Creed Lesson

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A creed (also known as a confession,

symbol, or statement of faith) is a

statement of the shared beliefs of
a religious community in the form of a
fixed formula summarizing core tenets.
One of the most widely used creeds in
Christianity is the Nicene Creed, first
formulated in AD 325 at the First
Council of Nicaea.
Creed- is the summary of the
fundamental truths of our faith.
Symbol- seal of faith we are sealed
with the creed to signify that we
belong to Christ.
The creed is divided into 12 articles
according to the number of the 12
apostles an ancient tradition says
that the apostles gathered in
Jerusalem and each of them
composed one article of the creed.
Binding together the 12 articles of
the creed, they composed the so
called apostolic creed, so that
whenever they would go they could
preach the same faith.
What we believe?
How we worship and pray?
How we live in response to our
12 Catholic Beliefs
1. God the father is the creator, the
planner and the provider
2.Jesus Christ the son of God was
sent to be our Savior
4. He suffered and died for us
5. Redemption through his pachal
7. Christ will come again to separate
good from evil
9.Christ is giving us the Church the
assembly of men
10. Penance and reconciliation
11. Preservation and restoration of
my wholeself
12. fulfillment of God’s plan
12 Catholic Doctrines
1. Only one God
2. One holy Catholic Church
3.Mystery of incarnation
4. Mary Mother of God
5. Resurrection
6. Ascension
7.Last Judgment
8.The mystery of the blessed trinity
9.Communion of saints
10.Penance and Reconciliation
11.Hell and purgatory, heaven
12. Everlasting life
12 Catholic values
1. God is loving and caring so we
must do the same with others too
2. the Lord that I believe brings
understanding and liberty
3.God adapts himself
4.I should be willing to suffer for the
sake of others
5. I should be able to rise a new life
on the power of God and a giver of
6. The need for security and
assurance God assured me
7. Jesus is the judge but he will not
judge like a court
8. I should be loving person,
someone whom people can lean on
9.I should act as a universal men
and I should not exclude people
10. I must forgive others too
11. You are my entity and I’ll accept
12. Often times we don’t see the
meaning of things
Creed – Latin word credo( “ I believe”) is
a statement of belief.
A person who recites a creed makes a
personal act of faith.
Our faith comes from God through the
Church it is not something that we
Two creed

1.Nicene creed
2.Apostles creed-
.the first divine person

.the second divine person

. The third Divine Person

article 1.I believe in God

to believe means to surrender

completely to God our intelligence
and will. To believe in God means to
listen to his word and to put it into
I believe to love him
Deuteronomy 6:4-5

Abraham is the father of all

believers- he lived 1,800 yrs. Before
a rich shepherd and was married to
The virgin Mary is the most perfect
realization of faith
The father almighty
God is father because he created
the world and because he generated
( not created eternity his son Jesus
God – the son was generated from
eternity not created in time,
because God is eternal and cannot
be created. The father is the First
person of the Blessed Trinity.
The dogma of the blessed trinity
says that God is one divine Nature in
three divine persons, father sons
and holy spirit. There are not three
Gods but only one. However, the
only God divided in three persons.
The trinity is like a family where
there is the father, the mother and
the son they are different persons.
But united in one family by their
mutual love
The proof of the existence of the
Trinity is in the gospel
God is almighty because nothing is
impossible to him.
Is –we may ask : if God is so
powerful why he cannot defeat evil
and death?-
because God is so powerful that can
draw from them a greater good.
The creator
God is the creator because he created heaven
and earth out of nothing.
God created the universe out of love
- everything in the universe speaks of the love
of God
God as a good father, cares for his creation
through his divine providence the divine
providence is the instrument used by God to
preserve creation and to guide it to its final
The goal of creation is to give glory to God.
God created the world to share his glory with
his creatures.
God created all things. but he did not create
evil and death. They entered into the world for
envy of the devil.
God created all things good ,
evil is only the absence of good.
We can know with certainty the existence of
God as the creator of heaven and earth, upon
working at the beauty and at the harmony of
the universe.
The creation was a common task of the blessed
The father created everything through the
Son, and it was the holy spirit who gave it life.
the heaven and the earth
God is the creator of heaven and earth, of all
visible and invisible things.
The heaven signifies the world of the Spirit and
of the angels, the earth signifies the material
We believe the existence of the angels
the angels are spiritual being.
Immortal and created by God.
Angel in Greek means “ messenger” because
their mission is to announce the word of God
the greatest angels are called “ archangel”.
They are Michael, which means who like God
Raphael which means medicine of God and
Gabriel which means power of God.
The mission of the angels is to serve God and
to guard man.
Man was created in the image and likeness of
God ( Gen. 1:260
it means that he has a spiritual soul, endowed
with intelligence and will. Man is a unity of
body and soul the purpose of man on earth is
to know and to love God.
Man was created male – female man and
woman has, the same dignity because. They
are both in the image of God. However they
are different in their body and in their
functions they are not antagonistic but
Adam and eve in the Garden of heaven were
endowed with the original holiness and justice.
They were in perfect harmony between
themselves, with creation and with God. They
were not to suffer non to lost all of these.
‘’ original sin”
it is a sin of pride
man abused his freedom and disobeyed God.
The consequences of the original sin are the ff:
1. man lost his original harmony and justice.
2. death entered into the world
3. all the descendants of Adam would be
conceived with the original sin.
Only Mary is Immaculate.
St. Thomas Aquinas listed the following 9
attributes of God that are evidenced through
history and in scripture
1. God is unique.
2. God is infinite and omnipotent
3. God is eternal
4. God is immense
5. God contains all things
6. God is immutable
7. God is utterly simple- a pure spirit
8. God is personal
9.God is holy
Article 2. I believe in Jesus Christ his only son
our Lord

 Jesus is the second person of the blessed

trinity. He is true God and true man.
 Inhim there are two nature divine and human
but only one divine person. His divine nature is
eternal and was never created his human
nature is mortal. And was concieved in the
womb of the virgin Mary by the power of the
holy Spirit. Jn. 1:14
The personal name Jesus comes from the
Hebrew word Yehoshua ( Joshua) which means
God saves, God is salvation or simply “ Savior”
the mission of Jesus Christ is to save man from
their sins and to give them eternal life.
In order to be saved we must believe in the
name of Jesus Act 4: 12
Christ ( Christos in Greek) translate the
Hebrew title “ Messiah”. Means anointed
Christ is not a political but spiritual liberator .
He came to save us from the slavery of sin and
death and to give us resurrection and eternal
The only begotten Son of God
God the father proclaimed Jesus Christ as his
only begotten Son.- at his baptism in the
Jordan River ( mt. 3: 17) and transfiguration
( mt. 17: 5)
To say that Jesus Christ is the Lord means to
profess that he is God.
As what St. Thomas the apostles said ‘ My Lord
and My God” Jn 20 : 28
Jesus Christ was confirmed to be the Lord
through the Miracles, the expression of the
demons, and the forgiveness of sins because
only God can do these marvels.
The second article of the Apostle’s Creed
focuses the second person of the Trinity,
Jesus, and on the major elements of
Jesus’ story – his birth, death and
resurrection.  Each of these
beliefs about Jesus is rooted in scripture.
In Matthew 3:17 a voice from heaven
proclaims “This is my Son, the Beloved,
with whom I am well pleased.” As
Christians we believe that Jesus is God’s
In Luke 1:26-35, we hear the story of how the
angel Gabriel came to a virgin named Mary and
announced that the Holy Spirit would come
upon her and she would give birth to the Son of
In Luke 23:13-24, Jesus has been arrested and
is before Pilate who initially orders him to be
flogged and released, but eventually gives in
to the will of the crowds who want Jesus
There is some debate about whether or not
Jesus descended into hell, but this claim in the
Apostle’s Creed is most often based on
interpretations of 1 Peter 4:6, 1 Peter 3:18-20
 and Ephesians 4:8-10.
In Matthew 28:1-10, we hear the story of Jesus’
resurrection on the third day and in Acts 1:8-11,
we hear the story of Jesus’ ascension into
heaven at the end of his time with the disciples
following the resurrection.
Article 3 he was conceived by the power of
Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary

Jesus was conceived by the power of the holy

spirit in the womb of the virgin Mary Lk 1:35
Jesus is one divine person with two natures-
divine and human it means that Jesus Christ is
true God and true man.
The divine nature was not created, but
generated from the eternity by the Father. His
human nature was conceived I the womb of the
virgin Mary by the power of the holy spirit.
We believe that the blessed virgin Mary is the
Mother of God , the Immaculate Conception,
the perfect Virgin and the glorious Assumption.
The life of Jesus
1. the incarnation
2. the birth of Jesus
3. the Circumcision- JC was circumcised eight
days after his birth because this was the
prescription of the law of Moses
4. The Epiphany
5. the presentation of Jesus at the temple
6. the flight into Egypt and the massacre of the
7. The finding of Jesus in the temple
8. The hidden life in Nazareth
9. the baptism in the Jordan
10 the temptation of Jesus in the desert
11. three years of preaching
12. the ascent towards Jerusalem
13. the Entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem.
Article 4 he suffered under Pontius Pilate was
crucified, , died and was buried
by the redemption is meant that Jesus Christ
offered his suffering and death to God in
satisfaction for the sins of men.
The chief suffering of Christ were his bitter
agony of soul , his body sweat his cruel
scourging, his crowning with thorns his
crucifixion and his death on the cross.
Christ died on Good Friday
Christ died on Golgotha or calvary ,a place
outside the city of Jerusalem
from suffering and death of Christ we learn
God’s love for man and evil of sin for which
God who is all –just demands such great
He descended into the dead – on the third day
he rose again
sheol- kingdom of the dead
is the place where the souls of the dead stayed
before the resurrection of Christ

Christ rose from the dead to show that he is

true God and to teach us that we too, shall rise
from the dead
All human beings will rise from the dead, but only
those who have been faithful to Christ will share his

Article : 6
he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right
hand of the father
before ascending into heaven Jesus gave the
apostles their mission ( Mt.28:19- 20)
He ascended into Heaven“. Because of the fact that Jesus
now has a  glorified body ( which in itself, has many amazing
characteristics ), he was able to ascend  into Heaven by use
of His human power, as well as His Divine power. Jesus

ascended by His own power.  

 Jesus will send the Holy Ghost to help to strengthen
and  confirm  the Apostle’s in their Faith. That is not
all, their is another very important reason that Jesus
went to Heaven.
John Chapter 14: [2]” In my Father’ s house
there are many mansions. If not, I would have
told you: because I go to prepare a place for
you. [3] And if I shall go, and prepare a place
for you, I will come again, and will take you
to myself; that where I am, you also may
be.” Jesus is going to prepare a place for His
Christ remained on earth forty days after his
resurrection to prove that he had truly risen
from the dead and to complete the instruction
of the apostles.

He seated at the right hand of the father

means to sit right hand means to have the
power to carry out all his command.

Jesus from heaven help all men to be saved

and to enter in the eternal life.
Article : 7
he will come to judge the living and the dead
Jesus will all men according too their deeds
(Mt. 25: 31 – 46)
two judgement:
the living and the dead will be judged on the
moral good and evil that they have done,
What is Purgatory ?
      Purgatory  is a state or condition in which the
souls of the just who die with the stains of sin are
cleansed before they are admitted to heaven. This
cleansing is necessary as we read in Revelation chapter
21:27  ” There shall not enter into it any thing
defiled, …”  this taken from
Article : 7
he will come to judge the living and the dead
Jesus will all men according too their deeds
(Mt. 25: 31 – 46)
two judgement:
the living and the dead will be judged on the
moral good and evil that they have done,
Article : 8
I believe in the holy Spirit
Holy Spirit- third person of the blessed trinity
god, like the father of the Son

manifestation of the Holy Spirit

1. The Holy Spirit spoke through the prophets,
inspired them into writing the Old and New
2. Jesus was concieved in the womb of the
Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Luke 1:35

3. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus of the

Baptism in the Jordan

4. The Holy Spirit descended upon the Virgin

Mary and the Apostles on Pentecost day.
Symbol of the Holy Spirit
1. water – signifies the new and eternal life we
received in baptism
2. Oil – signifies consecration to Christ
3. Fire – signifies the burning love of God for
his creatures
4. Dove – signifies the purify of our soul at the
day of baptism
The Holy Spirit is the
breath of God
which is called ruah in Hebrew,
pneuma in Greek, and spiritus
in Latin.

The breath of God gives life:

God gave life to Adam by breathing into
his nostrils; and Jesus gave the Holy
Spirit to the Apostles by breathing

The attribute
was added to avoid any equivocation
with souls of the departed(spirits of the
dead) or the angels (pure spirits).
The Holy Spirit is
the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity
; he is God, like the Father and the Son.

This truth was revealed

by Jesus, who said: ―Go
and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the
How do we prove that the Holy Spirit is God?
Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate
2)The Baptism of Jesus.
If the Holy Spirit were not God, to say that he came down
like a dove would be senseless.
1)The incarnation of Christ.
If the Holy Spirit were not God, Mary would have
conceived Jesus on her own, but his is impossible.
3)The Pentecost.
Fifty days after the resurrection The Holy Spirit appeared
as tongues of fire.
The Holy Spirit is called the
paraclete, a Greek word
which means “ consoler” or
“ advocate” for two reasons
1. because in time of trial
and suffering, the holy spirit
is on side to console and
bring us peace
Because when we are brought
to trial before men and God,
the holy spirit will be on our
side as a defense lawyer
The Holy Spirit is
the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity
; he is God, like the Father and the Son.

This truth was revealed

by Jesus, who said: ―Go
and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing the min the name of the
The Holy Catholic Church the
Communion of Saints
Church- assembly of those who believe in
Christ, who are baptized and who are
communion with Pope
governed by the Pope, Bishops and Priest
the mission of the Church is to
to establish among peoples the
kingdom of Christ
Symbols of the Church
1. People of God
2.Body of Christ
3.Bride of the Christ
4.Flock of Christ

4 Characteristics of the true church

1. one
The Church of Christ is also called Roman
it is because Rome is the residence of the holy
The communion of Saints
the community of all Christians who are in the
grace of God, both on earth or in heaven
1.the triumphant Church- souls in heaven the
saints and the martyrs
blessed Virgin Mary the most outstanding of all
the Saints.
2. the militant Church
the faithful on earth
3. the Church suffering
poor souls in purgatory
Article :10
I Believe in the forgiveness of sins
God alone can forgive sins
Jesus Christ entrusted to the apostles to their
successor the power to forgive sins. Jn 20: 21-
as the father sent me so I am sending you,
receive the holy- Spirit for those whose sins
you forgive they are forgiven, for those sin you
refrain they are refrained
the Church forgives sins through the sacrament
of baptism and penance
Mt. 16:19
we cannot say to confers sins straight to God.
The Lord forgives all our sins , so we must
forgive those who sin against us.

Article : 11
I believe in the resurrection of the body
at end of the world , our mortal body will be
resurrected transformed into a glorious body
and unified again with its soul
Resurrection is the act by which God gives
eternal life to our mortal body.
Article : 12
I believe the life Everlasting

Everlasting life- perfect and eternal

communion of love with God in paradise
Death – separation of the body from the soul

Purgatory- Place where we are purified from

our sins before entering into paradise
2 Maccabees 12:45
Death – separation of the body from the soul

Purgatory- Place where we are purified from

our sins before entering into paradise
2 Maccabees 12:45
hell – state of self- separation from the
communion with God
Paradise- perfect communion of love with
blessed trinity the Virgin Mary, the Angels and
the Saints
Final judgement- there will be a new heaven
and new earth

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