Fear of G-D
Fear of G-D
Fear of G-D
(listed by the Rambam)/ in the ani maamins? Do we believe in techiyas hameisim? I believe in perfect
faith that G-d sees everything, all my actions, all my thoughts, everything. I believe that G-d is going to
reward me according to my actions, deeds and thoughts. And I believe that G-d is going to punish me
according to my actions, deeds and thoughts. If you really believe in those two then youre never
going to sin. The gemara in Sotah says the only reason a person can sin is because a person becomes
temporarily insane. The mesilas Yesharim and the Ramabam says that this is the basest level of Yiras
Hashem. But Rav Yisroel Salanter says if only we had this fear of G-d, it would good. He himself was
working decades on this. Someone once came to the Kotzker rebbe and ask how do you fear G-d?
Imagine you are walking through a forest, late at night, by yourself, pitch black. You start hearing
growling. By the light of the moon you see a pack of wolves sorrounding you with blood dripping at
their jaws and foam at their mouths. You walk into a dark alley and a guy pulls out a gun and puts it to
your head. Would have trouble feeling fear? Do you know who G-d is? What do you know about him?
Do you know what it takes to face a bet din shel maala? Its a crazy thing. If you have a real fear, its
really scary. If you think back on your life, up until this point, what weve done so far, do you the
The next level is Yiras Hacheit, whats the difference? Rav Chaim Kanievsky discusses this
in his sefer Orchos Yosher. Its different than Yiras Haonesh. Yiras Haonesh, youre afraid to do
something because G-d is going to come and smack you down. Yiras Hacheit, you are afraid to do
something because you know that G-d is watching. By Yiras Haonesh, are there any positive emotions
towards the punisher? No. But by Yiras Hacheit, you fear the sin not the punishment. Why do you fear
the sin? If youve ever been in a serious relationship; be it with a girlfriend, a parent, a person you
really care about. What happens if you know that there is something, that if you do it, you are going to
hurt this relationship so much. You dont know if youll ever be able to talk to the person the same
way. Yiras Hacheit is a person who cares about his relationship with G-d. He recognizes that Hashem is
the source of everything. He fears the sin itself. Do we understand what a sin is? The purpose of this
world, according to the Mesilas Yesharim, is to attach to Hashem. You know what a sin does? When
you sin, you bring a seperation made of iron between you and Hashem. A sin just makes a person feel
so far away. He is being distanced from G-d. The Vilna Gaon, when he was 6-years old, accidently
touched muktza on Shabbat. We know the prohibition is moving muktza. But he touched muktza. He
passed out, he was so afraid. Rav Soloveitchik, walked into a room and accidently knocked the light
with his elbow, and all of sudden he was shaking, he had to sit down. Rav Soloveitchik wasnt afraid
that Hashem was going to punish him, he had a different level of fear. This is something that, even if
you do a sin accidently it can make us distant.
Then there is the highest level of Yira. Rav Wolbe says the recognition that we exist
before our creator. And this recognition is so strong, that we see ourselves almost as negated. Without
this recognition, a person is living for themselves. When we read the 10 commandments we hear lo
Yihyeh lecha elokim acherim, you shall have any other G-ds.This isnt such a big deal. We think
idolatry is so outdated. Franz Rozensweig, one of the biggest philosophers of the early 20th century says
idolatry is very real. Idolatry is when people are worshipping themselves- giving themselves a license
to do anything they want. If a person doesnt live with this recognition, Rav Wolbe says, a person living
for themselves. Rabbeinu Yonah whats the root of yiras Hashem? It is from the same source of loving
fellow man. We think that the more religious a person becomes, the meaner the person becomes- the
fewer people he speaks to . Hakaras Hazolat- recognizing that there is a world beyond you. You have to
care about others than yourself. If you dont care about other people who you can see, how will you
have an appreciation for G-d- that you cant see? Every talmid chacham, you grow in your relationship
with G-d, you grow in your relationship with fellow man. Rav Soloveitchik says Yiras Hashem is
Reiyas Hashem (seeing G-d). A person sees G-d in everything. So whats the anti-thesis of Yiras
Hashem? The opposite is kicking (be-eit-tah). To kick. A person without Yiras Hashem, kicks away his
rebbe, his parents and ultimately G-d. It basically means, no one can tell me what to do. A person who
has this trait, is in trouble, his whole life will be a chillul Hashem.
The Vilna Gaon once had a talmid who went off the derech. The Vilna Gaon told him I
know what you think that when you go to heaven, youre just going to have to explain to G-d why you
werent religious, and youll be punished for one thing- you werent religious. Make no mistake, youre
going to give a din va cheshbon for every time you put something into your mouth and you didnt say
a beracha. On every thin you do. The guy got so scared, he became frum. Theres a book called Reishit
Chochma, it describes in detail what happens in gehennom. The Vilna Gaon was once reading from it
and someone in the audience had a heart attack . So when the Vilna Gaon went to go see him and wish
him a refuah sheleima, the guy asked by the way, none of that stuff is literal right? The Vilna Gaon
said, oh well talk about that later, when youre feeling ok.
We have to recognize that this world has a purpose . Recognize that each and every one
of us here, has a purpose in Hashems plan and we are not living for ourselves. The way to really reach
this, the Rambam says, appreciate G-ds greatness through nature. Also, im ein chochma, ein yiraa.
You have to learn, if youre not wise, recognizing the greatness of the soul and lowness of materialistic
things. What does that mean? That this is not with me for a long time. Recognize, how long is this
yetzer hara going to be burning inside of me for her. How long? A year, two years? Even 40 years! But
then its gone. But there is something that lasts on forever. Just think, open your eyes, acquire wisdom,
understand how this world works, look at the natural life cycle of a human being. How many years of
tests are we even talking about? Do you know what eternity is? Rav Dessler says picture a beach, the
longest beach in the world. Picture how much sand is on that beach. Now every 1000 years, a sea gull
comes, take 1 grain of sand, goes and drops it in the water and comes back 1000 years later and does it
again. How long will it take for all the sand to be gone? A trillion years? That amount of time is nothing
compared to eternity! So figure it in, how much longer will have these desires vs. eternity. Just
honestly open up your eyes to reality, to this world. Your going to have to start seeing it. Understand
that a person who can see realistically what this world is about, thats a person whos going to come to
Yiras Hashem. The Mesilas Yesharim says the most important thing in life is to think, clarify, and make
true for himself, what is your obligation in this world. Think for 5 minutes a day and ask yourself:
When you are 119 years old, looking back at your life, what is really a successful life? Is it really
having a house as big as a hotel? Or a garage with an elevator in it and cars that together cost about 5
million dollars? Is that what its about? Would anyone here say that thats what lifes about. I dont think
anyone in their right mind would say that. But why do so many people spend their lived chasing that?
Because people are not clarified. People are not thinking , sitting down every night and thinking.
Theres a book called The Closing of the American Mind by Professor Bloom from Yale, he basically
says that Americans have lost the ability to think. He says an American cant sit in one place by himself
and think about one topic for 3-5 minutes. Focus yourself. Every night, do this from now till the end of
your life. What am I living for? We have to ultimately focus on this. We have to have a passion, be
focused, and understand why were living. Its all up to you. You are going to decide how you will be
your entire life.