Web Mining: Day-Today: International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856



K. Mohammad Mujahid, 2Mr. I.S.Raghuram, 3M. Niranjan Kumar, 5K.V. Chaitanya krishna
T. Mohaneshwar
Dept. Of Computer Science and Engineering
G.Pullaiah college of Engineering and Technology, Kurnool

In this paper we study and present facts about how to extract
the useful information on the web and also give the superficial
knowledge and comparisons about data mining. Web mining is
the application of data mining techniques to extract knowledge
from web data, including web documents, hyperlinks between
documents, usage logs of web sites, etc. This paper describes
the current, past and future of web mining.

Keyword:- Mining Categories, Web mining subtasks,

Mining Text databases, Keyboard-based retrieval, Invested
index, Example explanation of Google Search, how it

1.Data Mining
Data mining is the task of discovering interesting patterns
from large amounts of data, where the data can be stored
in databases, dataware houses, or other information
repositories. Data mining is often defined as finding
hidden information in a database. Alternatively, it has
been called exploratory data analysis, data driven
discovery, and deductive learning. Data mining involves
an integration of techniques from multiple disciplines such
as database and data warehouse technology, statistics,
machine learning, high-performance computing, pattern
recognition, neural networks, data visualization,
information retrieval, image and signal processing, and
spatial or temporal data analysis.

Web Mining is based on knowledge discovery from web. It
is extract the knowledge framework represents in a proper
way. Web min g is like a graph & all pages are node &
each connects with hyperlinks. Web mining is useful to
extract the information, image, text, audio, video,
documents and multimedia. By using web mining easily
extract all features and information about multimedia
before this web mining difficult to extract information in
proper way from web. We search the any topic from web
difficult to get accurate topic information but Nows day it
is easy to get the proper information about any things. Web
mining is based on data mining technique by using data
mining technique discover the hidden data in web log.
Thus, web mining, though considered to be a particular
application of data mining, warrants a separate field of
research. Based on the aforesaid four subtasks from above
figure, web mining can be viewed as the use of data
mining techniques to automatically retrieve, extract and
evaluate information for knowledge discovery from web
documents and services. Here, evaluation includes both
generalization and analysis.

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

Fig: Web Mining Processing

Web Mining Categories:
Web mining can be categorized in to three area of interest
based on which part of the web to mine:
a) Web Content Mining
b) Web Structure Mining
c) Web Usage Mining
a) Web Content Mining
Web mining is basically extract the information on the
web. Which process is happen to access the information on
the web. It is web content mining. Many pages are open to
access the information on the web. These pages are content
of web. Searching the information and open search pages
is also content of web. Last accurate result is defined the
result pages content mining.
b) Web Structure Mining
We can define web structure mining in terms of graph.
The web pages are representing as nodes and Hyperlinks
represent as edges. Basically its shown the relationship
between user & web. The motive of web structure mining
is generating structured summaries about information on
web pages/webs. It is shown the link one web page to
another web page.
c) Web Usage Mining
It is discovery of meaningful pattern from data generated
by client server transaction on one or more web localities.
A web is a collection of inter related files on one or more
web servers. It is automatically generated the data stored in
server access logs, refers logs, agent logs, client sides
cookies, user profile, meta data, page attribute, page
content & site structure. Web mining usage aims at utilize
data mining techniques to discover the usage patterns from

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014
web based application. It is technique to predict user
behavior when it is interact with the web.
Web usage mining is categories in three phases:Preprocessing- According to client, server and proxy
server it is first approach to retrieves the raw data from
web resources and processed the data .it is automatically
transformed the original raw data.
Pattern Discovery- According the data preprocessing
discovered the knowledge and implements the techniques
to discover the knowledge like as machine learning and
data mining procedures are carried out at this stage.
Pattern Analysis- pattern analysis is the process after
pattern discovery. Its check the pattern is correct on the
web and how to implement on web to extract the
information on your web search / extract knowledge from
the web.

ISSN 2278-6856

retrieval consists of a Typical IR systems & Online library

catalogs & document management systems. Information
retrieval v/s database systems Some DB problems are not
present in IR, e.g. update transaction management,
complex objects. Some IR problems are not addressed well
in DBMS.
Information retrieval problem:
Locating relevant document based on user input, such as
keywords or example documents.
Example: Unstructured documents, approximate search
using keywords & relevance.

Precision the percentage of retrieved documents that are in

fact relevant to the query

Fig: Web Mining Structure

Web mining subtasks
1. Resource finding
2. Task of retrieving intended web documentation
3. Information selection and pre process
4. Automatic selection and preprocessing specification
from retrieving various resources
5. Generalization
6. Automatic discovery of patterns in web sites
7. Analysis
8. Validation and interpretation of mined patterns

3.Mining Text databases

Text databases:
Large collection of documents from various sources: news
articles, research papers, books digital libraries, e- mail
messages &web pages, library database, etc. Data stored is
usually semi structured. Traditional information retrieval
techniques become inadequate for the increasingly vast
amounts of text data.

4.Information retrieval
A field developed in parallel with database systems.
Information is organized into documents; Information

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

Recall the percentage of documents that are relevant to the

query & were, in fact retrieved
Precision =
Keyboard-based retrieval:
A document is represented by a string. Which can be
identified by a set of keywords .Queries may use expression
of keywords. E.g. car & repair shop, tea or coffee. DBMS
but not Oracle Queries & retrieval should consider
synonyms, e.g. repair & maintenance
Create a term frequency matrix, frequency- matrix SVD
construction; compute the singular valued decomposition
of freq- matrix by splitting it into 3 matrices, U,S,V
Vector identification: For each document d replace its
original document vector by a new excluding the
eliminated terms.
Index creation: store the set of all vector indexed by one
of a number of techniques other text retrieval indexing
Invested index
Maintains two hash : or B+-tree indexed.
Document _table : a set of document records
<doc id, postings _list>
Term_ table a set of document term records
<term, posting _ list>
Answer query: find all doc associated with one or a set of
Advantage: easy to implement
Disadvantage: Do not handle well synonymy & polysemi,
& posting lists could be too long.
Signature file:
Associate a signature with each document .A signature is a
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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014
representation of an ordered list of terms that describe the
document. Order is obtained by frequency analysis,
stemming & stop lists.


A web search engine is a software system that is
designed to search for information on the World
Wide Web. The search results are generally
presented in a line of results often referred to as
search engine results pages (SERPs). The
information may be a mix of web pages, images, and
other types of files. Some search engines also mine
data available in databases or open directories.
Unlike web directories, which are maintained only
by human editors, search engines also maintain realtime information by running an algorithm on a web

6.Web Search-Google
Google is one of the most popular and widely used
search engines. It provides users access to
information from over 2 billion web pages that it has
indexed on its server. The quality and quickness of
the search facility makes it the most successful
search engine. Earlier search engines concentrated
on web content alone to return the relevant pages to
a query. Google was the first to introduce the
importance of the link structure in mining
information from the web. Page Rank, which
measures the importance of a page, is the underlying
technology in all Google search products, and uses
structural information of the web graph to return
high quality results. The Google toolbar is another
service provided by Google that seeks to make search
easier and informative by providing additional
features such as highlighting the query words on the
returned web pages. The full version of the toolbar,
if installed, also sends the click-stream information
of the user to Google. The usage statistics thus
obtained are used by Google to enhance the quality
of its results. Google also provides advanced search
capabilities to search images and find pages that
have been updated within a specific date range. Built
on top of Netscapes Open Directory project,
Googles web directory provides a fast and easy way
to search within a certain topic or related topics.

7.Page Rank Algorithm

Page Rank is a numeric value that represents the
importance of a page present on the web. When one page
links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote for the
other page. More votes implies more importance.
Importance of the page that is casting the vote determines
the importance of the vote. Google calculates a page's
importance from the votes cast for it. Importance of each
vote is taken into account when a page's Page Rank is
calculated. Page Rank is Google's way of deciding a page's
importance. Page Rank Notation is PR The original
Page Rank algorithm which was described by Larry Page
and Sergey Brin is given by
PR(A)=(1-d + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + ... + PR(Tn)/C(Tn))

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

Where, PR(A) Page Rank of page A PR(Ti) Page

Rank of pages Ti which link to page A C(Ti) - number of
outbound links on page Ti d - Damping factor which can
be set between 0 and 1 A simple way of representing the
formula is, (d=0.85) Page Rank (PR) = 0.15 + 0.85 * (a
share of the Page Rank of every page that links to it)
The amount of Page Rank that a page has to vote will be
its own value * 0.85. This value is shared equally among
all the pages that it links to. Page with PR4 and 5
outbound links > Page with PR8 and 100 outbound links.
The calculations do not work if they are performed just
once. Accurate values are obtained through much iteration.
Suppose we have 2 pages, A and B, which link to each
other and neither have any other links of any kind. Page
Rank of A depends on Page Rank value of B and Page
Rank of B depends on Page Rank value of A. We can't
work out A's Page Rank until we know B's Page Rank, and
we can't work out B's Page Rank until we know A's Page
Rank. But performing more iterations can bring the values
to such a stage where the Page Rank values do not change.
Therefore more iterations are necessary while calculating
Page Ranks.
Text based algorithms
The text based algorithm consist of many ways of
approaching data through mining. The following are
few ways of approaches
1. A vision-based page segmentation algorithm
2. Discovering conceptual relations from text
3. Spectral voice conversion for text-to speech
4. A new benchmark collection for text
categorization research
5. Ontology learning for text
6. Word sence disambiguation

[1] Web Mining: Today and Tomorrow - 3rd
Computer Technology (ICECT 2011)
[2] Web Mining: An Overview - CVPR Unit, Indian
Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
[3] Web Mining: Accomplishments & Future
Directions - Jaideep Srivastava, University of
Minnesota, USA
[4] Web Mining - Concepts, Applications, and
Research Directions by Jaideep Srivastava,
Prasanna Desikan, Vipin Kumar

Mr. I.S. Raghuram received his M.Tech degree in
Computer Science and Engineering from JNTU
Hyderabad (A.P), India. He was a Lecture, Assistant
Professor with Department of CSE, GPCET,
Kurnool. His research interests include Data Mining,
Networks and Mobile Computing.
K.MD. Mujahid received his B.Tech degree in
Information Technology from JNTU Anatapur (A.P),
India. He studied in GPCET, Kurnool.

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

M. Niranjan Kumar received his B.Tech degree in

Information Technology from JNTU Anatapur (A.P),
India. He studied in GPCET, Kurnool.
K.V. Chaitanya krishna received his B.Tech degree
in Information Technology from JNTU Anatapur
(A.P), India. He studied in GPCET, Kurnool.
T. Mohaneshwar received his B.Tech degree in
Information Technology from JNTU Anatapur (A.P),
India. He studied in GPCET, Kurnool.

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

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