Master of Science in Computer Science and Information Systems (MS-CSIS) Exit Examination Process and Report Format

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Master of Science in Computer Science and Information Systems

Exit Examination Process and Report Format
Revision date: June 19, 2013
Revised by: Dr. Michael Farmer

1. Overview of the MS-CSIS Exit Exam

This document defines the format of the Exit Exam Report for Master of Science in
Computer Science and Information Systems at University of Michigan Flint. The
overall objective of the report is to assess the students understanding of the core
concepts presented throughout the courses required for the degree, and demonstrate his
ability to synthesize concepts from multiple courses.
Most of the required courses in the MS-CSIS program provide a reading list of
journals and other scholarly articles related to that subject area. For the MS-CSIS Exit
Exam Report, the student shall select as a minimum one paper each from two different
courses, or substitute other suitable articles with the approval of the students advisor.
The student shall then integrate the information from these papers with at least two
additional technical papers found by the student into a coherent exposition which
describes a technical problem related to these two topics. Further additional reference
material consisting of other scholarly papers is strongly encouraged. These additional
reference materials may be from any appropriately technical source (Note Wikipedia is
not considered an appropriate technical source).
The students program advisor shall serve as the exam advisor. The Exit Exam
Report shall be reviewed by the advisor and one other faculty member. The additional
faculty member shall be jointly selected by the student and her advisor based on the
proposed content of the Exit Exam paper, and the consent of the faculty member. The
additional faculty member may be either an adjunct professor or a tenure track faculty
member. The topic and reference papers for the Exit Exam must be approved by both the
advisor and the second reader for the paper. The Exit Exam Approval Form is provided
in the Appendix. The signed Approval Form should be submitted to the program
secretary for inclusion in the students folder.
The Exit Exam Report shall be graded Pass/Fail. The specific rubrics for grading of
the Exit Exam Report are provided in Section 3. Satisfactory completion of the exam is
required for graduation and issuance of the M.S. degree. Students who fail to submit a
satisfactory Exit Exam Report must modify and re-submit the report during the following
semester. An additional edit and review may be allowed within the graduating semester
at the discretion of both readers. Specific timing for submission of the Exit Exam Report
is provided in Section 2.
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The exit exam serves as a direct measure for the department in assessing the learning
of the students throughout their tenure in the program. A subset of the programs
objectives and desired outcomes that is used for program assessment and measured
through the exit exam is provided in the following table. Specifically, the integration of
subtopics from two courses into the topic of the exit exam allows the students the
opportunity to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and also to integrate knowledge
from multiple computer science or information systems sub-topics.
Possess knowledge and
comprehension of the state-ofthe-art of advanced computer
science or information systems.
Ability to relate and integrate
knowledge from multiple
computer science or information
systems sub-topics.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students shall have the knowledge to
successfully apply to PhD program for further
Students shall demonstrate ability to integrate
multiple computing or IS concepts.
Students shall be able to evaluate and
discriminate solutions from multiple computing
or IS concepts.
Student shall demonstrate understanding of the
core concepts presented throughout the courses
required for the degree, and demonstrate their
ability to synthesize concepts from multiple

2. Timing of the Exit Exam Report

The Exit Exam Report shall be completed during the students final semester of their
expected graduation. The student must meet the following deadlines for the Exit Exam
for each semester. Failure to meet any deadline will result in the student being required
to complete the Exit Exam the following semester. Submission dates for the Exit Exam
Report shall be as follows:
- Fall Semester:
i. Exit Exam Proposal Form Submitted: September 30
ii. First (rough) Draft Due: November 1
iii. Final Submission Due: December 1
- Winter Semester:
i. Exit Exam Proposal Form Submitted: Jan 31
ii. First (rough) Draft Due: March 1

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iii. Final Submission Due: April 1

Spring/Summer Semesters:
i. Exit Exam Proposal Form Submitted: May 31
ii. First (rough) Draft Due: July 1
iii. Final Submission Due: August 1

3. Assessment Rubrics for the Exit Exam Report

The Exit Exam Report shall be assessed for its quality based on the following rubrics:
- Scope and novelty of the topic
- Depth of understanding of the technical concepts
- Organization of the document
- Clarity of writing
The grading form which the faculty will use is attached to the end of this document.

4. Format for the Exit Exam Paper

The Exit Exam Report shall be presented in the form of a 20 page (double spaced 12
point Times New Roman font) document to be reviewed by the students academic
advisor and one other appropriate faculty member. The outline for the document shall be
as follows:


5. Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

As the exit exam is the students opportunity to demonstrate to the MS-CSIS faculty
their accumulated knowledge derived from the coursework in the program, academic
integrity is of the utmost importance. Students must ensure that their exit exam consists
of their own work and text from external references must be placed in quotation marks
and properly cited to the originating work. Every exit exam will be processed in
SafeAssign or a comparable online plagiarism detection tool. If any paper is found to
contain significantly more than 20% directly copied text from outside sources, the
advisor may fail the student on the exam. Depending on the severity of the plagiarism,
the student may then be referred to the MS-CSIS graduate program director who in
consultation with the faculty advisor will jointly determine if the student will be given
another opportunity or if the student will be dismissed from the program.

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Exit Exam Topic Approval Form

Students Name:_________________________


Semester Graduating: F__ W__ Sp/Su___

Title of Exit Exam:_____________________________________________________


Courses Used For Exam:_________________________________________

Brief Abstract of Exit Exam:____________________________________________

Preliminary Reference Papers Used:_______________________________________


Advisor Approval Signature:____________________________ Date:______________

Second Reader Approval Signature:_______________________ Date:______________

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Master of Science in Computer Science and Information Systems

Exit Examination Evaluation Form
Revision date: April 9, 2012
Student Name:________________________________


Exit Exam Title:_____________________________________________________

Semester Submitted:__________________
Reviewed by:______________________

Date Reviewed:_____________

Evaluation Scale: 1- Unacceptable, 2- Below Expectations, 3: At Expectations 4: Above

Expectations, 5: Significantly Exceeded Expectations
6. Scope and Novelty of the Topic
- Clarity and Completeness of Scope:____________

Novelty of Topic:____________

7. Depth of Understanding of the Technical Concepts

- Demonstration of Understanding of Concepts:_____________

Results Were Clearly Defined and Justified:___________

Quality and Use of References:___________

8. Organization of the Document

- Document Followed Required Format:________________

Flow of Material was Clear and Logical:_____________

9. Clarity of Writing
- Document was Grammatically Correct:____________

Writing was Clear and Purposeful:___________

10. Overall Evaluation:____________

6. SafeAssign Plagiarism %:___________


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