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24. Campbell PJ, Baxter EJ, Beer PA, Scott LM, Bench AJ, Huntly BJ, et al. Mutation of JAK2 in the myeloproliferative disorders: timing, clonality studies, cytogenetic associations, and role in leukemic transformation. Blood 2006;108:3548-55. 25. Xing S, Ho WT, Zhao W, Ma J, Wang S, Xu X, et al. Transgenic expression of JAK2V617F causes myeloproliferative disorders in mice. Blood 2008. In press. 26. Wernig G, Mercher T, Okabe R, Levine RL, Lee BH, Gilliland DG. Expression of Jak2V617F causes a polycythemia vera-like disease with associated myelofibrosis in a murine bone marrow transplant model. Blood 2006;107: 4274-81. 27. Pardanani A, Fridley BL, Lasho TL, Gilliland DG, Tefferi A. Host genetic variation contributes to phenotypic diversity in myeloproliferative disorders. Blood 2008;111:2785-9. 28. Spivak JL. Polycythemia vera: myths, mechanisms, and management. Blood 2002;100:4272-90. 29. Campbell PJ, Scott LM, Buck G, Wheatley K, East CL,
Marsden JT, et al. Definition of subtypes of essential thrombocythaemia and relation to polycythaemia vera based on JAK2 V617F mutation status: a prospective study. Lancet 2005;366:1945-53. Borze I, Mustiojki S, Juvonen E, Knuutila S. Oligoarray CGH in polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia. Haematologica 2008. Bruchova H, Merkerova M, Prchal JT. Aberrant expression of microRNAs in polycythemia vera. Haematologica 2008. Guglielmelli P, Tozzi L, Pancrazzi A, Bogani C, Antonioli E, Ponziani V, et al. MicroRNA expression profile in granulocytes from primary myelofibrosis patients. Exp Hematol 2007;35:1708-18. Calin GA, Dumitru CD, Shimizu M, Bichi R, Zupo S, Noch E, et al. Frequent deletions and down-regulation of microRNA genes miR15 and miR16 at 13q14 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002;99:15524-9.
cute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a genetically heterogeneous clonal disorder characterized by the accumulation of acquired somatic genetic alterations in hematopoietic progenitor cells that alter normal mechanisms of self-renewal, proliferation and differentiation.1 Non-random clonal chromosome aberrations (i.e., balanced translocations, inversions, deletions, monosomies, and trisomies) are detectable in the leukemic blasts of approximately 55% of adults with AML. These chromosome changes have contributed to the classification of the disease and in the past they have been recognized as the most important prognostic factor for achievement of complete remission, risk of relapse, and overall survival.2,3 In recent years, a number of gene mutations as well as deregulated expression of genes have been identified, illustrating the enormous heterogeneity of cytogenetically defined AML subsets, in particular in the large subset of AML exhibiting a normal karyotype (Table 1).4,5 The characterization of the gene mutations has provided insights into the mechanisms of leukemogenesis. From a clinical point of view there are two important aspects. First, some of these gene mutations have emerged as important prognostic and predictive markers. Second, novel therapies are now being developed that target these molecular changes. Based on these findings, it is now recommended to include molecular genetic diagnosis of several of these markers in the initial work-up of a patient with newly diagnosed AML. The importance of a comprehensive genetic diagnostic work-up is highlighted in a study by Lo-Coco et al. from the Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dellAdulto (GIMEMA) which appears in this issue of the journal.
resulting from t(8;21) and inv(16)t(16;16) respectively, impair myeloid differentiation in these models but they do not cause an overt leukemic phenotype. Second, rare germline mutations have been described in RUNX1 and CEBPA that predispose affected individuals to the development of AML. Constitutional heterozygous loss-offunction mutations in the transcription factor RUNX1 have been associated with familial platelet disorder with propensity to AML. In these individuals, overt leukemia likely develops upon the somatic acquisition of further mutations in hematopoietic progenitor cells. Finally, evidence comes from human disease, since in the majority of AML cases more than one genetic change can be detected (Figures 1 and 2). There are different types of mutations which appear to fall into broadly defined complementation groups and cooperate in leukemogenesis.6 One group (class I) comprises mutations which activate signal transduction pathways resulting in enhanced proliferation and/or survival of leukemic progenitor cells such as mutations leading to activation of the receptor tyrosine kinase FLT3 or the RAS signaling pathway. The second complementation group (class II) comprises mutations that affect transcription factors or components of the transcriptional co-activation complex, resulting in impaired differentiation and/or aberrant acquisition of self renewal properties by hematopoietic progenitors. Prominent examples are the recurring gene fusions resulting from t(8;21), inv(16)/t(16;16), t(15;17), as well as mutations in CEBPA, MLL, and possibly also NPM1.
Multi-step leukemogenesis
There are several lines of evidence showing that different genetic changes cooperate in leukemogenesis.1,6 First, data from murine models suggest that a single mutation is not sufficient to cause AML. For example, the RUNX-RUNX1T1 and CBFB-MYH11 fusion genes,
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Editorials & Perspectives Table 1. Biological and clinical features associated with gene mutations in acute myeloid leukemia.
Gene NPM1
Biological / Clinical Features Encodes a phosphoprotein with pleiotropic functions. NPM1 mutations found in 25-35% of all adult AML, in 45-64% of CN-AML, in 35-40% of AML with 9q deletion, and in about 15% of AML with trisomy 8; NPM1 mutations associated with FLT3-ITD (~40%) and FLT3 TKD mutations. Association with female sex, higher BM blast counts and serum LDH levels, myelomonocytic or monocytic morphology, and high CD33 and absent CD34 expression. NPM1 mutation in general associated with better response to induction chemotherapy; genotype mutant NPM1 without FLT3-ITD associated with favorable RFS and OS; patients with mutant NPM1 without FLT3-ITD may not benefit from MRD transplantation in first CR. Encodes a master regulatory transcription factor in hematopoiesis. CEBPA mutations found in 10-18% of CN-AML, and in about 40% of AML with 9q deletion occurring within a non-complex karyotype. CEBPA mutations associated with higher CR rate and better RFS and OS. Encodes a DNA binding protein which regulates gene expression in hematopoiesis possibly through epigenetic mechanisms. MLL-PTD found in 5-11% of CN-AML, and up to 90% of AML with trisomy 11. Associated with shorter CR duration and inferior RFS and EFS; autologous transplantation may improve outcome. Encodes a transcription factor involved in normal hematopoietic differentiation. RUNX1 mutations found in about 10% of CN-AML, nearly all AML with trisomy 13, and about half of AML with trisomy 21. Data on prognostic significance not yet available. Member of the class III receptor tyrosine kinase family; FLT3 and its ligand play an important role in proliferation, survival and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. FLT3-ITD found in about 20% of all AML, and in 28-34% of CN-AML. Association with inferior outcome; level of mutant allele likely of importance; homozygous FLT3 mutations as a result of mitotic recombination leading to partial UPD. FLT3 TKD point mutations found in 5-10% of all AML, in 11-14% of CN-AML, and in 14-24% of AML with inv(16). Prognostic significance controversial. Member of the class III receptor tyrosine kinase family; KIT and its ligand stem cell factor have a key role in survival, proliferation, differentiation, and functional activation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. KIT mutations found in about 30% of CBF AML, and in rare cases of other AML types. KIT mutations, in particular in exon 17, associated with inferior outcome in many but not all studies. Encodes membrane-associated proteins regulating mechanism of proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. NRAS mutations found in 9-14% of CN-AML, in up to 40% of CBF AML [in particular inv(16)], and in 25% of AML with inv(3); KRAS mutations found in 5-17% of CBF AML. So far, no prognostic significance found; mutant NRAS may confer sensitivity to cytarabine. Encodes a transcription factor implicated in regulation of apoptosis, proliferation, and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. Mutations found in about 10% of CN-AML. Initial studies suggest association with induction failure, in particular in patients with WT1 mutation and concurrent FLT3-ITD; prognostic impact currently under investigation.
CN: cytogenetically normal; ITD: internal tandem duplication; TKD: tyrosine kinase domain; BM: bone marrow; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; RFS: relapse-free survival; OS: overall survival; MRD: matched related donor; PTD: partial tandem duplication; CR: complete remission; EFS: event-free survival (EFS); JM: juxtamembrane domain; UPD: uniparental disomy; CBF: core-binding-factor.
oncogene homolog (NRAS) gene, the Wilms tumor 1 (WT1) gene, and the runt-related transcription factor 1 (RUNX1) gene.4,5 These gene mutations are most prevalent in CN-AML; however, they also occur in AML with abnormal karyotypes (Figure 1).
Mutations in NPM1
In 2005, Falini and colleagues made the important discovery that in a substantial proportion of AML cases, there is abnormal cytoplasmic localization of the NPM1 protein.7 This mislocalization is caused by mutations in exon 12 of the gene which result in loss of tryptophan residues normally required for NPM1 binding to the nucleoli and in the generation of an additional nuclear export signal motif at the C-terminus. NPM1 mutations are the most frequent genetic alteration in adult AML. They are found in 45-64% of CN-AML. NPM1 mutations occur less frequently in pediatric AML (2-8%).4,5,8 NPM1 mutations have been associated with several presenting clinical and biological features (Table 1). In univariate analysis, data on the prognostic impact of
NPM1 mutations have been somewhat controversial with some studies showing a significant effect on complete remission (CR) rate (as in the study by LoCoco et al. in this issue of the journal), relapse-free survival (RFS), and event-free survival (EFS), while other studies did not reveal significant differences in these parameters. NPM1 mutations cooperate with other gene mutations in leukemogenesis (Figure 2). Approximately 40% of patients with NPM1 mutations also carry FLT3 internal tandem duplications (FLT3ITD), and several studies unanimously showed that the genotype mutant NPM1 without FLT3-ITD represents a favorable prognostic marker.4,5,8 Figure 3 shows just such favorable results from the largest series of patients published by the German-Austrian AML Study Group (AMLSG).8 The data from this study also suggested that patients with the genotype mutant NPM1 without FLT3-ITD may be exempted from allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation during the first complete remission, since the outcome following allogeneic transplantation was not superior to that after conventional consolidation chemotherapy.
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Mutations in FLT3
In AML, somatic mutations resulting in constitutive activation of FLT3 have been identified in two functional domains of the receptor, the juxtamembrane (JM) domain and the tyrosine kinase domain (TKD). Physiologically, the JM domain is essential for kinase autoinhibition. Disruption of this domain by ITDs of various sizes and insertion sites is detectable in 28-34% of CN-AML, whereas JM point mutations are rare.4,8 Mutations in the TKD mostly affect the activation loop in the carboxy-terminal lobe. These point mutations, small insertions, or deletions mainly involve codons 835 and 836 in 11%-14% of CN-AML.4,8 Point mutations or insertions located at other codons in the TKD are rare. Based on in vitro and in vivo studies there are similarities but also important differences in signal transduction properties between FLT3-ITDs and FLT3 TKD mutations which may explain differences in clinical phenotypes. From a clinical perspective, FLT3 mutations are of major relevance because of their prognostic impact and because constitutively active FLT3 is an attractive target for molecular therapy. Numerous studies have shown that CN-AMLs harboring FLT3-ITD have a significantly inferior outcome compared to patients without FLT3-ITD. More recent data provide evidence that outcome is also related to the level of the mutant allele, and not just its mere presence. First evidence came from a study by Whitman et al. (2001) showing that only patients with FLT3-ITD and loss of wild-type FLT3, but not patients with heterozygous FLT3-ITD had inferior outcome.9 Thiede et al. (2002) used DNA fragment analysis to quantify the relative level of the mutant allele and were able to define a cut-off value that distinguished between prognostic subgroups.10 The prognostic relevance of FLT3 TKD mutations remains controversial.4,5 While a previous meta-analysis on more than 1,000 unselected AML cases (including 84 cases with FLT3 TKD mutations) showed a negative prognostic impact, another study even suggested a positive impact of TKD mutations on survival. At present, several FLT3 inhibitors, including midostaurin (PKC412), lestaurtinib (CEP-701), sorafenib (BAY 43-9006), and sunitinib (SU11248), are under clinical investigation. Initial studies have shown that, when used as single agents, these compounds have limited activity in AML with mutant FLT3. However, the data look more promising when these inhibitors are combined with conventional chemotherapy. Results from phase III clinical trials, which are about to start, will answer the question whether inhibition of FLT3 will be a successful targeted approach for these patients.
1% t(6;9) 1% inv(3)/t(3;3)
Figure 1. Major cytogenetic subgroups of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) (excluding acute promyelocytic leukemia) and associated gene mutations. In the subgroup various, NPM1 mutations are frequently found in AML with 9q deletion and trisomy 8, CEBPA mutations in AML with 9q deletion, MLL mutations in AML with trisomy 11, and RUNX1 mutations in AML with trisomy 13 and trisomy 21. Frequencies of the cytogenetic subgroups are derived from 2,654 cytogenetically characterized adult (18 years) patients with de novo or secondary AML entered on five AMLSG treatment trials.
28.2% NPM1+
1.5% NPM1+/CEBPA+
0.8% NPM1+/NRAS+/WT1+ 14.2% NPM1+/NRAS+ 0.4% NPM1+/FLT3-TKD+/WT1+/CEPBA+ 0.8% NPM1+/FLT3-TKD+/WT1+ 0.8% NPM1+/FLT3-TKD+/NRAS+ 0.4% NPM1+/FLT3-TKD+/MLL-PTD 8.9% NPM1+/FLT3-TKD+
Figure 2. Distribution of class I gene mutations among 259 cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with NPM1 mutation. In about 28% of cases, NPM1 mutation is the only detectable genetic change, whereas in the majority of cases additional mutations are found in genes such as FLT3, NRAS and WT1. A small number of AML with NPM1 mutations have an additional hypothetical class II mutation, e.g., NPM1 and concurrent CEBPA mutation.
Mutations in CEBPA
Two major types of heterozygous CEBPA mutations have been identified in sporadic and familial AML. Nonsense mutations affecting the N-terminal region of the molecule prevent expression of the full-length CEBPA protein, thereby up-regulating the formation of a truncated isoform with dominant-negative properties; and in-frame mutations in the C-terminal basic region-leucine zipper domain resulting in CEBPA pro| 978 | haematologica | 2008; 93(7)
teins with decreased DNA-binding or dimerization activity. N- and C-terminal mutations often occur simultaneously. Interestingly, by using gene expression profiling, a subgroup of AML could be defined that exhibits a transcriptional signature which resembles that of AMLs with CEBPA mutations, while lacking such mutations.11 In most, but not all, of these AMLs, the CEBPA gene was silenced by promoter hypermethylation. In addition, this subset of AML showed a strong association with putatively activating mutations in the NOTCH1 gene. Several studies have shown that CN-AMLs with CEBPA mutations are associated with favorable outcome (Figure 3).4,8 The survival data reported are very similar to those of CN-AML patients with mutant NPM1 without FLT3-ITD. It remains an open question whether the presence of a FLT3-ITD impacts on prognosis in patients with mutant CEBPA.
Mutations in MLL
Partial tandem duplications (PTD) of the MLL are detectable in 5%-11% of patients with CN-AML.4,8 At the molecular level, MLL-PTDs most commonly involve duplication of a genomic region spanning exons 5 through 11 and insertion of the duplicated segment into intron 4 of the gene. In contrast to MLL chimeric fusion proteins, MLL-PTDs retain all functional protein domains. MLL-PTDs have been found to cooperate with silencing of the MLL wild-type allele, which appears to be mediated through epigenetic mechanisms. Whitman et al. (2005) showed that the combination of decitabine, a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, and depsipeptide, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, can reactivate transcription of the wild-type allele in MLL-PTD-positive blasts.12 The induction of MLL wild-type expression was associated with enhanced cell death of the blasts. These data may provide a rationale for evaluating DNA methyltransferase and/or histone decetylase inhibitors in AML with MLL-PTD. Clinically, MLL-PTD has been associated with shorter CR duration and worse RFS and EFS; however, in these studies MLL-PTDs had no effect on OS.
Relapse-free Survival (%)
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 p>0.001 0 0 1 2
212 90 60 136 102 83 62 40 32
Other genotypes
5 6 Years
2 3 3
0 1 0
N. at Risk
Other genotypes Mutant NPM1 without FLT3-ITD Mutant CEBPA
38 27 14 64 50 34 26 17 11
9 5 4 24 13 8 6 4 4
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 p<0.001 0 0 1 2
Mutations in NRAS
NRAS mutations are found in 9-14% of younger adults with CN-AML.4,8 Mutations are almost exclusively located at codons 12, 13 and 61, resulting in loss of intrinsic GTPase activity and constitutive activation of the RAS protein. None of the larger studies has found an impact on prognosis, neither in the CN-AML subgroup nor in AML with other intermediate-risk karyotypes. Nevertheless, these mutations may represent a target for molecular therapy.
Other genotypes
5 6 Years
4 4 3
0 2 0
N. at Risk
Other genotypes Mutant NPM1 without FLT3-ITD Mutant CEBPA
Mutations in WT1
Mutations in the WT1 gene in AML were first reported by King-Underwood and Pritchard-Jones in 1998.13 In a recent study of 70 patients with CN-AML by Summers et al. (2007),14 WT1 mutations were detected in 10% of cases. Mutations consisted of insertions or deletions that mainly clustered in exons 7 and 9. Preliminary data resulting from these two small studies on heterogeneous patient populations suggest that WT1 mutations may be associated with induction failure. However, the prognostic impact of WT1 mutations needs to be evaluated in larger patient cohorts and within the context of other molecular markers.
Figure 3. KaplanMeier survival estimates, according to genotype, in younger adult patients with cytogenetically normal AML. Data are shown for relapse-free survival (Panel A) and overall survival (Panel B). Other genotypes is defined as the FLT3-ITD genotype and the triple-negative genotype consisting of wild-type NPM1 and CEBPA without FLT3-ITD. Tick marks represent patients whose data were censored at the last time they were known to be alive and in complete remission (Panel A) or whose data were censored at the last time they were known to be alive (Panel B) (Reprinted by permission of Schlenk RF, Dhner K, et al., N Engl J Med 2008;358:1909-18).
t(8;21), or monosomy 7 in AML with inv(3)/t(3;3). The mechanisms underlying the formation of these secondary chromosome abnormalities remain elusive. Furthermore, several gene mutations have been identified in cases of AML with balanced translocations or inversions.
translocation, but also to the presence of activating FLT3 mutations. These data provide a rationale for the evaluation of FLT3 inhibitors in this subtype of AML.
Important discoveries have been made over recent years that have contributed to a better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis and to a refinement of the classification of AML. Furthermore, mutations in genes such as NPM1, FLT3 or CEBPA have been shown to provide important prognostic information, and it is now recommended to include mutation analysis of these genes in the initial diagnostic work-up of a patient with AML, at least in the context of a clinical trial. Nevertheless, we have only just begun to unravel the enormous genetic diversity of AML. The constant improvements in genomics technology will lead to the identification of additional genetic changes and novel mechanisms of leukemogenesis. The introduction of genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism based mapping arrays has led to the identification of a novel mechanism of leukemogenesis involved in AML, partial uniparental disomy, that has been shown to occur in up to 20% of AML cases at the time of diagnosis. In addition, high-throughput DNA sequence analysis in large numbers of primary patient samples will become possible at an affordable cost, which may ultimately result in the development of comprehensive, disease and allele-specific gene mutation profiling strategies. Finally, innovative functional genetic approaches, such as large-scale RNA interference screens, have great potential for the identification of novel cancer genes. It is hoped that the data resulting from these studies will also eventually lead to the development of successful molecular targeted therapies.
Supported in part by grants 01GI9981 [Network of Competence Acute and Chronic Leukemias], 01KG0605 [IPD-Meta-Analysis: A model-based hierarchical prognostic system for adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML)] from the Bundesministerium fr Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Germany, the Deutsche Jos Carreras Leukmie-Stiftung (DJCLS R 06/06v), and the Else Krner-Fresenius-Stiftung (P38/05//A49/05//F03). We thank Dr. Stefan Frhling, Dr. Richard F. Schlenk, Dr. Verena Gaidzik and Dr. Sabine Kayser for their critical reading of the manuscript. Key words: acute myeloid leukemia somatic mutation, chromosomal abnormality, NPM1, FLT3, CEBPA
1. Frhling S, Scholl C, Gilliland DG, Levine RL. Genetics of myeloid malignancies: pathogenetic and clinical implications. J Clin Oncol 2005;23:6285-95. 2. Mrzek K, Heerema NA, Bloomfield CD. Cytogenetics in acute leukemia. Blood Rev 2004;18:115-36. 3. Estey E, Dhner H. Acute myeloid leukaemia: Lancet 2006; 368:1894-907. 4. Mrzek K, Marcucci G, Paschka P, Whitman SP, Bloomfield CD. Clinical relevance of mutations and geneexpression changes in adult acute myeloid leukemia with normal cytogenetics: are we ready for a prognostically prioritized molecular classification? Blood 2007;109:431-48. 5. Dhner H. Implication of the molecular characterization of acute myeloid leukemia. Hematology Am Soc Hematol
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Gene expression signatures in follicular lymphoma: are they ready for the clinic?
Nathalie A. Johnson and Randy D. Gascoyne British Columbia Cancer Agency, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. E-mail: rgascoyn@bccancer.bc.ca. doi: 103324/haematol.13326. he lymphoma field has fully embraced the molecular era for several years, the result of a number of studies utilizing genome-wide analysis platforms including gene expression profiling, array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) arrays and several more novel technologies that provide information about methylation status and the epigenome.1-4 As these new technologies became available, lymphoid cancers were a relatively early priority, in part because of the ease of sample acquisition and the availability of retrospective fresh-frozen biopsy material.
standard chemotherapy or immuno-chemotherapy regimens used today. There is growing evidence that the current era of therapy has produced improvements in overall survival.5 Survival following diagnosis is markedly heterogeneous, with median survivals in the order of 8-10 years. Currently we have no reliable means to distinguish those patients who will die within three years of diagnosis from those who will be alive with little morbidity and requiring little if any therapy 25 years after diagnosis. These strikingly disparate outcomes in FL underlie the fury of activity surrounding the discovery of prognostic and predictive markers. The identification of molecular biomarkers that would help us better predict clinical outcome and risk of transformation would be a welcome addition, if indeed they could improve the prediction of prognosis beyond our current multi-parameter clinical indices.6 An ideal biomarker would not only identify patients with inferior