Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad. B.Tech IV-I Sem

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UNIT I J2ME Overview -Java 2 Micro Edition and the World of Java, Inside J2ME, J2ME and Wireless Devices Small Computing Technology: Wireless Technology, Radio Data Networks, Microwave Technology, Mobile Radio Networks, Messaging, Personal Digital Assistants UNIT II J2ME Architecture and Development Environment- J2ME Architecture, Small Computing Device Requirements, Run-Time Environment, MIDlet Programming, Java Language for J2ME, J2ME Software Development Kits, Hello World J2ME Style, Multiple MIDlets in a MIDlet Suite, J2ME Wireless Toolkit. UNIT III J2ME Best Practices and Patterns: The Reality of Working in a J2ME World, Best Practices , Commands, Items, and Event Processing: J2ME User Interfaces, Display Class, The Palm OS Emulator, Command Class, Item Class, Exception Handling UNIT IV High-Level Display Screens: Screen Class, Alert Class, Form Class, Item Class, List Class, Text Box Class, Ticker Class Low-Level Display Canvas: The Canvas, User Interactions, Graphics, Clipping Regions, Animation UNIT V Record Management System- Record Storage, Writing and Reading Records, Record Enumeration, Sorting Records, Searching Records, Record Listener. UNIT VI JDBC Objects: The Concept of JDBC, JDBC Driver Types, JDBC Packages, Overview of the JDBC Process, Database Connection, statement Objects, Result set, Transaction Processing, Metadata, Data Types, Exceptions. UNIT VII JDBC and Embedded SQL: Model Programs, Tables, Indexing, Inserting Data into Tables, Selecting Data from a Table, Metadata, Updating Tables, Deleting Data form a Table, Joining Tables, Calculating Data, Grouping and Ordering Data, Subqueries, VIEWs UNIT VIII Generic Connection Framework: The Connection, Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Communication Management Using HTTP Commands, Session Management, Transmit as a Background Process. REFERENCES: 1. J2ME: The Complete Reference, James Keogh, Tata McGrawHill. Enterprise J2ME: Developing Mobile Java Applications Michael Juntao Yuan, Pearson Education, 2004 Beginning Java ME Platform, Ray Rischpater, Apress, 2009 Beginning J2ME: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition, Sing Li, Jonathan B. Knudsen, Apress, 2005 Kicking Butt with MIDP and MSA:Creating Great Mobile Applications,1st edition,J.Knudsen,Pearson.


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