Interpreting Water Tests For Ponds and Lakes
Interpreting Water Tests For Ponds and Lakes
Interpreting Water Tests For Ponds and Lakes
E. coli Bacteria
These bacteria originate from the wastes of animals or
humans. Thus, high numbers of E. coli in a pond could
come from septic systems, runoff from barnyards, or from
wildlife (especially large numbers of waterfowl). Ponds and
lakes used for swimming and other recreation should have
less than 126 colonies of E. coli bacteria per 100 mL of
water. High levels of E. coli bacteria can be reduced by
limiting animal access to the pond, maintaining nearby
septic systems, and redirecting runoff from barnyards and
other areas where animal wastes accumulate.
The pH of a pond or lake should generally fall between 6.0
and 9.0. Different types of fish tolerate different pH levels
but, in general, most fish will do better in ponds with a pH
near 7.0. Ponds with a pH less than 6.0 may result in
stunted, reduced or even absent fish populations. Low-pH
ponds are often treated by applying limestone. This is most
easily done by broadcasting pulverized limestone over the
pond surface. Application rates of one to two tons of
limestone per surface acre of pond are common but will
vary depending on the pond pH and the rate of water
moving through the pond.
Measurable alkalinity in a pond provides a buffer that
maintains the pH of the pond or lake. The pH of ponds with
low or zero alkalinity may easily change resulting in
damage to aquatic life. A healthy pond should have some
measurable alkalinity. Ponds with less than 20 mg/L of
alkalinity are more prone to stunted or absent fish
populations. These ponds may benefit from liming to
increase the pH and alkalinity as described above.
Hardness is a measure of calcium and magnesium
concentration in water and is controlled by the source of the
pond water. Ponds in limestone areas will generally have
harder water than those in areas underlain by sandstone or
shale. The hardness of pond water is usually unimportant
except when using some aquatic herbicides. Hardness
concentrations above 50 mg/L can reduce the effectiveness
of some copper-based herbicides. Consult the label of
aquatic herbicides to see if water hardness needs to be
considered. Very high levels of hardness, above 150 mg/L,
may also cause clogging problems with drip irrigation
Aluminum is extremely toxic to aquatic life. Concentrations
above 0.1 mg/L have been shown to be toxic to the most
sensitive species such as trout and various minnows. High
aluminum levels usually result from nearby coal mining or
from the release of aluminum from soils near the pond due
to acid rain.
High sulfate levels, above 250 mg/L, are indicative of a
pond that is impacted by acid mine drainage or acid rain.
These ponds usually have a low pH and high levels of
metals (iron, manganese or aluminum). High sulfate levels
alone are only problematic if the pond water is used for
irrigation purposes.
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Water Temperature
A simple thermometer can be used to test pond water
temperature. Maximum summer water temperatures are
critical for fish and other aquatic life in the pond. Coldwater
species like trout must have summer water temperatures
below 72F while warm water fish like bass prefer summer
water temperatures above 80F. Temperature will vary
throughout the pond, with surface water affected more by
air temperature than deeper water. Little can be done to alter
the temperature of pond water
Dissolved Oxygen
dissolved oxygen must be measured quickly at the pond or
lake using either expensive meters or less expensive (but
less accurate) kits. The amount of oxygen that is dissolved
in the water is critical for fish and other pond life. The
maximum amount of oxygen that can be dissolved is
controlled by the water temperature. Warmer water can hold
less dissolved oxygen than colder water. Thus, like water
temperature, dissolved oxygen also varies considerably with
water depth.
Dissolved oxygen is reduced by the biological decay of
organic material such as decaying plants and animals or
animal and human wastes. Dissolved oxygen levels below
about 6 mg/L can begin to have detrimental effects on pond
life. A lack of dissolved oxygen is the most common cause
of fish kills in ponds. Problems can often be controlled by
controlling aquatic plant and algae growth. Aeration devices
can be use to increase dissolved oxygen in ponds that
experience frequent problems.
Secchi depth
A Secchi disk is a black and white oval that is lowered into
the water until it cannot be seen from the water surface. The
depth where it is no longer visible is known as the Secchi
depth. This measures the cloudiness of the water due to
plankton growth or suspended sediment in the water. Ponds
with less then one foot of Secchi depth are candidates for
lethally low levels of dissolved oxygen levels A Secchi
depth of less then three feet suggests a need to reduce
nutrient levels in the pond water.
Prepared by Bryan R. Swistock, senior extension associate
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