Prevalence of Elective Surgery
Prevalence of Elective Surgery
Prevalence of Elective Surgery
1.1 Background
Cancellation of scheduled surgeries is a persistent issue confronting the
operating room department staff and its management daily because this problem
affects health care performance and patient outcomes.
The East Avenue Medical Center (EAMC) is a tertiary government training
hospital under the Department of Health. It caters to patients from all over the
country - pay and service cases. In 2018 alone, it catered to 7,189 pay and service
elective and emergency operations. Service cases are performed by resident surgical
and anesthesia doctors under the different residency training programs on
collaboration and interface with resident medical doctors of the hospital. These
resident doctors are under the guidance and mentorship of their respective
consultants. Consultant surgeons pay cases, and anesthesiologists are duly
acknowledged and accredited by EAMC.
The EAMC Main Operating Room has 11 rooms divided into seven major
operating rooms, one emergency operating room, two urology rooms, and one
minor operating room. This theatre is manned by 32 Operating Room nurses and 16
nursing attendants. Elective procedures are scheduled on Mondays to Saturdays
with a cut-off time for service cases but unlimited time for pay cases. The Operating
Room has its Operating Room Management Committee (ORMAC) with rules and
guidelines agreed upon by all the concerned Department Chairman, Nursing
Supervisors of the Operating Room, Delivery Room, Post Anesthesia Care Unit,
and Surgical Intensive Care Unit.
Like most government hospitals, EAMC experiences capacity constraints
due to the growing number of patients, limited staffing, inadequate resources, and
fixed limited space. Cancellation of elective surgical procedures causes a significant
emotional toll on the patient and his relatives. It could lead to extended hospital
stays, complications, and increased financial incapacity. Furthermore, case
cancellations disrupt other scheduled surgeries, interfere with the other departments'
plans and objectives, waste scarce resources, increase healthcare costs and cause
emotional stress to all concerned; this also significantly affects the institution and its
employee’s image. Recognizing the causes of these cancellations will lead to
finding solutions to provide better services. In so doing, this will help increase
productivity and boost the morale of the entire operating team and may further the
institution’s respectability. Furthermore, the findings of this study will provide a
basis for improvement of the quality management tools to attain minimal
cancellation and prompt accomplishment of elective surgeries.
Specific Objectives
1. To determine the number of elective cases done as scheduled
2. To determine the number of cancellations of elective cases
3. To determine the prevalence of cancellations of elective cases as to:
3.1 Patient-related
3.2 Nursing staff related (ward and operating room nursing staff)
A 15-month study in a Nigerian Hospital revealed that the top reasons for
canceling elective cases were patient-related factors followed by surgeon-related
factors (Okeke, CJ, Obi, AO et al (2020). Non-availability of funds was the most
common reason for patient-related factors. Most canceled surgical operations were
from the General Surgery, Orthopedics, and Urology Departments. According to
National Health Service England, some canceled operations due to non-clinical
reasons are to be rescheduled within twenty-eight (28) days, or the patient’s
treatment will be funded by the hospital of the patient’s choice and at the time
convenient to the patient. Some of the non-clinical reasons that were found include
the unavailable beds, surgeons, theater staff, equipment failure, and emergency
cases overtaking elective cases. To lessen the cancellations of elective surgeries, the
National Heart Center Singapore (NHCS) established its Pre-Operative Evaluation
clinic managed by a cardiothoracic surgery unit composed of doctors, nurses, and
physiotherapists. The team conducts a comprehensive pre-admission check on
patients to prevent surgeries from cancellation. These steps include a review of
their pre-operative diagnostics, laboratories, and medication history; financial
counseling and a pre-operation video is shown to the patient and his family for them
to have an idea and understanding of the whole hospitalization process.
Cancellations of elective cases are primarily preventable and avoidable.
The table below shows the common causes of surgical cancellations found in
studies according to Desta (2018).
The figure above shows the interplay of variables that will be entertained in
the study. Previous literature indicates that several factors were found to have
caused the cancellation of elective surgeries. These factors could be patient-related,
nursing staff-related, medical and non-paramedical, and hospital management-
related. These factors are the independent variables. Moreover, the cancellation of
elective surgeries is the dependent variable. The study findings will be the basis for
recommendations to identify strategies to minimize further cancellation of elective
2.1 Research Design
A hospital-based, retrospective evaluation of cancellations of surgical operations
was conducted. Document review was employed using the client’s hospital record.
Review references will include logbooks such as the Operating room schedule and
Operating room record
cause of canceled cases. This study is similar to other studies done in Brazil (Santos,
2017), India (Garg R et al., 2009), and Burkina Faso (Lankoandea M et al. 20016)
patient-related factors were the common cause for cancellation. The leading causes
of patient-related cancellations are acute and chronic medical conditions and
medication use. This may be explained by the fact that patients who continue taking
medications on the day of surgery due to illness may affect the surgical procedure
and the efficacy of the anesthetic agent. Another identified cause of surgical
cancellation is hospital administration-related accounts. Observed in China (Chiu
CH, Lee A, Chui PT, 2012) and Sudan (Chiu CH, Lee A, Chui PT, 2012) was a
failure to prepare cross-matched blood, an OR material shortage, and a lack of bed
availability (Mutwali et al., 2016). It is noteworthy that nurse-related factors
accounted for minor causes of elective surgical cancellation. The results suggest that
nurses prepare to ensure their readiness before the surgery, thus preventing
unnecessary circumstances that may inhibit the conduct of the procedure. Surgical
cancellations are more common in service (charity) wards than pay wards, which
are more prevalent in public hospitals because patients in charity care have less
access to resources than those in pay wards. This study cannot establish a causal
relationship, for it is difficult to know which factors preceded the exposure or
outcome. Furthermore, it is less likely to generalize the result to the general
population because it is a health facility-based study.
The surgical cancellation rate in EAMC remains high and most medical and
paramedical-related. Most cancellations were preventable.
This study recommends revisiting the guidelines of the OR operations. Hospital
resources need to be used more efficiently. Apply scheduling rules to weekly
schedules for surgeons, anesthesiologists, and surgical team members. Add beds to
the postoperative unit depending on the number of surgical cancellations. Prior
clinical screening of patients and patient involvement in this manner may increase
patient satisfaction with treatment decisions made during the initial consultation, a
strong predictor of surgical participation. When patients are actively involved, they
are more likely to support the treatment plan and participate adequately, reducing
the likelihood of delay or abandonment. Further research is needed to determine
which patient conditions are most associated with delays and cancellations so that
resources and interventions can be focused on these areas.
The researchers would like to acknowledge the Nursing Service Office of
East Avenue Medical Center through the former chief nurse, Dr. Teresita A.
Santiago, current chief nurse, Mrs. Filomena I. Juguilon, and ACNET Ritchel S.
Acuna. The active participation of the whole nursing community made this research
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