2c SE NF Regional Report November 2015
2c SE NF Regional Report November 2015
2c SE NF Regional Report November 2015
South East
October 2015
They have been given money from their Partnership Board from the LDDF
monies and have used it to fund 3 new projects:
1. Internet Safety
2. Opening eyes - Project where they teach 6 of their members to go out
to other groups and teach them about looking after their eyes.
3. Book club two groups of 6 people will run over 2 years and be
supported to read and listen and watch books.
Brighton and Hove Speak Out
The Waiting Room Project are making a film to be launched at the Oska Bright
Film Festival in November this year. They have been talking to lots of people
with learning disabilities about health services and will use the information
given to make the film and train Health Professionals.