SPM 4531 2007 Physics p1 Berjawapan
SPM 4531 2007 Physics p1 Berjawapan
SPM 4531 2007 Physics p1 Berjawapan
Instructionz Ansuters all questions. Eaclt. guestion is followed by eitlz.er three or foar options. Choose tlte best option for eaclt, question.
1 '
Which of the following values is equal to 470 pF? Antara nilai berikut, yang manakah sanla dengan 470 pF? A 4.7 x 10-10 F C 4.7 x 102F F B 4.7 x 10-?F D 4.7 X 1011 Which of the following quantities is a vector quantity? Antara kuantiti berikut, yang manakah kuantiti uektor?
A, B, C and D show parts of four different balance scales. Which balance is the most sensitive? A B C danD menunjukhan sebahagian daripada empat skala penimbang yang berlainan. Penimbang yang manakahyang paling peka?
Diagram 1 shows the path travelled by a car from P to S. Rajah L menunjukkan lintasan yang dilalui oleh sebuah kereta dari P ke S.
5 krn
B Diagram I Rqiah 1 What is the displacement of the car? Berapakah sesq,ran kereta itu? A 5.0 km C 8-2 km B 6.8 km D 9.0 km
Diagram 2 is a velocity-time graph showing the motion of, an object. Rajah 2 ialah graf halaju-n'Lasa yang menunjuklz,an pergerakan suatu objek.
Velocity Halaju
Which of the following vector diagrams represents the resultant force, $ which acts on the car? Antara rajah uehtor berikut, yang manakah m.ewakili daya padudn, F, yang bertindak ke atas lzereta itu?
Time Masa
Diagram 2 Raiah 2 Which of the following describesthe motion of the object? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah rnenghuraikanpergerakan objek itu? OJ A B Uniform acceleration
Diagram 4 shows a car with a mass of L 000 kg moving with an acceleration of 2 m s-2.There is a frictional force of 900 N acting on the car. Rajah 4 menunjukkan sebu.ah kereta berjisim 1 000 kg sedang bergerak dengan pecutan. 2 m s-2. Daya geseran sebanyak 900 N bertindak ke atas kereta itu.
Decreasing acceleration Pecutanseragam, Pecutanberkurang Increasing Decreasing acceleration acceleration Pecutan bertambah Pecutan berkurang Increasing Uniform acceleration deceleration Pecutan bertambah Nyahpecutan seragdm Uniform Uniform acceleration deceleration Pecutan seragdnx Nyahpecutan seragam
Diagram 4 Raja,h 4 What is the force exerted by the engine of the car? Berapakah daya yang dikenakan oleh enjin kereta itu? A gOON c 2000N B 1100 N D 2900N 8 Diagram 5 shows a b'ox with a mass of 55 kg being dropped from a helicopter. At the moment before touchingthe ground, the velocity of the box is l-2 m s-1.The box stops 2 seconds after touching the ground. Rajah 5 m,enunjukkan sebuahkotak berjisirn 55'kg dijatuhkan dari sebuah helikopter. Sejurus sebelum m.enyentuh tanah, halaju hotak itu ialah 12 m s-1.Kotak itu berhenti dalam n'Lasa saat selepasm.enyentuhtanah. 2
Diagram 3 shows a car on tow. Rajah 3 menunjukkan sebuah kereta sedang ditunda.
Diagram 3 Rqjah 3
Floor Inntai
0.5s 0.7s
C 1 .0 s D 1 .4 s
I,oad' Beban
11 When an object is in equilibrium of forces, the object Apabila objek berada dalam keseimbanga4 daya, objek itu A must be stationarv mesti pegun 146
Floor Inntai
Diagram 6 Rajah 6 What is the pressure exerted by the water on the frsh? [Water densitY = 1 000 kg m*] Berapahalz te"hananyang dihenalean o/e/t.air ke atas ikan itu? f,I{etumpatan air = 1 000 kg m*] A 6 x 10 - 3 Pa C 6x103P a B 6 x 1"0 1 Pa D 6X 10aP a 14 Which of the following situations only occurs due to atmospheric pressure? Antarasituasi berikut yang manakah. ltanya berlaku disebabkan oleh.tekanan atntosfera?
Toothpaste Ubat gigi
Diagram 7 Rajah 7 Whichprinciple explains the situation above? ,hinsip yang manakalt. meneranghan situas i di atas? A Pascal B Bernoulli C Archimedes 1 6 Diagram 8 shows icebergs floating on the surface of the sea. Raja/28 menunjuhlean bonghah ais terapung di perrnuhaan laut.
Holes Lubang
Which of the following statements is correct? Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manahalt betutl A Weight of iceberg = Weight of sea water displaced ais =,kratcar laut tersesar Berat bongkah B Volume of iceberg= Volume of sea water displaced = Isipadu air laut Isipadu bonghalt tersesar ais of iceberg = Density of sea water C Density displaced = Keturnpatanair laut I(etumpatan tersesar bonghalz ais
18 Diagram 10 shows a simple barometer. The difference in height of the two mercury levels is h. Eajah 1O menunjukhan sebuah barometer ringhas. Perbezaan /eetinggian bagi aras dua merhuri itu ialah h.
Diagram 9 Rajah I Which of the following diagrams shows the condition of the ping-pong balls when air is blown between them? Antara rajalz berikut, yang tn'anakalz rnenunjuklean keadaan hedua-dua bola pinglcong apabila udara ditiup di antara hedua-duanya'l Mercury Merkuri
Diagram 10 Raiah 10 What happens to the value of h when mercury is add.ed to the container? Apakalt. yang ahaTt'berlaku hepada nilaih apabila merkuri ditambah ke dalam bekas? A Increases Bertambalz Decreases Berhurang No change ltdah berubalt
19 Diagram 11 shows hot water being added to cold water. Rajalz LL menunj uhkan air panas ditarn.balthan hepada air sejuh.
21 Diagram L2 is a graph which shows the heating curve of water. Rajah L2 ialalz graf yang menunju/ekan /enghung pernanasan air
Temperature/oC Suhu /"C
Which of the following statements is correct if there are no heat losses to the surroundings? Antara pernyataan berikut, yang nzanahalt betul jiha tiada h.abalzilang hepersekitaran? A Heat lost by hot water is less than heat gained by cold water I(ehilangan h.aba olelz airpanas adalah h u ra ng daripada p eneri maqn haba o/eh. air sejuk B Heat lost by hot water is greater than heat gained by cold water I{eltilangan haba olelt airpanas adalalt. lebih. banyak daripada penerimaan lzaba oleh air sejuh C Heat lost by hot water is equal to heat gained by cold water I{eltilangan haba olelz air panas adalah satna dengan penerintaan lzaba o/eh air sejuk
Diagram 12 Rajah 12 What is the effect of the heat absorbed bv the water between point S and point T? Apahah. hesan lzaba yang diserap oleh. air antara titih S dan titik T? A It weakens the forces between the water molecules Melentah.han daya antara molekul air B It breaks the bonds between the water molecules Memutuskan ikatan antara ntolekul air C It increases the kinetic energy of the water molecules Menarnbaltlean tenaga kinetih molekul air D It strengthens the bonds between the water molecules Menguatkan ikatan antara molekul air
20 What
is the concept used in the measurement of human body temperature using a thermometer? Apakalt. konsep yang digunakan dalarn pengukuran suhu badan rnanusia m engg unalean ter m ont et ef! A Specific heat capacity Muatan lzaba tentu B Specific latent heat Eaba pendam tentu C Thermal equilibrium I(eseirnbangan terma D Thermal convection Perolakan terna
front of a concave mirror. F is the focal point of the mirror. Eajalz L4 rnenunjulzkan satu obleh diletaklaan di ltadapan sebuah cerntin cehung di O. F iglalz titih fokus bagi cerntin itu.
Diagram Rajah
14 .14
T/K 23 Diagram 13 shows the condition of a plastic bottle which initially contains hot air, before and afber being put into a basin of ice. Rajah LB rnenunjukkan keadaan botol plastih yang pada autalnya mengandungi udara panas, sebe/um dan se/epas dimasuhkan ke dalam besenyang berisi ais.
What are the characteristics of the image formed? Apahalz ciri imej yang terbentud! A Virtual and smaller than the object Maya dan lebih kecil dnripada objeh B Real and smaller than the object Nyata dan lebih kecil daripada objek C Virtual and bigger than the object Maya dan lebih besar daripada objeh D Real and bigger than the object Nyata dan lebilz besar daripada objek
Hot air
Udara panas
Diagram 18 Rajah 13 The above situation can be explained by Situasi di atas dapat diteranghan ole/t A Boyle's law ltuhum Boyle B pressure law ltukum tekanan C Charles's law huhum Clzarles
Diagram 15 Rajah 15
The boy moves 1 m backwards. Calculate the distance between the bov and his image. Budak itu bergerak I m lae belakang. I{itungjarak antara budak itu dan imejnya. A 3m C 6m B 4m D 8m 26 Diagram 16 shows a ray of light passing into a glass block. The refractive index of the glass is 1.54. Bajah tG neenunjuhkan satu sinar caltaya melalui satu bongkalz kaca. Indeks biasan bagi haca ita ialal, \.54.
The critical angle of water is 48'. If 0" = 48", which is the correct .path of light after passing through point O? Sudut genting air ialalt 48. Jilea 0o = 48o, lintasan cahaya manalealtyang betul selepas melalui titih O? AOR CO T BOS DO U 28 Which of the following ray diagrams is correct for a magnifying glass? Antara ralah sinar berikut, yang manakalt betul bagi hanta pembesar'l
f I
Bongkah l<aca
Diagrarn 16 Rajah 16 What is the angle of incidence? Berapahah sudut tuju?
ot-* - -
19.7" 33.7'
c 54.7' D 59.0"
27 Diagram 17 shows the path of light from PtoO. Bajalzl7 menunjukkan lintasan calwya dari P keO.
------I ,, \
Crest Puncak
;f II il
Diagram 17 Rajah 17 r 51
Diagram 18 Rajah 18
Wavelength is the distance between the points Panjanggelombang ialah jarah antara titik A P an d Q C QandS P da n Q QdanS B PandR D RandS P danR R danS
Diagram 19 Rajah 19 Based on Eiagram 19, which of the following d i s p la ce m e n t- time graphs represents oscillation of the load from P to Q and back to O? Berdasarkan Bajalz 19, graf sesaran:rftdsa yang nanahalt mewakili ayunan beban dari P ke Q dan hemba;li semula ke O? Displacement /cm A
Sesaran lcm
Direction of wave
Arah perambatan gebmbang
Which of the following diagrams shows the propagation of the \iqavescorrectly? Antara rajah berikut, yang manahalz rnenanjukhan dengan betul perambatan gelombang itu?
A llllffi
ffi ffi
C D 6.0xL05m 1.5x10Fm
They are waves that require a medium to travel Gelombang yang memerlukan mediurn untuk merambat The velocity of the waves is influenced by the wavelength Halaju .gelombang dipengarulzi ole/z panjang gelombang They consist of both magnetic fields and electric fields Terdiri daripada hedua-dua medan magnet dan medan elektrik Which of the following factors does not influence the resistance of a wire? Antara fahtor berikut, yang manakalr tidah rnempengaruhi rintangan bagi suatu dataat2 A Length of the wire Panjang dau.tai B Material of the wire Baltan dautai C Cross-sectional area of the wire Luas keratan rentas dautai D Hardness of the wire ,Kekerasan dautai
A radar transmits a signdl towards an aeroplane. The velocity of the signal is After 4.0 x 10{ s, the radar 3.0 x 108m s-1; detects the reflected signal. What is the distance of the aeroplane from the radar? Sebuah radar memancarhan isyarat ke aralt sebualz hapal terbang. Halaju isyarat itu ialah 3.0 x 108 m s-L.Selepas 4.0 x 10{ s, rodar itu m.engesan isyarat yang: dipantulhan. Berapakah.jarak kapal terbang itu daripada
Diagram 2L Rajah 21 Which physical quantity. must be the same for both R, and Rr? Kuantiti fizih yang rnanahalt. ntesti sanza untuk kedua-dua R, dan R"? A Power C Voltage I{uasa Vohan B. Current D Energy Arus Tenaga
V[hich of the following rules may be used to determine the direction of the current in the coil? Antara petua berikut, yang manakalt. bolelz digunnkan untuh menentuhan ara/t arus dalam gelung itu'l A Fleming's Left Hand Rule Petua ?angan l{iri Fleming B Fleming's Right Hand Rule Petua ?angan l{anan .Fleming C Right Hand Screw Rule Petua Shru Tangan l{anan D Right Hand Grip Rule Petua Genggaman ?angan l{anan 40 Diagram 24 shows a conductor wire placed in a magnetic fi.eld. Bajalt 24 menunjuhkan satu dautai hondu/ator diletaklaan dalam ntedan magnet.
Diagrarn 22 Ra,jah 22 Calculate the internal resistance of the battery in this circuit. Eitung rintangan dalant. bagz bateri dalant
c 0.25 o
D 3.75 O
Diagram 24 Rajah 24 When the switch is on, the conductor wire initially moves towards Apabila suis dilzidupka4 dawai konduktor pada autalnya bergerak ke aralt
4C 12OC
c 240c
D 14400C
4 L Diagram 25 shows a transformer connected to a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO). Rajah 25 menunjukkan sebualt transformer yang disatnbunghan kepada osiloshop sinar hatod (OSA.
Diagram 23 Rajah 23
Diagram 25 Raaiah 25 Which of the following wave traces is cor?ect when the extra coil is on the core and connected in series with the secondary coil? Antara surihan gelombang berikut, yang manakah betul apabila gegelung tambahan berada pada teras dan disambung secara sesiri dengan gegelung sekunder?
42 The purpose of using laminated iron core in a transformer is to Tl$uan ntenggunakan teras besi berl,amina dalam transformer adalah untuk A reduce resistance mengurangkan rintangan B reduce eddy curent mengurangkan aru.s pusar prevent flux leakage C mengelakkan kebocoran fluks D magnetized and demagnetized iron core easily memagnet dan menyahmagnetkan teras besi dengan mudah 43 Diagram 26 shows a model of the transmission of electrical energy and includes three identical bulbs, P, Q and R. Rajah 26 menunjukkan satu model litar penghantaran tenaga elektrik dan termasuk tiga mentol serupa, P, Q dan R. 120 turns | lilitan 2 400 turns / Iilitan
Diagrarn 26 Ra.iah 26 Which comparison of the brightness of the bulbs is correct? Yang manakah perbandingan kecerahan rnentol yang betul?
Bright Cerah Brightest Paling cerah C Brighter Brightest Bright Lebih cerah Paling cerah Cerah D Brightest Bright Brighter Palirlg cerah Cerah Lebihcerah 44 Diagram 27 shows a circuit connected to the
eathode ray oscilloscope (CRO). Rajah 27 menunjukkan satu litar yang disambungkan kepada osiloskop sinar katod
Brightest Brighter Paling cerah Lebih cerah B Bright Brighter Cerah Lebih cerah
46 Diagram 28 shows an automatic switch circuit to light up a bulb at night. Rajah2S menunjuhlean litar suis autornatilt untuk ntenyalakan mentol pada zaa/etu malam.
Diagran 27 Raiah 27 Which of the following traces is the correct one shown on the CRO? Antara suriltan berihut, J,ang manahalt surilzan yang betul dipaparlean pada OSK?
Bulb Mentol
Light dependent
resistor Perintang peka caltaya
Diagram 28 Rajah 28 What changes should bo done to light up the bulb during the day time? Apakah perubalzan yang perlu dilakuhan untuh menyalalean nzentol pada zaahtu siangft A Reverse the terminal of the battery Songsangkan terminal bateri B Interctfange R, and R, Thkar antara R, dan R, C Replace the npn transistor with a pnp transistor Ganti transistor npn dengan transistor pnp D Replace resistor RB with a resistor of lower resistance Ganti perintang R" dengan perintang lang lebi/t. rendalt. rintanan
Diagram 29 Rajah 29
Which of the following represents output R in the Antara ja.dual kebenaran manahah meutahili outputR
Particle Zaralt
P 0 0 1 1 P 0 0 1
0 1 0 1
R 1 0 0 0 R
0 1 1
P 0 0 1 1 P 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
R 0 0 0 1 R 1 0 0 1
0 1 0
0 L 0 1
48 A negatively charged particle moves towards a nucleus of an atom. Which of the following diagrams shows the correct path of the particle? Satu zaralt. bercas negatif bergerale menuju ke aralt nuhleus satu atom. Antara rajah berileut, yang rnanahalt, menunjuhlean lintasan yang betul bagi zarah itu? Particle A
20 hours 20 jarn
5 months 5 bulan 10 years LO tahun Table I" Jad,ual I
Which of the folfowing isotopes is suitable to detect blood clotting? Antara isotop berikut, yang tnanakalz sesuai digunakan untuh tnengesan pembekuan
darah.? AP
Nucleus Nukleus
Particle Zaralt
50 In the fission reaction for an atom of uranium-23l, t};'e energy produced is 2.9 x 10-1r J. What is the total loss of mass in the reaction? Dalam suatu tindak balas pembelalzan nuhleus ba.gisatu atorn uranium-Z\\,tenaga yang dihasilhan ialah.'Z.9 X 10-11 J. Berapakalr jumlalt kehilangan jisirn dalarz tindah balas itu? A 3.22 x 10-28 kg B 9'67 x 104s kg C 2'61 x 106 kg " D. . 1 . 0 3 x 1 0 1 e g k
Nucleus Nuhleus
3A 8B 1 3D 1 8C 23B 28A 3 3C 3 8D 4 3C 4 8C
4A 9A 14 A 19C 24 C 29 B 34 D 39D 44 B 49 B