Social Welfare Administration
Social Welfare Administration
Social Welfare Administration
administration is concerned with
proper organisation
of men and material to achieve
desired ends. It
consists of doing the work or getting
the work done
by others.
Social Administration
To achieve the aims and objectives of
social welfare,
the government formulates social
policies and
programmes and in pursuance thereof
enacts social
legislation, allocates financial
assistance and provides
organisational and administrative
linkages in the
form of ministries and departments. It
also seeks
the partnership of non-governmental
for the effective implementation of
various social
welfare programmes. Administration of
all these
activities being undertaken in the
sphere of social
services and social welfare is
considered as falling
in the realm of social welfare
According to Richard M. Titmus, 1948,
administration may broadly be defined
as the study
of social services whose object is the
of conditions of life of the individual in
the setting
of family and group relations.
D.V. Donnison, 1961 defines social
as the study of development,
structure and practices
of social services.
According to Forder (1974) Social
administration is
concerned with study of the welfare
system, and
particularly the government sponsored
social services.
Thus, social administration is
concerned with the
study of welfare system of
governments sponsored
social services.
Social Welfare Administration: Concept, Nature
and Scope 107
its members are exposed. These risks
are essentially
contingencies of life which the
individuals of small
means cannot effectively provide for
by their own
ability or foresight alone or even with
the helps of
their fellow human beings.
Thus, social security is an effort on the
part of the
state or the employer or any other
related agency,
to provide an individual all possible
during periods of physical distress or
illness or injury
and also at the time of economic
distress caused
due to reduction or loss of earning on
account of
sickness, disablement, maternity,
old age or death of the employee.
The work of social security is done
through social
assistance, social insurance, health
and social welfare
services etc. Thus social security is a
wider concept
of social welfare.
Social Work: Help the helpless to
help themselves.
Social work is a method or process
based on scientific
knowledge and skill to assist the
individuals, group
and communities, with the view to
enhance their
social functioning to grow in
accordance with their
knowledge, capacities and capabilities.
social welfare has been used as an
end and social
work, as a means for the provision of
social welfare.
Social Welfare: Social welfare is an
organised system
of social services and institutions,
designed to aid
individuals and groups, to attain
satisfying standards
of life and health. Social welfare
therefore, aims
at providing services to weaker
sections of the
population who because of various
handicaps such
as physical, mental, economic and
social, are unable
to make use of social services
provided by society
or have been traditionally deprived of
these services.
Social Welfare Administration: Concept, Nature
and Scope 109
According to Arthur Dunham (1962),
is the process of supporting or
facilitating activities
which are necessary and incidental to
services by
a social agency. Administrative
activities range from
the determination of function and
policies, and
executive leadership to routine
operations such as
keeping records and accounts and
carrying on
maintenance of services.
Harleigh Tracker (1971) interprets
social welfare
administration as a process of
working with people
in ways that release and relate their
energies so
that they use all available resources to
the purpose of providing needed
community services
and programmes.
The American Council of Social Work
Education in
its curriculum study, has given a
definition of social welfare
administration. It contains,
Administration is the process of
community resources into a
programme of community
service, in accordance with goals,
policies and
standards which has been agreed by
those involved
in the enterprise. It is creative in that
it structures
roles and relationships in such a way
as to alter
and enhance the total product. It
involves the problem
solving process of study, diagnosis
and treatment.
Therefore, on the basis of above
definitions, we find
that it is a process which includes
definite knowledge,
understanding, principles and ways of
Its main focus is on the suitability and
of social services to the needy. Social
work enables
the process of administration through
planning, stimulation, organisation,
creating structure,
coordinating and research. To fulfil the
well defined
main objectives of administration,
policies are suitably
resources, social and individual, for
more effective
social functioning; (iii) Prevention of
_ Despite variations in size, scope,
structure and
type of programmes, every agency
has a governing
board as an apex body for final
decision making.
The board is generally represented by
community it intends to serve.
_ Social welfare administration requires
utilization of its available resources
together with
active community participation, so
that the ultimate
goal of programmes can be achieved
_ Social welfare agencies have to
earmark certain
portion of their resources for survival.
But this
should not limit their capacity to
achieve in
quantitative and qualitative terms.
_ Social welfare agencies generally
function in a
co-operative manner and ensure
participation of
all the members in administration of
_ There is a growing trend in these
agencies to
recruit professionally qualified
manpower. It has
helped in introducing professional
approach in
their functioning.
were being managed by different
ministries such
114 Social Work Intervention with Communities
and Institutions
gift. Music, dance, drama or painting
are the
examples of this category of art. But
gifts can find their best expression by
training, without which even the best
will die unknown. On the other hand a
making furniture out of wood and a
shaping gold ornaments are also the
of art. It is so because they possess
the following
116 Social Work Intervention with Communities
and Institutions
a) personal skills;
b) practical know-how;
c) result orientation;
d) creativity; and
e) constant practice aimed at
Similarly, the art of social welfare
can be acquired. Talented persons
become the
best administrators under proper
training. Thus
so far acquisition is concerned social
administration is also like other arts.
ii) It is subjective in nature: A
painter contributes
to art by mixing colours. A sculptor
performs his
job with the aid chisel and hammer. A
welfare administrator with the
application of
knowledge and skill can make wonders
combining and bringing together
available human
and material resources to change the
very fate
of the nation. Today success of every
programme depends on how a social
administrator performs the job.
iii) Practical application of
knowledge: Art is the
practical application of systematic
knowledge. It
is not merely theory but putting that
into practice.
Similarly, social welfare administration
is not
merely theory but it is application also.
And the
best knowledge can be gained by
practice alone.
Social Welfare Administration as a
administration of social welfare
The Integral View of Social
Welfare Administration
Another view of the scope of social
administration has come into vogue
during the last
few years. Due to emergence of new
social problems,
the subject matter of Social Welfare
is expanding day by day. The already
administrative machinery of the
government itself,
not being able to successfully tackle
these problems,
involves various non-governmental
organisations for
this purpose. Therefore, this view
incorporates not
only the subject matter of social
welfare administration
but the implementation aspect as well,
which is
primarily the focus of POSDCoRB view.
The scope of social welfare
administration is quite
diverse in nature. With the emergence
of new social
problems of entirely different nature, a
new strategy
needs to be evolved for their solution.
It may require
optimum utilisation of available
resources e.g. human,
institutional, financial, technological
etc. in a changing
context. The social welfare
administration incorporates
a number of factors that are
significant in the entire
process of successful solution of social
A brief description of these factors
(D.R. Sachdeva
1992) is given below:
Contents of social welfare
administration: Social
welfare is concerned with
* Social Problems : Assessment of its
prevention and treatment
through public participation
and effective
implementation of social
Social Welfare Administration: Concept, Nature
and Scope 121
* Social Security : To make and
effective social assistance
and social insurance
provisions. It aims to
compensate for the loss of
income due to
unemployment, disability or
death caused by accident
and old age through social
insurance and social
* Social Policy : To make effective
policy for the welfare of
underprivileged sections of
the society, to achieve
the goals of welfare state
through social action.
Interdisciplinary Nature
Social welfare administration requires
interdisciplinary knowledge and
constant interaction
with other social sciences to know the
human being
in totality, such as philosophy,
psychology, sociology,
political science and economics to
solve their problems
in appropriate manner.
Administrative Structure
Social welfare administrator needs to
the organisational and administrative
structure of
122 Social Work Intervention with Communities
and Institutions
Human Resource Management
In order to provide effective social
welfare services
to the needy and suffering, it is
essential to have
committed, trained and motivated
social welfare
functionaries at different levels.
Therefore social
welfare administration requires proper
of human resource management
which includes
knowledge about recruitment policies,
job classification,
training and development, staff
advancement and transfer etc. for
implementation of social services.
Public Relations and Participation
The social welfare administrators
needs to be cognizant
of the importance of public relations
with regard
to both their own agency and its
services, and the
community as a whole. The welfare
must be conversant to utilise mass
media, such as
TV, radio, newspaper, brochures,
books and personal
Social Welfare Administration: Concept, Nature
and Scope 123
Social Welfare
Administration As A
body of knowledge, in response to the
need for managing
the emergence of complex social
problems in a better
way. In India, almost all courses of
social work
offer a course on social welfare
administration to
the students. Thus, it satisfies the
requirement of
a profession in the form of existence of
However, the social welfare
administration is still
evolving and new guidelines are being
though this does not affect its status
as being a
Social Welfare Administration: Concept, Nature
and Scope 125
Acquisition of Knowledge
An individual can enter a profession
only after
acquiring knowledge and require skills
through formal
training. For example, only the
formally trained
persons can enter the professions of
law, engineering
or medicine. Thus social welfare
administration may
be called a profession because schools
of social work
and schools of public administration
provide training
in this discipline.
Professional Association
An occupation which claims to be a
profession should
have an association. Such a
representative body of
professionals regulate and develop the
activities. The professional
associations may also
prescribe the standards for individuals
who want
to enter the profession. But we are still
for an apex body which would regulate
the terms
and conditions for Social Welfare
Administration like
Bar Council of India etc.
Ethical Code
Every profession have a code of
ethics. Codes provide
proper guidance when the situation at
hand is a
choice between a good and a bad
decision. Thus
code of ethics serves several functions
for a profession,
including guiding, decision making,
Service Motto
In modern times, all human activities
are concerned
with money. But in a profession, an
effort is made
to see that service motto should
prevail over monetary
considerations. Professionals should
keep social
interest in their mind while charging
fees for their
professional services. For example, a
doctor helps
the patient, not only to charge fee, but
also to serve
humanity in the process. A lawyer
helps the client,
not to charge the fee only but to
provide justice
to the client. Similarly, a social welfare
administers the social welfare
programmes, not only
for money and personal satisfaction
but use his/
her knowledge and skills to serve the
larger interest
of the society.
Thus, on the basis of the above
discussion, it can
be said summarized that social welfare
is yet to achieve the status of a
profession. To become
an independent profession, it requires
to attain social
sanction, professional commitment,
approval, a professional association to
regulate the
profession and involvement of trained
personnel in
the field of welfare administration,
instead of
This chapter has been designed to
provide a basic
understanding of social welfare
concept, nature and scope. We have
presented a
number of definitions of
administration, social
administration, social welfare and its
related concepts
for basic understanding. We have
analysed the meaning
and features of social welfare
administration. We
need of professionals/trained
administrators in the
implementation of social welfare