1 - Dissertation Style Compliance Checklist-1
1 - Dissertation Style Compliance Checklist-1
1 - Dissertation Style Compliance Checklist-1
c. Acknowledgements
d. Abstract
e. Table of contents (TOC)
f. List of tables and figures
Correction required
Apparently, the formatting is a little different on my computer
than on yours. I want to make sure by checking on the
p. 25 has two lines at the top of the page (only) and then p.
26 started Summary. There is plenty of room on p. 25 for
the summary.
Check your tables and figures as I see some that split a page
or the title is on a separate page from the table or figure.
Also, check that all headings are not left hanging at the
bottom of a page.
b. In-text citations
After the first cite when there are more than two authors, all
subsequent citations should include et al. after the lead author
instead of all author names. FIX: Akcay et al. (2006) on p.
83; Ownby et al. (2012) on p. 84; Springvloet et al. (2014) on
p. 83; White et al. (2008) on p. 84; Zajacova et al. (2012) on
p. 85;
Please refer to p. 174 of the APA manual. If an author is
cited in the narrative (not in parentheses), you may omit the
year from subsequent cites in the same paragraph, when the
authors name is again used in the narrative. FIX: Blunt &
Hallum (2010) on p. 44; Brindley et al. (2009) on p. 33;
Harlen and Doubler (2004) on p. 34; Loeppke et al. (2010)
on p. 29;
When there are six or more authors, use et al. instead of
listing all authors in the citation. FIX: Gruson et al. (2013)
on p. 36.
Dongsong et al. (2004) p. 10 you are missing an author in
the list. P. 32, should be et al. P. 85, Dongsong et al. you
are missing the period after al.
E-Learning Fundamentals (2009), p. 19 does not match
year in reference. P. 36 should there be citations in the third
paragraph, especially where it starts outE-learning is the
process of teaching
P. 84, Harlen and Doubler (2004) the year should appear
with the author names, not at the end of the sentence.
Jones et al. (2011) on p. 31 use an ampersand before the
last author inside the parentheses. On p. 85, insert a period
after the al.
Kerr et al. (2006) on p. 35 is missing all three author names.
I do not see where you cited Liberty County, Georgia (2011)
Steinbronn & Merideth (2007) is not same year as reference.
SurveyMonkey (n.d.) on p. 22 is not cited with a year. In
addition, you could insert the year at first mention in the
sentence: SurveyMonkey (n.d.) allowed for the creation and
delivery of surveys online.
Sweeney et al. (2004) on p. 10 should include all three of the
author names the first time cited. The second time cited on p.
34 should use et al. (you have them backward).
Terry et al. (2011) on p. 53 should include all four author
Bureau of Labor Statistics should include U.S. in front on
bottom of p. 14. On p. 18, you use wrong year.
Virtual Classroom (n.d.) appears on p. 32 with wrong year.
c. Direct quotes
d. Tables and figures
e. References
f. Style mechanics
g. Writing style
h. Body pagination
4. Back matter
a. Appendices