E101 Syllabus 2015

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E 101: Introduction to Engineering & Problem Solving

College of Engineering
Fall 2015
Office Hours:
Class Meetings:

Engineering Ambassador (TA)



Course Prerequisites
This course is open only to first year students in the College of Engineering.
Goals and Objectives
This course is designed to introduce students to the field of Engineering and the
opportunities available at NC State University related to professional
development as well as academic and personal success. An objective will be to
integrate teamwork, problem solving, and verbal communication skills into a
design project in such a way that these skills become the foundation of a
successful engineering career. Early understanding of these skills will assist
students throughout their undergraduate experience and beyond.
Multimedia Text (All texts will be used throughout the semester)
Engineering Student Handbook:
Queen, H.A., Roberts, K.G. & Robbins, M.C. Engineering Student Handbook 201516,
Tavenner Publishing Co.
Course Website:
Introduction to Engineering & Problem Solving: https://wolfware.ncsu.edu/
College of Engineering (COE) Engineering First Year Program (EFY):
Engineering First Year: www.engr.ncsu.edu/firstyear
National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges
Grand Challenges for Engineering: www.engineeringchallenges.org


E101 Syllabus Fall 2015

E101 Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of the semester, students will be able to:
describe specifics of the various engineering disciplines and about careers in
identify and locate resources and opportunities that assist in achieving unique
educational goals,
work in teams to solve and present engineering problems,

apply a structured design process to develop a working model, and

present engineering problems and solutions in multimedia presentation modes.

Course Structure
E101 consists of a practicum and a lab section. The practicum portion of the
class will only meeting the first four full weeks of class, between the weeks of
August 24th and September 20th. During the first full week of classes students will
be required to attend both the practicum and the lab portion of their class.
During the second, third, and forth weeks of class you will only attend the
practicum and not the lab portion of class. Beginning the week of September 21nd
students will begin attending their lab section weekly and will no longer attend
the practicum.
Class Attendance
In accordance with NC State University policy instructors in 100 and 200-level
courses must keep a record of attendance. Attendance and promptness are

One absence will be permitted.

Each additional absence will result in a five-percentage point deduction

from the final course grade.
Each tardy will result in a two-percentage point deduction from the final
course grade.
Attendance of the practicum will be included in the course attendance
records and will be factored into grade calculations.

Attendance is mandatory for the following events regardless of when your

E101 class is scheduled:
College of Engineering Welcome (Thursday, August 20)

Freshman Engineering Design Day (Tuesday, November 24)

E101 Syllabus Fall 2015

Please see www.ncsu.edu/provost/academic_policies/index.html for NC State

University attendance regulations including a description of excused absences.
College of Engineering Welcome
The 15th Annual College Welcome held Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 4:30
PM at the Talley Student Union is mandatory. This event welcomes you to
the College of Engineering and introduces you to successful NC State
Engineering Alumni.
Note: If you have a documented class conflict, see your E 101instructor for a
possible make-up assignment. Note that most lab sections typically do not meet
this week. If you have a lab conflict please contact your instructor to confirm that
you are required to attend lab on this day.
Freshman Engineering Design Day Design Project
A team design project with content from various engineering disciplines will be
completed by the end of the semester and presented at the 16th Annual Freshman
Engineering Design Day to be held during the week of Thanksgiving (Tuesday,
November 24, 2015) at the McKimmon Center. This project may require students
to spend some personal funds, between zero and fifteen dollars, in order to
complete their design project.
Note: A list of these projects is available on the E 101 course page.

Students will complete multiple Teamwork & Peer Reviews through the CATME
teamwork assessment system throughout the semester that may impact their final
grade or individual assignment grades. This instrument will be used for
determining grade inequities among team members.
During the last two weeks of class each student will complete a web-based
Course Evaluation at http://classeval.ncsu.edu
This course will follow the NC State University policy on grading.
assignments will not be accepted unless previously approved. Questions about
grades must be made within one week of the return of the assignment.
FEDD Design Project (Team)


E101 Syllabus Fall 2015

Team Contract


Project Milestone
Design Day Participation


Final Team Presentation


Lab Assignments


Major Exploration
Additional Assignments

High Impact Activity Experience

Departmental Workshops (1 & 2)
Team Presentation
Practicum Assignments
ePack Majors
CODA Engineering Selections
Next 2 Semester Plan
Policies Exam*


>98 B
93 B
90 B92.9




F <6



Policies Exam*
Students will be given a Policies Exam. Students will take this exam outside of
regular class time. It will be an open book, timed exam. To successfully pass
E101, students must pass this exam with a 90% or better. Students will be
given six attempts to take this exam before October 2nd.
Students who do not successfully complete the policies exam will be required to
enroll in and pass E 122: Engineering Academic Success in the immediate spring
semester to be eligible to CODA into an engineering degree program.

E101 Syllabus Fall 2015

Opportunities (Highly Recommended)

Engineering Career Fair
September 29 & 30
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Sponsored by the College of Engineering:


Cooperative Education
Throughout your engineering education it is essential that you gain
practical experience. Cooperative Education (Co-Op) is an outstanding
opportunity to do that. You are encouraged to attend an information session
during your first semester to learn more.
Please visit: www.ncsu.edu/co-op_ed
Leadership Development Series
The College of Engineering has sponsored a college-wide membership to
the Leadership Development Series. This enables all COE students to attend
LDS workshops free of charge. You may even pursue a leadership
View a list of the workshops, and sign up at http://csleps.dasa.ncsu.edu/leadership/lds
Equal Opportunity Institute
The EOI is an opportunity for students who wish to expand their
understanding and knowledge of issues related to diversity, inclusion,
communication, and discrimination. This program consists of a series of
workshops and classes that are free to NC State University students, faculty
and staff.
For more information please visit: www.ncsu.edu/eoi

University Policies
All NC State University policies can be found at the following web page:
Several of these policies are reprinted below for your convenience:
Progress Toward Undergraduate Degree Completion
The objective of this regulation is to encourage timely transition (CODA) into a
degree program and reasonable progress toward graduation. For more

E101 Syllabus Fall 2015

information regarding this policy, we recommend that you review the following
site: http://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/reg-02-05-03
Academic Integrity Statement
1. North Carolina State University requires that all students abide by the Code of
Student Conduct. For a complete statement of this policy and consequences of
violation of this Code, please see http://studentconduct.ncsu.edu/academicintegrity-resources
2. The students and faculty of NC State University believe that the willingness of
students to affirm and adhere to the essential values of honesty and integrity in
all their academic endeavors is exemplified in the Honor Pledge: I have
neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test or assignment.
It is this instructors understanding and expectation that the students name or
signature on any test or assignment means that the student neither gave nor
received unauthorized aid.
3. Instructors will not tolerate plagiarism or cheating. Violators will be subject to
sanctions as described in the Code of Student Conduct.
NC State Policy on Working with Students with Disabilities
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities.
In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register
with Disability Services for Students at Student Health Services Building, 2815
Caters Avenue, Suite 2221, Campus Box 7509, 919-515-7653.
For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with
disabilities, please see http://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/reg-02-20-01
NC State Non-Discrimination Statement
It is the policy of the State of North Carolina to provide equality of opportunity in
education and employment for all students and employees. Accordingly, the
university does not practice or condone unlawful discrimination in any form
against students, employees or applicants on the grounds of age (40 or older),
color, disability, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race,
religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Discrimination based upon association with any of the aforementioned statuses is
in violation of federal and state law and or North Carolina State University policy,
and will not be tolerated.

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