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jljl zyxt
Parashat Lech-Lecha
Reading For Shabbat - Triennial Year III
Bereishit (Genesis) 16:1-17:27

1st Aliyah - Avraham (Chesed)

zixv n dgt W
y Ddle Fel dcl i `l mxa ` zW
y ` ixU
y e 1 16
r `p dPpd mxa `l
` ixU
y xn`
ze 2 :xb d DdnW
y Ee
nn dpAa ` ilEe` iz g t W
y l` `p `Aa zc Nl n dFedi
mxa ` zW
y` | ixU
y gTw Y
z e 3 :ixU
y lFew l mxa ` rnW
y Ii e
yl mip W
y xU
y r uTw n Ddz g t W
y zix v O
n d xbdz
y ` l Fel DdW
yi` mxa ` l Ddz` oY
z e orpMk ux
`Aa mxa `
zx a Bb lwY
z e dz xd iMk `xY
z e xd
ze xbdl
` `aIi e 4
ik p` Lj il r iqn
g m xa `l
` ixU
y xn`
ze 5 :di
p irAa
p irAa lw` e dz xd iMk `xY
z e Ljw ig Aa iz g t W
y iY
z zp
dPpd ixU
y l` mxa ` xn`
Iie 6 :Ljip iaEe ipiAa dFedi hRtW
y i
y d
Ppr Y
z e Kjip irAa aFeH
h d DdliU
y r Kjc
iAa Kjz g t W
p Rt n gxa Y
z e
1. Now Sarai Abrams wife bore him no children; and she had a maid servant, an
Egyptian, whose name was Hagar. 2. And Sarai said to Abram, Behold now, Hashem has
prevented me from bearing; I beg you, go in to my maid; it may be that I may obtain
children by her. And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. 3. And Sarai Abrams wife took
Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Canaan, and
gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife. 4. And he went in to Hagar, and she
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conceived; and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her
eyes. 5. And Sarai said to Abram, My wrong be upon you; I have given my maid to your
bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes; Hashem
judge between me and you. 6. But Abram said to Sarai, Behold, your maid is in your
hand; do to her as it pleases you. And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she fled from her

2nd Aliyah - Yitzchak (Gevurah)

r xAac O
n Aa miO
nd oirlr dFedi Kj`l n Dd` v n Iie
z`a dGfni
` ixU
y zgt W
y xb d xn`
Iie 8 :xEeW
y Kjx
:zg xAa ikp` iY
z x a Bb ixU
y ip Rt n xn`
ze ik
lz dp`e
z iPpr z d e KjY
zx a Bb l` iaE
y dedi Kj`l n Ddl xn`
Iie 9
q :di
7. And the angel of Hashem found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the
fountain in the way to Shur. 8. And he said, Hagar, Sarais maid, where did you come
from? and where will you go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai. 9.
And the angel of Hashem said to her, Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under
her hands.

3rd Aliyah - Ya-akov (Tiferet)

`le Kjrx fz` dAax ` dAax d dedi Kj`l n Ddl xn`

Iie 10
oAa Y
z c lie dxd KjPpd dedi Kj`l n Ddl xn`
Iie 11 :ax n xtQq i
`Eed e 12 :Kji p r l` dFedi rnW
y iMk l`r n W
y i FenW
y z`xw e
eig` lk ipRt lre FeAa lMk cie lMka Fec
i mc` `x
Rt di d i
iMk i`x l` dY
z` di
l ` xaCcd dFedi mW
y `xw Y
z e 13 :oMkW
y i
x` Aa l `xw oMk lr14 :i` x ixg` izi
`x mld mbd dxn `
xbd clY
ze 15 :cxAa oiaEe W
yc w oia dPpd i`x igl x`Aa
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xbd dcl ixW

y ` Fep Aa mW
y mxa ` `xw Iie oAa mxa ` l
y W
ye dpW
y mipnW
y oAa mxa ` e 16 :l`r n W
y i
q :mxa ` l l`rn W
y i z` xbdz
c l Aa
10. And the angel of Hashem said to her, I will multiply your seed exceedingly, that it
shall not be counted for multitude. 11. And the angel of Hashem said to her, Behold, you
are with child, and shall bear a son, and shall call his name Ishmael; because Hashem has
heard your affliction. 12. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man,
and every mans hand against him; and he shall live in the presence of all his brothers.
13. And she called the name of Hashem who spoke to her, You, Elohim see me; for she
said, Have I also here looked after him who sees me? 14. Therefore the well was called
Beerlahairoi; behold, it is between Kadesh and Bered. 15. And Hagar bore Abram a son;
and Abram called his sons name, whom Hagar bore, Ishmael. 16. And Abram was eighty
six years old, when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram.

4th Aliyah - Moshe (Netzach)

dedi `x
Iie mipW
y rW
y ze dpW
y mirW
y Y
z oAa mxa ` idi e 1 17
e ipt l KjNld z d iCc W
y l`ip` eil` xn`
Iie mxa `l
c`n Aa Lj zF
e` dAax ` e LjpiaEe ipiAa izix a dpY
z ` e 2 :min z
:xn`l midl` FeY
z ` xAac i e eip Rt lr mxa ` lRtIi e 3 :c`n
:mi FeBb oFen d a`l zi
i d e KjY
z` izix a dPpd ip ` 4
iMk md xa ` Ljn W
y did e mxa ` Lj n W
y z` cFer `xTw i `l e 5
c`n c`n Aa Ljz
` izxt d e 6 :LjiY
z z
p miFeBb oFen d a`
q q :Ee`v i Lj O
n n miklnE
e miFebl LjiY
1. And when Abram was ninety nine years old, Hashem appeared to Abram, and said to
him, I am the Almighty Elohim; walk before me, and be perfect. 2. And I will make my
covenant between me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly. 3. And Abram fell on
his face; and Elohim talked with him, saying, 4. As for me, behold, my covenant is with
you, and you shall be a father of many nations. 5. Neither shall your name any more be
called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made
you. 6. And I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings
shall come out of you.
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5th Aliyah - Aharon (Hod)

jLixg` Lj r x f oia Ee Ljp iaEe ipiAa izi

x Aa z` iz nw
Ljr x fl Ee midl`
l Ljl zFei d l mlFer zix a l mzxc l
` Ljixb n ux
` | z` Ljix
g` Ljr x flE
e Ljl iY
zz p e 8 :Ljix
l mdl izi
id e mlFer zGfg
`l orp Mk ux
y z izix Aa z` dY
z` e md xa `l
` midl
` xn`
Iie 9
Eex n W
y Y
z xW
y` izi
x Aa z`f 10 :mz xc l Ljixg` Lj r x fe dY
flMk mkl lFeO
n d Ljixg` Lj r x f oiaEe mk ipiaEe ip iAa
ipiAa zix Aa zFe` l did e mkz
lx r xU
yAa z` mY
z l n
xkflMk mkl lFeO
n i min
i zpnW
y oaEe12 :mk ipia Ee
`l xW
y` xk
poAa lMkn sq Mk zpw nE
e zi Aa cili mkiz
x cl
LjRtq Mk zpw nE
e Lj zi
Aa cili lFeO
n i | lFeO
n d
13 :`Eed Lj r x Gfn
f | lxre 14 :ml Fer zixa l mkx U
y a Aa izix a dzi d e
`edd W
ytPpd dzx k pe Fez
lx r xU
yAa z` lFeO
ni `l xW
` xn`
Iie 15
:xt d izix Aa z` di
nr n
iMk ixU
y DdnW
y z` `xw z`
l Lj Y
z W
y ` ixU
y md xa `l
oAa Lj l dPpO
nn iY
z zp mb e Ddz
` iY
zk xa Ee16 :Ddn W
y dxU
lRtIi e 17 :Ee id i dPpO
nn miO
nr ikl n mi Febl dzi d e diY
z k xa Ee
dp W
y d` n oaNl d FeAa l Aa xn`
Iie wgv Iie eipRt lr mdxa `
:cl Y
z dpW
y mirW
y Y
z za d dxU
y m` e cl Eei
7. And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your seed after you in their
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generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a Elohim to you, and to your seed after
you. 8. And I will give to you, and to your seed after you, the land where you are a
stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their Elohim.
9. And Elohim said to Abraham, You shall keep my covenant therefore, you, and your
seed after you in their generations. 10. This is my covenant, which you shall keep,
between me and you and your seed after you; Every male child among you shall be
circumcised. 11. And you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a sign
of the covenant between me and you. 12. And he who is eight days old shall be
circumcised among you, every male child in your generations, he who is born in the
house, or bought with money from any stranger, who is not of your seed. 13. He who is
born in your house, and he who is bought with your money, must be circumcised; and my
covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. 14. And the uncircumcised
male child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his
people; he has broken my covenant. 15. And Elohim said to Abraham, As for Sarai your
wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. 16. And I will bless
her, and give you a son also of her; and I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of
nations; kings of people shall be of her. 17. Then Abraham fell upon his face, and
laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born to him who is a hundred years old?
and shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear?

6th Aliyah - Yoseif (Yesod)

:Ljip t l dig i l`rn W

y i Eel midl`dl
` mdxa ` xn`
Iie 18
xw e oAa Ljl zcli Lj Y
z W
y ` dxU
y la ` midl
` xn`
Iie 19
mlFer zixa l FeY
z ` izix Aa z` iz nw
de wgv
i Fen W
y z`
Fez ` iY
z k
xAa | dPpd Lj iY
z r n W
y l`
rn W
y i l Ee 20 :eix
g` Fer x fl
yr mipW
y c`n c`n Aa Fez ` iziAax d e Fez
` izixt d e
miw` izix Aa z` e 21 :lFec Bb iFeb l eiY
pEe cilF
ei m`i
y p
y Aa dGfd crFeO
nl dxU
y Lj l cl Y
z xW
y ` wgv
:md xa ` lrn midl
` lrIie FeY
z ` xAac l lki e 22 :zxg ` d
Fezia icil i lMk z` e Fep Aa l`rn W
y i z` md xa ` gTw Ii e 23
Ii e mdxa ` ziAa iW
yp ` Aa xk
flMk FeRt q Mk zpw nl
Mk z` e
z ` xAaCc xW
y` Mk dGfd mFeIid mv r Aa mz
lx r xU
yAa z`
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q :midl
18. And Abraham said to Elohim, O that Ishmael might live in your presence! 19. And
Elohim said, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son indeed; and you shall call his name
Isaac; and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his
seed after him. 20. And as for Ishmael, I have heard you; Behold, I have blessed him,
and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he
father, and I will make him a great nation. 21. But my covenant will I establish with
Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you at this set time in the next year. 22. And he left off
talking with him, and Elohim went up from Abraham. 23. And Abraham took Ishmael his
son, and all who were born in his house, and all who were bought with his money, every
male among the men of Abrahams house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in
the same day, as Elohim had said to him.

7th Aliyah - David (Malchut)

yAa Fel O
nd Aa dpW
y rW
y ze mirW
y Y
z oAa md xa ` e 24
Fel O
nd Aa dpW
y dxU
y r W
y oAa Fep Aa l`rn W
y i e 25 :Fez
lx r
mdxa ` lFeO
n p dGfd mFeIid mv r Aa 26 :Fez
lx r xU
yAa z`
zi Aa cili Fezia iW
yp `l
k e 27 :Fep Aa l`rn W
y i e
z ` EelO
np xkpoAa z`n sqMkzpw nE
24. And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of
his foreskin. 25. And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in
the flesh of his foreskin. 26. In the same day was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael his
son. 27. And all the men of his house, born in the house, and bought with money from
the stranger, were circumcised with him.


yAa Fel O
nd Aa dpW
y rW
y ze mirW
y Y
z oAa md xa ` e 24
Fel O
nd Aa dpW
y dxU
y r W
y oAa Fep Aa l`rn W
y i e 25 :Fez
lx r
mdxa ` lFeO
n p dGfd mFeIid mv r Aa 26 :Fez
lx r xU
yAa z`
zi Aa cili Fezia iW
yp `l
k e 27 :Fep Aa l`rn W
y i e
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z ` EelO
np xkpoAa z`n sqMkzpw nE
24. And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of
his foreskin. 25. And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in
the flesh of his foreskin. 26. In the same day was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael his
son. 27. And all the men of his house, born in the house, and bought with money from
the stranger, were circumcised with him.

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