43.v. Bharanipriya1 & v. Kamakshi Prasad2

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International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management

January-June 2011, Volume 4, No. 1, pp. 211-215


V. Bharanipriya1 & V. Kamakshi Prasad2

Web mining adopts data mining techniques to automatically discover and retrieve information from web documents and
services. In this Paper we have discussed the concepts of Web mining. We have mainly focused on one of the categories of
Web mining namely Web Content Mining and its various tasks. We propose a six step Web content mining process in our
work. Various tools for Web content mining are also discussed and their relative merits and demerits are presented.
Keywords: Web Mining, Web Content Mining, Web, Tools, Moulding

Analysis and discovery of useful information from World
Wide Web poses a phenomenal challenge to the researchers
in this area. Such a phenomena of retrieving valuable
information by adopting data mining techniques is called
Web mining. Web mining is classified into following five
sub tasks: 1) Resource finding, 2) Information selection and
pre-processing, 3) Generalization, 4) Analysis and 5)
Visualization [1]. Web mining is divided into three
categories: Web content mining (WCM), web usage mining
(WUM) and web structural mining (WSM).

Fig. 1: Web Mining Categories

Web content mining is the process of identifying user

specific data from text, image, audio or video data already
available on the web. This process is alternatively called as
web text mining, since text content is the most widely
researched subject on the World Wide Web. The technologies
that are generally used in web content mining are
Information retrieval and Natural language processing.
Web structure mining is another process of using graph
theory to analyze the node and connection structure of a
web site. Depending upon the type of web structural data,
web structure mining has been divided into two folds. The
first one is extracting patterns from hyperlinks in the web.
The other one is mining the document structure. This

Dept of M.C.A, NMREC, Ghatkesar, India.

School of IT, JNTUH, Hyderabad

Email: [email protected]

involves using the tree-like structure to analyze and describe

the HTML or XML tags within the web page.
Web usage mining is to identify user access patterns
from Web usage logs.
Here we discuss more on Web content mining.


Web content mining identifies the useful information from
the Web Contents/data/documents. However, such a data in
its broader form has to be further narrowed down to useful
information. In this section we begin with two main
approaches of Web Content mining and define how it differs
from Data Mining.
The web content data consist of structured data such as
data in the tables, unstructured data such as free texts, and
semi-structured data such as HTML documents. The two
main approaches in WCM are (1) Unstructured text mining
approach and (2) Semi-Structured and Structured mining

2.1. Unstructured Text Data Mining (Text Mining)

Web content data is much of unstructured text data. The
research around applying data mining techniques to
unstructured text is termed knowledge discovery in texts
(KDT), or text data mining, or text mining. Hence one could
consider text mining as an instance of Web content mining.
To provide effectively exploitable results, preprocessing steps for any structured data is done by means
of information extraction, text categorization, or applying
NLP techniques.

2.2. Semi-Structured and Structured Data Mining

Structured data on the Web are often very important as they
represent their host pages, due to this reason it is important
and popular. Structured data is also easier to extract



compared to unstructured texts. Semi-structured data is a

point of convergence for the Web and database communities:
the former deals with documents, the latter with data. The
form of that data is evolving from rigidly structured
relational tables with numbers and strings to enable the
natural representation of complex real-world objects like
books, papers, movies, etc., without sending the application
writer into contortions. Emergent representations for semistructured data (such as XML) are variations on the Object
Exchange Model (OEM). In OEM, data is in the form of
atomic or compound objects: atomic objects may be integers
or strings; compound objects refer to other objects through
labeled edges. HTML is a special case of such intradocument structure.

2.3. WCM Tasks

Apart from the five tasks enumerated under Web mining,
another task viz. cleaning be applied in web content mining
with the objective of removing redundancy. The detailed
explanation about other five tasks is given below.

Resource Finding: Resource finding means the

process of retrieving the required data from on-line
or offline. We apply data mining techniques,
classification, clustering etc., to extract

ii) Information Selection and Pre-processing: In the

pre-processing phase we deal with web pages
representation. The brief explanation of different
representations is given below[2].

Binary: This is called as Set of words. The

relevance or weight of feature is a binary value
{0, 1} depending on whether the feature appears
in the document or not.

Term Frequency (TF): Each term is assumed to

have an importance proportional to the number
of times it occurs in the text. The weight of a
term t in a document d is given by: W (d; t) =
TF (d; t) is the term frequency of the term t in

Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): The

importance of each term is assumed to be
inversely proportional to the number of
documents that contain the term. The IDF factor
of a term t is given by: IDF(t) = logNxdf(t);
where N is the number of documents in the
collection and df(t) is the number of documents
that contain the term t.
TF-IDF: Salton (1998) proposed to combine TF
and IDF to weight terms. Then, the TF-IDF
weight of the term t in a document d is given
by: W(d; t) = TF(d; t) IDF(t).

WIDF: It is an extension of IDF to incorporate

the term frequency over the collection of
documents. The WIDF weight is given by: W(d, t)
= TF(d, t)/diTF(i,t).

Other pre-processing includes Latent Semantic

Indexing (LSI) which determines clusters of cooccurring keywords so that the query which
uses a particular keyword can then retrieve
documents perhaps not containing this
keyword, but containing other keywords from
the same cluster.

iii) Generalization: Pattern evaluation phase is also

called as Generalization. Here we use machine
learning or data mining processes to identify
general patterns in individual web pages or across
multiple sites.
iv) Analysis: In the analysis phase accuracy of the
retrieved pattern is evaluated using accuracy
v) Presentation or Visualization: To decide in which
order the discovered knowledge (web pages) has
to be presented.

2.4. Distinction between Web Content Mining,

Data Mining and Text Mining
Web content mining though uses data mining techniques; it
differs from data mining because Web data are mostly
unstructured and/or semi-structured, while data mining deals
mainly with structured data. It is associated to text mining
because much of the Web contents are texts. Web content
mining differs from text mining because of the semistructure quality of the Web, while text mining deals with
unstructured texts. Web content mining thus requires
inventive applications of text mining and/or data mining
techniques and also its own distinct approaches.


The information retrieved from online databases, to achieve
the required knowledge the matching concept of attributes
has to be achieved. We reach to the desired knowledge by
comparing match attributes; and user query can be
responded with the desired knowledge.
Suppose that a user is searching for books with Web
Content Mining name and she is also looking for stores
that can sell this book with the lowest price. This system,
after extracting information from some query interfaces in
book domain, finds matching information between them and
after comparing them sends the best answer to the user query.
To attain such knowledge we have to mould the
extracted information of a Web into structural form which


is in the unstructured textual format for classification.

We represent the Web data in the binary format where
all of the attributes are posited in the columns and some
frequent schemas posited in the rows. If an attribute is in a
frequent schema, a 1 is stored in related cell and otherwise
a 0 is stored in it. In the following you can see an example
of this form. The attributes represented below are derived
from frequent schemas. Attributes are derived in such a way
that they form the keywords of the frequent schema. The
attributes of frequent schemas are stated below.
QI1: Deep Web Content mining = {Deep, Web, content,
QI2: Extracting structured data from Web pages =
{Extracting, structured, data, Web, pages}.
QI3: Page content Rank: An approach to the web
content mining = {Page, content, rank, web, content,
QI4: Web mining: Information and pattern discovery
on the World Wide Web = {Mining, information, pattern,
discovery, World Wide Web}.
Table 1
A Sample Array with Input Information
Deep Web Content Mining Extracting Other
Keywords Category
QI1 1

QI2 0

QI3 0

QI4 0

Different types of categories listed in last column of

Table 1 are represented with different unique numbers. Same
domain value indicates same type of category.

several destinations. Once information is in the Mozenda

systems users can repurpose, format, and mash up the data
to be used in other online/offline applications or as
Screen-Scraper5: Screen-scraper allows mining the
content from the web, like searching a database, SQL server
or SQL database, which interfaces with the software, to
achieve the content mining requirements. The programming
languages like Java, .NET, PHP, Visual Basic and Active
Server Pages (ASP) can also be used to access screen scraper.
Web Content Extractor6: Most powerful and easy to
use data extraction tool for web scraping, data mining or
data retrieval from the internet is Web Content Extractor.
Automation Anywhere 5.57: Automation Anywhere is
a web data extraction tool used for retrieving web data
effortlessly, screen scrape from web pages or use it for web


5.1. Learning about Different Types of
WCM Tools
Automation Anywhere 5.5: The Intelligent Automation
Software, used for automating and scheduling business
process and IT tasks in easier way.

Intelligent automation is used for business and IT


Unique SMART Automation Technology

automates complex tasks fast! (No programming

Creating automation tasks takes few minutesrecord keyboard and mouse strokes, or use easy
point-and-click wizards.

Distributes tasks to multiple computers easily, using

Task to SMART Exe capability (Premier and
Enterprise editions only).

Web recorder: (Used for extracting multiple Data

and to extract Table.).

Use Automation Anywhere to automate scripts in

disparate formats.

Powerful task scheduling and auto-login - run

scheduled tasks anytime, even when computer is

385 plus actions are included: conditional, loop,

prompt, file management, database, system,
Internet. More great features: fast speeds, automatic
email notification, task chaining, hotkey, variables,
logging, etc.


Web content mining in normal parlance is to download
information available on the websites. Such a process
involves tremendous stress and time-taking. To augment
such a process the software related to web content mining
can be used so that a computer can use this software or tools
to download the essential information that one would
require. It collects the appropriate and perfectly fitting
information from websites that one requires. Different types
of Web content mining tools are listed below:
Web Info Extractor : This tool is helpful in mining
web data, extracting web content, and monitoring content
update. Thorny template rules are not required to be defined.

Mozenda : To extract web data easily and to manage it

affordably Mozenda is useful. With Mozenda, users can set
up agents that regularly extract, store and circulate data to




Recording and running simple tasks takes just three

Record Save Run
Screen-scraper: Screen-scraping is a tool for extracting
information from web sites which can be used in other
contexts. Like a database, it allows to mine the data of the
World Wide Web.
Graphical interface is provided by the Screen-scraper
allowing you to designate URLs, data elements to be
extracted and scripting logic to traverse pages and work with
mined data. Once these items have been created, from
external languages such as .NET, Java, PHP, and Active
Server Pages, Screen-scraper can be invoked. This also
facilitates scraping of information at periodic intervals.
One of the most regular usages of this software and
services is to mine data on products and download them to
a spreadsheet. A classier example would be a meta-search
engine where in a search query entered by a user is
concurrently run on multiple web sites in real-time, after
which the results are displayed in a single interface.
Main window Tools are as follows:

Exploring Main window Tools:

Main window Tools are as follows..
System menu: The components of System menu are
Config, Login.
Task menu: The components of Task menu are Create,
Modify, Delete, Run, Pause, Stop, Import, Export, Save to
File, Manual Export, Auto Save to CSV File, Auto Save To
Text File, Auto Save To Website, Auto Save to Database,
Clear Result.
View Menu: The components of View menu are
Toolbar, Statusbar and Tasklist.
Help Menu: Components of Help menu are Online
help, Website, Purchase, Activate and About.
Summary of Tools and their Respective Tasks
Name of a















Add new proxy session, Add a new scraping session,

Add new script, Save, Copy, Cut and Paste.


Web Information Extractor: For mining web data and

for content retrieval it is a very powerful tool. It can retrieve
unstructured or structured data from web page, reorganize
into local file or save to database, place into web server.
Difficult template rules are not require to be defined, browse
to the web page and click what you desire to describe the
retrieval task, and run it as you want, or let it run




Web Content

Not for




It is Easy to define extraction task and no need to

learn boring and dense template rules.

Retrieve unstructured data as well as tabular data

to file, database.

Monitor web pages and retrieve new content when


Can deal with any kind of files like, image, text

and other link file.

Unicode support and can process web page in all


Support recursive task (child task) definition.

Canrun multi-task at the same time.

5.2. Commonalities and Differences between the

above Tools


All the tools automate the business task and

retrieve the web data in an efficient way.


Screen-scrapper needs prior knowledge of

proxy server and some knowledge of HTML
and HTTP where as other tools do not require
any such knowledge and it need Internet
connection to run.

Automation-AnyWhere5.5 allows recording of

actions; this facility is not provided in the other


Though we have setup file, Mozenda will not

allow us to install with out Internet connection,
this is not the case with other tools.

We summarize the tools and their respective tasks in

Table 2.

There are many concepts regarding World Wide Web. We
tried to expose Web content mining, one of the categories
of Web mining. The term Web Content mining refers to a
technique that encompasses broad range of issues. We
provided different views to understand Web content mining,
and given six tasks of WCM. We explored more on some of
the tools of Web Content Mining and provided their
comparisons and differences. We observed that Screen-


scraper is not user friendly and some of these tools seem to

be applicable for email data mining.


Qingyu Zhang & Richard S. Segall, Web Mining: A Survey

of Current Research, Information Technology and Decision
Making, 7(4), 683-720, 2008.


R Kosala, H Blockeel-ACM SIGKDD Explorations

Newsletter, 2000.


Web Info Extractor Manual.






Web Content Extractor help.


Automation Anywhere 5.5 help

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