not IsValidScoping(load, sProp):

return False
if not IsValidScoping(load, tProp):
return False

sIds = sProp.Value.Ids
tIds = tProp.Value.Ids


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mesh = load.Analysis.MeshData
sNum = mesh.MeshRegionById(sIds[0]).NodeCount
tNum = mesh.MeshRegionById(tIds[0]).NodeCount
if sNum == 0 or tNum == 0: return False
return False

return sNum == tNum

# Show / Hide

graphicsContext = {}
def getContext(entity):
global graphicsContext
if entity.Id in graphicsContext : return graphicsContext[entity.Id]
else : return None

def setContext(entity, context):

global graphicsContext
graphicsContext[entity.Id] = context

def delContext(entity):
context = getContext(entity)
if context != None : context.Visible = False
context = None
setContext(entity, None)

def ShowCoupling(load):
ctxCoupling = ExtAPI.Graphics.CreateAndOpenDraw3DContext()

sourceColor = load.Color
targetColor = 0x00FF00
lineColor = 0x0000FF

sProp = load.Properties["Source"] ; sSel = sProp.Value

tProp = load.Properties["Target"] ; tSel = tProp.Value

ctxCoupling.LineWeight = 1.5
if sSel != None:
ctxCoupling.Color = sourceColor
for id in sSel.Ids:
graphics.DrawGeoEntity(ExtAPI, load.Analysis.GeoData, id, ctxCoupling)
if tSel != None:
ctxCoupling.Color = targetColor
for id in tSel.Ids:
graphics.DrawGeoEntity(ExtAPI, load.Analysis.GeoData, id, ctxCoupling)

if IsValidSelections(load):

ctxCoupling.Color = lineColor
ctxCoupling.LineWeight = 1.5

mesh = load.Analysis.MeshData
sList, tList = GetListNodes(load)

for sId, tId in zip(sList, tList):

sNode = mesh.NodeById(sId)
tNode = mesh.NodeById(tId)

ctxCoupling.Visible = True
setContext(load, ctxCoupling)

def HideCoupling(load):


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# Commands

def SolveCmd(load, s):

s.WriteLine("! Coupling - CP")
sList, tList = GetListNodes(load)
for sId, tId in zip(sList, tList):
s.WriteLine("CP,NEXT,ALL,{0},{1}", sId, tId)

# Utils

def IsValidSelections(load):
return load.Properties["Source"].IsValid and load.Properties["Target"].IsValid

def GetListNodes(load):

if IsValidSelections(load):

sProp = load.Properties["Source"] ; sIds = sProp.Value.Ids

tProp = load.Properties["Target"] ; tIds = tProp.Value.Ids

geometry = ExtAPI.DataModel.GeoData
mesh = load.Analysis.MeshData

sList = GetSubListNodes(geometry, mesh, sIds[0])

tList = GetSubListNodes(geometry, mesh, tIds[0])

rev = False
r = load.Properties["Reverse"].Value
if r == "Yes": rev = True

sList = sorted(sList, key=sList.get)

tList = sorted(tList, key=tList.get, reverse=rev)

return (sList, tList)

def GetSubListNodes(geometry, mesh, refId):

entity = geometry.GeoEntityById(refId)
region = mesh.MeshRegionById(refId)

result = {}
pt = System.Array.CreateInstance(System.Double, 3)

for nodeId in region.NodeIds:

node = mesh.NodeById(nodeId)
pt[0], pt[1], pt[2] = (node.X, node.Y, node.Z)
result[nodeId] = entity.ParamAtPoint(pt)

return result

This script defines a callback function named <CreateCoupling>. When activated by clicking
the Coupling toolbar button, this callback creates the load Coupling. The callback invokes the
function CreateLoadObject for the current analysis. The function SolveCmd is invoked when
the solver input is being generated. SolveCmd invokes GetListNodes to obtain two lists of
node IDs corresponding to the edges Target and Source. These node IDs are then used to write
APDL CP commands to the solver input. GetListNodes is also invoked by the callback function
<ShowCoupling>. In <ShowCoupling>, the interface IGraphics is used to create a graphics
context. Using the object returned, the inter-nodal lines are drawn to provide a visual representation
of the coupling.

The graphics context associated with this custom load and the validation of the user inputs provide
for managing more varied situations than the earlier custom load example (p. 6). This explains
why this example requires more functions and sub-functions.

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Postprocessing Capabilities in Mechanical

You can use ACT to create custom results. For shell and layer elements, you can access existing stress
results and create new custom stress results:
Creating a Custom Result (Von Mises Stress)
Creating a Custom Result (Absolute Principal Stress)
Accessing Results on Shell and Layer Elements
Creating a Custom Stress Result on a Shell Element
Creating a Custom Stress Result on a Layer Element
Creating a Custom Result on a Contact
Retrieving Mechanical Results More Efficiently

Creating a Custom Result (Von Mises Stress)

The supplied extension Mises reproduces the result for the averaged von Mises equivalent stress.
While this result is already available in the standard results that can be selected in Mechanical, this
extension demonstrates how to define a custom result.

Creating the Extension for the Custom Result (Von Mises Stress)
The file Mises.xml follows.
<extension version="1" name="Mises">

<guid shortid="Mises">a1844c3c-b65c-444c-a5ad-13215a9f0413</guid>

<script src="main.py" />

<interface context="Mechanical">


<toolbar name="Von Mises Stress" caption="Von Mises Stress">

<entry name="Von Mises Stress" icon="result">


<simdata context="Mechanical">

<result name="Von Mises Stress" version="1" caption="Von Mises Stress" unit="Stress" icon="result" location=


<property name="Geometry" caption="Geometry" control="scoping"></property>




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In this file, the element <interface> adds a toolbar and a toolbar button Mechanical. The callback
function <Create_Mises_Result> is invoked when the toolbar button is clicked.

The element <simdata> encapsulates the information needed for the custom result. One element
result is declared. The type attribute on the result element is used to assign the type of
result desired. This can currently be set to either scalar or vector. Results of tensor type are
not supported.

The callbacks onstarteval and getvalue invoke functions for computing and storing the
custom result Von Mises Stress. These callbacks are invoked when custom result values are
queried for graphical display. The property Geometry defines one property to add in the Details
pane of the custom result. For this example, the property integrates a scoping method in the custom

The following figure shows how the toolbar Von Mises Stress and the result Von Mises Stress are
added to Mechanical.

Defining Functions for the Custom Result (Von Mises Stress)

The IronPython script main.py for this extension follows.
import units
import math

context = ExtAPI.Context
if context == "Mechanical":
link = {}
link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kHex20,{ 0:[3,1,4], 1:[0,2,5], 2:[1,3,6], 3:[2,0,7], 4:[5,0,7], 5:[1,4,6], 6:[5,7
link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kHex8,{ 0:[3,1,4], 1:[0,2,5], 2:[1,3,6], 3:[2,0,7], 4:[5,0,7], 5:[1,4,6], 6:[5,7,
link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kPyramid13,{ 0:[3,1,4], 1:[0,2,4], 2:[1,3,4], 3:[2,0,4], 4:[0,1,2,3], 5:[0,1], 6:
link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kPyramid5,{ 0:[3,1,4], 1:[0,2,4], 2:[1,3,4], 3:[2,0,4], 4:[0,1,2,3]})

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link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kQuad4, { 0:[3,1], 1:[0,2], 2:[1,3], 3:[2,0]})
link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kQuad8, { 0:[3,1], 1:[0,2], 2:[1,3], 3:[2,0], 4:[0,1], 5:[1,2], 6:[2,3], 7:[3,0]}
link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kTet10,{ 0:[2,1,3], 1:[0,2,3], 2:[1,0,3], 3:[0,1,2], 4:[0,1], 5:[1,2], 6:[2,0], 7
link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kTet4, { 0:[2,1,3], 1:[0,2,3], 2:[1,0,3], 3:[0,1,2]})
link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kTri3, { 0:[2,1], 1:[0,2], 2:[1,0]})
link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kTri6, { 0:[2,1], 1:[0,2], 2:[1,0], 3:[0,1], 4:[1,2], 5:[2,0]})
link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kWedge15,{ 0:[2,1,3], 1:[0,2,4], 2:[1,0,5], 3:[5,4,0], 4:[3,5,1], 5:[4,3,2], 6:[0
link.Add(ElementTypeEnum.kWedge6,{ 0:[2,1,3], 1:[0,2,4], 2:[1,0,5], 3:[5,4,0], 4:[3,5,1], 5:[4,3,2]})

def Create_Mises_Result(analysis):
analysis.CreateResultObject("Von Mises Stress")

mises_stress = {}

# This function evaluates the specific result (i.e. the Von-Mises stress) on each element required by the geom
# The input data "step" represents the step on which we have to evaluate the result
def Mises_At_Nodes_Eval(result, step):
global mises_stress

ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Launch evaluation of the Mises result at nodes: ")

# Reader initialization
reader = result.Analysis.GetResultsData()
istep = int(step)
reader.CurrentResultSet = istep
# Get the stress result from the reader
stress = reader.GetResult("S")
stress.SelectComponents(["X", "Y", "Z", "XY", "XZ", "YZ"])
unit_stress = stress.GetComponentInfo("X").Unit
conv_stress = units.ConvertUnit(1.,unit_stress,"Pa","Stress")

# Get the selected geometry

propGeo = result.Properties["Geometry"]
refIds = propGeo.Value.Ids

nodal_stress = [0.] * 6

# Get the mesh of the model

mesh = result.Analysis.MeshData

# Loop on the list of the selected geometrical entities

for refId in refIds:
# Get mesh information for each geometrical entity
meshRegion = mesh.MeshRegionById(refId)
nodeIds = meshRegion.NodeIds

# Loop on the nodes related to the current geometrical refId

for nodeId in nodeIds:

for i in range(6):
nodal_stress[i] = 0.

elementIds = mesh.NodeById(nodeId).ConnectedElementIds
num = 0
# Loop on the elements related to the current node
for elementId in elementIds:
# Get the stress tensor related to the current element
tensor = stress.GetElementValues(elementId)

element = mesh.ElementById(elementId)
# Look for the position of the node nodeId in the element elementId
# cpt contains this position
cpt = element.NodeIds.IndexOf(nodeId)

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# for corner nodes, cpt is useless.

# The n corner nodes of one element are always the first n nodes of the list
if cpt < element.CornerNodeIds.Count:
for i in range(6):
nodal_stress[i] = nodal_stress[i] + tensor[6*cpt+i]
# For midside nodes, cpt is used and the link table provides the two neighbouring corner nodes
itoadd = link[element.Type][cpt]
for ii in itoadd:
for i in range(6):
nodal_stress[i] = nodal_stress[i] + tensor[6*ii+i] / 2.

num += 1

# The average stress tensor is computed before to compute the Von-Mises stress
# num is the number of elements connected with the current node nodeId
for i in range(6):
nodal_stress[i] *= conv_stress / num

# Von-Mises stress computation

vm_stress = Mises(nodal_stress)
# Result storage
mises_stress[nodeId] = [vm_stress]

# This function returns the values array. This array will be used by Mechanical to make the display available
def Mises_At_Nodes_GetValue(result,nodeId):
global mises_stress
try: return mises_stress[nodeId]
except: return [System.Double.MaxValue]

# This function computes the Von-Mises stress from the stress tensor
# The Von-Mises stess is computed based on the three eigenvalues of the stress tensor
def Mises(tensor):

# Computation of the eigenvalues

(S1, S2, S3) = EigenValues(tensor)
return sqrt( ( (S1-S2)*(S1-S2) + (S2-S3)*(S2-S3) + (S1-S3)*(S1-S3) ) / 2. )

# This function computes the three eigenvalues of one [3*3] symetric tensor
EPSILON = 1e-4
def EigenValues(tensor):

a = tensor[0]
b = tensor[1]
c = tensor[2]
d = tensor[3]
e = tensor[4]
f = tensor[5]

if ((abs(d)>EPSILON) or (abs(e)>EPSILON) or (abs(f)>EPSILON)):

# Polynomial reduction
A = -(a+b+c)
B = a*b+a*c+b*c-d*d-e*e-f*f
C = d*d*c+f*f*a+e*e*b-2*d*e*f-a*b*c

p = B-A*A/3
q = C-A*B/3+2*A*A*A/27
R = sqrt(fabs(p)/3)
if q < 0: R = -R

z = q/(2*R*R*R)
if z < -1. : z = -1.
elif z > 1.: z = 1.
phi = acos(z)

S1 = -2*R*cos(phi/3)-A/3
S2 = -2*R*cos(phi/3+2*math.pi/3)-A/3
S3 = -2*R*cos(phi/3+4*math.pi/3)-A/3

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S1 = a
S2 = b
S3 = c

return (S1, S2, S3)

This script defines a callback function named <Create_Mises_Result>. When activated by

clicking the Von Mises Stress toolbar button, the callback creates the result Von Mises Stress. The
callback invokes the function Create_Mises_Result on the interface simDataMgr.

In addition, the script defines the functions used by the extension. Near the top of the script is the
list definition for the node adjacency tables. Named link, the list contains hash maps. Each hash
map has a numeric hash key that corresponds to the type returned by the property IElementType.
The values for the hash map are in arrays. The names of the arrays match the local node numbers
for a typical element of the key (element-type). Finally, the content of each array provides the ad-
jacent local node numbers for the corresponding elements node. This list of arrays makes the ex-
tension compatible with all the different element topologies that Mechanical potentially creates
during the mesh generation.

The XML file for this extension specifies one other callback in the script:

The callback <onstarteval> is associated with the function Mises_At_Nodes_Eval. It is in-

voked as the result of an event thrown by Mechanical. This function computes the appropriate
stress results and stores them. The comments in the script describe the algorithm used. It returns
the nodal results set stored for the specified node ID. This callback is used by the graphics system
to display the results.

The script also demonstrates the use of utility sub-functions. Using sub-functions to perform common
repetitive task helps to make the script modular and more understandable. The utility sub-functions
used here are Mises and EigenValues.

• Mises is called by the function Mises_At_Nodes_Eval and returns the computed equivalent
stress for a given stress tensor (SX,SY,SZ,SXY,SXZ,SYZ).

• EigenValues is called by the function Mises to compute the Eigen vectors for a given stress

Creating a Custom Result (Absolute Principal Stress)

The supplied extension DemoResult.xml shows how to add a toolbar with a single button to create
a custom result that computes the worst value of the principal stresses for the scoped geometry en-

Creating the Extension for the Custom Result (Absolute Principal Stress)
The file DemoResult.xml follows.
<extension version="1" name="DemoResult">

<guid shortid="DemoResult">1ed8a677-3f81-49eb-9f31-41364844c769</guid>

<script src="demoresult.py" />

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<interface context="Mechanical">



<toolbar name="Stress Results" caption="Extension: Worst Principal Stress">

<entry name="Worst Principal Stress" icon="result">


<simdata context="Mechanical">

<result name="Worst Principal Stress" version="1" caption="Worst Principal Stress" unit="Stress" icon="res


<property name="Geometry" caption="Geometry" control="scoping"></property>




In this file, the element <script> references the IronPython script demoresult.py. The element
<interface> defines a toolbar and a button. In the element <callbacks>, the function Cre-
ate_WPS_Result creates and adds the result to the simulation environment.

The element <simdata> defines the result. The attributes in the child element <result> provide
the name, version, caption, unit, and icon that apply to the result. The child element <callbacks>
defines the single callback <onstarteval>. This callback specifies the function to invoke to
compute the result when Mechanical requests an evaluation. The output of this function is sent
directly to Mechanical, which displays the result.

In the callback definition, you define the properties to apply to the result definition. These properties
display in the Details view of Mechanical when a result is selected in the Outline view.

The Details view shows each property with the corresponding names and result values.

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Defining Functions for the Custom Result (Absolute Principal Stress)

The IronPython script demoresult.py follows.
import units

wps_stress = {}
eigenvalues = {}

def init(context):
ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Init Demoresult Extension...")

def Create_WPS_Result(analysis):
ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Launch Create_WPS_Result...")
analysis.CreateResultObject("Worst Principal Stress")

# This function evaluates the specific result (i.e. the Absolute principal stress) on each element required by
# The input data "step" represents the step on which you have to evaluate the result
def WPS_Eval(result,step):
global wps_stress
analysis = result.Analysis
ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Launch evaluation of the WPS result: ")
# Reader initialization
reader = analysis.GetResultsData()
reader.CurrentResultSet = step
# Get the stress result from the reader
stress = reader.GetResult("S")

# Define which component of the stress tensor you want to work with.
# Unit sytem management:
# First get the unit system that was used during the resolution
# Second compute the coefficient to be used so that the final result will be returned in the SI unit syste
unit_stress = stress.GetComponentInfo("X").Unit
conv_stress = units.ConvertUnit(1.,unit_stress,"Pa","Stress")

# Get the selected geometry

propGeo = result.Properties["Geometry"]
refIds = propGeo.Value.Ids
# Get the mesh of the model
mesh = analysis.MeshData
#Loop on the list of the selected geometrical entities
for refId in refIds:
# Get mesh information for each geometrical entity
meshRegion = mesh.MeshRegionById(refId)

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elementIds = meshRegion.ElementIds
# Loop on the elements related to the current geometrical entity
for elementId in elementIds:
# Get the stress tensor related to the current element
tensor = stress.GetElementValues(elementId)
# Get element information
element = mesh.ElementById(elementId)
nodeIds = element.CornerNodeIds

wps_stress[elementId] = []
# Loop on the nodes of the current element to compute the Von-Mises stress on the element nodes
for i in range(0,nodeIds.Count):
local_wps = WPS(tensor[6*i:6*(i+1)])

# Final stress result has to be returned in theSI unit system

local_wps = local_wps * conv_stress

# This function returns the values array. This array will be used by Mechanical to make the display available
def WPS_GetValue(result,elementId):
global wps_stress
if elementId in wps_stress:
values = wps_stress[elementId]
values = []
mesh = result.Analysis.MeshData
element = mesh.ElementById(elementId)
nodeIds = element.CornerNodeIds
for id in nodeIds:
return values

# This function computes the absolute principal stress from the stress tensor
# The Von-Mises stess is computed based on the three eigenvalues of the stress tensor
def WPS(tensor):

# Computation of the eigenvalues

eigenvalues = EigenValues(tensor)

# Extraction of the worst principal stress

wplocal_stress = eigenvalues[0]
if abs(eigenvalues[1])>abs(wplocal_stress):
wplocal_stress = eigenvalues[1]
if abs(eigenvalues[2])>abs(wplocal_stress):
wplocal_stress = eigenvalues[2]

# Return the worst value of the three principal stresses S1, S2, S3
return wplocal_stress

# This function computes the three eigenvalues of one [3*3] symetric tensor
EPSILON = 1e-4
def EigenValues(tensor):
global eigenvalues

eigenvalues = []

a = tensor[0]
b = tensor[1]
c = tensor[2]
d = tensor[3]
e = tensor[4]
f = tensor[5]

if ((abs(d)>EPSILON) or (abs(e)>EPSILON) or (abs(f)>EPSILON)):

# Polynomial reduction
A = -(a+b+c)
B = a*b+a*c+b*c-d*d-e*e-f*f
C = d*d*c+f*f*a+e*e*b-2*d*e*f-a*b*c

p = B-A*A/3
q = C-A*B/3+2*A*A*A/27

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Mechanical Feature Creation

if (q<0):
R = -sqrt(fabs(p)/3)
R = sqrt(fabs(p)/3)

phi = acos(q/(2*R*R*R))

S1 = a
S2 = b
S3 = c


return eigenvalues

The functions Create_WPS_Result and WPS_Eval are critical to the behavior and application
of the result.

• The function Create_WPS_Result creates the result and adds it to the simulation environment.
This function uses IronPython dot notation, which allows you to chain objects with methods that
return objects to each other. In the expression analysis.CreateResultObject"Absolute
Principal Stress", the IAnalysis object analysis is given in the argument of the callback.
The object IAnalysis calls the method CreateResultObject. From this method, the XML
is interpreted and the internal mechanisms are set into motion to add the details and register the
callbacks that define the results framework. For more comprehensive descriptions of the API objects,
methods, and properties, see the ANSYS ACT API Reference Guide.

• The function WPS_Eval is called when the result must be evaluated or re-evaluated, depending
on the state of the simulation environment. The function definition requires the input arguments
result and step and the output argument collector. Result is the result object for the result,
and stepInfo is an object that gives information on the step currently prescribed in the details.

• The function WPS_Eval queries for the component stresses at each node of elements. The stress
tensor computes the three principal stresses (eigenvalues). The signed maximum value over these
three is then stored as the final result for each node of elements. WPS_Eval also deals with the
conversion of units. DemoResults uses a utility library called units, which is imported at the
beginning of the script demoresults.py. With this library, WPS_Eval can derive a conversion
factor for the stress units that is consistent with the units used during solution. The result to be
returned by the evaluation function must be consistent with the international system of unit.
Workbench does the conversion to the current unit system in the product internally. Whenever
the result values for Worst Principal Stress are needed for display purposes, Mechanical uses the
output of the function WPS_Eval. The two callbacks and their registration to the event infrastructure
of Mechanical make possible the full cycle of result definition, creation, evaluation, and display.

To facilitate the development of functions to evaluate simulation results, the third output argument
collector is internally initialized based on the content of the scoping property. When defined, this
property contains the list of FE entities on which results are evaluated. This information can be
used directly in functions without looping over mesh regions. The function WPS_Eval demonstrates
the use of this method.

This extension takes advantage of the fact that the property collector.Ids is initialized with
the element numbers related to the selected geometrical entities. This list can be used to evaluate

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results for each element. The property collector.Ids contains nodes or element numbers de-
pending on the type of result defined in the XML file. For results with the location set to node,
collector.Ids contains a list of node numbers. For results with the location set to elem or
elemnode, collector.Ids contains a list of element numbers.

Accessing Results on Shell and Layer Elements

You can access results on shell and layer elements. A shell element is a specific case of a layer element.
It is simply a layer element that has only one layer.

For a shell or layer element, the results can have different shapes, depending on the data location.
Results can be nodal, element nodal, or elemental.

• For a nodal location, values are localized at each node of the element. No additional specification on
the shape or position is necessary.

• For an element nodal location (such as stress), results are available on four positions: Top, Bottom,
Middle, and Top/Bottom. You must specify the position for which to access result values. The
default position is Top/Bottom.

• For an elemental location (such as bending stress), the result for the different components is given
by one value by element.

The result reader has a property LayeredSolidStressStyle that you use to specify the shape
for the required result. The default value is Top/Bottom.

For a layer element, the result reader has the property Layer that you use to specify the layer
number for the required result. The layer number is 0 by default, which is equivalent to selecting
Entire Section in the Mechanical interface.

The following table shows how to specify the properties LayeredSolidStressStyle and
ShellPosition, depending of the result required.

Result Type Exposed in Location LayeredSolidStressStyle ShellPosition

U, R, … Nodal (Not Applicable) (Not Applicable)
S, EPEL, … Element Top/Bottom Tom, Bottom, Middle,
Nodal Top/Bottom
BENDING_STRESS, Elemental Bending, Membrane (Not Applicable)

The following IronPython functions access a shell element result: stress S for the Y component.
# create a result reader
resultReader = result.Analysis.GetResultsData()

# get the layer number

resultReader.Layer = 0

#specify the shape of the result

resultReader.LayeredSolidStressStyle = StressStyle.TopAndBottom

# select the shell position

resultReader.ShellPosition = ShellPosition.Top

# set the result reader to get the stress on the Y axis (SY) for the current step

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resultReader.CurrentResultSet = stepInfo.Set
stress_result = resultReader.GetResult("S")

# get the elemental values SY on "Top" position on the shell

for id in resultCollector.Ids:
valuesSY = stress_result.GetElementValues(id)

For a shell or layer element with the position set to Top, Bottom, or Middle, the method SetValues
must be used:
for id in collector.Ids:
values = stress_result.GetElementValues(id)

For a shell or layer element with the position set to Top/Bottom, the method SetAllValues can
be used:
values = stress_result.GetElementValues(collector.Ids,False)
lengths = reader.NumberValuesByElement(collector.Ids)

While the code for the method SetAllValues is bit more complicated, this method does offer
better performance when setting a large amount of data.


The supplied extension ACTResults defines a toolbar with buttons for calculating custom
results for a shell element, a layer element, and a contact. The extension ACTResults
combines the next three extension examples into a single extension. The three-button
toolbar for it is shown in the figures.

Creating a Custom Stress Result on a Shell Element

On a shell element in the Mechanical tree, you can create an ACT result object to access the stress
in a specified direction and display it as a custom result.

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Creating the Extension for a Custom Stress Result on a Shell Element

The following XML file adds a toolbar with a single button for creating a custom stress result on a
shell element. The custom stress result is in the Y direction.
<extension version="1" minorversion="0" name="ACTResult">

<author>Ansys Inc.</author>
<description>ACT shell result</description>
<guid shortid="ACTResults">****</guid>
<script src="main.py" />

<interface context="Mechanical">
<toolbar name="ACTResults" caption="ACTResults">
<entry name="ShellStress" icon="shellActRes">

<simdata context="Mechanical">
<result name="ShellStress" version="1" caption="ShellStress" unit="Stress" icon="result"
location="elemnode" type="scalar" class="ActResController">
<property name="Geometry" caption="Geometry" control="scoping"></property>
<property name="StressStyle" caption="Stress Style" control="select" default="TopAndBottom">
<attributes options="Top/Bottom,Top,Bottom,Membrane,Bending"></attributes>
<property name="Position" caption="Position" control="select" default="Top/Bottom">
<attributes options="Top/Bottom,Top,Middle,Bottom"></attributes>

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In this file, the element <script> references the IronPython script main.py. The element <in-
terface> defines the toolbar and a button. In the child element <callbacks>, the single callback
<onclick> invokes the function CreateShellStress, which creates and adds the result to
the simulation environment.

The element <simdata> defines the result.

• The attributes in the child element <result> provide the name, version, caption, unit, and icon
that apply to the result. These properties display in the Details view of Mechanical when the result
is selected in the Outline view. The Details view shows each property with the corresponding
names and result values.

• In the child element <callbacks>, the single callback <evaluate> invokes the function
EvaluateShell when Mechanical requests an evaluation. The output of this function is sent
directly to Mechanical, which displays the result.

Defining Functions for a Custom Stress Result on a Shell Element

The IronPython script main.py follows. This sample code shows how to create the result object,
calculate the result, and set up the result reader. For more information on the result reader, see
Retrieving Mechanical Results More Efficiently (p. 36).
def CreateShellStress(analysis):

def EvaluateShell(result, stepInfo, collector):

result.Controller.EvaluateShell(result, stepInfo, collector)

class ActResController:

def __init__(self, api, result):


def EvaluateShell(self, result, stepInfo, collector):

# create a result reader
reader = result.Analysis.GetResultsData()

# get the LayeredSolidStressStyle

stressStyle_value = result.Properties["StressStyle"].Value
stress_style = self.stressStyle(stressStyle_value)
reader.LayeredSolidStressStyle = stress_style

# get the shell position

position_value = result.Properties["Position"].Value
shell_position = self.position(position_value)

# set up the reader

reader.ShellPosition = shell_position

reader.CurrentResultSet = stepInfo.Set
stress_result = reader.GetResult("S")

for id in collector.Ids:
values = stress_result.GetElementValues(id)
collector.SetValues(id, values)

def stressStyle(self,argument):
switcher = {

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return switcher.get(argument, StressStyle.TopAndBottom)

def position(self,argument):
"""equivalent to a switch/case"""
switcher = {
return switcher.get(argument, "Top/Bottom")

Creating a Custom Stress Result on a Layer Element

On a layer element in the Mechanical tree, you can create an ACT result object to access the elemental
stress (bending stress and membrane stress) and display it as a custom result.

Creating an Extension for a Custom Stress Result on a Layer Element

The following XML file adds a toolbar with a single button for creating a custom stress result on a
layer element.
<extension version="1" minorversion="0" name="ACTResult">

<author>Ansys Inc.</author>
<description>ACT layer result</description>
<guid shortid="ACTResults">****</guid>
<script src="main.py" />

<interface context="Mechanical">

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<toolbar name="ACTResults" caption="ACTResults">
<entry name="LayerStressElem" icon="LayerActRes">

<simdata context="Mechanical">
<result name="LayerStressElem" version="1" caption="LayerStressElem" unit="Stress" icon="result" locatio
<property name="Geometry" caption="Geometry" control="scoping"></property>
<property name="Layer" caption="Layer" control="integer" default="0"></property>
<property name="StressStyle" caption="Stress Style" control="select" default="TopAndBottom">
<attributes options="Top,Bottom,TopAndBottom,Membrane,Bending"></attributes>
<property name="Orientation" caption="Orientation" control="select" default="Longitudinal">
<attributes options="Longitudinal,Transverse,InPlanShear"></attributes>


In this file, the element <script> references the IronPython script main.py. The element <in-
terface> defines the toolbar and a button. In the child element <callbacks>, the single callback
<onclick> invokes the function CreateLayerStressElem, which creates and adds the result
to the simulation environment.

The element <simdata> defines the result.

• The attributes in the child element <result> provide the name, version, caption, unit, and icon
that apply to the result. These properties display in the Details view of Mechanical when the result
is selected in the Outline view. The Details view shows each property with the corresponding
names and result values.

• In the child element <callbacks>, the single callback <evaluate> invokes the function
EvaluateLayerStressElem when Mechanical requests an evaluation. The output of this
function is sent directly to Mechanical, which displays the result.

Defining Functions for a Custom Stress Result on a Layer Element

The IronPython script main.py follows. This sample code shows how to create the result object,
calculate the result, and set up the result reader. For more information on the result reader, see
Retrieving Mechanical Results More Efficiently (p. 36).
def CreateLayerStressElem(analysis):

def EvaluateLayerStressElem(result, stepInfo, collector):

result.Controller.EvaluateLayerStressElem(result, stepInfo, collector)

class ActResController:

def __init__(self, api, result):


def EvaluateLayerStressElem(self, result, stepInfo, collector):

reader = result.Analysis.GetResultsData()

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# get the layer number and set up the reader

reader.Layer = result.Properties["Layer"].Value

# get the LayeredSolidStressStyle

stressStyle_value = result.Properties["StressStyle"].Value
stress_style = self.stressStyle(stressStyle_value)
reader.LayeredSolidStressStyle = stress_style

#get the shell stress orientation

orientation_value = result.Properties["Orientation"].Value
shell_orientation = self.shellStressOrientation(orientation_value)

reader.CurrentResultSet = stepInfo.Set

ExtAPI.Log.WriteError("No position are available for elemental result.")
elif (stress_style == StressStyle.Bending):
stress_result = reader.GetResult("BENDING_STRESS")
elif (stress_style == StressStyle.Membrane):
stress_result = reader.GetResult("MEMBRANE_STRESS")

for id in collector.Ids:
values = stress_result.GetElementValues(id)

def hasPosition(self, stressStyle):

return (stressStyle == StressStyle.TopAndBottom or stressStyle == StressStyle.Top or stressStyle ==

def stressStyle(self,argument):
switcher = {
return switcher.get(argument, StressStyle.TopAndBottom)

def shellStressOrientation(self,argument):
switcher = {
return switcher.get(argument, "_LONGITUDINAL")

Creating a Custom Result on a Contact

On a contact in the Mechanical tree, you can create an ACT result object to access any of the following
results: Pressure, Penetration, Gap, Frictional Stress, Sliding Distance, Status,
and Fluid Pressure. In the figure, the result Pressure is displayed as a custom result.

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Creating an Extension for a Custom Result on a Contact

The following XML file adds a toolbar with a single button for creating a custom pressure result for
a contact.
<extension version="1" minorversion="" name="ACTResults">

<author>Ansys Inc.</author>
<description>ACT results</description>
<guid shortid="ACTResults">23EBAB2B-732D-49E3-91B6-818F8BECF010</guid>
<script src="main.py" />

<interface context="Mechanical">
<toolbar name="ACTResults" caption="ACTResults">
<entry name="ContactResult" icon="contactActRes">

<simdata context="Mechanical">
<result name="ContactResult" version="1" caption="ContactResult" icon="result"
type="scalar" location="elemnode" IsContactResult="true" class="ActResController">
<property name="Geometry" caption="Geometry" control="scoping"></property>
<property name="Type" caption="Type" control="select" default="Pressure">
<attributes options="Pressure,Penetration,Gap,Frictional Stress,Sliding Distance,Status,Fluid Pressur


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In this file, the element <script> references the IronPython script main.py. The element <in-
terface> defines the toolbar and a button. In the child element <callbacks>, the single callback
<onclick> invokes the function EvaluateContact, which creates and adds the result to the
simulation environment.

The element <simdata> defines the result.

• The attributes in the child element <result> provide the name, version, caption, unit, and icon
that apply to the result. These properties display in the Details view of Mechanical when the result
is selected in the Outline view. The Details view shows each property with the corresponding
names and result values.

• In the child element <callbacks>, the single callback <evaluate> invokes the function
EvaluateContact when Mechanical requests an evaluation. The output of this function is sent
directly to Mechanical, which displays the result.

Defining Functions for a Custom Result on a Contact

The IronPython script main.py follows. This sample code shows how to create the result object,
calculate the result, and set up the result reader. For more information on the result reader, see
Retrieving Mechanical Results More Efficiently (p. 36).
def CreateContactResult(analysis):

def EvaluateContact(result, stepInfo, collector):

result.Controller.EvaluateContact(result, stepInfo, collector)

class ActResController:

def __init__(self, api, result):


def EvaluateContact(self, result, stepInfo, collector):

#get the contact result type
type_value = result.Properties["Type"].Value
[contact_type,contact_comp] = self.contactType(type_value)

reader = result.Analysis.GetResultsData()

#set the result collector with the contact elements

contElemIds = reader.ContactElementIds
lengths = reader.NumberValuesByElement(contElemIds)
collector.SetAllIds(contElemIds, lengths)

reader.CurrentResultSet = stepInfo.Set
contact_result = reader.GetResult(contact_type)

values = contact_result.GetElementValues(contElemIds,False)

def contactType(self,argument):
switcher = {
"Frictional Stress":["CONT","SFRI"],
"Sliding Distance":["CONT","SLID"],
"Fluid Pressure":["CONT","FPRS"],
return switcher.get(argument, ["CONT","PRES"])

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Retrieving Mechanical Results More Efficiently

The following topics provide information about efficiently using mechanical results:
Reading Results in a Result (RST) File
Using the Standalone Result Reader
Managing Degenerate Elements
Retrieving Nodal Results
Retrieving Elemental Results

Reading Results in a Result (RST) File

The reading of multiple results in the same RST file will perform poorly if the script is not written
cleverly. The RST file reader uses buffers to improve its own performance. When using this reader,
you must ensure that your code minimizes unnecessary re-population of these buffers.

The following example demonstrates this problem. In an ACT extension for Mechanical, two results
(“PRIN_S” and “EPPLEQV”) are accessed from the RST file so that a custom acceptance criterion
can be calculated. Initially, the script has only one loop on the elements to read multiple result
values in the RST file and to compute the custom acceptance criterion.
def evaluate_v1(result,stepInfo, collector):
#mesure elapse time

# Reader initialization
reader = getResultsData(ExtAPI, result.Analysis)
reader.CurrentResultSet = stepInfo.Set

# Get the principal stress result from the reader

stress = reader.GetResult("PRIN_S")

# Get element nodal equivalent plastic strain result from the reader
strain = reader.GetResult("EPPLEQV_RST")

# loop on the elements and reading of the results values

# to compute the indicator
for element in collector.Ids:
stress_values = stress.GetElementValues(element)
strain_values = strain.GetElementValues(element)
ind = list(map(lambda x: x[0] + x[1],zip(stress_values,strain_values)))

#mesure elapse time

tot = time.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Evaluate callback Total Time: " + str(tot))

Using a benchmark testing model, it takes 7.93 seconds to execute the evaluate callback.

When the script is rewritten properly, three loops are used:

• One loop reads the values in the RST file for the first result

• One loop reads the values in the RST file for the second result

• One loop computes the custom acceptance criterion

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def evaluate_v2(result,stepInfo, collector):

#mesure elapse time

# Reader initialization
reader = getResultsData(ExtAPI, result.Analysis)
reader.CurrentResultSet = stepInfo.Set

# Get the principal stress result from the reader

stress = reader.GetResult("PRIN_S")

# Get element nodal equivalent plastic strain result from the reader
strain = reader.GetResult("EPPLEQV_RST")

# Get result values for stress for all elements

# the loop on the elements is performed in the method GetElementValues
stress_values = stress.GetElementValues(collector.Ids, False)

# Get result values for strain for all elements

# the loop on the elements is performed in the method GetElementValues
strain_values = strain.GetElementValues(collector.Ids, False)

# compute the criterior

# operation on the results arrays
values = list(map(lambda x: x[0] + x[1], zip(stress_values,strain_values)))

# set the values in the result collector

lengths = reader.NumberValuesByElement(collector.Ids)
collector.SetAllValues(values, lengths)

#mesure elapse time

tot = time.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Evaluate callback Total Time: " + str(tot)

Using the same benchmarks, it now takes only 0.01 seconds to execute the evaluate callback.

At first glance, a single loop to perform the element iteration might seem most efficient. However,
performance metrics show that placing each result’s access call into its own loop delivers the best

To limit the access to the disk and improve performance, the reader reads a group of lines, filling
a buffer in memory, so that the reader can quickly access the next line. In the first script, for each
iteration, the reader must read two different results that are in two different places in the RST file.

It takes time for the reader to access the disk and to move from one location to the other. In addition,
the reader does not read only the requested data. At each iteration, the reader reads a full buffer
of lines and then clears the buffer. It then goes to the new location on the disk and reads again a
full buffer. That is not efficient because the reader must read much more data than is needed.

That is why the second script is much better. In the first loop, the reader reads the first result, with
all values in the buffer. In the second loop, the reader reads the second result, with all values in
the buffer. In the third loop, the reader computes the custom acceptance criterion.

Using the Standalone Result Reader

A beta method exists for more effectively retrieving Mechanical results. This method uses an external
executable in addition to the Mechanical process. By using the postprocessing API via this method,

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you transparently control the instantiation of the results reader and postprocess results without
interfering with Mechanical, especially in the case of analysis over several time steps. This method
improves postprocessing performance by avoiding unnecessary actions that could be automatically
executed in a standard use of Mechanical.


This method is available only with the Windows platform.

To enable or disable the use of this method, you set the variable ExtAPI.UsesStandaloneAct-
ResultReaderImplementation to true or false. This variable is set to false by default. The
sample code that follows shows how to activate and deactivate the external executable:
# Activate postprocessing via external executable
ExtAPI.UsesStandaloneActResultReaderImplementation = True

# Read the Stress from the specified result file

rst = r"C:\\test\\file.rst"
reader = ExtAPI.Tools.GetResultsDataFromFile(rst)
nbSteps = reader.ResultSetCount
rs = reader.GetResult("S")
for i in range(nbSteps):
reader.CurrentResultSet = i+1
s = rs.GetElementValues(elemIds,False)

# Deactivate postprocessing via external executable

ExtAPI.UsesStandaloneActResultReaderImplementation = False

As the result reader is in a separate process, to ensure good performance, it is necessary to use the
two methods that follow to get nodal results (p. 38) and elemental results (p. 39).
def EvaluateContact(self, result, stepInfo, collector):
ExtAPI.ActResultReaderUsingMeshDataFromRst = True
reader = result.Analysis.GetResultsData()
mesh= reader.CreateMeshData()

Managing Degenerate Elements

You use the method Ansys.ACT.Common.Post.CreateMeshData to create a MeshData
object. To manage degenerate elements in the ACT postprocessing, the method CreateMeshData
has to be called to build the needed mesh data structure:
def EvaluateContact(self, result, stepInfo, collector):
ExtAPI.ActResultReaderUsingMeshDataFromRst = True
reader = result.Analysis.GetResultsData()
mesh= reader.CreateMeshData()

Retrieving Nodal Results

To retrieve nodal results efficiently, you must use one call to get the results for a set of nodes. The
method GetNodeValues takes as arguments an array of node indices and returns an array with
the values of each selected component of the required result at each node sequentially.

Declaration syntax:
public double[] GetNodeValues(int[] nodeIds)

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Where nodeIDs is the array of integers containing the list of the node indices for which result
values are required.

Example code:
ExtAPI.ActResultReaderUsingMeshDataFromRst = False
nodeIds = mesh.NodeIds
u = ru.GetNodeValues(nodeIds)
> nodeIds = [ 1, 2, …]
> u = [ U1X, U1Y, U1Z, U2X, U2Y, U2Z, …]

Retrieving Elemental Results

To retrieve element results efficiently, you must use one call to get the results for a set of elements.
The method GetElementValues takes as arguments an array of element indices and returns an
array with the values of each selected component of the required result for each element sequentially.

Declaration syntax:
public double[] GetElementValues(int[] elementIds, boolean computeMidSideNodes)


• elementIds is the array of integers containing the list of element indices for which result values
are required.

• computeMidSideNodes indicates if the method is to return only values at corner nodes or values
at both corner nodes and midside nodes. When set to False, only values at corner nodes are re-
turned. When set to True, values at both corner nodes and midside nodes are returned.

Example code:
elemIds = mesh.ElementIds
s = re.GetElementValues(elemIds,False)
>elemIds = [1, 2, …]
>s = [ S11X, S11Y, S12X, S12Y, S13X, S13Y, S21X, S21Y, …]

In this example, each element has three nodes. The stress values are located at the nodes of the
elements. Thus, SijX is the value of component X for the stress result at node j of element i.


In the case of a 2D geometry, the result array returned by the method GetNodeValues
or GetElementValues stays dimensioned as for a 3D geometry. However, the values
for the third dimension are dummy values.

For a shell element, the method GetElementValues returns the values for the three positions
in this order:

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• Bottom

• Top

• Middle

Example code follows:

elemIds = mesh.ElementIds
s = re.GetElementValues(elemIds,False)
>elemIds = [1, 2, …]
>s = [ S11X_bottom, S12X_bottom, S13X_bottom,
S11X_top, S12X_top, S13X_top,
S11X_middle, S12X_middle, S13X_middle,
S21X_bottom, S22X_bottom, S23X_bottom, …]

Third-Party Solver Connections in Mechanical

The supplied extension ExtSolver1 shows how to add a connection to a third-party solver, which
allows an external solver to be started from the Mechanical system rather than the ANSYS solver. This
example demonstrates the ability to connect to a very simple solver that distributes the values assigned
at boundaries inside the structure:
Creating the Extension for Connecting to a Third-Party Solver
Defining Functions for Connecting to a Third-Party Solver
Creating a Result Reader to Expose Results
Loading and Saving Third-Party Solver Data
Creating a Custom Solver that Can Bypass the Function Evaluation of Properties on Native Objects


Although the supplied extension DemonstratationSolver is not described, it also shows

how to add a connection to a third-part solver. This newer example is perhaps more reliable.

Creating the Extension for Connecting to a Third-Party Solver

The file ExtSolver1.xml follows.
<extension version="1" name="ExtSolver1">

<script src="[ext.Folder]\main.py" />

<interface context="Mechanical">



<toolbar name="ExtSolver1" caption="ExtSolver1">

<entry name="Values Load" icon="tload">

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Third-Party Solver Connections in Mechanical



<simdata context="Project|Mechanical">

<solver name="Solver1" version="1" caption="Solver1" icon="result" analysis="Static" physics="Structural">


<property name="MaxIter" caption="Max. Iterations" control="integer" default="10" />



<simdata context="Mechanical">

<load name="Values" version="1" caption="Values" icon="tload" issupport="false" isload="true" color="#0000FF


<property name="Geometry" control="scoping" />

<property name="Expression" caption="Expression" control="text" />




In this file, the element <simdata> has child elements that define the solver. The attribute context
is Project|Mechanical. When Project is specified, the solver appears as a system in the
Mechanical Toolbox.

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Custom solver-based systems support general data transfer to their Model, Setup, and
Solution tasks. For an explanation of general data transfer, see Defining Task-Level Data
Transfer in the ACT Customization Guide for Mechanical.

The child element <solver> has some mandatory attributes:

• name: Internal name of the solver

• version: Version of the solver

• caption: Display name of the solver

• analysis: Analysis type addressed by the solver. For compatibility reasons, this attribute must be set
to Static, but this does not prevent you from integrating any type of third-party solver.

• physics: Physics type addressed by the solver. This attribute must be set to Structural, even though
it has no real impact on what the solver computes.

You must define the callback <onsolve>. This callback is invoked when the product starts the
solver, thereby taking the object solver as an argument.

You can define a set of properties, which appear in the Details view of the analysis. In this example,
the property MaxIter is created. It is an integer value for defining the maximum number of iterations
that the solver is to perform. The default value is set to 10.

As shown in the earlier figure, a new system for the third-party solver ExtSolver1 is added to the
Toolbox. Each third-party solver is added into a new category, identified by the caption of the exten-
sion. The system is named by the caption of the solver.

The system related to the third-party solver is equivalent to one standard system that can be created
with the ANSYS solver. The components that build this new system remain the same. You can add
the new system related to the solver to the Project Schematic just as you do for any other system.

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Third-Party Solver Connections in Mechanical

Defining Functions for Connecting to a Third-Party Solver

The script main.py follows.
import os
import solver

def CreateValuesLoad(analysis):

initValues = {}
sol = None
solbystep = SerializableDictionary[int,dict]()
values = {}
steps = []
res = [0.]
dScal = [0.]
dVec = [0., 0., 0.]

def WriteInitialValues(load,filename):
global initValues
propEx = load.Properties["Expression"]
exp = propEx.Value
if exp=="":
return None
vexp = compile(exp,'','eval')
values = []
propGeo = load.Properties["Geometry"]
refIds = propGeo.Value.Ids
mesh = load.Analysis.MeshData
for refId in refIds:
meshRegion = mesh.MeshRegionById(refId)
nodeIds = meshRegion.NodeIds
for nodeId in nodeIds:
node = mesh.NodeById(nodeId)
x = node.X
y = node.Y
z = node.Z
v = 0.
v = eval(vexp)
v = float(v)

def NodeValues(load,nodeIds):
propEx = load.Properties["Expression"]
exp = propEx.Value
if exp=="":
return None
vexp = compile(exp,'','eval')
return None
values = []
mesh = load.Analysis.MeshData
for id in nodeIds:
node = mesh.NodeById(id)
x = node.X
y = node.Y
z = node.Z
v = 0.
v = eval(vexp)
v = float(v)
return values

def Solve(s):
global steps

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global initValues
global sol
global solbystep
global values

solbystep = SerializableDictionary[int,dict]()
solbystepTmp = {}

f = open("solve.out","w")
f.write("SolverEngine version 1.0\n\n\n")

maxIter = int(s.Properties["MaxIter"].Value)
f.write("Max. iteration : %d\n" % (maxIter))

mesh = s.Analysis.MeshData

numEdges = 0
geo = ExtAPI.DataModel.GeoData
nodeIds = []
for asm in geo.Assemblies:
for part in asm.Parts:
for body in part.Bodies:
for edge in body.Edges:
numEdges = numEdges + 1
ids = mesh.MeshRegionById(edge.Id).NodeIds
steps = []
stepsTmp = []
f.write("Num. edges : %d\n" % (numEdges))
sol = solver.SolverEngine(mesh,initValues,nodeIds)
initValues = sol.Run(maxIter,f,stepsTmp,solbystepTmp)
nodeIds = mesh.NodeIds
sol = solver.SolverEngine(mesh,initValues,nodeIds)
values = sol.Run(maxIter,f,steps,solbystep)

initValues = {}

except StandardError, e:
return False


return True

def GetSteps(solver):
global steps
return steps

def Save(folder):
global solbystep
fm = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter()
stream = System.IO.StreamWriter(os.path.join(folder,"sol.res"),False)

def Load(folder):
global solbystep
if folder==None:
fm = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter()
stream = System.IO.StreamReader(os.path.join(folder,"sol.res"))

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Third-Party Solver Connections in Mechanical

solbystep = fm.Deserialize(stream.BaseStream)

class ExtSolver1Reader(ResultReaderBase):
def __init__(self,infos):
self.infos = infos
self.step = 1

def get_CurrentStep(self):
return self.step

def set_CurrentStep(self,step):
self.step = step

def StepValues(self):
global steps
return steps

def ResultNames(self):
return ["U","VALUES"]

def GetResultLocation(self,resultName):
return "node"

def GetResultType(self,resultName):
if resultName=="U":
return "vector"
return "scalar"

def ComponentNames(self,resultName):
if resultName=="U":
return ["X","Y","Z"]
return ["VALUES"]

def ComponentUnit(self,resultName,componentName):
if resultName=="U":
return "Length"
return "Temperature"

def GetValues(self,resultName,entityId):
global values
global solbystep
global dVec
global dScal
if resultName=="U":
values = solbystep[self.step]
dVec[0] = 0.
dVec[1] = 0.
dVec[2] = 0.
dVec[0] = values[entityId]
return dVec
values = solbystep[self.step]
dScal[0] = values[entityId]
return dScal
return None

def GetReader(solver):
return ["ExtSolver1Reader"]

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Mechanical Feature Creation

The second line of the script main.py is import solver. The solver code is located in a separate
script, solver.py, which is placed in the same folder as main.py. This technique of importing
another script supports reuse and maintainability. The script in solver.py defines the class Solv-

The function Solve is associated with the callback <onsolve>. This function creates a file
solve.out, which is read interactively by the product and stored in the solution information.

By default, the product starts the resolution directly in the working directory, so it is not necessary
to set the folder in which the file solve.out must be created.

The callback function must return True or False to specify if the solve has succeeded or failed.

Currently, it is not possible to return progress information.

Creating a Result Reader to Expose Results

To create a result reader to expose results, you can create a class that implements the interface
ICustomResultReader. The following methods need to be implemented. For each method, the
expected results that must be returned are described.

This method must return the current step number.

This method is called each time the current step number is changed.

This method must return a lost of double values that represents the time steps or frequencies.

This method must return a list of strings that represents the result names available for the reader.

This method must return the location type of the result identified by the name resultName. The possible
values are node, element, and elemnode.

This method must return the type of the result identified by the name resultName. The possible values
are scalar, vector, and tensor.

This method must return a list of strings that represents the list of available components available for
the result identified by the name resultName.

This method must return the unit name related to the result's component identified by the result name
resultName and the component name componentName.

This method must return a list of double values for each component associated with the result identified
by the name resultName.

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Third-Party Solver Connections in Mechanical

To specify a dedicated reader, add the callback <getreader> in the solver definition. This callback
returns a list of strings, where the first is the name of the reader class and the remainder represents
parameters given to the constructor of the class when the reader is instanced by ACT. Any result ex-
posed in the method ResultNames() is available in the Results worksheet in Mechanical.

If the name of the result matches a standard result name (like U), Workbench applies the same
treatment for this result as it does for a standard one. So, if the result is named U, Workbench uses
this result to draw the deformed model.

In the extension Extsolver1, the reader declares one single scalar nodal result VALUES. No deform-
ation is considered.

Enabling and Disabling the Reading of Meshing Data Inside the RST File
The following field enables and disables the reading of the meshing data inside the RST file:

Ansys.ACT.Mechanical.ActResultReaderUsingMeshDataFromRst = True / False

For some results, meshing data contained inside the RST file is needed for postprocessing. This is the
case when the results refer to the entity generated during the solve, such as for contact results.

If the solve is done by a third-party solver rather than the standard ANSYS Mechanical solver, the RST
file will not contain meshing data. In this case, the variable ActResultReaderUsingMeshData-
FromRst must be set to false:
def EvaluateResult(self, result, stepInfo, collector):
ExtAPI.ActResultReaderUsingMeshDataFromRst = False;
reader = result.Analysis.GetResultsData()

Loading and Saving Third-Party Solver Data

You can use the callbacks <onload> and <onsave> in the element <interface> to load and
save data associated with the third-party solver. As previously discussed, the extension Extsolver1
uses these callbacks to save and load the computed results. This means that the results are still
available if the system Solver1 is closed and reopened.

The callbacks <onload> and <onsave> take in argument the name of the working directory.

The following figure shows the analysis settings object associated with the external solver.

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Mechanical Feature Creation

The next figure shows the boundary condition object associated with the external solver.

During the resolution, solution information is interactively displayed. Two types of output are derived
from the resolution. The following figure shows the solution information associated with the external

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Third-Party Solver Connections in Mechanical

The next figure shows the postprocessing associated with the external solver.

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Mechanical Feature Creation

Creating a Custom Solver that Can Bypass the Function Evaluation of Prop-
erties on Native Objects
An attribute on the solver tag allows you to define solvers that can bypass the function evaluation
of properties on native objects. To define such a solver, you set the attribute evaluateFunction-
Loads to false:
<solver name="solverBypass" version="1" caption="Solver ByPass" icon="result" analysis="Static" physics="Structu

When the attribute evaluateFunctionLoads is set to false, no tabular data or graph is shown.
Thus, whatever the string content, the function expression will always be valid.

If this attribute is not set, it defaults to true.


In Template13-SolverBypass, you can see an example where this attribute is

implemented. To download all Mechanical templates, on the App Developer Resources
page, click the ACT Templates tab and then click ACT Templates for Mechanical.

Additional Methods and Callbacks

The following topics describe additional methods and callbacks of particular interest for Mechanical
Creating Results with Imaginary Parts
Responding to a Change to the Active Unit System

Creating Results with Imaginary Parts

Creating results for analyses that have complex results requires managing both real and imaginary
values. You use the method SetValues() to set values to the real part of the result. You use the
method SetImaginaryValues() to set values to the imaginary part of the result.

IronPython code follows for the creation of a complex result:

def Evaluate(result,stepInfo,collector):

for id in collectors.Ids:
real_value = 1.
# Set the real part of the result
collector.SetValues(id, real_value)

imaginary_value = 2.
# Set the imaginary part of the result
collector.SetImaginaryValues(id, imaginary_value)

Responding to a Change to the Active Unit System

When the active units system is changed in Mechanical, values in the extension might need to be
converted accordingly. You can register a callback function that is invoked when such a change is

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50 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Additional Methods and Callbacks

made. In the following XML file for the theoretical extension UnitsChanged, the callback
<onunitschanged> invokes the IronPython function unitschanged.
<extension version="1" name="UnitsChanged">
<author>ANSYS, Inc.</author>
<guid shortid="UnitsChanged">D4C1ED2D-5104-4507-B078-5AD95B712DF1</guid>
<script src="rununitschanged.py" />
<interface context="Mechanical">


The code follows for the function unitschanged.

from Ansys.UI.Toolkit import *
import System

def init(context):
ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Init ACT unitschanged example...")
def unitschanged():
ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("***** Units Changed *****")

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52 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Mechanical Wizards
You can use ACT to create target product wizards for Mechanical. The supplied extension WizardDemos
contains a project wizard, multiple target product wizards, and a mixed wizard.

This section describes the target product wizard for Mechanical. Named SimpleAnalysis, this wizard
performs a simple analysis on the bridge built by either the DesignModeler or SpaceClaim wizard
CreateBridge. These wizards are described in the ACT customization guides for DesignModeler and

The following topics describe the wizard SimpleAnalysis:

Mechanical Wizard Definition
Mechanical Wizard Function Definition


You use the Extension Manager to install and load extensions and the Wizards launcher to
start a target product wizard.


Included in the supplied package ACT Wizard Templates is the extension Template-
MechanicalWizard. It contains a target product wizard for Mechanical that creates the
mesh for the geometry, adds boundary conditions, and then solves and displays a result. For
download information, see Extension and Template Examples.

Mechanical Wizard Definition

The file WizardDemo.xml follows.

An excerpt from the file WizardDemos.xml follows. Code is omitted for the element <uidefini-
tion> and all wizards other than the Mechanical wizard SimpleAnalysis.
<extension version="2" minorversion="1" name="WizardDemos">
<guid shortid="WizardDemos">7fdb141e-3383-433a-a5af-32cb19971771</guid>
<author>ANSYS Inc.</author>
<description>Simple extension to test wizards in different contexts.</description>

<script src="main.py" />

<script src="ds.py" />
<script src="dm.py" />
<script src="sc.py" />

<interface context="Project|Mechanical|SpaceClaim">

<interface context="DesignModeler">

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Mechanical Wizards

<toolbar name="Deck" caption="Deck">

<entry name="Deck" icon="deck">
<entry name="Support" icon="Support">



<wizard name="SimpleAnalysis" version="1" context="Mechanical" icon="wizard_icon">

<description>Simple wizard to illustrate how to setup, solve and analyse results of a simulation process.</descr

<step name="Mesh" caption="Mesh" version="1" HelpFile="help/ds1.html">

<description>Setup some mesh controls.</description>


<propertygroup display="caption" name="Sizing" caption="Mesh Sizing" >

<property name="Location" caption="Edge Location" control="geometry_selection">
<attributes selection_filter="edge" />
<property name="Ndiv" caption="Divisions" control="integer" />


<step name="Solution" caption="Solution" version="1" HelpFile="help/ds2.html">

<description>Setup loads.</description>


<propertygroup display="caption" name="Mesh" caption="Mesh Statistics" >

<property name="Nodes" caption="Nodes" control="text" readonly="true" />
<property name="Elements" caption="Elements" control="text" readonly="true" />
<propertygroup display="caption" name="FixedSupport" caption="Fixed Support" >
<property name="Location" caption="Face Location" control="geometry_selection">
<attributes selection_filter="face" />


<step name="Results" caption="Results" version="1" HelpFile="help/ds3.html">

<description>View Results.</description>


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Mechanical Wizard Function Definition

<property name="Res" caption="Deformation" control="text" readonly="true" />





Wizard Interface Definition

The element <interface> defines two user interfaces for the extension WizardDemos. The first element
<interface> is used by the Mechanical wizard SimpleAnalsyis.

Wizard Definition
The element <wizard> named SimpleAnalsyis has the attribute context set to Mechanical to
indicate that this is the product in which the wizard executes.

Step Definition
The element <step> defines a step in the wizard. This extension has three steps: Mesh, Solution, and

• For the step Mesh, the callback <onreset> executes the function RemoveControls to clear existing
mesh controls. The callback <onupdate> executes the function CreateMeshControls to create
new mesh controls.

• For the step Solution:

– The callback <onrefresh> executes the function RefreshLoads to initialize various properties,
including the number of nodes, number of elements computed in the previous step, and so on.

– The callback <onreset> executes the function RemoveLoads to clear loads.

– The callback <onupdate> executes the function CreateLoads to create new loads, create new
results, and perform the solve.

• For the step Results, the callback <onrefresh> executes the function RefreshResults to fill
the property value associated with the result of the computation (Maximum of Total Deformation).

Mechanical Wizard Function Definition

The IronPython script ds.py follows. This script defines all functions executed by the callbacks in the
steps for the Mechanical wizard SimpleAnalsysis.
ef IsLocationValid(step, prop):
if prop.Value==None:
return False
if prop.Value.Ids.Count!=1:
prop.StateMessage = "Select only one edge."
return False
return True

def CreateMeshControls(step):
model = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model
mesh = model.Mesh
sizing = mesh.AddSizing()
sel = step.Properties["Sizing/Location"].Value
entity = ExtAPI.DataModel.GeoData.GeoEntityById(sel.Ids[0])
len = entity.Length

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Mechanical Wizards

ids = []
for part in ExtAPI.DataModel.GeoData.Assemblies[0].Parts:
for body in part.Bodies:
for edge in body.Edges:
if abs(edge.Length-len)/len<1.e-6:
sel = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(SelectionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
sel.Ids = ids
sizing.Location = sel
sizing.Type = SizingType.NumberOfDivisions
sizing.NumberOfDivisions = step.Properties["Sizing/Ndiv"].Value
step.Attributes.SetValue("sizing", sizing)

def RemoveControls(step):
sizing = step.Attributes["sizing"]

def IsLocationFSValid(step, prop):

if prop.Value==None:
return False
if prop.Value.Ids.Count!=1:
prop.StateMessage = "Select only one face."
return False
return True

def RefreshLoads(step):
model = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model
step.Properties["Mesh/Nodes"].Value = model.Mesh.Nodes.ToString()
step.Properties["Mesh/Elements"].Value = model.Mesh.Elements.ToString()
panel = step.UserInterface.GetComponent("Properties")

def CreateLoads(step):
model = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model
analysis = model.Analyses[0]
support = analysis.AddFixedSupport()
sel = step.Properties["FixedSupport/Location"].Value
entity = ExtAPI.DataModel.GeoData.GeoEntityById(sel.Ids[0])
area = entity.Area
ids = []
for part in ExtAPI.DataModel.GeoData.Assemblies[0].Parts:
for body in part.Bodies:
for face in body.Faces:
if abs(face.Area-area)/area<1.e-6:
sel = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(SelectionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
sel.Ids = ids
support.Location = sel
loads = []
step.Attributes.SetValue("loads", loads)

res = analysis.Solution.AddTotalDeformation()
step.Attributes.SetValue("res", res)
ExtAPI.Extension.SetAttributeValueWithSync("result", res.Maximum.ToString())

def RemoveLoads(step):
loads = step.Attributes["loads"]
for load in loads:

def RefreshResults(step):
model = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model
res = step.PreviousStep.Attributes["res"]
step.Properties["Res"].Value = res.Maximum.ToString()
panel = step.UserInterface.GetComponent("Properties")

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Mechanical Wizard Function Definition


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