A-S Unit Information
A-S Unit Information
A-S Unit Information
does not end with the preservation specific requirements for the major
of its history or its traditional are given in the degree program
programs. The vitality of the section of this catalog. It is
College is found in its continuing essential that students seeking a
re-examination of itself, and in its degree understand all of the
willingness to change when change requirements for that degree. The
would further the welfare of its minimum number of hours required
students, its faculty, and its for a bachelor’s degree in the
community. College of Arts and Sciences is 121;
some programs may require
Structure additional hours.
The College of Arts and Sciences
has a Division of Humanities, a General Education
Division of Natural Sciences, and a Requirements
Division of Social Sciences. These Each student in the University must
Divisions represent the disciplines complete requirements in general
which collectively make up the education, the purpose of which is
liberal arts and sciences. Each to ensure breadth of study during
Division contains departments the undergraduate work. For
which offer programs in specific specific General Education
disciplines. In addition to these Requirements and a list of the
departments, the College has a courses which fulfill them, see the
number of interdisciplinary General Information section of this
programs which involve faculty and catalog. Some of these
coursework from several requirements may be met through
disciplines. advanced placement examinations.
Julie M. Peteet, Ph.D., Wayne State Ronald D. Fell, Ph.D., Professor, Iowa State
University University
Yvonne V. Jones, Ph.D., American University Ronald M. Atlas, Ph.D., Rutgers University
Awdhesh Kalia, Ph.D., All India Institute of Muriel C. Maurer, Ph.D., University of
Medical Sciences Virginia
Francis P. Zamborini, Ph.D., Texas A&M
University Alan C. Leidner, Ph.D., University of Virginia
Charles A. Trapp, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Regina F. Roebuck, Ph.D., Cornell University
University of Chicago
Claire Sullivan, Ph.D., New York University
Degree Programs
Lisa Wagner, Ph.D., The Ohio State
Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry University
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Li Zeng, Ph.D., University of Toronto
with Biochemistry concentration
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Assistant Professors
with Business concentration.
Minor in Chemistry Bonnie Fonseca-Greber, Ph.D., University of
Department of Classical and Modern Arizona
Faculty Emeriti
Roy L. Ackerman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus,
Department Chair Western Reserve University
Faculty Faculty
Assistant Professors
Department of Fine Arts and The Allen Delin Lai, Ph.D., University of Chicago
R. Hite Art Institute
Ché Rhodes, M.F.A., Tyler School of Art-
Faculty Temple University
Department Chair
Lida C. Gordon, M.F.A., Indiana University Leslie Friesen, B.A., University of Louisville,
Power Creative Designer-in-Residence
Steven Skaggs, M.S., Pratt Institute
Peter Morrin, M.F.A., Princeton University,
John D. Whitesell, M.F.A., Indiana University Director Emeritus, J.B. Speed Art Museum
Linda M. Gigante, Ph.D., University of North Jay M. Kloner, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Carolina at Chapel Hill Emeritus, Columbia University
Haifeng Zhang, Ph.D., University of South Robert B. Kebric, Ph.D., State University of
Carolina New York at Binghamton
Elizabeth Grossi, Ph.D., Indiana University
of Pennsylvania John R. Hale, Ph.D., University of
George E. Higgins, Ph.D., Indiana University
of Pennsylvania Degree Programs
Thomas W. Hughes, Ph.D., University of Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies
Cincinnati; J.D., University of Dayton Minor in Latin American Studies
Minor in Latino Studies
Assistant Professors
Department of Mathematics
Viviana Andreescu, Ph.D., University of
Louisville Faculty
David N. Brown, Ph.D., Purdue University Wei-Feng Huang, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus,
University of Virginia
Christopher L. Davis, Ph.D., University of
Oxford Roger E. Mills, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus,
The Ohio State University
Peter W. France, Ph.D., Wayne State
University P. J. Ouseph, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus,
Fordham University
John F. Kielkopf, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins
University John J. Sinai, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus,
Purdue University
Shi-Yu Wu, Ph.D., Cornell University Degree Programs
Indiana University
Department of Political Science
W. Landis Jones, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus,
Faculty Emory University
Lauren Heberle, Ph.D., Rutgers University James Tompkins, Diplome, Ecole Jacques
Gul A. Marshall, Ph.D., University of
Pennsylvania Assistant Professors
Deborah Potter, Ph.D., Brandeis University Amy Steiger, Ph.D., University of Texas at
Ryan D. Schroeder, Ph.D., Bowling Green
State University Instructors
K. Robert Durig, Ph.D., Associate Professor Albert J. Harris, Jr., Ph.D., Professor
Emeritus, Indiana University Emeritus, The Ohio State University
Wayne Usui, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus,
University of California-Riverside Degree Programs
2.23. They shall present the 2.28. They shall provide students
subject matter of a course as with an evaluation of their