Role of Environmental Management System in TQM Environment
Role of Environmental Management System in TQM Environment
Role of Environmental Management System in TQM Environment
Managements of Business organisations are under constant pressure from various groups like
Legislation, Customers, Markets, Insurance, Public and Media to achieve and demonstrate sound
environmental performance.
Organisations need to adhere to the statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the
country to be in business. There is no equal pressure in all the countries. In developed and
advanced countries, the legislation for protection of environment has become a high priority.
Environmental regulatory bodies, like the Pollution Control Board play, a significant role in the
implementation and monitoring of the legislative requirements.
Individual customers and corporate customers would like to purchase products from
manufacturers who are committed to environmental protection. Eco-Label award or certification
to ISO 14000 EMS standards provides confidence to the customers that the suppliers are
committed to environmental protection and improvement.
Market Trends
Environmental issues have influenced the consumption patterns of many products. Manufacturers
need to study the market trends to prepare the business plans. Some examples of this changing
trend are
Usage pattern of pesticides, refrigerants and solvents
Reduction in the use of solvents due to water based alternatives
Alternatives to wood being developed
Usage of sodium hexafluoride as insulating gas under threat
Insurance companies are creating pressure on the industry to institute an EMS by providing
tailored insurance policies than general policies. Pollution liability is restricted to sudden and
accidental and no cover for gradual pollution incidents.
Sudden and accidental
-Bhopal, Chernobyl etc.,
Gradual - Disposal of toxic waste by burial
- Leakage of pipes, tanks or pits
- Discharge into streams or rivers
- Release of fumes into atmosphere
Public and Media
Public consisting of local residents, organisation's workforce, investors and insurers, customers
and environmental interest groups like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth are creating
awareness on environmental issues. Wide usage of the Internet and government regulations will
lead organisations to provide information on the environmental performance.
Environmental Management Systems - Need
Organisations of all kinds are increasingly concerned to achieve and demonstrate sound
environmental performance by controlling the impact of their activities, products and services on
the environment taking into consideration their environmental policy and objectives. The
Environmental Management System of an organisation is expected to meet the following needs:
Meet the regulatory, and legislative requirements
1.Improve the control of the environmental impact
2.Provide confidence to the customers that the products and services are manufactured with the
aim of reducing the negative impact on the environment
3.Suitably accommodate changing market trends and gain competitive edge
4.Reduce the costs associated with environmental liabilities and Insurance Gain public and media
Any TQM model expects that organisation is socially responsible, fulfilling the environment
management systems as per ISO 14001 any organisation demonstrate their concern for the