Immunoglobulin Therapy in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Immunoglobulin Therapy in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Immunoglobulin Therapy in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
1 530
4 authors, including:
Riffat Bibi
Quaid-i-Azam University
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Original Article
Journal of Islamabad Medical & Dental College (JIMDC);2013;2(4):64-68
Journal of Islamabad Medical & Dental College (JIMDC);2013;2(4):64-68
Table 2: Index pregnancy outcome in women who received IVIG treatment and in controls
S No. Out come IVIG Group Control Group p-value*
1. Total number of pregnancies (n) 84 84
2. Total number of live births, n (%) 68(81) 26(31) 0.000**
3. Total number of full term live births, n (%) 64(76.2) 20(23.8) 0.000**
4. Total number of pre term live births, n (%) 04(4.8) 06(7.1) 0.514
5. Total number of first trimester fetal loss upto 13 wks (n %) 06(7.1) 24(28.6) 0.000**
6. Total number of fetal loss after 13 wks, n (%) 04(4.8) 22(26.2) 0.000**
7. Total number of intrauterine deaths 06(7.1) 12(14.3) 0.134
8. In case of live births, Total number of SVD, n (%) 52(61.9) 10(11.9) 0.000**
9. In case of live births, Total number of C-section, n (%) 16(19) 16(19) 1.000
*Chi-square test was applied, ** p<0.05 was considered significant
Table 4: Index pregnancy outcome in women receiving IVIG and in control group in case of primary recurrent
S No. Out come IVIg Group Control Group p-value*
1. Total number of pregnancies (n) 34 26
2. Total number of live births, n (%) 29(85.3) 07(26.9) 0.000**
3. Total number of full term live births, n (%) 27(79.4) 05(19.2) 0.000**
4. Total number of pre term live births, n (%) 02(5.9) 02(7.7) 0.781
5. Total number of first trimester fetal loss upto 13 wks, n (%) 01(2.9) 07(26.9) 0.007**
6. Total number of fetal loss after 13 wks, n (%) 01(2.9) 06(23.1) 0.016**
7. Total number of intrauterine deaths 03(8.8) 06(23.1) 0.125
8. In case of live births, Total number of SVD, n (%) 19(55.9) 01(3.8) 0.000**
9. In case of live births, Total number of C-section, n (%) 10(29.4) 06(23.1) 0.582
*Chi-square test was applied. **p<0.05 was considered significant
Journal of Islamabad Medical & Dental College (JIMDC);2013;2(4):64-68
Table 6: Index pregnancy outcome in women receiving IVIg and in control in case of secondary recurrent
S No. Out come IVIG Group Control Group p-value*
1 Total number of pregnancies (n) 50 50
2 Total number of live births, n (%) 39(78) 16(32) 0.000**
3 Total number of full term live births, n (%) 37(74) 13(26) 0.000**
4 Total number of pre term live births, n (%) 02(4) 03(6) 0.646
5 Total number of first trimester fetal loss upto 13 wks, n (%) 05(10) 14(28) 0.022**
6 Total number of fetal loss after 13 wks, n (%) 03(6) 14(28) 0.003**
7 Total number of intrauterine deaths 03(6) 06(12) 0.295
8 In case of live births, Total number of SVD, n (%) 34(68) 08(16) 0.000**
9 In case of live births, Total number of C-section, n (%) 06(12) 08(16) 0.564
Chi-square test was applied **p<0.05 was considered significant
and IVIg group is 28% and 10% respectively (OR 0.29, published. One study revnealed that IVIg treatment
95%CI 0.09-0.87) while fetal loss after 13 weeks in was effective whereas two other studies demonstrated
control group and IVIg group is 28% and 6% that IVIg treatment was not beneficial.16,17,18 However,
respectively (OR 0.16, 95% CI 0.04-0.615). after summarizing the results of these placebo
controlled trials, a significant result was achieved19
Discussion and it was suggested that IVIg could be more effective
in women having the history of secondary RM or
Intravenous immunoglobulin being a safe preparation repeated second trimester intrauterine fetal deaths.20
is considered to be an effective therapy in spontaneous In the largest randomized controlled trial (RCT) in
miscarriages. In general, the purpose of IVIg treatment which IVIg was evaluated in women with idiopathic
is to enhance passive immunity in women suffering secondary RM; no treatment benefit was found. The
from RPL. This treatment may have valuable effect by meta-analysis, which combined this study results with
improving the person’s antibody levels and antigen- two prior RCTs, also showed no significant effect of
antibody reaction potential. Our study demonstrated treatment with IVIg for idiopathic secondary RM.21 A
the significantly (p<0.05) high birth rate of 81% computerized search in Medline, Embase, Central,
(68/84) after giving the high dose IVIg treatment. Ovid Medline In-Process, and Other Non-Indexed
While in control group it was 31% (26/84). Our results Citations Databases and randomized controlled trial
are in accordance with a recent study conducted by registries was performed. Abstracts of the American
Yamada in 2012. Results revealed that after giving Society of Reproductive Medicine and European
daily infusion of 20 g of intact type immunoglobulin Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
for 5 days during early gestation live birth rate was annual meetings and reference lists of identified
73.3% (44/60). While after exclusion of pregnancies reports were searched. IVIg was not found to be
with abnormal chromosome karyotype live birth rate beneficial when women with combined or with
increased upto 89.8% (44/49).12 primary and secondary RM were analyzed
The results of use of IVIg in different studies are separately.22 This also signifies the treatment therapy
controversial. Primarily the results of IVIg regarding primary and secondary miscarriages. In
administration in pregnancy loss were encouraging. In primary recurrent abortions results were 85.3%
a study conducted on twenty women with history of (29/34) as compared to control group 26.9% (7/26). In
spontaneous recurrent abortions the therapeutic effect secondary RPL rate of live births in IVIg group was
of IVIg was significant. After IVIg treatment the 78% (39/50). In control group it was 32% (16/50). A
overall success rate was 82-86%.13 At that time it was systematic review of eight trials involving 442 women
proposed that passive IVIg therapy can be used in evaluates the medium dose IVIg therapy to treat
patients of RPL as a substitution of providing active recurrent miscarriage. It shows a significant increase in
immunity by allogenic leukocytes.14 In a study live births following IVIg use in women with
conducted by Mueller-Eckhardt et al. (1991) the secondary RM, while those with primary miscarriage
success rate for IVIg treatment was 75% in primary did not experience the same benefit.10 The meta-
and 60% secondary recurrent spontaneous abortion analysis of 5 RCTs indicate a higher proportion of
patients.15 Later three placebo-controlled studies were successful pregnancies with medium dose IVIg in
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