Comparative Management 4D Hofstede Model

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What Are Your Cultural Values?

4D Scores
This is an example of methodology similar to the one used by G. Hofstede in his research.
In the following questionnaire, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each
statement. For example, if you strongly agree with a particular statement, you would circle the 5 next to
that statement.
1 - Strongly disagree, 2 Disagree, 3 - Neither agree nor disagree, 4 Agree, 5 - Strongly agree


agree nor








17. Managers should not delegate important tasks to employees.

18. Managers should help employees with their family problems.

19. Management should see to it that workers are adequately
clothed and fed.
20. Managers should help employees solve their personal
21. Management should see that health care is provided to all

1. It is important to have job requirements and instructions spelled
out in detail so that employees always know what they are
expected to do.
2. Managers expect employees to follow instructions and
procedures closely.
3. Rules and regulations are important because they inform
employees what the organization expects of them.
4. Standard operating procedures are helpful to employees on the
5. Instructions for operations are important for employees on the
6. Group welfare is more important than individual rewards.
7. Group success is more important than individual success.
8. Being accepted by the members of the workgroup is very
9. Employees should only pursue their goals after considering the
welfare of the group.
10. Managers should encourage group loyalty even if individual
goals suffer.
11. Individuals may be expected to give up their goals in order to
benefit group success.
12. Managers should make most decisions without consulting
13. Managers must often use authority and power when dealing
with subordinates.
14. Managers should seldom ask for the opinions of employees.
15. Managers should avoid off-the-job social contacts with
16. Employees should not disagree with management decisions.


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22. Management should see that children of employees have an
adequate education.
23. Management should provide legal assistance for employees
who get in trouble with the law.
24. Management should take care of employees as they would
treat their children.
25. Meetings are usually run more effectively when they are
chaired by a man.
26. It is more important for men to have professional careers than
it is for women to have professional careers.
27. Men usually solve problems with logical analysis; women
usually solve problems with intuition.
28. Solving organizational problems usually requires an active,
forcible approach typical of men.
29. It is preferable to have a man in a high-level position rather
than a woman.



agree nor



The questionnaire measures each of the five basic culture dimensions. Your score can range from 5 to 35. The
numbers in parentheses are the question numbers. Add the scores for these questions to arrive at your total score for
each cultural value. The higher your score, the more you demonstrate the cultural value.
Value 1: Uncertainty Avoidance (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Your score _______ out of 25
*4= ______ out of 100
A high score indicates a culture in which people often try to make the future predictable by closely following rules
and regulations. Organizations try to avoid uncertainty by creating rules and rituals that give the illusion of
Value 2: Individualism/collectivism (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Your score _______ out of 30 *3.3 = _____ out of 100
A high score indicates collectivism, or a culture in
which people believe that group success is more important than individual achievement. Loyalty to the group
comes before all else. Employees are loyal and emotionally dependent on their organization.
Value 3: Power Distance (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). Your score _______ out of 30
*3.3 = _____ out of 100
A high score indicates a culture in which people believe in the unequal distribution of power among segments of
the culture. Employees fear disagreeing with their bosses and are seldom asked for their opinions by their bosses.
Value 4: Confucianism (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24). Your score _______ out of 35
*2.8 = _____ out of 100
A high score indicates a culture in which people value respect of and obedience to their elders and conducting business with integrity and dignity. Young employees are expected to follow orders given to them by their elders.
Value 5: Masculinity/femininity (25, 26, 27, 28, 29). Your score _______ out of 25
*4= ______ out of 100
A high score indicates masculinity, or a culture in which people value the acquisition of money and other material
things. Successful managers are viewed as aggressive, tough, and competitive. Earnings, recognition and
advancement are important. Quality of life and cooperation are not as highly prized.
Source: Adapted from P. Dorfman. Culture Values Questionnaire. Las Cruces: New Mexico State University, 2000. Used with permission.


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