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a b s t r a c t
Matrix crack
A model enabling the detection of damages developing during a low velocity/low energy impact test on
laminate composite panels has been elaborated. The ply model is composed of interface type elements to
describe matrix cracks and volumic nite elements. This mesh device allows to respect the material
orthotropy of the ply and accounts for the discontinuity experimentally observed. Afterwards delaminations are described with interfaces similar to the ones observed with matrix cracks and the coupling
between these two damages are established. In the rst step, simple stress criteria are used to drive these
interface type elements in order to assess the relevance of model principle. Nevertheless, the well known
problem of mesh sensitivity of these criteria prevents the use of this model for now as a predictive tool
but rather as a qualitative tool. An experimental validation is carried out thanks to impact experimental
tests performed by Aboissiere (2003) and a very good match has been found. However, this model could
predictivelly be used and would allow to foresee an original method to detect delaminations during an
experimental test. This modelling has been successfully tested experimentally and compared to a C-Scan
ultrasonic investigation.
1. Introduction
Composite materials are being increasingly used in airframe and
spatial applications thanks to their interesting mechanical characteristics and low specic weight. Nevertheless, for structures submitted to low energy impacts or minor objects drop, like tools
during assembly or maintenance operation, composite laminates
reveal a brittle behaviour and can undergo signicant damages in
terms of matrix cracks, bres breakages or delamination. These
damages are particularly dangerous because they drastically reduce
the residual mechanical characteristics of the structure, and at the
same time can leave very little visible mark onto the impacted surface. Many authors have consequently studied the impact behaviour of composite structures and their effects on residual
strength, both experimentally (Abrate, 1998; Aoki et al., 2006; Petit
et al., 2007; Davies and Olsson, 2004; Kwon and Sankar, 1993 . . .), as
well as numerically (Allix and Blanchard, 2006; Choi and Chang,
1992; Finn and Springer, 1993; Li et al., 2006; De Moura and Gonalves, 2004; Guinard et al., 2002; Hou et al., 2001 . . .), but a lot of
work is still necessary to improve the modelling of the damage
developing during impact on composite laminates to better assess
author. Address: Universit Paul Sabatier, Filire Gnie Mcanique, Bt. 3PN 118, route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cedex 04, France. Tel.: +33
(0) 5 61 55 84 26; fax: +33 (0) 5 61 55 81 78.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Bouvet).
The second one is the delamination induced by a surface bending crack. A bending matrix crack located at the surface ply of
the laminate generates a delamination along the rst interface
of the cracked ply.
These two damages scenarios underline the fundamental role
played by the interaction between these two damages which exists
during the impact damage progression. Consequently this interaction must be taken into account in modelling to correctly simulate
the experimental observations. To account for this interaction,
many solutions have been suggested in the literature.
For instance one put forward by Choi and Chang, with reference
to the impact damage scenario mentioned above, has used a very
interesting delamination criterion evaluated only with mean stresses of the upper (noted n + 1) and lower (noted n) plies (z is the
interface normal direction):
Da 4 n1
rnt 2 5
where sn1
is the shear stress in the upper ply with t and z,
respectively, the transverse and normal direction of the considered
ply, snlz and rnt , respectively, the shear and normal stress of the lower ply expressed in the considered ply reference, Sni and Sin1 the
in situ interlaminar shear strength, respectively, in the lower and
upper plies and Y n the in situ transverse tensile or compressive
strength in the lower ply. The two rst terms in the square brackets
represent the effects of a shear matrix crack on the creation of a
delamination. These terms allow to account for the phenomena
named by Choi and Chang the delamination induced by inner
stress charactershear cracks (top of Fig. 2). The rst term in stz
izes more specially the opening in fracture mode I of the delamination due to the shear matrix cracks of the upper ply and the second
term in snlz stress characterizes the propagation in fracture mode II
of the delamination due to the important stiffness in the longitudinal direction (due to bres) of the lower ply. This last phenomenon
is meant to explain, according to the authors, the propagation of
delamination in the bres direction of the lower ply.
The third term in the square brackets represents the effects of a
matrix transverse crack on the creation of a delamination in the
upper interface. This term allows to account for the phenomenon
Ply n2 (0)
Ply n3 (45)
Ply n3 (45)
Ply n2 (0)
Ply n1 (-45)
Ply n2 (0)
Section B-B
Ply n1 (-45)
Section A-A
Zones of interlaminar
tension stress
Non-Impacted Side
Fig. 1. Formation mechanism of delaminations (a) and interface tension stress zones (b).
Fig. 2. Impact damage mechanisms. Top: delamination induced by inner shear cracks. Bottom: delamination induced by surface bending crack.
used in the literature, seems to be very interesting because it allows to simply introduce the interaction between intra and inter
plies damages and consequently is suggested in the proposed
Afterwards, these interfaces are included in a laminate panel
mesh but only where damages were detected during an experimental test which is of course a limitation for a predicting model.
The simulations are quite in accordance with experiments even if
the delamination is overestimated and the matrix cracks underestimated. According to the authors, these differences can be attributed to the mixed-mode damage model used and to the inter/
intralaminar values of fracture mechanics characteristics which
are considered identical. However, the apparent simplicity of the
stacking sequences does not allow to test the predictive capacity
of this model.
Collombet et al. (1996) have equally used an interface element
driven by a simple criterion in normal stress which is implemented in an explicit FE code. The simplicity of the delamination
criterion driven only with normal stress is explained by the big
importance given to the rst opening mode of fracture compared
to the second and third fracture modes. This hypothesis is difcult to be experimentally tested and is largely discussed in the literature but it is used in the proposed model because it enables a
very good delamination prediction comparing to experimental results. More experimental investigations are yet necessary to be
done to evaluate the inuence of each fracture mode on delamination formation.
Afterwards, in the modelling of Collombet et al., the matrix
cracking is taken into account by a simple transverse stress criterion and the coupling between inter and intra laminar damage is
imposed by a precursor role of the matrix cracks: a delamination
is possible only if the lower ply is saturated in the matrix cracking.
The comparison between experiment and simulation is quite in
accordance even if the apparent simplicity of the stacking sequence does not allow to test the predictive capacity of this model.
Before concluding on this brief review of a few impact models,
one is going to focus on two works dealing specially with the interaction between the inter and intraply damages.
Ladevze et al. (2006) have studied the bridge between the
mesomodel of impact damage mentioned above (Allix and Blanchard, 2006) and a micro model in microscale. Their main conclusion is that the mesomodel can be interpreted as the homogenized
result of micro model. Thanks to this homogenisation, they have
assessed the inuence of intraply micro damage on the inter ply
meso damage, i.e. the interaction between the intra and inter plies
damages. They have concluded in particular that intralaminar
damages have a negligible inuence on interface damage under
normal stress loading but a major role under shear stress loading.
This conclusion is in correlation with experimental scenario of
Renault (1994) who has given to shear matrix cracks and consequently to shear stresses a major role on the delamination formation. This idea has been largely used for the model building.
Then the authors have concluded that in their opinion a more
specic link between delamination and transverse cracking must
be derived.
A work with similar conclusions has equally been performed by
Lammerant and Verpoest (1996). In their approach, they have
modelized a laminate panel with volumic elements and damage
springs for matrix cracks, as well as for delamination cracks. These
damage spring elements are driven by critical energy release rate
in mixed mode with linear interaction. The energy release rates
are identied for 0/0, 0/90 and 45/45 interfaces and for
intraply matrix cracks. They have studied only the propagation of
these damages, i.e. initial damages are rst present in the structure. They have shown in particular that the delamination shape
depends strongly on the rst matrix cracks and have concluded
that the existence of matrix cracks cannot be neglected when calculating the delamination development. This idea is present in the
proposed model even if the cases of initiation and propagation of
delamination are distinguished. In fact the existence of precursor
matrix cracks seems to be necessary for a delamination initiation
but not for its propagation.
Before concluding from this bibliography, which is of course not
exhaustive, the authors invite the interest readers to consult review papers of Abrate (1998) or Davies and Olsson (2004).
The conclusions which are made from this bibliography are the
An interface element is necessary to correctly simulate a delamination and in particular its degradation.
An interface element is necessary to correctly simulate matrix
cracks. Indeed we think that a continuum degradation model
of the ply cannot take into account the effect of the matrix crack
on the delamination. This important remark, which can be
proved, is in our opinion the reason of an appropriate model
derived from experiment.
A coupling between the intra and inter ply damages is necessary
and informations must be exchanged between the interfaces
elements of the matrix cracks and delamination.
Then the aim of this work is to build a FE model which allows to
account for these different remarks:
Interface elements are used to simulate delamination.
Interface elements are used to simulate matrix cracks in each
ply and consequently the FE mesh must respect the bres direction of each ply.
The FE proposed allows the discussing between these two interface element types in order to account for the interaction
between delamination and matrix cracks.
Finally this model is used to simulate experimental impact
tests performed by Aboissiere (2002, 2003) on laminate composite 100 150 mm2 plates simply supported by a 75 125 mm2
shadow IGC04:26:383N 4 Airbus) with a spherical impactor of
16 mm diameter. The material used is a prepreg with carbon unidirectional bres and epoxy matrix HTA/EH24 manufactured by
HEXCEL of around 0.25 mm thickness ply. The material characteristics evaluated by test are summarized on Table 1. Where El and
Et are the Young Modulus in longitudinal and transverse direction, respectively, mlt the Poisson ratio, efl the failure strain in longitudinal direction, rft the failure stress in transverse direction, Glt
the shear modulus, sflt the failure shear stress and GI the critical
energy release rate obtained in propagation with a 0/0
Among the numerous experimental investigations in the literature (Aoki et al., 2006; Davies and Olsson, 2004; Petit et al., 2007;
Kwon and Sankar, 1993 . . .), Aboissieres work (2002, 2003) was
used to set this model because of the following interests:
Firstly, the main stacking sequence used in these tests
0 2 ; 45 2 ; 90 2 ; 45 2 S respects the classical stacking laws, as the
mirror symmetry and no angle exceeds 45 between two consecutive plies. This stacking is very simple, but does not allow to have a
too complicated model; other model verications are in progress in
more specic industrial sequences.
Table 1
Material parameters.
El (GPa)
Et (GPa)
efl (%)
rft (MPa)
Glt (GPa)
sflt (MPa)
GI (N/m)
280 50
Transverse cracks
hrt i
s2 s2tz
where rt is the transverse stress, slt and stz the shear stresses in the
(lt) and (tz) planes, < > the positive value and rft and sflt the failure
stresses mentioned above. A particularity of this model is to drive
this matrix cracking criterion of these springs thanks to stresses
in adjacent elements and not to stresses in the spring. Then, the criterion is evaluated in each volumic element of the ply, and a spring
is broken if this criterion is reached in at least one of its 4 neighbouring volumic elements. For example, for the spring R1 of the
Fig. 4, the criterion is evaluated thanks to the mean stress in the 4
volumic elements E1 ; E2 ; E3 ; E4 , and not to the force in the spring,
which allows to avoid stress concentration at the tip of the matrix
cracks. This criterion can be considered as an average stress criterion as the one proposed by Whitney and Nuismer (1974). In fact,
this is similar to average stresses over a distance which depends
on the mesh size. This mesh sensitivity will have to be further studied, nevertheless in the present simulated impact test, the matrix
2 6 1
E4 A
B E2
Matrix Cracks
Spring R1 : driven by
criterion in volumic
elements E1, E2, E3, E4
Fig. 4. Model of the ply.
el 6 efl
and Blanchard, 2006), similar to the one presented above for matrix crack, is implemented.
In fact, four springs are necessary (Fig. 6a), because there are
two nodes for the upper ply and two nodes for the lower ply. Then
each spring makes the bonding between one upper ply node and
one lower ply node. Physically, each spring represents one quarter
of the delamination concerned surface (Fig. 6b). For example, in
Fig. 6b, the spring R1 between the nodes A and D represents the
surface R1 . Now a criterion must be dened to drive interface crack
spring and to simulate the delamination. Two approaches are classically possible, one in fracture mechanics with a criterion in energy release rate and another one in limit stress. In the actual
0 ply
90 ply
45 ply
-45 ply
Fig. 7. The four mesh types of 0, 90, 45 and 45 plies.
Fig. 5. Model of the interfaces.
Fig. 6. The four springs of delamination (a) and the covered surface (b).
For i 1 to 4 :
F zi
6 rlim
Surf =4
where rzi is the interlaminar normal stress in the z direction for the
spring i, F zi the force in the spring i, Surf the surface concerned with
the group of four springs and r lim a limit stress of interface crack.
This limit stress, fundamental for this model, is characteristic of
the delamination initiation, with or without preliminary matrix
cracking as well as its propagation. Then three delamination cases
can be distinguished:
G (N/m)
F (N)
Y (mm)
d (mm)
Fig. 10. Force versus displacement curve (a) and critical energy release rate at the crack tip (b).
3. Experimental validation
Sdelam (mm2)
Fmax (kN)
Energy (J)
Fmax (kN)
Fig. 11. Maximum impact force versus energy curve (a) and delaminated area versus maximum impact force curve (b).
stress rlim mentioned above. Moreover the limit stress used for
delamination springs was identied due to this curve and the correlation allows only to verify the good identication of this
The different damage types given by the model are summarized
in Fig. 12. At the left of this gure, the matrix cracking is drawn
from the rst ply, non-impacted side, to the seventh ply, impacted
side. These matrix cracking damages show an axial symmetry imposed by the model, then the impact point is the central point of
estimate the impact force and could explain a part of the difference
between the experiments and modelling.
Afterwards, the evolution of the delaminated area versus maximum impact force is drawn in Fig. 11b and is compared to the
experiments. Like the previous case and for the same reason, the
experimental and model curves are in accordance up to 6 kN but
there is no proper match afterwards. We want equally to point
out that this comparison should be considered with caution because it is this curve which has been used to evaluate the limit
Stacking sequence :
[0 2 , 45 2 , 90 2 , -45 4 , 90 2 , 45 2 , 0 2 ]
Ply n7
impacted side
= 16 mm
Ply n1 non
impacted side
7 plies (with one double
ply in the middle) :
Ply 7 : 0
Fib res90
M atr ix
Fib res
Interface 6:
Ply 6 : 45
(45/0 )
M atr ix
Interface 5: (90/45)
Scale :
20 mm
Fib res
Ply 5 : 90
M atr ix
Interface 4: (-45/90)
Fib res
Ply 4 : -45
Scale :
20 mm
M atr ix
Interface 3: (90/-45)
Scale :
20 mm
Ply 3 : 90
Fib res
M atr ix
Scale :
20 mm
Fib res
Interface 2: (45/90)
Ply 2 : 45
M atr ix
Interface 1: (0/45)
M atr ix
Scale :
20 mm
Fib res
Ply 1 : 0
Fibres failure dama
Fig. 12. Numerical modelling of matrix cracking, bres failures and delamination for 6 mm displacement.
Fig. 13. Experimental and modelling delamination in the impacted (a) and non-impacted side (b).
45 Knee
4 mm
4 mm
0 45
45 90
0 Knee point
Fibres direction
section 45
section 0
Z-displacement (mm)
Model :
Cross section 0
Cross section 45
Experiment :
Cross section 0
Cross section 45
X (mm)
Fig. 15. Z-displacement of the non-impacted side composite panel in the 0 and 45 directions.
Fig. 16. Knee point curve with z-displacement eld (a) and with non-impacted side C-Scan (b).
50 mm
Boundary conditions
6 : 45/0
5 : 90/45
1 : 0/45
4 : -45/90
2 : 45/90
3 : 90/-45
Impacted side
A delamination formation which corresponds to the delamination propagation: when a disjointed strip is created by preliminary matrix cracking, a zone of tension stress is created and
involves a delamination propagation in opening mode I fracture
before the matrix cracking. This scenario corresponds to the one
proposed by Renault (Fig. 1). It is particularly visible in Fig. 12
where the delaminated areas are bigger than the matrix cracked
In a real laminate panel damaged by an impact test, the delamination initiation will be present in the zone directly under the impact point and the delamination propagates far from the impact
Consequently, it seems necessary to take into account these two
types of delamination formation to correctly simulate the impact
test damage.
4. Conclusion
A delamination formation which corresponds to the delamination initiation: when a ply develops an important matrix cracking damage with safe interfaces and when these matrix cracks
reach this interface, a delamination is initiated at this specic
point. These matrix cracks can be created by normal stresses,
which correspond to the surface bending cracks mentioned by
Choi and Chang or by shear stresses, which correspond to the
inner shear cracks mentioned by Choi and Chang (Fig. 2).
An impact damage model has been set up to simulate the different damage types forming during an impact test on laminate composite panel. The main ideas used to build this model are:
The matrix crack damage is modelized thanks to localized damage to take into account discontinuity created by this
The delamination damage is modelized with interface type elements, and the failure criteria depends on the stresses of the
interface but also on the stresses of the adjacent layers.
The bre failure is modelized thanks to continuum variable.
The main objective of this model is to better phycically understand the impact damage creation. In the rst step, very simple criteria written with stresses, was used in order to test the relevance
of fundamental ideas of this model. The well known problem of
mesh sensitivity of these criteria limits for now the use of this
model as a predictive tool.
Finally this model has been used to simulate experimental tests
performed by Aboissiere (2002, 2003) and shows very good agreement with experiment for the global response of the structure as
well as for the delamination morphology in each interface obtained
by C-Scan. This good result allows to justify the used hypothesis
and shows the relevance of this model. Then, it has been used to
underline different points:
The bres failure is fundamental in the impact damage development and in particular the bres failure in a direction locks the
delamination propagation in this direction and induces it in the
perpendicular direction. Experimental conrmation must be
done to conrm this effect, for example the use of bres with
very different failure strain.
The fracture mode I is fundamental on the delamination propagation. Indeed, the proposed model allows us to take into
account the delamination with only an interlaminar normal
stress criterion. Even if additional experiments must be done
to study the effect of the fracture mode II on delamination propagation, the present model allows to clearly conrm the predominance of the fracture mode I on this phenomenon. Of
course this result is true only for impact on this type of panel
and may be inappropriate on other congurations like for example impact on thick panel or tension on holed panel.
The displacement eld of the last ply is inuenced by the existence of the delamination and it is possible to evaluate the delaminated area during an indentation test thanks to an image
correlation system with two CCD cameras. A correlation of this
measure with a C-Scan allowed us to validate this method and
other tests are in progress to conrm this result.
Now the fundamental ideas of this model were conrmed by
the good relevance of the damage morphology, the different criteria should be improved to obtain a really predictive tool. The rst
point to study is the use of softening springs for delamination elements to eliminate the mesh sensitivity. This mesh sensitivity will
be tested on different meshes, for delamination elements, as well
as for matrix cracking elements. Another point to focus is the
development of a new criterion for damage of bres failure to better simulate the panel perforation. Finally the fracture mode II will
be taken into account to modelize other damages types like impact
on thick plate.
Afterwards this model will be used as an initial condition to
simulate a test of compression after impact, indeed the loss of
strength in compression is directly due to impact damage. But
the initial shape of the panel after impact inuence the residual
compression strength and this model must be improved to simulate the permanent indentation after impact.
However this permanent indentation is a dominating parameter
to certify a composite structure in the eld of aeronautics. Since it
is the damage tolerance concept: The structure must withstand
ultimate loads with a permanent indentation smaller than the
BVID (Barely Visible Impact Damage).
A lot of work is still necessary to wholly simulate the damage
tolerance of a composite panel and to take into account, at the
same time, the damage during impact and the permanent indentation to evaluate the residual strength and to optimise the design of
composite structures in damage tolerance.
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