1 - Dissertation Style Compliance Checklist-1

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University Writing Center Dissertation Style Compliance

XXXXXX Initial Review

Your dissertation has been reviewed by the University Writing Center. The following areas were
identified as needing revision prior to approval. Make sure you correct everything associated with a page
number first before anything that is a format problem. You wont find the information by page number
if you start changing format. Once corrected, please resubmit the dissertation to the UWC for a second
Note: When I refer to page numbers, I am referring to the page number at the bottom left of the screen,
the actual full document page number, not the page number that appears centered in the footer of each
Dissertation component
1. General formatting
a. Margins
b. Spacing

c. Font and size

d. first line indentation
2. Front matter
a. Title page
b. Approval page

c. Acknowledgements
d. Abstract
e. Table of contents (TOC)
f. List of tables and figures

Correction required
Apparently, the formatting is a little different on my computer
than on yours. I want to make sure by checking on the
p. 25 has two lines at the top of the page (only) and then p.
26 started Summary. There is plenty of room on p. 25 for
the summary.
Check your tables and figures as I see some that split a page
or the title is on a separate page from the table or figure.
Also, check that all headings are not left hanging at the
bottom of a page.

Do not use Dr. as well as the credentials after the faculty

name, this is redundant. You do not need to list titles after
names except for the chair of your committee. It appears you
started inserting other titles but stopped. Fix this.
Indent the first- and second-level headings so chapter titles can
be found easily on the page. You are missing appendices on
your TOC. Just list the first page of Appendix A title page.
List of Tables and Figures should appear on its own page. The
title should include both tables and figures, not two separate.

g. front matter pagination

3. Body
a. Headings and subheads
UWC dissertation compliance checklist 2014

b. In-text citations

After the first cite when there are more than two authors, all
subsequent citations should include et al. after the lead author
instead of all author names. FIX: Akcay et al. (2006) on p.
83; Ownby et al. (2012) on p. 84; Springvloet et al. (2014) on
p. 83; White et al. (2008) on p. 84; Zajacova et al. (2012) on
p. 85;
Please refer to p. 174 of the APA manual. If an author is
cited in the narrative (not in parentheses), you may omit the
year from subsequent cites in the same paragraph, when the
authors name is again used in the narrative. FIX: Blunt &
Hallum (2010) on p. 44; Brindley et al. (2009) on p. 33;
Harlen and Doubler (2004) on p. 34; Loeppke et al. (2010)
on p. 29;
When there are six or more authors, use et al. instead of
listing all authors in the citation. FIX: Gruson et al. (2013)
on p. 36.
Dongsong et al. (2004) p. 10 you are missing an author in
the list. P. 32, should be et al. P. 85, Dongsong et al. you
are missing the period after al.
E-Learning Fundamentals (2009), p. 19 does not match
year in reference. P. 36 should there be citations in the third
paragraph, especially where it starts outE-learning is the
process of teaching
P. 84, Harlen and Doubler (2004) the year should appear
with the author names, not at the end of the sentence.
Jones et al. (2011) on p. 31 use an ampersand before the
last author inside the parentheses. On p. 85, insert a period
after the al.
Kerr et al. (2006) on p. 35 is missing all three author names.
I do not see where you cited Liberty County, Georgia (2011)
Steinbronn & Merideth (2007) is not same year as reference.
SurveyMonkey (n.d.) on p. 22 is not cited with a year. In
addition, you could insert the year at first mention in the
sentence: SurveyMonkey (n.d.) allowed for the creation and
delivery of surveys online.
Sweeney et al. (2004) on p. 10 should include all three of the
author names the first time cited. The second time cited on p.
34 should use et al. (you have them backward).
Terry et al. (2011) on p. 53 should include all four author
Bureau of Labor Statistics should include U.S. in front on
bottom of p. 14. On p. 18, you use wrong year.
Virtual Classroom (n.d.) appears on p. 32 with wrong year.

UWC dissertation compliance checklist 2014

c. Direct quotes
d. Tables and figures

e. References

Para. on top of p. 40 end quotations should appear at the end

of the quote, not after the citation.
Your figures both have a blue title (I assume it is an
automatic header) and then the appropriate title. Remove the
blue Figure 1 and move the citation to appear after the
figure title: Figure 1. Potential participant workforce
demographics (Georgia Department of Labor Workforce
Statistics, 2012). Fix the other figures appropriately. By the
way, Georgia Dept. of Labor Workforce Statistics does not
appear on your references page. Please add.
It appears you use the blue headings for tables as well.
Either modify the automatic header so it appears as it should
(black, correct font and size) or delete it. There should only
be one Table 1 heading etc.
On p. 57, You list Table 2 and Table 4, but no Table 3. Then
on p. 59, you do only have a blue heading for Table 3 and
Table 4. I think you are duplicating table numbers and your
formatting of the table headings need fixed.
It appears the rest of your tables are formatted using the auto
header format, which appears under the table title. Please
review the Tables section beginning on p. 128 of the APA
manual to see the proper format.
The references title should be on the top line of the page and
should not be bold. Do not insert extra spaces under the title.
You need to go through all of your references and those
newer than 2004 should have either a DOI, or if no DOI is
available you should list Retrieved from and the URL of
the journals home page. To quickly and easily find any DOI,
use this link: http://www.crossref.org/guestquery/
Add this string before a digital object identifier (DOI):
http://dx.doi.org/ Example: http://dx.doi.org/10.123343
Make sure you add an ampersand before the final author in a
list of less than eight authors on the references page. Fix:
Akcay et al. (2006); Zhang et al. (2004);
Separate the journal name and the volume number with a
comma and make sure both are italicized. FIX: Akcay et al.
(2006); Ball & Bax (n.d.); Brindley et al. (2009); Dickinson
& Mackay (n.d.) (pages 14-14??);
When the title is for an actual document (i.e. pdf) and not just
a web page, it should be italicized. When the title is for a
web page, it should NOT be italicized. FIX: Allen &
Seaman (2010); e-Learning Fundamentals (2010); Health
Americans (2008); Liberty County, Georgia (2011); Society
for Human Resource Management (2012); U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics (2012) both;

UWC dissertation compliance checklist 2014

Only capitalize the first letter of the FIRST word when

referencing single web pages, books, or in articles.
Exceptions: proper names, place names, acronyms, and the
first word after a colon in a title. Example: Medicine today:
A clinical perspective. FIX: Frauenheim (2009);
Bacon & Aphramor (n.d.) insert a comma after the last
name and before the first initial. Also, fix the period between
journal name and volume number. There should be a comma
before the page numbers. How can you have pages 9-9?
Blunt & Hallam (2010) italicize the volume number. You
used the correct format for the DOI in this reference.
Creswell (2008) the edition number should appear in
parentheses and not italicized. Do not include the
punctuation before the parentheses, only after.
quantitative and qualitative research (3rd ed.). Upper
Department of Education (2003) should be (treat it as a
Kutner, M., Greenberg, E., Jin,Y., & Paulsen, C. (2006). The
health literacy of Americas adults: Results from the 2003
national assessment of adult literacy (NCES 2006483).U.S.
Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for
Education Statistics.
Gaeta et al. (2013) there is an extra colon after the page
numbers. Your doi is not formatted properly (take out the
extra colon).
George & Mallery (2010) use a comma after the last name
and before the first initial. Insert MA for state: Boston,
MA: Bacon.
Gruson et al. (2013) education is misspelled in the title.
Harlen & Doubler (2004) your author names are supposed
to be switched. The order of author names is very important.
In addition, you need to list the editors of the book. Here is
the corrected reference:
Harlen, W., & Doubler, S. (2004). Online professional
development: Science inquiry in the online environment. In
C. Vrasidas & G. V. Glass (eds.), Online professional
development for teachers. Greenwich, CT: Information Age
Healthy Americans (2008) is not the author. The author is
the organization: Trust for Americas Health.
Healthy Workforce (2010) Capitalize Partnerships since it
follows a period. No period at the end of the URL that
makes the URL incorrect when you add a period at the end.
In addition, Healthy Workforce is not the author of this
document; it is the U.S. Department of Health and Human

UWC dissertation compliance checklist 2014

Services. Fix all citations and the order in which this

reference appears.
Healthy Workforce 2010 and Beyond (2010) is not the
author. The author should be Partnership for Prevention.
The URL should take the reader directly to the document,
which is a PDF insert this in brackets at the end of the
document title. small employers [PDF].
Jones et al. (2011) do not use double punctuation. Why are
there two journal names and volume etc? Looks like you are
missing an author and there are actually two references here.
Kaymak & Hozrum (2013) insert a period after first initial.
Matheson et al. (2012) fix punctuation with journal info.
Fix doi format.
Moodle Statistics (2013) This is not a scholarly resource. I
couldnt find the document or article.
Moore (2014) indent is off.
See example 30 on p. 205 of the APA manual on how to
reference words from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Patrick & Powell (2009) you have an extra doi: in your
reference. Missing Retrieved from if there is no doi.
Pierceall & Keim (2007) watch punctuation in names and
in journal info at the end. Doi is not properly formatted.
Reeves & Rafferty (2005) why is there a random 2000 in
this title? Fix journal punctuation and DOI format.
Roberts & Barnard (2004) fix journal punctuation and doi
Schoenfeld et al. (2013) fix journal punctuation and DOI
Shachar & Newmann (2010) Insert a period before the
journal name.
Stewart et al. (n.d.) Fix journal punctuation and doi.
SurveyMonkey. (n.d.). Create surveys. Get answers.
Retrieved from
Sweeney et al. (2004) quotations marks are random no
ending or an extra in the middle? Journal name and volume
number not italicized, and do not use a colon after issue
Terry et al. (2011) volume number should be italicized.
Do not alphabetize by The the formal name is American
Council of Science and Health end with a period. Book
title should be italicized.
U.S. Army Research Institute when I open up the
document, it takes me to a different report not same title or
report number. It appears the authors should be the three
names on the front of the report, but make sure you are
UWC dissertation compliance checklist 2014

f. Style mechanics

g. Writing style
h. Body pagination
4. Back matter
a. Appendices

referencing the right report.

White et al. (2008) fix author name punctuation.
Zhang et al. (2004) the year should be in parentheses.
Initials are not correct in author list (neither is punctuation).
If you do not cite a source in the document, then it should not
appear on the references page. FIX: Bacon & Aphramor
(n.d.); Ball & Bax (n.d.); Creswell (2008); Dickinson &
Mackay (n.d.); Jung (2005); Matheson et al. (2012); Moodle
Statistics (2013); Merriam-Webster (2014); Pierceall & Keim
(2007); Reeves & Rafferty (2005); Roberts & Barnard
(2004); Schoenfeld et al. (2013); Stewart et al. (n.d.);
American Council of Science and Health (2002); U.S. Army
Research Institute (2003);
Conkova (2013) on p. 35 is not listed on your references
page. Please add.
p. 24, last paragraph. You are missing to before
p.37, top para. The effect of effective e-learningnot good
sentence structure. Avoid using the same word or word form
more than once in a sentence.
Right before the Effect of effective sentence on p. 37, you
are missing to before fulfill their learning styles.
Blackboard on p. 22 should be one word as I have it here.
Top of p. 47, The researcher analyze should be analyzed

My view of the tables in Appendix D look messed up. Double

check the formatting of all the tables in that appendix. Make
sure they dont split a page. Same with Appendix F.

UWC dissertation compliance checklist 2014

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