Moreover, GEP performed on inducible Tet-shJunB MM.1S cells cocultured with BMSCs suggested a key role for JunB in the regulation
of Mcl-1 and c-Myc expression. Furthermore, knockdown of JunB
overcame resistance of MM cells to dexamethasone. Conversely, 4OHT treatment of MM cell lines transduced with pMSCV-JunBER-IRES-GFP but not pMSCV-IRES-GFP induced signicant
JunB/AP-1 luciferase activity and protected MM cells against bortezomib-induced apoptosis and ER stress. Ongoing experiments aim to
conrm the in vivo relevance of our in vitro data in a MM xenograft
mouse model inoculated with inducible Tet-shJunB MM.1S cells.
Conclusion: Taken together, our data demonstrate for the rst time
an important and surprising role of JunB/AP-1 in MM tumorigenesis
and strongly propose it as a novel therapeutic target in MM.
The AP-1 Transcription Factor JunB
Promotes Multiple Myeloma (MM) Cell
Proliferation, Survival and Drug Resistance
in the Bone Marrow Microenvironment
F. Fan,1 S. Vallet,1 M. Sattler,2 G. Tonon,3
M.H. Bashari,1 L. Bakiri,4 M. Jarahian,5 A. Roccaro,2
I. Ghobrial,2 C. Ball,5 H. Glimm,5 K.C. Anderson,2
H. Goldschmidt,5 E.F. Wagner,4 D. Jaeger,1 K. Podar1
Heidelberg, Germany
Introduction: The family of activator protein-1 (AP-1) transcription factors has been implicated in a multitude of physiologic processes,
but also tumorigenesis. In multiple myeloma (MM), the role of AP-1 is
largely unknown. Materials and Methods: MM cells were cocultured with primary bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) or BMSC
lines. AP-1 expression was measured by western blot analysis and
qPCR. To delineate the specic functional role of JunB in MM
pathogenesis, we used knockdown and overexpression approaches
followed by 3H-thymidine incorporation, ow cytometry and western blot analysis, as well as gene expression proling (GEP), and a
MM xenograft mouse model. Results: Surprisingly, co-cultures of
MM cells with BMSCs rapidly and strongly induced sustained
expression of JunB, but not of other AP-1 family members. Induction
of JunB is predominantly mediated by soluble factors (i.e IL-6)
secreted by BMSCs rather than direct MM-BMSC contact. Pharmacologic inhibition identied the requirement of MEK/ERK and
NF-kB for BMSC-induced JunB expression and AP-1 transcriptional
activity. Functionally, signicant inhibition of proliferation was
observed in MM cells carrying pLKO.1-JunB shRNA, but not
pLKO.1-scrambled shRNA. In contrast, knockdown of other AP-1
family members had minor effects on MM cell proliferation.
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