Sibs On 1975
Sibs On 1975
Sibs On 1975
transport mechanism
J. MeM.
& A. H . R A N K I N
A consequence of the dilatancy/fluid-diffusion ties of fluid involved are such that significant
mechanism for shallow earthquakes is that hydrothermal mineralisation may result from
considerable volumes of fluid are rapidly each seismically induced fluid pulse, and the
redistributed in the crust following seismic mechanism provides an explanation for the
faulting. This is borne out by the outpourings textures of hydrothermal vein deposits associof warm groundwater which have been ated with ancient faults, which almost invariobserved along fault traces following some ably indicate that mineralisation was
moderate (M5-M7) earthquakes. The quanti- episodic.
HYDROTHERMAL vein deposits, sometimes of economic importance, are often
found in the upper, brittle regions of ancient fault zones. It is a characteristic of
these deposits that their textures usually indicate that mineralisation took place
episodically. To date, little attention has been paid to the transport mechanism
needed to move hydrothermal fluids rapidly and intermittently along fault zones,
so that they attain the requisite state of disequilibrium in the upper crust. Current
ideas on the source mechanism for shallow earthquakes (Frank i965, Nur I972,
Scholz et al. I973) which invoke fluid transport on a large scale in and around
fault zones, provide an answer to this problem.
~ 8
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I (
,~ :; ~';"
".'~.~" :~' ,." . . . . . . : ~ : " k " ~'"~'
" ;" "~"
, .
:~. v..~::.~.
'~-----~ ~ - . f l l l ~ l l l L - - , ~ - ~ - ~ ' - ~
easiest pressure relief (Fig. 3). This latter effect should be especially marked with
wrench and normal faults, where a3 is horizontal and the cracks may be expected
to lie in vertical planes. Note, though, that the generally lower differential stresses
associated with normal faulting (Sibson i974) may reduce the extent to which
dilatancy occurs. Upflow from the collapsing dilatant zone must take place through
the fault and adjacent fractures, with flow rates decreasing as the source region of
the earthquake returns to its pre-dilatant state. It should also be noted here that
individual seismic events usually occur as localised shear dislocations Which do
not lead to displacements over the entire surface of an existing geological fault.
Thus, following any one earthquake, both resheared and unsheared areas of the
fault surface may serve as passageways for flow. Irregularities in the fault surface
and intersections with minor fractures will act as channels, concentrating flow
and increasing the effective permeability of the whole fault zone.
Substantial transient outflows of water along spring-lines in the vicinity of faults
are not infrequently observed following moderate shallow earthquakes (Briggs &
Troxell i955, Tchalenko i973). The Matsushiro earthquake swarm, which was
energetically equivalent to a single event of magnitude M6. 3 (Hagiwara & Iwate
1968), resulted from strike-slip movements about a buried wrench fault c. i o km
in length (Kasahara i97o ). It was accompanied by the surface expulsion in one
year of about io 1 litres of warm, Na-Ca-C1 brine, saturated with carbon dioxide
(Tsuneishi & Nakamura i97o ). This outflow has been interpreted as resulting
from the collapse of a focal region with a dilatant strain of about 10-4 (Nur 1974).
B u i l d - u p of
tectonic shear
Onset of
Fluid f i l l s
EQ Collapse
dilatant cracks
of dilatant
Fluid f l o w
F~G. 2. Synoptic diagram of the seismic pumping process (modified from Scholz
et al. 1973).
01 ~
'Z one
~ "
Limit of shear dislocationJ
Fluid migration direction
(after fault movement)
Earthquake focus
Seismic pumping
collapses after an earthquake, fluids carrying material dissolved from the source
rocks are transported over periods of days to months to different physico-chemical
environments which may bring about mineral deposition. Hydrothermal deposits may develop on the fault itself in both resheared and unsheared regions, and
in connected extension fissures including those created by hydraulic fracturing.
Fluids ejected from the fault plane enter accessible extension fractures across
which there is a lower normal stress.
To demonstrate the viability of the seismic pumping mechansim for the emplacement ofhydrothermal deposits, we consider the potential of a single M6 earthquake
for transporting quartz in solution from a focal depth of xo km to depositional
sites at higher levels. Quartz is chosen because its solubility in water is dependent
largely on temperature and pressure, with chemical factors playing only a minor
role (Holland 1967). An earthquake fault dimension (L) of IO km and a mean
slip of I O-IOO cm are reasonable parameters for an event of this magnitude (Wyss
& Brune 1968 ). Assuming, conservatively, that the dilatant volume (V) is a
sphere (the symmetrical updoming at Matsushiro suggests that this is reasonable
(Hagiwara 1972)) of radius L[2, and that the dilatant strain (AV/V) is IO-s
(Scholz et al. I97~3, Nur 1974) , the volume of fluid released after the earthquake
(AV ~-, lO-5 . L8/2) is about 5 IO9 litres.
The solubility of quartz in pure water along a geothermobaric gradient of
35C and 3oo bars per kilometre is shown in Fig. 4. At a depth of lO km, 5 lO9
litres of water can potentially dissolve ~.~iot0 g of quartz in the dilatant zone.
From the solubility curve it is clear that by the time the expelled fluid cools to
1ooC during ascent, more than 95% of this quartz will be precipitated. The
volume of quartz deposited is equivalent to a sheet vein of approximate dimensions
1 cm 4o m IO km, extending along the length of the earthquake fault, but
channel flow will tend to concentrate this. A fault with a finite displacement of
I km could have produced from i o 8 to to 4 such mineralising fluid pulses.
I "1
Q 71
FIG. 4"
4. D i s c u s s i o n
Most previous workers have suggested that faults play a passive role in the emplacement of high-level hydrothermal deposits, acting either as permeable conduits
for percolating fluids, or in some eases as impermeable barriers which impound
migrating waters. Here, we suggest that the mechanics of seismic faulting plays
a key role in the intermittent transport of hydrothermal fluids. The calculations
in the previous section show that the potential for hydrothermal ore formation is
very great, provided suitable material is available for solution in the zone of
dilatation, and physico-chemical changes can be effected to bring about the
deposition of minerals during ascent. Because their composition is suited to the
transport of a wide variety of gangue and ore minerals (Roedder 1972), the saline
fluids expelled at Matsushiro are of particular interest in this regard. Interestingly, a study of recent metalliferous sedimentation in the Red Sea (Bignell 1975)
draws attention to the episodic appearance of metal-bearing brines, and to the
association of brine-filled deeps with regions where the median rift is offset along
transform faults. As it is these sections of the transform faults which should be
seismically active, it seems possible that the intermittent faulting accompanying
sea-floor spreading could provide a mechanism for the sporadic discharge of
metal-bearing brines. We would also suggest that the quantities of fluid involved
in the seismic pumping process are such (lO 1 litres ~ 6 I o ~ barrels) that the
mechanism may substantially assist the migration of hydrocarbon fluids in tectonitally active areas.
ACKNOWI.~DO~NTS. We thank Dr N. J. Price, Dr D. J. Shearman, Professor Janet Watson and
Professor G. R. Davis for critical reading of the manuscript.
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Richard Hugh Sibson, John McMahon Moore & Andrew Hugh Rankin,
Department of Geology, Royal School of Mines, Imperial College,
London SW7 2BP