Approaching God As Father
Approaching God As Father
Approaching God As Father
Four hundred and thirty years later, after God had made the
promises to Abraham, God gave Moses the Ten
Commandments to show the children of Israel, which were
Abrahams grandchildren, that they needed grace, because
they were not able to live up to the perfect standards of
Gods law, in which the children of Israel, persisted in there
pride and said they were able to keep the law, of the Ten
But the law was a curse to us, because if we broke just one
law, we were guilty of breaking all ten, and God never
intended for us to live under the law and the curse of the
law, but under grace, and His righteousness, and not our
own righteousness by trying to keep the law, because the
law was designed to lead us to Jesus our redeemer so that
the promise given to Abraham might be fulfilled.
The bible says that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of
the law, by being cursed in our place: for it is written,
Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree: That the blessing
of Abraham might come on all the nations through Christ:
Even King David describes this blessing of Abraham of the
man, unto God counts him as a righteous man, without his
own human efforts of trying to keep the law, saying, Blessed
are they whose sins are forgiven, and whose sins are paid
for. Blessed is the man to whom God will count his sins
against him no more!
But when the fullness of time had come 4000 years after
Adam, and 2000 years after Abraham, God sent forth His
Son, born of a woman, and born under the law, to redeem
them that were under the law, that we might receive son-
ship. And because we are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit
of His Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Father. So now, you
are no longer a slave under the law, but a son, and a
daughter; and if you are a son, and a daughter, then you are
an heir of God through Christ. Galatians 4: 4-7
You are not a slave anymore under the law of the old
covenant, you are now His children of the covenant of
Abraham, of which Jesus accomplished and made it an
everlasting new covenant of grace through the shedding of
His blood and making it a blood covenant that can never be
broken by anyone because God made it between Him and
Jesus, and Abraham and us are the ones He made it for
because we are His offspring!
Remember, that God the Father forsook Jesus His one and
only beloved Son as a sinner on the cross in our place, and
judged Him for our sins so that you and I would never be
alienated or forsaken as sons and a daughters of God, and
Jesus also said I will not leave you as Orphans, nor leave you
thinking that you are Orphans, and have been left alone
without a Father.