The Stages of Temptation
The Stages of Temptation
The Stages of Temptation
The Stages of Temptation Lindsay, May 22, 2011 Genesis 3:1-7 Pr. Ruben Dario Sanchez
The literal Genesis record of supernatural creation is The foundation of the true gospel The true doctrine of Christ True evangelism Gnuine saving faith And of all the key aspects of biblical Christianity. All truthin every area of lifefinds its beginning in the Genesis record of creation. That's why God placed it first in the Bible. The Bible makes no sense unless we understand the first few chapters of Genesis. These chapters answer a very crucial question: Where did we come from? How did we set from where we started to where we are today?
The way that question is worded suggests that somewhere along the way, a massive change has occurred in the universe. Genesis 1 tells us that when God finished with creation, he declared it "very good." On that day there was no crime, no poverty, no sickness, No death. There were no broken homes, no abusive spouses, no drug pushers, no murderers, And no child molesters. What God created was pure, perfect, And pristine in its beauty. The whole earth was a place of peace and tranquility.
from the hand of God was paradise. Obviously something has gone wrong with that same world, because all those things that were no there then are found in abundance today. Now the roses have thorns And humans have made bombs powerful enough to kill 10 or 20 million people at-a time. What happened to the paradise God created? The Bible answers that question with the little word sin and nothing has been right or worked ever since. The Bibles does not tell us everything we might like to know about sin. The serpent suddenly shows up in Genesis 3 with no introduction at all. He's simply there, in the Garden, going about his diabolical work.
As we approach our text it's useful to keep 2 things in mind. First, this is history, not myth or legend or saga or poetry. There really was a serpent that really could talk. 2. There really was a woman named Eve who really ate the fruit And gave some to Adam who also ate. And that is the true account of the first temptation and the first human sin. Second, this story also teaches us an important truth about how the devil tempts us today. Though these events took place thousands of years ago, they have an amazing relevance to the 21stcentury. We ought to study this story of the first temptation in the same way that an army general studies his enemy.
Where does he like to attack? How? When? How often? And under what conditions ? If we go into battle armed with that information our chances of victory are much stronger. Reading Genesis 3 is like reading the devil's playbook. With that in mind let's look carefully at the story of the first temptation <and lets watch> as the various stages unfold before us, one by one. STAGE 1: THE APPROACH IS SUBTLE & UNEXPECTED. "Now the serpent was craftier than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made" Genesis 3:1a. It's clear from what follows that Eve has no idea what is about to happen. Why should she? It's not as if she got up that day and thought to herself, "I'd better have my Quiet Time today because a talking
serpent is going to tempt me to sin and if I give in I'll bring heartache, misery, sadness, despair, loneliness, trouble, murder, hatred, and every form of evil to billions of people for thousands of years to come." No, it wasn't like that at all. She wasn't expecting to encounter a talking serpent or to be tempted to commit the first sin. She wasn't looking for the serpent but the serpent was definitely looking for her. ______________________________ In my mind's eye I picture her Walking along the banks of the river that ran through the Garden of Eden. It's a sunny day And she enjoys the breeze blowing through her hair and the soft feel of fresh grass beneath her feet. The flowers are in full bloom
the trees of the forest. It is the sort of day that we all dream about, a perfect day in paradise. Then she spots the serpent. She doesnt recoil in fear. Why should she?... What is there to fear in paradise? The creature before her is beautiful. EGW says a lot about When he speaks, His voice is captivating. Temptation generally comes when we least expect it.__________________ The fact that the serpent shows up in paradise leads me to this suggestion: When everything is going well in our life, Beware! We are a prime candidate for satanic attack. Our instincts tell us that temptation tends to come when we are down . . . but we are just as likely to be tempted when our bills are paid,
our job is going well, the boss likes us our spouse loves us, our children are reasonably well behaved the folks at church are glad to see us And the doctor says we are in perfect health. Let's Be warned. When everything is going wellLETS buckle up! We are likely to be attacked Because our guard is downand we are prime candidates for the "fiery darts" of the devil. STAGE 2: THE STRATEGY INVOLVES CONVERSATION & CONTROVERSY. "He said to the woman, 'did God really say, "You must not eat from any tree in the garden?'" The woman said to the serpent, 'We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, " You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the
garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die Genesis 3:lb-3. The serpent's first move is brilliant. In essence, he challenges Eve to a game of Bible Trivia. What happens next is a 3-part conversation in which The serpent speaks, Eve responds And the serpent speaks again. The whole exchange could have been over in less than a minute. The serpent's Bible Trivia question is this: "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden?'" That's a clever question. After all, Eve was not present when God spoke to Adam. She had to rely on her husband's explanation. The question boils down to this: How well does Eve know the Word of God?
well enough. Because she has a general idea of what God said but is hazy on the details, The serpent will press on her lack of specific knowledge. In her response Eve makes 3 mistakes. First she downplays the permission. God had said they could eat from any tree of the garden Genesis 2:16. Eve lessens the impact of God's permission from "any tree" to uthe trees," A subtle but important shift in emphasis. Second, she added to the prohibition. God had forbidden them to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil But Eve added the phrase, "you must not touch it."
Finally she downplayed the judgment for disobedience. God had said, "You will surely die," While Eve says, "You will die." Again, this is a subtle difference. There is here a great point that must not be missed. If we are going to talk to the devil, let's be sure we quote God's Word accurately. When we are tempted, we must know and stand upon what God has actually said. When we are tempted, we must know and stand upon what God has actually said So why did Eve net in trouble? First, she didn't know the truth of the Word of God. Second, she shouldn't have been discussing God's Word with the serpent in the first place.
Third, she should have asked Adam to help her in this situation instead of going it alone. Those who think they are an equal match for the devil will soon find out they were sadly mistaken. When we are tempted, we must not stop to talk it over. We must run for our life! Leave our jacket like Joseph And run for safety. Lets don't negotiate with the devil. And don't talk it over with his representatives. And remember that his representative could be o Your best friend, o Or a family member o A co-worker o Or someone else you know very well, o The devil sometimes uses those we love in order to lead us astray.
Our best defense against temptation will always be an accurate knowledge of the Word. Lets know it! Lets read it! Let's memorize it! Let's quote it when the devil knocks at our door. STAGE 3: THE CONVERSATION LEADS TO DOUBT & DESIRE.
"'You will not surely die,' the serpent said to the woman. 'For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.' When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it" Genesis 3:4-6a
At this point the serpent openly denies what God has said. The serpent took the very phrase God used and put the word "not" in front of it. Which means by the way, that in this instance the devil knew the Word of God better than Eve did.
He's not only smarter than us He knows God's Word through and through. He just doesn't believe it. The first doctrine that is denied by the devil is the doctrine of the mortality of the soul and the judgment of God God said, "You will certainly die." Satan said, "You will not certainly die." Why did he deny this doctrine and not something like the existence of God or the deity of Christ or Christ's resurrection? The answer is simple: If we are convinced that we can get away with sin, sooner or later we're going to do it. If we think that no one will know no one will notice no one will ever call us to account for our actions
We'll eventually give in. Why not commit adultery or steal if we think we can get away with it? If there are no consequences for sin, there is no reason not to indulge our wild desires. Then the serpent questions God's goodness. He implies that God is holding back something from Eve that would make her happy. "You will be like God." What an incentive that is. Why not? Who would not want to "be like God?" The serpent's words were designed to cause Eve to feel deprived and cheated by God. Now the downward spiral has started. First, Eve listened when she shouldn't have listened. She talked when she shouldn't have talked.
said when she should have ignored it. Now she is about to fall right into his trap. Her response reveals how clever the devil is. He's got her on 3 different levels. 1. The Practical Level. The fruit was good to eat. That's the lust of the flesh. 2. The Emotional Level. It looked beautiful to her. That's the lust of the eyes. 3. The Spiritual Level. It would make her wise. That's the pride of life. The Devil has now got her hook, and doesnt even know it Lets remember when we start fondling forbidden fruitwe are already in the pit If we don't want to get trapped,
We must not stop to inspect the fruit. We must not spend time thinking about how nice it would be How good it would feel, Or how much we deserve it. We play this game so many ways. "I know God says adultery is wrong, but I really do love him and God wants me to be happy." "I know God calls me to purity, but I'm single and so lonely." "I know God says stealing is wrong, but everyone else does it. Why can't I?" On and on we go, offering one rationalization after another. Lets Mark it down When we start saying, "I know what God says, but I think he'll make an exception for me," we are on the verge of spiritual disaster. There are several crucial lessons here:
1) When we doubt God's goodness, sin won't seem so sinful. 2) Satan wants us to feel deprived by God! 3) We can always justify disobedience if we try hard enough. Self-pity is a dangerous emotion that leads to many wrong decisions. Many former alcoholics know how dangerous those "pity parties" can be. This is when drinkers drink. This is when smokers smoke. This is when eaters eat. This is when gamblers gamble. This is when cheaters cheat, Liars lie, Angry people lose their temper, And adulterers commit adultery. We will never grow spiritually as long as we listen to the devil's lie that says, "Go ahead. You deserve it. It won't matter. You've been cheated in life and now it's time to live a little."
If we listen to the words of Satan, the downward spiral is almost complete. First, we talk with the devil. Second, we believe the devil. Third, we obey the devil. And Fourth, we are conquered by the devil. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun. What the serpent did to Eve, he still does today. because the strategy still works. STAGE 4: THE RESULT IS COLLABORATION & CATASTROPHE.
"She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves" Genesis 3:6b-7.
The end comes very quickly. Notice the verbs in verse 6: saw... took...gaveate.
Eve has now joined the serpents team. By giving the fruit to Adam, she is doing the serpents dirty work for him and she is dragging her husband down with her. But that's what happens when we yield to temptation. We never fall alone; others are always hurt by our rebellion and disobedience. Notice how ordinary the first sin is. It's just a bite of fruit. Nothing special about it. No big deal. ______________________________ And by the way, where was Adam when all this was going down? The text says he was "with her. That sounds like he was standing right by her side while she was talking to the serpent. \ 1 Timothy 2:14 draws an important conclusion from this verse:
"And Adam was not the one deceived; it was
the woman who was deceived and became a sinner'1 Timothy 2:14
He had heard the original command from God and he knew it was wrong to eat the fruit. And as the head of his family he was held morally guilty for the first sin. That's why Romans 5 says that sin entered through Adam. He should have known better He should have exercised leadership to protect his wife And the rest is history. Men . . . lets learn this lesson. When we fail to exercise spiritual leadership, our wife and our children will always pay the price. Eve never dreamed what would happen next. \ How did Adam and Eve end up like this? It was a series of little steps in the wrong direction.
But all those small steps added up to one huge catastrophe. From the standpoint of thousands of years later, we see Satan's strategy clearly. He came to Eve in a moment of weakness And he began with an "innocent" question. Little by little he led her to the place where she was willing to do what she had previously never even dreamed of doing. He even enlisted her in his team so she was doing his work for him. The devil uses that same strategy today because it still works. And notice his ultimate lie. He said, "God knows ... you will know." The enlightenment they dreamed of turned out to be deep moral darkness.
Satan promised liberation through rebellion. What they got was slavery, sin, shame and death.________________ Let us learn one great truth from this passage: Every temptation is a lie wrapped in a promise of freedom. Satan is the father of lies. He is the first and greater deceiver. All Satan's apples have worms. _______________________________ That day in Eden, man declared his independence from God. As a result sin is now the environment in which we live. Satan gives people what they want so that they will eventually get what he wants them to have. And he never shows us the consequences of sin. We have to discover on our own, when-it-is-too-late-to-do-anything about-it.
Our basic problem is that we have allowed God to be everywhere but on his throne. No wonder we are unhappy And frustrated and unfulfilled. No wonder life doesn't work right. How much better to say with the psalmist,
"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker!" Psalm 95:6. There is coming a day when "Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory Of God the Father" Philippians 2:9-11.
Everything in this sermon so far has been bad news. It is also true news because this passage tells the Truth about why the human race is so messed up today. There is a direct connection between what happened in the Garden that day and the pain,
sorrow, sadness, despair y hatred, and rampant evil we see all around usand the sin we see inside us. We can sum up the rest of the Bible in one paragraph. After the fall, God moved to reestablish a relationship with fallen men and women. Thousands of years later, he made the ultimate move when his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, came to earth to die for us. The first sin came from tasting forbidden fruit. The evil of that day would not be overcome until Christ tasted death for all of us on the cross. Apart from the grace of God, we are capable of committing all sorts of evil. And through the cross of Christ, even our worst sins can be forgiven. God has never stopped loving us. The lights are still on . . . as the announcement of Motel 6