CMPT 215.3 Introduction To Computer Organization and Architecture

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CMPT 215.

3 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

Department of Computer Science University of Saskatchewan Spring & Summer 2009 (S2)

Course Description:
An introduction to the design of contemporary computer systems, focusing on the hardware-software interface and the upper hardware levels. Topics include machine and assembly language, computer arithmetic, the processor datapath and control, pipelining, memory hierarchies, and I/O systems. Note: A student cannot receive credit for more than one of CMPT 215 and E E 331.

Purpose of Course:
Most students will enter this class with familiarity with computer systems as endusers and as high-level language programmers. This class is designed to provide an introduction to a portion of what lies below the application programming interface, namely, the basic organization and architecture of contemporary computer systems.


CMPT 214 Michael Janzen (Spinks S306, x1434) [email protected] M, W, F 2:00pm - 3:50pm (Thorv 110) M, W, F 4:00pm - 5:20pm (Thorv S320) Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface (4th edition), David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier, 2009.

Instructor Information:

Lectures: Tutorial: Text:

Topics Outline with Textbook Readings

1. Data Representation Character and string representations, unsigned integers, signed integers, oating point numbers. Text: Chapter 2 and 3 2. Machine and Assembly Language MIPS machine and assembly language, addressing methods, instruction sets, procedures, implementing assembly language - assembly, linking, loading. Text: Chapter 2, and Appendix B. 3. Assessing and Understanding Performance Factors determining performance, performance metrics, benchmarking. Text: Chapter 1. 4. Implementing Arithmetic Basics of digital logic circuits, implementing a basic ALU, carry lookahead addition, Booths algorithm for multiplication. Text: Chapter 3 and Appendix C. 5. Datapath and Control Processor datapath and control, building a single cycle implementation of a MIPS subset, pipelining, multiple issue. Text: Chapters 4 and Appendix C. 6. Memory Temporal and spatial locality, memory hierarchies, caches, virtual memory. Text: Chapter 5. 7. I/O Selected Topics from I/O devices, buses, I/O programming, and Parallel Computing. Text: Chapter 6 and 7. IMPORTANT! Please read: 1. All students must be properly registered in order to attend lectures and receive credit for this course. 2. Failure to write the nal exam will result in failure of the course. 3. Failure to complete required course work will result in failure of the course.

There will be 4 assignments corresponding to 7%, 7%, 7%, and 3% of the nal mark respectively. Assignments will involve a mix of programming, and paper and pencil exercises, with programming to be done in MIPS assembly language using the SPIM simulator. An in-lab programming test will be held at the end of July or early August. The midterm test and the nal examination will be closed book (no books, no notes, simple calculators). A simple calculator should have the following features: add, subtract, multiply, divide, and a single memory. It may also have a square root feature and a percent function. Calculators with more advanced features will not be permitted. The weighting for the assignments and examinations are as follows: Assignments: In-lab Programming Test: Midterm Test: Final Examination: 24 10 16 50 % % % %

Submitted course work must be the students own work. While discussing course material is permitted, submission of work done by a group or another student, or submission of material found on the Internet is not allowed. Failure to write the nal exam will result in a failing grade in the course.

Laboratory Facilities
The laboratory work for this course requires use of the SPIM simulator for the MIPS assembly language. This has been installed on the Computer Science Department labs. It can also be found on the CD that comes with the textbook, or downloaded from

Missed Examinations
1. A student who misses a mid-term due to illness must contact their instructor by email on the day of the missed text explaining the reason for their absence. The student must subsequently provide appropriate medical documentation to the instructor at which time the instructor and the student shall discuss how the missed exam will be made up.

2. A student who cannot attend the mid-term for religious reasons or due to a conict with another class or examination must inform the instructor at least two weeks prior to the test date so that alternative arrangements can be made. 3. A student who misses the nal examination for any reason, has a conict with another nal examination, or cannot attend the nal examination for religious reasons must follow the appropriate procedures outlined in the University of Saskatchewan calendar.

Incomplete Course Work and Your Final Grade

When a student has not completed the required course work, which includes any assignment or examination including the nal examination, by the time of submission of the nal grades, they may be granted an extension to permit completion of an assignment, or granted a deferred examination in the case of absence from a nal examination. Extensions for the completion of assignments must be approved by the Department Head, or Dean in non-departmentalized Colleges, and may exceed thirty days only in unusual circumstances. The student must apply to the instructor for such an extension and furnish satisfactory reasons for the deciency. Deferred nal examinations are granted as per College policy. In the interim, the instructor will submit a computed percentile grade for the course which factors in the incomplete course work as a zero, along with a grade comment of INF (Incomplete Failure) if a failing grade. In the case where the instructor has indicated in the course outline that failure to complete the required course work will result in failure in the course, and the student has a computed passing percentile grade, a nal grade of 49% will be submitted along with a grade comment of INF (Incomplete Failure). If an extension is granted and the required assignment is submitted within the allotted time, or if a deferred examination is granted and written in the case of absence from the nal examination, the instructor will submit a revised computed nal percentage grade. The grade change will replace the previous grade and any grade comment of INF (Incomplete Failure) will be removed. For provisions governing examinations and grading, students are referred to the University Council Regulations on Examinations section of the Calendar (2007/08 University of Saskatchewan Calendar/Exams & Grades/Grading System)

Department Policy on Academic Honesty

Students are expected to be academically honest in all of their scholarly work, including course assignments and examinations. Academic honesty is dened and described in the Department of Computer Science Statement on Academic Honesty ( and the University of Saskatchewan Academic Honesty Website ( All students will be asked to make a Declaration of Academic Honesty. Students using the E-Handin system to submit an assignment for the rst time will be prompted with a declaration of academic honesty. After reading the declaration, you will be presented with three options: Agree, Disagree, or Decide Later. If you choose Decide Later you will be prompted again the next time you log into the E-Handin system. Agreement or disagreement applies to all CMPT courses in which you are registered. For classes that do not use the E-Handin system, each student may be requested to submit a signed paper copy of the Declaration of Academic Honesty to their course instructor. An instructor, at their option, may ask students to sign the paper declaration, even if their class is making use of E-Handin. The Department has decided to create a Departmental Academic Dishonesty Panel, which consists of two faculty members appointed by the Department Head and one student member appointed by the CSSS. If an instructor has reason to suspect academic dishonesty on an assignment, the instructor will not return the original assignment to the student. Instead it will be forwarded along with all relevant evidence to the Department Academic Dishonesty Panel. The Panel will deliberate on the case, possibly requiring testimony from the student(s) involved. The Panel, in consultation with the instructor, will decide whether the case should be forwarded to the Arts and Science Student Academic Aairs Committee for a disciplinary hearing or whether the case should be handled locally within the Department. Should the Panel nd no evidence of dishonesty, the case will be excused. In cases where dishonesty is determined, the Panel may decide to issue a warning and delete any mark associated with that assignment. In such cases, a formal warning letter will be sent to the student, copied to the instructor and the Arts and Science Student Academic Aairs Committee, and no other academic penalty will be applied. If the student or instructor is dissatised with the Panels decision, either party may request that the case be reviewed by the Student Academic Aairs Committee. The Student Academic Aairs Committee treats all cases according to the University Policy and has the right to apply strict academic penalties (see council/reports/09-27-99.shtml for details).

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