Testing and Commissioning

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The key takeaways are that testing and commissioning involves inspecting, testing and validating that electrical systems meet specifications and perform as intended under normal operating conditions.

The main steps involved in testing and commissioning electrical systems are conducting works tests at the manufacturer, submitting test certificates, conducting reliability runs to check for defects, and obtaining approval before energizing systems.

Documentation required for testing and commissioning includes equipment data sheets, recommended testing sheets, test certificates recording results of all tests, and a commissioning schedule detailing the commissioning process.






General provisions of Contract, including General and special Conditions and

Division-1 (General requirements), apply to work of this section.


General Provisions for Electrical Work, Section 16010, applies to work of this Section.


Specification Section 15547: Mounting and Isolation of Mechanical and Electrical

Systems and related contract drawings, apply to this section of the work.




Work includes providing all materials, equipment and accessories, required for testing
and commissioning of all systems, equipments and services relating to the electrical


Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes,

DIN/VDE, IEC, NEC, NEMA, ANSI and IEEE Standards, pertaining to the testing
and commissioning.


In case of conflict among the referenced standards and codes, the more stringent
provision will govern.


Equipment Data: Submit manufacturer's data for testing and commissioning model
No., type, size, range, ... etc.


Testing Sheets : Submit a recommended test and commissioning sheets as per IEE
wiring regulations 16th. Edition.




The consultant shall inspect and test at the makers' works, during manufacture and
after completion, all or any particular manufactured material, apparatus or equipment
ordered by the contractor for incorporation in the works, in order to prove that the
material, apparatus or equipment meets the requirements of this specification. The
contractor shall notify the Owner's authorized representative in advance of all such
inspections and tests.
The contractor must arrange on his expenses for works tests to be attended by the
Owner's consultant for all tests specified in different sections of specifications.
The Contractor shall submit to the Owner's authorized Representative, at the time of
issue, three copies of each and every order for bought in material, apparatus and
equipment intended for incorporation in the works.

Mena House Oberoi Renovation (Block A)

Testing And Commissioning
Date: Oct 2008.
Tender Issue Rev. 0


Each such order shall clearly state whether the item(s) which it covers is or are subject
to inspection or test before despatch to site.

Upon completion of manufacture, or before despatch in the case of stock items, all
material, apparatus and equipment intended for incorporation in the works shall be
subjected, to the tests specified in the relevant National Standard or elsewhere in this
specification together with such additional tests as may be required in order to prove
compliance with this specification. When no relevant British Standard exists, or the
appropriate National Standard fails to specify tests, the Contractor shall submit his
proposals for the tests he requires to provide compliance with the specification.


The results of each and every test carried out in accordance with the provisions of this
specification shall be accurately and comprehensively recorded on a form of test
certificate signed by the person in charge of the testing procedure and countersigned by
the contractor and four copies of every such test certificate shall be submitted to the
Owner's Authorized Representative.


Every test certificate shall include, in addition to all other requirements the date and
time of the test, the ambient conditions, a fully detailed description of the test(s) carried
out, the results obtained, and any relevant performance curves.


The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the Owner's authorized
Representative is advised in writing whenever material, apparatus or equipment is
ready for inspection or test at his own or his suppliers' premises. At least seven days
notice shall be given, and due allowance shall be made for this period of notice in
drawing up the program of works.


In cases where the manufacturer or supplier of material, apparatus or equipment relies

upon type tests to prove, either wholly or in part, the suitability of his product(s), then
the Contractor shall arrange for triplicate copies of certificates giving the results of
such type tests to be submitted to the Owner's Authorized Representative at the time the
order is placed.


No material, apparatus or equipment, from whatever source, shall be despatched to site

until the Owner's Authorized Representative has had the opportunity to inspect it or has
given written authorization for despatch.


No inspection or testing by the Owner's Consultant nor the witnessing of satisfactory

tests nor the authorizing of despatch to site shall in any way relieve the contractor of
any of his obligations under this contract, nor shall it in any way limit the right of the
Owner's authorized representative to reject such items after delivery to site if they
subsequently prove to be defective or unsatisfactory or unsuitable for their intended


When the contractor has ordered equipment from a manufacturer who, in turn, has
bought-in major components from a secondary supplier, the Owner's Consultant shall
have the right to elect to inspect such components at the works of the secondary
supplier, and the contractor shall ensure, when placing his orders, that such rights are
For the purposed of this clause, inter-departmental orders within the same organization
shall be treated in the same manner as orders involving separate organizations.


The Owner's Consultant shall have the right to waive, at his sole discretion, the
requirements relating to his inspection of materials, apparatus, and equipment at the
makers' works. The exercise by the Owner's authorized Representative of this right
shall not in any way relieve the contractor of his obligation to carry out the prescribed
tests and to submit test certificates.

Mena House Oberoi Renovation (Block A)

Testing And Commissioning
Date: Oct 2008.
Tender Issue Rev. 0




No work shall be painted or otherwise prepared for despatch until it has been inspected
by the Owner's Consultant, or inspection has been waived and despatch has been


When one or more of the Contractor's purchase orders covers the supply of a number
of like components or items of equipment, the Owner's authorized representative shall
have the right to select that one item or component of each type and rating be subjected
to type tests as described in the relevant National Standard. Other similar items may
then be subjected only to routine tests.


The Contractor shall carry out all necessary checks and tests to prove that the
completed installations fully comply with specified requirements.


Upon completion of the electrical installation, or any substantial section thereof, the
installation, or any substantial section thereof, the installation or that section and all of
the associated electrical equipment shall be subjected to the tests specified in the
relevant National Standards and in the IEE Wiring Regulations, together with such
other tests as may be specified in order to prove compliance with the Specification.


All of the required checks and tests shall be carried out in accordance with a program
to be agreed with the Owner's Authorized Representative, and facilities shall be made
available for the Owner's Authorized Representative to be present at all such checks
and tests if he so desires.


Tests not carried out in the presence of the Owners' Authorized Representative shall not
be regarded as valid for the purpose of the Contract, unless the Owner's Authorized
Representative shall not be regarded as valid for the purpose of the Contract, unless the
Owner's Authorized Representative shall have authorized the Contractor to proceed
with the testing process in his absence.


Every test certificate shall include, in addition to all other requirements, the date and
time of the test, the ambient conditions, a fully detailed description of the test (s)
carried out, the result obtained, and any relevant performance curves.


No material, apparatus, equipment, or installation shall be covered or otherwise

permanently concealed from view instil the Owner's Authorized Representative has had
the opportunity to inspect it, o given written authorization for covering to proceed.
No work shall have a final paint finish until it has been inspected by the Owner's
Authorized Representative or painting has been authorized, unless the final paint finish
is necessary to provide the necessary climatprotection.




No apparatus, equipment, plant, or installations will be recognized as complete until all

of the specified inspections and tests have been satisfactorily carried out.


The Owner's Authorized Representative shall have the right to waive, at his sole
discretion, the requirements relating to his inspection of materials, apparatus equipment
and installations and the witnessing of tests thereon. The exercise by the Owner's
Authorized Representative of this right shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of
his obligations to carry out the prescribed tests and to submit test certificates.


Mena House Oberoi Renovation (Block A)

Testing And Commissioning
Date: Oct 2008.
Tender Issue Rev. 0



As soon as is practicable after the completion of installation and jointing of the cables
specified herein, or of any usable group of such cables, the Contractor shall carry out
the tests described below, together with such other tests and measurements to prove
compliance with this Specification and with the requirements of the IEE Wiring


An insulation resistance test, carried out with a 'Megger' insulation tester or other
similar type of testing instrument, to measure the insulation resistance between each
conductor and the remaining conductors and between each conductor and the metallic
sheath, if any, and armouring. The test voltage to be applied shall be as follows:
Low voltage cables
High voltage cables

500 volts
not less than 1000 volts


The above tests shall be carried out both before and after any voltage tests and the
insulation resistance shall not be less than the figures in BS 6346, Table, 6, for all
cables up to 3.3kv. The Contractor shall submit insulation resistance figures for
cables above 3.3kv.


A voltage withstand test of 15 minutes duration shall be applied in accordance with the
relevant British Standard, at the test voltage indicated in:
BS 5467, Table 7, of for cables with thermosetting insulation.
BS 5346, Table 5, for PVC insulated cables, or


The Contractor shall submit proposals on the appropriate test voltage in respect of
other types of cable.


An earth continuity test shall be carried out to verify that the cable armouring and
metal sheath, if any, have been properly bonded to earth.


Phase-rotation, and phase-correspondence shall be tested to prove that the cables have
been correctly connected.

Mena House Oberoi Renovation (Block A)

Testing And Commissioning
Date: Oct 2008.
Tender Issue Rev. 0





Low voltage switchboards shall be thoroughly checked for correct functioning in every
respect and shall be subjected to the following tests:
With all control circuits disconnected but with all isolators closed and power fuses
fitted, the panels shall be subjected to a voltage test across the following points:

Phase to phase
Phase to neutral
Phase to earth
Neutral to earth

The voltage levels and test direction shall be in accordance with the relevant National
Standard for the equipment provided.
This shall be followed by an insulation resistance test with an approved type of 500 V
test instrument. With all electronic components and time switches removed or isolated
and with all min isolators closed and power fuses fitted, an insulation resistance of not
less than 20 Megohms shall be obtained between each of the following points:

Phase to phase
Phase to neutral
Phase to earth
Neutral to earth



The Contractor shall inspect and carry out tests on all the system and equipment
earthing provisions in accordance with the requirements of the IEE Wiring Regulations.


The method of test and the selection of suitable test instruments shall conform to the
guidelines given in the IEE Wiring Regulations, 16 th. Edition.


These tests shall be carried out on all system and equipment earthing supplied, installed
and connected under this Contract.


Where an existing installation has been effectively extended in relation to the system
and equipment earthing provisions supplied under this Contract, the existing system
and equipment earthing shall be inspected and tested for compliance with the IEE
Wiring Regulations.


The Contractor shall inspect and re-test the system and equipment earthing provided
under this Contract thirty days prior to the end of the Defects Liability period. The
Contractor shall give the Owner's Authorized Representative seven days notice of his
intent to carry out these tests.

Mena House Oberoi Renovation (Block A)

Testing And Commissioning
Date: Oct 2008.
Tender Issue Rev. 0



Following the satisfactory conclusion of inspections and tests on completed sections of the
Works, the Contractor shall duly commission each section of the electrical installation and leave
it in full working order. The term 'Commissioning' shall be deemed to include:

The energizing of electrical distribution circuits and equipments which have previously
been inspected, tested, found to be satisfactory and capable of being energize with
complete safety.


The setting of electrical protective devices and systems, where relevant, in accordance
with the directions of the Owner's Authorized Representative or, failing such directions,
in accordance with sound electrical engineering practice.


The starting up of all electrically powered plant and equipment.


The verification of the performance of all such plant and equipment by the carrying
out, where required, of further tests and the making of all necessary adjustments so as
to obtain optimum performance.


Compliance with the requirements of this Section of the Specification shall not, by itself, in any
way relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract.


The Contractor shall ensure that all connections and adjustments are made correctly, and that
the installations and equipment are in a completely safe and satisfactory condition.


All activities carried out by the Contractor in pursuance of the requirements of this section of
the Specification shall be carried out, or continuously supervised, by a competent and
experienced commissioning engineer.


If considered necessary, the Owner's Authorized Representative will set up a Commissioning

Panel to oversee all activities relating to commissioning of installations, plant and equipment.
The Contractor shall provide appropriate representatives as members of the Panel to act in an
advisory capacity assisting the Owner's Authorized Representative in all matters relating to the
commissioning process.


The Owner's Authorized Representative shall have power to appoint and independent
Commissioning Engineer to act on his behalf in the control of all activities relating to the
commissioning process, and in such matters the said Commissioning Engineer shall be deemed
to be and authorized representative of the Owner's Authorized Representative


The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for ensuring that all switching operations and all
work on electrical circuits and equipment which have once been energized are carried out in a
thoroughly safe manner and shall operate, and rigidly adhere to, an approved 'permit-to-work'
system. For this purpose, the Contractor shall appoint an 'authorized person' as defined in the
Electricity (Factories Act) Special Regulations, and shall communicate the name of such person
in writing to the Owner's Authorized Representative.


In appropriate cases the Contractor shall nominate a particular employee as 'Switchgear

Operator' and shall ensure that all switchgear operations are carried out by the nominated
person and that such person is always available for this duty when required.


The Contractor shall prepare a commissioning schedule detailing the plant to be commissioned,
the operations to be carried out, the time scale, with exact dates for specific operations, details
of requirements for water and power services, and attendance or provisions by others. This

Mena House Oberoi Renovation (Block A)

Testing And Commissioning
Date: Oct 2008.
Tender Issue Rev. 0


commissioning schedule, in draft from, shall be submitted not less than four weeks in advance
of the date on which commissioning is to commence.

If required by the Owner's Authorized Representative, the Contractor shall present the
information from the commissioning schedule in the form of a flodiagram or a PERT ('Critical
Path') chart.


The procedures to be followed by the Contractor for commissioning the electrical equipment
and installations shall be as directed by the Owner's Authorized Representative or, in the
absence of such directions, shall be proposed by the Contractor and submitted to the Owner's
Authorized Representative for approval.


No connections or adjustments shall be made to plant or equipment which has already been
commissioned and set to work, except with the prior consent of the Owner's Authorized


No plant or equipment shall be charged, energized or operated without the prior agreement of
the Owner's Authorized Representative. All applicable test certificates shall have been first
submitted to the Owner's Authorized Representative.


All commissioning procedures shall be carried out in a safe and satisfactory manner and in
accordance with the provisions of the Factory Acts, the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act, and
the Electricity Regulations.


Following completion of commissioning, each item of equipment or, where several items of
equipment are interdependent, the complete plant shall operate continuously and satisfactorily
under normal operating conditions for a period of 72 hours without defect of any kind. In the
event of any defect or mal-operation becoming apparent during this period the Contractor shall
forthwith determine the cause and rectify it by means of repair, replacement, adjustment or
modification and the reliability run shall be re-commenced. All materials, equipment and labour
required to locate and rectify any such defect shall be provided by the Contractor at his own


No plant, equipment or installation will be considered as complete until the prescribed

commissioning procedures have been satisfactorily carried out and the reliability run has been
completed without untoward incident.


The Owner's Authorized Representative shall have power to require that the hole of the plant,
equipment and installations, or selected parts thereof, be re-inspected and, if necessary, re-tested
immediately before the end of the contractual maintenance period, and the Contractor shall be
responsible for making all necessary arrangements with the Owner.


Mena House Oberoi Renovation (Block A)

Testing And Commissioning
Date: Oct 2008.
Tender Issue Rev. 0


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