Introduction To Sustainable Construction: Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

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Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Master in European Construction Engineering

Elena Blanco Fernndez

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Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Introduction to R+D+i in construction

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction




Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

According to RAE (Royal Academy of the Spanish Language)

Research: carry out systematically intellectual and experimental activities for the
purpose of increasing knowledge on a particular subject.
Develop: increase, giving rise to something physical, intellectual or moral.
Innovate: move or alter something by introducing novelties.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

According to Spanish National Act (Real Decreto Legislativo 4/2004)
Research: original planned inquiry which pursues to discover new knowledge
and a greater understanding in the scientific and technological field.
Development: implementation of the outcome of the investigation or any other
type of scientific knowledge for the manufacture of new materials or
products or for the design of new processes or production systems, as
well as to the substantial technological improvement of materials,
products, processes or pre-existing systems.
Innovation: technological innovation is the activity whose result is a
technological breakthrough on obtaining new products or production
processes or improvements of existing ones. Products or processes
whose characteristics or applications, from the technological point of
view, differ substantially from previously existing ones will be
considered new.
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Basic research: experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to achieve new knowledge of
the underlying foundation of phenomena and observable facts. (1)
Applied research: original investigation undertaken to achieve new knowledge. It is, however,
directed primarily towards a specific practical aim or objective. (1)
Development: systematic work, drawing on existing knowledge gained from research and/or practical
experience, which is directed to producing new materials, products or devices, to installing
new processes, systems and services, or to improving substantially those already
produced or installed. (1)
Innovation: the renewal and enlargement of the range of products and services and the associated
markets; the establishment of new methods of production, supply and distribution; the
introduction of changes in management, work organisation, and the working conditions and
skills of the workforce. (2)
(1) Frascati

Manual: proposed standard practice for surveys on research and experimental development, 6th edition.
OECD (2002)
(2) Green Paper on Innovation. European Comission (1995).
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Some fictitious examples:
Basic research:
Two physicists have identified two new sub-atomic particles after the collision of
electrons and positrons
Applied research:
Various researchers try to determine if an excessive content in manganese in the
galvanization process may provoke short term cracking
Some engineers develop a new asphalt concrete with titanium oxide particles that
is able to eliminate car exhaust gases in the first two meters of the air
A construction company introduces, for the first time in the construction sector, in
its management system the just-in-time methodology
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

The terms 'Basic research' vs. 'Applied research' and 'Applied research' vs.
'Development' can be difficult to distinguish in many occasions.
The terms 'Development' and 'Innovation', in some cases, are also of dubious
It is very infrequent to undertake 'basic research' in the field of construction
In the academic environment (universities, research centres) will mainly do
'Applied research' and Development.
Companies of the construction sector may undertake directly Development'
(occasionally) and 'Innovation' (most often).
The term Innovation' is relative to a place, time and application field: what in
Spain is considered innovation now, maybe in Japan has been fully implanted in
many companies in other sectors from years.
But... where is the limit between 'innovation' and 'modernisation' in a company?
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction


Develop equipment, tools, technologies, and processes that facilitate us

Develop medical treatments that improve quality and life expectancy.
Reduce the effects of natural disasters.
Do not compromise the development of future generations in the planet
(the long-term sustainability of human being).
Know better the world that surrounds us.
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Average investment in R&D between 2004-2009

(thousands of millions of )


GDP growing in 2010 with respect to previous year

Source: European Commission

Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction


Increase the productivity of processes.
Find materials or construction processes that improve sustainability.
Improve security both for workers and potential users.

Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Universities and research centres:
Place where more resources (staff, material, space) are engaged in
research and development.
It is where most of the knowledge arises.
They can do research and development by themselves with own
resources (is not very common in the construction industry), or
delegate these tasks to universities and research centres, or a
combination of both (some tasks are made by the company and others
by the universities/research centres).
Public bodies:
They fund research.
The final beneficiaries of research results.

Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Senior researchers: in universities, combine both research and lecturing. In
research centres they are mainly involveds in research (rarely, lecturing).
Plan and supervise the work performed by a junior researcher. They are
PhDs and have been previously junior researchers.
Juniors researchers: in universities, are usually Master students, PhD
students, or young PhD researchers. In research centres they are regular
employees involved in research (but may have a Master level or a PhD).
They can make tests by themselves or can be helped from a laboratory
Laboratory technicians: are those who help junior researchers to conduct
trials in laboratory or field, but do not analyse results, or take decisions.
These people are used when the researcher needs to perform many tests
and does not have time, or when the use of test devices can be delicate
and required an specialised technician to employ the equipment.
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction

Construction company:
Engineers: those who design new prototypes or processes and decide in
what and how introduce innovations. Usually belong to the R+D+i
Department of the company.
Employees of the company: staff who manufacture prototypes or apply
new processes, under the instructions of the engineers.
Public entities:
Promoters: detect needs in society or in the productive fabric, and
propose lines of research funding.
Supervisors: they audit regularly to companies or research
universities/centres that meet milestones marked on the research project
checking that money is managed according to the initial plan.

Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction


Search for information (state of the art'): its the starting point of any inquiry. The aim is
to detect possible improvements in the current state of the technical knowledge on a
certain subject.
Laboratory tests: to find out how materials, components or prototypes behave.
Field test: to determine how a material or prototype behaves in real conditions.
Numerical simulations: are 'virtual tests' carried out with a computer. Software
incorporating physical models (formulas) that reproduce physical phenomena are used.
They are useful to enhance the understanding of a phenomena or to predict values of
different environments without using costly real tests.
Analysis of results: once that results are obtained, researchers must analyse them and
draw some conclusions; they can confirm or refute a 'hypothesis.
Writing scientific articles and participate in conferences: used to make public the results
of the research. Articles are reviewed by experts in the field. Not everything is published,
only the best.
Teach: practical classes generally; theoretical class more rare. From time to time.
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Module 2. Research, Development and Innovation in Construction


Plan and monitor: senior researcher plan and supervise the work undertaken by
junior researchers, driving them into a work schedule.
Manage: senior researchers manage the economic resources needed to buy
materials, equipment and recruitment of researchers.
Research proposals: senior researchers participate in the elaboration and
submission of proposals to be presented in public competitive calls, or to be
proposed to private companies.
Broadcast: take part in the preparation of scientific papers, conferences and
summer courses , etc.
Knowledge transfer: detect results of research that may be protected with
patents. They participate in the drafting and filling of the patent document.
Lecturing: university, theoretical class and practices. They are responsible for
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin
Master in European Construction Engineering

Elena Blanco Fernndez

Este tema se publica bajo Licencia:

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Introduccin a la I+D+i en la

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin




Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Segn el diccionario de la RAE (Real Academia Espaola de la Lengua)
Investigar: realizar actividades intelectuales y experimentales de modo
sistemtico con el propsito de aumentar los conocimientos sobre
una determinada materia.
Desarrollar: acrecentar, dar incremento a algo de orden fsico, intelectual o
Innovar: mudar o alterar algo, introduciendo novedades.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Segn el Real Decreto Legislativo 4/2004
Investigacin: indagacin original planificada que persiga descubrir nuevos
conocimientos y una superior comprensin en el mbito cientfico y
Desarrollo: aplicacin de los resultados de la investigacin o de cualquier otro
tipo de conocimiento cientfico para la fabricacin de nuevos materiales
o productos o para el diseo de nuevos procesos o sistemas de
produccin, as como para la mejora tecnolgica sustancial de
materiales, productos, procesos o sistemas preexistentes.
Innovacin: se considerar innovacin tecnolgica la actividad cuyo resultado
sea un avance tecnolgico en la obtencin de nuevos productos o
procesos de produccin o mejoras sustanciales de los ya existentes. Se
considerarn nuevos aquellos productos o procesos cuyas
caractersticas o aplicaciones, desde el punto de vista tecnolgico,
difieran sustancialmente de las existentes con anterioridad.
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Investigacin bsica: Trabajo experimental o terico llevad a cabo principalmente para adquirir
nuevos conocimientos relativos a los fundamentos que subyacen en fenmenos y hechos
Investigacin aplicada: Investigacin original llevada a cabo para adquirir nuevos conocimientos. Est,
sin embargo, dirigida principalmente hacia la consecucin de un objetivo o propsito claro.(1)
Desarrollo: Trabajo sistemtico, que se apoya en conocimientos obtenidos mediante investigacin o
experiencia prctica, dirigido a producir nuevos materiales, productos o dispositivos, a
instalar nuevos procesos, sistemas y servicios, o para mejorar sustancialmente
aquellos ya producidos o instalados. (1)
Innovacin: La renovacin o ampliacin del rango de productos y servicios y los mercados
asociados; el establecimiento de nuevos mtodos de produccin, suministro y distribucin;
la introduccin de cambios en la gestin, organizacin del trabajo y las condiciones de
trabajo y habilidades del personal.(2)
(1) Frascati

Manual: proposed standard practice for surveys on research and experimental development, 6th edition.
OECD (2002)
(2) Green Paper on Innovation. European Comission.
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Ejemplos ficticios:
Investigacin bsica:
Dos fsicos identifican dos nuevas partculas subatmicas detectadas tras la
colisin de electrones y positrones
Investigacin aplicada:
Varios investigadores tratan de determinar si un excesivo contenido en
manganeso durante el proceso de galvanizacin puede provocar la aparicin
de fisuras a corto plazo
Varios ingenieros desarrollan una nueva mezcla bituminosa con partculas de
oxido de titanio que permite eliminar los gases de los tubos de escape de
vehculos en los dos primeros metros de la capa de aire
Una empresa constructora introduce, por primera vez dentro del sector de la
construccin, en su sistema de gestin la metodologa just-in-time.

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Los trminos Investigacin Bsica vs. Investigacin Aplicada, Investigacin
aplicada vs. Desarrollo pueden ser de difcil distincin en muchas ocasiones.
Los trminos Desarrollo e Innovacin, en ciertos casos, son tambin de
dudosa distincin
Ser muy difcil que se realice investigacin bsica en el mbito de la
En el mbito acadmico (universidades, centros de investigacin) se realizar
principalmente Investigacin aplicada y Desarrollo
Las empresas del sector de la construccin podrn realizar directamente ellas
Desarrollo (ocasionalmente) e Innovacin (ms frecuentemente)
El trmino innovacin es relativo al lugar, al momento y al campo de
aplicacin: lo que en Espaa es innovacin ahora, puede que en Japn est
totalmente implantado en multitud de empresas de otros sectores desde hace
PeroDnde estara el lmite ente innovar y modernizar una empresa?
Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin


Desarrollar equipos, herramientas, tecnologas y procesos que nos faciliten
el trabajo
Desarrollar tratamientos mdicos que nos mejoren la calidad y esperanza de
Reducir los efectos de catstrofes naturales
No comprometer el desarrollo de generaciones futuras en el planeta
(sostenibilidad de la especie humana a largo plazo)
Conocer mejor el mundo que nos rodea

Master in European Construction Engineering

Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Inversin promedio en I+D+i entre el 2004-2009

(Miles de Millones de )


Crecimiento del PIB en el 2010 respecto el ao anterior

Fuente: Comisin Europea

Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin


Aumentar la productividad de los procesos
Encontrar materiales o procesos constructivos que mejoren la sostenibilidad
Mejorar la seguridad tanto de los trabajadores como de los futuros usuarios

Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin


Universidades y centros de investigacin:
Es en donde se dedican ms recursos (personal, material, espacios) a la
investigacin y desarrollo.
Es de donde surge la mayor parte del conocimiento.
Pueden investigar y desarrollar ellas mismas con recursos propios (no
es muy habitual en el sector de la construccin) o bien encargar a
Universidades y Centros de Investigacin que lo hagan por ellos, o bien
una combinacin de ambas (algunas tareas las hace la empresa y otras
la Universidad/Centros de Investigacin).
Organismos pblicos:
Tienen el papel de financiadores de la investigacin.
Los beneficiarios ltimos de la investigacin.
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Universidades y centros de investigacin
Investigadores seniors: En las universidades combinan la investigacin con la
docencia. En los centros de investigacin se dedican principalmente a la
investigacin y raras veces a la docencia. Planifican y supervisan el trabajo que
realiza un investigador junior. Poseen el ttulo de Doctor y han sido antes
investigadores juniors.
Investigadores juniors: En la universidad, son generalmente alumnos de Mster o
Doctorado, o bien investigadores recin doctorados. En centros de investigacin son
empleados que se dedican a investigar, aunque suelen poseer titilo de Master o
Doctor. Pueden realizar ellos mismos ensayos o bien ayudarse de un tcnico de
Tcnicos de laboratorio: Son los que ayudan a los investigadores junior a realizar
ensayos en laboratorio o campo, pero no analizan resultados, ni toman decisiones.
Se emplea esta figura cuando el investigador necesita realizar muchos ensayos y no
dispone de tiempo, o bien, cuando el manejo de equipos de ensayo puede ser
delicado y se precisa de un Tcnico de Laboratorio especializado.
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin

Empresa constructora:
Ingenieros: son los que disean nuevos prototipos o procesos y deciden en
qu y cmo se van a introducir innovaciones. Generalmente pertenecen al
Departamento de I+D+i de la empresa
Trabajadores de la empresa: son los que fabrican los prototipos o bien
aplican nuevos procesos, bajo las instrucciones de los ingenieros.
Entes pblicos:
Promotores: Detectan necesidades en la sociedad o en el tejido
productivo, y proponen lneas de investigacin a financiar.
universidades/centros de investigacin que cumplan los hitos marcados en
el proyecto de investigacin al que financian comprobando que el dinero
se gestiona segn lo previsto.
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin


Bsqueda de informacin (Estado del Arte): Es el punto de partida de cualquier
investigacin. Se detectan posibilidades de mejora en el estado actual del conocimiento
de la tcnica sobre una determinada temtica.
Ensayos en laboratorio: Para averiguar como se comportan materiales, componentes o
Ensayos en campo: Para conocer cmo se comporta un material o prototipo en
condiciones reales.
Simulaciones numricas: Son ensayos virtuales que se realizan por computador. Se
emplean softwares que incorporan modelos fsicos (formulas) que reproducen fenmenos
fsicos. Sirven para comprender mejor lo que pasa, o bien para ahorrarnos ensayos reales
(pueden ser muy costosos)
Anlisis de resultados: finalizados los ensayos o simulaciones, hay que analizar los
resultados y establecer unas conclusiones; pueden confirmar o rebatir una hiptesis de
Escribir artculos cientficos y participar en congresos: Sirve para hacer pblicos los
resultados de las investigaciones. Los artculos son revisados por expertos en la materia.
No todo se publica, slo lo mejor.
Impartir docencia: Clase practicas, generalmente. De forma espordica.
Master in European Construction Engineering


Introduccin a la Construccin Sostenible

Mdulo 2. Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin en la Construccin


Planificar y supervisar: A los investigadores junior, marcndoles una lnea de
Gestionar: Los recursos econmicos que se disponen para comprar materiales,
equipos y contratacin de investigadores
Elaborar propuestas de investigacin: Para presentarse a convocatorias publicas
o bien que sean financiadas por empresa privadas.
Difusin: Participan en la elaboracin de artculos cientficos, congresos, cursos
de verano, etc.
Transferencia del conocimiento: Detectan resultados de investigacin que
pueden ser patentables, participando en la redaccin y solicitud de la misma.
Impartir docencia: En la Universidad, clase tericas y practicas. Son responsables
de asignaturas.

Master in European Construction Engineering


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