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Elaborated by Ilia State University

Strategic Development Plan Task Force
Strategy 2024 - 2030 |1




2| Ilia State University



Ilia State University’s Strategic Plan 2024-2030 serves as the
comprehensive roadmap for our university community over the
next seven years.

This strategic plan emphasizes milestones in research, teaching,

and our Third Mission. It is founded on the consensus, unity, and
determination of the ISU community to generate and disseminate
scientific and technological knowledge, contribute to the public
good, and promote democratic values.

The university community rallies around major challenges,

recognizing our role and responsibility in Georgia’s EU integration
- a critical milestone for our nation’s future - and the goals of
sustainable development and climate change. These challenges
necessitate the creation of pertinent research and educational
resources to enhance public awareness.

By adhering to this approach, Ilia State University continues to

honor the legacy of Ilia Chavchavadze, an advocate for European
enlightenment and modernity in Georgia. We remain committed
to his agenda: “Education, knowledge, and scholarship are forces
that nothing can counter today: neither fist, nor sword, nor the
multitude of an army” (Ilia Chavchavadze).

Nino Doborjginidze
Ilia State University

Strategy 2024 - 2030 |3

4| Ilia State University

Ilia State University (ILIAUNI) is a leading research The university operates on unique research and
and educational institution in Georgia and the training grounds situated in Tbilisi and various
region. Through its innovative approaches and regions of Georgia. Notable facilities include the
by providing students with diverse individual Institute of Botany and Herbarium, renowned
experiences, it established robust foundations as one of the world’s oldest and most extensive
for scientific-technological advancement, high- botanical documentation repositories, and the
quality learning and educational processes, and Bakuriani Alpine Botanical Garden. Moreover, the
societal well-being. Institute of Earth Sciences and National Seismic
The university was established in 2006 through Monitoring Centre endeavors to establish a
the merger of six independent institutions, each seismic network covering Georgia’s entire
with its own unique history and background. territory, ensuring continuous earthquake activity
monitoring and real-time data transmission from
In the 17 years since its inception, the university has existing stations.
undergone remarkable growth and development.
Its extensive research citations and references set Further, the university possesses diverse marine
it apart as unparalleled among all universities in the facilities, such as the Marine Research Center
country. According to global institutional rankings based in the seaside village of Grigoleti, and alpine
such as THE Times Higher Education, Scimago, research facilities like the Stepantsminda Institute
and U.S. News & World Report’s Best Global of Alpine Ecology. Additionally, the university
Universities, as well as individual scholar rankings owns a research vessel named “ST. ILIA,”
including Stanford University and Elsevier’s Annual extensively utilized for educational and research
Ranking of Top 2% of the World’s Scientists, Ilia purposes.
State University consistently emerges as the best Importantly, the Dedoplistskaro research base
nationwide and in the region. hosts significant archaeological expeditions,
Presently, the university consists of four primary exemplified by collaborative initiatives like those
educational units, comprising faculties and between the Ilia State University Laboratory
schools, along with four schools operating under of Visual Anthropology and Local History
the faculties’ umbrella. Additionally, there is one and the Martin Luther University Institute of
international doctoral school, 26 institutes, and Oriental Archaeology and Art History in Halle,
50 research centers nationwide. The university Germany.
also operates six laboratories. It boasts a highly Overall, Ilia State University represents a cohesive
qualified academic staff, including 353 faculty union of students, faculty, and administration,
members, 17 Professors Emeriti, 218 researchers, serving as a multifunctional educational and
and 869 invited lecturers, alongside 1,289 scientific institution that facilitates successful
administrative and support staff members. With collaboration among students, professors,
a capacity to serve a maximum of 17,770 students, teachers, researchers, and administration,
approximately 700 of whom are international or fostering a unified space for academic education
foreign students. and research endeavors.

Strategy 2024 - 2030 |5


6| Ilia State University

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences stands as
one of Ilia State University’s largest faculties,
distinguished by its extensive academic staff,
student body, and a wide array of training
programs and courses.
Offering 54 undergraduate, graduate, and
doctoral degree programs in Humanities,
Social Sciences, and Arts, the faculty provides
opportunities for joint degrees. Aligned
with the university’s mission to prioritize
liberal education, the faculty has introduced
a mandatory course titled “Introduction
to Modern Thought,” compulsory for all
university students.

The Faculty of Business, Technology,

and Education comprises three schools:
the Business School, the School of Technology,
and the School of Education.
These schools offer a diverse array of programs, including
bachelor’s degrees, integrated undergraduate/graduate
programs, master’s degrees, 60-credit certificate programs,
and doctoral programs.
While many academic programs are conducted in Georgian,
students have the opportunity to pursue joint degrees,
such as the English-language Master’s Program in Business
Administration, offered in collaboration with the Burgenland
University of Applied Sciences. Additionally, the faculty
delivers an American ABET-accredited (International)
English-medium Bachelor program in Computer Engineering.

Strategy 2024 - 2030 |7


8| Ilia State University

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Medicine stands as a
premier research and educational entity in Georgia and the
region, specializing in natural sciences and medicine. Renowned
for its development, management, and implementation of high-
caliber bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs.
Benefiting from an extensive material base utilized for both
scientific research and practical skill development, the faculty
seamlessly integrates research institutes and laboratories.
This collaborative environment brings together university
professors, researchers, and students, fostering synergy in
scientific inquiry.
The School of Medicine, an integral component of the Faculty of
Natural Sciences and Medicine, offers English-medium programs
catering to a diverse range of students. These programs include
a single-step educational program tailored for certified medical
practitioners, a master’s program focused on public health and
healthcare policy, doctoral programs in both medicine and public
health, and a postgraduate residency program.

The primary aim of the School of Law, one

of the foundational educational units of the
university, is to develop, administer, and
implement bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and
certificate programs/courses rooted in the
principles of academic and democratic freedom
of choice. Through these programs, the school
endeavors to provide a comprehensive level of
specialized training across all three academic
tiers – Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate – in
the latest legal education.

Strategy 2024 - 2030 |9


The university’s human capital - ILIAUNI According to 2023 data, Ilia State University
Community stands as its foremost asset and a achieves top rankings across various parameters,
testament to its success within the contemporary including general indicators, positioning it
higher education landscape. Ilia State University prominently among Georgian and South Caucasus
has assembled a team of qualified academic and universities under review. The university’s
administrative professionals who are focused on ongoing research endeavors manifest in refereed
driving the institution’s development forward. publications across esteemed international
At Iliauni, dedicated professionals collaborate databases, notably Elsevier Scopus and
intensively to deliver essential research, teaching, Clarivate Analytics. These databases encompass
and support services vital to the university’s day- bibliographic data, abstracts, and citation
to-day operations. indicators, reflecting the university’s scholarly
Ilia State University distinguishes itself through contributions.
its rigorous research standards, evident in its Ilia State University has achieved top rankings
assessment of research effectiveness and rankings. nationally in the 2024 Times Higher Education
Notably, the university excels in both domestic (THE) World University Ranking, marking
and international institutional ranking systems, another significant milestone. Notably, THE’s
with the Scimago database being particularly methodology underwent updates in 2024,
noteworthy. Drawing from the Scopus database, with a greater emphasis placed on research
this platform evaluates and ranks academic and components. Specifically, evaluation of the
research institutions globally, showcasing Ilia research environment and research quality now
State University’s consistent growth trajectory. constitutes 59% of the overall rating. This updated

Times Higher Education 2022-2024 Graph and Research Quality Indicator

10 | Ilia State University

methodology comprises 18 indicators classified According to the Scimago Institutions Ranking,
into five weighted categories. which evaluates all academic and research profile
Over the past three years, Ilia State University has institutions globally using data from the Scopus
experienced a significant increase in its research database, Ilia State University occupies the top
quality index, rising from 34.6 to 47.7 as of 2024, position in Georgia across general parameters and
with the international dimension reaching 52. This various specific indicators.
indicator positions Ilia State University as the top- One of the major instruments for supporting
ranked institution in the South Caucasus region, scientific activities is scientific journals founded
39th among universities in Central and Eastern and administered by the university, which are
Europe, and 1060th globally. indexed in Scopus, Erich+ EBSCO databases as
In the U.S. News & World Report Best Global open-access journals (Open Source) and are
Universities 2022-2023 ranking, Ilia State placed on the OJS Platform. Among them are:
University secured the 801st position among the Ethnobotany Research and Application; Kadmos;
top 1750 educational institutions spanning 90 Caucasiana; Journal of Biological Physics and
countries. Chemistry; Constitutional Law Review.

Ilia State University’s research efforts are

bolstered by a robust infrastructure comprising
60 research centers and institutes.

Strategy 2024 - 2030 | 11

12 | Ilia State University

As an institution founded on a multidisciplinary, doctoral program in medicine, centred on one of

intensive research environment, Ilia State the university’s leading scientific and educational
University offers a diverse array of academic fields: Life Sciences. This program now boasts the
programs in areas such as science and art, natural highest standards for doctoral students in Georgia.
sciences, medicine, business and management, In 2020, Ilia State University established the School
technology, education, and law. of Medicine, which currently offers the following
lia State University has established technology and English-medium programs: a one-cycle program
engineering programs in a new, state-of-the-art, for licensed medical practitioners, a master’s
four-story, 5,000-square-meter facility equipped program in public health, and doctoral programs in
with the latest technology and laboratories that medicine and public health.
meet international standards. The University’s Currently, the university offers 17 English-
School of Technology offers a bachelor’s program medium programs across all three levels of
in “Computer Engineering (International),” which education. This includes 9 programs that are
has received accreditation from ABET, the part of joint, double, or exchange partnerships
American Board of Engineering and Technology. with American and European universities.
In 2010, Ilia State University launched a new

Strategy 2024 - 2030 | 13


A Joint Degree English-medium Master’s cooperation with the University of Clermont

Program “Central and East European, Russian Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand, France) and
and Eurasian Studies (CEERES)”, is run by Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Mainz,
the consortium which, together with Ilia Germany);
State University, comprises the universities
of Glasgow (Scotland, United Kingdom) and
Tartu (Estonia). European Approach for Bachelor programs “Computer Engineering
Quality Assurance of Joint Programs was (Major)”, “Computer Engineering
used as a framework in the re-accreditation (International)”, “Computer Science (Major)
procedure of the aforementioned program in (English-medium), “Electrical and Electronic
2022. It is noteworthy that Ilia State University Engineering (Major), “Civil Engineering
was the first in Georgia to start implementing (Major)”, developed in collaboration with
the Erasmus Mundus joint master’s program San Diego State University and under the
(Erasmus Mundus International Master in Second Compact of the U.S. Millennium
Central and East European, Russian and Challenge Corporation. It is noteworthy
Eurasian Studies) as a full partner; that the program “Computer Engineering
(International)” received ABET international
accreditation in 2023;
A Double Degree English-language
Program in Business Administration, in
which Ilia State University cooperates with A joint undergraduate program in Civil
Burgenland University of Applied Sciences Engineering, which the university runs
(Fachhochschule Burgenland, Austria) allows together with San Diego State University;
students to earn a second degree;

In 2015-2023, the university implemented

A Double Degree English-medium Master’s undergraduate programs “Computer
Program in Atmospheric and Near Engineering” and “Electrical Engineering”
Space Sciences, which is implemented in together with San Diego State University.

14 | Ilia State University


The International Doctoral School (IDS) is the central

(inter-faculty) unit of Ilia State University, which was
established in 2017 to develop doctoral programs in
collaboration with international partners. The school Lehmann-Haupt
ensures the implementation of internationally structured International Doctoral
doctoral programs of high academic quality by joining Program - in 11
individual agreements between partner universities based Structural Disciplines
on the cotutelle principle. The doctoral school aspires to
create a modern, effective, and successful structured
model of doctoral education in Georgia, that incorporates University of Göttingen,
all the best quality assurance practices available. The school Germany
implements 2 comprehensive double-degree cooperation
programs based on the cotutelle principle:

structured Ph.D.
program “Democracy,
Human Rights and
Religion (DHR)”
University of Göttingen,

Strategy 2024 - 2030 | 15


Internationalization - Internationalization is a priority for Ilia State University, which maintains

a robust global network of cooperation. This is evidenced by the number of students and professors
sent to prestigious educational institutions abroad, the university’s engagement in global initiatives,
participation in international projects, and its ability to attract foreign experts. The university offers
numerous opportunities for students, as well as academic and administrative staff, to participate in the
European Commission-funded ERASMUS+ international exchange program. This program includes 125
partner universities across 24 European countries, with the number of partners increasing each year.

Third Mission - Ilia State University is distinguished by its social impact through its Third Mission
activities. These initiatives and projects enhance the university’s visibility, prominence, and reputation,
complementing its research profile. The university leverages its human capital to openly share
social, cultural, and scientific-educational knowledge, dedicating resources to societal benefit, school
development, European integration, and the promotion of sustainable development goals.

16 | Ilia State University


Ilia State University defines its role in the context of 1 ACADEMIC

the country, the region, and the global community
by embracing the unique mission assigned to higher 2 FREEDOM

education during Georgia’s pivotal and historic

moment of integration into Europe. Within this
framework, Ilia State University:

Engages in cutting-edge research and

disseminates research findings with academic
and entrepreneurial communities locally and 3
internationally. FREEDOM OF
Maintains academic excellence in line with CHOICE
contemporary Western standards through its
educational activities.
Proactively meets the demands of the labor
market, recognizing the intense competition
within it.
These principles are interdependent and mutually
Addresses local, regional, and global challenges, reinforcing, derived from and conditioning
guided by the university’s commitment to one another. Students, academics, lecturers,
societal missions, sustainable development researchers, and professors enjoy the freedom to
goals, and the enhancement of public well- choose their academic paths, research areas and
being. study, colleagues, and mentors, all while upholding
Endeavors to institutionalize democratic high academic standards. No individual or entity
values both within and beyond the university, has the authority, based on political or moral
promoting openness and inclusivity. grounds, to impede students, professors, teachers,
or researchers from pursuing research topics or
disseminating scientific findings. Students and
As an institution committed to the principles of professors are empowered to select transparent
the European academic and scientific sphere and and accountable forms of self-governance that
the Bologna process, Ilia State University is built align with the goals and objectives of their
upon three fundamental pillars of unity: academic community – the university.

Strategy 2024 - 2030 | 17


Our Mission is grounded in its values and The mission of Ilia State University is to create,
vision, defining the University’s role in societal disseminate, and apply knowledge to advance
development and outlining its functions for the scientific progress and societal development,
next seven years. both locally and internationally.

This mission is built upon


Integration of Research and Teaching institutions introducing key elements of liberal

(Teaching-Research Nexus): The University education and open science into Georgia’s
fosters an environment where the same group higher education landscape. It remains
of individuals is involved in both generating committed to preserving and enhancing
knowledge and imparting it, offering students these principles while integrating them with
the opportunity to actively participate in rigorous specialization requirements.
the process of knowledge creation. The
educational system and its entire process are
based on the Humboldtian model and the ideal Unity of the Universal and the Local: This
of higher education, whose main idea is the principle encompasses two vital aspects.
holistic combination of research and learning. Firstly, it involves creating and disseminating
This model integrates learning with research, science as universally shareable knowledge.
as a fundamental approach to acquiring general Secondly, it entails generating, transferring,
education and profound knowledge. and applying new knowledge to address
regional, national, and local challenges.
Moreover, within the context of European
Unity of General Education Common integration and the critical transitional period
(Liberal Arts) Curriculum and Specialized for the country, this unity underscores the
Educationand Specialization: Ilia State reinforcement of the University’s public
University is at the forefront of educational mission.

18 | Ilia State University


Ilia State University’s strategy for 2024-

2030 offers a clear vision for the University’s
future direction. It delineates the primary
objective, an optimal target to be attained
through the execution of the strategy.

By 2030, Ilia State University aims to

establish itself as the premier research
institution in Georgia and the wider region,
adhering to Western standards. This
positioning will serve as the foundation
for driving scientific and technological
advancements, fostering high-quality
educational practices, and promoting
societal well-being through innovative
approaches. The University is steadfast
in its commitment to tackling global,
regional, and national challenges. By
fostering and implementing a knowledge-
based economy, it aims to play a pivotal
role in promoting sustainable development
and facilitating Georgia’s integration into

Strategy 2024 - 2030 | 19


Ilia State University recognizes the pivotal role of higher education in shaping the foundations of societal
development and well-being. It formulates its 2024-2030 strategy based on the following values and

Autonomy: The University operates as Social Responsibility: The University

an autonomous educational institution, undertakes unique projects with a long-
empowered to make independent decisions term targeted approach, utilizing scientific
within legal frameworks to effectively fulfill and human resources for the sustainable
its core functions. development of society and addressing global
and national challenges.

Equal Opportunities and Inclusive

Environment: The University ensures equal Integrity: The University upholds integrity as
opportunities for students, academic, and the primary criterion in its learning/teaching
administrative staff in learning, teaching, and research processes.
work, and personal development. It fosters
freedom of choice and supports appropriate
actions while promoting a fair and inclusive Transparency and Openness: The University
environment, irrespective of individuals’ is accountable to the public and proactively
origin, citizenship, beliefs, religion, gender, disseminates information about its activities. It
sexual orientation, age, marital status, physical, also actively seeks cooperation.
and/or financial capabilities.
Focus on Development: The University adopts
Diversity: The University promotes diversity a proactive approach to evaluate its activities,
in cultural, educational, and research activities identifying and rectifying weaknesses to
as the foundation for creating public value. ensure continuous development.

Academic Freedom: The University upholds

the freedom of choice and action for scientific/
academic staff and students regarding academic

20 | Ilia State University


S.G. N1: S.G. N2: S.G. N3: S.G. N4: S.G. N5: S.G. N6:

S.T. N1.1. S.T. N2.1. S.T. N3.1. S.T. N4.1. S.T. N5.1. S.T. N6.1.
Analyzing and Introduction of Introduction of Further improvement Supporting students Raising university
evaluating teaching Modern Management training programs of the quality of with administrative awareness
and research Systems relevant to modern research activities services
priorities labor market

S.T. N1.2. S.T. N2.2. S.T. N3.2. S.T. N4.1. S.T. N5.2. S.T. N6.2.
Enhancing Development of Improvement Ensuring Supporting Enhancing
internationalization Human Resources of the quality sustainability student employment university
Management of learning of research and professional reputation
System activities development

S.T. N1.3. S.T. N2.3. S.T. N3.3. S.T. N4.3. S.T. N5.3.
Strengthening Ensuring Support for Promotion Facilitate the
academic and Financial improving of science integration of
invited staff Sustainability the quality of international
school education students

S.T. N1.4. S.T. N2.4. S.T. N5.4.

Development of the Infrastructure Ensure the
Third Mission development diversity
of student life

S.T. N1.5. S.T. N2.5.

Development of Systematization and
alumni network improvement of STRATEGIC

Based on the needs research and

S.T. N1.6. S.T. N2.6.
Institutionalization Implementation SWOT analysis findings, strategic objectives
of internal of risk management
quality system system and tasks have been identified to realize
the institution’s mission and vision. To
accomplish these goals, the administrative
S.T. N1.7. structural units, faculties, and research units
Strengthening of the University will collaborate closely and
with employers work in coordination throughout the period
of 2024-2030.
Strategy 2024 - 2030 | 21

S.T. N1.1. S.T. N1.2. S.T. N1.3. S.T. N1.4. S.T. N1.5. S.T. N1.6. S.T. N1.7.
Analyzing and Enhancing Strengthening Developing the Developing the Institutionali- Strengthening
evaluating internationa- academic and Third Mission alumni network zation of cooperation
teaching and lization invited staff for internal quality with employers
research promoting system
priorities teaching and

1.1.1. 1.2.1. 1.3.1. 1.4.1. 1.5.1. 1.6.1. 1.7.1.

Analyzing and Updating the Implementing Support for Establishing and Building the Increasing the
assessing internationalization a compulsory European implementing a capacity of the involvement
existing strategy/action orientation integration system academic and of employers
educational plan training package and sustainable management invited staff in the program
programs for new development model at regarding the development
academic staff goals faculties development stage
and evaluation of

1.1.2. 1.2.2. 1.3.2. 1.4.2. 1.5.2. 1.7.2.

Strengthening Implementing Creating Providing Creating and Strengthening
the School of and monitoring of an optional access developing the practice
Medicine internationalization orientation to knowledge communication component in
tasks intended training package and services channels training
to achieve the for invited staff for the 1.6.2. programs
university’s of the general public Enhancing
strategic goals University interaction with
the academic and
invited staff to
increase their
1.1.3. 1.3.3. 1.4.3. 1.5.3. involvement 1.7.3.
Strengthening Implementing the Strengthening Encouraing in the internal Establishing
the School of practice of public public relations participation quality processes close links
Technology presentation and in the alumni of the programs with relevant
review of network employers
academic staff development
evaluation results and funding
at faculties model

1.1.4. 1.5.4.
Strengthening Implementing
the School of teaching and
Education career

Creating and
alumni network

22 | Ilia State University


S.T. N2.1. S.T. N2.2. S.T. N2.3. S.T. N2.4. S.T. N2.5. S.T. N2.6.
Introduction of Development of Ensure Financial Infrastructure Improving internal Implementation of
Modern Management Human Resources Sustainability development communication risk management
Systems Management System system system

2.1.1. 2.2.1. 2.3.1. 2.4.1. 2.5.1. 2.6.1.

ERP further Annual evaluation Increase in the Carrying out Creation and Developing a risk
development and renewal of the proportion of internal works of implementation of management matrix
structure international students in Building G regular formats
the total number
of communication
of students
between faculties
and administration

2.1.2. 2.2.2. 2.3.2. 2.4.2. 2.5.2. 2.6.2.

Further development Improvement of Strengthening Renovation of Ensuring Formation of the
of Argus program staff evaluation cooperation with Building C regular internal task force and
systems international donor communication their training
organizations between faculties
in order to secure and academic staff

2.1.3. 2.2.3. 2.4.3.

Implementation Technological and Expansion of
of knowledge and behavioral Building T
information competencies
management system
of the staff and
of so-called
soft skills

2.1.4. 2.2.4. 2.4.4.

Development of Better integration of Building
institutional studies invited lecturers into a dormitory
the university

2.1.5. 2.2.5. 2.4.5.

Standardization of Development and Development
student academic implementation of of the plan
performance (GPA) the integration and for optimizing
adaptation program spaces
for new employees
hired to managerial
positions in the
University space

Strategy 2024 - 2030 | 23


S.T. N3.1. S.T. N3.2. S.T. N 3.3.

Introduction of training programs Improvement of the quality Support for improving
relevant to modern of learning the quality
labor market demands of school education

3.1.1. 3.2.1. 3.3.1.

Updating educational programs Development of skills Promotion of professional development
according to the schedule of academic staff of school personnel

3.1.2 3.2.2. 3.3.2.

Development of Engaging international professors Promoting the diversity of the
new certificate programs and teachers in the educational process, learning process with
both for long-term partnerships extracurricular activities and
and short-term visits developing new skills
among school students

3.1.3. 3.2.3.
Promoting the development Development of library resources
of new skills (enriching printed and
electronic book fund)

3.1.4. 3.2.4.
Development and implementation Translation of
of programs delivered in English, foreign language academic literature
including joint programs with the help of donor organizations

Obtaining international accreditation
of training programs

24 | Ilia State University


S.T. N4.1. S. A. N4.2. S.T. N4.3.

Further improvement Ensuring sustainability and Promotion
of the quality of research activities internationalization of science
of research activities

4.1.1. 4.2.1. 4.3.1.

Updating the criteria Further development Development of a strategic approach
for evaluating research activities of the fundamental, applied, to science communication
multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary
research system

4.1.2. 4.2.2. 4.3.2.

Increase the number of publications Promotion of involvement Effective communication
and citation index of students and young researchers with target groups
in research of research innovations
and technologies

4.1.3. 4.2.3.
Upgrading Bringing the research infrastructure closer
research infrastructure to the international standards
and harmonizing it with the
European Research Area (ERA)

4.1.4. 4.2.4.
Providing diverse and Development of broad strategic
effective professional support tools institutional partnerships
for research staff in research direction

4.1.5. 4.2.5
Promoting the implementation of the Further development
principles of research integrity of international collaborative research
and ethics in the and formation of
Georgian academic space an international research center

Strategy 2024 - 2030 | 25


S.T. N5.1. S.T. N5.2. S.T. N5.3. S.T. N5.4.

Support students Support student employment Facilitating the integration of Ensure the diversity
with administrative services and professional development foreign students of student life
into the university

5.1.1. 5.2.1. 5.3.1. 5.4.1.

Conduct a survey Promotion of student initiatives Development of Development of
among students to identify and taking care of students’ diverse support services for student clubs
student satisfaction levels involvement in intra-university international students regarding
and needs and external projects practical and academic matters

5.1.2. 5.2.2. 5.3.2. 5.4.2.

Continuous improvement of Support students’ Designing and implementing Support
student services career development a calendar of targeted activities for student projects
based on research findings the integration
of international students

of sports activities

26 | Ilia State University


S.T. N6.1. S.T. N6.2.

Raising university awareness Enhancing university reputation

6.1.1. 6.1.4. 6.2.1. 6.2.2.

Development Promotion of Positioning Promotion and
of communication strategy training programs and in rating systems better positioning
showcasing their benefits of successful students
and distinguished staff

6.1.2. 6.1.5. 6.2.3.

Raising awareness Informing Spotlighting and recognizing
and promotion various target audiences outstanding graduates
of each faculty about scientific research
and scientific achievements

Attracting students
with high academic performance
and their parents
to the University

Strategy 2024 - 2030 | 27


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