Robotics: Author 1 Author 2
Robotics: Author 1 Author 2
Robotics: Author 1 Author 2
Author 1 Author 2
Praveenkumar Alluri K.Srirammurthy
111/1V B.Tech 111/1V B.Tech,
ECE Branch ECE Branch
R.V.R&J.C College of Engineering R.V.R&J.C College of Engineering
Guntur Guntur
PHONE:9440778854 PHONE:9440778854
E-MAIL:[email protected] E-MAIL:[email protected]
The present paper attempts to deal with Robotics in the to perform certain specific tasks. Robots are generally
present context of activities handled by various designed to be a helping hand. They help us in difficult,
departments in the globe Robotics is design and unsafe or boring tasks. Simply put, robots are machines
manufacture of intelligent machines that are programmed that can be programmed to perform a variety of jobs, and
to perform certain tasks. Robots are used in industries to they can range from simple machines to highly complex,
increase productivity and handle jobs that are too computer-controlled intelligent systems.
dangerous for humans.Robots are built in a complex way.
They are made of a controller which acts as the brain of a 2. FIVE MUSTS IN A ROBOT:
computer , an arm which resembles the human arm is
designed according to the application, the drive which Controller, arm, drive, end-effector and sensor are the
drives the robot to do a certain task, an end-effector which basic parts that a useful robotic system must have.
attaches the hand to the arm and a sensor which provides a However, robots without arms and end-effectors also do
limited feedback to the robot.Robotic architecture is exist; for example, certain mobile robots used for
mainly based on the microcontrollers.Use of integrated surveillance. But the controller, drive and sensor are
microcontrollers is gained a lot of importance because of prerequisites for any robotic system, be it industrial,
its reliability at a low cost. The microcontroller forms the recreational or research-oriented.
heart of the embedded system that forms the brain of the 2. 1. Controller:
majority of robots. Robotics is used for industrial
automation to the extent that the terms ‘robotics and
industrial automation’ have become synonyms in the
industrial world.Use of highly integrated Microcontrollers
allows development of distributed intelligence systems.
Motion control on a robot is accomplished by
components, software enabled components and integrated
solutions.Androids are the anthropomorphic robots (i.e
robots that look more like humans) need a special mention
because of the wide range of their utilities, and their
ability to replace humans & thus help in automation. In
real world, robots are redefining manufacturing, medicine,
exploration and consumer electronics. Robotics has the
potential to change our economy, health, standard of Every robot is connected to a computer, which keeps the
living, knowledge and above all the world we live in. pieces of the arm working together. This computer is
known as the controller. It functions as the ‘brain’ of the
robot.Controller also allows the robot to be networked to
other systems, so that it may work in collaboration with
other machines, processes or robots. Majority of robots
Robotics is one of the important applications of AI and is today are entirely preprogrammed. This means that they
defined as the technology of building and using robots can do only what they are programmed to do at the time,
with artificial intelligence and computer controlled and nothing else. However,in the near future, controllers
human-like capabilities. Robotics is design and with artificial intelligence could allow robots to ‘think’ on
manufacture of intelligent machines that are programmed
their own and even program themselves. This could make
robots more self-reliant and independent.
2. 2. Arms: torch or just about anything that helps it do its job. Some
robots can change end effectors and be reprogrammed for
a different set of tasks. If the robot has more than one
arm, there can be more than one end-effecter on the same
robot, each suited to a specific task.
2. 5. Sensor:.
Robot arms come in all shapes and sizes. The arm is that
part of the robot which positions the end-effecter and Most robots of today are nearly deaf and blind. Sensors
sensors to do their preprogrammed business. Many can provide some limited feedback to the robot so it can
resemble human arms, and have shoulders, elbows, wrists do its job. Compared to the senses and abilities of even the
and even fingers. This gives the robot one degree of simplest living things, robots have a very long way to go.
freedom. So a simple robot arm with three degrees of Sensor sends information, in the form of electronic signals
freedom could move in three ways: up and down, left and back to the controller. Sensors also give the robot
right, and forward and backward. Most working robots controller information about its surroundings and lets it
have six degrees of freedom. know the exact position of the arm, or the state of the
2. 3. Drive: world around it.
The computing and software technologies have reached a
point where anyone with the right aptitude can give or
application more autonomous behavioural functionality
The end-effecter is the hand connected to the robot’s arm. than could be imagined in the near past. The advances
It is often different from a human hand: It could be a tool made in the field of micro electronics have virtually made
such as gripper, vacuum pump, tweezers, scalpel, blow the design and development of robotic systems much
easier. You only need to identify the right product for 4.2.1Mechanical Coupling:
your application and there you are building your robotic Robots are multiple but coupled motion control axes in a
system. single mechanism. Mechanical coupling is the major
Robotics is used for industrial automation to the extent distinction between robots and other mechanisms. In
that the terms ‘robotics and industrial automation’ have Cartesian machines, these creates coupled motions are
become synonyms in the industrial world. linear-move the X-axis and Y-axis exactly the same
The benefits of using electronics in robotic system are increment. But in robots coupling complex non-linear
motions which must be managed.
1.Power requirements are typically less than for 4.2.2. Kinematic Solutions:
electromechanical systems Unlike a collection of individual axes of motion control,
2.Microcontroller based devices aresmaller and robots move in a coordinated fashion and this
lighter than pure mechanical systems coordination is the basis for sensor integration, path
3. Electronics provides a wide variety of changeable following, straight line movements and other features
functions by simply reprogramming the chip with new common to commercial robots. Knematics is the
product features. mathematical representation of the robot including it’s
4.the system with fewer moving partsare more reliable size, configuration and the relationship of each axes to the
while providing a longer life. mechanism as a whole. The kinematic solution is the
algorithm for a robot’s coordination system which is
In the hardware part the chip that forms the brain of the executed by the motion controller.
robot system steals the lime light. A majority of robotic
systems today employ a wide variety of micro controllers 4.2.3. Large work envelopes:
to power the robotic brain. The low cost and significantly Robots are expected to perform uniformly throughout
more advantages make micro controllers and other their work envelope,but the use of a range of payloads
electronic devices an ideal substitute for numerous makes servo tuning difficult. Mechanical coupling, the
mechanical applications. complex mechanisms, the need to balance speed and
The micro-controller is the No. 1 choice of robot precision all contribute to system resonance and vibration
issues which the motion controller is expected to manage
developers to implement the brain that powers the robot
and control
systems. The microcontroller forms the heart of the
4.2.4. Sensor Integration:
embedded system that forms the brain of the majority of
Once reserved for the most advanced robots the
robots. integration of complex sensors such as machine vision,
force sensing and conveyor tracking is now a routine
requirement. The motion control system of a robot must
4. 1. Distributed intelligence: atleast adjusts points and paths in real time based on the
sensed information
Use of highly integrated Microcontrollers allows
development of distributed intelligence systems. The
prime reason why the trend is towards distributed 4.3. Controlling Motion:
intelligence is that it provides higher reliability at a lower
cost. The three main approaches to implementing motion
Microcontrollers are located in various parts throughout control on a robot are components; software enabled
the system and control their local functions while components and integrated solutions.
communicating with the master, which has less The component approach is common for semiconductor
functionality. If a problem occurs with one device, the robots, PCB assembling machines and other Cartesian
rest of the system remains operational. coordinate robots. Control components typically
including an industrial PC, motion control both, human
4.2. Motion Control: machine interface and the programming pendant are
purchased from various vendors and integrated into a
In addition to highly repetitive tasks, positioning control system. Drives and motors are matched for the
equipment has long been used to provide specialized mechanical device.
functions and processes.
When building a robot or a machine with a robotic
function effectively embedded inside, the biggest 4.4. Robot Vision:
challenge is motion control. Robots are some of the most An increasing number of robotic applications require
complex motion control applications in the industry. The machine vision for guiding the robot’s movement in
following performance requirements consistently top the automated assembly as well as for quality control.
list of motion control challenges: Machine vision systems are replacing human vision for
quality control inspection of manufactured or natural
objects because these inspections are often too fast or
precise for human vision. Machine vision replaces human are too dangerous for humans such as decontamination of
vision with video cameras and specialized computers, and nuclear wastes.
can improve on human vision where precise and 6. 1. Advantages
repeatable visual measurements and inspections are
required. Robots are reliable, uncomplaining, never getting tired or
True vision guidance in robotics is both a bored.
hardware and software issue. A real vision guided robot
system is one which, with a single or multiple cameras 6. 2. Disadvantages
integrated to the robot controller, locates randomly
oriented objects in the field of view of camera and Scientists need to design a number of arms for doing
generates a robot transformation to identify the location specific jobs.
and orientation of the object.
In order to achieve this capability a robust robot to camera 7. What lies ahead?
calibration utility is required and the robot controller must
have an accurate model of the robot it is controlling. In Robots are no longer just the characters of sci-fi movies.
addition the robot programming language must have In real world, they are redefining manufacturing,
transformation variables for developing the real location medicine, exploration and consumer electronics.
of the object by combining robot and vision location Combining computer science and real world practicality,
information. Besides cameras small camcorders can be an robotic applications range from today’s automated
inexpensive option for some imaging applications in vacuum cleaners and interactive toys to connected
robotics. intelligent devices and personal service companions of
5. The Androids tomorrow.
Robotics has the potential to change our economy, health,
standard of living, knowledge and above all the world we
live in. As technology progresses, we are finding newer
ways to leverage robotics. However, we must not forget
that good things often come with potential dangers also.
8. References
1.Agre, P. 1988. The dynamic structure of everyday life.
Dissertation in Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, MIT.
Any thing on robotics will be incomplete without a
reference to androids. Technically, androids are
anthropomorphic robots, i.e robots that look more like
humans. An android is robot with shape and abilities of a
human. Androids can be said to be the ultimate in
instrumentation and control engineering. Androids will
help us enjoy life by relieving us of many of the mundane
tasks. We have been designing tools and devices for our
use of millennia. But, if we build a robot it will
automatically be able to use all of those countless tools in
the same manner as we would. Thus the androids will
take over many of our mundane tasks provided they have
our shape and capabilities.
Androids will be capable of building themselves. This, in
turn, will lead to lower product cost. Androids will also
be able to tell us what is wrong when some thing inside
them fails. In some cases they will be able to repair
themselves or other androids-such as doctors repair
humans. In short, androids will be a new species of
6. Applications