The Evolution of Comparative Cognition: Is The Snark Still A Boojum?

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Behavioural Processes 80 (2009) 210217

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The evolution of comparative cognition: Is the snark still a boojum?

Sara J. Shettleworth
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, 100 St. George Street, Room 4020, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3, Canada

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 28 August 2008
Accepted 2 September 2008
Animal cognition
Comparative psychology
Numerical cognition
Theory of mind

a b s t r a c t
In The Snark is a Boojum, Beach [Beach, F.A., 1950. The snark was a boojum. American Psychologist.
5, 115124] famously asserted that animal psychology embraced too few species and too few problems
to deserve the name comparative. Later in the 20th century, others [e.g. Kamil, A.C., 1988. A synthetic
approach to the study of animal intelligence. In: Leger, D.W. (Ed.), Comparative Perspectives in Modern Psychology. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, vol. 35. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE,
pp. 230257; Shettleworth, S.J., 1993. Where is the comparison in comparative cognition? Alternative
research programs. Psychological Science. 4, 179184] expressed similar concerns about the new subeld
of comparative cognition, suggesting that a more biological approach to choice of species and problems
was needed to balance a dominant anthropocentrism. The last 1015 years have seen many new developments, and a recent survey like Beachs reveals a very different picture. Not only are many more species
being studied, contributions by researchers from different backgrounds are increasing, and research on
comparative cognition is better connected with developmental psychology, behavioral neuroscience, primatology, behavioral ecology, and other elds. Contemporary research addresses three major aspects of
cognition about equally: basic processes, physical cognition, and social cognition. This article describes
a selected research program from each area, chosen to exemplify current trends and challenges for the
2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction: the snark and the boojum

As many readers will recognize, the title of this article alludes
to two classics in the literature. The primary source is Lewis Carrolls long nonsense poem, The Hunting of the Snark, the story of a
Bellman, a Banker, a Beaver, a Baker and a few other hardy souls
who go hunting the snark. Snarks have various qualities, but the
important one in the present context is noted when the Bakers
ancient uncle warns, O beamish nephew, beware of the day/If your
Snark be a boojum! For then/You will softly and suddenly vanish
away,/And never be met with again! When the hunters do eventually encounter a snark, sad to say it proves to be a boojum, and
the baker, who sees it rst, does indeed softly and suddenly vanish
The relationship of Carrolls poem to comparative cognition is
claried by the second classic to which the title alludes, Frank
Beachs 1950 Psychological Review article, The snark was a boojum. Of course comparative cognition had not been thought of in
1949, when Beach gave his presidential address about the snark to
the experimental division of the American Psychological Association; he was talking about comparative psychology in general. In

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Beachs analogy, American psychologists who had spent the rst

part of the century in pursuit of something called comparative psychology were like the Baker and his friends in that their quarry was
not what they thought. As a result they were in danger of softly
and suddenly vanishing away, and unlike Lewis Carroll, Beach had
a graph to prove it. His Fig. 1 (Beach, 1950) showed the total number
of articles published every second year between 1911 and 1947 in
The Journal of Comparative Psychology (JCP), along with its incarnations earlier as the Journal of Animal Behavior and later, as The Journal
of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. The total number of
articles was going up, but the total number of species represented
in those articles was going down, to fewer than ten in an average
year in the 1940 s. And you can probably guess what the most popular of those species was. So, Beach argued, genuine comparative
psychologists had vanished away because they had been pursuing
the boojum of the white rat.
One can make all kinds of qualications and comments on
Beachs analysis, and over the years people have (e.g. Adkins-Regan,
1990; Dewsbury, 1998). Nevertheless, the snark and the boojum are
a good starting point for talking about recent developments not so
much in comparative psychology as a whole but research on cognition in animals. We can begin by comparing Beachs data with
the results of a similar survey of articles in the last three years. The
left-most panel in Fig. 1 displays Beachs (1950, Fig. 2) breakdown
of articles by groups of species for 194648 as a histogram. The

S.J. Shettleworth / Behavioural Processes 80 (2009) 210217

Fig. 1. Percent of all articles published in the given periods in each journal reporting data on rats (rat), mammals other than rats (other mamm), non-mammalian
vertebrates (other verts), and invertebrates (inverts). Beach = data from Fig. 2 in
Beach (1950) for 1946 + 1948; JCP = Journal of Comparative Psychology; JEP = Journal
of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes; An Cog = Animal Cognition;
0507 = based on total for the three year period 20052007.

comparable analysis of the Journal of Comparative Psychology for

20052007 displayed beside it is a stunning contrast. Of course JCP
might not be most relevant for comparative cognition, as it publishes quite a bit of straight animal behavior or ethology. But the
proles for two of the other leading outlets for animal learning and
cognition research, the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal
Behavior Processes (JEP:ABP) and Animal Cognition, in the rightmost
two panels are also very different from the one based on Beachs
data. The difference between them largely reects JEP:ABPs status as an archival journal for the continuing development of basic
theory with data from relatively few species. This kind of research,

Fig. 2. Percent of all articles published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes in 19911993 and in 20052007 reporting data on species
in the given groups. Multi species = contains new data from more than one species.
Multi species articles are also represented in one or more of the other categories.
They were counted once in each species group represented. For example, an article
comparing two or more monkey species counted as one article about other primates but one comparing monkeys with humans counted as one about humans
and one about other primates. See Dewsbury (1998) for an alternative approach to
this problem.


which Beach and others (Dewsbury, 1998) might call simply animal psychology is considered in this article as part of the broader
eld of comparative cognition. Method and theory developed with
in-depth studies of a few species are indispensable for explicitly
comparative research, which in turn can feed back on the development of basic theory (for an example see Wright, 2006).
In itself the trend toward studying more species could represent just a mindless accumulation of data. But Beach (1950) also
complained about the limited number of problems and kinds of
behaviors being studied by so-called comparative psychologists.
Those criticisms were echoed over the years by people such as
Hodos and Campbell (1969), who added the complaint that the
comparisons that were being made were not well grounded in evolutionary theory (see also Papini, 2002). So what is important is
what this changing prole means, and to explore that I will focus
on comparative cognition, mainly on developments in the last 15
years or so. Not only does this time frame correspond to the age of
the Comparative Cognition Society, but also it is a little more than 15
years since Stu Hulse, one of the pioneers of the contemporary study
of comparative cognition, organized a symposium on the topic at
the meetings of the Psychonomic Society (Hulse, 1993). Echoing the
complaints of Beach (1950) and Hodos and Campbell (1969) about
the absence of biologically meaningful comparisons from so-called
comparative psychology, my contribution to it (Shettleworth, 1993)
was titled Where is the comparison in comparative cognition? It
contrasted biological and anthropocentric approaches to comparison and suggested that at the time most comparisons being made
by animal cognition researchers were implicitly with humans, i.e.
anthropocentric. More research was needed with an ecological or
adaptationist approach, testing for convergence and/or divergence
in cognitive abilities based on how cognition functions in the wild.
Comparisons of spatial memory in food-storing and nonstoring
birds provided an example. Other people, especially Al Kamil (e.g.
Kamil, 1988). were saying similar things at the time. Over the years
many others have made their own thoughtful assessments of the
eld of comparative cognition (Terrace, 1984; Wasserman, 1997;
Hulse, 2006; Church, 2001).
What follows is a personal view of what has been happening in
the eld in the past 1015 years, a view developed while preparing
an updated edition of my book (Shettleworth, 1998). Documenting
all the new developments makes clear that there really have been
some very big changes, so that complaints like those of Hodos and
Campbell about lack of sophistication regarding evolution, neglect
of natural behavior and more than a handful of species, or absence
of connections with other areas in the psychology and biology of
mind and behavior are becoming less and less appropriate. But
before surveying a few examples of these developments, let us go
back to a Beachian analysis of the proportions of articles on different groups of species in JEP:ABP (Fig. 2) and JCP (Fig. 3) at the
beginning and end of this roughly 15-year period. The changes in
JEP:ABP are most conspicuous. Although about the same number of
articles was published in 20052007 as in 19911993 (126 and 113,
respectively), the number of species studied doubled, from 10 to 20,
as did the proportion of articles reporting new data on more than
one species (multi species; see gure captions for further explanation). The increased number of species largely reects studies on
apes and monkeys and on more different species of birds. The trend
toward more studies of nonhuman primates is even more conspicuous in the data for the JCP, where the total number of species
hardly changed (66 species in 136 articles in 199193 and 73 species
in 151 articles in 20052007), but the species represented shifted
toward apes, monkeys, and humans. Indeed, a substantial number
of the multi species articles in the latter period were explicit comparisons of two or more primates, sometimes including humans.
Finally, as the simplied summary in Fig. 1 suggests, the journal


S.J. Shettleworth / Behavioural Processes 80 (2009) 210217

Fig. 3. Percent of all articles published in the Journal of Comparative Psychology in

19911993 and in 20052007 reporting data on species in the given groups. Multi
species = contains new data from more than one species. Multi species articles are
also represented in one or more of the other categories as explained in the caption
to Fig. 2.

Animal Cognition has a prole similar to JCPs in 20052007, with a

small proportion of papers on rats and a large proportion on monkeys and apes. The very existence of this journal, which appeared
rst in 1998, says something about the growth of the eld.
And people publishing on comparative cognition are not just
talking to each other. Another revealing index is the number of articles that appear in prominent generalist scientic
journalsProceedings of the Royal Society, PNAS, Biology Letters, and
most importantly perhaps, Science and Nature. As a rough measure,
the database of references for my book contains more than twice as
many items from Science or Nature in 20052007 as in 19911993.
The very recent ones include probably the largest single study of
comparative cognition ever done (Herrmann et al., 2007), in which
106 chimpanzees, 32 orangutans, and 105 two-year-old children
were each given a whole battery of tests of physical and social cognition. But what is going on is much more than larger numbers of
articles about larger numbers of species. There has been a dramatic
evolution in what comprises the study of comparative cognition.

(Roitblat et al., 1984) with 33 chapters. New topics included number, evolution, and neuroscience. And the species contributing data
now included Clarks nutcrackers and other songbirds and many
more nonhuman primates. One might continue this survey and
extend it to textbooks, many of which reect the historical development of the eld with titles mentioning animal learning and
cognition and organizations with the chapters on cognition at the
But it seems to me that if done without too many historical blinders, an inclusive survey of current work in comparative cognition
reveals that the eld encompasses three major sets of mechanisms
for the acquisition, processing, and representation of information
about the environment. Basic cognitive processes cut across all
kinds of content; these are the ones that were the main focus in
the 1970s. They include perception, attention, memory, associative leaning, category and concept learning. In addition, following
the taxonomy proposed by Tomasello and Call (1997), is research
on two sets of possibly specialized processes of acquisition, representation, and behavioral control, or cognitive modules, dened
largely in terms of their functions, i.e. what aspects of the world
they are about, namely physical cognition and social cognition.
Some aspects of physical cognition like time, space, and number
have been studied for quite a long time within experimental animal psychology, whereas others like tool using and causal learning
have emerged or re-emerged into prominence recently. Social cognition includes social knowledge, the kind of thing so beautifully
studied in the eld by Cheney and Seyfarth (2007), i.e. what animals
know about their social networks and how they come to know it.
It also includes theory of mind, imitation and other forms of social
learning, and the representational and other processes involved in
So part of what has changed since the 1970s is that the study of
cognitive processes in animals now encompasses a much broader
set of problems. They are also being studied by researchers from
a much wider variety of backgrounds. Behavioral ecologists, eld
biologists, developmental psychologists, and others are all contributing, and in some integrative research the lines between them
are nearly invisible. But more important are the major conceptual
and theoretical issues being addressed. The next part of the article briey reviews some key issues common to different aspects
of cognition by taking one topic within each of the three major
areas to exemplify some of the important new developments and
3. Basic processes: memory

2. What is comparative cognition?

So what is comparative cognition? In a sense the eld began with
Darwin, whose second great book, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, (Darwin, 1871) identied nearly every aspect
of comparative cognition that has been investigated since, not to
mention proposing the still-controversial (see Penn et al., 2008)
hypothesis that human beings differ mentally only in degree, not
in kind, from other animals. But to conne ourselves to contemporary research stimulated by the cognitive revolution in psychology,
a good way to see how comparative cognition has evolved is to
consult some landmark edited books (see also Hulse, 2006). The
collection by Hulse et al. (1978) that is often seen as having proclaimed the beginning of the eld has fourteen chapters: ve
on conditioning, two each on memory and spatial cognition, one
each on attention, serial learning, time, and abstract concepts. The
research described therein represents a total of three nonhuman
species: rat, pigeon, and chimpanzee. But even within a few years
this prole began to change. The animal cognition conference held
at Columbia University in the spring of 1982 resulted in a book

To start with basic processes, we can go right back to memory,

studies of which have been with us since well before Roberts and
Grant (e.g. 1974) and others started looking at pigeons forgetting
functions in operant paradigms. Like research on human memory in
the 1970s, research on animal memory was focused on functional
aspects of memory such as retention vs. time since training and
perhaps information processing models of what was going on. Conscious aspects of memory were simply not an issue. But the analysis
of human memory has evolved a good deal since then, and at the
same time the study of consciousness has become respectable in
the cognitive and brain sciences more generally. So the study of
human memory now includes all sorts of questions about conscious
aspects of memory: explicit vs. implicit memory, remembering vs.
knowing, metamemory, episodic memory, and the latest (Addis et
al., 2007), using memory to imagine the future. Along with these
developments has come a compelling interest in the same kinds of
processes in nonhuman animals. It is not mere anthropomorphism
to ask, for example, whether animals are aware of their memories or
engage in mental time travel. These are also legitimate questions

S.J. Shettleworth / Behavioural Processes 80 (2009) 210217

about evolutionary continuity between humans and other species.

In addition, advances in the brain sciences have made comparative
research on memory much more rich and interesting by providing
animal models for neurobiological studies potentially relevant for
human welfare. So it is not surprising that the last decade has seen
a huge upsurge in research on aspects of memory that in humans
are accompanied by distinctive conscious experiences, especially
episodic memory (Clayton et al., 2003a; Hampton and Schwartz,
2004) and metamemory (e.g. Smith and Washburn, 2005; Terrace
and Metcalfe, 2005).
On one controversial denition (cf. Tulving, 2005) episodic
memory, or memory for unique experiences in ones personal
part, is accompanied by the sense of traveling back in time to the
event, consciously re experiencing it. The fact that loss of episodic
memory is one of the symptoms of Alzheimers disease and other
pathologies helps to explain the intense interest of the neuroscience community in potential examples in animals. The landmark
experiment (Clayton and Dickinson, 1998) that kicked off much of
this work exploited the natural food-storing behavior of Western
scrub jays (Aphelocoma californica). The birds stored both peanuts
and wax worms and were allowed to retrieve them either after 4 h,
in which case both items were fresh, or after 124 h, at which time
the worms were rotten (i.e. made distasteful). At rst the birds
were given a number of opportunities to learn this contingency
by actually encountering fresh and rotten worms. When they were
then tested with no worms or nuts present, they chose as would
be predicted if they remembered not only what they stored where,
but also when (or how long ago, Roberts et al., 2008) the storing
episode took place. That is, they searched for worms rst after 4 h
and for peanuts rst after 124 h. Control birds for whom the worms
were always fresh went rst for worms at both times, showing that
sites with worms are not simply forgotten more quickly than those
with peanuts. So does this mean scrub jays have episodic memory?
Of course if episodic memory means traveling mentally back in
time to the moment when the food was hoarded, we can never
know the answer to this question. By same token, the question
whether animals consciously imagine the future, the new wave
of research in this area, is also unanswerable (Raby et al., 2007;
Suddendorf and Corballis, 2007). But to the extent episodic memory encodes a specic place, thing, and time (or time ago), the birds
could only do what they do if they have such a whatwherewhen
memory. So Clayton and Dickinson (1998) wisely claimed no more
that they had demonstrated episodic-like memory in the scrub
jays; that is, they had gone as far as it is possible to go with nonverbal subjects. Further experiments, including some employing a
third type of item, have provided evidence that the birds memories for what, where, and when have some other characteristics
of human episodic memory. For example, they can be used exibly, in that the animals evaluation of an item can change after it
has been hoarded (Clayton et al., 2003b). This whole approach to
animal episodic memory has been debated, however, and several
alternative approaches suggested. For example, unlike with unique
experiences in daily life, in Clayton and Dickinsons experiment the
birds could anticipate having their memory tested, and this may
have affected encoding. Perhaps a better analogue involves asking
the animals an unexpected question (Zentall et al., 2001). Maybe the
temporal aspect of episodic memory is not time as such but spatial
context or the context provide by surrounding events (Eichenbaum
et al., 2005). Pigeons, rats, and mice all pass one or more tests of
episodic memory based on such criteria.
Consideration of this research reveals several issues that often
arise in attempts to document processes in animals that are already
somewhat understood in humans. The rst is that progress is often
greatest if the process under study is well dened for humans.
However, among researchers studying human memory, conscious


re-creation of rich personal experiences in everyday life is not

universally seen as the key feature of episodic memory. Memory
for familiar images seen in the laboratory a few minutes ago is
also studied under the rubric of episodic memory (e.g. Kohler et
al., 2001). Such ambiguities leave the way open for the multiple
approaches to testing animals sketched above.
Second, attempts to investigate human-like processes in other
species often begin with asking yes/no questions and designing
pass/fail tests to answer them. For example, do animals have
episodic memory translated into do scrub jays exposed to decaying worms behave signicantly differently from controls? More
powerful and convincing are cases in which a more extensive pattern of data can be sought, in effect functional similarity in the
mathematical sense of similar relationships between dependent
and independent variables, and predictions from different theories of the mechanisms involved pitted against each other in
experiments (see Wasserman, 1984; Heyes, 2008). In the case of
episodic memory this has been achieved by Howard Eichenbaum
and his group (cf. Eichenbaum et al., 2005) using tests of rats
remarkable olfactory memory modeled on tests for people that dissociate remembering vs. knowing (or recollection, i.e. episodic
memory, vs. a mere sense of familiarity with previously encountered material). Although this approach (Yonelinas, 2001) is not
uncontroversial, it does predict different patterns of data from two
independent kinds of memory tests when factors such as retention
interval and the subjects reporting bias are varied. These patterns can be replicated in rats. They also change in hippocampally
lesioned rats in ways that parallel changes in amnesic humans. This
whole package of parallels thus constitutes strong evidence that
rats share with humans a process with the functional properties
of episodic memory. It is an also excellent example of how comparative research can be connected with cognitive neuroscience in
important and productive ways.
Finally, when it comes to aspects of cognition such as episodic
memory and metamemory that are accompanied by distinctive
conscious experiences in humans, the best we can do is agree on
criteria for functional similarity. In the tests of scrub jays episodiclike memory, for instance, appropriate choice among cache sites is
taken as evidence for the kind of integrated memory of what, where,
and when that people report on verbally. But as to whether the jays
or any other animals have the same conscious memory processes
as humans, as Hampton (2005) said of work on metamemory in
monkeys, It will . . . always remain a matter of conjecture whether
monkeys experience conscious states of knowing like our own . . ..
We need to adopt a performance-based view of natural selection,
from which cognition is seen through what it does, not through
how it is experienced. This viewpoint has the somewhat paradoxical implication that although asking whether animals are aware
of their memories appears to be a legitimate comparative question
about cognitive and brain processes, and although it has led to fascinating and important discoveries about animal memory, in some
sense it is unanswerable.
4. Physical cognition: number
In the area of physical cognition, the study of spatial cognition
might be taken as a prime example of tremendous recent change.
Beginning with Gallistels (1990) landmark book, research on
spatial behavior has become a leading example of integration of
both data and theory across species, from invertebrates to humans,
and from the eld to virtual reality to neurobiology (cf. Jeffery,
2003). Research on tool using and on causal learning (Penn and
Povinelli, 2007a) has also seen many recent developments, for
example in the discovery that birds may rival apes in their use of
tools. And some of what began as the study of foraging has evolved


S.J. Shettleworth / Behavioural Processes 80 (2009) 210217

into a rich integration of biological optimality modeling, analysis

of behavior on reinforcement schedules, and theories of economic
decision making (Kacelnik, 2006; Shapiro et al., 2008). But the
study of numerical cognition may have changed the most in that
its theoretical framework has been transformed and comparative
research seamlessly integrated with research on child development
and cognitive neuroscience, sometimes all in the same laboratory
or research group (cf. Brannon, 2006; Feigenson et al., 2004).
Investigations of numerical cognition in animals go back at
least to Clever Hans, but until about a decade ago, they very often
focused on the question, can animals count? (see Chapter 8 in
Shettleworth, 1998). As suggested in the last section, this is not
the most productive kind of question for comparative psychologists because it presupposes a yes or no answer. The history of
research on such questions can animals learn a human language
is another shows that claims to have produced answers to them
usually lead only to debate about what the question means and
what actually needs to be demonstrated. The transformation in
the study of numerical cognition consists of beginning to look at
it as encompassing several core components, each of which may or
may not be shared across species. One core component is a widely
shared ability for fuzzy discrimination among sets of different sizes.
Both nonverbal subjects (animals and human babies) and human
adults prevented from counting by rapid stimulus presentation and
the like discriminate among sets of different numerosities in a way
described by Webers Law. For instance, sets of 6 vs. 8 items are discriminated about as well as sets of 60 vs. 80. Because error increases
proportionately with set size, sets that differ by a given absolute
amount are better discriminated when they are small (e.g. 7 vs. 9)
than when they are large (87 vs. 89).
In addition, at least in some situations monkeys and babies
display a core ability for precise discrimination among small sets
of items, where small is 3 or 4 depending on species and age.
For example, when free-ranging rhesus monkeys have seen up to
three apple pieces placed one by one into each of two containers,
they choose the container with more pieces, but they choose randomly when either container has more than three pieces (Hauser
et al., 2000). In a task copied directly from the one for monkeys,
human babies choose similarly when allowed to crawl toward one
or another of two containers in which they have seen crackers
deposited (see Feigenson et al., 2004). Unlike with the approximate
large number system, performance changes abruptly at a particular
set size. These set size limits are thought to reect the operations of
a primitive object tracking system, although the conditions under
which it operates are not yet entirely clear. For instance, on some
numerical tasks requiring extensive training there is little if any
evidence for anything other than the Webers Law based system
(Brannon, 2006). Nevertheless, the two core processes can both be
demonstrated in human adults. The Brazilian Munduruku, whose
language does not have words for precise quantities greater than
about four, behave essentially the same as numerate French adults
both in precise judgments about quantities lower than four and
in relative comparisons of quantities (clouds of dots) up to 80 or
more. However, when precise quantities greater than four are to be
judged, the tribes peoples performance falls substantially below
that of the French adults, who count the items (Pica et al., 2004).
In summary, the central comparative question about numerical cognition in the early 21st century is not do animals count
but something more like what are the components of numerosity discrimination, how are they shared across species, and what
is the role of language in the numerical competence of numerate
human adults? All three aspects of this question have provisional
answers, the products of fertile two-way exchanges of method
and theory between comparative and developmental psychologists. Neuroimaging and other methods of neuroscience are also

being used to investigate key theoretical issues here, such as the

nature of the mental number line and differences between the precise small and approximate large number systems (Nieder, 2005).
5. Social cognition: theory of mind
Turning to changes in the understanding of social cognition, one
might mention the new insights being contributed by studies of
birds and non primate mammals such as hyenas and meerkats (cf.
de Waal and Tyack, 2003; Emery et al., 2007). One might also mention the evolution of a diverse and lively community of researchers
studying social learning, in species from rats and sh to chimpanzees and children, and topics from mathematical models of
social transmission to the possibility of animal cultures (Galef and
Heyes, 2004; Galef and Laland, 2005). And of course there are exciting and controversial proposals about the potential contributions of
comparative research to understanding the nature and evolution of
human language (Fitch, 2005; Hauser et al., 2002). But for the purposes of this article, the development of research on animal theory
of mind is particularly instructive as an illustration of general issues
not discussed in the two preceding sections.
In psychology, having a theory of mind means understanding
that other individuals have minds, i.e. that they can have knowledge, beliefs, desires, and so on. The concept originated in an
inuential article by Premack and Woodruff (1978), Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind? However, although Premack and
Woodruff presented some initial data from tests in which the
language-trained chimpanzee Sarah behaved as if understanding
the intentions and desires of people in lms, the study of theory of mind took off rst in developmental psychology, where it
soon became a lively and controversial topic (e.g. Carruthers and
Smith, 1996). Research with chimpanzees followed along in the
early 1990s, especially in the extensive work of Daniel Povinelli and
colleagues. Many of their studies involved a paradigm in which a
chimpanzee was confronted with two people from whom it could
beg for food by reaching through a barrier toward one or the other.
Only one of the people could see the animal; the other might have
a blindfold, be looking away, or the like, and would not give food
if chosen. In effect this was a test of whether chimpanzees understand something like, S/he can see me, therefore s/he knows what
I want. But because the animals had many trials in any given condition, they could have come to perform successfully simply by
learning to discriminate on the basis of some observable predictive
cue. One early series of studies seemed to rule out this possibility by
showing that the animals transferred above-chance performance
to a novel situation. However, an analysis of the trial by trial data
done in response to a sharp-eyed behaviorist critic (Heyes, 1993)
showed that the animals did not transfer immediately but acquired
the correct response during the test (Povinelli, 1994). As a result,
subsequent work focused specically on what cues the animals
used or learned to use in this and related tests. One important point
underlined by this work is that whether in contrived laboratory situations or in natural social groups, inferences about the minds of
others are necessarily based on their behavior. Therefore Premack
and Woodruffs question Is the chimpanzee a behaviorist or a mentalist? cannot have an all-or-nothing answer. Chimpanzees may or
may not interpret others behavior with mentalist constructs like
those invoked by humans, but it is impossible to be only a mentalist.
The generally negative conclusions from the chimpanzee theory of mind research of the 1990s were not universally accepted.
Rather, several critiques of the early paradigms inspired a new
and still ongoing wave of research. Two prominent critiques were
that, rst, the chimpanzees were being tested on their theory
of the human mind; perhaps they would perform differently if
tested with other chimpanzees. Second, they were being asked to

S.J. Shettleworth / Behavioural Processes 80 (2009) 210217

understand a cooperative individual, but in nature chimpanzees

more often compete than cooperate over food. And indeed, as
these ideas predict, chimpanzees do behave as if having theory of
mind when competing with a dominant animal over food (Hare
et al., 2001). Again, however, what is going on in such tests can
be deconstructed into use of particular observable cues, including
memory for who was present and where they were directing their
gaze when food was hidden (Povinelli and Vonk, 2003; but see
Tomasello et al., 2003). These social skills are not conned to chimpanzees; ravens and scrub jays also show them when protecting
their food caches (Bugnyar and Heinrich, 2005; Dally et al., 2006).
Another line of deconstruction is based on the observation that
the original paradigms required chimpanzees to use human communicative cues such as pointing and gazing. Perhaps due to a
history of domestication other animals, particularly dogs, do this
better than chimpanzees (Hare and Tomasello, 2005; Miklsi et al.,
2004). This intuition turns out to be correct, an excellent example
of how behavior that seems to be smart in human terms is not
necessarily conned to primates but may be an adaptation to a particular social niche. However, exactly how and why domestication
has resulted in responsiveness to human gestures and other cues
and whether it has anything to tell us about the evolution of human
sociality is still a matter of debate, made the more interesting by the
nding that domestic goats and foxes selected merely for tameness
show the same tendencies as dogs (Hare, 2007).
Although in exploring these diverging avenues, researchers may
seem to have lost sight of Premack and Woodruffs original question, it continues to be debated. On one view, in principle no
paradigm from which data has yet been reported can distinguish
behavior based on theory of mind from use of observable cues, and
new kinds of tests are called for (Penn and Povinelli, 2007b). On
another (Call and Tomasello, 2008), based on new sorts of data,
evidence for at least some components of theory of mind in chimpanzees has never been stronger. Like numerical cognition, theory
of mind may be best understood as having various components.
For example, Call and Tomasello (2008) suggest that chimpanzees
understand the perceptions and goals of others but not their beliefs
and desires. Controversy surrounding this issue seems unlikely to
abate any time soon. In the meanwhile, one general principle that
can be derived from the history sketched here is that explaining
what animals do as the expression of memories, concepts, representations, and the like does not preclude explaining it in terms of
observable factors such as past history and present cues. The challenging business of attempting to infer cognitive processes from
behavior cannot be conducted successfully without taking into
account what ethology and behavior analysis have to say about the
control of behavior qua behavior.
Introductions to animal behavior for biology students traditionally begin by dening Tinbergens (1963) four questions
proximate cause, current function, evolutionary history, and development in the individual and go on to emphasize that they
must not be confused with one another. Particularly insidious is
the ease with which cause can be confused with function and
functional answers given to causal questions. For instance, a scrub
jays recaching may function to deceive a competitor, but this does
not mean that the jay has theory of mind and an intention to
deceive. During the last 3040 years, the tendency to such confusions has been exacerbated by theoretical developments in both
the biology and the psychology of animal behavior. With the rise
of behavioral ecology in the 1970s, traditional ethological causal
analyses in terms of sign stimuli, xed action patterns and the like
seemed increasingly old fashioned and theoretically uninteresting (Dawkins, 1989). The answer to what is this animal doing?
was more likely to be choosing a mate than bowing and cooing in response to cues from a female. As a result, students were


Fig. 4. Schematic depiction of how comparative cognition intersects with other


not always taught to look at behavior as such. At more or less the

same time, the shift within psychology from behaviorism to cognitivism meant that psychology students were not so often exposed
to behavior analysis as a valuable aid to causal understanding. Here
what is this animal doing? became expressing its theory of mind
rather than responding to cues that predicted reinforcement in the
past. But just as Tinbergen emphasized keeping all four questions
in mind and seeking to answer them in an integrated way, so it
is important to know about and keep in mind alternative ways of
answering causal questions. The participation in comparative cognition research of scientists from more diverse backgrounds has
increased the importance of such thinking. As we have seen in this
section, a test of theory of mind may be at the same time a discrimination learning experiment and a situation in which a species
has been selected for responding in one way rather than another.
In a sense, then, the take-home message from this section is that
the lessons of Tinbergen and Skinner should not be forgotten in
the excitement of seeking human-like cognitive processes in other
6. Conclusions: the snark is no longer a boojum
The study of cognitive mechanisms of animal behavior, or cognitive ethology in the broad sense (Kamil, 1998), is an energetic and
growing interdisciplinary enterprise (Fig. 4). Figs. 13 reveal that
the classic criticisms of Beach and others regarding undue focus
on a small number of species simply do not apply to contemporary research on comparative cognition. The brief summaries of
research on basic cognitive processes, physical, and social cognition
elsewhere in this article indicate that the range of problems being
studied is also much broader than in the past. As for the sophistication of comparisons that are being done, many of the examples
touched on here involve comparisons between distantly related
species, scrub jays and humans for example. The classic methods
of biological comparison include comparing both close and distant
relatives, and much can be learned from work of both kinds (see
Papini, 2002). In current research on comparative cognition, for
example, the suggestion that some birds among the corvids may
have convergently evolved aspects of social cognition long thought
to be exclusive to primates (Emery and Clayton, 2004) provides
both an antidote to anthropocentric assumptions about the specialness of primates and possibilities for testing hypotheses about


S.J. Shettleworth / Behavioural Processes 80 (2009) 210217

the evolution of social intelligence. Comparisons of close relatives

may be part of the same enterprise, as in the tests of transitive inference abilities in corvids differing in sociality (Bond et al., 2003). As
another example of testing close relatives, comparing chimpanzees
with humans to discover what makes us human and eventually
connect the ndings with comparative genetics and neuroanatomy
is a very active area in itself (Penn et al., 2008; Herrmann et al.,
Although the argument by analogy (or anthropomorphism)
undoubtedly still plays a role in suggesting problems for study,
the mainstream of research on comparative cognition can be characterized, to borrow a phrase from Heyes (2008) as experimental
tests of functionally dened processes and mechanisms. The current sketch of selected recent developments has highlighted a few
challenges for this enterprise. One is to start with clear functional
denitions of the processes under study, something that may not
be possible when the process is not already well understood in
some reference species, very often humans. (But when it is not,
sometimes research with animals will suggest new and revealing
tests with people, as in Silva et al., 2005.) Especially productive are
cases in which rather than a simple yes/no answer, rich functional
relationships between dependent and independent variables can
be sought. Instead of setting up one-off critical tests that members of a species either pass or fail, more progress may be made by
breaking a broadly dened capability down into components, asking which are shared among species, and under what conditions
and why. One way to resist the seductions of anthropomorphism
or folk psychology is to keep in mind that animals may solve problems in very different ways than we do or believe we do. What
Tinbergen and Skinner taught us about the causes of behavior is
an indispensable part of understanding the cognitive mechanisms
underlying that behavior. Finally, Fig. 4 is not meant to be reminiscent of Wilsons (1975) infamous depiction of the biological
sciences swallowing up the behavioral sciences. Rather, it is meant
to indicate that comparative cognition intersects with nearly all
the other subelds of cognitive science and the biology of behavior
and that exploiting and nourishing those connections, and teaching
our students to do the same, is an essential part of the future of the
Preparation of this article was supported by a Discovery Grant
from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada. Many thanks to Caroline Strang, who did all the work on the
survey presented in Figs. 13. I am deeply grateful to the members
of the Comparative Cognition Society for the honor represented by
the invitation to give the 2008 Master Lecture on which this article is based and especially honored by the contributions of Karen
Hollis and so many other students, colleagues, and friends to the
Societys 2008 conference and this wonderful special issue.
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