Portfolio Requirements Fall 2015

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Portfolio Requirements for Integrating Technology into Teaching

To be an excellent technology leader you have to be able to design effective instruction for learners,
advocate for appropriate technology use in schools including policy and funding, and be able to model your
technology skills and behaviors for your fellow educators.
The portfolio must be electronic and posted online. You have several options to do this. You can make a
traditional website using a HTML based editor like Dreamweaver or you may use a website creation site
like Google Sites, Weebly, etc.. Whatever format you choose, you must create a rationale for why you use
that format and why your use of it models technology skills for your future job.

Required Components (in this order):







Title page for Your Portfolio

Introductory video (on title page) this video must be 3 minutes or less and present you as a
technology professional. It should be the summary or abstract of the entire portfolio and should
represent your job skills, experiences, and goals. There should be a separate page in the portfolio
that gives background information on the planning (including storyboards or outlines) for your
video and your rationale for organizing the portfolio using the online tool you have chosen.
Table of Contents (i.e., links to other pages) This could be included on the page with the video.
Target Job Description, Resum, and Cover Letter. Because the portfolio also serves as a tool
for professional job placement, it should demonstrate your preparation to take on the requisites of
the field, and your ability to articulate your preparation overall and for a specific job. If you plan
to continue in your present position, provide that job description and use the cover letter to explain
how your degree strengthens your qualifications and relevant skills, adding value for your
Metacognitive Essay that presents and discusses: (a) your growth and development in this degree
program and how you have developed skills and experiences towards your future work goals.
Why you arranged the portfolio in this way and used the tools that you used as it relates to your
future goals.
Three examples of your work (original and plan for revision) These examples should
represent your progress through the program and the projects that you have produced to show your
integration of technology. One of the material sets, must be something that you have taught to
others one on one or in a group (this could be a product of your practicum or other materials you
have designed to teach others technology skills). This example must include summary of feedback
you received on your workshop/teaching and how you will change future teaching based on the
feedback. All work must be embedded in a readable way in your online portfolio. For example,
using Scribd to embed PDF documents or Google Drive to embed presentations versus including
links to Word files, which may not be readable by all users.
For each example, discuss how this example exemplifies your work in the program, how it has
been modified and why, and how you would further modify it in the future. Make sure to use
educational psychology, instructional design, and current K-12 best practices in your rationale for
each description. Also make sure to relate it to the skills that you will need in your future job or
current job.
Technology Leadership Document or Grant. An example of technology leadership or
advocacy. This could be a grant or a letter written to superintendents, principals, PTA, or other
leadership individuals making a case for the use of a technology and giving the specifics of what it
would take to integrate it into the learning context. The document should be written to educators
without a technology background and should use every day language, avoiding jargon. Your
advisor can suggest guidelines to follow from actual grants.
Response To Critical Concerns Regarding Technology In Education student will choose two
concerns from a provided list about technology in education and write short 1000 -1500 word
newspaper editorial style responses to educate the general public about these concerns and


evidence both from research and uses cases to discuss the concerns and respond to criticisms of
the field. This response should include both educational psychology and educational technology
justification and research. Remember that your audience is the general public, be careful of using
education terminology without explaining it for non-educators.
Money should not be spent on technology in schools but instead should go to teacher pay.
In order to integrate technology meaningful in schools, the most important thing to do is
to purchase lots of technology to put it in the hands of teachers.
Ed Tech companies are regularly switching from one time costs for software to year long
subscriptions.(ie Smartboard, Educreations). How do you feel about this change and how
do you think it will affect the integration of technology.
Schools with one to one initiatives often say they do it to assist struggling learners. Is
this a fair argument to justify such an expenditure?
Revised Technology Enriched Lesson Plan: You will be provided a lesson plan that is
appropriate to your content expertise that is appropriate for an elementary, middle, high school, or
professional development setting. You will expected to revise the lesson to make meaningful use
of technology to promote student learning and make a rationale for your choices of both pedagogy
and technology tools used. You will also be expected to explain what kind of supports you would
provide to the teacher to help them be successful teaching such a lesson if you were consulting
with them.
Use the Lesson Plan found at:

.Using you technology integration skills, enhance this lesson to leverage technology to promote
student learning and applying appropriate cognitive and technology skills. Make sure that your
modified lesson has clear measurable objectives and aligned objectives, activities and assessment
in your modified lesson. Make sure these are meaningful assessments and appropriate changes are
You are free to assume that you have a 1 to 1 situation (iPads, Chromebooks etc..) if you wish.
Make sure to define the technology available to students in your modified lesson plan.
Make sure to include a rationale for your changes and choices including applying you learning
from both courses in technology and also educational psychology.

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