M.Sc. Thesis
Dr. Eugenio Oate
Miquel Santasusana
Eng. Miguel ngel Celigueta
The Discrete Element Method is a relatively new technique which has nowadays an intense research
in the eld of numerical methods. In its rst conception, the method was designed for simulations
of dynamic systems of particles where each element is considered to be an independent and non de-
formable entity which interacts with other particles by the laws of the contact mechanics and moves
following the second Newtons law. This rst approach for the DEM has obtained excellent results
for granular media simulations or other discontinua applications where actual particles take part on it.
Nowadays, the DEM is still not able to be a discretization method when dealing with continuum
simulations, especially in the eld of solid mechanics, where lots of eorts have been done. Even
though it has many drawbacks and lack of reliability in terms of simulation of solids, the method is
promising for applications of rock excavations for instance, where phenomena such as multifracturing
are nowadays impossible to reproduce by any classical FEM-based method.
The aim of the thesis is to show the limitations of the method for the general solid mechanics
problem as well as the capabilities of the method for the specic problem of fracturing geomaterials,
namely rock or concrete. As will be shown, under some specic conditions the DEM can be a good
choice for solving the described problem.
The nal goal would be developing a DEM tool for engineering problems in rock excavation
applications, drilling, fracking, demolition, etc. Firstly, a set of analysis have to be established as
benchmark test for dierent phenomena that permit the validation of the method. Uniaxial Com-
pressive Strength test, Brazilian Tensile Strength test, Triaxial test for concrete, etc. are performed
with the developed software and the presented theory in order to validate the method with experi-
mental results.
The thesis supports the development of simulation software called KDEM, coded in C++ lan-
guage in the open-source Kratos platform ( The platform provides
a framework for developing multiphysics FEM-based codes and oers several tools for coupling dif-
ferent codes. In this sense, the aim of the author of the thesis is to make use of this possibility to
implement the coupling between the two methods once the DEM application will be reliable enough.
El Mtode dels Elements Discrets s un mtode relativament nou el qual avui dia s objecte duna
intensa recerca en el mn dels mtodes numrics. Originalment el mtode fou concebut per a la simu-
laci de sistemes dinmics de partcules on cada element s considerat com a entitat independent i
indeformable que interacciona amb les altres seguint les lleis del contacte mecnic i es mou segons la
segona llei de Newton. Aquest primer plantejament sobre el M.E.D. ha tingut molts bons resultats
per a simulacions de medis granulars o qualsevol assimilable a un medi discontinu.
Avui dia, el M.E.D. encara no s capa dsser un mtode de discretitzaci quan ens referim a
simulacions de medis continus, especialment en lmbit de la mecnica de slids computacional mal-
grat els esforos realitzats en aquest sentit. Tot i que presenta grans desavantatges i pobres resultats
quan saplica a simulacions de slids, el mtode s prometedor per aplicacions dexcavaci de roca per
exemple, on fenmens com ara la multifractura son presents i es desconeix la forma de reproduir-los
avui en dia mitjanant mtodes clssics basats en elements nits.
El propsit de la tesis s mostrar les limitacions del mtode per aplicacions genriques de mecnica
de slids, alhora que exposar les capacitats del mtode per al problema especc de la fractura en
geomaterials, com son la roca o el formig. Aix doncs, es mostrar com, sota certes condicions, el
M.E.D. s una bona opci per resoldre el problema plantejat.
Lobjectiu nal seria el desenvolupament duna utilitat amb el M.E.D. per aplicacions enginyerils
en problemes dexcavaci de roca, perforaci, fractura hidrulica, demolici, etc. Primerament, un
conjunt danlisis han destablir-se com a bancs de probes on diferents fenmens es puguin reproduir
experimentalment i poder aix validar el mtode proposat. El Test de Compressi Uniaxial, el Test
Brasiler, el Test Triaxial per al formig, etc. seran realitzats mitjanant el programari desenvolupat
per mitj de la teoria aqu descrita per tal de validar el mtode comparant amb resultants experi-
La tesis recolza el desenvolupament dun programa de simulaci anomenat KDEM, escrit amb llen-
guatge C++ en la plataforma de codi obert Kratos ( La plataforma
s un marc de treball per al desenvolupament de codis basats en Elements Finits de caire mul-
tifsic I ofereix diverses utilitats que permeten lacoblament de varis codis. En aquest sentit, el
propsit de lautor de la tesis s fer s daquesta plataforma per tal de poder implementar en un
futur lacoblament dels dos mtodes (M.E.F. i M.E.D.) un cop el M.E.D funcioni de forma adequada.
This document is the thesis of my studies of the Master in Numerical Methods In Engineering -
Mster en Mtodes Numrics en lEnginyeria hold in the engineering school Escola Tcnica Superior
dEnginyers de Camins Canals i Ports de Barcelona in junction with the center Centre Internacional
de Mtodes Numrics en lEnginyeria (CIMNE).
This thesis is result of one year and a half of work in the eld of the Discrete Element Method.
I started getting to know the method in the course of the over mentioned Master and I had the
opportunity, at that time, to join the DEM team in CIMNE. At that time, the author of the avail-
able DEM code in CIMNE left the group; Dempack, his code, has been used for real engineering
projects but has not been further developed. My objective was to implement a new general purpose
Discrete Element Method code in the open-source platform Kratos. The mainly dierences against
the previous code, Dempack are two: On one hand, the possibility now to paralelize the code in both
shared memory and distributed memory technology, on the other hand the capacity to combine the
code with other FEM-based codes in any eld, i.e uid dynamics or computational solid mechanics
in Kratos.
The work done during the rst year is collected in my Bachelor Degree Thesis - Continuum mod-
elling using the Discrete Element Method. Theory and implementation in an object-oriented software
platform. In that document the basic idea of the implementation of the code in Kratos is presented
as well as the philosophy of the continuum theory applied to the Discrete Element Method. Ob-
viously is highly recommended to take a look on that document before proceding with the present
thesis which covers more advanced topics about the use of the DEM to continuum elds and more
specically its application to concrete test simulations.
Like most of written texts, which although individually written are collaborative works, this
study has been possible thanks to the help of many people who I would like to thank. First of all
I would like to thank Eugenio Oate Ibaez de Navarra for the trust placed in me when giving me
the opportunity of forming part of the Kratos team in CIMNE. Also I want to thank Miguel Angel
Celigueta for being my supervisor and providing me instructive comments and directing the steps of
the KDEM. Among all the people who have collaborated with this project or helped me doing my
work in CIMNE I would like to mention Pooyan Davdan and Carles Roig Pina.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents, Maria ngels Isach and Josep Santasu-
sana, and my sisters Montserrat and Marina for all the support that they have given to me through
all my studying life. They have always provided me the necessary ambition needed to accomplish
my goals.
Contents V
1 Introduction 1
2 Objectives 3
4 Discrete Element Method for Continuum Media - Advanced Issues and Develop-
ments on the method 15
4.1 Introduction to the DEM for continuum simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2 Discretization scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.3 Partition of space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3.1 Spheres packing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3.2 Mesh generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.3.3 Interaction range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.4 DEM Constitutive Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.5 DEM Elastic Constituitive Parameters - Dempack-model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.5.1 Normal contact force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.5.2 Shear forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.5.3 Global background damping force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.6 Novel DEM Constitutive Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.6.1 Contact parameters derivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.6.2 Virtual Polihedron Area Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.7 Elasto-Damage Model for Tension and Shear Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.7.1 Normal and shear failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.7.2 Damage evolution law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.7.3 Post-failure shear-displacement relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.8 Elasto-Plastic Model for Compressive forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.1.3 Youngs Modulus and Poison Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.2 Mesh dependence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.3 Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3.1 Convergence in number of elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3.2 Convergence in time step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.3.3 Convergence in quasi-staticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3.4 Stress evaluation and failure criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
D Derivation of the Stress Tensor 103
Bibliography 105
Chapter 1
This dissertation is the result of the implementation of a Discrete Element Method code in an open
source object-oriented software platform called Kratos developed in CIMNE (Barcelona). The result
of this work is the so-called Kratos DEM-Application (KDEM) (,
which is the program that has been coded by the author forming part of a team of engineers in
After the introduccion and the objectives, a brief review on the Discrete Element Method in its
basic conception is presented in the third chapter of the document while the theoretical developments
and discussions for the application of the method to continous media, specially to conctrete testing
simulation, can be found in the fourth chapter. Also here, special attention is paid to the capabilities
of this method when it is applied to continuous media; several numerical analisis are performed here
to show the possibilities and limitations of the method in the fth chapter.
In the sixth chapter, the Kratos framework is introduced and the basic structure of the devel-
oped application is explained. The implementation of the utilities that permit, from a user-friendly
interface, perform concrete test simulations can be found here. Furthermore, the possibilities and
advatages that the Kratos framework provides the DEM-Application are shown as well as examples
of how the code behaves in terms of High Performance Computing. Additionally, examples of cou-
pling of this application with other codes and work done by other researchers in the institution are
here presented. In the seventh chapter, the results of the dierent concrete simulation tests can be
found as a verication of the code comparing with the results obained by Dempack. Finally, in the
last chapter some conclusions and future work is presented.
The objective of the KDEM, in its conception, was to have a base program for the DEM coded in
a very powerful and versatile platform, the open-source multiphysics code Kratos. This permits dif-
ferent researchers extending and improving the code as well as using as a closed package for projects
and simulation by advanced users and engineers.
Previous to this, in CIMNE, another code based on the Discrete Element Method has been
used for engineering projects, Dempack. When the KDEM code started the purpose was to provide
CIMNE a general DEM application able to be parallelized and to be combined with other uid or
structure applications. At the same time, a lot of implementation has been done in order to substi-
tute, and improve if possible, the existing code Dempack; part of this thesis focuses on the concrete
test simulation, a eld where CIMNE has currently projects ongoing.
The result of this work accomplishes the objective of providing Kratos a general purpose par-
alelizable Discrete Element Method application which is the of the interest of CIMNE. In a second
term, it presents the rst promising results in the eld of Concrete Test Simulation, following the
objective of substituing in the future, the existing application, Dempack.
Chapter 2
The present thesis involves work in two layers; one one hand theoretical research in the DEM, on the
other hand, code implementation in a computer application. Additionally, validation of the code and
comparison with experimental data is an important point that completes the objectives presented in
the following list:
2. Advanced issues
(a) Preprocess: Model denition, mesh, applying conditions and options menu
(b) GiD - KDEM interaction
(c) Postprocess: Visualization of results, nodal-wise, particle-wise and contact-wise
Validation and code testing
1. Concrete test simulation
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
The Discrete Element Method (DEM) was rstly introduced by Cundall (1971) [2] for the analysis
of the fracture mechanics problems and, afterwards, it was applied to solids by Cundall and Strack
(1979) [3]. The DEM in its basical conception simulates the mechanical behaviour of a system formed
by a set of particles arbitrarily disposed. The method considers the particles to be discrete elements
forming part of a higher more complex system. Each distinct element has an independent movement;
they interact each other due to the contacts. The overall behaviour of the system is determined by
the cohesive/frictional contact laws.
Although the DEM is an eective and powerful numerical technique for reproducing the behaviour
of granular material, in recent years the DEM has also been object of intense research for its applic-
taion to the study of multifracture and failure of solids involving geomaterials (soils, rocks, concrete),
masonry and ceramic materials, among others. Some key developments including the contributions
of CIMNE researchers, can be found in [5], [12], [17], [15], [20], [26].
In the continuum sense, the contact law can be seen as the formulation of the material model on
the microscopic level. Cohesive bonds can be broken, which allows to simulate fracture of material
and its propagation. The analysis of solid materials with the DEM poses, however, a number of
diculties for adequate reproducing the correct constitutive behaviour of the material under linear
(elastic) and non linear conditions.
Basically, the Discrete Element Method algorithm, from a computational point of view, is based
on three basic steps:
3.2 Contact Search
In contrast with the FEM-based methods, the DEM, has no connectivities between the nodes by
means of the elements. So the transfer of properties such as forces, and in consequence, accelera-
tions, velocities and displacement are possible for the contact criteria between the pair of elements
involved. The contact is determined, in the most classical way, when one body belonging to a discrete
element intersects with another body which denes another discrete element. The contact search is
a very important part of the method in terms of computational cost (range 60%-90% of simulation
time in simulations with large number of particles) and it is possibly the most dicult part to treat
when dealing with particles that have no spherical/circular shape.
The contact detection basically consists in determining, for every target object, what other ob-
jects are in contact with, and then, judge for the correspondent interaction. Normally, objects move
freely and the contact is determined when an overlap occurs, and so, then they must interact. It
is usually desired to have a very low overlapping 0.1%1% to have realistic results, but of course,
it depends on the time step selection and the dynamism (velocity) of the particle/objects. Besides
this, and due to the fact that this is an expensive step, as previously said, its logical to limit the
search of neighbours/contacts only when it is necessary. Obviously there is no need to update the
contacts at every time step of the calculation (if the time step is considerably small, the neighbours
will be the same from several time step calculations) but, if the search is too much delayed, it can
happen to suddenly nd large indentation on a new contacting pair; so the repulsion forces would be
too large, therefore there would be a huge amount of created energy that would lead to numerical
inestabilities or unrealistic results. This phenomenon and the recommended solution by the author
(buer zone) are explained on the previous work [28].
The most nave method of search that can be set is the brute search. For every element, the
method does a loop for all other elements checking for the contact. The order of the number of
operations needed is quadratic: n2 . Normally, the strategy to avoid such an expensive scheme is to
divide the contact search in two basic stages, a global search and a subsequent local resolution of the
contact. In this case the computation time of the contact search is proportional to n log n:
Figure 3.2: Grid/Cell-based algorithm structure Figure 3.3: Tree-based algorithm structure
In the Grid based algorithms a general rectangular grid is dened dividing in cells the entire do-
main; a unied bounding box (rectangular or spheric) is adopted to represent the discrete elements
that can be of any shape; the potential contacts are determined by selecting the surrounding cells
where each target body is centred on.
In the Tree based algorithms each element is represented by a point. Starting from a centred one,
it splits the domain in two sub domains obtaining points that have larger X coordinate in one sub
domain and points with smaller values of the X in the other sub domain. The method proceeds for
next points alternating every time the splitting dimension and obtaining a tree structure like the
one shown in Figure 3.3 tree structure. Once the tree is constructed, for every particle, the nearest
neighbours have to be determined following the tree in upwind direction.
For a more extensive discussion about this topic and information of how the KDEM application
does the search refer to the previous work of the author [28].
Figure 3.4: Force Fij at the contact interface between particles i and j
Figure 3.5: Decomposition of the contact force into normal and tangential components
The contact forces Fn , Fs1 and Fs2 are obtained using a constitutive model formulated for the
contact between two rigid spheres (or discs in 2D). The contact interface for the simpliest formulation
is characterized by the normal and tangential stiness kn and Ks , respectively, a friccional device
obeying the Couloumb law with friccion coecient , and a dashpot dened by the contact damping
coecient cn as shown in the next gure 3.6:
By now, just the simple DEM model is presented; this one is valid for the discrete media simulation
and in general any particle interaction phenomena. Obviously every specic model can dene more
complicated rheologies in order to reproduce the physics of the problem. In this work, for instance
the non linear friccional contact with the damage, plasticity and fracture criteria will be presented
and explained in detail in the next chapter 4.
ergy. This is necessary in most DEM codes since an explicit time scheme is used for the integration
of motion (see section 3.4.2) acting as a numeric damping; furthermore this can also represent a
physical damping on the system dened by the material properties.
Normal elastic force
The elastic part of the normal compressive contact force Fne is, in the basic model, proportional to
the normal stiness kn and to the indentation (or penetration) of the two particle surfaces, i.e.:
Fne = kn urn (3.3)
The superindex c indicates that these may vary on each contact. The indentation is calculated as:
where xj , xi are the center of particles, n the normal unit vector between the particles (Eq. 2.7),
and rj , rj their radius. If there is no cohesion allowed (chapter 4), no tensile normal contact forces
are allowed and hence:
Fne 0 (3.5)
So, If urn < 0, Eq. 3.3 holds, otherwise Fne = 0. The contact with cohesion will be considered in
the next chapter 4.
The fraction is related with the coecient of restitution cr , which is a fractional value repre-
senting the ratio of speeds after and before an impact, through the following expression (see [11]):
ln cr
= (3.10)
2 + ln2 cr
In this work, when dealing with the continuum simulations, the adopted value is = 0.9, which
corresponds to a cr 1103 , assuming a quasi-static state for the simulated processes.
The relationship between the friction force kFs k and the relative tangential displacement urT for
the classical Coulomb model (for a constant normal force Fn ) is shown in Fig. 3.7a. This relationship
would produce non physical oscillations of the friction force in the numerical solution due to possible
changes of the direction of sliding velocity. To prevent this, the Coulomb friction model must be
regularized. The regularization procedure chosen involves decomposition of the tangential relative
velocity into reversible and irreversible parts, vrrT and virrT , respectively as:
This is equivalent to formulating the frictional contact as a problem analogous to that of elastoplas-
ticity, which can be seen clearly from the friction force-tangential displacement relationship in Fig.
3.7b. This analogy allows us to calculate the friction force employing the standard radial return
algorithm. First a trial state is calculated:
s = Fold
s Ks vrT t , (3.14)
trial = kFtrial
s k |Fn | . (3.15)
If trial 0, we have stick contact and the friction force is assigned the trial value:
s = Ftrial
s , (3.16)
s = |Fn | s
. (3.17)
s k
3.4 Integration of Motion
3.4.1 Basic equations
The translational and rotational motion of rigid spherical or cylindrical particles is described by
means of the standard equations of rigid body dynamics. For the i-th particle we have (Figure 3.8)
mi ui = Fi , (3.18)
Ii i = Ti , (3.19)
where u is the element centroid displacement in a xed (inertial) coordinate frame X, the angular
velocity, m the element mass, I the moment of inertia, Fi the resultant force, and Ti the
resultant moment about the central axes.
Vectors Fi and Ti are sums of: (i) all forces and moments applied to the i-th particle due
to external loads, Fext
i and Text i , respectively, (ii) contact interactions with neighbouring spheres Fi
(Figure 3.4), j = 1, , nci , where nci is the number of elements being in contact with the i-th discrete
element, (iii) forces and moments resulting from external damping, Fdamp i and Tdamp
i , respectively,
which can be written as:
Fi = Fext
i + Fci + Fdamp
i (3.20)
Ti = Text
i + (rci Fci + qci ) + Tdamp
i (3.21)
where rci is the vector connecting the centre of mass of the i th particle with the contact point c
(Figure 3.4) and qci are torques due to rolling or torsion (not related with the tangential forces).
Note that the form of the rotational equation (3.19) is only valid for spheres and cylinders (in
2D). It is simplied with respect to a general form for an arbitrary rigid body with the rotational
inertial properties represented by a second order tensor. In the general case it is more convenient to
describe the rotational motion with respect to a co-rotational frame x which is embedded at each
element since in this frame the tensor of inertia is constant.
3.4.2 Integration of the Equations of Motion
Equations (3.18) and (3.19) are integrated in time using a simple central dierence scheme [21]. The
time integration operator for the translational motion at the n-th time step is as follows:
uni = , (3.22)
n+1/2 n1/2
ui = ui + uni t (3.23)
i = uni + ui t (3.24)
The rst two steps in the integration scheme for the rotational motion are identical to those given
by Eqs.(3.22) and (3.23):
ni = i , (3.25)
n+1/2 n1/2
i = i + ni t (3.26)
The vector of incremental rotation = [x , y , z ]T is calculated as:
i = i t (3.27)
Knowledge of the incremental rotation suces to update the tangential contact forces. It is also
possible to track the rotational position of particles, if necessary. Then the rotation matrices be-
tween the moving frames embedded in the particles and the xed global frame must be updated
incrementally using an adequate multiplicative scheme [15, 21].
Explicit integration in time yields high computational eciency and it enables the solution of
large models. The disadvantage of the explicit integration scheme is its conditional numerical stability
imposing the limitation on the time step t [34], i.e.:
t tcr (3.28)
where tcr is a critical time step determined by the highest natural frequency of the system max as
tcr = (3.29)
If damping exists, the critical time increment is given by:
2 ( )
tcr = 1 + 2 (3.30)
where is the fraction of the critical damping corresponding to the highest frequency max . Exact
calculation of the highest frequency max requires the solution of the eigenvalue problem dened for
the whole system of connected rigid particles. In an approximate solution procedure, an eigenvalue
problem can be dened separately for every rigid particle using the linearized equations of motion.
The maximum frequency is estimated as the maximum of natural frequencies of massspring systems
dened for all the particles with one translational and one rotational degree of freedom.
and the natural frequency for each mass-spring system (contact) is dened as
i = (3.32)
with k the spring stiness and mi the mass of particle i. Now, for the case with no damping, it
is possible to rewrite the critical time step as:
tcr = min 2 (3.33)
The eective time step is considered as a fraction of the critical time step:
t = tcr (3.34)
01 (3.35)
The value of has been studied by dierent authors. A good review can be found in [22], where
the author recommend values close to = 0.17 for 3D simulation, and = 0.3 for the 2D case.
Chapter 4
The main aspiration is to have a general computational method for unied modelling of the
mechanical behaviour of solid and particulate materials, including the transition from solid phase
to particulate phase. Within the DEM, the individual particles are modelled as sti bodies which
interact via contact forces. This simplication has the advantage of the complicated microscopic be-
haviour being represented by a simple system of linear equations based on a relatively small number
of parameters. This is what makes DEM a really atractive method.
What is agreed by the comunity is that the Discrete Element Method is a great numerical method
to simulate the discontinuous media as a system of independent particles in dynamic motion. How-
ever, when dealing with the continuum, nowadays, results are not completely satisfactory even though
a lot of research has been done. There have been, indeed, a vast number of dierent approaches
for this question: How should the contact models be characterized (micro scale parameters) in or-
der to obtain the macro scale continuum behaviour? The challenge in all DEM models is nding
an objective and accurate relationship between the DEM parameters and the standard constitutive
parameters of a continuum mechanics model, namely the Young modulus E, the Poisson ration
and the stress and strain tensors, and respectively.
Basically two dierent approaches can be followed for determining the DEM constitutive parame-
ters, namely the global approach and the local approach. In the global approach uniform global DEM
properties are assumed in the whole discrete element assembly. In this case, the values of the global
DEM parameters can be found using dierent procedures; Some authors [10, 12] have used numerical
experiments for determining the relationships between DEM and continuum parameters expressed in
dimensionless form. This method has been used by the authors in previous works [16][21], [26][27].
This approach has been followed also by C. Labra [15] in the Dempack software. Other procedures
for dening the global DEM parameters are based on the denition of average particle size measures
for the whole discrete particle assembly and then relating the global DEM and continuum parameters
via laboratory tests.
A second approach, followed in this work, is to assume that the DEM parameters depend on the
local properties of the interaction particles, namely their radii and the continuum parameters at each
interaction point. Many alternatives for dening the DEM parameters via a local approach have
been reported by dierent authors in recent years [5, 6, 9, 23, 30, 31].
Appart from the possibility of dening the contact parameters locally dierent at each contact or
globally as an average value, most of the recognized codes and researchers in the eld assume that
the DEM is a phenomenological mehtod. So it does F.-V. Donz when applies the DEM to the
simulation of triaxial concrete test [31] using the YADE platform. It will be discussed later on with
more detail in Section 5.1.3 but basically asumes that even for the linear elasticity the method needs
the calibration for every material of some constant parameters afecting the stiness in the contacts.
In this work we present a procedure for dening the DEM parameters for cement material using
the local approach. In the next section 4.4 a description of how the local elastic parameters are
dened can be found. Then it is also dened the appropriate local failure criteria at the contact
interface using an elasto-damage model for the normal tensile stress and an elasto-plastic model for
the normal compressive stress.
Normally, when the DEM is applied to discrete media simulation, the representative scale of each
particle in the simulation is larger than the actual particle; the technique used in that case is the
so-called up-scalling [8]. Discretizing a continuus media implies, as well, deciding which is the scale
that each element/particle will represent; that scales can be classied as micro-scale, meso-scale or
Meso-scale: This normally consist in a larger scale which can represent larger structures and
patterns with dierent behaviour present in the media that is beeing analysed. In concrete simula-
tions, the meso scale analysis would consist in simulaing the paste as a homogeneous material, the
aggregates as particles and the voids (Figure 4.2).
Figure 4.2: Detail of paste, agregate and voids in concrete. Source: Google images.
Macro-scale: Large scales where the smallest element discretitzation is dened by means of Rep-
resentative Elementay Volumes or unit cells, which is the smallest volume over which a measurement
can be made that will yield a value representative of the whole. The property of interest can include
mechanical properties such as elastic moduli, hydrogeological properties, electromagnetic properties,
thermal properties, and other averaged quantities that are used to describe physical systems. This
the case of the simulations performed in the context of this work, where each element (or particle)
represents the average homogeneous behaviour characterized by the macroscopical properties.
In the present work the DEM is used as a discretization method where each sphere represents
the mixure of paste, agregate and voids in a certain macroscopical volume surrounding the particle;
the mechanical behaviour of it is reached by means of the characteritzation of the contacts with its
neighbouring particles.
The maximum density sphere packing that can be obtained for a regular mesh come for a distri-
bution in the following fashion:
Start with a layer of spheres in a hexagonal lattice, then put the next layer of spheres in the
lowest points you can nd above the rst layer, and so on this is just the way you see oranges
stacked in a shop. At each step there are two choices of where to put the next layer, so this natural
method of stacking the spheres creates an uncountably innite number of equally dense packings,
the best known of which are called cubic close packing and hexagonal close packing. Each of these
arrangements has an average density of:
0.740480189 (4.1)
3 2
Figure 4.3: So-called cubic packing for spheres. Source: Wolfram Alpha.
The Kepler conjecture states that this is the best that can be doneno other arrangement of
identical spheres has a higher average density.
The optimal (minimum) porosity obtained with particles of the same radius is then in the order
of 25%, for higher compacity obviously diferent sizes must be used. However, a considerably large
dispersion (small spheres in contact with large ones) yields obvious counterparts in many aspects
such as the search algorithm, the contact parameters characterization and the critical times for the
explicit schemes.
Figure 4.4: Cut view of a 3D sphere mesh (with imperfections) generated by GiD. Source: GiD
sphere mesher.
on Section 4.6.2, the explanation of how to deal with these imperfections and how to complete
the volume modeled can be found.
where dij is the distance between the centroids of particles i and j and is the interaction range
parameter (Figure 4.5). The software KDEM will make use of this so-called delta option for handling
with the prescence of gaps and initial passive indentations. Simply, the equilibirum position for he
contacts is set with their initial conguration (which is not always tangential contact of spheres).
Once the search is done, the initial distance of each pair is stored as the passive initial contacting
state (equilibrium); this works both inwards for inclusions or outwards for gaps. For more informa-
tion, refer to [28]. In this work the values taken are normally = 0.15.
where the plus and minus sign account for the gap and overlapping between two particles, respectively.
We will assume that particles i and j are in contact at a point C located at a distance (1 + )ri
or (1 + )rj from the centers of particles i and j, respectively (Figure 4.5). We dene the interaction
domain at the contact point C as a truncated cone with circular faces of radius ri and rj . The circular
section at point C of radius rc is the contact interface between particles i and j.
In the KDEM-model these sections are modied in order to avoid overlapping with other conical
domains dened by the neighbouring particles. This novel method is developed in section 4.6.2.
4.4 DEM Constitutive Models
A challenge in the analysis of highly non linear material, such as cement, rock or concrete, with the
DEM is the characterization of the non linear relationship between forces and displacements at the
contact interface accounting for frictional eects, damage and plasticity, and the denition of the
limit strengths in the normal and shear directions at these interfaces.
Standard constitutive models in the DEM are characterized by the following parameters:
In this work two dierent local DEM models for analysis of concrete material are presented which
have been implemented in the Kratos DEM-Application.
On one hand, a model developed by CIMNE researchers E. Oate, F. Zrate et al. reported in [20]
that has been implemented in Dempack code and has been used for real engineering projects, here-
after called Dempack-model. That Dempack-model has been validated using the Dempack software
in its application to the analysis of concrete samples for a uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) test,
dierent triaxial compressive strength tests and a brazilian tensile strength (BTS) test. The results
obtained with that model compare well with experimental data for the tests provided by the Techni-
cal University of Catalonia (UPC) for the concrete samples [29]. In this work these tests are described
and analysed, using the Kratos DEM-Application, characterizing the contact parameters with the
Dempack-model. The tests have been reproduced and the results of the Kratos DEM-Application
have been compared against the results obtained by Dempack as well as the experimental results as
a validation of the developed code.
On the other hand, a novel methodology presented by the author of the thesis has been developed
for the linear elasticity problem with the idea of getting rid of some mesh dependence and improve
in some aspects the Dempack model. This novel method is presented in section 4.6 and will be the
method used in this thesis for the numerical analysis done in the chapther 5.
4.5 DEM Elastic Constituitive Parameters - Dempack-model
Let us assume that an individual particle is connected to the adjacent particles by appropriate rela-
tionships at the contact interfaces between the particle and the adjacent ones. These relationships
dene either a perfectly bond or a frictional sliding situation at the interface.
The following asumes that particles i and j are in contact at a point C located at a distance
(1 + )ri or (1 + )rj from the centers of particles i and j respectively (Figure 4.5). The interaction
domain at the contact point C is dened then as a truncated cone with circular faces of radius ri and
rj . The circular section at point C of radius rc is the contact interface between particles i and j.
where n is the normal stress (n = ni ij nj ) at the contact interface and Aij is the eective area at
the interface computed as:
2ri rj 4(ri rj )2
rc = and Aij = (4.6)
(ri + rj ) (ri + rj )2
In Eq.(4.5) i is a parameter that accounts for the fact that the number of contacts and the
packaging of spheres are not optimal. Clearly, i is a local parameter for the ith sphere. However,
in the developed model by Oate, Zrate et al. [20], a global denition of i is used for the whole
collection of particles which can be estimated as:
i = = 40 (4.7)
where Nc and P are the average number of contacts per sphere and the average porosity for the
whole particle assembly. Eq.(4.7) has been deduced by dening the optimal values for the number
of contacts per sphere and the global porosity equal to 10 and 25%, respectively. Note: see the
presented perfect packing of spheres in section
The normal stress n is related to the normal strain between the spheres, n , by a visco-elastic
law as:
n = En + cn (4.8)
The normal strain and the normal strain rate are dened as:
un un
n = , n = (4.9)
dij dij
Substituting Eq.(4.9) into (4.8) gives:
n = [Eun + cun ] (4.10)
In Eqs.(4.8) and (4.10) E is the Young modulus, c is a damping coecient and un and un are
the relative normal (relative) displacement and the normal (relative) velocity at the contact point
dened as
un = (xj xi ) nij ri rj , un = (uj ui ) nij (4.11)
where xi and xj are the position vectors of the centroids of particles i and j after deformation.
From Eqs.(4.4) and (4.10) we deduce the normal force-normal relative displacement/velocity
relationship at the interface between particles i and j as:
Fnij = (Eun + cun ) = Kn un + Cn un (4.12)
Substituting Eqs.(4.5), (4.6) and (3.8) into (4.12) we nd the expression of the stiness and
viscous (damping) coecients at the contact interface as:
Eq.(4.12) is assumed to hold in the elastic regime for both the normal tensile force Fnt and the
normal compressive force Fnc .
s = Fs1 us1 + Fs2 us2 (4.14)
where Fs1 and Fs2 are the shear force components along the shear direction us1 and us2 , respectively.
The shear force modulus Fs is obtained by:
Fsij = |Fij
s | = (Fs1 + Fs2 )
2 2 1/2
A similar approach can be followed for obtaining the relationship between the shear forces and
the shear displacements at the contact point.
The shear forces in the s1 and s2 directions (Figure 4.7) are given by
The shear stresses 1 and 2 are linearly related to the shear strains 1 and 2 at the interface by
1 = G1 , 2 = G2 (4.17)
where G is the shear modulus.
From Eqs.(4.20) we can obtain a relationship between the modulus of the shear force and the
modulus of the shear displacement vector as:
Fs = Ks us (4.22)
with: [ ]1/2 [ ]
2 1/2
Fs = |Fs ij | = (Fs1 )2 + (Fs2 )2 , us = |uij
s | = (us1 ) + (us2 )
Note that the sign of Fsk (k = 1, 2) in Eqs.(38) depends on the sign of the velocity component
usk , while in Eq.(40) only the modulus of vectors Fij ij
s and us are involved.
For convenience the upper indices i, j are omitted hereonwards in the denition of the normal
and shear forces Fij ij
n and Fs at a contact interface.
4.6 Novel DEM Constitutive Model
Following the same idea introduced in section 4.3, the area that each particle shares with a neighbour
has to be calculated in a consistent way. We improve the classical area calculation from the mean
radius (or equivalent radius) showed in section 4.3.3 by means of an automatic calibration parameter
that corrects the overlappings obtained in the classical method.
Figure 4.8: Equivalent volume corresponding to by the contact. Source: M.Santasusana [28].
Fx Fx dx
x = u2 u1 = dx = dx = (4.26)
0 0 EA E 0 A(x)
With a linear variation of the radius:
R2 R1
R = R1 (1 + x) where = (4.27)
R1 (R1 + R2 + 0 )
Yields to:
R1 R2
Fx = Kn x Kn = E (4.28)
R1 + R2 + 0
Proceeding similarly, for the shear stress, we get the following:
R1 R2
Ks = G Ks = Ks (4.29)
R1 + R2 + 0 2(1 + )
Note that the formulation takes into account linear variation of the stress and stresses along the
tronconical dierential continuum. The full derivation can be found on Annex [A].
This procedure was an original idea from Professor J. Miquel, and PhD candidates M. Santasu-
sana, M. Celigueta, from CIMNE, and was tested with several simulations using KDEM. It came out
that the formulation overestimates the stiness (similarly to the Dempack model) and it is highly
mesh dependent. In the next section 4.6.2 an original idea by the author of this thesis is presented
named Virtual Polihedron Area Correction Method which is a correction that is able to avoid the
mesh dependence and correctly estimates the areas of contact.
4.6.2 Virtual Polihedron Area Correction
Following the ideas presented in Section 4.3, that the area that each particle shares with a neighbour
has to be calculated in a consistent way. The idea is to improve the classical area calculation which
is based on the mean radius (or equivalent radius) by means of a calibrating parameter that corrects
the overlappings obtained in the classical method.
It consists of avoiding the overlaps and give a weight to the stiness of each contact with a
consistent area assignation. Each area of contact comes from the portion of the plane, normal to
the line conecting two particles, that is limited by the intersections that this plane forms with the
neighbouring planes. These intersections can lead to complex geometries that dene irregular poly-
hedra surrounding every particle; on the other hand, these partial volumes would complete the total
volume of the domain.
By doing this, interserctions of n planes should be done varying from 9 to 13 typically the number
of neighbours in every particle; in order to nd the intersection points, it would be necessary to cal-
culate multiple combinations of 3 planes among them. After that, the convex hull of the intersection
points would have to be constructed. These operations would incur in a complex and expensive
calculation for every particle. Trying to preserve the simplicity of the method, it turns out that an
aproximation of this procedure should be performed instead.
The proposal here is to aproximate the irregular polyhedra of n faces to a virtual regular one of
the same number of faces and calculate the total covered surface of this last one. The assumption is
that the total area of the resulting polyhedron is similar to the total area of its regular counterpart.
It can be shown with examples that an irregular polyhedron surrounding a sphere and a regular one
with similar volume and same number of faces have a close value of total covered surface.
However, it is common knowledge that there are only ve dierent convex regular polyhedra,
called the Platonic Solids: tetrahedron (4 faces), hexahedron (6 faces), octahedron (8 faces), dodec-
ahedron (12 faces) and icosahedron (20 faces).
Since every particle can have any number of neighbours, we need to use the surface area of a
ctitious regular convex polyhedron with any number of faces. In order to do so, interpolation over
Figure 4.10: Platonic Solids, regular polyhedra. Source: Wikipedia.
A factor i that modies the original area assigned to each neighbour Ac (which is based on the
equivalent area of each pair of particles) is proposed in equation 4.30:
As , n
i = n (4.30)
c=1 Ac
Where As , is the total area of the virtual regular polyhedron of n faces (platonic or interpolated).
The denominator of the equation 4.30a is the sum of all the estimated contacting areas that a particle
have with each neighbour, Ac :
( )2
2 2R1 R2
Ac = Req = (4.31)
R1 + R2
Note that the presented equivalent area Ac is only correct when 0 0 which, for simplicity, can
be acceptable, since 0 << Ri .
This factor then is applied as a correction to the area for every contact c; for the ith particle, the
corrected contact areaAc is then:
Ac = i Ac (4.32)
In the Appendix [C] a table containing all the values can be found and also the ratio between the
polyhedron surface and the surface of its inscribed sphere. This ratio ranges from 3, 308 in the case
of a tetrahedron and tends to 1 when the value of n neighbours increases. The value corresponding
to 11 neighbours, which is a usual number of surrounding particles, is still signigicant: 1.410.
Notice that in the derived formula (4.28), instead of Ac , what is present is simply R1 R2 . How-
ever, these two quantities coincide when R1 and R2 are similar. Even for a value of R2 = 2, 5R1
the relation between those quantities is still of = 0, 8. This factor could be introduced as well as
a correction term but, mostly with the factor, the error has been signicantly reduced and the
following can be written1 :
An important consideration to be done here is to notice that, given a contacting pair of particles,
namely A and B, dierent area is obtained from each side since each particle has dierent radius and
number of neighbours. In order to avoid this inconsistency and to respect Newtons Third Law, the
mean value of the the two calculations is the one used in the KDEM code.
Finally, it has to be noticed that special treatment is needed in the skin particles. In this case,
the particles arent surrounded completely by spheres and so, the same assumption of a irregular
polyhedron formed by the contacting planes is not valid anymore. In this case, the followed strategy
is to assign a proportion of the corresponding interior counterpart to that area of the skin particle
pair. Having said that, a clever idea for those skin particles that contact an inner particle is to use
for the contact, the area calculated from the inner particle.
2D Case
Just for academic purposes, KDEM includes a 2D module which permits bidimensional simulations
using cylinders instead of spheres. The same theory of the calculation of areas applies here, working
now with polygons.
In Annex B the corresponding derivation of the correction factor and a table with all the used
values in the code can be found.
In this section, and in the next one (section 4.8), the failure criteria and the constitutives laws
implemented are explained. All of these models are compatible with both the so-called Dempack-
model and the KDEM-model which characterize the basic stiness parameters, Kn and Ks , in a
dierent way.
where Fnt and Fs are the interface strengths for pure tension and shear-compression conditions,
respectively Fnt is the normal tensile force, respectively and Fs is the modulus of the shear force
vector dened in Eq. 4.35.
The same correction applies to the expression derived for the tangential spring in equation A.8.
The interface strengths are dened as:
where tf and f are the tension and shear failure stresses, respectively and 1 = tan 1 is the (static)
internal friction parameter. These values are assumed to be an intrinsic property of the material.
The failure stress tf is typically determined from a BTS laboratory test. In this work f and 1 have
been taken respectively as the cohesion and the internal friction angle of the Mohr-Coulomb criterion.
The values of f and 1 can be estimated following the procedure recently proposed by Wang et
al. [32] for rocks which gives two analytical expressions for computing f and 1 as
( )
2 1
K = tan + (4.37a)
4 2
( )
f 1
P = 2 tan + (4.37b)
4 2
where K is the slope of the line that ts the values of the limit axial stress versus the conning
pressure for dierent triaxial tests and P is the value of the limit axial stress (dening the onset
of the non linear branch) for the Uniform Compressive Strength (UCS) test. The value of 1 is
obtained from Eq.(4.37a) and then f is obtained from Eq.(4.37b). The derivation of Eqs.(4.37) can
be found in [32]. In the DEM in general, and in the Dempack-model in particular, however, the
practical procedure is to calibrate these parameters phenomenologically to adjust the model to the
experimental data as many of the authors do [31].
Figure 4.11 shows the graphic representation of the failure criterium described by Eqs.4.35 and
4.36. Note that this criterium assumes that the tension and shear forces contribute to the failure of
the contact interface in a decoupled manner. On the other hand, shear failure under normal com-
pression forces follows a Mohr-Coulomb type constitutive law, with the failure line being a function
of the cohesion, the compression force and the internal frictional angle.
Indeed, a coupled failure model in the tension-shear zone can also be used, as shown in the right
hand side of Figure 4.11. In this work the uncoupled model has been used.
Figure 4.12 shows the evolution of the normal tension force and the shear force until failure
in terms of the relative normal and tangential displacements. The eect of damage in the two
constitutive laws is also shown in the gure. The method for introducing the eect of damage is
explained in the next section.
Figure 4.11: Failure line in terms of normal and shear forces. Left: uncoupled failure model. Right:
Coupled failure model
4.7.2 Damage evolution law
Elastic damage can be accounted for by assuming a softening behaviour dened by softening moduli
Hn and Ht introduced into the force-displacement relationships in the normal (tensile) and tangential
directions, respectively (Figure 4.12).
Figure 4.12: Undamaged and damaged elastic module under tension and shear forces
Damage eects are assumed to start when the failure strength conditions 4.35 are satised. The
evolution of the damage parameters from the value zero to one can be dened in a number of ways
using fracture mechanics arguments [19, 21].
In the present work dn and ds are dened using a simple linear strain softening law as:
0 for un <
( ) Kn
un Fn t
dn = Kn Fnt (4.39)
( ) for un < ufn
F Kn
ufn t
1 for un ufn
0 for us <
( ) Ks
us Fs
ds = Ks Fs (4.40)
( ) for us < ufs
s s
K s
1 for us ufs
where ufn and ufs are values of the interface displacement increments in the normal and shear direc-
tions at failure computed as:
ufn = dij fn , ufs = Aij sf (4.41)
where fn and sf are respectively the failure normal strain and the failure shear strains. These strains
are an intrinsic property of each material.
where (Fnt , Fndt ) and (Fs , Fsd ) are the undamaged and damage interface strengths for pure tension
and pure shear conditions, respectively.
where Fnc is the normal compressive force and 2 is the so-called dynamic Coulomb friction coe-
cient of the material. Note that Fij
s acts in the direction of the relative shear velocity at the contact
Figure 4.13 shows the evolution of the failure lines from the undamaged to the fully damaged
state for the uncoupled model of Figure 4.11a.
Figure 4.13: Damage surfaces for uncoupled normal and shear failure
4.8 Elasto-Plastic Model for Compressive forces
The compressive stress-strain behaviour in the normal direction for frictional materials such as ce-
ment and concrete is typically governed by an initial elastic law followed by a non-linear constitutive
equation that varies for each material. The compressive normal stress increases under linear elastic
conditions until it reaches a limit value dened by the compressive axial stress el . This is dened as
the axial stress level where the curve starts to deviate from the linear elastic behaviour. After
this point the material is assumed to yield under elastic-plastic conditions.
Figure 4.14: Uniaxial strain compaction test in cement sample [14]. Normal total compressive stress-
axial strain relationship
Figure 4.14 shows the normal stress-strain relationship for cement 1 material as deduced from the
uniaxial strain compaction (USC) test in experimental data [14]. The curve shows an initial elastic
branch and a (elasto-plastic) hardening branch.
From this observation comes the necessity of coding a law that permits a non-linear behaviour
for high values of stresses and includes as well plasticity in terms of irrecuperable deformation.
The strategy followed by most of the DEM codes for continuum simulations in concrete or cohesive
frictional materials is to phenomenollogically identify the parameters that dene a generic and simple
non linear and plasticity law on the normal contacts. An important reference in this topic is [31], a
work done by V.T. Tran, F.-V. Donz et al. where a general non-linear elasto-plastic model (Figure
4.15) is calibrated for the simulation of concrete under high triaxial loading.
Figure 4.15: Non-linear elastoplastic and damage constituitive law dened by Donz et Al.
In this specic case of Figure 4.14 another special eect takes part on, the test was performed on a staurated
porous cement speciment and there, the eect of the variation of water pressure in the pores should be taken into
account; refer to the CIMNE report [20] for more information about how to deal with saturated cement samples.
In the work presented here a simple model is introduced where the elasto-plastic relationships in
the normal compressive direction are dened as:
Loading path
dFnc = KTn dun (4.46a)
Unloading path
dFnc = Kn0 dun (4.46b)
In Eqs.(55) dFnc and dun are the increment of the normal compressive force and the normal
(relative) displacement, Kn0 is the initial (elastic) compressive stiness for a value of E = E0 (Figure
4.16), and KTn is the tangent compressive stiness given by
KTn = Kn (4.47)
E0 0
where ET is the slope of the normal eective stress-strain curve in the yield branch (Figure 4.16).
Note that plasticity eects in the normal compressive direction have an indirect eect in the
evolution of the tangential forces at the interface, as the interface shear strength is related to the
normal compression force by Eq. 4.36.
Figure 4.16: Uniaxial normal compressive stress-normal axial strain for elasto-plastic material
The method is generic and permits dening dierent level of stresses or strains at which the law
changes in compression to a dierent elastic slope; the same applies to the strain (or stress) at which
the plasticity starts and so the unloading follows the elastic unloading slope instead of going over
the non-linear loading path.
Figure 4.17: Axial stress-strain curve for UCS and Triaxial tests
Chapter 5
The models that are going to be used for the numerical simulations present in this work have been
described in the previous chapters. The objective of this chapter is to numerically analyse the DEM
applied to continuum simulation by means of doing simple test and checking basic issues of the
method such as convergence, mesh dependence, etc. This will be done using the novel method,
developed by the author of the tesis, for the characteritzation of the contacts presented in section
Unfortunatelly, as it has been introduced, there is not a direct unique general way to achieve
that, despite the eorts that have been done in the DEM. As it has been previously said in section
4.1, two basic approaches are followed in the characterization of the contact parameters: the global
one and the local one. The global uses averaged properties and it is based usually on adimensional
parameters. On the other hand, the local approach tries to nd a relationship between micro and
macro parameters from a local denition. As an introduction to this topic, one example of each
approach is referenced here to show the limitations of the DEM in the linear elasticity.
Since there are seven parameters and three independent dimensions, according to the Buckingham
theorem [18] four independent dimensionless parameters govern the elastic response of the assembly.
{ }
Ks r V
, , , (5.1)
Kn L Kn /
It is assumed that an enough number of particles is considered, the ratio (r/L << 1) can be
The same can be assumed for the velocity, considering the condition of quasi-static loading
(V / Kn / << 1). The dependence of the elastic constants on the micro-scale parameters can thus
be reduced to the following scaling laws:
( )
El Ks
= E , (5.2)
Kn Kn
( )
= , (5.3)
Note that according to the scaling laws, the elastic constants are completely determined if the
shear and normal stinesses Ks and Kn are known for a given size distribution of the particles. This
means that the curves hold for a specic assembly of particles, with a given congurations, and
can not be scaled to a dierent one. These is bad news, because that means the method is mesh
dependent and needs calibration.
This work was followed by Labra [15] in Dempack. Here some results of what he obtained are
Figure 5.1: Poissons Ratio for dierent values of Ks /kn in 2D and 3D UCS test. Ref.: C. Labra [15]
Labra found out that, for a given assembly, the Ks /kn ratio is key in order to determine the
macroscopical poisson ratio of the model. As it can be seen, there exist a limitation on the maximum
value of Poisson ratio to the value of 0.25 in 2D case and nearly 0.3 in 3D. Similar results are obtained
in the alternative, local approach as it is shown next.
Regular - Local Approach
An interesting study was perform by Tavarez and Plesha [30] with a local denition of the contact
parameters in a regular mesh. Their attempt was to theoretically establish the inter-element normal
and tangential stinesses (and failure parameters, which are not in the present discussion) as functions
of element size and commonly accepted material parameters including Youngs modulus and Poissons
ratio. This was done by developing a DEM model of a unit cell of material.
Figure 5.2: Close-packed DEM unit cell for determination of inter-element spring constants. Ref.:
F. A. Tavarez and M. E. Plesha [30]
Figure 5.2(a) shows an isotropic solid material element (with known elastic modulus and Poissons
ratio) subjected to uniaxial stress. The volume of material is then modelled using the DEM close-
packed unit cell with the loading shown in Figure 5.2(b) and the one in 5.2(c) as a check to investigate
the possible anisotropy. The unit cell contains seven elements having three degrees of freedom (d.o.f.)
per element (two translations and one rotation). Due to the symmetry of loading, all rotations in
the unit cell are zero. Therefore, the matrix equation for the 14 translational d.o.f. can be expressed
[K]d = f (5.4)
Expressing the stines matrix [K] as a function of Kn and Ks and the geometry and solving for
a known case with determined vectors f and d, the normal and tangetial elastic stiness for this
assembly can be found:
Kn = E t (5.5)
3(1 )
1 3
Ks = Kn (5.6)
(1 + )
Where E and are E and for the 2d plane stress or E/(1 2 ) and /(1 ) respectively in
plane strain case.
Figure 5.3: DEM discretization and unit cell used in Tavarez and Plesha work. Ref.: F. A. Tavarez
and M. E. Plesha [30]
The normal and tangential stiness obtained in numerical simulations by this methodology agree
exactly with Equations 5.5 and 5.6. Assuming the shear stiness must be non-negative, it is inter-
esting to note that these equations limit the maximum value of Poissons ratio to 1/3 for plane stress
and 1/4 for plane strain.
This results are surprisingly similar to the ones that were obtained by the dimensional analysis
showed previously. In the global approach, both the Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio should
be calibrated for each mesh; in the local approach this is not necessary anymore since an analytical
expression has been derived for a given mesh; the disatvantage of the last method is that the multi-
fracture path are predened by the mesh as well. In both methods the poisson is limited to maximum
values of 1/4 and are mesh dependent. The method followed in this thesis is analysed next, which,
from a local approach and using irregular meshes, aims to obtain linear elasticity for dierent values
of Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio; obviosly the method will face the same limitations explained
in this section.
Theoretically, in every contacting pair a characteristic area, Ac , in 3D, or lenght in 2D, (Section
4.6.2) is assigned so that there are, in average, no overlaps.
Figure 5.9: Theoretical contact area (lenght in 2D) associated to each contact.
In order to check the goodness of the area assigned to the contacts the following strategy is done:
dening several horitzontal strips of particles and calculating the total area projected in vertical
direction that every particle of the strip assigns to the contacts with their neighbouring particles out
of the strip. The total value is compared against the geometrical width of the model (5cm). Several
strips are set in order to average the values obtained.
The same check has been done in two 3D meshes in order to proof that the method is generic
and works ne in 3D too. The geometry meshed is a 15x30 cm cylindrer. Next, the meshes with its
monitoring strips is presented.
Figure 5.11: Mesh 3D 1 with strips Figure 5.12: Mesh 3D 2 with strips
In the following table 5.1 the results are summarized and the properties of each mesh are presented.
Table 5.1: Properties of the meshes and results of the calculation of area
The results are quite satisfactory since the main goal here was to obtain a method to weight the
area assigned to the contacts in a way that the real geometry was respected. The maximum relative
error in the measure is 3,3% which is a very low value. It can be seen that this method works nicely
in 2D and 3D for homogeneous meshes and for heterogeneous meshes too.
Note on the implementation: This novel methodology does not make the method more expensive
in terms of CPU time since the correction of areas should be done only in the rst time step and,
thereafter, those stored values values should be used. Here it is considered that the contacting area
doesnt change, that is obviously valid for small deformations, i.e. before fracturing. In KDEM
code this correction is not performed for new contacts generated from particles that have broken
bonds and interact with new particles. In this case, frictional contact appears and the stiness of the
contact is not a key issue. However, those particles that are in contact with their initial neighbouring
particles, even if their bonds are broken, keeping the same stored area.
Relative Standard Deviation: the ratio of standard deviation over the mean value times 100; this way a dimne-
sionless value in % is obtained, and so, a good idea of the variation is obtained.
Coordination Number: represents the average number of neighbours per particle. It is calculated by the following
expression: N C = 2NContacts /NP articles .
Mesh porosity: the complementary of the volume fraction of particles in the mesh over the model volume.
5.1.3 Youngs Modulus and Poison Ratio
Input parameters - Calibration study
In the previous section it has been proved that the area assigned to the contact, Ac , was consistently
calculated; the results in linear elasticity however, are not good enough if the found expressions 4.34
are used and vary for dierent meshes. In this chapter a study of how a modication of the derived
expressions incur in the results is done:
Kn = EA/(R1 + R2 + 0 )
Ks = GA/(R1 + R2 + 0 )
To assign the values of the local constitutive parameters, a calibration procedure can be used; this
procedure has been followed by CIMNE researchers with the Dempack-model and other researchers
on the eld, see Labra [15], Donz et al. [9, 31]. The proceedure It is generally based on the sim-
ulation of quasi-static uniaxial and triaxial compression/traction tests; in the case studied in this
section only the normal and tangential stiness have to be calibrated to obtain a correct linear elastic
The test will be done by changing the values of alpha and beta in the constituitive contact
coecients 5.7.
The test consist on applying uniaxial strain in the vertical direction and measuring macroscop-
ically the stresses in the same directions as well as the strains in horitzontal direction due to the
Poissons eect. In order to have a uniform stress-strain state on the whole model, no other boundary
conditions or external forces (gravity, etc.) are applied.
From linear elasticity theory its known that:
x = [ x ( y + z )]
y = [ y ( x + z )] (5.8)
z = [ z ( x + y )]
In the uniaxial compression problem in y direction, in both 2D and 3D, the meaningful equations
simplify to:
y = y
E (5.9)
x = y
And so, assuming uniform stress and strain in the complete model, a measure of the macroscopic
poison ratio is:
= (5.10)
Some monitoring particles have been marked in order to get the stress-strain curves and the
poisson ratio. See how this is done in section 6.5.
Figure 5.14: Y displacement and X displacement in Mesh 2 for = 1.21 and = 1.00.
In Figure 5.14 a view of the deformation in X and Y can be seen for a specic mesh. Due to the
heterogenity of the mesh some twist occurs and so, the measured poisson may not be highly accurate.
Figure 5.15: Youngs modulus [Mpa] for the mesh 1
Figure 5.18: Youngs modulus [Mpa] for the mesh 4
It can be seen in the results from the output Youngs modulus that they evolve in a similar way
for evey mesh (except for mesh 5 which is regular). The following points is what can be concluded
analysing the presented cases.
1. The correct value of Youngs modulus is recovered when the tangential stiness becomes larger
for every mesh. This is due to the correction of areas which ensures that the static forces are
well calculated in the system formed by linear springs (weighted by the areas).
2. There is an absolute linear relationship between the local value and the global stiness of
the model as it was expected in small deformations.
3. The values obtained for the dierent families of values yield similar results for all the meshes
except for the completely regular one.
4. Given a mesh and a value of that calibrates the Poisson ratio, a value of alpha which recovers
the correct macroscopical behaviour in terms of Youngs modulus can be found in the range of
[1.0 ].
Figure 5.20: Poisson ratio mesh 1 Figure 5.21: Poisson ratio mesh 2
Figure 5.22: Poisson ratio mesh 3 Figure 5.23: Poisson ratio mesh 4
Results of Poisson Ratio of mesh 5 have not been included since that mesh yields a 0.0 value in any
case. From these results the following can be concluded:
1. The values of Poisson ratio dont depend on the value of , which is good news.
2. It seems that the more heterogenous the mesh the higher the ratios that can be obtained. It is
debatable which mesh is more heterogenous in terms of distribuiton, mesh 1 or mesh 2. Mesh
2 yields a ratio of 0.9 for = 0.0.
3. The values of Poisson ratio seem to converge to some value near zero (that can be slightly
negative) when the value of increases.
4. The maximum Poisson ration is obtained for = 0.0, it highly depends on the mesh congu-
ration and it can be larger than 0.5 what is physically impossible.
5. The values obtained for = 1.0 yield a good aproximation of the poisson ratio for all the
meshes except for mesh 5 which yields obviously a null Poisson ration.
It seems a good strategy to choose a high value of , or in the extreme, restrict the tangential
displacement in the contacts, in order to obtain an exact Youngs modulus value (without using )
and a natural null or negligible poisson ratio. Once that is obtained, Poisson deformation should be
introduced by some other mechanism depending on the stresses and strains present at the system.
This is a topic under research at the moment by the author.
Figure 5.24: Stress-Strain plot of Mesh 2 for = 1.21 and = 1.00.
Figure 5.25: Poisson Ratio plot of Mesh 2 for = 1.21 and = 1.00.
These plots belong to one of the cases that were run during the simulations. In mesh 2 for a
= 1.00 the exact poisson ratio is recovered after some oscillation (due to dynamic loading) in the
rsts time steps. The same oscillation occur in the Youngs modulus curve. The value that yields the
correct value of the Young modulus is in this case: = 1.21.
5.2 Mesh dependence
The Mesh-dependence has been already shown also for the simple case of linear elasticity where,
using the same micro parameters Kn and Ks in the contacts, dierent Youngs modulus and Poisson
ratio are obtained, macro parameters, are measured.
Figure 5.26: Stress-Strain plot for all meshes with = 1.00 and = 1.00.
Figure 5.27: Poisson Ratio plot for all meshes with = 1.00 and = 1.00.
5.3 Convergence
In order to analyse convergence of the method, this will be done analysing a case which is of the
interest of this thesis and also can be compared against experimental data; a UCS test for concrete
reported in [29] and performed by Dempack software as well in the CIMNE report [20].
For this case, the Dempack-model is applied with a constitutive law that includes non-linear elas-
ticity, plasticity and damage. The parameters of the simulation are detailed in Section 7.
The convergence analysis will be done from three prespectives: Number of elements, explicit time
step selection and velocity of loading.
The critical time step can be estimated by means of the expression presented in Section 3.4.2:
tcr = min 2 (5.11)
It is interesting to analyse which is the dependence of the natural frequency on the particle
radius (using k as the normal stiness corresponding to a sphere contacting with another of the same
u 3Ri3
mi u t i
i = = 4
simplifying for 0 0 i Ri2 Ri (5.12)
ki E 2R1 +0
Taking the 13k mesh as the reference one , the mean radius obtained was of 3.50 mm and the
minimum one 1.00 mm. A fair approximation of the reference citical radius for the simulation can
be 2.00 mm since the case of two particles of values arround 1.00 mm contacting is dicult to be
present in the model. Also with the Youngs modulus of 2.7Gpa and desity of = 2500kg/m3 the
following estimation of the critical time can be done:
tcr 6e7 (5.13)
In this simulation the value of tcr = 1e 7 was used and turned out to be stable.
Having said that, a special time step will be used for the mesh 70k. An estimation of the new
time step can be done by scaling the times in funcion of the ratio of the number of elements.
tcr2 R2
tcr1 R1
R2 3 V2 N1
3 (5.15)
R1 V1 N2
And so the critical time can be estimated as:
3 13000
tcr70k = tcr13k = 0.57e 7 (5.16)
For comodity and safety, a time step of 0.5e 7 has been used.
Figure 5.28: Convergence analysis for the number of particles in the discretization.
Although the results seem to converge increasing the number of elements, several more test
have to be done to have a prediction of the order of the convergence for the dierent interesting
variables such as displacement or stresses. Appart from the plots and the macroscopical measures,
the visualitzation of the results and the cracks tracking is obviously better dened for larger meshes.
The next gure, where the displacement eld of the 70k mesh is displayed, gives an impressive view
of the failure mode in the model which pretty much matches the real one for the UCS tests performed
on concrete.
Figure 5.29: Z Displacement of a centered section of the specimen for the 70k mesh at the begining
of the loading and after failure (deformation 2 times enlarged).
5.3.2 Convergence in time step
As it has been pointed out in the previous section, the explicit integration scheme has a stability
limit in the time step selection which has been analysed in Section 3.4.2 that has to be respected. On
the other hand the smaller the time step selected, the more accurate the results and the less the gain
of energy that the penalty method produces systematically in a explicit time discretization scheme.
The way this critical timestep is calculated, approximating the highest frequency of the system
to the hypothetic highest one, normally leads to an unsafe value; it has been said already in Section
3.4.2 that for practical cases normally a safety factor is used with a value arround 0.17 afecting the
estimated timestep.
t = tcr (5.17)
Another consideration has to be done about the critical time step; in many cases and in the case
presented here too, where some particles have imposed velocities, the critical time step may let the
particles have an excesive indentation if the imposed velocity is high enough and so the make the
calculations unstable.
The value for the critical time step obtained in the previous section for the 13k mesh is of:
tcr 6e7 . The following values have been used in the analysis: [1e8 , 5e8 , 1e7 , 5e7 ].
The results corroborate that a time step of slightly lower than the critical one (5e 7) is not
enough for the stability of the system. However, using a time step of 1e 7, which is more or less the
value that yields from applying the reduction of the critcial step with the safety vaule of = 0.17,
the calculation is stable. The solution does converge when the time step is smaller.
5.3.3 Convergence in quasi-staticity
The DEM applied to continuum elds is able to simulate dynamic problems naturally since it comes
from the basic DEM formulation which is completelly dynamic in its conception. However, in many
engineering applications such as the ones presented in this thesis, the concrete test simulations, it is
desired to simulate static problems. The problem however is solved in the case of the UCS imposing
strain along the speciment and measuring the forces on the top and bottom of the speciment; in
this sense, the solution is found by tracking a explicit time evolving solution. It has been reported
from the laboratory experiments obtained [29] that the tests simulated in this tesis (UCS, Brazilian,
Triaxial) can be considered quasi-static since the loading velocity is arround 0.0006mm/s.
The same UCS test have been done modifying the loading velocity in the range: [0.002, 0.020,
0.100, 0.200, 1.000] m/s. This particular case has been designed with no damage in the constituitive
law in order to check if the model can reproduce the brittle behaviour.
The experimental loading velocities of 0.0006mm/s are not feasible to simulate using time step
value of the order of 1e 7s. Considering that the test ends at a deformation of 0.25%, which
corresponds to 0.75mm in a 30cm specimen, over 20 minutes of simulation would be needed to
reach this deformation with the set loading velocity. This would yield to 1, 25e10 number of
calculation steps. The numerical velocity for the loading is taken arround 0, 2m/s instead.
Appart from the numerical damping included to cut down the gain of energy of the explicit
method, extra damping is needed in the contacts for killing the dynamic eects. In this sense,
the damping is set to a value near the critical (0.9), killing all the local contact unbalanced
Another damping, reported in this thesis in the section 4.5.3, which is a non-viscous type global
damping has been considered:
c ui
Fdamp t ext
= Fi + Fi (5.18)
|ui |
This damping reduces the total unbalanced forces resulting in every partilce. A value of = 0.2
is used in the analysis.
The mass of the particles is also modiable since the accelerations are not an interesting result
in the quasi-static simulation. In this particular analysis the mass value has not been modied.
The velocity of the loading is a key factor that determines as well as the above mentioned
parameters the quasi staticity of the simulation.
The results clearly show that the loading velocity has inuence on the results. The elastic part is
well calculated even for the 1.0 m/s case, where the dynamic eects can be seen in the elastic waves
produced by the excessively fast loading. The failure however, gives higher peak values and higher
deformation ranges and yields a ductile behaviour. On the other hand, the slowest case of 0.002m/s
yields a extremelly brittle behaviour as it should be.
It has been already said that the majority of the codes, and also the work presented here, con-
sider DEM as a phenomenological method which its failure parameters of a given model have to be
calibrated; this is done by performing dierent typied tests and tunning the parameters that t the
curves of experimental results [31]. The methods considered in most of the cases however, which are
based on unidimensional failure criteria on the contacts, dont suce to represent the real behaviour
of the failure mechanisms in the continua.
The average stress tensor in a domain dened by the volume V is written as:
1 cc
ij = f l (5.19)
V cV i j
where lj is the called branch vector, which joins the center of the particles in contact (xq xp ).
In the case of the strain tensor, dierent formulations can be found in the literature. As a general
formulation, the following can be used to dene the average strain tensor:
1 e e
ij = d (5.20)
V e i j
where dei is a characteristic vector related to the relative displacement, and complementary to the
branch vector.
This utility hasnt been implemented in the KDEM-Application yet. Appart from being a good
visualization tool, it may be very useful to determine the average constituitive elaticity matrix of
each assembly. It seems a good idea to make use of this information in order to correct the behaviour
of the model in order to better simulate the linear elasticity. This is a topic under research by the
author of the thesis and some researchers in Cimne.
But most important, an inmediate application of this would be the consideration of more complex
3D failure mechanisms that take into account the fact that the material failure can not be dened
by 1D criteria in the contact directions and the complete stress state in those evaluation points
(contacts) should be used.
Figure 5.33 shows the value of the variable FAILURE CRITERION STATE represented on
the contact elements (linear elements representing the contact between the spheric particles) for
a hydrostatic test at 30M pa. This failure state is calculated as the maximum value between two
quantities. In the case of shear it is calculated as the current shear state over the shear strength
(now / f ) which depends on the connement of the contact n or equivalently in forces Fs /Fs . In
the case of tension, the ratio is calculated as the current tension state in the contact over the tension
strength, in forces Fnt /Fnt , or in the case when the damage law is applied, it is calculated as the
tensile deformation over the maximum damaged deformation un /ufn . This ratio takes a value of 1.0
in the broken bonds.
Fs Fnt
max( F , Fnt ) for Uncoupled Mohr-Coulomb without damag law.
F CS = max( FFs , uunf ) for Uncoupled Mohr-Coulomb with damage law. (5.21)
1.0 for Broken bonds
The problem is obviously that the contact only captures the connement in one direction, the
normal one, and so depending on which is the internal friction angle, an increase of shear stress
would lead the contact to failure.
In Figure 5.33 the values are ranged [0.0 0.3] and it can be seen that in some contact elements,
values near the 30% of the failure criterion have been reached. At this point of connement of 30 M pa
the triaxial test would start with the uniaxial loading; it is clearly unrealistic to have some contacts
which are closer to the failure after a hydrostatic connement which would have to do the opposite
eect on the microstructure, push the failure point further.
Chapter 6
6.1 Kratos-Multiphysics
6.1.1 What is Kratos?
Kratos is a framework for building multi-disciplinary nite element programs. It provides several
tools for easy implementation of nite element applications and a common platform providing eort-
less interaction between them. Kratos has an innovative variable base interface designed to be used
at dierent levels of abstraction and implemented to be very clear and extendible. It also provides an
ecient yet exible data structure which can be used to store any type of data in a type-safe manner.
The Python scripting language is used to dene the main procedure of Kratos which signicantly
improves the exibility of the framework in time of use.
The kernel and application approach is used to reduce the possible conicts arising between de-
velopers of dierent elds. Also layers are designed to reect the working space of dierent people,
considering their programming knowledge. It permits to create your new application starting from a
template for every basic generic part of your program. The application connects to the main Kratos
general structure and it benets of its data base common utilities for general FEM-like engineering
programs ready to be used, the IO structure to interact with graphical interfaces and the powerful
and optimized usage of the combined C++ and python languages.
Research engineers: these developers are considered to be more expert in numerical methods
and engineering calculation methods, from the physical and mathematical points of view, than
in C++ programming. For this reason, Kratos provides their requirements without involving
them in advanced programming concepts.
Application Developers: these users are less interested in nite element programming and their
programming knowledge may vary from very expert to higher than basic. They may use not
only Kratos itself but also any other applications provided by nite element developers, or
other application developers. Developers of optimization programs or design tools are the typ-
ical users of this kind.
Package Users Engineers: and designers are other users of Kratos. They use the complete pack-
age of Kratos and its applications to model and solve their problem without getting involved in
internal programming of this package. For these users Kratos has to provide a exible external
interface to enable them use dierent features of Kratos without changing its implementation.
Kratos is FINITE ELEMENT METHOD (FEM) based. Many problems in engineering and
applied science are governed by Partial Dierential Equations (PDE), easily handled by com-
puter thanks to numerical methods. The FEM is one of the most powerful, exible and versatile
existing methods.
Kratos is OPEN SOURCE. The main code and program structure is available and aimed to
grow with the need of any user willing to expand it. The GNU Lesser General Public License
allows using and distributing the existing code without any restriction, but with the possibility
to develop new parts of the code on an open or close basis depending on the developers.
Kratos is FREE because is devoted mainly to developers, researchers and students and, there-
fore, is the most fruitful way to share knowledge and built a robust numerical methods labora-
tory adapted to their users needs. Free because you have the freedom to modify and distribute
the software. The one thing youre not able to do with free software is take away other peoples
freedom. Read the license for more detailed information in Kratos webpage.
6.1.5 Kratos structure
An object-oriented structure has been designed to maximize the reusability and extensibility of the
code. This structure is based on nite element methodology and many objects are designed to rep-
resent the basic nite element concepts. In this way the structure becomes easily understandable for
developers with a nite element method background. In this design, Vector, Matrix, and Quadrature
represent the basic numerical concepts. Node, Element, Condition, and DoF are dened directly
from nite element concepts. Model, Mesh, and Properties are from the practical methodology used
in nite element modelling complemented by ModelPart, and Spatial Container, for organizing better
all data necessary for analysis. IO, LinearSolver, Process, and Strategy represent the dierent steps
of a nite element program ow. Finally Kernel and Application are dened for library management
and its interface denition.
An extensible structure for linear solvers has been designed and dierent common solvers have
been implemented. In this design the solver encapsulates only the solving algorithms and all op-
erations over vectors and matrices are encapsulated in space classes. In this way solvers become
independent of the type of mathematical containers and can be used to solve completely dierent
types of equations systems like symmetric, skyline, etc. This structure also allows highly optimized
solvers (for just one type of matrices or vectors) to be implemented without any problem.
6.1.7 Subversioning
Apache Subversion, SVN, is a software versioning and revision control system distributed under
an open source license. Kratos main developers are attached into a subversion sharing network in
order to up-load their developments and up-date the current and historical versions of les from the
basic code or from new application parts being developed by others. This way, a new integration
method, for instance, can be developed by anyone and included in Kratos database; after that, any
other user or developer can update the modied parts of their code and they get instantaneously
the integration method. In order to avoid conicts between implementations from dierent people,
there is also a benchmarking system checking for the correct functioning and compilation of any new
6.1.9 Advantages of DEM-Application belonging to Kratos
Eventhough Kratos is a FEM-based codes developing tool, many other applications t perfectly in
its structure and data base. The Discrete Element Method solves a physical problem, it does have
elements which have nodal values and elemental properties; those nodes have boundary conditions,
basic PDE have to be solved for the motion of the discrete elements, a search has to be done and
the discrete particles are normaly involved in media that can be modelled by nite elements.
The kernel of Kratos: All the database and the structure of the Kratos core allows the KDEM
developer dedicate more time in the algorithms and the strategy for solving the problem with
the method of Discrete Elements than spending time organizing the infrastructure for a DEM
or FEM code, the management of data, the coding of the node, element, properties objects,
the solvers, the search utilities, the numerical tools and libraries, the programing interface, the
IO system etc. Everything comes with the package Kratos, ready for the engineers to develop
their application and do their research.
The graphical interface: The applications developed in Kratos automatically can take advantage
of the Input and Output data system that allows using GiD as a preprocessor and postprocessor
for the model desing and the results visualization.
The python layer: Is the layer between the closed package ready to be use from a graphical
interface and the core of the application which uses C++ language. Python reads the input data
that GiD generates from the models designed by the users and does the callings to the functions,
in the C++ code, that solve the problem. In this python layer most of the variables in the
inner calculation are accessible and can be modifyied in time while the process is running and
apply special conditions at a determined point of the calculation. This brings the application
a versitile tool that doesnt need to be compiled which uses a programming language that can
be used for any engineer whithout programming knowledge.
The HPC tools: If your code belongs to Kratos, then you can easily parallelize your code
with the OpenMP and MPI technology. Also Kratos gives you tools for debugging your code,
checking errors, proling, etc.
The force of teamwork: Thanks to the subversioning system and the benchmarking, more than
one researcher can work developing the same application. Since the structure is well dened
and the coding follows the Kratos template, there are no conicts in developments that are
added in an application by dierent people.
Easy coupling: No doubt this is one of the principal advantages that Kratos brings to the
KDEM-Application as well as to the rest of applications. Since every application developed
in Kratos, CFD, CSM, Particle-based, etc. is set in the same framework and structure, it is
fairly easy to couple dierent applications. In this sense, once the KDEM-Application was able
to run on its own, it was inmediately combined with nite element applications for solids and
uids. So DEM-FEM applications emerge using the DEM and the FEM applications without
rewriting those codes, simply creating a common strategy that does the combination and the
correspondent interface.
6.2 Code implementation
In this section just a brief idea of how the code is organized is presented. For more details about the
implentation, the author recommends the lecture of the previous thesis done from this application
[28]. Obviously, since the code is free and open-source, if you are interested in taking a closer look
on the les or directly testing the application, it is available to download in the Kratos repository:
Figure 6.3: Basic structure of the application.
On the plus side, looping over particle is more versatile and more generic. From the point of view
of parallelization it is optimal, since the memory can be divided geometrically and the comunication
minimized. On the other hand looping over the contacts is a clever strategy that minimizes the cal-
culations in the basic DEM and specially in the continuum. However, it is not a general approach,
for instance, when the particles are coupled with uids where a singe particle has to calculate every
time step the total forces that yield from its interaction with the uid without existing any contact
One of the major drawbacks of looping over particles is that the calculations of the contacting
forces are done twice in the algorithm, one from each particle forming part of the contact. Appart
from that, in the continuum simulations, a new strategy has to be done which make the algorithm
much slower. There are a lot of extra variables that have to be stored and a mapping procedure has
to be done every time step that new neighbours are computed in order to identify which ones are old
neighbours, which are initial ones or which are new ones. Dealing with contacts, the damage internal
variables, the forces, the fracture ag and everything needed for the calculation can be stored as a
member variable of the contact element; in the sphere approach every sphere has an array of values
for each of these variables and the mapping has to be done to identify which new neighbour has
which values from the previous or initial time step.
6.2.4 Utilities for the continuum - delta option and continuum option
Following the same previous idea, several special features have been developed to provide this general
apprach the necessary tools to deal with the continuum:
Extended search: Since the sphere meshers are not perfect and can produce some little voids
between the spheres (appart from indentations) an extended search which takes a radius larger
than the real one is used for every particle to nd the contacting neighbours. The tolerance
can be specied by the user.
Initial passive distance: The initial gaps that these initial neighbours have, also the initial
indentation in the inclusion case, is stored as a relative passive distance where the particles
start to interact. Every particle stores an array of the lenght of its neighbouring particles with
these initial distance values.
Cohesive groups: The interface allows dening for each particle, or group of particles, a
value for the variable continuum group. These groups are used to identify in the rst time step
which particles have cohesive bonds and which have the simple frictional contact. There is a
group, with value 0, reserved for all the particles (that can be of dierent materials) that are
non-cohesive. The rest of the groups make the particle be cohesive among the ones that share
the same group. This permits simulate two cohesive entities of the same material that has no
cohesion between the two bodies. For example the interaction betweeen two concrete blocks.
Historical variables: The historical variables needed for the plasticity and damage are stored
in an array of the neighbours size for evey particle also with the initial passive distance, the
failure ag of the bonds, etc. Also the local forces of the last time step are stored since the
constituitive law for the force evaluation is incremental. Every time that the neighbours are
computed, a procedure is called which maps every neighbour found to the correspondent old
neighbours and initial neighbour and transfers the needed values for the calculation. This is
the most important issue in terms of (bad) performance with respect to the contact approach
where all this procedure is not necessary.
Detailed information of how this works in terms of implementation of the code and explanatory
examples can be found on the rst thesis done by the author about the KDEM-Application [28].
Figure 6.4: Dierent cases of neighbouring particles that KDEM deals with. Souce: Miquel Santa-
susana [28].
6.2.5 Parallelization of the code
A Discrete Element Method code without parallelization has a very limited use in practice; the reality
is that for considerably large amount of particles (common simulations) the code needs to be paral-
lelized to be competitive against other methods. The good thing of DEM is that the parallelization
is quite easy to achieve; the method in its original conception is based on calculating each particle
independently, i.e. from the forces that we obtain on a target particle, it evolves in an explicit time
step scheme, independently from the other particles. In this sense, the main processes in the compu-
tational scheme: force calculation, evolve motion, search neighbours can be parallelized. There exist
two types of remarkable architectures for cluster of computers, the Shared Memory Machines and
the Distributed Memory Machines. In computer science, Distributed Memory refers to a multiple-
processor computer system in which each processor has its own private memory. Computational
tasks can only operate on local data, and if remote data is required, the computational task must
communicate with one or more remote processors. In contrast, a Shared Memory multi processor
oers a single memory space shared by all processors.
There are two widespread techniques of parallelization suitable for C++ language, OpenMP and
MPI, which can be implemented in Kratos; OpenMP is already available for the code and MPI is
currently being introduced to KDEM-Application. The suitable technique for SMM is Open MP
(Open Multiprocessing); it permits parallelizing the loops of the process by using compilation di-
rectives so the code runs in serial until the is a parallelizable loop, runs the loop on parallel and
then reverts back to serial. This can be done by splitting the loop and calculating each part by the
dierent CPU of the same computer; OpenMP runs on a shared memory system so most part of the
personal computers would permit parallelizing the calculation and saving time. OpenMP works ne
if every unit step of the loop (normally a loop over the particles) is independent from the others so
can be split without problems; the DEM permits doing so because a particle is independent from an-
other in a explicit scheme. Next, an example of parallelization by OpenMP for the DEM-Application
is presented. It is a partitioning of the loop over the particles for the dierent threads of the computer.
Figure 6.5: Example of typical particle loop parallelized in the KDEM code.
For DMM architecture the suitable technology is the MPI (Message Passing Interface); this would
permit running a case, usually with large number of particles in a computer cluster where hundreds,
thousands or more CPUs intervene in the calculation. With MPI the entire code is launched on
each node which would store the data in its own memory. The transfer of information and the
synchronization of the calculation can be controlled. It is also possible to combine MPI with OpenMP
to get the best of every technology and adapt to the specic architecture of each cluster.
Number of proc. 1 2 4 8 12 16
Time (s) 325, 56 187, 59 105, 67 51, 45 45, 38 38, 03
Real Speed-up 1 1, 73 3, 08 5, 30 7, 17 8, 56
Ideal Speed-up 1, 00 2, 00 4, 00 8, 00 12, 00 16, 00
The results are encouraging since the times keep scaling up even for 16 cores. Also the scalability
has a good ratio still for 8 or 12 processors with more than 5 and 7 times respectivelly of speed-up.
It has to be noted that with the future implementation of the MPI parallelitzation, a combination of
both technologies that can be adapted to every cluster technollogy would yield to a high performance
in the code. The following plots show the up-scaling of the time versus the number of processors
(Figure 6.7) and the performance compared against the ideal scaling curve (Figure 6.8).
Figure 6.7: Simulation time for dierent number of processors in a SMM system with OMP paral-
6.3 Current developments of DEM in Kratos
It is an honour for the author of the thesis, who started the project of coding a Discrete Element
Mehtod in Kratos with the collaboration of researchers Guillermo Casas and Miguel ngel Celigueta,
to see that currently a lot of people joined the DEM team in CIMNE and they are using/developing
the KDEM application.
Once a rst version of the code with the basic features of the DEM (discontinuous) was nished,
the interest from many researchers in CIMNE to use this application for specic simulations or
coupling with other methods emerged. The KDEM then followed being developed by the author in
the eld of the continuum media simulation at the same time as the basic DEM module has been
used in the following elds:
Granular material simulation
Authors: Joaqun Irzabal, Miquel Santasusana, M. ngel Celigueta, Ignasi De Pouplana.
Joaqun Irzabal is an engineer in CIMNE Madrid who is developing utilities and constituitive
models for the discrete version of the KDEM for the granular material simulations. This work ex-
tends the rst stage of development that the initial DEM Team in CIMNE Barcelona had done.
One of the developments that has been done is the visualization of rotation axis in the sphere
particles which includes integration of rotations by using quaternions:
Figure 6.10: Local reference axes tracking the particle rotation in 3D.
Several test have been performed to validate the implemented frictional contact and the imple-
mentation of an additional rolling friccion:
Figure 6.11: Angle of reponse of a sand and simulation with KDEM. Source left image: Wikipedia
Currently CIMNE madrid is working in a project with the objective of simulating the behaviour
of the ballast under coditions which it is subjected to in the highspeed railways:
High Performance Computing
Authors: Carlos Roig, Pooyan Dadvand.
As it has been commented the code is already completelly parallelized in OpenMP. A rst version
of MPI parallelization for the basic discontinuous DEM was acquired and the results were promis-
ing. Some computer scientists in CIMNE are currently developing the MPI for the continuum version.
The MPI implementation includes not only the comunication between nodes but also the rebal-
ancing of particles in the nodes for improving the eciency as it is shown in Figure 6.13. Each
colour represents a dierent processor of the DMM system. The colour in each particle indicates in
which processor it is being handled; it can be seen that the particles evolve from one processor to
another one while the simulation evolves in order to minimize the communication between processors.
Figure 6.13: Particles in dierent processors in two dierent time steps of the sandclock simulation.
Authors: Cristobal Garcia, Pooyan Dadvand, Jos Manuel Gonzlez.
A basic module of explosions has been coded using KDEM too. The interface of the code, thanks
to the Kratos structutre, makes the application so exible that this simulations and many others can
arrise from the KDEM code.
DEM-FEM Coupling
Authors: Feng Chun, Miquel Santasusana.
This is a very important feature of the code, Kratos brings our code the possibility to combine
dierent applications that are developed in the Kratos framework. This is the case of coupling the
Discrete Element Method with Finite Element Methods. In the examples that follow, a trianglular
nite element mesh discretization out of any geometry interact with the discrete elements. The
search algorithm has been extended in order to check contacts between triangle elements and spheric
elements additionally to the sphere to sphere contact. Once these contacts are detected, by some
contact force characterization, forces from the bounding triangular elements are returned back to the
particles and added to their global force vector.
Figure 6.16: Contact detection between particles and any geometry meshed with triangular elements.
The next step in which we are working (currently yielding the rst results) is to use those de-
termined contact forces and transmit back them to the triangular elements as well, interpolate and
weight the forces on the nodes of the nite elements and let the Solid-Mechanics-Application in
Kratos to solve the problem in the nite element mesh.
DEM-Fluid Coupling
Authors: Guillermo Casas, M. ngel Celigueta, Salvador Latorre.
A very interesting application of the DEM is its coupling with a CFD application. Some re-
searchers in CIMNE have coupled the KDEM with an Eulerian CFD application in Kratos. The
interaction is done projecting the velocities form the velocity eld in the uid to the particles which
give back drag forces and modify the porosity of the media where the uid ows depending on
the solid fraction (density of particles in the uid). In order to calculate the buoyancy force on the
particles, the pressure gradient is projected to the particles.
6.4 Graphic Interface
6.4.1 Gid Pre and Post Processor
GiD is a versatile multipurpose software that provides a graphical support to the pre-process and
the post-process stage. Kratos applications are highly compatible with graphical interfaces. The one
that CIMNE has been using for Kratos and many other ProblemTypes is GiD interface which has its
origins on CIMNE itself (Trial and professional versions can be found in
In parallel, a new specic graphical interface is being developed for the Kratos package in order to
improve the problem denition of the dierent applications that Kratos supports. In the present
section the GiD interface will be introduced and in next section 6.5 the current interface for the
KDEM-Application will be presented together with a step-by-step example of how to design a Con-
crete Test with the application.
This stage consists on setting the geometry and the data for the problem denition (forces, move-
ments, properties...) as well as imposing boundary conditions and setting the calculation options. the
problem denition GiD also dispose of dierent mesh generators for the FEM and DEM calculation.
Geometry: GiD Pre Process is a CAD system that assists the geometry denition of the engi-
neering models. Typically geometrical operations can be used as transformations (translations,
rotations, etc.), Boolean operations in surfaces and volumes. A complete set of tools are pro-
vided for quick geometry denition.
Mesh: GiD has a large variety of options for the generation of nite element meshes from
the dened geometry. GiD has already a sphere mesher that was developed by C. Labra and
others [15] and it is used for the DEM simulations of the KDEM. Another special mesher has
been developed by the author of this thesis, which generates regular assemblies of spheres from
points, lines, surfaces and volumes specially designed for testing the application and permits
the coupling of nite elements and discrete elements.
Figure 6.18: Regular and irregular meshes with nite and discrete elements obtained with the devel-
oped mesher from dierent geometrical entities.
The user can load to GiD a specic ProblemType. When a ProblemType is loaded, the specic
options regarding the particular application appear, such as conditions or calculation parame-
6.4.2 Calculation Process
Once the geometry is drawn and the conditions, loads and parameters that each ProblemType and
requires are dened, the calculation shall be done. When the Calculate button of GiD is used, the
ProblemType reads the geometry, applies the conditions and so one and calculates the problem. It
has to be remarked that GiD doesnt calculate, it triggers the ProblemType inner calculation, in this
case, by Kratos.
6.4.3 Post-Process
GiD goes from the Pre to the Post with a simple button click. The options that the user has in each
part of the program are dierent; In the Post there are numerous utilities aiming analyse the results
by means of plotting variables or creating graphs for instance.
In the View Results tab many types of visualization are available to represent the accessible
output data. The View Results & Deformation window permits to choose the representation of the
results either on the original mesh or on the deformed one, selecting a suitable scale. On the View
results is possible to select rst of all a type of representation; the available representations are
Display Vectors, Contour Fills, Contour Lines, etc depending on which one the user considers that
is the best for every dierent type of result.
For more information about the specic developments done in the pre and post processor of GiD
for the KDEM-Application, refer to [28].
6.5 Example of concrete test design - Step by step with the
KDEM problemtype for GiD
In this section as an example of application of the developed software, a triaxial concrete test will
be set using GiD and the KDEM problemtype. The model will be prepared so that the KDEM-
Application will be able to calculate it. This is the methodology used when the tests included in this
thesis were performed.
Figure 6.21: Cylinder drawn by gid being meshed with the sphere mesher.
In the general menu of GiD, set sphere to the mesh element type on the meshing tab and assign
it to the cylindrical geometry. The sphere mesher of GiD has a lot of options that allows obtaining
more or less regular meshes, obviously several attepts are usually done before obtaining a good mesh
which can be taken as the one for the simulation. The sphere meshed has a nice tool to asses the
goodness of the meshed models: mesh quality.
Figure 6.22: Distribuition of the radius in the generated mesh using the mesh quality tool.
Continuum group: is an identier that determines in which cohesive entity the assigned ele-
ments belong. Group 0 is reserved for non-cohesive material. This tool allows having elements
with dierent material properties in the same cohesive group, i.e. the same solid. On the other
hand it allows having two disconected parts that have the same material properties but arent
cohesive between them even if they are in contact because belong to dierent bodies.
Particle density, young modulus and poisson ratio: are basic properties of elastic materials.
Friction: this value expressed in degrees corresponds to the dynamic friction coecient of the
material. This is the friction that the non-cohesive materials present or, in the continuum case,
the one that the particles have once their bonds are broken.
Restitution coecient: this value determines the amount of visco-damping applied at the
contact level. Review section 3.3.2 for the detailed denition of this parameter.
Colour: modies the colour of the default visualization for every material in the post-process.
3. Groups and conditions assignment
In the triaxial test, a uniaxial compression is applied to the speciment after the conning stage (see
the description f the experimental tests in Section 7.2.2); this uniaxial compression is numerically
simulated by imposing strain on the top and bot lid of the speciment, i.e. xing the velocity degree
of freedom of the particles generated in the top and in the bottom of the model. From the point
of view of the stability and the monitoring of the yielding stress-strain curves this is the strategy
In the loaded problemtype menu, shown in Figure 6.24, select the DEM conditons tab. This
window allows the user assigning conditions of velocity to the desired particles as well as a Group Id
Figure 6.25: Conditions window and view of the dierent layers in the model.
Prior to the assignation of the conditions, is recommendable to create groups with the particles
where the dierent conditions will be assigned. The rst thing to be done is to create 4 new layers,
the top particles have to be included in one top layer that will form the Top group and the same for
the bottom particles forming the Bottom group. Note that it is not necessary to restrict this layer
to a thickness of just one spheric particle; the mesh is irregular and it is assumed that in some parts
the top and bottom group will contain one, two or even three particles. There is a special treatment
for this groups in the code that takes this fact into account. As it can be observed in Figure 6.25
two more groups created from the layers are present (only one can be seen in the gure); these are
the hereafter called Top-center and Bottom-center groups. It is indispensable for these groups not
to share repeated elements. Each element can belong only to a group1 .
This is how the current version of KDEM works, a new problemtype included in the Kratos generic problemtype
for GiD is being developed for the KDEM application and this process will be easier. There is the idea of creating a
special wizard for the step-by-step procedure of concrete test simulations for professional applications.
The following assignations have to be done to the respective groups:
Top group: V ELOCIT Y Y xed to a negative value. In the example shown in Figure 6.25, a
vertical negative velocity of 0.1(m/s) is imposed. The marking on Y xed determines that the
degree of fredoom is xed; otherwise it would be only a initial condition on the velocity. Also
the top particles are marked with the identier GROUP ID set to the value of 1.
Bottom group: V ELOCIT Y Y xed to a positive value. Imposing velocity in opposite direc-
tions in both top and bottom makes the elastic waves that the speciment undergoes for the
dynamic loading stabilize twice fast as if only the velocity is imposed on the top and the bottom
is xed to zero velocity. This group is identied with the variable GROUP ID set to the value
of 2.
Top-center group: These group have the same assignations as the Top group, the velocity
in Y direction and the group determined to the value 1. In this group additionally the
V ELOCIT Y X and V ELOCIT Y Z are xed to zero to avoid that the whole model could y
away in the plane normal to the compression. Eventhough this is a simulation with no forces
or velocities imposed in the XZ plane, since this is a numerical simulation with a irregular
mesh, it is possible that some unbalanced internal forces apperar in the plane due to numerical
errors and this is a way to control it.
Bottom-center group: The same has to be done but now with a positive velocity in Y direction
and a 2 as the value of the variable GROUP ID.
The GROUP ID is a identicator for the KDEM applictation to apply special conditions on the
elements inside the calculations of the code; in this case, a value of 1 determines which are the
particles where the forces for the strain-stress plot are being maesured. It should be marked on the
Top and Top-center particles. However, if the identifyier is placed on the Bottom and Bottom-center
group particles, roughly the same plot is obtained but in negative values. In conclusion, the particles
that measure the stress are the ones whose velocity is xed and so all the force that those parti-
cles recieve is due to the reaction of the speciment against the strain that the top and bot lids impose.
Now it is time to dene the parametes of the problem by using the next window on the prob-
lemtype menu, the Problem Parameters. Next a brief description of the opcions available in each
tab of this menu is presented. Please refer to [28] for a much more detailed information about the
problemtype options and utilities coded for the application:
Continuum simulation ON or OFF. It activates additional options in the present tabs and a
new tab special for the continuum.
Dempack model option. Explained in Section 4.4, it has been enabled for the simulations
present in this thesis.
Automatic or predened skin determination: In the case of concrete testing the automatic skin
determination has to be selected. The need of skin determination has two purposes; on one
hand the application of the conning pressure in the triaxial test simulations, on the other
hand the special treatment for the area calculation. Review Section 4.6.2.
Tool for cleaning indentations produced by the sphere mesher. In the continuum case, this tool
is not used because here the indentations and the gaps will be allowed until a certain tolerance
as passive distances.
General Settings:
Bounding box, automatically created or manually. Destroys particles that leave the initial
Other features
Special Features:
Virtual Mass option. This may help increasing the timestep value for quasi-static problems.
In can be used in the concrete test simulations.
Calibration factors and for the contact stiness. Not used in the concrete test simulations
performed in this thesis since the Dempack-model is used. The calibration factors were used
for the numerical analysis (Section 5).
Delta Option. This option is always enabled in continuum simulations, the tolerance represents
an extension of the radius (in percentage) where the indentations and the gaps are set as the
passive initial distances between contacting continuum particles. In the present concrete test
simulations this value is set to 0.15.
Globally specied variables option. This option allows dening the micro parameters of the
model from a global approach. See section 5.1.1. 5.1.1.
Time Settings:
Calculation Time. Simulation times of 1.0e3 are normally enough for the results with the
concrete material for the imposed total 0.2m/s velocity.
Time step. 1.0e7 is the order of times which will be necessary in this concrete test simulations.
Output time step. When the results are stored for the post process.
Time Steps Per Search Step. A value of 10 is suciently accurate since the time step is so
Automatic Time Step Reduction, is based on the critical time step calculation discussed on
Section 3.4.2.
Material Model:
Normal Force Calculation. Here the constituitive modelling of the contact is selected. In the
concrete tests simulated
Selection of the type of damping on the contacts and the globally applied dampings. In the
case of the tests the Dempack damping is used in the contact level with a value of 0.9 (almost
the critical one) and the also the global damping for quasi-static problems set to 0.2.
Failure Criterion, coupled and uncoupled Mohr-Coulomb are available. The uncoupled one is
the used for the concrete tests.
Continuum Options:
Amplied Continuum Search Radius Extension. This value is an extension to the intial search
radius that allows the particles nd neighbours outside their contacting range (this happens
when a contacting pair is under tensional strain).
Concrete Test Option. This option incorporates to the calculation all the necessary features to
take into account that a concrete test is being performed.
Graphs Option. Activate this in concrete test simulation or general analysis for the strain-stress
curves and poisson ratio evaluation.
Triaxial Option. This allows introducing a uniform pressure over the skin particles. Also this
option will disable the restrictions of the velocity degree of freedom while the connement
pressure is acting. Only the elements in the Top-center and Bot-center groups will keep the
XZ velocity xed to avoid inestabilities. The user can dene a percentage of time while the
pressure will be increased from zero to the maximum dened value. In the tests presented in
Section 7 the triaxial tests are done with 1.5, 4.5, 9.0 30 and 60 M pa. Also a percentage of the
simulation time can be dened here as a rest time; during this time (usually 1%) the sample
disipates the dynamic waves due to the connement and prepares to be compressed by uniaxial
vertical strain.
Fixing horizontal velocity. This option sets the horizontal velocity of all the particles belonging
to the Top and Bottom groups appart form the ones in the centered groups. This option is
activated for the test simulations in Section 7 since in the report from the experimental data
[29] it is detailed that there exist friction between the plates and the specimen.
Export Selection:
Depending on the options that have been activated in the previous tabs here there will be more
or less variables that can be exported to the post process in the output time steps selection. All the
variables available are shown in the next gure 6.28.
Chapter 7
7.1.2 Description of DEM analysis of UCS, Brazilian and triaxial tests
The simulation of a triaxial test with the DEM reproduces the experiment as follows.
a) The conning pressure is applied up to the desired hydrostatic testing pressure. The uniaxial
normal compressive stress-axial strain curve follows the branch OA of Figure 7.1.
b) Apply a prescribed axial motion at the top of the specimen until this fail or axial strain strain
reaches a desired amount of strain while conning pressure is held constant. The uniaxial
normal compressive stress-axial strain follows the elastic branch AB of Figure 7.1 and then the
elasto-plastic branch BC of the same gure.
For the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and the Brazilian Tensile Strength (BTS), the
process starts by step (b) above described with zero connement pressure. The constitutive curve
relation the normal compressive stress and the axial strain follows the simple elasto-plastic law of
Figure 7.2, where the meaning of parameters NCSTR1, YOUNG (E0 ) and YNGRT1 as shown. A
high value for NCSTR2 is chosen in this case.
Figure 7.1: Axial strain-axial stress curve for analysis of triaxial tests
7.2 Triaxial and Uniaxial Compressive Tests On Concrete
7.2.1 Denition of tests
The experimental tests were carried out at the laboratories of the Technical University of Catalonia
(UPC). Details of the test are given in [29]. The concrete used in the experimental study was de-
signed to have a characteristic compressive strength of 32.8 MPa at 28 days. Standard cylindrical
specimens (of 150 mm diameter and 300 mm height) were cast in metal molds and demolded after
24 h for storage in a fog room. The triaxial tests were prepared as shown in Figure 7.3, with a
3-mm-thick butyl sleeve placed around the cylinder and an impermeable neoprene sleeve tted over
it. Before placing the sleeves, two pairs of strain gages were glued on the surface of the specimen at
Steel loading platens were placed at the at ends of the specimen and the sleeves were tightened
over them with metal scraps to avoid the ingress of oil.
The tests were performed using a servo-hydraulic testing machine with a compressive load ca-
pacity of 4.5 MN and a pressure capacity of 140 MPa. The axial load from the testing machine is
transmitted to the specimen by a piston that passes through the top of the cell.
Several levels of conning pressure were used in order to study the brittle-ductile transition of
the response: 1.5, 4.5, 9.0, 30 and 60 MPa. First the prescribed hydrostatic pressure was applied in
the cell, and then the axial load was increased at a constant displacement rate of 0.0006 mm/s.
Two specimens were tested at each conning pressure, and all tests were performed at ages of
more than 50 days to minimize the eect of aging response. In addition to the triaxial tests, uniaxial
compression tests were also performed. The experimental curves presented in the results are the
mean curve of the two obtained for every test.
Table 7.2: DEM parameters for UCS and triaxial tests in cylindrical concrete samples for conning
pressures of 1.5, 4.5, 9.0, 30 and 60MPa
Another parameteres have to be aknowledged for the necessary damping to achieve a quasi-static
simulation, global damping with a reduction factor of 0.2 afecting the global forces (see Section 3.3.2)
and a local contact damping of 0.9 of the critical one (see Section 4.5.3).
The tests performed specially for this thesis are focused only in comparing the results obtained
with the same parameters in the two codes, Dempack and the new one implemented in the context of
this thesis, Kratos DEM-Application. It has to be said that the original tests reported in the report
by Oate et al. [20] with a simplied model have obtained results closer to the experimental ones by
using dierent parameters (and a simplied model with only two reductions of the normal stiness).
Figure 7.3: Specimen prepared for triaxial testing of concrete [29]
7.2.2 Description of the experimental tests
The general procedure for the triaxial compressive strength tests in the laboratory is as follows:
1. The specimen is placed between two endcaps and a heat-shrink jacket is placed over the spec-
2. Axial strain and radial strain devices are mounted in the endcaps and on the lateral surface of
the specimen, respectively.
3. The specimen assembly is placed into the pressure vessel and the pressure vessel is lled with
hydraulic oil.
5. Specimen assembly is brought into the contact with a loading piston that allows application of
axial load.
6. Increase axial load at a constant rate until the specimen fails or axial strain reaches a desired
amount of strain while conning pressure is held constant.
7. Reduce axial stress to the initial hydrostatic condition after sample fails or reaches a desired
axial strain.
The constitutive equations for this study are based on the local denition of the DEM parameters
as described on Chapter 4. Table 7.4 shows the DEM parameters for the UCS and triaxial tests for
conning pressures of 1.5, 4.5, 9.0, 30 and 60 MPa.
The limits in the compressive normal local stress where the elastic-plastic curve changes its slope
and the values of the reduction of the normal stiness have been determined by adjusting the curves
to the experimental ones in a phenomenological characterization procedure, technique reported as
well by other authors in the eld, for instance F.-V. Donze [31].
The value of the shear failure stress f and the internal friction angle have been estimated as
f = 15 Mpa and = 42 (1 = 0.9) using the procedure described on Section 4.7.1.
The Coulomb friction coecient has been estimated from numerical tests as 2 = 0.90. This
corresponds to DYNFRC in Table 7.4.
The limit tensile stress is deduced from the exural test as f = 4.5 Mpa. This value corresponds
to a value of f = 3.2 Mpa in the BTS test. This assumption has been validated in the numerical
The model used for the cases is a mesh of 13k spheres (1k=1000 spheres). Figure 7.4 shows the
typical distribution of the spheres radius for a discretization, in this case the 13k mesh. Table 7.3
shows some relevant DEM parameters for the discretization used such as is the average radius of all
the spheres(rm ), the coordination number, i.e. the average number of contacts per sphere, (Nc ), and
the porosity of the sphere assembly (p). The description of these parameters were presented in 5.1.2.
Table 7.3: UPC triaxial test on a concrete specimen. Parameters for the DEM mesh (1k = 1000
Figure 7.4: Distribution of the spheres radius for the 13k discrete element mesh
Figures 7.57.6 show results of the stress-strain curves for the triaxial tests for conning pressures
of 1.5, 4.5, 9.0, 30 and 60MPa using a mesh of 4000 spheres. The curves capture with good accurary
the peak point in stresses and the deformation point where this occurs. However they show an abrut
loss of resistance after the peak that doesnt match the behaviour of the experimental curves for low
connement pressure. They show however a good post-peak resistance tendency.
Figure 7.7 shows the stress-strain curve obtained for the UCS test using the 13k mesh. For this
case the experimental curve is not available; However, the experimental peak value (32.8 M P a) and
the tangent elastic Youngs modulus (2.7 M P a) have good agreement with the experiment values
reported in [29].
It has to be pointed out again that the purpose of this results is to verify that the two codes
yield similar results. In this sense there is absolute agreement between the two codes which have
used the same parameters and conditions, including the time step of the calculation, the velocity of
the loading plates, the same mesh, etc. It can be observed though, from the point where the plots
start that KDEM yields a slightly overestimated value of the applyied pressure meanwhile Dempack
does the contrary; that make the results evolve slightly dierently. Having said that, the results are
satisfactory and the main goal of the thesis is achieved.
Figure 7.5: Triaxial test on concrete samples. DEM results for the 13k mesh with Dempack and
KDEM and experimental values [29] for a connement pressure of (a) 1.5MPa, (b) 4.0MPa, (c)
Figure 7.6: Triaxial test on concrete samples. DEM results for the 13k mesh with Dempack and
KDEM and experimental values [29] for a connement pressure of (d) 30MPa, (e) 60MPa
Figure 7.7: Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) test on concrete sample. DEM results for the 13k
mesh in KDEM and Dempack [29]
Figure 7.8: Compilation of the UCS and Triaxaial tests performed by KDEM-Application for the
13k mesh
Figure 7.9: Compilation of the same cases in the experimental results published by D. Sfer, I. Carol
et al [29]
7.3 Brazilian Tensile Strength Test
7.3.1 Denition of test
In the Brazilian (Indirect Tensile Strength) test, a disc of material is subjected to two opposing
normal strip loads at the disc periphery (Fig. 7.11).
Figure 7.10: Theoretical stress distribution on diametral and vertical planes in the indirect tensile
The applied load is P . The rather thin disc has a radius R and thickness L. The tensile strength
of concrete or rock, t , is calculated from the equation (diameter D = 2R):
t = (7.1)
Eq. 7.1 is based on the theory of elasticity for isotropic media. The formula gives the tensile
stress perpendicular to the loaded diameter at the center of the disc at the time of failure when
the applied force is P . Failure initiates at the center of the core and propagates outward along the
loading direction.
Table 7.4: DEM parameters for UCS and triaxial tests in cylindrical concrete samples for conning
pressures of 1.5, 4.5, 9.0, 30 and 60MPa
The test is performed numerically in KDEM by imposing velocity on two strips of spheric parti-
cles upon the cylinder and below. The total imposed velocity of the strips is 0.25m/s and obviuously
damping has been used to get quasi-staticity.
Figure 7.11: DEM results for BTS test in cylindrical cement sample.
The expected value is t = 2.9M pa obtained from the experimental results [14]. It can be seen
that Dempack obtains a good approximation of the value while KDEM overestimates the value. This
is just one of the rst results obtained in this kind of simulations and it has to be noted that the
mesh used for this problem was not the same as the one used in Dempack. In general terms, it can
be said that the results are good and also the post results show a good behaviour of the model.
Figure 7.12: X Displacement of a centered section of the specimen at the begining of the loading and
after failure (deformation 10 times enlarged).
Figure 7.13: X Displacement of frontal view of the specimen at the begining of the loading and after
failure (deformation 10 times enlarged).
Figure 7.14: Failure Criterion State on the contacts at the begining of the simulation and after failure
(real scale deformation).
It can be seen that the fracture is strongly marked on a vertical plane in the center of the
speciment as in the experimental results. Also the distribution of the stresses seem to be correct
since the tensional stress concentrates in the center diameteral plane where the horizontal contacts are
the most loaded ones. The fracture evolves rapidly and localizing in a vertical path. It starts in both
extremes and the resistence is over when one of the crack connects the whole diameter. The variable
plotted on the contacts FAILURE CRITERION STATE (nd the description in Sectionhydroo) is
an output value that gives a proper insight of the contacts which are closer to failure, being 1 the
value for the broken ones.
Chapter 8
8.1 Conclusions
Theoretical research and numerical analysis
A brief introduction of the application of the Discrete Element Method to the continuum media sim-
ulation has been presented, specially the case of cohesive frictional solid materials such as concrete,
cement or rock.
The pros and the contras of the method in its basic conception for the problem of continuum
simulations have been reported and referenced from the state of the art and have been highlighted
after with numerical analysis.
Several ideas and developments have been introduced in order to improve the DEM for the above
mentioned problems. Some of them resulted successful; this is the case of the proposed correction of
areas which makes the problem mesh independent in terms of local contact denition and ensures
that there is no overlapping and the areas are correctly calculated.
The model developed in CIMNE by E. Oate, F. Zrate and other researchers for cohesive fric-
tional materials have been presented in detail.
Code development
A versatile Discrete Element Method application has been coded in the Kratos platform. The soft-
ware brings the user the possibility to perform both discontinuous and continuous simulations.
A specic, user-friendly, problemtype that interacts with GiD has been developed; the prob-
lemtype in the pre-process brings the user tools for the meshing stage with spheric particles, allows
introducing the material properties, is able to apply the necessary conditions, and denes the problem
parameters and options for the calculation; on the other hand, the post-process allows visualization
of a vast diversity of results for the analysis and automatically creates graphs in the case of concrete
testing simulation.
The code has been parallelized succesfully in Open MP; the scalability charts have been presented
and the results are fairly promising. The code is currently on its way to be parallelized in MPI tech-
nology as well.
The code is set in the Kratos framework and has been designed with special attention to be able
to couple with other uid or solid applications.
Numerical results
Several numerical anyalisis have been performed testing the code and using the formulation presented
in this thesis.
Lack of reliability in the method has been shown even for linear elasticity problem. It is highly
mesh dependent even for the linear elasticity, where the Poisson ratio is strongly related with the
heterogeneity of the mesh. Although the results seem to converge increasing the number of elements,
several more test have to be done to have a prediction of the order of the convergence for the dierent
interesting variables such as the displacement, stresses, etc. It can be concluded that, by the formu-
lation and the model that the community is using nowadays in DEM for the continuum, the DEM
is not a discretization method but a phenomenollogical method that needs a calibration procedure.
The code has been veried by simulating the same test as the reference code Dempack. The
results obtained with KDEM are very similar to the ones obtained by Dempack using the same
parameters; these results at the same time simulate well the experimental curves presented.
The methodology however is problem dependent and needs a calibration procedure of the con-
stituitive parameters including the failure strenghts that apply to the uncoupled Mohr Coulomb
criterion. Its of the authors opinion that a lot of research has to be and actually can be done in
order to develop more sosticated failure criteria by using the complete information that the stresses
and strains give and not focusing only on the contact one-dimensional state. The same applies to the
damage and plasticity laws which are now just basic models. Obviously, from the authors point of
view, this has to be done keeping the simplicity and genuineness of the DEM. Other choices would
make the method not be advantageous against other FEM-based methods.
In the continuum simulation eld, the future work planned by the autor to be done is:
Investigate in the micro-macro parameter determination. The linear elasticity is still obtained
via calibration method and it is highly mesh dependent.
Use information of the strain and stress state for developing more complete failure criteria.
The last bullet of the list is a very important topic that would permit use the Discrete Element
Method only when the fracture occurs and the Finite Element Method on the rest of the model;
FEM is a much more reliable, accurate and fast method dealing whith elasticity, plasticity and most
of the constitutive models used to simulate solids. The Discrete Element Method though give inter-
esting results simulating the fracture of cohesive materials and so, the best features of both methods
could be obtained by coupling the two methods. See previous work done by CIMNE researchers in
[15, 21, 24, 25]
Figure 8.1: Overlap region between DEM and FEM. Source: Carlos Labra [15]
Another reason is the application to simulations which deal with large structures where the failure
occurs in a very localized region due to an impact or an excavating process for instance. It would
be necessary to have a very ne mesh in the area of interest where the DEM would simulate the
mutlifracture; on the rest of the domain a coarse nite element mesh would suce. This way avoid
using an innecessary large number of particles that would make the calculation not-feasible in terms
of memory and time calculation. The following image 8.3 illustrates this idea, a DEM domain evolves
while the initial FEM Elements get close to the failure critera and the coupling scheme allows the
transfer of nodal information and lets the DEM deal with the fracture.
Figure 8.2: Disc cutting a rock simulated by a FEM-DEM coupled code. Source: Carlos Labra [15]
Currently CIMNE is working in engineering projects where simulations like the one presented in
Figure 8.2 are used. The code used for these simulations is Dempack, where all these capabilites
were already implemented and developed by Carlos Labra [15].
Regarding the DEM-Application, obviously it is a young code that still needs a lot of verication
and tune up in order to achieve robustness and eciency. The team have a considerable list of
new features and modications to introduce to the application which is now just the foundation of
a promising ambitious project. To name some examples:
(generic) Include the Discrete Element Method in the new problemtype of Kratos for GiD.
(basic module) Implement new discrete particles, ellipsoids, tablet type, polyhedral shapes,
clusters of spheres and DEM blocks concept.
(continuum module) Implement a implicit algorithm for the quasi-static problems in order to
speed the calculation up.
(continuum module) Coupling the KDEM with a Computational Solid Mechanics code.
(concrete testing simulations) Specic wizard for the concrete tests simulation.
Figure 8.3: 2D nothced beam test where the FEM domain evolves to DEM before fracturing. Source:
Carlos Labra [15]
Appendix A
Normal stiness
Figure A.1: Equivalent volume corresponding to by the contact. Source: M.Santasusana [28].
Imposing that the displacement in the normal direction is the integral of the deformation (con-
sidered not constant) of the equivalent truncated conical volume dened by the spehres in contact:
Fx Fx L dx
x = u2 u1 = dx = dx = (A.1)
0 0 EA E 0 A(x)
With a linear variation of the radius:
R2 R1
R = R1 (1 + x) where = (A.2)
R1 (R1 + R2 + 0 )
Yields to:
[ ]R1 +R2 +0
L R1 +R2 +0
Fx dx Fx F 1
(1 + x)2 dx =
= (A.3)
E 0 (1 + x) R1
2 ER12 0 ER12 1 + x
( )
Fx 1 Fx (R R )
2 1
R2 R1
1 R2 R1
= R2 R1
ER12 R1 (R 1 +R2 +0 )
1+ R1
ER1 R1 +R2 +0 R2
which nally yields:
Fx R1 + R2 + 0
= (A.5)
E R1 R2
And so,
R1 R2
Fx = Kn x Kn = E (A.6)
R1 + R2 + 0
Tangential stiness
Proceeding similarly, for the shear stress, the integral of the deformation denes the tangential
Fy Fy dx
y = V2 V1 = dx = dx = (A.7)
0 0 GA G 0 A(x)
R1 R2
Fx = Kn x Ks = G (A.8)
R1 + R2 + 0
Appendix B
The apothem can be used to nd the area of any regular n-sided polygon of side length s according
to the following formula, which states that the area A is equal to the apothem a multiplied by half
the perimeter p.
P a
A= (B.1)
This formula can be derived by partitioning the n-sided polygon into n congruent isosceles trian-
gles, and then noting that the apothem is the height of each triangle, and that the area of a triangle
equals half the base times the height. An apothem of a regular polygon will always be a radius r of
the inscribed circle.
This property can also be used to easily derive the formula for the area of a circle, because as the
number of sides approaches innity, the regular polygons area approaches the area of the inscribed
circle of radius r = a.
P a 2rr
A= = = r2 (B.2)
2 2
The area can be computed as well by trigonometry, knowing the inner angle of the triangles in
which the polygon can be divided, i.e. 360/n. Forming a rectangular triangle as follows:
The value of the total area of the polygon can be easily obtained as:
A = nr2 tan (B.3)
If now the perimeter is isolated from the formula B.1 and the last expresion for the area B.3 is
introduced, the perimeter is:
p = 2nr tan (B.4)
And so the ratio over the circle perimeter:
n tan 180
2D = (B.5)
Appendix C
The same than in Annex B is done here for the 3D case, for polyhedra instead of polygons. In this
case, it exists a regular polyhedra for a few cases, the so-called Platonic Solid.
The Surface Area presented in the next table correspond to the value of the surface covered by
the faces of the polyhedra based on the radius of the inscribed sphere. Source: Wolfram Alpha.
The Ratio of Areas, 3D , is the ratio between the area of the regular polyhedron (platonic or
interpolated) and the surface of the corresponding inscribed sphere.
Since the value is known only for the 5 regular polyhedra, a linear interpolation has been per-
formed for the rest:
Appendix D
Consider a assembly of discrete elements (spheres) occupying a volume V . The assembly is submitted
to external forces Ti1 , Ti2 , ..., Tim on its boundary points x1i , x2i , ..., xm
i . The average stress of an
equivalent continuum of the same V volume under the same loads is:
1 k k
ij = x T (D.1)
V k=1 i j
This expression can be dedduced from the average stress in a continuum proceeding in the fol-
lowing way (Katalin Bagi [1]):
Consider a closed continuous domain with volume V loaded on its boundary S by a distributed
force pi (xj ). Depending on the loads a ij = ij (xk ) stress tensor belongs to every point of the
domain satisfying the boundary conditions:
ij nj = pi (D.2)
where ni is the outwards unit normal vector on S. The volume average of the stress tensor can
be expressed - with the help of the Gauss-Ostrogradski teorem - as a surface integral:
1 1
ij = ij dV = xi pj dS (D.3)
(V ) (S)
If the domain is divided into subdomains, the average stress tensor can be calculated separately
for each subdomain:
L 1
ij = L xi pj dS (D.4)
(S L )
where V L and S L are the volume and boundary of the L-th subdomain, distributed forces pi (xj )act
on S L form the neighbouring subdomains and the external boundary. To get a global average, voume-
weighted averages of ijL can be calculated and it results in the same expression as D.3:
( )
1 L L 1 1
ij = V ij = xi pj dS = xi pj dS (D.5)
(S L ) (S)
In those cases when there are concentrated forces instead of the distributed loads acting on the
boundary of the domain and between the subdomains, the above expression can be written in a
discrete form. Denote the forces acting from outside as Fi1 , Fi2 , ..., Fik , ...; they act at boundary
points x1i , x2i , ..., xki , ... Expression D.3 is modied as:
1 k k
ij = x T (D.6)
V k=1 i j
(the index k runs over the external loading forces). Now consider the L-th subdomain; the forces
Fi1 , Fi2 , ..., Fic , ... act on its boundary at the points x1i , x2i , ..., xki , ...; (partly from the neighbouring
subdomains and partly form outside). So the average stress here is:
1 c c
ij = xF (D.7)
V c=1 i j
Since the forces insede cancel out in the summation, the volume-weighted average for the whole
domain - as already seen in D.6
( )
1 L L 1 c c 1 k k
ij = V ij = xi Fj = x F (D.8)
V V V k i j
(L) (L) (c)
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