12.the Impact of Trisomy 21 On Early Human Hematopoiesis
12.the Impact of Trisomy 21 On Early Human Hematopoiesis
12.the Impact of Trisomy 21 On Early Human Hematopoiesis
Cell Cycle 12:4, 533534; February 15, 2013; 2013 Landes Bioscience
Centre for Haematology; Imperial College London; London, UK;
MRC Molecular Haematology Unit; Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine; University of Oxford; Oxford,UK
suggests that the mouse may not be a suitable model.4 Critically, none of the models spontaneously develop TAM and/or
ML-DS. Furthermore, the hematopoietic phenotype of germline N-terminal
GATA1 mutations in disomic humans5 is
markedly different to mouse.
Adopting an alternative approach to
investigating the role of T 21 gene dosage,
we set out to determine the cellular consequences of T21 in primary human fetal
and neonatal hematopoietic cells, prior
to acquisition of GATA1 mutations. We,6
and others,7 found specific and marked
expansion of megakaryocyte-erythroid
progenitors (MEP) and proliferative
abnormalities of common myeloid progenitors (CMP) in DS fetal liver (FL) in
the absence of detectable GATA1 mutations. These observations have now been
supported by work in human T21 embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent
stem (iPS) cells that illustrate arrested
erythroid-megakaryocyte progenitor/precursor differentiation both of embryonic8
and fetal stages of hematopoiesis.9
To investigate whether the abnormalities in T21 FL were confined to
MEP/CMP or extended to the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) or multipotential progenitor (MPP) level, we recently
performed detailed immunophenotypic
and functional analysis of the HSC/MPP,
committed myeloid and B-lymphoid compartments of human T21 FL without
GATA1 mutations and compared these
with normal human FL.10 We demonstrated for the first time that in human FL,
T21 itself increases immunophenotypic
HSC, clonogenicity and MK-erythroid
output and biases erythroid-megakaryocyte primed gene expression with
Cell Cycle
Figure 1. Impact of trisomy 21 on fetal and post-natal hematopoiesis. Schematic representation of molecular, biologic and clinical data, summarizing the effect of trisomy 21 (T21) on fetal,
neonatal and childhood hematopoiesis. Fetal liver and, to a lesser extent, fetal bone marrow (BM)
trisomic for chromosome 21 demonstrate perturbed hematopoiesis with an expansion of the
hematopoietic stem cell compartment (HSC) and megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitors (MEP)
and reduced B lymphopoiesis, even in the absence of GATA1 mutations. Interaction of hematopoietic cells with the T21 fetal liver and/or BM microenvironment may play a crucial role in initiating
abnormal fetal hematopoiesis. Subsequent acquisition of GATA1 mutations in the abnormal/
expanded T21 fetal liver HSC and progenitors results in transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM) in
late fetal/neonatal life. Although most cases of TAM resolve spontaneously; in 1530% of cases,
additional genetic/epigenetic events lead to Down syndrome-associated acute myeloid leukemia
(ML-DS) before the age of 5 y. Abnormalities in hematopoiesis are likely to persist in childhood,
but detailed systematic studies are necessary to establish this.
Cell Cycle
Volume 12 Issue 4