The Internet of Things

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The Internet of Things

A Truly Connected World

The Internet of Things (IoT) can be thought of as the
interconnectivity of a multitude of devices across a
global communications network that goes beyond our
common reference of machine-2-machine
The IoT brings together a variety of devices not
commonly known for their interconnectivity, with
those long established as interconnected devices. The
component parts contribute to a smart grid of
communicative nodes that can bring tremendous
benefits to the field of advanced automation, and
autonomous task management for businesses.


We are currently seeing the rise in importance of the

'maker culture'. This sort of ingenuity and passion for
creative innovation has not been seen since the
original start-ups of the late 1970's, where the likes of
Gates, Jobs and Wozniak frequented the 'Homebrew
Computer Club' in Silicon Valley.

Business needs innovation and inspirational thought

unbounded by the day-to-day finances and bottom
line. The IoT will allow companies to explore a wealth
of new opportunities, introducing enhanced
automation and autonomy to existing solutions and
services, and through this automation the realisation
of new opportunities not yet known.

The 2015 equivalent sees innovators across the globe

working collaboratively on new concepts and bringing
these ideas to the physical world more rapidly than
ever before, with minimal costs.
The advent of prototyping capabilities like Arduino
and Raspberry Pi have mobilised a large engineering
and coding community now able to learn and create
with minimal investment. We are truly seeing
imagination being the only limiting factor in the sort
of internet connected devices being born.
It is this rapid rise in engineering innovation that is
powering the accelerated rise of the IoT, with services
such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo acting as crowd-
sourced incubators, providing the necessary capital to
take the prototypes into production.
Businesses are now starting to understand how they
can capitalise on this ingenuity through technology
scouting and, in many cases, acquisition of these
fledgling companies for their intellectual capital.

One of the most publicised IoT products of recent

times is the Nest Thermostat, although there are
countless examples of this new extension to the
internet as we know it. Nest connects people's homes
to their smartphones, allowing for remote control of
environmental settings without physical presence.
Like any true IoT connected device this is just the
start, and connectivity to other household
components is possible with the associated interfaces.
Automotive manufacturers are connecting cars to
central systems and owners smart devices for a more
integrated car ownership experience. The list is
extensive as connectivity can be established between
anything you can imagine.
In recent years we have witnessed some of the power
that data analytics can deliver when access to vast
repositories of data is provided (Big Data). The
interconnection of machines through the IoT will
permit even more nodes to be interconnected for

exponential increase in the variety, velocity, and

volume of data being gathered. This in turn enables
businesses to make more accurate predictions and
forecasts based on known metrics, and patterns.
The IoT will have a large and positive impact on Big
Data, truly expanding the reach of data beyond
anything we have today, gathering statistical
information from every conceivable connected device.
Whilst the improved understanding of the value of
data analytics (Big Data) has prompted an increased
need for mathematicians graduating our academic
institutes, the IoT will further intensify this demand as
the volume and variety of data produced will need
keen analytical minds to help extract business
advantage from the data collected.
The inexorable growth of nodes has brought with it
legitimate concerns around the security of data, and
through this our privacy. There is currently no active
regulation around the IoT, and with current legal and
regulatory entities already struggling to keep pace
with the technological advancements we are
witnessing today, IoT introduces a minefield of
potential problems around data privacy and, although
it sounds extreme, the safety of human life.
There is no way to monitor or stop the connection of
new devices to the IoT by both companies and
individuals around the globe. The wider the sprawl of
nodes grows, the more data is gathered about all
aspects of our lives, and the more machines will be
connected to the end of these nodes. These machines
can be controlling anything from the temperature of
our homes, to more industrial machines being
activated in factories and plants.
With this rapid growth comes the concern around
security of the IoT, or more accurately the security of
those nodes that need securing. What this means for

both personal safety and corporate security is a larger

attack surface for those with malicious intent.
Whilst those intending to do harm or cause issues
through attacking areas of the internet will need to be
very adept coders to navigate the IoT, the inherent
problem is that the engineers inventing and adding
nodes to the IoT on a daily basis are not security
experts, and more often are not implementing
security measures of any sort.
The pace of expansion of the IoT is far outstripping
the required security measures being employed.
Whilst we should be mindful not to let regulation and
control stifle creativity and the expanding capabilities
of the IoT, there is very real need for highly agile and
influential Cyber Security experts to offer advice,
guidance, and assistance with the securing of the IoT
and these extended nodes.
The equilibrium between allowing this creative
growth, and ensuring the privacy and security of
individuals is maintained, is a complex balance but the
sort of dilemma that is always faced through
technological advancement.
Currently (February) the US senate are debating the
introduction of laws to help regulate and safeguard
the collection of data from IoT devices. This is
primarily focussed on the security and protection of
collected and stored information from major
corporations and manufacturers, such as the
automotive industry.
With automation and digital interconnection common
place in cars now, there is a genuine fear that
unencrypted systems within an automobile would
allow hackers to cause malicious harm to occupants
through taking control of systems within the car.
There are experts advising that these systems need to
be encrypted, and regulated to ensure compliance.
Conversely there has been urging for any legislative
body involved to use a light touch on this topic and
let the IoT entrepreneurs find their own way,
implementing their own safeguards and security
measures, perhaps with help and guidance from
Cyber Security experts. This allows the IoT to expand
whilst maintaining a degree of protection.
There is a need for both philosophies here, and they
should be complementary. The freedom to expand
and drive the IoT forwards should be in the hands of

the creators, but where complex systems directly

impact the health and well-being of the public, such as
digitalisation of automobile systems, there needs to
be regulation around minimum expectations.
Encryption of components that govern the behaviour
of those systems being a must.
The UK government, through recent reports (January),
have also published their views on the need to allow
the freedom for the IoT to grow, whilst putting the
emphasis on companies to self-regulate and introduce
security for encryption of data gathered and
transmitted by the devices brought to market.
This self-regulation is essential at such an early stage
of the IoT, and will be watched closely by regulatory
bodies and governments to understand the maturity
of those vendors involved, and what is required.
There are those that believe regulation of the IoT falls
within the purview of the controls already in place for
governance of telecommunication spectrums, hence
already actively monitored by the telecoms industry.
Whilst this may cover the broadcast of information
across radio waves, the IoT is not bound by wireless
communication technology. Many of the devices
connected to the IoT are done so over hard-wired
connections, thus not falling within the domain of the
telecommunications regulators and spectrum control.
We need to understand that the IoT is bigger than
telecommunications, and requires a different
approach to monitoring and legislation. Those
innovating and connecting devices to the IoT will not
always be major corporations subject to standard
governance and regulatory practices.
The IoT necessitates a fresh approach to regulation. It
must be soft-touch and guidance rather than heavy
handed legislation, but it must be understood that
this is a new paradigm we are dealing with, and not
just an extension to our telecommunication industry.
It needs smart minds from all areas of technology to
collectively determine what is best for this growing
phenomenon, and cautiously steer accordingly.
What we are witnessing most today is
experimentation and imagination. Engineers and
coders are learning what is possible and what
potential the IoT may bring.

We have already seen a wealth of mainstream devices

including fitness trackers capture our attention, but
innovators are looking beyond this to what comes
next. Home automation, interoperability between the
home and the car, pre-emptive decision making by
home automation based on collected data and events.
With each new discovery and invention comes an
expansion of the IoT.
Businesses have also realised the potential for this
cultural shift towards interconnected everything and
are working on how these technologies can bring real
business benefits to ensure outcomes are achieved.
Over the past 18 months we have seen an increasing
number of start-ups being acquired by larger
organisations to jump-start their IoT connectivity and
leverage the creative minds behind these initiatives.
This trend will continue whilst companies develop
their innovative capabilities.
This buying of small innovative companies is nothing
new, and has been around since the present day IT
industry was first born, but with the IoT, we are
witnessing a much faster expansion of capability.
The IoT will continue to grow, gaining nodes across
the globe, allowing vast repositories of information
and data to be collected, analysed and utilised to
augment business decisions and strategy.
In parallel deep learning and self-learning computer
architectures continue to grow in capability and
usefulness. Connected to the IoT, these technologies
will see an increased learning curve and the ability to
move more rapidly towards the state of 'self-
awareness' that artificial intelligence scientists are
working towards.
The IoT could be viewed as the interconnected global
data grid that AI has been waiting for to allow
exponential learning capabilities to be unleashed.

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