Emotion Review 2013 Cunningham 344 55
Emotion Review 2013 Cunningham 344 55
Emotion Review 2013 Cunningham 344 55
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October 2013
Emotion Review
Vol. 5, No. 4 (October 2013) 344355
The Author(s) 2013
ISSN 1754-0739
DOI: 10.1177/1754073913489749
William A. Cunningham
Kristen A. Dunfield
Paul E. Stillman
Psychological constructivist models of emotion propose that emotions arise from the combinations of multiple processes, many
of which are not emotion specific. These models attempt to describe both the homogeneity of instances of an emotional kind
(why are fears similar?) and the heterogeneity of instances (why are different fears quite different?). In this article, we review the
iterative reprocessing model of affect, and suggest that emotions, at least in part, arise from the processing of dynamical unfolding
representations of valence across time. Critical to this model is the hypothesis that affective trajectoriesover timeprovide
important information that helps build emotional states.
dynamics, emotion, psychological constructivism
A major debate regarding the psychological processes of emotion has surrounded whether emotions are natural kinds (e.g.,
the basic emotions models) or whether they result from the
interaction of more elemental units combined in various ways
(e.g., appraisal or dimensional models). According to natural
kind models, specific emotions, such as fear or anger, developed
independently to help an organism respond adaptively to specific challenges in the environment (Ekman, 1992). For example, the widening of the nose and eyes in the facial expression of
fear are the result of increasing vigilance and sensitivity to
incoming information when threatened, whereas the narrowed
nose and eyes in the facial expression of disgust comes from the
need to reduce input from a source of potential contamination
(Susskind etal., 2008). Similarly, patterns of autonomic
responses and body posture have been taken to suggest that
emotions, once triggered, activate a unified whole body response
(Levenson, 1988). In contrast, elemental models propose that
Author note: The authors thank Alison Duncan Kerr, Julie Huang, and the members of the Social Cognitive Science Lab for helpful comments on an earlier version of this article.
Corresponding author: William A. Cunningham, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, 100 St. George Street, Toronto ON M5S 3G3, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
information processing. Indeed, when considering the subjective experience of emotion, it is probable that the underlying
cognitive processes are complex and multifaceted, and possible
that when more fully articulated may not even correspond to
current linguistic categories. By refocusing our examination to
the information processing elements that underlie emotion, with
an eye toward linking levels of analysis (how the elements combine is as important as knowing what the elements are), we
believe that it will be possible to understand not only the homogeneity of emotional experiences (there are likely similarities
among instances of anger), but also the heterogeneity of emotional experience (not all instances of anger are the same). In
this article we use the IR model (Cunningham & Zelazo, 2007;
Zelazo & Cunningham, 2007) to understand affect and emotion
as the dynamic emergent result of hierarchically organized brain
predictions about the external world. Therefore, any discrepancy between the expectation and experience of either the
internal states or external world initiates a sequence of evaluative processes in which the information is interpreted and reinterpreted in iterative cycles. Sometimes the processing and
reprocessing is accomplished quickly and effortlessly, and
other times more complex, meaningful, and multifaceted representations need to be constructed. Specifically, whenever any
new information is encountered, be it a stimulus in the world or
an experience generated in our own mind, it is initially evaluated for goal valence (i.e., harmful/beneficial) and relevance
(Sander, Grafman, & Zalla, 2003), resulting in an affective
state including some degree of arousal/relevance (e.g., Russell,
2003; Scherer, 1984, 2009). These initial responses result in
unreflective motivational behaviors such as approach or avoidance, and occur within the first few hundred milliseconds of
perception (Oya, Kawasaki, Howard, & Adolphs, 2002). Given
the rapidity of these initial responses they typically involve
processing in the subcortical brain, specifically the amygdala
and ventral striatum (nucleus accumbens) are likely based on
innate biases (e.g., LeDoux, 1996; hman & Mineka, 2001)
and learning (e.g., Armony & Dolan, 2002; Phelps etal., 2001;
Whalen etal., 1998). Previous functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) research has demonstrated that the amygdala
quickly and consistently responds to a wide variety of valenced
cues (e.g., Anderson etal., 2003; Canli, Zhou, Brewer, Gabrieli,
& Cahill, 2000; Isenberg etal., 1999; Morris etal., 1996;
Morris, hman, & Dolan, 1998; Small etal., 2003; Whalen
etal., 1998; Williams etal., 2006; Winston, Strange, ODoherty,
& Dolan, 2002). In addition to producing relatively automatic
responses, these subcortical areas probably also play an important role in generating and updating representations in light of
subsequent reflective processes. Importantly, although these
initial undifferentiated responses allow individuals to quickly
prepare and respond to experiences, they rarely take into consideration the full range of motivational implications of any
particular piece of information.
With additional iterations, current experience can be reinterpreted in light of a larger range of more complex considerations
such as active goal states, expected rewards and punishments,
and current context (Beer, Heerey, Keltner, & Scabini, 2003;
Blair, 2004; Frank & Claus, 2006; Rolls, 2000). By reinterpreting the current experience in light of these constraints, it is possible to make more nuanced evaluations that are consistent
with more stable long-standing goals, desires, and intentions.
Indeed, in order to enact an appropriate response, it is important to know what caused the change being processed, how
much power one has in a situation, and critically what behavioral options are available (see Arnold, 1960; Lazarus, 1991;
Ortony, Clore, & Collins, 1988; Roseman, 1984; Scherer, 2009,
for examples). These more nuanced interpretations are aided
through direct reciprocal connections between the orbitofrontal
cortex (OFC) and the amygdala and hypothalamus. Given these
connections, the OFC is in a special, and particularly effective,
position to modulate initial responses in order to fit with a particular context. By integrating input from multiple sensory
modalities the OFC allows for more nuanced stimulus evaluations (posterior medial orbitofrontal cortex) and the integration
of novel information with more long-standing goals and motivations (anterior medial orbitofrontal cortex; Cunningham,
Kesek, & Mowrer, 2009).
Often the reprocessing of information in order to come to a
more nuanced and an appropriate interpretation requires the
integration of complex rules and goals. To that end, additional
regions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC; such as lateral PFC) can
bias representations to reduce residual uncertainty. Mirroring
the hierarchical structure of the whole brain, the PFC is also
organized hierarchically. As information is reprocessed in the
prefrontal cortex, it spreads from ventrolateral, to dorsolateral,
to rostrolateral prefrontal cortex (e.g., Badre & DEsposito,
2007; Botvinick, 2008; Bunge & Zelazo, 2006; Koechlin, Ody,
& Kounelher, 2003). Within the PFC there is a segregation of
the processing of rules at different levels of complexity:
Conditional rules are processed in the ventrolateral prefrontal
cortex (VLPFC) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC),
whereas the rostrolateral prefrontal cortex (RLPFC) deals with
explicit considerations of task sets (Bunge & Zelazo, 2006).
Importantly, the integration of the lateral prefrontal cortex
allows for the regulation and biasing of activate representations,
not by creating entirely new low-level states, but by affecting
attention to various aspects of the stimulus through the selective
amplification and/or suppression of attention (e.g., Cunningham,
Raye, & Johnson, 2004; Cunningham, van Bavel, Arbuckle,
Packer, & Waggoner, 2012; Ochsner, Bunge, Gross, & Gabrieli,
2002; Ochsner etal., 2004; Todd, Cunningham, Anderson, &
Thompson, 2012). The lateral frontal lobes play an essential
role in the reprocessing of information because of their influence on working memory (allowing relevant aspects of the stimulus to be kept in mind) and inhibitory control (allowing
information to be selectively attended to), two key abilities
required for reflective interpretations (Ochsner, 2004).
settling into a number of different stable internal representations, and thus there is greater uncertainty about how they will
settle. Put another way, unstable, uncategorized representations
have many possible configurationsthe same (unstable) representation can be generated by many different patterns of activation. As the stimulus or event settles into a stable pattern of
activation, the number of probable forms the representation will
take decreases, thereby reducing entropy. Successive iterations
allow for more nuanced representations and therefore less
entropy and greater prescriptive predictions.
Boltzmann defines entropy as the number of possible microstates that can account for a given observable macrostate
(Boltzmann, 1877; Shannon, 1948; see also Hirsch, Mar, &
Peterson, 2012). Applied to representations (i.e., a stable representation that the network has settled into), entropy can be
thought of as the number of possible unique patterns of activation within the neuronal network that could produce that representation. In other words, entropy is the number of possible
patterns of neuronal activation (microstates) that could create
the observed representation (macrostate). A stimulus that has
just been encountered, and has not yet settled into a stable
internal representation, produces a representation that is disorganized and not unique from many other disorganized representations (though it does not usually stay in this form for very
long). This is a high entropy state because many arrangements
of the neuronal network can produce a disorganized representation (just about any set of inputs can result in a disorganized
representation at first). Generally, a representation wont stay
in this state for very long (e.g., far less than a second) before
subsequent iterations refine the representation, for example
going from a jumbled mess of fur, activity, to my dog. Along
the way, the associated affect of the active representation can
change, as an unknown dog may be more threatening than my
own dog.
Many fewer arrangements of the network could produce
these more specific representations, and as such the entropy of
the network is successively lowered as the iterative refinement
process progresses. An equivalent way of saying this is that each
iteration of processing allows for the reduction of the number of
potential higher-order representations that can be implied by a
given set of representations, or in other words, the number of
potential stable representations that the pattern can easily fall
into at that time. With the reduction of entropy comes predictive
power, since more refined representations carry more specific
predictions. Thus, as the mind progresses through iterative
cycles, it simultaneously reduces network entropy and increases
predictive power.
This conceptualization has several implications. First and
foremost is that any change creates entropybe it small
changes, such as encountering a new dog in your neighborhood, or big changes, such as your beloved family dog unexpectedly biting you (a giant error in prediction from what was
anticipated). The increase in entropy will be proportional to the
degree to which ones internal representations shift based on
the event (and will usually correspond to how novel or
expectancy-violating the event is). This is because such events
Timen - 1
Timen + 1
Situaonn - 1
Situaonn + 1
staten - 1
Predicted affecve
staten + 1
staten + 1
Predicted affecve
staten + 2
Figure 1. Multiple determinants of emotional state. At any given moment in time, an individuals current affective state is partially determined by
(a) the situation, or what is occurring in the environment and (b) the individuals affective trajectory: comparing the current state of the world with
what the individual had predicted for himself. A current affective state also naturally leads to a prediction for the future: whether things will improve,
worsen, or remain the same. For example at Time (n + 1), the individuals affective state is jointly determined by his representation of the world at Time
(n + 1) and what he had predicted for himself at Time (n). This composite affective state informs a prediction for his affective state at Time (n + 2).
trajectories alone are sufficient to create all emotional experiences. Rather, we propose that these trajectories are one of the
ingredients that are used in combination with other processes.
On this view, a pattern of valence information regarding the
past, the present, and the anticipated future prime our cognitive
systems toward a particular emotional state. If one is predicting
that something bad will happen, emotional responses typically
associated with fear are more likely. If one also experiences a
change toward negative valence, but this is a downward trajectory, then emotional responses typically associated with sadness
are more likely. Yet the increased probability that the state will
be labeled as sadness is not the same as saying that the particular
pattern of valence representations is sadness. Rather, this information needs to be combined with our interpretations of the
environment (appraisals) and the different behavioral options
that are available at the moment. A predicted bad event that can
have the potential for escape is likely experienced quite differently from one when trapped. Thus, the trajectory model can be
thought of as providing a preappraisal of dynamic valence.
The combination of trajectory information with additional
ingredients allows for multiple expressions of emotional experiences. Not all situations are the same, and not all options are
present given the same cues. As such, the ways in which people
choose to engage with the environment shape the experience,
the body with respect to the environment, and the actual event
itself (Gross, 2008), giving rise to a heterogeneity of emotional
experience and behavior.
Neuroscience methodologies and perspectives have been useful
tools in the continuing process of understanding how affect
manifests in the human brain, and the implications of these findings for models of emotion. Much is now known about the neural systems involved in affective processing that was relatively
inaccessible even 20 years ago. In our review of the literature,
we identify four aspects of affective processing that fall out of
the consideration of dynamic cognition (and in particular the IR
model). These include the generation of affective predictions
for the future, the representation of current affective states, the
integration of information from the body, and the engagement
of reflective processing to integrate appraisals, interpretation,
categorization, and meaning. This perspective should allow for
new research aimed at not only understanding the homogeneity
of emotional experience (the similarities among instances of
fear), but also the heterogeneity of emotional experiences (the
differences among the fear episodes). By taking into consideration the role of time in both the short (moment by moment)
and long (life-span development) term, we can better understand how emotions unfold and transform to adapt to changing
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