Introduction To Sustainable Construction: Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

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Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Master in European Construction Engineering

Elena Blanco Fernndez

This topic is published under License:

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Funding sources in research.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Public: any public entity, the European Union, State, region, a city, etc, entirely
finances a research or development. It is the typical case of basic or applied
research. Its the typical format in the universities and research centres. Finance
is generally articulated through competitive calls.
Private: a private company fully finances a research or development. It can run it
either with its own resources (engineers, workers, facilities), or subcontract it to
a university or research centre. Very unusual in the construction sector. It is most
common in the pharmaceutical sector, where it is likely to recover the initial
Public-private: part of the money is provided by a public entity and another part
by a private firm. It is the most common case when research in the construction
sector. Usually the profits generated by the results of the research will fall
directly in the company and indirectly in society (greater saless, job creation,
greater exports, GDP increase, etc)

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Public financing:
Repayable: a public entity grants financial support to a beneficiary (company,
university or research centre) not being necessary to reimburse any amount
once the project has finished. It is the usual format of funding for universities
and research centres.
Low interest rate credit: the beneficiary is granted with a credit with a lower
interest rate than in market. In addition, there is a period of cadence (2-3
years) during which must not make any refund. The credit refund is usually
extended over a period of approximately 10 years.
Combination of both: sometimes, part of the funding of a project is
repayable and partly by low interest loans.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction


Research projects: For single entities or consortia of several entities. Any type
of entities: private companies, universities/research centres or public bodies.
Public bodies do not 'investigate' as such, but collaborate in the assignment of
spaces where to test fields. We must present an 'idea'.
Human resources: Recruitment of researchers who are assigned to a
university or research centre. Training (courses). Mobility of researchers
(financed stays in other centres)
Infrastructures: The purchase of equipment of laboratory facilities.
Internationalization: Finance the creation of collaborative networks of
common interests, at national or international level. Travels related with
meetings, conferences or seminars, etc can be funded.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction


Highly dependent on each type of call.
Full funding: 100% of the requested budget. Usually when it is basic and
applied research and is granted to universities or research centres.
Partial funding: Variable percentage (10% - 70%) of the budget requested.
Typical case for development or innovation and the funds go to companies.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction


R+D+i National Plan: Depends of the Secretariat of State of R+D+i (now part
of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). It is a program Spanish
framework for the funding of basic research, applied research, development
and innovation.
CDTi: Technological and Industrial Development Centre'. Public entity,
dependent on the Ministry of economy and competitiveness. They mainly
finance companies or groups formed by companies and
universities/research centres. Development and innovation. They may offer
low-interest loans or grants repayable. The percentage of funding is lower
than in the R+D+I National Plan.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

The European Union Framework Programmes: It is the largest financing
instrument for research in the European Union. During the period 2014-2020
'Horizon 2020, the 8th Framework Programme, is running. Any knowledge field
could be financed (expect armamentistic research).
Life +: Financing instrument for topics related with sustainability and
COST: 'European Cooperation in Science and Technology'. It finances the creation
of networks, mobility and training in Europe. Does not fund research.
COSME: 'Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises'. Financial instrument specific to small and medium-sized enterprises.
Finance policies, advice and assistance, mechanisms of access to credit. Does not
fund research.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Main mechanism of funding in Europe
Is the eighth Framework Programme for funding research.
Framework programmes began in 1984
FP1 (1984-1988): 3.75 billion
FP2 (1987-1991): 5.40 billion
FP3 (1990-1994): 6.60 billion
FP4 (1994-1998): 13.21 billion
FP5 (1998-2002): 14.96 billion
FP6 (2002-2006): 17.88 billion
FP7 (2007-2013): 53.20 billion
HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020): 77 billion (estimated)
Finances almost any topic
Finances EU countries mainly, but also outside the EU (depends on the call)
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Where does the money come from?
The available budget (77 billion ) is provided by EU member estates in
different proportions.
Who can participate?
Private companies
Research centres
Public organisms
Nearly everybody!
Individual researchers
What nationality?
UE member states (UE-28)
Other European countries (1)
Countries from rest of world (2)
(1) Named Associate Countries; are a total of 11 countries.
( )
(2) In some calls complying with certain requirements
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

What is financed?
Research projects
Basic research:
Very novel ideas: 'border knowledge'
Risky: can get successful results or not
Generally applied by a single and outstanding researcher.
Applied research, development and innovation
Usually consortia of several entities (private companies,
universities, government agencies, etc) are created
Ideas with a more practical application
Researchers mobility
Infrastructure equipment
Implementation of policy
Research in nuclear energy e.g. ITER International Thermonuclear
Experimental Reactor. Pilot plant of nuclear fusion energy.
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Financing instrument for research in topics related to the environment and
Budget for the period 2014-2020: 3,400 million
Types of eligible projects:
Research projects:
Innovative projects
Demonstration projects: prototypes, pilot plants, etc.
Consortia of several entities
Implementation of good practices or policies
Awareness campaigns
Amount funded: between 50% and 75% of the total budget of the project
Who can participate? Any entity although it depends on the specific call

Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction


Expenditure in R&D in percentage over the GDP

Relationship between expenditure on R&D as a percentage of

GDP and the weight of business funding (Year 2010).




Enterprise financing in R&D in percentage over the total expenditure

Source: Eurostat, produced by FECYT

Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin
Master in European Construction Engineering

Elena Blanco Fernndez

Este tema se publica bajo Licencia:

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Fuentes de financiacin en la

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Pblica: Un ente publico, la Unin Europea, el estado, una comunidad autnoma,
un ayuntamiento, etc, financia ntegramente una investigacin o desarrollo. Suele
ser en el caso de investigacin bsica o aplicada. Formato habitual en las
Universidades y Centros de Investigacin. La financiacin generalmente se
articula mediante convocatorias competitivas.
Privada: Una empresa privada financia ntegramente una investigacin o
desarrollo. Podr ejecutarlo con sus propios medios (ingenieros, laboratorio,
operarios, instalaciones) o bien subcontratrselo a una universidad o centro de
investigacin. Muy poco habitual en el sector de la construccin. Es ms habitual
en las empresas farmacuticas, donde es ms probable recuperar la inversin
Pblico-Privada: Parte del dinero lo proporciona un ente pblico y otra parte una
empresa privada. Es el caso ms habitual. Generalmente los beneficios generados
por los resultados de la investigacin recaern directamente en la empresa e
indirectamente en la sociedad (mayores ventas de la empresa, generacin de
puestos de trabajo, mayores exportaciones, contribucin al aumento del PIB del
pas, etc.).
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Financiacin pblica:
A fondo perdido: Un ente publico otorga una ayuda econmica a un
beneficiario (empresa, universidad o centro de investigacin) no siendo
necesario reembolsar ninguna cantidad finalizado el proyecto. Es el formato
habitual de financiacin para universidades y centros de investigacin.
Crditos a bajo inters: Se concede al beneficiario un crdito con un tipo de
inters menor que en le mercado. Adems, hay un periodo de cadencia (2-3
aos) durante el cual no hay que realizar ningn reembolso. La devolucin
del importe crdito se suele realizar a lo largo de un periodo aproximado de
10 aos.
Combinacin de ambas: En ocasiones, parte de la financiacin de un
proyecto se realiza a fondo perdido y otra parte mediante crditos a bajo
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Proyectos de investigacin: Para entidades nicas o consorcios de varias
universidades/centros de investigacin u organismos pblicos. Los organismos
pblicos no investigan como tal, pero colaboran en la cesin de espacios
donde realizar campos de pruebas. Hay que presentar una idea.
Recursos humanos: Contratacin de investigadores que se adscriben a una
Universidad o Centro de Investigacin. Ejemplo: Becas FPI, Becas FPU, Becas
Juan de la Cierva, Ramn y Cajal Formacin (cursos). Movilidad de
investigadores (se financian estancias en otros centros)

Financian la compra de equipos de laboratorio, o

Internacionalizacin: Financian la generacin de redes colaborativas de

intereses comunes, a nivel nacional o internacional. Financian viajes para
reuniones, conferencias, seminarios, difusin, etc.
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin


Depende enormemente de cada tipo de convocatoria

Financiacin total: El 100 % del presupuesto solicitado. Generalmente cuando

se trata de investigacin bsica o aplicada y se financia a universidades o
centros de investigacin.
Financiacin parcial: Porcentaje muy variable (entre el 10%-70%) del
presupuesto solicitado. Cuando se trata de desarrollo o innovacin y se
financia a empresas.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin


Plan Nacional de I+D+i: Dependiente de la Secretara de Estado de I+D+i

(ahora dependiente del Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad). Es un
programa marco espaol para la financiacin de Investigacin Bsica,
Investigacin Aplicada, Desarrollos e Innovacin.
CDTi: Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnolgico e Industrial. Entidad Pblica
Empresarial, dependiente del Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad.
Financian principalmente a empresas o agrupaciones formadas por
empresas y universidades/centros de investigacin. Desarrollo e Innovacin.
Pueden ofrecer crditos a bajo inters o ayudas a fondo perdido. El
porcentaje de financiacin es menor que en el Plan Nacional de I+D+i.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Programas Marco de la Unin Europea: Es el mayor instrumento de financiacin
para la investigacin de la Unin Europea. Durante el periodo 2014-2020 se ha
lanzado el Programa Marco Horizonte 2020. Financian reas de conocimiento de
todo tipo.
Life +: Instrumento de financiacin para temas relacionados con sostenibilidad y el
COST: European Cooperation in Science and Technology. Financia la creacin de
redes, movilidad y formacin en Europa. No financia investigacin per s.
COSME: Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises. Instrumento de financiacin especifico para pequeas y medianas
empresas. Financia polticas, asesoramiento y ayuda, mecanismos de acceso al
crdito. No financia investigacin per s.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Principal mecanismo de financiacin en Europa
Es el Octavo Programa Marco de financiacin de la investigacin.
Los Programas Marco comenzaron en 1984
FP1 (1984-1988): 3.750 Millones de
FP2 (1987-1991): 5.396 Millones de
FP3 (1990-1994): 6.600 Millones de
FP4 (1994-1998): 13.215 Millones de
FP5 (1998-2002): 14.960 Millones de
FP6 (2002-2006): 17.883 Millones de
FP7 (2007-2013): 53.200 Millones de
HORIZONTE 2020 (2014-2020): 77.000 Millones de (estimado)
Financia casi cualquier tema
Financia pases de la UE principalmente, pero tambin fuera de la UE (depende
de la convocatoria)
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

De dnde proviene el dinero?
Los fondos disponibles (77.000 M) son proporcionados por los distintos
pases miembros, en distinta proporcin.
Quin puede participar?
Empresas privadas
Centros de investigacin
Organismo pblicos
Prcticamente todo
Investigadores individuales
el mundo!
De que nacionalidad?
Pases comunitarios (EU-28)
Otros pases europeos no comunitarios (1)
Pases del resto del mundo (2)
(1) Denominados Associate Countries; son un total de 11 pases.
( )
(2) En determinadas convocatorias cumpliendo determinados requisitos
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Qu financian?
Proyectos de investigacin.
Investigacin bsica:
Ideas muy novedosas: conocimiento frontera
Arriesgadas: pueden conseguir resultados o no.
Investigacin aplicada, desarrollo o innovacin
Generalmente se forman consorcios de varias entidades (empresas
privadas, universidades, organismos pblicos, etc)
Son ideas con aplicaciones ms prcticas
Movilidad de investigadores
Infraestructuras y equipamiento
Creacin de redes
Implementacin de polticas
Investigacin en energa nuclear ITER International Thermonuclear
Experimental Reactor. Planta piloto de energa nuclear de fusin.
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Instrumento de financiacin para la investigacin en temticas relacionadas
con el medioambiente y la sostenibilidad.
Presupuesto para el periodo 2014-2020: 3.400 Millones de
Tipologas de proyectos financiables:
Proyectos de investigacin:
Proyectos de innovacin.
Proyectos demostrativos: prototipos, plantas piloto, etc.
Suelen ser consorcios de varias entidades
Implementacin de buenas prcticas o polticas
Campaas de concienciacin
Cuanta financiada en Life+: entre el 50% y el 75% del presupuesto del
Quin puede participar? Cualquier entidad, aunque depende de la
convocatoria especifica.
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Relacin entre el gasto en I+D como porcentaje del PIB y el
peso de la financiacin empresarial de la I+D. (Ao 2010).

Fuente: Eurostat, elaborado por FECYT

Master in European Construction Engineering


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