The Development of Sociobiology in Relation To Animal Behavior Studies, 1946-1975
The Development of Sociobiology in Relation To Animal Behavior Studies, 1946-1975
The Development of Sociobiology in Relation To Animal Behavior Studies, 1946-1975
DOI 10.1007/s10739-017-9491-x
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Abstract. This paper aims at bridging a gap between the history of American animal
behavior studies and the history of sociobiology. In the post-war period, ecology,
comparative psychology and ethology were all investigating animal societies, using
different approaches ranging from fieldwork to laboratory studies. We argue that this
disunity in ‘‘practices of place’’ (Kohler, Robert E. Landscapes & Labscapes: Exploring
the Lab-Field Border in Biology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002) explains
the attempts of dialogue between those three fields and early calls for unity through
‘‘sociobiology’’ by J. Paul Scott. In turn, tensions between the naturalist tradition and
the rising reductionist approach in biology provide an original background for a history
of Edward Wilson’s own version of sociobiology, much beyond the William Hamilton’s
papers (Journal of Theoretical Biology 7: 1–16, 17–52, 1964) usually considered as its key
antecedent. Naturalists were in a defensive position in the geography of the fields
studying animal behavior, and in reaction were a driving force behind the various
projects of synthesis called ‘‘sociobiology’’.
On the ‘‘deep background’’ of sociobiology, see Segerstrale (2000, pp. 79–99). In
chapters both entitled ‘‘What is sociobiology?’’, Kitcher (1985) and Alcock (2001) take a
similar view. Wilson flatly denies this historical reading of his work: ‘‘I was inspired to
write Sociobiology not by the impetus of gene-centered theory of altruism as begun by
Williams and Hamilton (and Haldane deserves some credit) although I admired the idea
greatly and was pleased to include their work in a 1965 article on social insects and then
in The Insect Societies in 1971.’’ (Wilson, email to the author, April 16, 2009). This
historical claim by Wilson should be put in the perspective of his recent reconsideration
of the role of kin selection in the origins of eusociality (Nowak et al., 2010; Gibson,
Our framework bears an obvious debt to Kohler (2002), which traces the history of
American (mainly plant) ecology in this perspective, up to 1950. See also Montgomery
(2005) for a focus on primatologist C. R. Carpenter in the first part of the twentieth
century, paying the same attention to scientific practice in situ; Rees (2006) on the
practices of the field of post-1950 primatologists, Burkhardt (1999) for a brief history of
ethology focusing on the problem of place, Billick and Price (2010) on ecology and
ratory to the use in the field, developed their own tools, and invented
protocols to reinvent the field as a place where ‘‘nature experiments’’
could be performed. These activities which necessitated new capabilities,
such as field stations, transformed the traditional, observational natural
history into ‘‘professional’’ ecology in the early decades of the twentieth
century (Billick and Price, 2010; Kingsland, 2010). We argue that these
tensions continued to play a role in post-1950 biology, and even
heightened due to the coming of age of yet another mode of production
of knowledge in contemporary biology, namely blackboard mathe-
matical biology.
We will first depict the three main traditions of investigation of
animal societies (ecology, comparative psychology and ethology),
examining how they were situated at different places in the geography of
scientific practices in mid-twentieth century, leading to divergent and
equally problematic conceptions of the nature of ‘‘social’’ behaviors,
and the methods to study them. We will then make the argument that
this lack of unifying framework led outdoor biologists, who in this
geography suffered from a recurring deficit of scientific credibility, to
seek closer relations with experimental biology in order to develop an
alliance, that behavioral geneticist J. Paul Scott called ‘‘sociobiology’’.
Once established that Scott’s sociobiology first emerged in the 1950s as a
synthesis of laboratory and field based practices, it will be recognized
that a similar pattern explains the forging of alliances by naturalists with
mathematicians and theoretically minded biologists in the 1960s,
resulting this time in Stuart Altmann’s and then Wilson’s sociobiology.
This will lead us to reconsider in a last section the meaning of Socio-
biology: The New Synthesis, and to suggest that this project led to
reaffirming the naturalist credo in biology.
Until the 1950s, ecologists at the University of Chicago were among the
most visible students of social behavior in animals (Mitman, 1992).5
Drawing on a tradition of attention to the relationships between the
organisms and their environment, students of animal behavior at the
Department of Zoology emphasized the social relations in animal
A mathematical approach to animal social behavior was developed at the same
time by the ‘‘Committee of Mathematical Biology’’ of Nicolas Rashevsky in the same
university. Lacking an adjunct empirical research program, it failed to gain much
traction among students of animal behavior (Abraham, 2004; Shmailov, 2016).
Even Sewall Wright, who as a geneticist could have ignored the role of higher level
interactions, stands out for suggesting a first analytical model of group selection – which
buttressed his colleagues’ efforts at Chicago to show that pro-social behavior was a force
of evolution (Wright, 1945).
Once appointed Head of the Division for Natural Science at the Rockefeller
Foundation, Warren Weaver promoted a ‘‘New Biology’’, also dubbed ‘‘experimental
biology’’, which eroded the funding available to field biology (Kohler, 1976, pp. 286–
287). ‘‘Molecular biology’’ was coined by officers of the Rockefeller Foundation in their
Annual Report for 1938 (Abir-Am, 1987, pp. 32–33).
In the early days of comparative psychology, the investigation of social behavior
was included in the agenda the discipline traced for itself (Holmes, 1922). The clarifi-
cation that ‘‘minding’’ (we would say ‘‘cognition’’ today) had always been the actual
matter of interest, rather than ‘‘behavior’’ in full, is stated in a rare defense of the classic
program of comparative psychology by William Mason (Mason, 1980). On average,
between 1921 and 1974 less than 10% of the articles published in the Journal of Com-
parative Psychology were concerned with social behavior. For similar bibliometric
surveys, see Schneirla (1946); Beach (1950); Lown (1975).
The first use of the term ‘‘sociobiology’’ in the post-war period nicely
illustrates the attempts for the three traditional fields investigating the
social behavior of animals to communicate on a common platform. In
This different appraisal of the instinctive nature of social behavior reflected the
established consensus in the post-war American society that ‘‘culture’’ was irreducible to
biological explanations – to argue the contrary was risking being accused of social
Darwinism (Bellomy, 1984). In this respect, social behavior in animals occupied an
ambiguous position: was it as strongly determined by Darwinian evolution as physical
characters were, or did it belong to a different order of phenomena entirely, as in an
embryo of culture? Behaviorists and comparative psychologists considered that envi-
ronmental factors played a larger role, and were suspicious of the determinism implied
by the evolutionary view. These divergent views were made fully apparent in the criti-
cism of Lorenz’ ethology by comparative psychologist Daniel Lehrman (Lehrman, 1953;
Burkhardt, 2005, pp. 384–390).
As Burkhardt notes, Lorenz studied semi-domesticated animals in the enclosed
fields adjacent to his father’s large house in Altenberg, Austria. Zoos were other priv-
ileged artificial settings frequented by naturalists (Mitman, 1996; Burkhardt, 1999,
Founded in 1929 by C. C. Little to study the heredity of cancer, the Jackson
Laboratory had become one of the main suppliers of inbred mice for cancer research in
the United States. It remains an important center in mammalian genetics to this day
(Mitman, 1992; Paul, 1998; Rader, 2004).
Yerkes had founded in 1911 the Journal of Animal Behavior, first American journal
devoted to the study of the topic. The journal was discontinued in 1917, to reappear in
1921 as the Journal of Comparative Psychology.
Figure 1. The fate of comparative psychology, envisioned by Beach. Note the T-maze
and the running wheel. From Beach (1950, p. 118). Published by APA, reprinted with
Barro Colorado Island was formed by the flooding of a valley, at the creation of the
Panama Canal. It was transformed into a natural reserve in 1923. It is then a perfect
example of the man-made character of the ‘‘natural’’ places singled out by sociobiol-
ogists. On the convenience of islands for census work on ants, see Schneirla to Dia-
mond, October 20, 1953, Box M585.2, Folder ‘‘Public relations’’, Schneirla Papers.
Six newsletters were issued between June 10, 1949 and November 1956: Box M579,
Folder: ‘‘Committee for Study of Animal Behavior’’, and in box M585, Folder
‘‘CSASUNC’’, both in the Schneirla Papers. The newsletter (n.d.) including the minutes
from the CSASNC meeting in New York December 29, 1949 lists 28 members (elected
to the committee) and 56 correspondents (simply receiving the committee reports and
One attempt was particularly diplomatic, when ecologist John Calhoun suggested
borrowing from comparative psychologist their expertise at controlling conditions, but
also their favorite subject, the rat (Calhoun, 1950). Calhoun would continue to situate
his studies of rat crowding and sociopathy in increasingly controlled and symbolically
charged environments (Ramsden and Adams, 2009).
Scott to Schneirla, July 9, 1948, Box M579, Folder ‘‘Conferences: Behavior
Committee’’, Schneirla papers.
In Fall 1953, 2 years into his graduate studies at Harvard, Wilson had
attended a conference by Tinbergen and Lorenz on an American tour,
who were lecturing on the ‘‘new science of ethology’’ (Wilson, 1994, p.
285).23 Lorenz, the passionate naturalist and animal-lover, made a
decisive impression on the similarly inclined Wilson:
‘‘Then Lorenz came … He was a prophet of the dais, passionate,
angry, and importunate. He hammered us with phrases soon to be-
come famous in the behavioral sciences: imprinting, ritualization,
aggressive drive, overflow; and the name of the animals: graylag goose,
jackdaw, stickleback. He had come to proclaim a new approach to the
study of behavior. Instinct had been reinstated, he said; the role of
learning was grossly overestimated by B.F. Skinner and other
behaviorists; we must now press in a new direction. He had my com-
plete attention. Still young and very impressionable, I was quick to
answer his call to arms. Lorenz was challenging the comparative
psychology establishment. … My thoughts now raced. Lorenz has re-
turned animal behavior to natural history. My domain. Naturalists, not
psychologists with their oversimple white rats and mazes, are the best
persons to study animal behavior.’’ (Wilson, 1994, pp. 285–287, italics in
the original).
See ‘‘Newsletter’’ by Scott, November 1956, Box M585, Folder ‘‘CSASNC’’,
Schneirla Papers. In 1958, the ASZ would also burgeon a ‘‘Division of Animal
Behavior’’. By 1964, members from this Division would join those of the Section On
Animal Behavior and Sociobiology to create their own society devoted to the study of
animal behavior: the Animal Behavior Society. See ‘‘The Animal Behavior Society: Its
Early History and Activities’’, Schein, May 1976, Box M3796, Folder ‘‘ABS: History
and Origins’’, J. P. Scott Papers, Archives of the History of American Psychology, The
University of Akron. The society kept true to the naturalist ethos that had inspired the
CSASNC: ‘‘It seemed most important that the society should never lose sight of its basic
unifying theme that all really relevant research on animal behaviour must eventually be
related to the natural conditions under which the behaviour has evolved. We therefore
wrote into the constitution the statement that ‘The Editor of the Journal shall encourage
balances publication of both field studies and laboratory studies having fundamental
relationship to the natural life of animals.’ ’’ (Collias, 1991, p. 627).
This series of conference has had a considerable impact not just on Wilson, but on
the American public in general (Emlen, 1996, p. 178; Burkhardt, 2005, pp. 370–407).
Wilson was not aware that his feelings against ‘‘rats and mazes’’ com-
parative psychology and behaviorism, or his enthusiasm for naturalist
studies, were particularly close to those of the CSASNC members.24 But
he did not remain isolated for long. In 1955, Wilson had just finished his
Ph.D. dissertation on the ant genus Lasius when the Harvard admin-
istration asked him to supervise a post-graduate student, 1 year younger
than him. This student, Stuart Altmann, had specialized in the study of
social behavior of rhesus macaques, and had thereby developed strong
connections with the primatologists involved in the CSASNC.25
Carpenter had given Altmann the census data of another colony of
rhesus monkeys he had implanted himself in the late 1930s on Cayo
Santiago Island, off the coasts of Puerto Rico. In the 1940s, the bio-
logical station of Cayo Santiago had suffered a lack of funds, inter-
rupting census work while the population of monkeys was decimated by
shortage of food and removals for civil and war-related research
(Rawlins and Kessler, 1986, p. 29). In 1956, behavioral research on
social primates resumed with Altmann traveling to Cayo Santiago, his
doctoral supervisor Wilson accompanying him:
‘‘My interest in sociobiology was not the product of a revolution-
ary’s dream. It began innocently as a specialized zoology project one
January morning in 1956 when I visited Cayo Santiago, a small
island off the east coast of Puerto Rico, to look at monkeys… The
two days Stuart [Altmann] and I lived among the rhesus monkeys of
Cayo Santiago were a stunning revelation and an intellectual
turning point… In the evenings Altmann talked primates and I
talked ants, and we came to muse over the possibility of a synthesis
‘‘Unfortunately, [Wilson] and I had very little contact prior to the publication of his
1975 volume. People kept telling me about a bright young man working with social
insects. But entomologists are a breed apart from other biologists; the insect world is
their universe, and Wilson never came to the Animal Behavior Society Meetings.’’
(Scott, 1985, p. 405) This is not an entirely convincing explanation, as Schneirla and
Emerson were entomologists and founding members of the CSASNC, and as Wilson
was named a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society in 1968.
In 1955, Altmann had done howler monkey census work in the biological station on
Barro Colorado Island, where Schneirla had done his renowned field work in the 1930s and
1940s. This also put Altmann in touch with Carpenter, who had done the original census in
Barro Colorado in 1932 and 1933. Collias, another founding member of the CSASNC, had
also done census work on this population of howler monkeys in 1951. The early career of
Altmann and his contacts with Carpenter are accounted in Haraway (1981, 1983, 1989).
Altmann: ‘‘The term [sociobiology] was, for me, a natural extension of the term
‘‘psychobiology,’’ which Robert M. Yerkes, in the Yale Psych[ology] Dep[artemen]t,
had coined, to indicate a (hoped for) rapprochement between the two fields. Scott used
the term four times in his 1950 Foreword to the publication [Annals NY Acad Sci.,
51(6)] of the results of a conference on ‘‘Methods and techniques for the study of animal
societies.’’ Perhaps it was also used [in] chapters in that conference proceedings. The
volume is logged as number 135 in my collection, and so was one of the first reprints
that I owned, and I am fairly sure that I had a copy with me during my two years on
Cayo Santiago. Whether I got the term from there or from the obvious extension of
Yerkes’ term, I cannot say.’’ ‘‘I was, in one sense, the first sociobiologist, in that, at my
request, I was hired as a sociobiologist when I went to work at the Yerkes Regional
Primate Research Center, in 1965. So far as I know, no one else had such a job title at
that time.’’ (Altmann, email to the author, March 3, 2004).
The choice of Cayo Santiago for the place where to conduct the sociobiology of
primates was also revealing of the delicate balance to be struck between field and other
(lab) practices, as readily acknowledged by the scientific workers on the island. ‘‘Cayo
Santiago frees investigators from restrictions imposed by problems in the field which
limit long-term observations on groups of wild animals, and which often result in a
superficial view of the complex behavioral interactions that comprise and sustain social
network. … Cayo Santiago offers an effective compromise between laboratory and field
conditions because its free-ranging animals live relatively undisturbed in a seminatural
habitat and are easily seen.’’ (Rawlins and Kessler, 1986, p. 13). Similarly, Barro Col-
orado Island was often presented as a hybrid of ‘‘jungle’’ and ‘‘laboratory’’, especially
when addressing to a lay audience (Allee and Allee, 1925; Coursen, 1956). This hybrid
nature was periodically renegotiated, as when tracts of forest were cut down to make
place for a new laboratory building (see Catharine Reed to Schneirla, June 8, 1956;
Schneirla to Reed, June 22, 1956, Box M585.1, Folder ‘‘Barro Colorado I’’, Schneirla
Since the 1930s, institutional and financial resources for biological sci-
ence had been increasingly redirected away from natural studies, to fund
what would be called ‘‘molecular biology’’. Warren Weaver, head of the
Natural Science Division within the Rockefeller Division, was instru-
mental in imposing the vision that biology should get its inspiration
from physical sciences. In his view, ‘‘ecology was glorified natural his-
tory.’’ (Mitman, 1992, p. 105).29 This stance, and the incontestable re-
sults achieved by molecular biologists, seriously threatened the future of
CSASNC’ sociobiologists could accommodate with Altmann’s framework, as when
John Emlen (ornithologist, participant in the 1946 Barr Harbor conference) adopted the
language of control and communication to describe a ‘‘program of study into the general
sociobiological mechanisms of cultural diffusion and maintenance in primate social groups.’’
(Gordon Stephenson and John Emlen, circa 1971, cited in (Haraway, 1983, p. 188).
On Weaver, the Rockefeller Foundation and the development of molecular biol-
ogy, see Kohler (1976, 1991); Abir-Am (1982); Kay (1996).
Figure 2. Wilson pictured working on his mathematics in 1961, symbolically and lit-
erally hanging on the border between indoor and outdoor biology. From Naturalist
by E.O. Wilson (on page 243). Copyright 1994 Island Press. Reproduced by per-
mission of Island Press, Washington, D.C.
Wilson and MacArthur belonged to a larger informal group of biologists and
mathematicians interested in the mathematization of natural science, comprising Ri-
chard Lewontin, Richard Levins, and Egbert Leigh.
Smith and Price. The fact that game theory was integrated in a synthesis
of animal social behavior studies under the authority of naturalists
bolstered the relevance of the latter in the competitive landscape of
contemporary biology.
Sociobiology: The New Synthesis has been extensively studied for the
debate it initiated on the relationships between natural and social sci-
ences. This concentrates the historical significance of Wilson’s book on
one type of synthesis which the book claimed to achieve: the sociobiol-
ogy of all social animals, from ants to human beings, developed in its
twenty-seventh chapter. In this study, we put the focus on a different
kind of synthesis pursued by Sociobiology, recasting it in the continuity
of two scientific projects bearing such a name, which developed in post-
war United States. We argued that animal social behavior was investi-
gated by ecologists, ethologists and comparative psychologists, each
characterized by different practices of places. In these fields, researchers
with an inclination for the collection of observations in natural condi-
tions were feeling an increasing pressure to assert the legitimacy of
outdoor studies, perceived not to meet the standards of rigor of modern
science. Scott’s CSASNC, which morphed into the Section On Animal
Behavior and Sociobiology (forerunner of the Animal Behavior Society),
was an organizational effort explicitly directed at promoting studies of
animal behavior wedding techniques and protocols from the laboratory
and the field. Altmann developed his own sociobiology project while
observing primates for two years on Cayo Santiago Island, a type of field
station which the CSASNC had called to develop for allowing obser-
vations blending natural and controlled conditions. Altmann’s own
version of sociobiology was still rooted in naturalist studies of animal
behavior, but this time the deficit in legitimacy was not so much felt in
relation to superior laboratory methods, than in regard to the reduc-
tionist program of molecular biology, which was so dominant in the
immediate post-war period, especially at the Department of Biology at
Harvard where Altmann was conducting his PhD under the sponsorship
of Wilson. In this context, Altmann’s sociobiology developed by com-
bining extensive field studies with a heavy emphasis on the mathematical
analysis of information and communication in animal groups.
In the light of these two preceding episodes, Wilson’s sociobiology
appears to follow a recurring pattern: the development of a defensive
alliance between the naturalist approach to animal behavior studies and
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