Pre Joining Briefing: Anglo-Eastern Group

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(Each time prior joining a ship)

Instructions: to have an effective and interactive briefing, all Officers are requested to go through the form
and check applicable sections prior briefing with Pool Manager. Every officer prior to joining a ship shall
familiarize himself with the following:Name of the officer
Last Vessel:

Joining Vessel:

Date briefing carried out:

A. To Be completed by Joining Officer ISM requires that all personnel joining the vessel should

be familiarized prior joining. Below is enlisted for your guidance for a smooth tenure onboard.
! Daily Rounds- Masters and Chief Engineers
! Please use the KMS link for appended
documentation before joining the vessel
must take daily rounds on Deck/ Engine Room.
! SQ/ OPS/ FPD/CSO/ECM messages
! Upgradation- Continuous upgradation of the
! SMS manuals/ latest amendments
ships and Good Housekeeping must be
maintained especially in Accommodation, Galley
! Latest Incident Reports
and Deck Stores.
! Flag State Regulation file/ Requirements
! Fatalities PPT
! Stores and Spares- Please check your stores
thoroughly and keep the inventories updated.
! Major Accidents PPT
Make requisitions for what is really required.
NPDES Presentation
! Loadline All loadline items must be regularly
! Take Over Reports- Take-over reports for
inspected and tested as given in the PMS
Master and Chief Engineer to be sent to Tec
schedule and any problems should be drawn to
office within one month of take-over.
the Superintendents attention.
! Filing System- Filing system as per AESM
! PMS- Please ensure that ships officers are
standards is maintained on board. All important
familiar with the operation of AMOS / OR-PMS
messages and regulations must be readily
as required. PMS updates must be sent to the
Office every 15/7 days as per Tech Office
! Accident/ Non-conformity Analysis- All
injuries, ALL damages and ALL near misses
must be reported. Root cause analysis (Tec 45) ! Class Surveys- Always do class surveys in
time. Order Spares for overhauls etc well in
is required to be filled up and submitted to
Technical Office for every non-conformity.
Same observations are not to be repeated next
! Accountability- Please ensure a pro-active
approaching in dealing with the problems
! Training Please ensure Officers are getting
trained for the next rank as per Training / CMS
! Port State Control Please ensure that ship is
kept well prepared for PSC inspections at all
times. The crew must be familiar with the
! Stevedore Damages Please inspect cargo
operation of LSA and FFA equipment. Please
holds immediately on completion of cargo
go through the PSC detention Card. Use
operations. Any damages to be reported
checklists from Port State Control Regulations
immediately and followed up.
file for preparing the vessel.
! Emergencies: Emergency Contact file
! QHSE Policy- Read and Understood by the
contains all the contact numbers. Use shipOfficer.
specific Emergency check lists when doing
! QHSE Meetings- Importance and purpose
explained to the Officer.
! Environmental Management:
! We have a zero tolerance policy for ANY
! QHSE Awards- Based on key performance
MARPOL violations.
indicators, the ship and senior staff are given
! Our goal is Zero Pollution of the
! Permits- Permit System must be followed
! Ask for landing sludge facilities without
strictly. Master/ Chief Engineer must sign the
permits for the jobs and tasks as required.
! We have a dedicated Environmental
! Safety Cards : Explained about
Compliance Manager (ECM). He can be
! One-Minute Hazards Identification Guide Card
contacted in case of any issues relating to
Guidelines for Collision Avoidance Card (All
non compliance.
deck officers)
! Please note (especially in USA) that the
! PSC Detainable Deficiencies Card ,

Form: AEI-FPD 0 6 (B)

Revision: 6

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Version Date 12 April 2014

regulations require you to report a pollution
incident to the authorities within 15 minutes.

! Ladder Safety Card - Joiner carrying same.

B. To Be completed by FPD Pool Manager

Personal Briefing by Manning / Management

Office covering any special requirements

Parallel Sailing / Taking over instructions

Personal Briefing with vessels Superintendent /
Principals ( For Mstr & C/E only)
Briefing with senior ex hands (for Senior


FPD Guidelines

Early Sign offs- Encourage Contract

Completion and Early Reliefs to be avoided.



Appraisals System - Explained to and

understood by the Officer.

Overtime- Gratis over time not to be given.

Companys Gulf of Aden Policy Ships can
trade at any given time through the Gulf of
Aden and adjoining seas. Company provides
the necessary support for the transit and same
has been explained to and understood by the
Onboard Grievance Procedure- (Refer
SBP201A and TOE) Explained to and
understood by the Officer
Seafarers Bill of Rights (MLC 2006) - Doubts
if any, about CBA / TOE / MLC clarified.
Local Terminal Regulation- These should be
strictly adhered and complied to with special
reference to Shore leave policies.

Tanker / Gas Carrier personnel briefed about

the ZERO alcohol policy on board.

Other Remarks :

The briefing was done in person/ on phone *. (Strike out which is not applicable)
Name of Joining Officer


Rank of Joining Officer

Name of Briefing Officer


Note: Please complete Owner Specific Briefing as per the file

Form: AEI-FPD 0 6 (B)

Revision: 6

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Version Date 12 April 2014

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