Water Supply LESSON

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Importance of safe drinking water on public health

-Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking,
domestic use, food production or recreational purposes. Improved water supply and sanitation,
and better management of water resources, can boost countries' economic growth and can
contribute greatly to poverty reduction.
Common sources of water

- Source of water refers to bodies of water that provide water to public

Surface Water

• Surface water is any body of water found on Earth’s surface or a water that can be found on the
• Surface water participates in the hydrologic cycle, or water cycle, which involves the movement
if water to and from the earth’s surface

Three Types of Surface Water

1. Perennial
• Permanent (do not dry up), surface water persists throughout the year and is replenished
with groundwater when there is little precipitation.
• Swamps, lakes, rivers are examples of permanent groundwater. These bodies of water are
persistent and in the case of drought, are replenished by groundwater.
2. Ephemeral
• Semi-permanent, surface water exists for only part of the year, ephemeral surface water
includes small creeks, lagoons, and water holes. These bodies of water only exist for part of
the year.
3. Man-Made
• Man-made surface water is found in artificial structures. It includes dams, reservoirs, and
artificial swamps. Man-made surface water can be intended for aesthetic purposes but is also
an appealing energy source. Hydropower is a form of renewable energy that uses surface
water, forcing it to produce energy that we can harness and sell.

Ground Water

- The largest potential source of supply of fresh water in the hydrologic cycle-larger than all surface
lakes and streams combined.

Three Types of Ground Water

1. Springs
o Are natural flows of ground water from underlying rock or unconsolidated sediment.
o It is a type of water that naturally flows and rises to the surface from a large underground
water basin. Most of these natural sources are often found in valleys, along the sides of
mountains and hills, and in natural water reserves.
2. Hand-dug Wells
- Wells that are constructed using simple hand tools. They are also referring to a pit that is dug
into the aquifer or dug into the material, where permeability occurs. These wells are sunk by
digging a hole as deep as necessary to reach the water.
- These wells are dug by hand using very old methods, without concrete spouts, with walls
only supported with wood or branches
3. Boreholes
o These are narrow diameter tubes drilled into the ground, usually vertically. These are also
called tube wells or simply wells. They can be drilled more quickly and go deeper than
hand-dug wells, and so can tap deeper, often more sustainable groundwater; they can be
drilled though hard rocks and they can be more easily protected from contamination.
Boreholes can be an excellent water source in a range of sizes, from single boreholes
equipped with a hand pump, up to wellfields of multiple large diameter boreholes
supplying whole towns.


- One of important factors influencing the quality of water in distribution systems is the chemical
and biological stability of water supplied to the network. In a situation of the mixing of water from
two different sources, changing the water supply source or a change of the treated water
parameters, e.g., as a result of modernization of the water treatment plant, maintenance of the
water parameters' stability becomes even more challenging.
- The analysis of the impact of the presence of mixing zones, where waters from different sources
blend, on the quality of water has shown that certain sections of the investigated water
distribution system are conducive to the occurrence of water quality destabilization.

There are two processes conducted in water treatment plants that have a critical impact on the
quality of water during its distribution:

1. Coagulation
2. Flocculation

Coagulation and flocculation are two separate processes, used in succession, to overcome the
forces stabilizing the suspended particles. While coagulation neutralizes the charges on the particles,
flocculation enables them to bind together, making them bigger, so that they can be more easily
separated from the liquid

Additionally, taking into consideration the fact that the operating conditions in water-mixing areas are
more favorable from the point of view of water quality maintenance (higher mean flow velocities and
lower retention times), the adverse effect of the mixing of water from various sources on stability-related
water quality parameters in the analyzed water supply system is firmly confirmed.

Wastewater treatment plants are typically located near creeks and rivers. The treated effluent is
returned to the water cycle by being released into these waterways.

Rainwater - is a relatively clean water source and with necessary caution it can even be used for
potable consumptions.

- The natural source of water is rainwater. Evaporation of water takes place from lakes, rivers,
seas, and oceans. During the evaporation process, the impurities are removed. The water that
falls on the surface of the earth as rain is almost pure.
 surface water- lakes, rivers, streams, reservoirs, wetlands, estuaries – are all threatened daily
from harmful algal blooms, anoxic conditions, sediment plumes, and much more. Monitoring
efforts are critical to protecting our water resources
• Groundwater quality is key to quantity.
• To improve groundwater management, we need to focus on more than the quantity our aquifers
can supply. We also need to focus on quality.
 TURBIDITY – refers to how cloudy the water is.
- less used than some other water quality parameters.
 Turbidity Sensors are devices designed to measure the ability that light pass through

 TEMPERATURE – some of the aspects of water quality that are influenced by the water’s
AND VISCOSITY. As such, biological oxygen demand, sedimentation and chlorination all
depend on the water’s temperature. The ideal water temperatures range from 50-60
degrees Fahrenheit.
 COLOR – it’s possible of the color of the water to be altered by materials that are decay
from organic matter, the primary of which include vegetation.
 TASTE AND ODOR – it’s possible for the taste of water to change and for odors to
develop as a result of foreign matter being introduced to the water. This matter can include
organic materials, dissolved gases, and inorganic compounds. Most of this matter is
derived from agricultural, natural and domestic sources.
 SOLIDS– solids can be in suspension or in solution when they get into water.
 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY – measures how well a sample of water or similar
solution can carry or conduct electrical currents. Conductivity levels will increase as the
amount of ions in the water increases. High conductivity means that the water contains a
high amount of contaminants.
 pH – the pH of water is measured with a simple pH sensor or test kit, which will tell you
how acidic or basic the water is. Acidic water will invariably be comprised of more
hydrogen ions. On the other hans, basic water contains more hydroxyl ions.
 ACIDITY – this refers to the measure of how much acids are in a specific solution. Acidity
is commonly caused by the presence of mineral acids, hydrolyzed salts and carbon
 ALCALINITY – indicates the water’s acid neutralizing capacity
- water is alkaline when its pH level is at least higher than 7.0
 CHLORINE –While chlorine doesn’t occur naturally in water, it’s commonly added to
wastewater for disinfection purposes. Even though base chlorine is a toxic gas, the
aqueous solution is completely harmless to humans. If a small amount of chlorine is found
in water, this indicates that the water is clean and essentially free from contaminants. You
can measure chlorine residual with a spectrophotometer or color comparator test kit.
 HARDNESS – Hardness occurs when water contains high mineral levels. If left
untended, the dissolved minerals in your water could create scale deposits on hot water
pipes. If you take a shower with water that has high mineral content, you may find it
difficult to produce a lather with the soap you’re using. Hardness in water is mainly caused
by the presence of magnesium and calcium ions, which can enter water from rock and
soil. In most cases, groundwater has more hardness to it than surface water. You can
measure water hardness with a colorimeter or test strip.
 DISSOLVED OXYGEN- This is a critical water quality parameter that can help you
determine how polluted rivers, lakes, and streams are. When water has a high
concentration of dissolved oxygen, you can be confident that the water quality is high.
Dissolved oxygen occurs because of the solubility of oxygen. The amount of DO that you
can find in water depends on numerous factors, the primary of which include the water’s
salinity, pressure, and temperature. It’s possible to measure dissolved oxygen levels with
a colorimeter or with the electrometric method.
 BIOLOGICAL OXYGEN DEMAND- Microorganisms like bacteria use organic matter as
a source of food. When this material is metabolized, oxygen is consumed. If this process
takes place in water, the dissolved oxygen in a sample of the water will be consumed. In
the event that there is a substantial amount of organic matter in the water, high amounts
of dissolved oxygen will be consumed in order to make sure that the organic matter
decomposes. However, this creates problems since aquatic plants and animals require
DO to survive. You can measure biological oxygen demand with the dilution method. if
the BOD levels are high, the water is contaminated.
Bacteriological quality is one of the important parameters of water potability. It is measured by
the presence of a pollution indicator of organisms, in particular, total germs and fecal coliforms
(Escherichia coli). Total germs represent the density of the bacterial population in drinking water.
This measure allows a global assessment of the pernicious nature of water, without determining
the sources of contamination (Levallois 2003). E. coli is one of the most determined bacteria that
indicates fecal contamination (Edberg et al. 2000). Total germs and E. coli are used as indicators
to measure pollution level and water quality.
Refers to those qualities of water that affect the senses. The organoleptic indicators of water
quality include: color, turbidity, transparency, smell and taste. Water that is absolutely pure from
a chemical point of view does not have these qualities, since it has no smell and taste, however,
such water does not occur in nature and is not used for drinking. Requirements for organoleptic
indicators of water are established by government regulations.
 What are the causes of water-related diseases?
- Many of the water-related illnesses arise due to lack of adequate clean water for drinking
and cooking purposes. Other diseases are caused due to inadequate sanitation facilities
and poor personal hygiene practices that are directly connected to the lack of clean water.
The two major causes of water-related diseases are:
1. Pollution
High levels of chemicals, nitrates, and other heavy metals are mixed in water resources due to
industrial pollution and/or the over-use of agricultural chemicals, which adversely affects human
2. Dirt and contamination
Bacteria, viruses and parasitic organisms invisibly contaminate water and cause diseases. Most
of the water-related diseases occur due to coming in contact with animal or human waste.
1. Waterborne diseases
- Waterborne diseases are spread when people drink contaminated water, or eat food that
has been prepared with contaminated water. Common waterborne illnesses include
typhoid, cholera, dysentery, gastroenteritis, and hepatitis.

- Most waterborne diseases are diarrheal diseases, including cryptosporidiosis and

giardiasis, which are caused due to an intestinal parasite causing symptoms like severe
diarrhea, fever, muscle cramps, nausea, weight loss, and dehydration. Cholera and
typhoid are other waterborne disease caused by bacteria. It can cause deadly diarrhea
and be fatal to the malnourished or people with weakened immunity.

2. Water-washed diseases
- Water-washed diseases are caused by poor personal hygiene that results from an
inadequate supply of clean water. Typical water-washed diseases include shigella, which is
a skin infection and scabies & trachoma, which are eye infections and highly contagious.

3. Water-based diseases
- These diseases are transmitted by aquatic hosts, such as worms. They penetrate the skin
while cleaning or bathing with contaminated water. Some hosts such as Salmonella
enterica serotype Typhi bacteria can enter our body through unclean drinking water. This
can cause Typhoid, which is a form of severe bacterial infection and causes diarrhea,
vomiting, fever and jaundice.

- In some cases, water-based diseases can also be fatal. For example, Schistosomiasis, a
deadly parasitic water based infection can damage the liver, lungs, intestines and bladder
of a human body.

4. Water-related insect vectors diseases

- These diseases are spread by insects which form habitats on stagnant water sources.
For this reason, the diseases they cause aren’t as related to water as those more directly
transmitted by water.

- Some water-related insect vector diseases include malaria, filariasis, yellow fever, and
river blindness. The most common of these, Malaria, is transmitted through the mosquitos
which breed on fresh or brackish water.

- The malarial parasite destroys red blood cells, and induce fever, head and muscle aches,
nausea, diarrhea, and even jaundice. In extreme cases, malaria victims may have
convulsions, comas, or kidney failures resulting in death. Malaria is one of the greatest
killers in all of human history.

5. Diseases caused by defective sanitation

- Some diseases caused by defective sanitation practices. Hookworm is contracted by
contact with contaminated soil which has a huge mass of human feces. Hookworm larvae
penetrate human skin to reach out to the small intestine, where it breeds and grows in

This disease causes itching, rashes, diarrhea, and cramps. However, for children,
pregnant women and those who are malnourished, it can cause anemia, protein
deficiency, and retarded growth.
- The surveys test the water for ecological health (the ability of the waterway to support
plants and animals) and the suitability for human use such as swimming and general
water supply.
Many factors affect water quality, including:
the geology of a stream – what the bottom or substrate of the stream is formed from the
surrounding land cover, soil types and activities carried out on the land
topography – the steepness of surrounding land
the source – how much it is fed by overland flow or by water from springs and wetlands
flow – affected by rainfall, catchment vegetation and soil and by water that is removed inputs
such as run-off from the land, stormwater or discharges from industry the plants and animals
that live in the stream and can change conditions within it – for example, introduced koi carp stir
up sediment on the bed, making water muddy.
Most contaminants enter the environment from industrial and commercial facilities; oil and
chemical spills; non-point sources such as roads, parking lots, and storm drains; and wastewater
treatment plants and sewage systems.
Scope of Presentation
5.1 Classification of Water Use
5.2 Quantifying Present and Future Use
5.3 Domestic Water Demand
5.4 Industrial, Commercial, Agricultural, and Other Types of Water Demands
5.5 Fluctuations in Water Use, Factor of Inequality Low Rate Patterns
Water Demand
 is defined as the volume of water requested by users to satisfy their needs.
 estimation of water demand helps to determine the quantities of water and moments when the
water will be used.
1. Off-Stream Use - Sometimes called out-of-stream or diversionary use (means it involves water
- Defined as freshwater taken from groundwater/ surface water sources, either
permanent/temporarily, & conveyed to a place to use.
A. Domestic Water Use
o Water used for indoor and outdoor household purposes.
o includes drinking, food preparation, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, flushing
toilets, watering lawns and gardens, car washing maintaining pools, etc.
B. Industrial Water Use
o Water used for such purposes as fabricating, processing, washing, diluting, cooling,
or transporting a product.
o Industry need water to cool down their machinery to a temperature that allows
manufacturing process to keep going.
o Also, water is needed to clean machinery, products, and building.
C. Commercial Water Use
o Commercial water use includes water used by commercial facilities such as hotels,
motels, restaurants, office buildings, government and military facilities, hospitals,
educational institutions, and retail sales stores.
D. Agricultural Water Use
a. Irrigation
 Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the soil through various systems of
tubes, pumps, and sprays.
 It’s usually used in areas where rainfall is irregular or dry times or drought is
b. Livestock
 Livestock water use is water associated with livestock watering, feedlots,
dairy operations, and other on-farm needs.
 This includes water for raising cows, chickens, horses, rabbits, fish, and pets, and
also water used in the production of meats, poultry, eggs, and milk.
c. Aquaculture
 Raising fish, shellfish, shrimp anal lobster, and other creature living under water.
 The farming of fish is the most common form of aquaculture. It involves raising
fish commercially in tanks, fish ponds, or ocean enclosures, usually for food.
E. Mining
 Water is used for the extraction of minerals that may be in the form of :
o Solids: coal,iron,sand,gravel, etc.
o liquids: crude petroleum
o Gases: natural gases

 refers to water use taking place within a stream channel.
 Non-consumptive
a. Recreation
 Recreational water use is usually a very small but growing percentage of total water use.
 Water use for recreational activities includes fishing, boating, rafting, kayaking, and
swimming, etc.
b. Hydroelectric Power
 Hydroelectric Power plans use water to generate electricity (the utilization of water for
producing electrical or mechanical power).
 Falling Water turns the plant’s turbine generators.
c. Navigation
 Adequate levels of water for lakes, rivers may be affected by water usage ( e.g., dams
may restrict river navigation).
 Water navigation connecting banks of a river or connecting ports of a sea, by means of
ferry or cruise or ship. It will be a part of the navigation as there will be no other means of
travel other than through water.
d. Ecosystem Support
 (Nature’s needs include stream habitat, fish reproduction, etc.) Water supports all forms
of life.
 Water forms and cleans stream and river channels. It surrounds and supports life in
streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs.


The navigation and ferry services respectively utilize the water in lagoons, canals, reservoirs and
rivers. However, only the floating function of boats/ships in water is utilized and no water is
consumed. That is, the water supply potential of rivers is the same in both cases with the
navigation services and without the services.
These sectors also don't consume the water, but utilize the conditions of water. In addition, there
are not remarkable activities for these sectors at present
The sand mining itself does not need water, but sometimes is carried out at locations with water.
No remarkable effects on water consumption are considerable.

Domestic Water demand

This includes the water which is required for use in private residences, apartment houses, etc.,
for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing of clothes, washing of utensils, washing and cleaning of
houses and residences, lawn watering, gardening and sanitary purposes (such as flushing of
water closets, etc.).
The amount of domestic water demand depends on the living conditions of the consumers. How
much water does the Philippines consume? According to The World Bank Group Philippines
Environment Monitor 2003. This study found out that the average domestic water consumption
of each people in Urban areas each household, consume an average of 120 liters per day which
are equivalent to approximately 32 gallons per day.
In Rural areas, the average water consumption is at 60 liters per day or approximately 16
gallons per day. The activities such as personal hygiene (44%), sanitary services (30%),
cooking (16%), laundry (8%), and drinking (2%).
 It is commonly considered in urban areas. The quantity of water required for the various
industries is known as industry demand. Normally 20-25% of total demand is taken as industry
 It includes the demand for offices, stores, schools, hospitals, theatres, etc.
Educational Hospital Hotel Restaurants / Tea Offices
Institution Stalls

Day School – 10 With Bed – 500 With Bed – 200 500 – 1000 liter/day 500 – 1000
lpcd(liters per liters per bed per liters per bed liter/office/ day
capita per day) day per day
Without Bed- 2500 Without Bed –
Hostels – 65 liters per day 500-1500 liters
lpcd( liters per per day
capita per day)

 Water is a critical input for agricultural production and plays an important role in food security.
Irrigated agriculture represents 20 percent of the total cultivated land and contributes 40 percent
of the total food produced worldwide. Irrigated agriculture is, on average, at least twice as
productive per unit of land as rainfed agriculture, thereby allowing for more production
intensification and crop diversification.
 The quantity of water required for the domestic animal is known as livestock demand.
○ Livestock demand is not considered in the urban area but we considered it in rural areas as
livestock is an important component of the rural economy.
” Livestock demand must be more than 20% of the designed domestic demand.”
For Big Animals - cows, buffalo, horse -45 L/(animal day)
For Medium Animals – sheep, goat -20 L/(animal day)

For Birds - parrots, ducks, hens -20 L/ (100 bird day)


 It includes water required for washing and sprinkling on road, cleaning sewers, watering public
parks, etc. Normally 5% to 10 % of total demand is taken as municipal demand for public places.
 During the breakout of the fire, water is used for firefighting is called fire demand.
 1 % of total demand is considered for fire demand.
Fluctuations in water use, Factor of inequality low rate patterns
 Water demand is calculated in different ways. It usually calculates for the whole year based on
the average daily consumption of water. Experience has shown that water consumption rates
are not the same throughout the year. But according to time, day, mass, and seasons this water
demand changes.
The fluctuations of water demand are classified according to time into three types as follows:
• Hourly fluctuation in demand
• Daily fluctuation
• Seasonal fluctuation
- Water sources are engineered to deliver adequate quantities of high-quality water to serve
the forecasted needs to society.
-Water that exist underground in saturated zones beneath land surface.
- Absorb excess runoff rain on ground.
- Return to lakes, streams, rivers and/or marshes.
- Readily available for use and drinking.
- Provide suitable quality water (potable and turbidity-free for drinking water wells)

7 Methods Used for Construction of wells

Method # 1. Digging:

- Wells in shallow and unconsolidated glacial and alluvial aquifers can be dug by hand using
a pick and shovel. Loose material is brought to the surface in a container by means of rope
and pulleys.

- The depth of a dug well may vary from about 3 to 15 m depending upon the position of the
water table. Dug wells usually have large diameter ranging from about 1 to 5 m. Dug wells
penetrate about 4 to 6 m below the water table. The yield of the dug wells is generally small
and is of the order of about 500 litres per minute.
Method # 2. Boring:
- Hand-operated or power-driven earth augers are used for boring a well in shallow and
unconsolidated aquifers. A simple auger has a cutting edge at the bottom of a cylindrical
container (or bucket). The auger bores into the ground with rotary motion.

Method # 3. Driving/Driven:
- In this method, a series of connected lengths of pipe is driven by repeated impacts into the
ground to below the water table. Water enters the well through a screened cylindrical section
which is protected during driving by a steel cone at the bottom. Driven wells can be installed
only in unconsolidated formation which are relatively free of cobbles or boulders.

Method # 4. Jetting/Jet Drilling:

- Jetting (or jet drilling) method uses a chisel-shaped bit attached to the lower end of a pipe
string. Holes on each side of the bit serve as nozzles. Water jetting through these nozzles
keeps the bit clean and helps loosen the material being drilled. The fluid circulation system
is similar to that of direct rotary drilling method.

Method # 5. Cable Tool Drilling:

- It is the earliest drilling method developed by the Chinese some 4000 years ago. A cable tool
drilling equipment mainly consists of a drill bit, drill stem, drilling jars, swivel socket and cable
(Fig. 4.6). The cable tool drill bit is very heavy (about 1500 kg) and crushes all types of earth

Method # 6. Direct Rotary Drilling:

- The direct rotary drilling is the fastest method of drilling deep well of diameter up to 45 cm (or
more with the use of reamers) through unconsolidated formations. The drilling bit is attached
to a heavy drill pipe which is screwed to the end of the Kelly which is a drill pipe of square
section. The drill collar or stabiliser helps in maintaining straight hole in soft formations
through its large wall contact.

Method # 7. Reverse Rotary Drilling:

- Reverse circulation rotary drilling is a variant of the mud rotary method, in which drilling fluid
flows from the mud pit down the borehole outside the drill rods and passes upward through
the bit. Cuttings are carried into the drill rods and discharged back into the mud pit.

- Direct rotary drilling method is capable of drilling boreholes with maximum diameter of about
60 cm. High capacity wells, particularly those with filter pack, need to be much larger in size.
Besides, the drilling rate becomes smaller with increase in borehole diameter in the case of
direct rotary drilling.


- Saltwater intrusion decreases freshwater storage in the aquifers, and, in extreme cases, can
result in the abandonment of wells.
- Saltwater intrusion is the movement of saline water into freshwater aquifers.
- Most often, it is caused by ground-water pumping from coastal wells, or from construction of
navigation channels or oil fields canals.

- is naturally replenished by precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to evaporation
and subsurface into the ground.
- when rain falls to the ground it becomes surface water, where it may move across the ground
in the form of streams, rivers, or remain in one place in the form of ponds or lakes.
- water on the surface such as river, lake, wetland, or ocean.


• WATERSHED - land area drained by a river and its tributaries.
- surface water drainage boundary, or a watershed refers to the entire catchment area, both
land and water.
• Siltation is the accumulation of silt (fine particles of sand, mud, and other materials) in the
- Water purification for human consumption purposes consists in the removal of different
contaminants as chemicals (i.e., pollutants, toxic metals), biological contaminants (algae,
bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses) suspended solids and gases.

- Process of mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and chlorine disinfection known as

conventional treatment that effectively removes practically any range of raw water, along
with harmful bacteria before they can be supplied to the public for domestic, industrial or
any other uses.


1. FILTRATION - is based on the separation of solids from fluids, by interposing a porous
medium (filter) which retains the solid particles and allow the fluid to pass on the other side.

2. SEDIMENTATION - approach uses the gravitational force which determines the solids
to form a deposit at the bottom of the tube containing contaminated water.

3. DISTILLATION - involves the transformation of the liquid (water) into a vapor phase,
process which is based on the difference in the volatility of the compounds.

1. FLOCCULATION - is a process in which colloids in suspension become destabilized after
the addition of a clarifying agent; regarding the water purification process.
2. CHLORINATION - is commonly encountered in the treatment of water supply and consist
in the addition of chlorine or hypochlorite to kill microbes and to prevent the spreading of
waterborne diseases.
3. ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT - the use of electromagnetic light, especially with short wavelength
(in ultraviolet range) is commonly used in disinfection, due to the fact that it produces gaps in
the structure of nucleic acids of microorganisms disabling their cellular functions. This function
is often used in water decontamination.
Water transport and distribution
1. Raw water extraction and transport
2. Water treatment and storage
3. Clear water transport and distribution
- Transport and distribution are technically the same processes in which the water is conveyed
through a network of pipes, stored intermittently and pumped where necessary, in order to
meet the demands and pressures in the system; the difference between the two is in their
objectives, which influence the choice of system configuration
Water Transport and Distribution
- Water transport systems: comprise main transmission lines of high and fairly constant
capacities. Except for drinking water, these systems may be constructed for the conveyance
of raw or partly treated water. As a part of the drinking water system, the transport lines do
not directly serve consumers.

- Water distribution systems: consist of a network of smaller pipes with numerous connections
that supply water directly to the users. The flow variations in such systems are much wider
than in cases of water transport systems. In order to achieve optimal operation, different
types of reservoirs, pumping stations, water towers, as well as various appurtenances
(valves, hydrants, measuring equipment, etc.) can be installed in the system
The ‘Great Manmade River’
transport system in libya

Main objectives of water transport and distribution systems:

- supply of adequate water quantities,
- maintaining the water quality achieved by the water treatment process.
- Potable water in transport and distribution systems must always be kept under a certain
minimum pressure and for hygienic reasons should not be left stagnant in pipes
• Trunk main: is a pipe for the transport of potable water from treatment plant to the distribution
area. Depending on the maximum capacity i.e. demand of the distribution area, the common
range of pipe sizes is very wide; trunk mains can have diameters of between a few 100
millimeters and a few meters


One of the most pressing challenges in human history has been the provision of adequate
water of acceptable quality and quantity. The majority of ancient civilizations arose around water
sources. As the population grew, so did the difficulty of meeting user needs. A water distribution system
is a component of a water supply network that transports potable water from a centralized treatment
facility or wells to customers to meet the needs of residential, commercial, industrial, and firefighting
users. A water supply system nowadays comprises of infrastructure that gathers, processes, stores,
and distributes water from water sources to users. Limited new natural water supplies, particularly in
the southwest United States, and a rapidly growing population have necessitated the development of
innovative water supply management technologies. Reclaimed water, for example, has become a
valuable resource for both potable and non-potable use. New conveyance systems, treatment and
recharge facilities, as well as operational decisions like allocating flow and implementing conservation
techniques, are all decided with the present and future demands in mind. The complexity of the
water supply system and the difficulty in anticipating how it will react to changes grows as more
components and linkages between sources and customers are build.
There are basically two main layouts of a distribution network:
• Branched configuration
• Looped (or ”grid”) configuration
Branched networks are predominantly used for small-capacity community supplies delivering
the water mostly through public standpipes and having few house connections, if any. Although
adequate, having in mind simplicity and acceptable investment costs, branched networks have some
• Low reliability, which affects all users located downstream of any breakdown in the
system Ø
• Danger of contamination caused by the possibility that a large part of network will be without
water during irregular situations Ø
• Accumulation of sediments, due to stagnation of the water at the system ends (“dead” ends)
occasionally resulting in taste and odor problems
• Fluctuating water demand producing rather large pressure variations
Branched systems are easy to design. The direction of the water flow and the flow rates can readily be
determined for all pipes. This is different in looped distribution networks, where consumers can be
supplied from more than one direction. Looped networks greatly improve the hydraulics of the
distribution system. This is of major importance in the event that one of the mains is out of operation
for cleaning or repair.

Steps in Designing a Branched System:

Three stretches of pipe:

a – has to carry the combined flow of b and

b – upstream pipes
c – downstream pipes

For upstream pipes

Step 1: Find the maximum head loss for the stretch of pipe.
Step 2: Browse the head loss chart for our material of choice.
See table here:
Step 3: Calculate the head at the end of the pipe


- A looped network usually has a skeleton of secondary mains that can also be in a form of
branch, one loop (’ring’), or a number of loops. From there, the water is conveyed towards
the distribution pipes and further to the consumers. The secondary mains are connected to
one or more loops or rings.

- The network in large (urban) distribution systems will be much more complex; essentially a
combination of loops and branches with lots of interconnected pipes that requires many
valves and special parts. To save on equipment costs, over-crossing pipes that are not
interconnected may be used but at the cost of reduced reliability.
Figure 2: Fully Interconnected Pipes

Figure 3: Over-crossing Single Pipes

Points at which the water is delivered to the users are called service connections. The number and
type of service connections has considerable influence on the choice of a network layout.

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