Web Mining: Day-Today: International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Mining: Day-Today: International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Mining: Day-Today: International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
ISSN 2278-6856
K. Mohammad Mujahid, 2Mr. I.S.Raghuram, 3M. Niranjan Kumar, 5K.V. Chaitanya krishna
T. Mohaneshwar
Dept. Of Computer Science and Engineering
G.Pullaiah college of Engineering and Technology, Kurnool
In this paper we study and present facts about how to extract
the useful information on the web and also give the superficial
knowledge and comparisons about data mining. Web mining is
the application of data mining techniques to extract knowledge
from web data, including web documents, hyperlinks between
documents, usage logs of web sites, etc. This paper describes
the current, past and future of web mining.
1.Data Mining
Data mining is the task of discovering interesting patterns
from large amounts of data, where the data can be stored
in databases, dataware houses, or other information
repositories. Data mining is often defined as finding
hidden information in a database. Alternatively, it has
been called exploratory data analysis, data driven
discovery, and deductive learning. Data mining involves
an integration of techniques from multiple disciplines such
as database and data warehouse technology, statistics,
machine learning, high-performance computing, pattern
recognition, neural networks, data visualization,
information retrieval, image and signal processing, and
spatial or temporal data analysis.
Web Mining is based on knowledge discovery from web. It
is extract the knowledge framework represents in a proper
way. Web min g is like a graph & all pages are node &
each connects with hyperlinks. Web mining is useful to
extract the information, image, text, audio, video,
documents and multimedia. By using web mining easily
extract all features and information about multimedia
before this web mining difficult to extract information in
proper way from web. We search the any topic from web
difficult to get accurate topic information but Nows day it
is easy to get the proper information about any things. Web
mining is based on data mining technique by using data
mining technique discover the hidden data in web log.
Thus, web mining, though considered to be a particular
application of data mining, warrants a separate field of
research. Based on the aforesaid four subtasks from above
figure, web mining can be viewed as the use of data
mining techniques to automatically retrieve, extract and
evaluate information for knowledge discovery from web
documents and services. Here, evaluation includes both
generalization and analysis.
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4.Information retrieval
A field developed in parallel with database systems.
Information is organized into documents; Information
6.Web Search-Google
Google is one of the most popular and widely used
search engines. It provides users access to
information from over 2 billion web pages that it has
indexed on its server. The quality and quickness of
the search facility makes it the most successful
search engine. Earlier search engines concentrated
on web content alone to return the relevant pages to
a query. Google was the first to introduce the
importance of the link structure in mining
information from the web. Page Rank, which
measures the importance of a page, is the underlying
technology in all Google search products, and uses
structural information of the web graph to return
high quality results. The Google toolbar is another
service provided by Google that seeks to make search
easier and informative by providing additional
features such as highlighting the query words on the
returned web pages. The full version of the toolbar,
if installed, also sends the click-stream information
of the user to Google. The usage statistics thus
obtained are used by Google to enhance the quality
of its results. Google also provides advanced search
capabilities to search images and find pages that
have been updated within a specific date range. Built
on top of Netscapes Open Directory project,
Googles web directory provides a fast and easy way
to search within a certain topic or related topics.
ISSN 2278-6856
[1] Web Mining: Today and Tomorrow - 3rd
Computer Technology (ICECT 2011)
[2] Web Mining: An Overview - CVPR Unit, Indian
Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
[3] Web Mining: Accomplishments & Future
Directions - Jaideep Srivastava, University of
Minnesota, USA
[4] Web Mining - Concepts, Applications, and
Research Directions by Jaideep Srivastava,
Prasanna Desikan, Vipin Kumar
Mr. I.S. Raghuram received his M.Tech degree in
Computer Science and Engineering from JNTU
Hyderabad (A.P), India. He was a Lecture, Assistant
Professor with Department of CSE, GPCET,
Kurnool. His research interests include Data Mining,
Networks and Mobile Computing.
K.MD. Mujahid received his B.Tech degree in
Information Technology from JNTU Anatapur (A.P),
India. He studied in GPCET, Kurnool.
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