2c SE NF Regional Report November 2015

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Report to the

National Forum of People with Learning Disabilities


South East
October 2015

What do you want us to tell the Learning

Disability Programme Board about?

What is going well?

My life my choice
They have interviewed Dominic Slowie who is National Clinical Director for
Learning Disability at NHS England and can be found on Twitter. He seems
rather positive about the changes he thinks are going to happen in the next 2
or 3 years.
They have a travel buddy scheme where people can gain confidence to travel
on their own on buses and trains.
Its My Life
In July their local Sainsburys customers voted them to be Sainsburys local
charity of the year.

They have been given money from their Partnership Board from the LDDF
monies and have used it to fund 3 new projects:
1. Internet Safety
2. Opening eyes - Project where they teach 6 of their members to go out
to other groups and teach them about looking after their eyes.
3. Book club two groups of 6 people will run over 2 years and be
supported to read and listen and watch books.
Brighton and Hove Speak Out
The Waiting Room Project are making a film to be launched at the Oska Bright
Film Festival in November this year. They have been talking to lots of people
with learning disabilities about health services and will use the information
given to make the film and train Health Professionals.

Speak Out East

They have got a new Drop-in group in
Brighton and are hoping that people will get
involved, meet new people and have their
They have been Community Connecting by
planning trips out. The group are planning
new activities with each other to include a
night out at The Rock House in October to
listen to live music, swimming, another trip
to Bowlpex, karaoke, and pizza making.
Kent Partnership Board
This year, more than 120 nominations were received for people, businesses
and services. They also created a new category with their partners in Public
Health called Helping people stay healthy.
Graham Gibbens, KCC Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health,
said: Im delighted that Kent County Council was
able to recognise the companies, services and people
who go the extra mile to help give people with a
learning disability more choice, improved
independence and access to their communities. By
highlighting these achievements, I hope it will
encourage others to look at what they can do to
support people with a learning disability in their

What are your 3 big issues?

These have not changed from the last forum.

Transport we talked a lot about travel passes not encouraging people

to work as not being allowed to be used before 9.30am
Employment people are still not getting the right support at the Job
Health still need to address the complicated forms and information
that are given out.
Other news:
We are planning to develop an online resource such as a website or Facebook
page where the south east region can contribute to and link with others. Have
any other regions done this? Can we chat to you about it?

Please email this report to: [email protected]

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