Thrombophilia and Unexplained Pregnancy Loss in Indian Patients

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Thrombophilia and unexplained pregnancy loss

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Shrimati Shetty

Kanjaksha Ghosh

KEM Hospital

Surat Raktadan Kendra & Research Centre





Available from: Kanjaksha Ghosh

Retrieved on: 06 October 2015



VOL. 21, NO. 3, 2008

Thrombophilia and unexplained pregnancy loss in Indian patients


Background. The role of acquired and congenital thrombophilias
in the aetiology of unexplained pregnancy loss in the Indian population
has not been studied in detail. We studied the association of acquired
and inherited markers of thrombophilia in a large group of patients
with unexplained pregnancy loss.
Methods. A total of 602 women with pregnancy loss were
referred to us for evaluation of thrombophilia between April
2000 and June 2005. After investigations to rule out cytogenetic,
hormonal, anatomical and microbiological causes, no cause was
ascertained in 430 women for the pregnancy loss. Of these, 49
women, who had a history of only one pregnancy loss, were
excluded. The remaining 381 women comprised the study
group. These patients and 100 age-matched women who did not
have any obstetric complication and had at least one normal
healthy child (controls) underwent detailed investigations for the
presence of thrombophilia markers. These included screening
coagulations tests, tests for lupus anticoagulant (LA), IgG and
IgM antibodies to anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA), 2
glycoprotein 1 (2GP1) and annexin V. The genetic markers
studied included protein C (PC), protein S (PS), antithrombin III
(AT III), factor V Leiden (FVL), PT gene G20210A, MTHFR
C677T, EPCR 23 bp insertion and PAI 4G/5G polymorphisms.
Results. Of the 381 women with pregnancy loss, 183 had 2
and 198 had 3 pregnancy losses. Early pregnancy loss occurred
in 136 patients, late pregnancy loss in 119, and both early and late
pregnancy losses in 126. The strongest association was observed
with ACA (OR 32.5, 95% CI: 8.621.8, p<0.001) followed
by annexin V (OR 17.1, 95% CI: 2.999.4, p<0.001), LA
(OR 8.2, 95% CI: 1.447.7, p=0.01) and anti-2GP1 (OR
5.8, 95% CI: 1.622.1, p=0.007). No association of
antiphospholipid antibodies with the time of pregnancy loss was
found except LA which was significantly associated with early
pregnancy loss compared with late pregnancy loss (p<0.05). The
risk of pregnancy loss with PS deficiency (OR 17.8, 95% CI: 3.1
102.9, p<0.001) was the highest observed for any heritable
National Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR), K.E.M. Hospital,
Parel, Mumbai 400012, Maharashtra, India
K.E.M. Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400012, Maharashtra, India
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Nowrosjee Wadia Maternity Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400012,
Maharashtra, India
Department of Obstetrics and
Correspondence to KANJAKSHA GHOSH;
[email protected]
The National Medical Journal of India 2008

thrombophilia followed by PC deficiency (OR 5.8, 95% CI: 1

34, p=0.06). There were no statistically significant differences in
the frequency of any of the genetic thrombophilias studied
between women with early and late pregnancy loss. A combination
of 2 genetic factors was observed in 41 (10.8%) while that of
genetic and acquired risk factors were observed in 79 (20.7%)
patients. No more than one risk factor was observed in any of the
controls. In all, 176 (46.2%) patients had at least one acquired
thrombophilia while 143 (37.5%) had at least one genetic
thrombophilia marker. Overall, 288 patients (75.6%) had either
an acquired, genetic or both markers of thrombophilia.
Conclusion. Thrombophilia is an important factor in both
early and late pregnancy losses. Women with unexplained
pregnancy loss should be screened for the presence of
Natl Med J India 2008;21:11619
Adverse outcomes of pregnancy, especially pregnancy loss, are a
major problem related to womens health9%13% of women in
the reproductive age group have 1 clinically recognized pregnancy
loss, 5% experience 2 pregnancy losses while 1%2% experience
3 pregnancy losses.13 In up to 50% of these women, after
standard investigations including gynaecological, hormonal and
karyotype analyses, no cause is found. Thrombophilia, both
acquired and hereditary, has been implicated in the increased
susceptibility to adverse pregnancy outcomes such as foetal loss,
recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA), abruptio placentae,
intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and pre-eclampsia.4,5
Thrombosis in the decidual vessels of the placenta is believed to
be the main cause leading to IUGR, foetal death and possibly
recurrent foetal loss.
There are no data from India on the prevalence of acquired and
hereditary risk factors in women with unexplained pregnancy
loss. We studied a number of acquired and hereditary causes of
thrombophilia in a large group of women with unexplained
pregnancy loss after ruling out some common aetiological
Six hundred and two women with unexplained pregnancy loss
were referred to our centre from April 2000 to June 2005 for
evaluation of thrombophilia. In 430 women, cytogenetic, hormonal
(thyroid function test, 17-hydroxy progestorene levels in serum
and 24-hour oestriol levels in urine), anatomical and
microbiological examination such as TORCH serology and urine
examination and culture for evidence of infection revealed no
cause and 49 women had had only 1 pregnancy loss. The remaining

VORA et al .



381 women were studied in detail for the presence of acquired and
inherited markers of thrombophilia. Among these 381 women,
183 had 2 pregnancy losses and 198 had 3 pregnancy losses.
Based on the time of loss of pregnancy, 136 women had early
pregnancy loss (EPL), 119 had late pregnancy loss (LPL) and 126
had both EPL and LPL. In patients who presented immediately
after a pregnancy loss, the samples were collected at least 4
months after the pregnancy loss. If the patient was pregnant at the
time of presentation, tests for protein C and S and antithrombin III
were repeated 4 months after delivery, and only the post-delivery
results were considered.
One hundred normal healthy women matched for age and with
at least 1 normal healthy child were included in the study as
controls. Those with a previous history of thrombosis or pregnancy
loss, those currently pregnant and those who gave a history of
taking oral contraceptives were excluded.
Blood collection. Ten ml of blood was collected by
venepuncture into 3.18% trisodium citrate (1:9 anticoagulant to
blood) and EDTA tubes. Plasma samples were stored at 70 C
until analysed. The cell pellet was preserved at 20 C for DNA
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of all the
participating institutes. Each patient and control gave written
informed consent before inclusion in the study.
Tests for thrombophilia
Screening tests. These included prothrombin time (PT),
activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and thrombin time
(TT), and were done using commercial reagents (Organon Teknika,
Durham, USA). Any sample with clotting time (APTT) prolonged
>5 seconds than the control sample was analysed for the presence
of lupus anticoagulant. Fibrinogen was measured by clotting
assays using commercial kits (Diagnostica Stago, Asniers, France).
Tests for antiphospholipid antibody (APA) syndrome. Mixing
studies were done by mixing the patients plasma with normal
pool plasma (NPP). Kaolin clotting time (KCT) and dilute Russel
Viper venom time (DRVVT) were done using commercial reagents
(Dade Behring, Germany) as described earlier.6,7 IgG and IgM
antibodies for cardiolipin antibodies, 2 glycoprotein P1 (2GP1)
and annexin V were measured by ELISA using commercial kits
(Varelisa, Freburg, Germany). All tests for APA were repeated
after a minimum interval of 4 months.
Tests for inherited thrombophilia. Protein C and S were
measured by ELISA using commercial kits (Diagnostic Stago,

Asniers, France). Antithrombin III (AT III) was measured by

chromogenic assays using commercial reagents (Diagnostica Stago,
Asniers, France). DNA was extracted from the citrated cell pellet
using standard methods.8
Factor V Leiden mutation was identified by PCR amplification
of a 220 bp fragment followed by digestion of the amplified
fragment with Mnl1 restriction enzyme.9 The PT G20210A
polymorphism was identified by Hind III cleavage of the 322 bp
PCR amplified product.10 The C677 T polymorphism of MTHFR
was detected using Hinf 1 cleavage of the 175 bp PCR product11
while EPCR 23 bp insertion was detected by PCR amplification
without any further restriction digestion. 12 PAI1 4G/5G
polymorphism was detected by allele-specific PCR amplification
using two sets of primers.13
Statistical analysis
Univariate odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI were estimated separately
for each parameter and for the total number of samples as well as
for different groups, i.e. EPL and LPL. Multiple analyses of
variants using SPSS12 software were used to calculate the p
values. Because of repetitive measurements, Bonferroni correction
was also employed.
The median age of the patients (n=381) was 24 years (range: 16
41 years) while that of controls (n=100) was 24 years (range: 18
30 years). The pregnancy losses in the patients ranged between 2
and 13 with a total of 867 previous pregnancy losses in 818
Each APA was significantly associated with pregnancy loss as
an independent risk factor. ACA was the most common antibody
detected followed by lupus anticoagulant (LA), anti-annexin V
and 2GP1 (Table I). Overall, 171 of 381 patients (44.9%) were
positive for one of the APAs studied compared with 6% of
controls. Only LA was significantly associated with EPL (p<0.05).
There were no significant differences in the mean levels of
protein C, protein S and AT III between the patients and controls
or between women with EPL, LPL, or EPL and LPL. The most
common defect was protein S deficiency (Table II).
Among the inherited thrombophilic polymorphisms studied,
13 of 381 patients (3.4%) were positive for factor V Leiden
mutation compared with 1% of controls. PT gene polymorphism
was not found in any of the patients or controls. MTHFR T/T
polymorphism and EPCR 23 bp insertion polymorphism were

TABLE I. Frequency of antiphospholipid antibodies in patients and controls



Early pregnancy loss (n=136)

Late pregnancy loss (n=119)

Total* (n=381)

n (%)

n (%)

(95% CI)

p value

n (%)

(95% CI)

p value

n (%)

(95% CI)

p value

Lupus anticoagulant

1 (1)

14 (10.3)



4 (3.4)



29 (7.6)



Anticardiolipin antibody

2 (2)

40 (29.4)



35 (29.4)



112 (29.4)







2 glycoprotein 1

2 (2)

6 (5.1)



9 (9.1)



35 (10.5)



Annexin V

1 (1)

15 (12.7)



16 (13.4)



49 (14.8)



* Includes women who had both early and late pregnancy losses
Comparison of the groups of women with early pregnancy loss and women with late pregnancy loss
showed the following results: Lupus anticoagulant: OR 3.3, 95% CI: 1.19.8, p=0.04; Anticardiolipin antibody: OR 1, 95% CI: 0.61.7, p=1.0; 2 glycoprotein 1: OR 0.6,
95% CI: 0.21.6, p=0.3; Annexin V: OR 0.8, 95% CI: 0.41.7, p=0.6



seen in 10 (2.6%) and 22 (5.8%) women, respectively. Homozygous

PAI 4G/4G polymorphism was observed in 82 (21.5%) and 10
(10%) of the patients and controls, respectively (Table III).
Combination of risk factors
A combination of two or more genetic risk factors were observed
in 41 (10.8%) patients while genetic and acquired risk factors
were observed in 79 (20.7%) patients. No more than one risk
factor was observed in any of the controls. In all, 176 (46.2%)
patients had any one of the acquired thrombophilias while 143
(37.5%) had any of the heritable thrombophilias studied. Overall,
288 patients (75.6%) had either acquired, genetic or both forms of
The aetiology of pregnancy loss is an important yet unresolved
clinical problem. Data from various centres have focused on the
role of abnormal procoagulant activity in the pathogenesis of
unexplained pregnancy loss and other obstetric complications.
We assessed the presence of both acquired and genetic
thrombophilia in a cohort of women with unexplained pregnancy
loss and analysed these in patients with EPL and LPL. All the
women studied had no previous live births.
The prevalence of APA in unexplained pregnancy loss has
been found to range between 7% and 40% in various studies.14,15
However, most studies did not test for all the antibodies. Thus, the
reported prevalence rates are probably not the actual rates of
prevalence of APA in the groups studied. Except antiprothrombin
antibodies, we included all the antibodies, both IgG and IgM, and

VOL. 21, NO. 3, 2008

about 41% of our patients were positive for any one of the APAs
as against 6% of controls. The conventional LA and ACA assays
were informative in 108 (28.3%) patients and in only 3% of
controls. Pregnancy loss was significantly associated with all the
APA studied including LA. However, a significant association
with EPL was observed only with LA. This is consistent with the
recent systematic review of thrombophilias and pregnancy.16
Though there are some reports of an association between LA and
LPL,17,18 the risk of EPL has been reported to be high.19,20 None of
the other APA studied (ACA, 2GP1 or anti-annexin V) showed
a significant difference between the EPL and LPL groups, though
as an independent risk factor each APA antibody was strongly
associated with unexplained pregnancy loss compared with
The common inherited thrombophilias (protein C, protein S
and AT III) were significantly associated with unexplained
pregnancy loss and protein S deficiency had the strongest
association. This prevalence was much higher than that reported
in our earlier study in a large series of patients with deep vein
thrombosis.21 A strong association of protein S deficiency with
recurrent pregnancy loss has been reported previously.22,23 The
prevalence of protein C, AT III deficiency, factor V Leiden were
almost similar as in our earlier report on patients with deep vein
thrombosis21 and other published reports.12,2428
The PAI 1 4G/4G polymorphism has a key role in the
inhibition of fibrinolysis and has been reported to affect binding
of nuclear proteins involved in the regulation of PAI 1 gene
transcription.29,30 Homozygosity for the PAI 1 4G allele has been
found to be associated with increased transcription of

TABLE II. Frequency of protein C, protein S and antithrombin III deficiency in patients and controls


Early pregnancy loss (n=136)

Late pregnancy loss (n=119)

Total* (n=381)

n (%)

n (%)

(95% CI)

p value

n (%)

(95% CI)

p value

n (%)

(95% CI)

p value

Protein C

1 (1)

12 (8.8)



6 (5)



21 (5.5)



Protein S

1 (1)

21 (15.4)



18 (15.1)



58 (15.2)



Antithrombin III

1 (1)

3 (2.2)



3 (2.5)



8 (2.1)



* Includes women who had both early and late pregnancy losses
Comparison of the groups of women with early pregnancy loss and women with late pregnancy loss
showed the following results: Protein C: OR 1.8, 95% CI: 0.74.8, p=0.3; Protein S: OR 1, 95% CI: 0.52, p=1; Antithrombin III: OR 0.8, 95% CI: 0.23.9, p=1

TABLE III. Frequency of genetic markers of thrombophilia in patients and controls



Early pregnancy loss (n=136)

Late pregnancy loss (n=119)

Total* (n=381)

n (%)

n (%)

(95% CI)

p value

n (%)

(95% CI)

p value

n (%)

(95% CI)

p value

Factor V Leiden

1 (1)

7 (5.1)



2 (1.7)



13 (3.4)




1 (1)

6 (4.4)



8 (6.7)



22 (5.8)



10 (10)

23 (16.9)



30 (25.2)



82 (21.5)



1 (1)

5 (3.7)



3 (2.5)



10 (2.6)




* Includes women who had both early and late pregnancy losses
Comparison of the groups of women with early pregnancy loss and women with late pregnancy loss
showed the following results: Factor V Leiden: OR 3.2, 95% CI: 0.713.7, p=0.2; EPCR: OR 0.6, 95% CI: 0.21.8, p=0.6; PAI 4G/4G: OR 0.6, 95% CI: 0.31.1, p=0.1;
MTHFR T677T: OR 3.8, 95% CI: 0.524.7, p=0.2

VORA et al .


PAI 1 gene. Not many studies are available on the association of

this polymorphism with recurrent spontaneous abortions. As
against a 2-fold increase in patients with pregnancy loss, in our
study on patients with deep vein thrombosis and foetal loss
we had found a 4-fold increase.31 Most reports on the association
of PAI 1 4G/5G polymorphism and recurrent spontaneous
abortions have shown an increased risk in association with
other thrombophilic markers.13
It has been documented that the presence of two or more
thrombophilia markers increases the risk for pregnancy loss.32
The presence of multiple thrombophilias in a large number of
patients also confirms these findings. Except LA, we did not find
any significant differences between the EPL and LPL groups.
There are problems in attributing thrombophilia as the cause of
pregnancy loss in the EPL group. They can have a higher
frequency of genetic and structural anomalies in the early stage of
embryonic development and some of the recurrent spontaneous
abortions could be due to karyotypic abnormalities in the foetus.
The incidence of such abnormalities has been reported to be
high,33 but we do not have the karyotypic data of the foetuses.
Lymphokine-activated NK cells have also been found to be
associated with recurrent spontaneous abortions.34
Thus, to conclude, thrombophilia is likely to be an important
cause of both EPL and LPL. Detecting these abnormalities may
allow appropriate therapeutic measures to be instituted, where
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