Understanding Big Data

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Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida

Understanding Big Data

Unit: 1

RCA E45- Big Data

Hirdesh Sharma,
Department of MCA
MCA 5th Sem

Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1


• Course Objective
• Course Outcome
• CO and PO Mapping
• What is big data?
• why big data?
• convergence of key trends
• unstructured data
• industry examples of big data
• web analytics
• big data and marketing
• fraud and big data
• Risk and Big Data

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• credit risk management

• big data and algorithmic trading
• big data and healthcare
• big data in medicine
• advertising and big data
• big data technologies
• introduction to Hadoop
• open source technologies
• cloud and big data
• mobile business intelligence
• Crowd sourcing analytics
• inter and trans firewall analytics
• Summary
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Course Objective

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do

the following:
• What is Big Data and Why Big Data used.
• What are Hadoop and open source technologies.

• Demonstrate a familiarity with NO SQL data management.

• Apply important concepts of Big Data and Hadoop with
unstructured data.
• Synthesize the use of Hbase data models and implementation.

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Course Outcome

After Completing this course the students will be able to:

• CO1: To study paradigms and approaches used to analyze
unstructured data into semi structured data and structured data,
cloud and big data mobile business intelligence in practice.
• CO2: Explain Why big data concept is used, Basics of hadoop Data format,
analyzing data with Hadoop , scaling out , Hadoop streaming , Hadoop
pipes , design of Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS).
• CO3: Apply the industry examples of Big data in real life and analyze to
implement the industry examples of big data.
• CO4: Explain the concept of NO SQL, aggregate data models
,aggregates ,key-value and document data models, relationships,
partitioning and combining, composing map-reduce calculations.
• CO5: Gather information about Hadoop related tools, Hbase, data model
and implementations, Hbase clients, Hbase examples – praxis. Cassandra,
cassandra data model HiveQL queries.

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Program Outcome

• PO1: Computational Knowledge: Develop knowledge of computing fundamentals,

computing specialization, mathematics and domain knowledge for solving real
world problems.
• PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify formulate review research literature and analyze
complex problems reaching substantial conclusions using first fundamental
principles of mathematics, computing science and relevant domain discipline.
• PO3: Design /Development of Solutions: Ability to design and evaluate system,
components or processes for complex computing problems that meets specified
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and cultural
societal and environmental consideration.
• PO4: Conduct investigations of complex Computing problems: Use research-
based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis
and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
• PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern computing tools including prediction and modeling to
complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
• PO6: Professional Ethics: Understand and commit to professional ethics and cyber
regulations, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practices.
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Program Outcome
• PO7: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in
independent learning for continual preparation and development as a computing
professional for broadest content of technological change.
• PO8: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the computing and management principles and apply these to
one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
• PO9: Communication Efficacy: Communicate effectively with the computing
community, and with society at large, about complex computing activities by being
able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions.
• PO10: Societal and Environmental Concern: Understand and assess societal,
environmental, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global
contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing
• PO11: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a
member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary environments.
• PO12: Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Identify a timely opportunity and using
innovation to pursue that opportunity to create value and wealth for the
betterment of the individual and society at large.
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CO-PO Mapping

Mappping of Course Outcomes(COs)and Program Outcomes (POs):

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Unit 1 Objective

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do

the following:
• What is Big Data and Why Big Data used?
• Industry Examples of Big Data

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Prerequisite and Recap

• Big data is a popular term used to describe the exponential growth

and availability of data, both structured and unstructured.
• 3 dimensions / characteristics of Big data: 3Vs (volume, variety
and velocity)
• Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting
of web data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web

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Topic Name (CO1)

• Introduction to Big Data

• Characteristics of Big Data

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Topic Objective (CO1)

After completion of this topic, students will be able to understand:

• What is Big Data?

• Industry Examples of Big Data

• Characteristics of Big Data

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Big Data: Introduction (CO1)

• Big data is data that exceeds the processing capacity of conventional

database systems.
• The data is too big, moves too fast, or does not fit the structures of
traditional database architectures.
• In other words, Big data is an all-encompassing term for any
collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult
to process using on-hand data management tools or traditional data
processing applications.

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Big Data: Introduction (CO1)

• Big data is a popular term used to describe the exponential growth

and availability of data, both structured and unstructured.
• Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data — so much that
90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two
years alone.
• This data comes from everywhere: sensors used to gather climate
information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos,
purchase transaction records, and cell phone GPS signals to name a
few. This data is big data.

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Big Data: Definition (CO1)

• Big data usually includes data sets with sizes beyond the ability of
commonly used software tools to capture, create, manage, and
process the data within a tolerable elapsed time
• Big data is high-volume, high-velocity and high-variety information
assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information
processing for enhanced insight and decision-making.
• Big data is often boiled down to a few varieties including social
data, machine data, and transactional data.

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Big Data(CO1)

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Big Data Analytics (CO1)

• Big (and small) Data analytics is the process of examining data—

typically of a variety of sources, types, volumes and / or
complexities—to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations,
and other useful information.
• The intent is to find business insights that were not previously
possible or were missed, so that better decisions can be made.

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Big Data Analytics (CO1)

– Broader insights. The world is complex. Operating a business in

a global, connected economy is very complex given constantly
evolving and changing conditions.
– Frictionless actions. Increased reliability and accuracy that will
allow the deeper and broader insights to be automated into
systematic actions.

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Advanced Big Data Analytics (CO1)

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Big Data Analytics Applications (CO1)

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3 dimensions / characteristics of Big data (CO1)

• 3Vs (volume, variety and velocity) are three defining properties or

dimensions of big data. Volume refers to the amount of data, variety
refers to the number of types of data and velocity refers to the speed
of data processing.

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Why Big Data? (CO1)

1. Understanding and Targeting Customers:

This is one of the biggest and most publicized areas of big data use
today. Here, big data is used to better understand customers and
their behaviors and preferences.
2. Understanding and Optimizing Business Processes:
Big data is also increasingly used to optimize business processes.
Retailers are able to optimize their stock based on predictions
generated from social media data, web search trends and weather
3. Personal Quantification and Performance Optimization
Big data is not just for companies and governments but also for all
of us individually. We can now benefit from the data generated from
wearable devices such as smart watches or smart bracelets.

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Why Big Data? (CO1)

4. Improving Healthcare and Public Health

The computing power of big data analytics enables us to decode
entire DNA strings in minutes and will allow us to find new cures
and better understand and predict disease patterns. Just think of what
happens when all the individual data from smart watches and
wearable devices can be used.
5. Improving Sports Performance
Most elite sports have now embraced big data analytics. We have the
IBM SlamTracker tool for tennis tournaments; we use video
analytics that track the performance of every player in a football or
baseball game, and sensor technology in sports.
6. Improving Science and Research
Science and research is currently being transformed by the new
possibilities big data brings.

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Why Big Data? (CO1)

7. Optimizing Machine and Device Performance

Big data analytics help machines and devices become smarter and
more autonomous.
8. Improving Security and Law Enforcement.
Big data is applied heavily in improving security and enabling law
9. Improving and Optimizing Cities and Countries
Big data is used to improve many aspects of our cities and countries.
10. Financial Trading
My final category of big data application comes from financial
trading. High-Frequency Trading (HFT) is an area where big data
finds a lot of use today.

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Unstructured Data (CO1)

• Unstructured data is information that either does not have a

predefined data model and/or does not fit well into a relational
• The term semi-structured data is used to describe structured data that
does not fit into a formal structure of data models.
• However, semi-structured data does contain tags that separate
semantic elements, which includes the capability to enforce
hierarchies within the data.
• The amount of data (all data, everywhere) is doubling every two
years. Most new data is unstructured.

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Mining Unstructured Data (CO1)

• Many organizations believe that their unstructured data stores

include information that could help them make better business
• Unfortunately, it's often very difficult to analyze unstructured data.
To help with the problem, organizations have turned to a number of
different software solutions designed to search unstructured data and
extract important information.
• The primary benefit of these tools is the ability to glean actionable
information that can help a business succeed in a competitive

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Unstructured, Semi structured and Structured Data (CO1)

• Structured data generally resides in a relational database, and as a

result, it is sometimes called "relational data.”
• Structured data has been or can be placed in fields.
• Structured and unstructured data, there's also a third category: semi-
structured data.
• The term "big data" is closely associated with unstructured data. Big
data refers to extremely large datasets that are difficult to analyze
with traditional tools.

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Implementing Unstructured Data Management (CO1)

Organizations use of variety of different software tools to help them

organize and manage unstructured data. These can include the
• Big data tools
• Business intelligence software
• Data integration tools

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Implementing Unstructured Data Management (CO1)

• Document management systems: Also called "enterprise content

management systems," a DMS can track, store and share
unstructured data that is saved in the form of document files.
• Information management solutions: This type of software tracks
structured and unstructured enterprise data throughout its lifecycle.
• Search and indexing tools: These tools retrieve information from
unstructured data files such as documents, Web pages and photos.

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Industry Examples of Big Data: Web Analytics (CO1)

• Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting

of web data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web
• Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring web traffic but can be
used as a tool for business and market research, and to assess and
improve the effectiveness of a web site.

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Web Analytics (CO1)

Why use big data tools to analyse web analytics data?

Web event data is incredibly valuable:
• It tells you how your customers actually behave (in lots of detail),
and how that varies
– Between different customers
– For the same customers over time. (Seasonality, progress in customer
– How behaviour drives value
• It tells you how customers engage with you via your website/
– How that varies by different versions of your product
– How improvements to your product drive increased customer
satisfaction and lifetime value

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Web Analytics (CO1)

• It tells you how customers and prospective customers engage with

your different marketing campaigns and how that drives subsequent

Deriving value from web analytics data often involves very

bespoke analytics
• The web is a rich and varied space! E.g.
– Bank
– Newspaper
– Social network
– Analytics application
– Government organisation (e.g. tax office)
– Retailer
– Marketplace

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Web Analytics (CO1)

• For each type of business you’d expect different :

– Types of events, with different types of associated data

– Ecosystem of customers / partners with different types of

– Product development cycle (and approach to product
– Types of business questions / priorities to inform how the data is

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Web Analytics (CO1)

Web analytics tools are good at delivering the standard

reports that are common across different business types…
• Where does your traffic come from e.g.
– Sessions by marketing campaign / referrer
– Sessions by landing page
• Understanding events common across business types (page views,
transactions, ‘goals’) e.g.
– Page views per session
– Page views per web page
– Conversion rate by traffic source
– Transaction value by traffic source
• What is the impact of different ad campaigns and creative on
the way users behave, subsequently? What is the return on that
ad spend?
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Web Analytics (CO1)

• Capturing contextual data common people browsing the web

– Timestamps
– Referer data
– Web page data (e.g. page title, URL)
– Browser data (e.g. type, plugins, language)
– Operating system (e.g. type, timezone)
– Hardware (e.g. mobile / tablet / desktop, screen resolution, colour
• How do visitors use social channels (Facebook / Twitter) to interact
around video content? How can we predict which content will “go
• How do updates to our product change the “stickiness” of our
service? ARPU? Does that vary by customer segment?

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Web Analytics (CO1)

We built Snow plow to address those limitations and enable high

value, bespoke analytics on web event data:

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Big Data and Marketing (CO1)

Big Data and the New School of Marketing

• Dan Springer, CEO of Responsys, defines the new school of
marketing: “Today’s consumers have changed.
• They’ve put down the newspaper, they fast forward through TV
commercials, and they junk unsolicited email. Why? They have new
options that better fit their digital lifestyle.

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Big Data and Marketing (CO1)

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Big Data and Marketing (CO1)

The Right Approach: Cross-Channel Lifecycle Marketing:

• Cross-Channel Lifecycle Marketing really starts with the capture of
customer permission, contact information, and preferences for
multiple channels.
• Let’s take a look at the various loops that guide marketing strategies
and tactics in the Cross-Channel Lifecycle Marketing approach:
conversion, repurchase, stickiness, win-back, and re-permission.

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Big Data and Marketing (CO1)

Social and Affiliate Marketing:

• Word-of-mouth marketing has been the most powerful form or
marketing since before the Internet was an idea in Tim Berners-
Lee’s mind and well before Mark Zuckerberg ever entered that now-
famous Harvard dorm room.
• It’s really just a VERY big Tupperware party. – Greg Doran,
Founder and CEO of TipSpring
• Empowering Marketing with Social Intelligence

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Daily Quiz
• . ________ is the slave/worker node and holds the user data in the
form of Data Blocks.
a) DataNode
b) NameNode
c) Data block
d) Replication
•  HDFS is implemented in _____________ programming language.
a) C++
b) Java
c) Scala
d) None of the mentioned
• Although the Hadoop framework is implemented in Java,
MapReduce applications need not be written in ____________
a) Java
b) C
c) C#
d) None of the mentioned
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Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida

Understanding Big Data

Unit: 1

RCA E45- Big Data

Hirdesh Sharma,
Department of MCA
MCA 5th Sem

Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1


• Big data is a popular term used to describe the exponential growth

and availability of data, both structured and unstructured.
• 3 dimensions / characteristics of Big data: 3Vs (volume, variety
and velocity)

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Topic Name (CO1)

• Big Data and Frauds

• Big Data and Healthcare

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Topic Objective (CO1)

After completion of this topic, students will be able to understand:

• Big Data and Frauds

• Big Data and Healthcare

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Fraud and Big Data (CO1)

• Fraud is intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage

another individual.
• One of the most common forms of fraudulent activity is credit card
• However, despite the significant increase in incidence, total cost of
credit card fraud increased only 20 percent.
• The comparatively small rise in total cost can be attributed to an
increasing sophistication of fraud detection mechanisms.

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Fraud and Big Data (CO1)

According to the Capgemini Financial Services Team:

• Even though fraud detection is improving, the rate of incidents is
rising. This means banks need more proactive approaches to prevent
• In order to prevent the fraud, credit card transactions are monitored
and checked in near real time.
• If the checks identify pattern inconsistencies and suspicious activity,
the transaction is identified for review and escalation.

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Fraud and Big Data (CO1)

The Capgemini Financial Services team believes that due to the

nature of data streams and processing required, Big Data
technologies provide an optimal technology solution based on the
following three Vs:

1. High volume
2. High velocity
3. High variety

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Fraud and Big Data (CO1)

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Risk and Big Data (CO1)

• Many of the world’s top analytics professionals work in risk

management. It would be an understatement to say that risk
management is data-driven—without advanced data analytics,
modern risk management would simply not exist.
• The two most common types of risk management are credit risk
management and market risk management. A third type of risk,
operational risk management, isn’t as common as credit and market

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Risk and Big Data (CO1)

• Credit risk analytics focus on past credit behaviors to predict the

likelihood that a borrower will default on any type of debt by failing
to make payments which they obligated to do.

• Market risk analytics focus on understanding the likelihood that the

value of a portfolio will decrease due to the change in stock prices,
interest rates, foreign exchange rates, and commodity prices.

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Credit Risk Management (CO1)

• Credit risk management is a critical function that spans a diversity

of businesses across a wide range of industries. Ori Peled is the
American Product Leader for MasterCard Advisors Risk &
Marketing Solutions.
• Traditionally, credit risk management was rooted in the philosophy
of minimizing losses.

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Credit Risk Management (CO1)

• Credit risk professionals are stakeholders in key decisions that

address all aspects of a business, from finding new and profitable
customers to maintaining and growing relationships with existing
• Maximizing the risk and reward opportunities requires that risk
managers understand their customer portfolio, allowing them to
leverage a consistent credit approach while acknowledging that you
can’t treat every customer the same.

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Credit Risk Management (CO1)

Credit Risk Framework:

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Big Data and Algorithm Trading (CO1)

• Partha Sen is the CEO of Fuzzy Logix, a company that specializes

in high-performance, cross platform in database, and GPU (graphics
processing unit) analytics.
• He, along with a team of very talented quantitative professionals,
now leverages his formidable expertise to help customers across a
number of industries.
• As most of you know, many investment banks use algorithmic
trading, a highly sophisticated set of processes in which “insights”
are made “actionable” via automated “decisions”.

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Big Data and Algorithm Trading (CO1)

• Algorithmic trading relies on sophisticated mathematics to

determine buy and sell orders for equities, commodities, interest rate
and foreign exchange rates, derivatives, and fixed income
instruments at blinding speed.
• A key component of algorithmic trading is determining return and
the risk of each potential trade, and then making a decision to buy or

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Crunching Through Complex Interrelated Data (CO1)

• In a frictionless economy, time is the critical driver to gain and

sustain a competitive advantage. Banks have graduated from daily
evaluation of risk to intra-day risk evaluations.
• “Risk management on a daily basis is a thing of the past because
there are higher volatilities,” says Sen. of the marketplace today.
• For market risk, the data explodes very quickly. Today, the
portfolios being evaluated are quite large and include multiple
financial instruments.

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Big Data and Algorithm Trading (CO1)

Intraday Risk Analytics, a Constant Flow of Big Data:

• To maintain competitive advantage, banks need to continuously
evaluate their models, including the performance of the production
models, and also continuously try to build new models to
incorporate new variables.
• Banks have also moved from daily risk management to intraday risk
• Intraday risk management involves pricing the entire portfolio and
calculating the risk limits of each of the counter-parties within the
bank’s portfolio.
• The problem gets very complex and computationally intensive.

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Big Data and Algorithm Trading (CO1)

Calculating Risk in Marketing:

• While risk analytics is used for risk management, banks are using
risk predictive analytics for marketing as well.
For example, when a bank scores its customers and prospects for
credit card solicitations, it will use some risk management tools as
• Without taking into account risk profiles of individuals, bank
promotion responses can result in customers with a higher risk

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Big Data and Algorithm Trading (CO1)

Other Industries Benefit from Financial Services’ Risk

• Outside of financial services there are other industries that can
benefit from this work, such as retail, media, and
• They are following suit to include evaluation of adverse select in
their promotional offers.
• By quickly catching and correcting this market manipulative
behavior you’re creating a fair trading platform.”

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Big Data and Healthcare (CO1)

• Big Data has focused on activities such as marketing, offer

optimization, budget planning, business process management,
supply chain management, anti-money laundering, fraud monitoring
and risk management.
• In addition to saving and improving lives, Big Data has the potential
to transform the entire health care system by replacing guesswork
and intuition with objective, data-driven science.

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Big Data and Healthcare (CO1)

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Big Data and Healthcare (CO1)

• The health care industry is now awash in data: from biological data
such as gene expression, Special Needs Plans (SNPs), next-
generation gene sequence data.
• The health care system is facing severe economic, effectiveness, and
quality challenges.
• The success of this new business model will be dependent on having
access to data created across the entire health care ecosystem.

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Big Data and Healthcare (CO1)

“Disruptive Analytics”
• The changing health care landscape is an excellent example of
where data science and disruptive analytics can have an immediate
beneficial impact.
• Let’s introduce one of the health care analytics experts we
interviewed, James Golden.

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Big Data and Healthcare (CO1)

Pioneering New Frontiers in Medicine

• The new era of data-driven health care is already producing new
kinds of heroes.
For example, Murali Ramanathan is co-director, Data Intensive
Discovery Institute, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Ramanathan uses Big Data analytics to identify the genetic
variations that predispose individuals to multiple sclerosis (MS).

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Advertising and Big Data (CO1)

• Advertising, when ancient Egyptians used Papyrus to make sales

banners to promote their businesses.
• Back then it was a simple matter of promoting your business
through the use of visual promotional advertising.
• Advertising is what you do when you can’t (afford to) go see
somebody. That’s all it is. —Fairfax Cone, principal of Foote, Cone
& Belding, 1963

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Advertising and Big Data (CO1)

• The early advertising executives had a powerful means to reach their

audiences, which was billboard, newspaper, radio, and eventually
• This would help the advertisers pick the best place to place their ads
(media spend).
• After years of refinement, clever media planning, and the inclusion
of more and more data, marketers got pretty savvy at targeting their

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Advertising and Big Data (CO1)

Big Data Feeds the Modern-Day Donald Draper

• To get a feel for how Big Data is impacting the advertising market,
we sat down with Randall Beard, who is currently the global head of
Nielsen’s Global Head of Advertiser Solutions.

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Advertising and Big Data (CO1)

Beard explained that big data is now changing the way advertisers
address three related needs:
1. How much do I need to spend?
2. How do I allocate that spend across all the marketing
communication touch points?
3. How do I optimize my advertising effectiveness against my brand
equity and ROI in real-time.

Beard explained the three guiding principles to measurement:

1. End to end measurement—reach, resonance and reaction
2. Across platforms (TV, digital, print, mobile, etc.)
3. Measured in real-time (when possible)

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Advertising and Big Data (CO1)

The Need to Act Quickly (Real-Time When Possible)

Measurement Can Be Tricky

Beard gave an example of the complexity of measurement. There
are tools that allow you to tag digital advertising.

Content Delivery Matters Too

Let’s now look at ad performance by website. The ads were on
twelve websites: four were terrible; the breakthrough was terrible,
branding was terrible—the ads didn’t perform well in those sites.

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Advertising and Big Data (CO1)

Optimization and Marketing Mixed Modeling

• Marketing mixed modeling (MMM) is a tool that helps advertisers
understand the impact of their advertising and other marketing
activities on sales results.
• MMM can generally provide a solid understanding of the relative
performance of advertising by medium.
• MMM is only as good as the marketing data that is used as inputs.

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Advertising and Big Data (CO1)

Using Consumer Products as a Doorway

• As an experienced business executive, what would you say if you
were asked by your boss to consider entering into the mobile phone
or PC/tablet business, which the company has never tried to do
• Who would have thought that an online retailer, Amazon, would
create hardware with their Kindle Fire and that Barnes and Noble
would release the Nook?

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Daily Quiz
•  For ________ the HBase Master UI provides information about the
HBase Master uptime.
a) HBase
b) Oozie
c) Kafka
d) All of the mentioned
• During start up, the ___________ loads the file system state from the
fsimage and the edits log file.
a) DataNode
b) NameNode
c) ActionNode
d) None of the mentioned
• The number of maps is usually driven by the total size of ___________
a) inputs
b) outputs
c) tasks
d) None of the mentioned
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Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida

Understanding Big Data

Unit: 1

RCA E45- Big Data

Hirdesh Sharma,
Department of MCA
MCA 5th Sem

Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1


• The health care system is facing severe economic, effectiveness, and

quality challenges.
• Fraud is intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage
another individual.

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Topic Name (CO1)

• Big Data Technologies

• Open Source Technologies

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Topic Objective (CO1)

After completion of this topic, students will be able to understand:

• Big Data Technologies

• Open Source Technologies for Big Data Analytics

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Big Data Technology (CO1)

• Technology is radically changing the way data is produced,

processed, analyzed, and consumed.
• On one hand, technology helps evolve new and more effective data
• On the other, as more and more data gets captured, technology steps
in to help process this data quickly, efficiently, and visualize it to
drive informed decisions.

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Introduction to Hadoop (CO1)

• Apache Hadoop is one technology that has been the darling of Big
Data talk.
• Hadoop is an open-source platform for storage and processing of
diverse data types that enables data-driven enterprises to rapidly
derive the complete value from all their data.
• The scale and variety of data have permanently overwhelmed the
ability to cost-effectively extract value using traditional platforms.

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Introduction to Hadoop (CO1)

– Hadoop handles a variety of workloads, including search, log

processing, recommendation systems, data warehousing, and
video/image analysis.
– Apache Hadoop is an open-source project administered by the
Apache Software Foundation. The software was originally
developed by the world’s largest Internet companies to capture
and analyze the data that they generate.

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Introduction to Hadoop (CO1)

The two critical components of Hadoop are:

1. The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): HDFS is the
storage system for a Hadoop cluster. HDFS breaks it into pieces and
distributes those pieces among the different servers participating in
the cluster. Each server stores just a small fragment of the complete
data set, and each piece of data is replicated on more than one
2. Map Reduce: Map Reduce is the agent that distributes the work
and collects the results. Map Reduce monitors progress of each of
the servers participating in the job. Both HDFS and Map Reduce are
designed to continue to work in the face of system failures.

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Introduction to Hadoop (CO1)

• HDFS continually monitors the data stored on the cluster. If a server

becomes unavailable, a disk drive fails, or data is damaged, whether
due to hardware or software problems, HDFS automatically restores
the data from one of the known good replicas stored elsewhere on
the cluster. Likewise, when an analysis job is running.

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Big Data Technology (CO1)

Old vs. New Approaches:

• The old way is a data and analytics technology stack with different
layers “cross-communicating data” and working on “scale-up”
expensive hardware.
• In other words, you cannot allow hardware (storage and network) to
become the bottleneck. Number two, data must be processed, and
converted into usable business intelligence where it sits.

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Big Data Technology (CO1)

We continue our conversation with Mehta later in the book. For the
moment, let’s boil his observations down to three main points:
1. The technology stack has changed. New proprietary technologies
and open-source inventions enable different approaches that make it
easier and more affordable to store, manage, and analyze data.
2. Hardware and storage is affordable and continuing to get cheaper
to enable massive parallel processing.
3. The variety of data is on the rise and the ability to handle
unstructured data is on the rise.

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Big Data Technology (CO1)

Data Discovery: Work the Way People’s Minds Work:

• There is a lot of buzz in the industry about data discovery, the term
used to describe the new wave of business intelligence that enables
users to explore data, make discoveries, and uncover insights in a
dynamic and intuitive way versus predefined queries and
preconfigured drill-down dashboards.

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Open Source Technologies for Big Data Analytics (CO1)

• Open-source software is computer software that is available in

source code form under an open-source license that permits users to
study, change, and improve and at times also to distribute the
• Some other open-source projects are managed and supported by
commercial companies, such as Cloudera, that provide extra
capabilities, training, and professional services that support open-
source projects such as Hadoop.

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Open Source Technologies for Big Data Analytics (CO1)

• “One of the key attributes of the open-source analytics stack is that

it’s not constrained by someone else’s predetermined ideas or
vision,” says David Champagne, chief technology officer at
Revolution Analytics, a provider of advanced analytics.
• “You don’t need to prove to a vendor that you have a million dollars
in your budget. With open source, you can try it and adopt it at your
own pace.”

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Open Source Technologies for Big Data Analytics (CO1)

The old model’s end state was a monolithic stack of proprietary

tools and systems that could not be swapped out, modified, or
upgraded without the original vendor’s support. The status quo
rested on several assumptions, including:
1. The amounts of data generated would be manageable
2. Programming resources would remain scarce
3. Faster data processing would require bigger, more expensive

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The Cloud and Big Data (CO1)

• It is important to remember that for all kinds of reasons—technical,

political, social, regulatory, and cultural.
• Cloud computing has not been a successful business model that has
been widely adopted for enterprises to store their Big Data assets.
• There will be Big Data platforms that companies will build,
especially for the core operational systems of the world. Where we
continue to have an explosive amount of data come in and because
the data is so proprietary that building out an infrastructure in-
house seems logical. I actually think it’s going to go to the cloud, it’s
just a matter of time! It’s not value add enough to collect, process
and store data.
—Avinash Kaushik, Google’s digital marketing evangelist

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The Cloud and Big Data (CO1)

A few guiding principles that his firm stands by:

1. Stop saying “cloud” 
2. Acknowledge the business issues
3. Fix some core technical gaps

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The Cloud and Big Data (CO1)

Cetas Approach:
• Cetas is a stealth-mode startup focused on providing an entire
analytics stack in the cloud (or on-premise, if a customer prefers).

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The Cloud and Big Data (CO1)

• Microsoft was late to the Hadoop game, but has been making up for
lost time since October. Microsoft is trying ‘to provide a service that
is very easy to consume for customers of any size,’ which means an
intuitive interface and methods for analyzing data.

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The Cloud and Big Data (CO1)

Google: Google has a multi-pronged strategy on cloud-based big data

services, that stand out most are BigQuery and the Google Prediction
API.  Google describes BigQuery, available in limited preview now, as
a service. The Google Prediction API is just what it sounds like, a
service that puts machine learning and pattern-detection capabilities in
developers’ hands so they can analyze application data for things.

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The Cloud and Big Data (CO1)

Infochimps: Infochimps has morphed into a provider of big data

infrastructure as a service that provides its marketplace data as a
value-added feature.

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The Cloud and Big Data (CO1)

Predictive Analytics Moves into the Limelight

• To master analytics, enterprises will move from being in reactive
positions (business intelligence) to forward leaning positions
(predictive analytics).
• Here are some leading trends that are making their way to the
forefront of businesses today:
– Recommendation engines similar to those used in Netflix and
– Risk engines for a wide variety of business areas, including
market and credit risk, catastrophic risk, and portfolio risk.

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The Cloud and Big Data (CO1)

• In addition to the Omniture people, several other reasons stand out

to me. They include:
• Scaling the SaaS delivery model
• Killer sales organization
• A focus on customer success

Here is a summary in his own words:

1. Relieving the IT choke point
2. Transforming BI from cost center to a revenue generator
3. The user experience

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Mobile Business Intelligence (CO1)

• Analytics on mobile devices is what some refer to as putting BI in

your pocket.
• Mobile drives straight to the heart of simplicity and ease of use that
has been a major barrier to BI adoption since day one.
• Mobile devices are a great leveling field where making complicated
actions easy is the name of the game.

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Mobile Business Intelligence (CO1)

Ease of Mobile Application Deployment

• Another inflection point for the industry is the development and
deployment of mobile applications.
• In the past, that was controlled by the relationship with the carrier. It
used to be that if you wanted to push out a mobile application.

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Mobile Business Intelligence (CO1)

Three elements that have impacted the viability of mobile BI:

1. Location—the GPS component and location . . . know where you
are in time as well as the movement.
2. It’s not just about pushing data; you can transact with your smart
phone based on information you get.
3. Multimedia functionality allows the visualization pieces to really
come into play.

Three challenges with mobile BI include:

1. Managing standards for rolling out these devices.
2. Managing security (always a big challenge).
3. Managing “bring your own device,” where you have devices both
owned by the company and devices owned by the individual, both
contributing to productivity.
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Crowd sourcing Analytics (CO1)

• Crowd sourcing is a recognition that you can’t possibly always have

the best and brightest internal people to solve all your big problems.
• Crowd sourcing is a great way to capitalize on the resources that can
build algorithms and predictive models.
• There are various types of crowd sourcing, such as crowd voting,
crowd purchasing, wisdom of crowds, crowd funding, and contests.

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Inter- and Trans-Firewall Analytics (CO1)

• We see this trend as the move from intra- to inter- and trans-firewall
• Yesterday companies were doing functional silo-based analytics.
Today they are doing intra-firewall analytics with data within the
• Tomorrow they will be collaborating on insights with other
companies to do inter-firewall analytics as well as leveraging the
public domain spaces to do trans-firewall analytics .

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Inter- and Trans-Firewall Analytics (CO1)

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Inter- and Trans-Firewall Analytics (CO1)

Value Chain for Inter-Firewall and Trans-Firewall Analytics:

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• Open-source software is computer software that is available in

source code form under an open-source license that permits users
to study, change, and improve and at times also to distribute the

08/11/2021 Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1 104

Daily Quiz

•  A ________ serves as the master and there is only one NameNode

per cluster.
a) Data Node
b) NameNode
c) Data block
d) Replication
• HDFS works in a __________ fashion.
a) master-worker
b) master-slave
c) worker/slave
d) all of the mentioned
• ________ NameNode is used when the Primary NameNode goes
a) Rack
b) Data
c) Secondary
d) None of the mentioned
08/11/2021 Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1 105
Faculty Video Links, Youtube & NPTEL Video Links and Online
Courses Details

• https://www.sanfoundry.com/bigdata-questions-answers/
• https://www.tutorialspoint.com/hadoop/hadoop_big_data_o
• https://www.tutorialspoint.com/big_data_analytics/index.ht
• https://www.tutorialspoint.com/big_data_tutorials.htm

08/11/2021 Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1 106

Weekly Assignment 1

Q:1 Explain how you can understand the concept of Big Data.
Q:2 Also explain what is big data and why big data.
Q:3 Explain the industry examples of big data in detail.
Q:4 Explain the difference between structured data and unstructured
Q:5 Explain the term Big Data and Marketing.

08/11/2021 Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1 107

Weekly Assignment 2

Q:1 Explain the term Big Data and Healthcare Industry.

Q:2 Explain the process of Big Data and Advertisement.
Q:3 Explain the concept of Cloud and big data
Q:4 Write a short note on:
mobile business intelligence
Q:5 Discuss the concept of Hadoop and open source technologies.

08/11/2021 Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1 108

•  For ________ the HBase Master UI provides information about the
HBase Master uptime.
a) HBase
b) Oozie
c) Kafka
d) All of the mentioned
• During start up, the ___________ loads the file system state from
the fsimage and the edits log file.
a) DataNode
b) NameNode
c) ActionNode
d) None of the mentioned
• The number of maps is usually driven by the total size of_________
a) inputs
b) outputs
c) tasks
d) None of the mentioned
08/11/2021 Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1 109

• In order to read any file in HDFS, instance of __________ is

a) filesystem
b) datastream
c) outstream
d) inputstream
• Point out the correct statement.
a) The framework groups Reducer inputs by keys
b) The shuffle and sort phases occur simultaneously i.e. while
outputs are being fetched they are merged
c) Since JobConf.setOutputKeyComparatorClass(Class) can be used
to control how intermediate keys are grouped, these can be used in
conjunction to simulate secondary sort on values
d) All of the mentioned

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Old Question Papers

08/11/2021 Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1 111

Old Question Papers

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Old Question Papers

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Old Question Papers

08/11/2021 Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1 114

Expected Questions for University Exam

Q:1 Explain how you can understand the concept of Big Data.
Q:2 Also explain what is big data and why big data.
Q:3 Explain the industry examples of big data in detail.
Q:4 Explain the difference between structured data and unstructured
Q:5 Explain the term Big Data and Marketing.
Q:6 Explain the term Big Data and Healthcare Industry.
Q:7 Explain the process of Big Data and Advertisement.
Q:8 Explain the concept of Cloud and big data
Q:9 Discuss the concept of Hadoop and open source technologies.

08/11/2021 Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1 115


• Big data is a popular term used to describe the exponential growth

and availability of data, both structured and unstructured.
• 3 dimensions / characteristics of Big data: 3Vs (volume, variety
and velocity)
• Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting
of web data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web
• Fraud is intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage
another individual.
• Credit risk management is a critical function that spans a diversity
of businesses across a wide range of industries.
• HDFS is the storage system for a Hadoop cluster.
• MapReduce are designed to continue to work in the face of system

08/11/2021 Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1 116


1. Michael Minelli, Michelle Chambers, and Ambiga Dhiraj, "Big Data, Big Analytics:
Emerging Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends for Today's Businesses", Wiley,
2. P. J. Sadalage and M. Fowler, "NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging
World of
3. Polyglot Persistence", Addison-Wesley Professional, 2012.
4. Tom White, "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide", Third Edition, O'Reilley, 2012.
5. Eric Sammer, "Hadoop Operations", O'Reilley, 2012.
6. E. Capriolo, D. Wampler, and J. Rutherglen, "Programming Hive", O'Reilley, 2012.
7. Lars George, "HBase: The Definitive Guide", O'Reilley, 2011.
8. Eben Hewitt, "Cassandra: The Definitive Guide", O'Reilley, 2010.
9. Alan Gates, "Programming Pig", O'Reilley, 2011.

Thank You
08/11/2021 Hirdesh Sharma RCA E45 Big Data Unit: 1 117

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