Clean Energy

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The conference aims to provide networking opportunities for investors, inventors and entrepreneurs in the clean energy sector. It also showcases clean energy companies and technologies.

The conference aims to be a showcase for the entire clean energy cluster in New England, providing opportunities for companies and organizations in the sector to network and connect.

The conference will provide analysis of different clean energy sectors such as efficiency, solar, wind, hydro, biofuels and energy storage solutions through various industry panels.

The Fifth Conference on


12 - 13, 2009

MTTC 2009

November 12, 2009

elcome to our fifth annual Conference on Clean Energy the capstone event of Massachusetts
Clean Energy Week. We hope that you have enjoyed one or more of the other events that have
comprised Clean Energy Week.
Our fifth conference, much like the Clean Energy sector, has grown enormously in size and complexity
since we held the first conference in 2005. But as with our prior conferences we are pleased to provide
an opportunity for investors, inventors and entrepreneurs to network with each other. The conference is
a showcase for the entire Clean Energy Cluster in New England and beyond; from newly formed companies to those with significant investment and products in the market; from the local market to international
opportunities; from efficiency and energy services through solar, wind, hydro and biological sources of
renewable energy to novel storage and fuel cell solutions.
Two factors maintain clean energy at the forefront of State and Federal initiatives. First, the need to
dramatically reduce our carbon footprint and reduce our impact on our warming world, and second, the
contribution this sector can play in reviving the economy. The Commonwealths executive branch continues to ensure that Massachusetts is seen as a leader in policy arenas as well as in the rapid commercialization of new technologies. We are pleased to have the continuing support of both the Honorable
Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts, and Secretary Ian Bowles of the Executive Office of Energy
and Environmental Affairs. We are also pleased to welcome Under Secretary Steven Koonin from the US
Department of Energy who will give us the view from Washington on Clean Energy policy.

We have ten industry panels that will provide in depth analysis of different clean energy sectors. We
have four investment panels one focused on infrastructure funding for clean energy, a second addressing investments being made by venture capitalists, the third concentrating on seed investing and a new
panel looking at the important role of Federal and State funding programs. In addition, we have panels
proving insights into international clean energy projects and policy, as well as early stage research being
undertaken at our institutions and university spin-off companies.
The centerpiece of our conference continues to be the pitches that will be made by 35 early stage companies, many of which have close links to our local research institutions and universities. These companies
are seeking initial investments as well as connections to potential partners and customers. While showcasing primarily companies from Massachusetts we are also pleased to welcome pitching companies
from across the country and from the United Kingdom and Norway.
We are very grateful to the numerous sponsors who have contributed to the program. In particular, we
would like to recognize the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, the Canadian Consulate and Foley
Hoag who have all made a significant financial contribution to the conference. We are particularly grateful to our committee members, our staffs, and to the numerous volunteers who have helped with the
organization and execution of this program. In addition, we have been supported in our marketing efforts
by many other non-profit groups who are committed to building the cluster. We appreciate their collaboration with us on this signature event.
We hope you enjoy the conference.

Dr. Abigail Barrow, MTTC

Conference Co-host

Brad Bradshaw
Mass Hydrogen Coalition
Conference Co-host

Dr. Linda Plano, MTTC

Executive Committee Chair
Co-Chair, Investor Advisory Board

Clean energy is a core part of Massachusetts economic

future. Now is the time to redouble our efforts to reduce
energy use, increase energy independence, curb
greenhouse gases and accelerate investment in the
clean energy economy. Clean Energy Week - including
its signature event, the Conference on Clean Energy - will
shine a spotlight on our clean energy future as businesses,
government leaders, educators and others team up to
share ideas and develop innovative solutions.

The Honorable Deval Patrick

Governor of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts

November 12 & 13, 2008

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Conference Executive Committee

Conference Co-Chairs
Executive Committee Chair

Abi Barrow, Mass Technology Transfer Center (MTTC)

Brad Bradshaw, Mass Hydrogen Coalition (MHC)
Linda Plano, MTTC
At Large Members

At Large Members

Karl Jessen, Mass Clean Energy Center (MassCEC)

Greg Watson, Mass Dept of Energy & Environmental Affairs
Administration and Logistics

Logistics & Conference Notebook

Barbara McNulty, MTTC

Julia Goldberg, MTTC
Marketing and Sponsorship

PR & Marketing

Suzanne Moran, Lois Paul & Partners

Jolene Bonina, Lois Paul & Partners
Abi Barrow, MTTC

Clean Energy Week

Exhibit Hall

Linda Plano, MTTC

Julia Goldberg, MTTC

Finance Program

Jerry OConnor, Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton, PC

Adam Wade, Foley Hoag, LLC

Industry Program

Brad Bradshaw, MHC

Jim Dunn, MHC

International Programs

Abi Barrow, MTTC

Investor Advisory Board

Nick dArbeloff, NECEC

Linda Plano, MTTC

Investor Pitch Sessions

Linda Plano, MTTC


University Programs

Matthew Richards, Dane Partners

Marina Dippel, Sustainability Guild LLC
Chris Noble, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Frank Urro, Vanquish, Inc
Loren Walker, University of Massachusetts - Amherst


The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses


November 12 & 13, 2008

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Table of Contents
Conference Executive Committee............................................................................. iii
Conference Agenda.................................................................................................. xi
Speaker Biographies................................................................................................ 18
The Honorable Deval Patrick_________________________________________25
Ian A. Bowles_____________________________________________________26
Steven Koonin ____________________________________________________27
Mohammed J. Alam________________________________________________28
Tom Atkinson_____________________________________________________28
Abigail Barrow____________________________________________________29
Doug Banks_ _____________________________________________________29
Richard Baxter____________________________________________________29
Jeff Bentley_______________________________________________________30
Gus Block________________________________________________________30
Andy Bochman____________________________________________________30
Brad Bradshaw____________________________________________________31
Warren Brower___________________________________________________31
Chris M Campbell__________________________________________________31
Judy Chang_______________________________________________________32
Geoff Chapin_ ____________________________________________________32
Yet-Ming Chiang___________________________________________________33
Patrick Cloney_ ___________________________________________________33
R. Brooke Coleman _ _______________________________________________33
Issam Dairanieh___________________________________________________34
Marina Dippel_ ___________________________________________________34
Kevin Doyle_______________________________________________________34
Jim Dunn_ _______________________________________________________35
Helen Fairman____________________________________________________35
M. Scott Faris_ __________________________________________________36
Curtis S. Felix_ ____________________________________________________36
Andrew Friendly___________________________________________________36
Gene Gebolys_____________________________________________________37
Mark Goodman___________________________________________________37
John (Jian) Guan___________________________________________________37
Carl Gustin_______________________________________________________38
Stu Haber________________________________________________________38

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Gary Hawley______________________________________________________38
Chris Hobson_ ____________________________________________________38
Karl Jessen_______________________________________________________39
John J. Joyce______________________________________________________39
Richard Karsten_ __________________________________________________39
Angus King_______________________________________________________40
David Kopans_____________________________________________________40
Susan Leschine____________________________________________________40
Doug Levin_______________________________________________________41
David L. Levy_ ____________________________________________________41
Evan Lovell_______________________________________________________41
Craig Lund_ ______________________________________________________41
Meg McIsaac_____________________________________________________42
Simon Melrose____________________________________________________42
John Merlino_ ____________________________________________________42
David S. Miller_ ___________________________________________________43
John R. Miller_____________________________________________________43
Greg Moreland____________________________________________________43
Dana Morin_ _____________________________________________________44
Sanjeev Mukerjee__________________________________________________44
Nick Murphy______________________________________________________44
Charlie Myers_____________________________________________________45
Chris Noble_______________________________________________________45
Matthew M. Nordan _______________________________________________45
David OConnor ___________________________________________________46
Jerry OConnor ____________________________________________________46
Tom Ollila _ ______________________________________________________46
Martin Olsen_ ____________________________________________________46
Scott A. Pearson___________________________________________________47
Linda S. Plano_____________________________________________________47
Patrick Quinlan ___________________________________________________48
Jesse Reich_______________________________________________________48
Wanda Reindorf___________________________________________________48
Matthew Richards_________________________________________________49
Mark Rodgers_____________________________________________________49
Peter Rothstein____________________________________________________49
Emanuel Sachs, Ph.D._______________________________________________50
Nachum Sadan____________________________________________________50
Sumul Shah_ _____________________________________________________51
Jeffrey P. Steele____________________________________________________51

November 12 & 13, 2008

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

James Taylor______________________________________________________51
John Utzschneider_ ________________________________________________52
Toni Volpe________________________________________________________52
Adam Wade______________________________________________________52
Loren Walker _____________________________________________________53
Carter Wall_______________________________________________________53
Greg Watson_ ____________________________________________________53
John Woods_ _____________________________________________________54
James D. Worden__________________________________________________54

Sponsors, Affiliates & Hosts..................................................................................... 56

Platinum Sponsor__________________________________________________58
Gold Sponsors_ ___________________________________________________59
Silver Sponsors _ __________________________________________________62
Conference Supporters______________________________________________64
Nonprofit Affiliates ________________________________________________65
Media Sponsors___________________________________________________65
Hosts_ __________________________________________________________66

Startup Company Profiles........................................................................................ 69

About the Investor Pitches___________________________________________72
Investor Advisory Board_____________________________________________73
7 Solar Technologies, Inc.____________________________________________74
Advent Technologies_ ______________________________________________76
ARRIBA Solar_ ____________________________________________________78
CarbonTech, LLC___________________________________________________80
Cascoda Limited___________________________________________________82
Cleanhydro Inc._ __________________________________________________84
Cleantech BioFuels, Inc. (wait-listed)___________________________________86
Coincident, Inc.____________________________________________________88
Cormarent Limited_________________________________________________90
EHK North America/ Electronic Housekeeper_ ___________________________92
Electric Pipeline Corporation_________________________________________94
Electric Truck, LLC__________________________________________________96
Energy Efficiency Monitoring and Assessment Program (EEMAP)_ ___________98
Feed Resource Recovery Inc._ _______________________________________100
Free Flow Power Corporation_ ______________________________________102
Future Solar Systems______________________________________________104
Green Running___________________________________________________106
Grid Solutions____________________________________________________108


The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

GroundedPower, Inc_______________________________________________110
Heavy Lift Systems________________________________________________112
Highest Wind LLC_________________________________________________116
KGRA Energy, LLC_________________________________________________120
Lifecycle Renewables, Inc.__________________________________________122
Optiwind Corporation_ ____________________________________________124
Porous Power Technologies, LLC_ ____________________________________126
Practical Solar, Inc.________________________________________________128
Prism Solar Technologies___________________________________________130
QM Power (wait-listed)_ ___________________________________________132
Resolute Marine Energy, Inc.________________________________________134
Silicon Basis Ltd.__________________________________________________136
Solartrec, Inc.____________________________________________________138
Solasta Inc.______________________________________________________140
Tomorrow BioFuels, LLC____________________________________________142
Trenergi Corporation______________________________________________144

Additional Exhibitors............................................................................................. 150

AirMotion Sciences, Inc____________________________________________152
Applied Biogenuity Israel Innovation Center____________________________152
Aztech Associates Inc._ ____________________________________________152
Bandgap Engineering, Inc.__________________________________________153
Bingham McCutchen LLP*__________________________________________153
Consulate General of Canada and ACOA*______________________________153
Foley Hoag LLP*__________________________________________________154
International Green Technology Trade Center (IGTTC128)_________________154
Lois Paul & Partners* _ ____________________________________________154
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center*_________________________________154
Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton, P.C.*______________________________155
PR Newswire*_ __________________________________________________155
Pulse Tidal_ _____________________________________________________155
SETsquared Partnership____________________________________________156
Sky Vegetables___________________________________________________156
SouthCoast Development Partnership*________________________________156
Spire Corporation_________________________________________________157

*See Sponsors Section of the Notebook for more information on these organizations.


November 12 & 13, 2008

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Sustainable Energy Developments, Inc. _ ______________________________157

UK Trade and Investment Office*_ ___________________________________157
University of Bath_ _______________________________________________158
Wentworth Institute of Technology___________________________________158
Wolf Greenfield*_ ________________________________________________158


The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

November 12 & 13, 2008

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Conference Agenda


12:45 - 1:55

11:30 - 12:45

10:55 - 11:30

9:40 - 10:55

8:40 - 9:30

8:00 - 8:40

International Panel 1:
Carbon Regulation and New
Business Creation
Chair: D Levy, UMass Boston

Finance Panel 1:
Financing Renewable Energy
Projects in New England

Chair: A Wade, Foley Hoag

M Alam, Alyra
M McIsaac, TDBank
S Shah, Solaya Energy
C Wall, Mass Renewable Energy Trust

J Miller, MREC (UMass Dartmouth)

S Mukerjee, NUCRET (Northeastern)
P Quinlan, UMass Wind Energy Center

Chair: L Walker, UMass Amherst

University Panel 1:
University Research Center Directors

Room 306

Investor Pitch Session 1:

Extended Session: 9:40 - 11:20
J Hanna, Coincident
S Filler, Prism Solar Technologies
R Gaunt, Lifecycle Renewables
R Beat, Silicon Basis
R Romberg, Electronic Housekeeper
R Faulkner, Electric Pipeline
D Howell, Practical Solar
M Wondolowski, GridSolutions
R Chase, Future Solar Systems

Room 306

Featured Speaker: Ian Bowles, Secretary, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Massachusetts
Introduction: Pat Cloney, Executive Director, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center


Ballroom C

J Guan, Beijing Songzhihui
G Hawley, University of Bath
D OConnor, ML Strategies

Room 304

Room 302

Coffee Break & Exhibit Time

G Block, Nuvera
J Croce, Able Womack
G Moreland, Sentech

Chair: J Bentley, Celltech Power

Chair: R Baxter,
Charles River Associates

S Faris, Planar Energy Devices
D Kepshire, SustainX
R Signorelli, FastCAP SYSTEMS

Industry Panel 2:
Motive Power & Forklifts

Room 304

Industry Panel 1:
Energy Storage

Room 302

Opening Keynote: Steven Koonin, Undersecretary for Science, US Department of Energy

Introduction: Matthew Richards, DanePartners

Welcome by Abi Barrow and Brad Bradshaw, Conference Co-Chairs

Ballroom C

Registration & Breakfast

Thursday November 12 2009

5:15 - 7:00

3:30 - 4:45

2:05 - 3:20

1:55 - 2:05

C Hobson, Bandgap Engineering
C Lund, 1366 Technologies
J Worden, Solectria Renewables

G Chapin, Next Step Living
D Kopans, EnergyClimate Solutions
D Samuels, EnerNOC

Chair: J Steele, MBBP

Finance Panel 2:
Seed Investment

Room 306

D Roache, Hy-SyEnce
R Daniels, Advent Technologies
D Shapiro, CarbonTech
D Nachbar, Heavy Lift Systems
T Feaver, Porous Power Technologies
D Lissner, Free Flow Power
D Cherney, Highest Wind
C Myers, Trenergi
S Eten, Feed Resource Recovery

Investor Pitch Session 2:

Extended Session: 3:30 - 5:00

M Goodman, Brookline Ventures
K Jessen, Mass Clean Energy Center
D Levin, Clean Energy Fellow
D Miller, Clean Energy Venture Group

Note: Exhibit Hall is Open Throughout the Conference in Ballroom A until 2:30 PM Friday.

5:30 PM Featured Speaker: The Honorable Deval Patrick

Governor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Chair: J Dunn, Future Solar Systems

Chair: H Fairman, Millville Partners

Exhibit Hall (Ballroom A)

Industry Session 5:
Solar Energy

Industry Session 4:
Efficiency and Energy Services

Coffee Break & Exhibit Time

A King, Independence Wind
M Rodgers, Cape Wind
T Volpe, Enel North America

Chair: G Watson, Mass Executive

Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs

Chair: C Campbell, OREG

D Berringer, EMERA
R Karsten, Acadia University
S Melrose, Oceans, Ltd
D Morin, Fundy Tidal
N Murphy, Open Hydro
J Taylor, Nova Scotia Power
J Woods, Minas Basin

Industry Session 3:
Wind Power

Room 304

International Panel 2:
Bay of Fundy Case Study

Room 302


Thursday November 12 2009

11:15 - 12:30

10:45 - 11:15

9:30 - 10:45
Chair: M Pomianek, Wolf Greenfield
J Bentley, CellTech Power
G Cipriano, Protonex Technologies
J Merlino, Sirius Integrator

Chair: B Coleman, New Fuels Alliance

C Felix, Plankton Power
G Gebolys, World Energy Alternatives
J Reich, Bay State Biofuels

D Hurwitt, Optiwind
L Dressler, Tomorrow BioFuels
B Johnson, Cascoda
M Naughton, Solasta
J Gold, KGRA Energy
P Davies, Green Running
P Vandermeulen, 7Solar
C Gustin, GroundedPower
H Arny, WindSea

Chair: J Utzschneider, Bingham

B Bradshaw, Hy9
T Olilla, Dantherm
M Olsen, Active Power

Investor Pitch Session 3:

Extended Session: 11:15 - 12:55

YM Chiang, MIT & A123
S Leschine, UMass Amherst & Qteros
E Sachs, MIT & 1366

Chair: C Noble, MIT

University Panel 2:
Clean Energy Spinouts: Perspectives
from University Co-Founders

Room 306

Industry Session 8:
Backup Power

Coffee Break & Exhibit Time

Industry Panel 7:
Portable Power

Industry Panel 6:

Room 304


9:20 - 9:30
Room 302

Plenary Session Finance Panel: ARRA and Beyond: Federal and State Government Funding For Clean Tech
Chair: D Banks, Mass High Tech Journal
P Cloney, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
A Friendly, Advanced Technology Ventures
P Rothstein, New England Clean Energy Council

Ballroom C

Registration & Breakfast

8:20 - 9:20

7:45 - 8:20

Friday November 13 2009

4:15 - 5:30

2:30 - 3:45

12:55 - 2:15

T Atkinson, EnerNOC
M Campbell, MassCEC
J Chang, Brattle Group
K Doyle, Green Economy

Chair: M Dippel, Sustainability Guild

University Panel 3:
Clean Energy Careers: Accelerating
the Transition to the Green Economy

E Graber-Lopez, HeliaThermal
S Saxena, Cleanhydro (FIU)
O Ceberio, Resolute Marine Energy
S Harrison, Arriba Solar
P Hughes, Electric Truck
D McSherry, Cormarent
N Walpita, Solartrec
PJ Piper, QM Power
S Derezinski, MOXST

Investor Pitch Session 4:

Extended Session: 2:30 - 4:10

Room 306

Note: Exhibit Hall is Open Throughout the Conference in Ballroom A until Friday at 2:30 PM.

E Guyer, ECR Intl/ Climate Energy
S Haber, IST Energy
C Myers, Trenergi

Chair: A Bochman, Ounce Labs - IBM

Chair: C Mitchell, Northeast Combined

Heat and Power Initiative
K Johnson, OutSmart Power Systems
J Joyce, Ambient
N Sadan, Amperion

Industry Panel 10:

Smart Grid

Room 304

Industry Panel 9:
Combined Heat and Power

Room 302

Finance Panel 4: Venture Capital
Chair: J OConnor, Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton
I Dairanieh, BP Alternative Energy
M Nordan, Venrock
B Stevens, Stevens Capital Partners

Ballroom C

Friday November 13 2009

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses


The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Speaker Biographies
The Honorable Deval Patrick.................................................................................... 25
Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Keynote, Conference Reception, Tuesday

Ian A. Bowles........................................................................................................... 26
Secretary, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Massachusetts
Keynote, Tuesday Lunch

Steven Koonin ........................................................................................................ 27

Under Secrtary for Science, US Department of Energy
Keynote, Conference Opening

Mohammed J. Alam................................................................................................ 28
President, Alyra Renewable Energy Finance
Panelist, Financing Renewable Energy Projects in New England

Tom Atkinson.......................................................................................................... 28
Director of Network Operations, EnerNOC
Panelist, Changing Careers: Accelerating the Transition to the Green Economy

Abigail Barrow......................................................................................................... 29
Founding Director, Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center
Conference Co-Chair, International Sessions Chair

Doug Banks............................................................................................................. 29
Editor, Mass High Tech
Moderator, ARRA and Beyond: Federal and State Government Funding for Clean Tech Panel

Richard Baxter......................................................................................................... 29
Principal, Charles River Associates
Moderator, Energy Storage Panel

Jeff Bentley.............................................................................................................. 30
CEO, CellTech Power
Panelist, Portable Power

Gus Block................................................................................................................ 30
Director of Marketing, Nuvera Fuel Cells
Panelist, Motive Power and Forklifts

Andy Bochman........................................................................................................ 30
Director, Customer Advocacy, Ounce Labs an IBM Company
Moderator, Smart Grid Panel

Brad Bradshaw........................................................................................................ 31
President, Massachusetts Hydrogen Coalition
Conference Co-Chair, Industry Sessions Chair

Warren Brower........................................................................................................ 31
Product Marketing Manager, Plug Power
Panelist, Motive Power and Forklifts
18 Biographies

November 12 & 13, 2008

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Chris M Campbell.................................................................................................... 31
Executive Director, Ocean Renewable Energy Group
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study

Judy Chang.............................................................................................................. 32
Principal, Brattle Group
Panelist, Changing Careers: Accelerating the Transition to the Green Economy

Geoff Chapin........................................................................................................... 32
Chief Executive Officer, Next Step Living
Panelist, Efficiency & Energy Services

Yet-Ming Chiang...................................................................................................... 33
Co-Founder, A123 Systems & Professor, Dept of Materials Science & Engineering, MIT
Panelist, Clean Energy Spinouts: Perspectives from University Co-Founders

Patrick Cloney.......................................................................................................... 33
Executive Director, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
Panelist, ARRA and Beyond: Federal and State Government Funding for Clean Tech

R. Brooke Coleman ................................................................................................. 33

President, New Fuels Alliance, and Founder, REAP Coalition
Moderator, BioEnergy Panel

Issam Dairanieh....................................................................................................... 34
Member of the Venturing team, BPs Alternative Energy Division
Panelist, Venture Capital

Marina Dippel......................................................................................................... 34
Principal, Sustainability Guild LLC
Moderator, Changing Careers: Accelerating the Transition to the Green Economy Panel

Kevin Doyle............................................................................................................. 34
Principal, Green Economy
Panelist, Changing Careers: Accelerating the Transition to the Green Economy

Jim Dunn................................................................................................................. 35
CEO and President, Future Solar Systems, LLC
Moderator, Solar Energy Panel

Helen Fairman......................................................................................................... 35
Co-Founder, Millville Partners, Inc.
Moderator, Efficiency & Energy Services Panel

M. Scott Faris....................................................................................................... 36
Chief Executive Officer, Planar Energy Devices
Panelist, Energy Storage

Curtis S. Felix........................................................................................................... 36
CEO and Founder, Plankton Power
Panelist, BioEnergy

Andrew Friendly...................................................................................................... 36
Member, Advanced Technology Ventures
Panelist, ARRA and Beyond: Federal and State Government Funding for Clean Tech
Biographies 19

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Gene Gebolys.......................................................................................................... 37
Founder, President, and CEO, World Energy Alternatives
Panelist, BioEnergy

Mark Goodman....................................................................................................... 37
Founder, Terawatt Ventures
Panelist, Seed Funding

John (Jian) Guan...................................................................................................... 37

Vice President, Beijing Songzhihui
Panelist, Carbon Regulation and New Business Creation - An International Perspective

Carl Gustin............................................................................................................... 38
Founder and President, GroundedPower
Panelist, Smart Grid

Stu Haber................................................................................................................ 38
President and CEO, IST Energy
Panelist, Combined Heat and Power

Gary Hawley............................................................................................................ 38
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Design, University of Bath
Panelist, Carbon Regulation and New Business Creation - An International Perspective

Chris Hobson........................................................................................................... 38
Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer, Bandgap Engineering
Panelist, Solar Energy

Karl Jessen............................................................................................................... 39
Director, Cluster Development, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
Panelist, Seed Funding

John J. Joyce............................................................................................................ 39
President & CEO, Ambient
Panelist, Smart Grid

Richard Karsten....................................................................................................... 39
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Acadia University
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study

Angus King.............................................................................................................. 40
Founder and Principal, Independence Wind
Panelist, Wind Power

David Kopans.......................................................................................................... 40
Co-founder and the CFO, EnergyClimate Solutions
Panelist, Efficiency & Energy Services

Susan Leschine........................................................................................................ 40
Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, Qteros, Professor of Microbiology & Co-Director of TIMBR, University
of Massachusetts Amherst
Panelist, Clean Energy Spinouts: Perspectives from University Co-Founders

20 Biographies

November 12 & 13, 2008

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Doug Levin.............................................................................................................. 41
Founder, former CEO and member of the Board of Directors, Black Duck Software
Panelist, Seed Funding

David L. Levy........................................................................................................... 41
Professor & Chair, Dept of Management and Marketing, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Moderator, Carbon Regulation and New Business Creation - An International Perspective Panel

Evan Lovell.............................................................................................................. 41
Partner, Virgin Green Fund
Panelist, Venture Capital

Craig Lund............................................................................................................... 41
Director of Business Development, 1366 Technologies
Panelist, Solar Energy

Meg McIsaac........................................................................................................... 42
Senior Commercial Lender, TDBank
Panelist, Financing Renewable Energy Projects in New England

Simon Melrose........................................................................................................ 42
Nova Scotia Manager, Oceans Limited
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study

John Merlino........................................................................................................... 42
President, Sirius Integrator
Panelist, Portable Power

David S. Miller......................................................................................................... 43
Founder and Executive Managing Director, Clean Energy Venture Group
Panelist, Seed Funding

John R. Miller.......................................................................................................... 43
Director, Marine Renewable Energy Center (MREC)
Panelist, University Research Center Directors

Greg Moreland........................................................................................................ 43
Senior Finance Analyst, Sentech, Inc.
Panelist, Motive Power and Forklifts

Dana Morin............................................................................................................. 44
Director and Officer, President, Fundy Tidal Inc.
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study

Sanjeev Mukerjee.................................................................................................... 44
Professor and Director of the Center for Renewable Energy Technology, Northeastern University
Panelist, University Research Center Directors

Nick Murphy............................................................................................................ 44
Commercial Manager, OpenHydro Group Ltd.
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study

Biographies 21

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Charlie Myers.......................................................................................................... 45
President, Trenergi Corp.
Panelist, Combined Heat and Power

Chris Noble.............................................................................................................. 45
MIT Technology Licensing Officer
Moderator, Clean Energy Spinouts: Perspectives from University Co-Founders Panel

Matthew M. Nordan ............................................................................................... 45

Vice President, Venrock
Panelist, Venture Capital

David OConnor ...................................................................................................... 46

Senior VP for Energy and Clean Technology, ML Strategies, LLC
Panelist, Carbon Regulation and New Business Creation - An International Perspective

Jerry OConnor . ...................................................................................................... 46

Member, Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton, P.C.
Moderator, Venture Capital Panel

Tom Ollila ............................................................................................................... 46

Business Development Manager, Dantherm Power
Panelist, Backup Power

Martin Olsen........................................................................................................... 46
Vice President, Business Development, Active Power, Inc.
Panelist, Backup Power

Scott A. Pearson...................................................................................................... 47
Chief Executive Officer, Protonex Technology Corporation
Panelist, Portable Power

Linda S. Plano.......................................................................................................... 47
Associate Director, Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center
Conference Executive Committee Chair and Investor Advisory Board Co-Chair

Patrick Quinlan ....................................................................................................... 48

Associate Director, UMass Wind Energy Center
Panelist, University Research Center Directors

Jesse Reich.............................................................................................................. 48
Co-Founder & CEO, Baystate Biofuels, LLC
Panelist, BioEnergy

Wanda Reindorf...................................................................................................... 48
Chief Financial Officer, Conservation Services Group (CSG)
Panelist, Changing Careers: Accelerating the Transition to the Green Economy

Matthew Richards................................................................................................... 49
Managing Director, DanePartners
Keynote Sessions Chair

22 Biographies

November 12 & 13, 2008

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Mark Rodgers.......................................................................................................... 49
Communications Director, Cape Wind
Panelist, Wind Power

Peter Rothstein........................................................................................................ 49
Senior VP & Co-Chair, Innovation Task Force, New England Clean Energy Council
Panelist, ARRA and Beyond: Federal and State Government Funding for Clean Tech

Emanuel Sachs, Ph.D............................................................................................... 50

Chief Technical Officer, 1366 Technologies & Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Panelist, Clean Energy Spinouts: Perspectives from University Co-Founders

Nachum Sadan........................................................................................................ 50
President and CEO, Amperion, Inc.
Panelist, Smart Grid

Sumul Shah............................................................................................................. 51
CEO, Solaya Energy
Panelist, Financing Renewable Energy Projects in New England

Jeffrey P. Steele....................................................................................................... 51
Member, Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton, P.C.
Moderator, Seed Funding Panel

James Taylor............................................................................................................ 51
General Manager, Carbon Management
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study

John Utzschneider................................................................................................... 52
Partner, Bingham McCutchen LLP
Moderator, Backup Power Panel

Toni Volpe............................................................................................................... 52
President and CEO, Enel North America
Panelist, Wind Power

Adam Wade............................................................................................................. 52
Associate, Foley Hoag
Moderator, Financing Renewable Energy Projects in New England Panel

Loren Walker .......................................................................................................... 53

Associate Director for Research Liaison and Development, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Moderator, University Research Center Directors Panel

Carter Wall.............................................................................................................. 53
Executive Director, Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust
Panelist, Financing Renewable Energy Projects in New England

Greg Watson........................................................................................................... 53
Senior Advisor for Clean Energy Technology, MA Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs
Moderator, Wind Power Panel

John Woods............................................................................................................. 54
Vice President of Energy Development, Minas Basin Pulp & Power
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study
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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

James D. Worden..................................................................................................... 54
Founder and CEO, Solectria Renewables
Panelist, Solar Energy

24 Biographies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Featured Speakers
The Honorable Deval Patrick
Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Keynote, Conference Reception, Tuesday
Governor Deval Patrick was elected in November of 2006. He brings to the Governors office a broad range
of leadership experience at the top levels of business, government, and non-profits. From an early age, he
has built his life on hope, and traced a trajectory from the South Side of Chicago to the U.S. Justice Department, Fortune 500 boardrooms, and now the Massachusetts State House.
Governor Patrick came to the Commonwealth at the age of 14. An excellent student despite the difficult
circumstances of under-funded and often violent Chicago schools, he was awarded a scholarship to Milton
Academy through A Better Chance, a Boston-based organization.
After graduating from Milton, Patrick went on to Harvard, the first in his family to attend college. He received
his degree, with honors, in 1978 and spent a post-graduate year working on a United Nations youth training
project in the Darfur region of Sudan. He returned to Cambridge to attend Harvard Law School in the fall of
Following law school, Patrick served as a law clerk to a federal appellate judge before joining the NAACP
Legal Defense and Education Fund. In 1986, he joined the Boston law firm of Hill & Barlow and was named
partner in 1990, at the age of 34.
In 1994, President Clinton appointed Patrick Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, the nations top civil
rights post. At the Justice Department, Patrick worked on a wide range of issues, including prosecution of
hate crimes and abortion clinic violence, employment discrimination, and enforcement of fair lending laws
and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
During his tenure, Patrick led the largest criminal investigation prior to September 11th, coordinating state,
local and federal agencies to investigate church burnings throughout the South in the mid-1990s.
Patrick returned to private practice in 1997 with the Boston firm of Day, Berry & Howard. That same year,
he was appointed by a federal district court to serve as the first chairperson of Texacos Equality and Fairness Task Force. Working with employees at all levels, Patrick and his Task Force examined and reformed
Texacos complex corporate employment culture, and created a model for fostering an equitable workplace.
Patrick was hired by Texaco in 1999 to serve as Vice President and General Counsel leading the companys
global legal affairs.
In 2001, Patrick joined The Coca-Cola Company as Executive Vice President and General Counsel. He was
elected to the additional role of Corporate Secretary in 2002, and served as part of the companys senior
leadership team as a member of the Executive Committee.
Governor Patrick has served on numerous charitable and corporate boards, as well as the Federal Election
Reform Commission under Presidents Carter and Ford, and as Vice Chair of the Massachusetts Judicial
Nominating Council by appointment of Governor Weld.
The Commonwealths first African-American Governor, Deval Patrick came into office with a grassroots message of hope, community and hard work. By focusing on transparency and inclusion, he hopes to increase
accessibility to government and encourage the civic engagement so crucial to shared progress in education,
health care, economic development and other issues.
Diane and Deval Patrick have been married for over two decades and have two college-age daughters,
Sarah and Katherine. The Patrick family has lived in Milton, in a house on Devals high school paper route,
for the last 17 years.

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Ian A. Bowles
Secretary, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Massachusetts
Keynote, Tuesday Lunch
Ian Bowles, Secretary, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs in the Deval Patrick administration, has nearly 20 years of experience in the energy and environmental sectors. He was a Director or Advisor to three clean energy technology companies and has broad leadership experience with environmental
policy. Bowles served in the Clinton Administration as Associate Director of the White House Council on
Environmental Quality and as Senior Director of the Global Environmental Affairs directorate at the National
Security Council.
Following his service in the Clinton Administration, Bowles held appointments as a Senior Research Fellow
at Harvards Kennedy School of Government and as Senior Advisor at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, where he oversaw the foundations strategic analysis of energy and climate change issues.
In 2003, Bowles served as President and CEO of MassINC, a Boston-based research institute, and as Publisher of CommonWealth magazine. Earlier in his career, Bowles served for eight years in key leadership
positions at Conservation International, a national environmental organization focused on biodiversity conservation. Bowles serves on the Board of Overseers of the Museum of Science and on the Governing Board
of the John Adams Innovation Institute. He is co-author of Footprints in the Jungle (Oxford University Press)
on the energy and natural resource industries and environmental practices.
He holds an A.B. in economics cum laude from Harvard College and a Masters degree from Oxford University,
where he remains an adjunct faculty member at the graduate school of the Environment and Geography.

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Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Steven Koonin
Under Secrtary for Science, US Department of Energy
Keynote, Conference Opening
Dr. Steven E. Koonin became the Under Secretary for Science in the US Department of Energy on May 20,
2009. In that capacity, he is responsible for guiding and coordinating technical activities across the Department, overseeing its basic research activities, and providing technical advice to the Secretary of Energy. DOE
activities are essential to the Administrations goals of promoting basic science, providing clean and secure
energy, and enhancing nuclear security.
Prior to his government appointment, Dr. Koonin was the Chief Scientist for BP, plc. Koonins understanding
of energy trends and technologies, widely communicated to the public, underpinned BPs recent investments
in alternative and renewable energy sources, including the Energy Biosciences Institute formed in collaboration with the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Dr. Koonin joined BP in 2004 following a 29-year career at the California Institute of Technology as a Professor of Theoretical Physics. He has published more than 200 scholarly papers and supervised more than
25 PhD theses in such diverse fields as nuclear and many-body theory, nuclear astrophysics, atomic and
computational physics, and global environmental science. In a twenty-year teaching career, he educated
hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students in advanced physics topics and authored a seminal text
on Computational Physics in 1985. Koonin also served as Caltechs Provost from 1995-2004, helping to hire
some 100 of the Institutes professors and forming initiatives in biology, astronomy, the earth sciences, the
social sciences, and information science.
During the past 25 years, Dr. Koonin has served on numerous advisory bodies for the US Government and
its national laboratories, including terms on the Defense Science Board, the CNOs Executive Panel, and
the University of California Presidents Council on the National Laboratories. He is a member of the Trilateral
Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a twenty-year member and former Chair of the
JASON advisory group. His work in that latter capacity has included studies on stockpile stewardship, civilian
biodefense, radiological terrorism, and DOD basic research.
Koonin was born in Brooklyn, NY. He holds an undergraduate degree in Physics from Caltech and a PhD in
Theoretical Physics from MIT. He and his wife Laurie have been married for 34 years and have three children,
Anna, Alyson, and Benjamin.

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Panelist Biographies
Mohammed J. Alam
President, Alyra Renewable Energy Finance
Panelist, Financing Renewable Energy Projects in New England
Mohammed Alam is the founder and president of Alyra Renewable Energy Finance. A firm imbued with a singular focus and rich experience in renewable energy, Alyra provides financial advisory services exclusively
to the renewable energy sector. The firm specializes in M&A, project finance and strategic joint venture advisory. The firms clients include the leading renewable energy companies and institutional investors in North
America and Europe.
Before founding Alyra in January 2004, Mr. Alam served as vice president at Fortis Capital Corp., where he
led a range of origination, structuring and restructuring of renewable and conventional power transactions.
Before Fortis he worked at GE Capital, providing financial advisory services to GEs power and infrastructure
investments in Latin America. Earlier, he started his finance career at Brown Brothers Harriman, focusing on
emerging markets research. Mr. Alam holds a Masters degree in Public and Private Management from the
Yale School of Management where he was one of three recipients in his class for the Scholastic Excellence
Award. He holds a Bachelors of Science degree, summa cum laude, from the University of Massachusetts,
with various scholastic and leadership honors and distinctions, including the valedictorian nomination. Mr.
Alam frequently speaks at major international energy conferences and is an author of published articles for
leading energy publications.

Tom Atkinson
Director of Network Operations, EnerNOC
Panelist, Changing Careers: Accelerating the Transition to the Green Economy
Tom Atkinson is the Director of Network Operations at EnerNOC and oversees EnerNOCs Network Operations Center (NOC) and directs the NOC team, which prepares for and executes demand response events,
manages a network of nearly 2,000 metering and control devices, and provides 24x7x365 customer support.
During demand response events, the NOC remotely reduces electric consumption (lighting, HVAC, industrial
processes, etc.) and initiates backup generation at customer sites within minutes of notification. The NOC
team continuously monitors performance and assists customers in their use of PowerTrak, EnerNOCs
web-based energy information and analytic system.
Prior to EnerNOC, Tom spent 12 years in Tokyo, London, and New York as a software development manager
for Goldman Sachs, a leading investment bank. Tom developed methods and systems for streamlining business processes for Goldman Sachs Private Wealth Management Division, helping the company shift to an
exception-based client service platform. Tom was also responsible for the development and maintenance of
the companys Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Asset Management and Project Costing systems.
Tom has a degree in Computer Science from Cornell University and an MBA from the Sloan School of Management at MIT. Tom is an active member of the MIT Energy Club.

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Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Abigail Barrow
Founding Director, Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center
Conference Co-Chair, International Sessions Chair
Dr. Abigail Barrow is the Founding Director of the Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center (MTTC). She
is responsible for the overall management of the MTTC and the development of its programs. Prior to joining the MTTC, Dr. Barrow served as managing director of William J. von Liebig Center at the University of
California San Diego (UCSD). The von Liebig Center was created in 2001 to support the commercialization
of research being performed in the UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering. She has also served as a member of the board of directors of the Center for the Commercialization of Advanced Technologies Consortium
(CCAT), which assisted in the identification and commercialization of technologies in the area of crisis and
consequence management and received more than $25 million in federal funding from the Office of Naval
Dr. Barrow worked in a variety of roles at UCSD CONNECT from 1990 to 2001. At CONNECT, she developed
and expanded many of its programs to support early-stage company formation and technology commercialization. The CONNECT program is now internationally recognized and has been successfully replicated in
other regions of North America and in Europe.
Dr. Barrow is on the board of the National Collegiate Inventors and innovators Alliance (NCIIA). In addition,
she is a Fellow of the Beyster Institute at the Rady School of Management at UCSD.

Doug Banks
Editor, Mass High Tech
Moderator, ARRA and Beyond: Federal and State Government Funding for Clean Tech Panel
Doug Banks is editor of Mass High Tech: The Journal of New England Technology, a weekly publication and
daily news web site that spotlights technology entrepreneurs, early-stage companies and emerging technologies in New England. Doug joined MHT in 2005 and led a redesign of the publication in 2006. In that
time, MHT has launched several new programs, a new web site and industry-specific newsletters including
daily BioFlash and FinanceFlash as well as a weekly GreenFlash devoted to clean tech issues. From 2001
to 2005, Doug was associate editor of the Boston Business Journal (BBJ). He came to the BBJ from Fast
Company magazine, where he had been a staff editor after an earlier stint as a reporter/editor at the BBJ in
the late 1990s. Outside the newsroom, Doug is a steering committee member for the MIT Enterprise Forum
Innovation Series and works closely with several other regional technology associations. He has taught journalism and writing at Emerson College and Boston University, and other colleges. He is vice president of the
board of directors at Housing Families Inc., a Massachusetts nonprofit that provides housing for homeless
families, and is an advisory board member of Families for Depression Awareness, a Waltham nonprofit that
aims to help families recognize and cope with depressive disorders. Doug received a bachelors degree in
journalism and English literature from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a masters of fine arts in
nonfiction writing from the University of Pittsburgh.

Richard Baxter
Principal, Charles River Associates
Moderator, Energy Storage Panel
Richard Baxter is a member of CRAs Energy and Environmental Practice. Mr. Baxter specializes in providing
advisory services for private equity and investment banks. Prior to joining CRA, he was a senior member of
the equity research team for Ardour Capital, a boutique investment bank focusing exclusively on alternative
energy resources and energy technology; he also worked as a senior member of the investment banking
team for the same firm. Before that, he was the director of member affairs at the Energy Storage Council
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where he was involved in raising the visibility of energy storage technologies for federal and state government officials. Prior to that, he was an economist with Standard & Poors DRI Energy Group where he managed numerous analytical modeling efforts concerning power sector asset valuation and commodity price
forecasts. An accomplished speaker and thought leader in the energy industry, Mr. Baxter has authored
many reports and articles, and he is the author of Energy Storage: A Nontechnical Guide.

Jeff Bentley
CEO, CellTech Power
Panelist, Portable Power
Mr. Bentley is responsible for company management, business development, strategic relationships and
investments. He has over 15 years of leadership experience in the fuel cell industry and 30 years of experience including development of military and high technology products. For ten years he was a Vice President
and energy consultant for Arthur D. Little, now TIAX. He has founded four fuel cell ventures, all of which are
operating today or have been acquired.
Mr. Bentleys broad functional experience includes military and computer product engineering, technical
sales, marketing and business development and general management. He has a B.S.M.E. M.S.M.E. from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Gus Block
Director of Marketing, Nuvera Fuel Cells
Panelist, Motive Power and Forklifts
Mr. Block is responsible for managing OEM/partner relationships for commercial and industrial hydrogen
customers in the Americas. Previously, Mr. Block was an Engineer and Program Manager with Epyx Corporation, a spin-off company of Arthur D. Little, Inc., where he helped lead product development initiatives
for small-scale PEM fuel cell power systems. Prior to that, he was a consultant for Arthur D. Littles Energy
Technology Group. Gus was also a Fulbright scholar in Sri Lanka, where he was engaged in the design
and construction of a wind-powered electrolyser for on-site hydrogen production. Gus holds a degree in
Mechanical Engineering from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, and a degree in
Humanities from Brandeis University.

Andy Bochman
Director, Customer Advocacy, Ounce Labs an IBM Company
Moderator, Smart Grid Panel
Mr. Bochman is the Director of Customer Advocacy at Ounce Labs, an IBM company whose software helps
companies reduce the risks and costs associated with security and compliance concerns. Mr. Bochman also
founded and runs the Smart Grid Security Blog that tracks the thinking on how to best secure the emerging
smart grid. Mr. Bochman also founded and runs the DOD Energy Blog that tracks and finds solutions to the
energy challenges facing the US Department of Defense. Mr. Bochman has an MA in Environmental Management from Harvard University, and a BS from the United States Air Force Academy.

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November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Brad Bradshaw
President, Massachusetts Hydrogen Coalition
Conference Co-Chair, Industry Sessions Chair
Mr. Bradshaw is a senior executive who helps organizations define and implement high performance strategies. Mr. Bradshaw has focused most of his career in the energy industry, spanning electric and gas utility
strategies, renewable energy, energy services, and energy management. Mr. Bradshaw is the Interim CEO
of Hy9 Corporation, a hydrogen generation and purification company. Mr. Bradshaw also founded and is
President of the Masachusetts Hydrogen Coalition, focused on building jobs and investment in the hydrogen
and fuel cell industry. Mr. Bradshaw also co-founded the New England Clean Energy Council, an industry association focused on significantly accelerating the devlopment of the clean energy economy in New England.
He also co-hosts the annual Conference on Clean Energy, a multi-day regional conference focused on addressing the commercial interests of companies in the clean energy cluster. Illustrative consulting engagements include: developing a near term market and business plan for an advanced membrane technology
company; developing the commercialization strategy for an innovative emissions control process coupled
with low cost hydrogen generation; and realigning the product and market focus of an advanced energy storage technology company. Mr. Bradshaw has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Dartmouth College with a major
in engineering, and an MBA from Babson College.

Warren Brower
Product Marketing Manager, Plug Power
Panelist, Motive Power and Forklifts
Mr. Brower is responsible for developing, planning, and implementing strategic marketing and tactical plans
for assigned products/markets at Plug Power. Previously, Mr. Brower had several positions at Raymond Corporation a fork lift truck manufacturer. Mr. Brower has an MBA from the University of Phoenix and a degree
in Criminal Justice from SUNY College at Brockport.

Chris M Campbell
Executive Director, Ocean Renewable Energy Group
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study
Chris is a marine scientist and leader in development of Canadas ocean economy. He has a Bsc from
Wales, a PhD from Newfoundland, and has worked in France, Newfoundland and British Columbia.
Trained in biology, he worked in aquaculture and seafood industry development as a leader in research,
education and consulting.
In recent years he has worked to cluster BCs ocean technology sector and to create Ocean Industries BC as
an industry association to focus on economic opportunities from British Columbias maritime activity.
Since 2004, he has focused on building an alliance of industry, governments and utilities to ensure that
Canada is a leading player in the emerging renewable ocean energy opportunity. The 120-member Ocean
Renewable Energy Group has succeeded in attracting government and utility attention toward this important
resource. Chris now serves as Executive Director for this national association.

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Judy Chang
Principal, Brattle Group
Panelist, Changing Careers: Accelerating the Transition to the Green Economy
Judy Chang is an economist with a background in electrical engineering. She has expertise in the analysis
of electricity power markets and advises clients on the financial and regulatory issues relating to renewable
energy investment and procurement decisions. She has authored numerous expert reports for clients and
submitted expert testimony before the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding electricity
market design issues. Ms. Changs recent work includes evaluating the potential impact of integrating renewable energy onto power systems. Accordingly, she has designed a model that estimates the operational
impact of variable resources on a grid. She also has recently worked with a major transmission company
in analyzing how overlaying extra-high voltage transmission infrastructure could enable the interconnection
of additional renewable energy and thereby reduce carbon emissions. She has worked with the two major
Connecticut utilities in analyzing the New England renewable energy market as an essential part of their
10-year system planning process. In addition, Ms. Chang has been assisting developers to assess the risks
associated with market dynamics including renewable energy credit markets and transmission access. In
litigation settings, Ms. Chang has estimated damages resulting from project cancellations and contract disputes. In regulatory settings, she has analyzed market design issues related to capacity, energy, and ancillary services markets. She has led consultants and client teams in performing market power analyses for the
purpose of market-based rate proposals and other rate/tariff design issues. She also applies her expertise
in transmission system planning, particularly as it pertains to renewable energy development, congestion
management, and transmission rate-making processes. Ms. Chang has authored a number of articles and
reports and presented at a variety of industry conferences. She recently spent two years in India, where she
worked with the International Finance Corporation assisting companies in evaluating and financing renewable energy investments. She is also the founding director of the non-profit association New England Women
in Energy and the Environment.

Geoff Chapin
Chief Executive Officer, Next Step Living
Panelist, Efficiency & Energy Services
Geoff Chapin is the Founder and CEO of Next Step Living. NSL provides comprehensive assessments and
upgrades to homes across New England, working with utilities, cities, and employers. The service is a onestop shop, providing guidance and implementation of energy efficiency measures ranging from air sealing
and insulation to HVAC systems, home monitoring devices, and on-site renewables. Prior to founding Next
Step Living, Geoff served at the senior levels of the Bridgespan Group, a strategy consulting firm for public
entities and non-profits. Clients included the Energy Foundation, The City of San Francisco, The Portland
Public School District, and the Packard Foundation. Geoff led development of a rapid growth plan for the
Energy Foundation and worked extensively with cities in housing, education, and service delivery. Prior to
Bridgespan, Geoff led teams at Bain & Company in the New York and San Francisco offices where he consulted for Fortune 500 clients in the consumer products, telecom, and online industries, among others. Geoff
also served as a teacher at his alma mater, The Roxbury Latin School, and worked in the public housing
sector at The Community Builders in Boston. He is a graduate of Harvards Kennedy School of Government
and MITs Sloan School of Management and is a Boston native.

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November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Yet-Ming Chiang
Co-Founder, A123 Systems & Professor, Dept of Materials Science & Engineering, MIT
Panelist, Clean Energy Spinouts: Perspectives from University Co-Founders
Yet-Ming Chiang is a founder of A123 Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq:AONE) which develops and manufactures
advanced lithium ion batteries and battery systems for the transportation, electric grid services and consumer markets. Chiang is also Kyocera Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
at MIT. He holds S.B. and Sc.D. degrees from MIT, where he has been a faculty member since 1984. His
research and teaching focuses on advanced materials and their role in technologies for energy storage and
generation, medical devices, smart structures, and micro/nano electronics. Chiang is a member of the
U.S. National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society and a recipient of the societys Ross Coffin Purdy, R. M. Fulrath, and F. H. Norton awards. He received in 2006 (with others at A123
Systems) the R&D 100 Award, and the R&D 100 Editors Choice Award, for their new lithium battery technology, and the Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award (with A. Belcher and P. Hammond) for developing a
virus-assembled battery. He has published about 200 scholarly articles and one widely-used textbook on
ceramic materials. His record of inventorship includes 17 issued patents and about 25 pending patent applications (excluding substantially identical foreign patents and filings). Chiang is frequently invited to speak
at international forums on materials science and battery technology, electric vehicles, energy issues, and
entrepreneurship. Chiang also regularly provides briefings to government decision makers, and has testified before the US Senate Committee on Environment on the electrification of vehicles and its impact on oil
consumption and climate change. He is a member of the National Materials Advisory Board, which advises
the US Government on matters related to materials technology and government policy.

Patrick Cloney
Executive Director, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
Panelist, ARRA and Beyond: Federal and State Government Funding for Clean Tech
Patrick Cloney brings to the Clean Energy Center eighteen years of experience in engineering, business,
finance and government. His background in power plant operations, management, business development,
and strategic planning provides a unique blend of expertise to bring to leading the organization. As an entrepreneur, Cloney has launched businesses in real estate, environmental services, and high technology.
Cloney worked previously as Vice President at Susquehanna Capital Management where he managed four
portfolio companies. He was also a partner at Clear Power Ventures, where he focused on early stage energy and environmental technology companies, helping them to raise funds and sharpen their business strategies. More recently, Cloney was Executive Director of the Massachusetts Office of Business Development,
assisting companies seeking to locate, expand, or maintain their presence in Massachusetts. Cloney earned
a BS in Marine Engineering with a concentration in Nuclear Engineering from the Massachusetts Maritime
Academy and was the recipient of the Massachusetts Maritime Alumni Award for Outstanding Student Engineer. Cloney earned his MBA with a concentration in Entrepreneurial Studies from Babson Colleges Olin
School of Management.

R. Brooke Coleman
President, New Fuels Alliance, and Founder, REAP Coalition
Moderator, BioEnergy Panel
Brooke Coleman is the founder of the Northeast Biofuels Collaborative and president of the New Fuels Alliance, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to educating stakeholders about the economic and environmental benefits of non-petroleum fuel production and use. He is also the founder of the Renewable Energy
Action Project (REAP), a national coalition of organizations promoting renewable energy use. Mr. Coleman
has been involved with transportation fuels at the regulatory and policy making level in California and other
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states since 1998, first as the Clean Fuels and Climate Change Director for Bluewater Network and later at
REAP. He led a national campaign to ban the gasoline additive MTBE, and currently promotes renewable
fuels as a viable, near-term strategy to address petroleum dependence and global climate change. Mr. Coleman is a graduate of Wesleyan University, the Northeastern University School of Law, and is a member of
the Massachusetts State Bar.

Issam Dairanieh
Member of the Venturing team, BPs Alternative Energy Division
Panelist, Venture Capital
Issam Dairanieh has accountability for assessing emerging clean energy technologies. As a member of the
Venturing team in BPs Alternative Energy Division, Issam focuses on green power generation options. He
has recently spearheaded BPs effort to assess Concentrated Solar Thermal power generation as a new
business opportunity. Issams career at bp started in bp-Amoco Chemicals with assignments in product and
application development as well as technical service. In 2006, Issam moved to the Technology Strategy team
and is currently a member of the Venturing team. Issam has degrees in Chemical Engineering from Syracuse
(BS) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (MS, Ph.D.).

Marina Dippel
Principal, Sustainability Guild LLC
Moderator, Changing Careers: Accelerating the Transition to the Green Economy Panel
Ms. Dippel is a Principal at the Sustainability Guild LLC. She is also a Clean Energy Jobs Training instructor
at the Center for Business and Industry at Bristol Community College. Her professional commitment focuses
on sustainability innovation and entrepreneurship. Ms. Dippel is on the executive committee for the Massachusetts Clean Energy Conference and the University Clean Energy Research Day, and serves on the
Board of the Southern New England Entrepreneurship Forum (SNEEF). She is an active contributor to the
Clean Energy and Economic Development Working Groups with the Southeastern Massachusetts Council
on Sustainability. Marina Dippel earned a Masters in Public and International Affairs from the University of
Pittsburgh, and a sustainability-focused MBA from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

Kevin Doyle
Principal, Green Economy
Panelist, Changing Careers: Accelerating the Transition to the Green Economy
Kevin Doyle is Principal of Green Economy, a private firm offering research, consulting, evaluation, training
and facilitation to government, business, nonprofit and academic clients. Green Economy clients and funders
include National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Pacific Services Center, Coastal Management
Fellowship Program, Coral Management Fellowship Program, Coastal Services Center, Coral Reef Conservation Program, Coastal Programs Division), USDA Forest Service, New England Clean Energy Council,
Jobs for the Future, National Fund for Workforce Solutions, Conservation Services Group, National Council
for Science and the Environment, National Grid, NStar Gas and Electric, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science, Texas Tech University, University of Michigan School of Natural Resources, JFYNetWorks, The Barr Foundation, Skillworks, IM Systems Group, Earth Resources Technology, The Baldwin
Group, Lighthouse Consulting Group, American Samoa Coastal Management Program, Guam Coastal Management Program, and many others.
Kevin is the co-author of several green careers research studies, and of four popular books about environmental careers for Island Press, including The Eco Guide to Careers That Make a Difference: Environmental
Work for a Sustainable World and The Complete Guide to Environmental Careers in the 21st Century. He
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writes the occasional green jobs advice column for and speaks frequently about green careers
at conferences and on college campuses. Kevin is the co-chair of the workforce development group for the
New England Clean Energy Council, and co-facilitator of the Green Collar Jobs Affinity Group for the National
Fund for Workforce Solutions. His work has been noted by New York Times, Boston Globe and Boston Globe
Magazine, Newsweek, Forbes, E Magazine, Marketplace Money, Living on Earth, National Public Radio,
Sierra, and many local and campus media outlets.
Before starting Green Economy in July, 2007, Kevin was the National Director of Program Development at
The Environmental Careers Organization (ECO) for fifteen years. In that role, he helped design, finance and
manage paid environmental internships and fellowships that launched the careers of over 11,000 aspiring
professionals, more than 25% of whom were Asian, African, Hispanic and Native Americans. Previous to his
work with ECO, Kevin served as the Regional Director of ECOs Pacific Northwest office in Seattle, as the
director of Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation (NEDCO) in Eugene, Oregon, and as a land
use planner and community development coordinator for Kitsap County, Washington in the Seattle metro
area. In 1999, Kevin was selected by the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Iowa to be honored as
one of the six inaugural members of the universitys Alumni Fellows award.

Jim Dunn
CEO and President, Future Solar Systems, LLC
Moderator, Solar Energy Panel
Mr. Dunn has a technical and business background and is an expert in the renewable energy field, particularly in photovoltaics and energy storage. He has over 35 years of experience with large companies like
IBM, and Exxon and is a founder of 5 companies, and most recently, was responsible for technology transfer
as the Director of NASAs NE Region Tech Transfer Center, for 15 years. He has been successful in raising
capital for several recent energy start-ups, and has a solid knowledge of the solar and renewable energy
marketplace. Jim has a BSEE from WPI, and is active in the Renewable Energy field and a frequent speaker
at energy related conferences and events.

Helen Fairman
Co-Founder, Millville Partners, Inc.
Moderator, Efficiency & Energy Services Panel
Helen Fairman is Co-Founder of Millville Partners, Inc., offering strategic marketing consulting and program
development to grow the clean economy. Millville Partners serves clients in the sustainable building and
clean energy industries, with expertise in translating complex technical ideas and services into lay terms.
With Millville Partners Co-Founder Laura Bartsch, Helen also serves as Co-Executive Director of REBN, the
Renewable Energy Business Network; Co-Network Director of the Clean Economy Network; Co-Director of
the New England Clean Energy Councils Clean Energy Fellowship (2008 and 2009); and Co-Director of the
Governors Clean Energy Challenge. Helen and Laura are also members of the Progressive Business Leaders Network.
Helen entered the world of energy efficiency and sustainable building in 2004 as Marketing Manager at Cimetrics Inc., a supplier of advanced building automation products and services. Prior to Cimetrics, she was
Director of Product Development at Boston Warehouse and Store Designer at Crate & Barrel. Helen graduated from Harvard with honors in Visual and Environmental Studies.

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

M. Scott Faris
Chief Executive Officer, Planar Energy Devices
Panelist, Energy Storage
Scott Faris is a serial entrepreneur with almost two decades of operating, venture-financing and commercialization experience, involving more than 20 start-up and emerging-growth technology companies. As founder
and CEO of Planar Energy Devices, a spinout of the U.S. Department of Energys National Renewable Energy Laboratory, he is responsible for establishing and executing the company vision and direction across all
functional areas, including business strategy, product development, and sales and marketing. Mr. Faris had
been chairman and CEO of Waveguide Solutions, a developer of planar lightwave circuit and microsystem
products that was a spinout of the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. He also was a founding director
and COO of Ocean Optics, a precision-optical-component and fiber-optic-instrument spinout of the University of South Florida with a proprietary technology to pattern thin-film filters. Mr. Faris was previously a partner
with Corporate IP Ventures (formerly MetaTech Ventures), an early-stage venture fund that commercialized
defense technologies. He also was a founding director and the Chief Operating Officer at Ocean Optics, a
precision-optical-component and fiber-optic-instrument company. Mr. Faris was the founder and CEO of Enterprise Corporation, a technology accelerator that raised more than $50 million in capital for new and existing technology firms through a private investment forum. He also has served as director of the Florida Seed
Capital Fund and as director of Technology Commercialization at the Center for Microelectronics Research.

Curtis S. Felix
CEO and Founder, Plankton Power
Panelist, BioEnergy
Mr. Felix founded Plankton as an integrated supply chain management company to provide biodiesel that
would be competitively priced with oil and has led the company to develop a unique integrated algae biorefining business. Previously, as Founder and President of Wellfleet Group, he supplied consulting services to
large fuel users to integrate biodiesel into their operations. From 1998-2007, he served as General Manager
of Petroleum, at Cambridge Viscosity where he worked with the worlds major oil and oil field service companies in exploration and production. In 1994, he founded and served as Executive Vice President of AVSG,
a compressed natural gas company, and developed (at the time) the largest CNG station in the country, at
Logan Airport. From 1983 until 1994, Mr. Felix served variously as in house consultant to the World Bank for
Energy Efficiency and Cogeneration and consulted to and worked in the electric utility industry.
He received degrees in Economics, Political Science and Biology from the University of Vermont and partial
completion of requirements for an MBA at Babson.

Andrew Friendly
Member, Advanced Technology Ventures
Panelist, ARRA and Beyond: Federal and State Government Funding for Clean Tech
Andrew joined ATV in 2007 and focuses on investments in clean technology companies in the firms Waltham,
MA office. He represents the firm on the boards of AltaRock Energy and Solar Junction, and is an observer
on the boards of Rive Technology and Wakonda Technologies. Andrew co-leads the Renewable Energy
Business Network (, and also co-leads the New England Clean Energy Councils Clean Energy Fellowship Program ( Previously, Andrew was a director at Idealab in Pasadena, CA,
where he evaluated energy and clean technologies for possible investment and company creation. Prior to
Idealab, Andrew was a Partner at Clean Edge, a strategic consulting practice for the cleantech sector and
senior manager of Business Development & Strategy at Zambeel, Inc. Andrew also spent five years at The
White House in a variety of positions including Personal Aide to President Clinton and Senior Advisor to the
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Special Envoy for the Americas where he worked with Congress to design trade legislation and assisted
U.S. companies in gaining access to Latin American markets. Andrew holds an M.B.A. from the J.L. Kellogg
Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University and a B.A. from Middlebury College.

Gene Gebolys
Founder, President, and CEO, World Energy Alternatives
Panelist, BioEnergy
Gene Gebolys has guided World Energy to be a global leader in biodiesel. A champion of biodiesel in the
U.S. and internationally, he has provided continuing leadership to the National Biodiesel Board since 1996,
serving on its governing council and as Chair of its Regulatory Committee. Mr. Gebolys holds degrees from
Harvard University and Ohio State University in Economics, Business Management, and Public Policy.

Mark Goodman
Founder, Terawatt Ventures
Panelist, Seed Funding
Mark Goodman is launching an early-stage cleantech fund called Terawatt Ventures focusing on smart grid,
energy efficiency, energy storage, and water treatment.
Mark co-founded Brookline Venture Partners in 2004 and was responsible for all aspects of deal sourcing,
due diligence, fundraising, and portfolio company strategy. He serves on the board of Volicon Inc., and managed portfolio investments including GenuOne (acquired by OpSec Security Group), Acme Packet (APKT),
Circle Lending (acquired by Virgin Money USA), and Consumer United.
Mark is a member of the Clean Energy Venture Group and Environmental Entrepreneurs, and has been a
Mentor and Judge for the MIT Ignite Clean Energy competition.
Mark worked at First Chicago Corporation from 1989 to 1992 where he rotated through syndications and
asset sales, high yield securities, commercial real estate disposition, and foreign exchange options while
completing an MBA at Kellogg in the evenings. As a corporate banking associate in New York, Mark was
responsible for credit analysis of securities and commodities firms.
Mark holds a BA in Economics and Philosophy from Emory University where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa,
an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, and an MA and PhD in Philosophy from Boston

John (Jian) Guan

Vice President, Beijing Songzhihui
Panelist, Carbon Regulation and New Business Creation - An International Perspective
Graduated from China Northeastern University of Finance and Economics in 1982, Guan started his career with China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation and promoted to be the manager
of the public relation division in a very short two year time. Later on, Guan worked for Hughes electronic
international for over 10 years stationed at Washington DC as the director of business development. Before
Guan joined Songzhihui, he was the President of Banyu Investment Co, of Japan. His experience covered
international business management, sales and marketing, international business development and government relationship. At his current position, he is responsible for Songzhihuis development strategy, oversea
partnership, technology transfer and localization as well as investment planning. He has intensive knowledge
about China energy policy and market.

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Carl Gustin
Founder and President, GroundedPower
Panelist, Smart Grid
Carl Gustin has more than 30 years of energy-related experience. As a senior vice president at Boston Edison and NSTAR he led the design and implementation of award winning energy efficiency and demand response programs. He previously served as a senior executive at the US Department of Energy, the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission and the US Synthetic Fuels Corp. in Washington, DC. and more recently was the
founder of a regional energy trade association.

Stu Haber
President and CEO, IST Energy
Panelist, Combined Heat and Power
Mr. Haber is President and CEO of IST Energy, the developer of the GEM, a portable & on-site clean wasteto-energy system.

Gary Hawley
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Design, University of Bath
Panelist, Carbon Regulation and New Business Creation - An International Perspective
Gary Hawley is the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Design at the University of Bath, Professor of Automotive Engineering and the Director of the Powertrain & Vehicle Research Centre. He also holds the prestigious Medlock Chair of Engineering in recognition of, excellent academic research and its application to
industry. Gary joined the academic staff of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 1995 after careers
with both the National Coal Board and the Royal Navy. During service as a commissioned officer he was appointed on exchange with the United States Navy and served at the United States Naval Academy. He has
published extensively on various aspects of diesel engineering, thermal management of heat engines, computational approaches to predicting engine performance and the use of alternative fuels for road transport.
He is a member of the All Party Parliamentary Renewable Transport Fuels Group and sits on the scientific
committee of the Canadian AUTO21 Network Centre of Excellence.

Chris Hobson
Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer, Bandgap Engineering
Panelist, Solar Energy
Chris brings to Bandgap over fifteen years of leadership experience in operations, finance, marketing and
business development at both Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurial startups. Prior to Bandgap Chris
was SVP Operations at eCredit, a credit risk management and collections software company that was acquired by Fidelity Ventures. Chris is a graduate of McGill University and earned his MBA at Harvard Business

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Karl Jessen
Director, Cluster Development, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
Panelist, Seed Funding
Karl serves as the Director of Cluster Development for the Massachusetts Clean Energy - working to increase the job and economic development potential of the clean energy industry in Massachusetts through
investments in early-stage companies, and forming partnerships and alliances with industry, universities and
clean energy organizations. He also conducts the clean energy research activities for the MassCEC.
He has over 17 years experience in clean energy technology. Prior to joining the MassCEC, Karl was the
Economic Development Officer for the Renewable Energy Trust. He also founded a startup technology company and has worked throughout his career with emerging and advanced energy technologies with Arthur D.
Little, the Yankee Group and Honeywell. His work has taken him to Europe, the Far East and South America.
Karl was an officer in the US Air Force and holds an MBA from Babson College and a BS in electrical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

John J. Joyce
President & CEO, Ambient
Panelist, Smart Grid
Mr. Joyce leads the organization. He has over 25 years experience as a senior executive working with international utilities and financial industries. Mr. Joyce has held senior positions with companies such as ABB,
Price Waterhouse and Citicorp. He has extensive international experience in business development, consulting and financial markets. From November 2000 through August 2001, Mr. Joyce was the Chief Operating
Officer of the Company. In September 2001, Mr. Joyce assumed the leadership of the Company.
Prior to joining Ambient, Mr. Joyce served as Senior Vice President of ABB Financial Services Inc. while
also serving as President of Financial Consulting - The Americas, where he led the global energy consulting
practice within ABB Financial Services. A CPA in the United States, Mr. Joyce holds an MBA from the Stern
School of Business, New York University, where he majored in Finance and International Business.
Mr. Joyce is a founding member of the Universal Powerline Association (UPA). He is also active in the Edison
Electric Institute (EEI), Utilities Telecom Council (UTC) and GridWise Alliance.

Richard Karsten
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Acadia University
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study
Dr. Richard Karsten is an associate professor of Mathematics at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
He has a BMath from the University of Waterloo and a PhD. in Applied Mathematics from the University of
Alberta. He spent three years as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
before joining Acadia in 2001. He early research focused on fluid dynamics and oceanography, in particular,
the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. In recent years, Dr. Karsten and his colleagues at Acadia have been
working on examining tidal power in the Bay of Fundy. Their work resulted in the first published assessment of in-stream tidal power in the Minas Passage based on a theoretical estimate of extractable energy
and a numerical simulation of in-stream turbines. He has also publications examining the tidal resonance in
Hudson Strait and the coupling of resonant shallow basins with the Atlantic Ocean. He has given numerous
conference and public presentations on tidal power.

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Angus King
Founder and Principal, Independence Wind
Panelist, Wind Power
Angus King was Governor of Maine from 1995 to 2003. Elected in his first run for public office in 1994, he
was re-elected in 1998 by one of the largest margins of victory in Maine history. In 2007, Angus co-founded
Independence Wind, an wind development company based in Maine. In 2009, Angus joined the professional
team of Leaders LLC, an investment banking firm, focused on mergers and acquisitions.
Earlier, Angus founded and was President of Northeast Energy Management, Inc., an energy development
company. He is currently a Distinguished Lecturer at Bowdoin College and a Visiting Fellow at the John F.
Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University . Governor King is a graduate of Dartmouth College
and The University of Virginia Law School.

David Kopans
Co-founder and the CFO, EnergyClimate Solutions
Panelist, Efficiency & Energy Services
David Kopans is a co-founder and the Chief Financial Officer for EnergyClimate Solutions. He has been
Head of Finance/CFO for two publicly traded companies and is a serial entrepreneur who has started, run,
and advised software, hardware, biotech and clean energy companies.
Earlier, Mr. Kopans co-founded Value Added Energy Information Systems (VAEIS) in 2003, a company that
quickly became the leading provider of metering and monitoring services to the renewable energy marketplace. In 2005, VAEIS merged with Fat Spaniel Technologies and David was appointed Director of Business
Development and Regulatory Affairs. Mr. Kopans received his BA degree in Economics and Public Policy
from Brown University and an MBA degree with honors in Finance and Accounting from NYU.

Susan Leschine
Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, Qteros, Professor of Microbiology & Co-Director of TIMBR,
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Panelist, Clean Energy Spinouts: Perspectives from University Co-Founders
Susan Leschine is a Founder and Chief Scientist at Qteros, a biofuels technology company headquartered
in Marlborough, Massachusetts. She is also Professor of Microbiology and Co-Director of TIMBR, The Institute for Massachusetts Biofuels Research at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Dr. Leschine earned
a Bachelors Degree in Biology and a Ph.D. in Biophysics and Microbiology at the University of Pittsburgh.
She conducted postdoctoral research at UMass Amherst on microbial communities that decompose plant
biomass. Dr. Leschine is acknowledged as a leading authority on the biology and diversity of cellulosedigesting microbes, their role in the global carbon and nitrogen cycles, and their industrial applications. She
was named a Top Ten Woman in Cleantech by Earth2Tech, and a 2009 Woman to Watch by Mass High
Tech. The goal of her research is to harness the natural diversity of the microbial world for energy solutions.
Presently, research in Dr. Leschines laboratory at UMass Amherst involves studies of bacteria that directly
convert non-food biomass into fuels and other products, research that has formed the basis for Qteros Q
Microbe single-step cellulosic conversion technology.

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Doug Levin
Founder, former CEO and member of the Board of Directors, Black Duck Software
Panelist, Seed Funding
Doug Levin is the founder, former CEO and member of the Board of Directors of Black Duck Software, serving in these roles since December 2002. Previously, Levin was CEO of MessageMachines (acquired by NMS
Communications in 2002) and X-Collaboration (acquired by Progress Software in 2000) - two VC-backed
companies based in Boston. In addition he served in management roles for eight years at Microsoft Corporation. Levins expertise is in startup formation and pre-IPO executive management, finance, software development, marketing and sales. Levin has an advanced degree in International Economics from the College
dEurope in Bruges, Belgium and a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was awarded
2007 CEO of the Year by the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council.

David L. Levy
Professor & Chair, Dept of Management and Marketing, University of Massachusetts,
Moderator, Carbon Regulation and New Business Creation - An International Perspective Panel
David L. Levy is Chair of the Department of Management and Marketing and Director of the Center for
Sustainable Enterprise and Regional Competitiveness at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. He
received his doctorate from Harvard Business School. His research examines corporate strategic responses
to climate change and the growth of the renewable energy business sector in the New England region. He
has published and lectured widely on these topics, and recently started a blog,, on business
and climate change.

Evan Lovell
Partner, Virgin Green Fund
Panelist, Venture Capital
Evan Lovell is a Founding Partner of the Virgin Green Fund (VGF) a private equity fund focused on growth
capital investments in the renewable energy and resource efficiency sectors. Prior to founding VGF Mr.
Lovell was a private equity investor with TPG Growth, a $1.5 billion private equity fund focused on growth
capital, LBO and late stage venture investing in North America and Asia. At TPG he was a Principal focusing
on consumer product, retail and cleantech related investments.
Prior to joining TPG Growth, Evan was a Partner with Aqua International, a TPG fund focused on the cleantech sector where he led over $250 million of equity investments globally. Prior to joining Aqua in 1998, Evan
was Director of International Development for Culligan Water Technologies (1994-1998).
Mr. Lovell serves on the board of DTX Oil, Duratherm Inc. and Seven Seas Water.

Craig Lund
Director of Business Development, 1366 Technologies
Panelist, Solar Energy
Craig Lund is Director of Business Development for 1366 Technologies. Craig brings over 8 years of experience in traditional energy markets, economic policy, and entrepreneurship. Previously Craig worked for
Endeavor as a strategic advisor assisting early-stage ventures in Latin America and participated in Highland
Capitals entrepreneurship program. Prior to that he worked in energy and power finance for Deutsche Bank
where he was involved in capital raising and strategic initiatives for large, public power and utility clients.
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Craig also spent most of 2004 in Iraq as an economic advisor for the US Department of Defense and received a civilian services achievement award for his efforts. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School
and a Bachelors Degree in Economics from Dartmouth.

Meg McIsaac
Senior Commercial Lender, TDBank
Panelist, Financing Renewable Energy Projects in New England
Meg McIsaac is a senior commercial lender with TDBank. In this role, Meg sources new business opportunities for the Bank focusing on family owned or closely held private business with over $20MM in annual revenue. She has been in commercial banking for 24 years, specializing in commercial and industrial financing.
An alternative energy advocate, Meg has been directed to create viable financing programs for smaller wind
and solar projects, primarily for community and private use.
TDBank is committed to developing an expertise in this growth market. Meg has been involved in several
wind and solar financing projects to date and currently is working with equity sponsors on projects totaling
10-12Mw, scheduled to begin over the next 18 months.
Meg began her career at Bank of Boston before moving to New York to work in syndicated leverage leasing
at Fuji Bank. Upon returning to Boston, Meg worked for USTrust/Citizens Bank, Mellon Bank and has been
with TDBank since 2006. She graduated from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio and the Stonier Graduate
School of Banking at the University of Pennsylvania.

Simon Melrose
Nova Scotia Manager, Oceans Limited
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study
Since first coming to Canada in 1975, Simon Melrose has worked in the field of applied ocean science. During this time he has been Senior Oceanographer and Environmental Coordinator for Petro-Canadas offshore
operations, Director of Operations for the Weather Network and Vice President of Operations with Maclaren
Plansearch, SNC Lavalin. Presently, Mr. Melrose is the Nova Scotia manager for Oceans Ltd, Canadas largest marine weather and oceanographic company, providing site specific forecasting to most of the offshore
operations here and in Newfoundland and Labrador. Mr. Melrose is also chairman of the board of the Ecology
Action Centre and a member of Solar Nova Scotia. He is actively involved in renewable energy development
and lives off-grid in Musquodoboit Harbour.

John Merlino
President, Sirius Integrator
Panelist, Portable Power
Mr. Merlino is the President of Sirius Integrator, a distributor of energy products and solutions including the
line of fuel cells from Smart Fuel Cells, Fuel Cells For Remote Backup Power. Mr. Merlino was formerly in
product management at Tyco Fire & Security and Sun Microsystems.

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David S. Miller
Founder and Executive Managing Director, Clean Energy Venture Group
Panelist, Seed Funding
David S. Miller, Ph.D. is a founder and Executive Managing Director of CEVG. He is on the board of directors
or advisory board of several clean energy companies, and is a volunteer mentor to others at MITs Venture
Mentoring Service. He is also a research affiliate at MITs Sloan School of Management. David is a New
England chapter leader of Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2), a national community of business people who
believe in protecting the environment while building economic prosperity ( David co-founded
EPrime, which is a forum for clean energy entrepreneurs to network and support each others enterprises.
He is a founding member of the MIT Enterprise Forums Energy Special Interest Group where he currently
manages the mentor program for the IGNITE Clean Energy Business Plan Competition. David was a board
member of New England Energy and Environmental Funders, which educated investors interested in energy and environmental companies, and was an advisory board member of the New England Clean Energy
Council. David received his BS and MS in Computer Science and Engineering from MIT, and completed his
doctorate at MITs Lab for Energy and the Environment where he studied the utilization of distributed generation and energy efficiency measures. His dissertation examined the impact of a variety of management and
investment strategies and public policy initiatives on the success of new clean energy ventures.

John R. Miller
Director, Marine Renewable Energy Center (MREC)
Panelist, University Research Center Directors
John is the founding Director of the Marine Renewable Energy Center (MREC). He has 25 years of experience in technology commercialization in a variety of high technology businesses including Polaroid and GTE,
has been President of two companies, and led a startup, Micro Magnetics, that transitioned an advanced
materials sensor from university demonstration to Beta ready tool in 11 months. He has a BS degreee in
Engineering from the United States Military Academy, West Point, an MS in engineering degree from the University of Washington; and an MBA degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. John is active in the New
England Clean Energy Council, oyUniversity of Massachusetts Clean Energy Working Group, and sits on
the boards of several nonprofit organizations. He actively employs his own renewable energy rowing whale

Greg Moreland
Senior Finance Analyst, Sentech, Inc.
Panelist, Motive Power and Forklifts
Mr. Moreland is employed at Sentech, a clean energy and energy efficiency consulting company, where he is
responsible for providing support to the U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen Programs market transformation of fuel cells and hydrogen infrastructure. Mr. Morelands career features 30+ years of experience in external relations, financial management, program/project management, and M&A with Ford Motor Company,
MTI MicroFuel Cells, and Sentech. He serves or has served on the Boards of the NYS Workforce Investment
Board, New Energy New York (2007 chair) and the US Fuel Cell Council.

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Dana Morin
Director and Officer, President, Fundy Tidal Inc.
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study
Fundy Tidal Inc. founder and president Dana Morin is an active participant in the creation and growth of community economic development investment funds and renewable energy initiatives in Nova Scotia. He was
the founding president of the network of the eight community investment funds collectively referred to as the
Scotian WindFields and the Sustainable Islands Community Economic Development Investment Fund.
Dana was also a founding director and management of Scotian WindFields Inc., DaoPower Canada Corporation, Wind Driven Inc., Wind Horse Power Ltd. and Fourth Generation Capital Corporation (4G) which
specializes in carbon credit and emissions trading.

Sanjeev Mukerjee
Professor and Director of the Center for Renewable Energy Technology, Northeastern
Panelist, University Research Center Directors
Sanjeev Mukerjee is a professor of Chemistry at Northeastern University and Director of the Northeastern
University Center for Renewable Energy Technology. Dr. Mukerjees areas of expertise include: Electrocatalysis - Understanding Electrocatalytic Pathways in Complex Reaction Centers; Intercalation Compounds Understanding charge compensation in complex structures as a function of intercalation; In situ Synchrotron
Spectroscopy - Development of New Methodologies for X-ray Absorption and Scattering Methods; and Fundamental Understanding of Transport Phenomenon in Polymer Electrolytes. He received his MS and M.Tech
degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology and his PhD in Chemistry from Texas A&M University.

Nick Murphy
Commercial Manager, OpenHydro Group Ltd.
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study
OpenHydro Group Ltd. is an Irish energy technology company whose business is the design and manufacture of marine turbines for generating renewable energy from tidal streams. Since joining OpenHydro Nick
has been involved across the business including managing grid connection of the EMEC Research Structure
and with the development and delivery of the companys first deployment vehicle, the OpenHydro Installer
and the first subsea base, also located at EMEC. Nick currently holds the position of commercial manager
within the company and has primary responsibility for delivering the first 10m unit which is due for deployment later this year in the Bay of Fundy in a project being developed in partnership with Nova Scotia Power,
as well as looking after OpenHydros future projects. Prior to joining the company Nick was employed by
E.ON UK and was integral in setting up their Marine Renewables business unit which was a direct progression of his role as an offshore wind developer, also with E.ON UK. Nick has a Masters degree in subsea
engineering and a first degree in Oceanography. He holds a commercial diving qualification and sits on the
Society for Underwater Technologys Marine Renewable Energy Committee.

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Charlie Myers
President, Trenergi Corp.
Panelist, Combined Heat and Power
Mr. Myers co-founded and is leading Trenergi, a manufacturer of global distributed energy micro combined
head and power (microCHP) systems based on high temperature PEM fuel cell technology. Prior to Trenergi,
Mr. Myers was Director of Marketing at Nuvera Fuel Cells and the Global Market Leader for the companys
PowerTap Hydrogen Generation product line. Earlier, Mr. Myers was Vice President of Sales and Marketing
for Iwaki Americas, an international manufacturer of fluid and air-handling pumps. Charlie holds an Executive MBA from Saint Marys of Moraga, Moraga, California, and a BS degree.

Chris Noble
MIT Technology Licensing Officer
Moderator, Clean Energy Spinouts: Perspectives from University Co-Founders Panel
Christopher Noble is MITs Licensing Officer for energy technology. He previously worked for twenty-five
years in energy and technology companies ranging from the Fortune 500 (Schlumberger, Analog Devices) to
startups (Philsar). Chris has raised and negotiated VC financings and served on the Board of several private
companies. He has lived and worked in South America and Europe and is fluent in French and Spanish.
Chriss non-profit activities currently include serving on the Board of Design That Matters, a product design
company focused on the health and education needs of the poor in developing countries. He previously was
the Founding Director of the New England Region of Future Scientists and Engineers of America.

Matthew M. Nordan
Vice President, Venrock
Panelist, Venture Capital
Matthew Nordan is a vice president at Venrock, a premier venture capital firm originally established as the
venture arm of the Rockefeller family. He focuses on breakthrough energy, environmental, and materials
technologies from the firms Cambridge, MA office.
Prior to Venrock, Matthew was president of Lux Research, an advisory services firm for science-driven innovation that he co-founded in 2004. Under Matthews leadership, the Lux Research analyst team became
a globally recognized authority on the business and economic impact of emerging technologies, advising
corporations, start-ups, financial institutions, and governments. Before Lux, Matthew held a variety of senior
management positions at emerging technology advisor Forrester Research in the U.S. and Europe.
Matthew has testified before the U.S. Congress four times on emerging technology issues, advised the
Committee to Review the National Nanotechnology Initiative of the National Academies, and been an invited
speaker at universities including Harvard, MIT, and Columbia. He is a member of the World Economic Forums Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies and has advised the OECD on technology development for energy and environmental applications. A regular speaker at technology conferences, Matthew has
been frequently cited by news outlets including CNBC, ABC News, The Economist, and Newsweek.
Matthew is a summa cum laude graduate of Yale University, where he conducted cognitive neuroscience
research on the neural pathways mediating emotion and memory.

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

David OConnor
Senior VP for Energy and Clean Technology, ML Strategies, LLC
Panelist, Carbon Regulation and New Business Creation - An International Perspective
David advises energy and technology companies on emerging public policies and devises strategies that will
expand their markets and accelerate their growth. As Massachusetts Commissioner of Energy Resources
from 1995 to 2007, he was responsible for implementing the states first-ever Renewable Energy Portfolio
Standard and directed the states $125 million/yr. energy efficiency incentive program. He also represented
the state in the development of the first-ever, multi-state agreement to cap and trade carbon emissions
from power plants. In the 1990s he led the states historic deregulation of the electric industry which for the
first time enabled companies and consumers to choose their electricity supplier. David received his Masters
in Public Administration from Harvards Kennedy School of Government and his undergraduate degree from
Middlebury College in Vermont.

Jerry OConnor
Member, Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton, P.C.
Moderator, Venture Capital Panel
Jerry OConnor has a wide-ranging business law practice that focuses on corporate finance transactions,
mergers and acquisitions, securities law and intellectual property matters. He represents clients in a variety
of industries, including clean energy technology and renewable energy, software and information technology,
manufacturing, venture capital and professional services. Jerrys practice has a particular focus on advising early stage clean energy technology companies in all aspects of their formation and growth, including
negotiating and carrying out angel and vc financings, strategic alliances and joint venture agreements. Jerry
is active in several renewable energy industry groups, and serves as Clerk of the Massachusetts Hydrogen
Coalition and of the New England Clean Energy Council. Jerry is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and of Northeastern University School of Law.

Tom Ollila
Business Development Manager, Dantherm Power
Panelist, Backup Power
Tom Ollila is the Business Development Manager for Dantherm Power, a leading supplier of Fuel Cell backup
power systems. He is responsible for growing the companys backup power business in North America. He
has been in the renewable and Fuel Cell industry for over eight years and has worked for Plug Power, Parker
Hannifin and GE.

Martin Olsen
Vice President, Business Development, Active Power, Inc.
Panelist, Backup Power
Martin Olsen serves as the companys vice president of Business Development. In this role, Olsen leads all
global business development activities to help grow Active Powers product and sales distribution channels.
Olsen brings more than 11 years of global marketing, product marketing and development to Active Power.
He served as director of the Data Center Group for Wright Line LLC, a Worcester, Mass. based data center
infrastructure firm prior to joining Active Power in early 2007. Prior to that, Olsen worked in the United States
and several years overseas working in Munich and Singapore, where he led the product marketing and business development charter for APC-MGE.
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A U.S. patent holder, Olsen received his bachelors of science in Marketing from the International Business
College at Kolding, Denmark. In addition to his degree, he also earned diplomas in Logistics and International Business Law from the International Business College at Kolding, Denmark.

Scott A. Pearson
Chief Executive Officer, Protonex Technology Corporation
Panelist, Portable Power
Mr. Pearson has over 17 years of experience leading a wide range of technology-based companies and
organizations. His management experience includes start-up companies, turnaround situations, acquisition
integrations, and large commercial and institutional firms. Mr. Pearsons professional experience spans a
broad range of industries including uninterruptible power systems (UPS), electric vehicles, electronics assembly equipment and materials, digital imaging, and defense systems. Most recently, as President, Americas of Powerware Corporation (a leading UPS provider), Mr. Pearson oversaw a $480 million operation,
significantly increasing its market share, profitability and cash flow. Mr. Pearson holds an M.B.A. from MITs
Sloan School of Management, an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from MIT, and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts.

Linda S. Plano
Associate Director, Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center
Conference Executive Committee Chair and Investor Advisory Board Co-Chair
Dr. Linda Plano is the Associate Director of the Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center (MTTC). In this
role, she assists in the development and implementation of MTTC programs. Her focus is on recruiting and
coaching early stage entrepreneurs for these programs with the goal of facilitating the commercialization of
their technologies. Dr. Plano works with inventors in all high tech sectors from life sciences to information
technology and has coached over 200 entrepreneurs and inventors in preparation for their presentations to
investors at the MTTC, many of whom have gone on to found companies, several of which have raised millions of dollars in venture funding.
Dr. Plano is committed to the development of the Clean Energy custer in Massachusetts and the region. She
has co-chaired the Conference on Clean Energy: Financing and Partnering for Emerging Businesses, held
jointly with the Massachusetts Hydrogen Coalition,since its inception in 2005. As a volunteer, she co-founded
the Energy Special Interest Group at the MIT Enterprise Forum and served as chair for its highly successful
Ignite Clean Energy Business Plan Competition which has provided mentoring and networking opportunities
to over 100 teams in its first four years as well as more than half a million dollars in cash and prizes to the
Dr. Plano serves on the Governing Board for the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust, as well as on the
Boards of Directors of the New England Clean Energy Council, the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge and
the Global MIT Enterprise Forum.
Dr. Plano has been involved in business and product development throughout her career in positions ranging from Vice President for New Business Development at MicroNetworks Corporation, Group Head at both
Kobe Steels Electronic Materials Center and Sarnoff Corporation. She earned a Ph.D. in Materials Science
and Engineering from Stanford University and B.S. in Physics from MIT.

Biographies 47

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Patrick Quinlan
Associate Director, UMass Wind Energy Center
Panelist, University Research Center Directors
Patrick Quinlan is currently the Associate Director of the UMass Wind Energy Center He has been actively
involved in wind power, clean technology development, and technology transfer since 1982. In the early
1980s he worked at Southern California Edison and AeroVironment Inc. on wind turbine test projects and
early wind farm development. At AeroVironment, he also managed business development for their electric
vehicle introductions. As a consultant to Western Area Power Administration, he worked with individual electric cooperatives and municipal utilities on renewable energy projects and planning. Later, in Washington DC,
Patrick served as a Congressional Fellow working for the Ranking Member of the House Science Committee, then as the ASME White House Technology Fellow supporting the Presidential Science Advisor at the
Office of Science and Technology Policy. Patrick also worked for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
in the Washington office, serving the Federal wind energy, solar energy, geothermal, and hydrogen technology programs. In Massachusetts, at Second Wind Inc., Patrick managed business development of wind farm
monitoring and sodar instrumentation products. Patrick holds a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the
University of Massachusetts (wind energy program), an M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University
of Wisconsin (Solar Energy Laboratory), and a Professional Engineering license in mechanical engineering
in California.

Jesse Reich
Co-Founder & CEO, Baystate Biofuels, LLC
Panelist, BioEnergy
Prior to launching Baystate Biofuels, Dr. Blair Jesse Ellyn Reich worked for BASF in their inorganics and
sustainable marketing division. Jesse satisfies his passion for teaching as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. He received a bachelors degree from Bates College and a
doctorate in chemistry from Texas A&M.

Wanda Reindorf
Chief Financial Officer, Conservation Services Group (CSG)
Panelist, Changing Careers: Accelerating the Transition to the Green Economy
At CSG, Wanda Reindorf works to promote clean and renewable energy in addition to overseeing the companys Finance and HR functions. Ms. Reindorf brings more than 20 years of results-oriented financial management and strategic experience for a variety of public and private companies. She is a Phi Beta Kappa
graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and has an MBA from Yale University. Wanda co-chairs the Workforce Development Committee for the New England Clean Energy Council, and has recently been appointed
by Governor Patrick to the Massachusetts Workforce Investment Board. She is involved in a number of clean
energy activities such as the Yale Center for Business and the Environment and the MIT clean energy competition in addition to work on a number of professional associations. CSG-founded 1984, designs, develops,
and delivers energy efficiency and clean energy programs and services nationwide. More information is at

48 Biographies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Matthew Richards
Managing Director, DanePartners
Keynote Sessions Chair
Matthew has more than 10 years of retained search and executive recruiting experience, currently as Managing Director of DanePartners, and on the executive recruiting team at Cognizant, a global IT consulting
leader. Matthews past experiences include a global retained search firm, a small boutique, and as the Director of Recruiting at a high-growth startup. Matthew founded DanePartners to focus on recruiting for energy &
cleantech companies. He serves on the steering committee for several clean energy organizations including
the TiE Energy & Cleantech Special Interest Group, The MIT Enterprise Forums Energy Special Interest
Group, the Ignite Clean Energy (ICE) Business Plan Competition, and the MTTCs Conference on Clean
Energy. Please visit for more info.

Mark Rodgers
Communications Director, Cape Wind
Panelist, Wind Power
At Cape Wind, Marks primary responsibilities are media relations and community outreach. Prior to taking
this position with Cape Wind in January of 2002, Mark was a Director of HealthLink, a Salem-based citizens
advocacy organization working to reduce harmful fossil fuel power plant emissions. Mark received a BA in
Political Science from the George Washington University.

Peter Rothstein
Senior VP & Co-Chair, Innovation Task Force, New England Clean Energy Council
Panelist, ARRA and Beyond: Federal and State Government Funding for Clean Tech
Peter is Senior Vice President of the New England Clean Energy Council and leads the Councils Energy
Innovation Consortia project and other innovation-stage initiatives, including the Councils Clean Energy Fellowship Program. The Council focuses on accelerating New Englands clean energy economy and building
a world-class cluster of clean energy companies. The Council represents nearly 150 member clean energy
companies, venture investors, major financial institutions, local universities and colleges, industry associations, area utilities, labor and large commercial end-users.
Peter has many years of venture, entrepreneurial, executive and deal experience across the cleantech
venture market. Previously, Peter was part of the Flagship Ventures team, a leading seed and early stage
venture capital firm in Cambridge Massachusetts, and founder of Allegro Strategy, a consultant, advisor
and interim executive with early-stage cleantech start-ups. Peter has been in early-stage deal or executive
roles with a number of cleantech companies, including Mascoma, Planar Energy Devices, Ze-gen, Novomer,
Boston-Power, and Mechanology.
Peter is actively involved in a range of leading cleantech and entrepreneurial organizations, including the
National Renewable Energy Labs VC Advisory Board, catalyst to MIT Deshpande Center solar and energy
storage MIT projects, Co-Chair of the New England Clean Energy Councils Innovation Task Force, and a
Board member of the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge.

Biographies 49

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Emanuel Sachs, Ph.D.

Chief Technical Officer, 1366 Technologies & Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Panelist, Clean Energy Spinouts: Perspectives from University Co-Founders
Dr. Emanuel Sachs is the Chief Technical Officer of 1366 Technologies, a silicon photovoltaics company
based in Lexington, Massachusetts. As the CTO, Dr. Sachs leads the company in its mission to produce the
worlds most cost-effective and commercially viable solar cells.
Dr. Sachs is a Fred Fort Flowers and Daniel Fort Flowers Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT and
specializes in the design of high-efficiency manufacturing processes. Prior to joining the MIT faculty, Dr.
Sachs spent seven years working in the photovoltaics industry.
Hes the inventor of String Ribbon, a ribbon crystal growth process for making low cost substrates for solar
cells, which is now being commercialized by Evergreen Solar, Inc. of Marlboro, MA.
Among his many accomplishments, Dr. Sachs also co-invented Three Dimensional Printing, a manufacturing
process for the creation of 3D parts (directly from a computer model) in layers. 3D Printing is now being commercialized in fields-of-use, including appearance models, ceramic molds for castings, direct metal tooling,
end-use metal parts, medical devices and pharmaceuticals.
Dr. Sachs has received a number of prestigious awards over the years, as well. Together with co-workers, Dr.
Sachs was awarded an R&D 100 award in 1994 for his work on 3D Printing. He has received several best
paper awards. Dr. Sachs was also selected as a Hertz Foundation Fellow and earned the Hertz Foundation
Doctoral Thesis Prize in 1983 for his work on String Ribbon.
Dr. Sachs holds B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from MIT.
Currently, his sole research focus is on PV and he supervises a growing PV research group at MIT. The
group is currently pursuing projects in wafer fabrication, surface texturing for light trapping, metallization, and
light trapping at the module design level.

Nachum Sadan
President and CEO, Amperion, Inc.
Panelist, Smart Grid
Nachum is responsible for the strategic direction of the company and the running of its business operations.
He is a serial entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in computer networking and communications.
Nachum was co-founder and VP Engineering of two networking startups that successfully sold.
Prior to his position at Amperion, Nachum was Chief Operating Officer of Mintera Optical Networks, a pioneer in development of 40Gbps optical transport products. Prior to Mintera, Nachum served as Executive
Vice President of Technical Operations at Sitara Networks, delivering Quality of Service (QoS) products to
large enterprise and service provider customers. During his period the company grew from a technology
start-up into a high gross margin, revenue-producing business, serving major enterprise and telecommunications carriers worldwide.
Nachum holds an MSEE degree from Northeastern University in Massachusetts and a BSEE degree, cum
laude from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. He is a member of the MIT Enterprise Forum, MassNetComms, American Technion Society, Northeastern University Alumni Association and IEEE.

50 Biographies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Sumul Shah
CEO, Solaya Energy
Panelist, Financing Renewable Energy Projects in New England
Sumul Shah is the Chief Executive Officer of Solaya Energy, a vertically integrated renewable energy company that develops, constructs, and operates power projects throughout the world. With expertise in the
areas of wind, solar, fuel cell, and geothermal power, Solaya is developing 630MW of renewable energy
projects in India, Brazil, and the United States. Locally we are developing over 50MW of wind projects with a
focus on community scaled or behind the meter projects. Sumul also is the President and Founder of Lumus
Construction, a full service construction and facilities management company that focuses on major historic
restoration work, government facilities, and other highly complex projects. Earlier this year at the White
House, President Barrack Obama awarded Sumul the 2009 Business Person of the Year award for Massachusetts and first runner up nationally in recognition of his business accomplishments and his contributions
to the community. Sumul holds a Sc.B. in Civil Engineering from Brown University and a S.M. in Construction
Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Jeffrey P. Steele
Member, Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton, P.C.
Moderator, Seed Funding Panel
Jeff practices securities and general corporate law, focusing on start-ups and developing companies in high
technology industries, including clean energy technology, medical devices, software and biotechnology. He
has extensive experience representing start-ups, developing companies and investment and venture capital
firms in connection with private placements, seed and venture capital financings, mergers and acquisitions,
intellectual property licensing, initial and secondary public offerings, public company compliance work, and
executive employment matters. Before joining Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton, Jeff was an associate with
Bingham Dana, LLP, Boston. Jeff graduated magna cum laude from the University of Colorado at Boulder,
and earned an A.M. in history from Brown University. He graduated from Cornell Law School in 1992.

James Taylor
General Manager, Carbon Management
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study
Started with NSPI in 1978 involved initially with the design and construction of coal generating units and then
their operation. Came to head office in 1992 and progressed through the organization eventually leading the
power production team, the engineering and environmental team and currently focused on the transformation of the company to one that has a much more balanced portfolio of prime energy sources from one that
is carbon intensive. He is the executive sponsor of NSPIs in stream tidal demonstration project. Currently
chairs the Air Issues Committee of the Canadian Electricity Association and the Canadian Sub-committee of
IECs TC114 dedicated to create standards for marine energy worldwide. James is a professional engineer.

Biographies 51

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

John Utzschneider
Partner, Bingham McCutchen LLP
Moderator, Backup Power Panel
John Utzschneider focuses primarily on mergers and acquisitions and corporate finance, inlcuding debt
restructurings. He serves as deputy chair of the firms Corporate Area and co-chair of the firms Corporate,
M&A and Securities Practice Group and the Energy Industry Group and is a member of the Management
Committee at Bingham. John has represented both private and public companies, equity and debt financing
sources and underwriters in mergers and acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, joint ventures, private and public
offerings, and restructurings. He also represents public companies and boards of directors on securities,
corporate governance and related matters. He has been named to various peer-reviewed best lawyer lists
in various categories, including the Best Lawyers in America, Chambers USA: Americas Leading Lawyers
for Business, Lawdragon 3000s Leading Lawyers in America, and the Lawdragon 500 Dealmakers in
America 2007. John received his Juris Doctor degree from the New York University School of Law and his
Artis Baccalaureate degree from Dartmouth College.

Toni Volpe
President and CEO, Enel North America
Panelist, Wind Power
President and CEO of Enel North America, Inc. since 2005, Mr. Volpe has been responsible for the introduction of geothermal activities into the Companys U.S. portfolio, as well as the expansion of wind and hydropower projects. Mr. Volpe worked previously in Corporate Strategy at Enel S.p.A.
Prior to joining Enel, Mr. Volpe was a senior consultant at Bain & Company in Italy where he served clients
in various industries (luxury goods, financial services, postal services, ICT companies) focusing on strategy,
business planning and organization. He was previously a manager at Decathlon Logistics in Marseilles,
France. Mr. Volpe holds an MBA from Columbia Universitys Graduate School of Business and graduated
cum laude in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering from Politecnico of Milan, Italy.

Adam Wade
Associate, Foley Hoag
Moderator, Financing Renewable Energy Projects in New England Panel
Adam Wade is a member of the Business Departments Energy Technology & Renewables group. His business, corporate and project finance experience includes broad-based experience serving the needs of renewable energy companies in their development and financing of wind, solar and geothermal projects, including drafting and negotiating operation and maintenance agreements, natural gas and wood fuel supply
agreements and off-take agreements such as renewable energy credit sales agreements and residential and
commercial solar power purchase agreements.
In the wind industry, Adam has had significant experience representing the worlds largest wind turbine
manufacturer in turbine supply, warranty and service arrangements for transactions with developers active in
North America. His project finance experience includes negotiation and documentation of credit and security
documents for natural gas baseload and peaking facilities, project agreements for cogeneration facilities as
well as documentation of project financings using the equity-flip structure for wind and solar projects involving investment tax credits and production tax credits.
Adam also has experience in general corporate counseling, business formation, mergers and acquisitions
and formations of joint ventures. In his mergers and acquisitions practice, he has advised numerous clients
in analysis of transactions and preparation of filings with the Federal Trade Commission and Department of
52 Biographies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Justice, Antitrust Division, necessary for compliance with the premerger notification reporting requirements
of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976.

Loren Walker
Associate Director for Research Liaison and Development, University of Massachusetts
Moderator, University Research Center Directors Panel
Loren Walker is a market-oriented scientific and technical communications professional. He is currently the
Associate Director for Research Liaison and Economic Development at the University of Massachusetts
Amherst where he also serves as staff director for the universitys clean energy research initiative. Loren
specializes in research, analysis and translation of technical concepts into accessible, compelling, and persuasive language. Core competency areas include: residential energy efficiency technology, practices and
policy; university-led clean energy research; and regional technology-based economic development. Loren
earned a B.S. degree from Roanoke College in 1995 and a M.S. from Portland State University in 2000, both
in Biology. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Western Mass Green Consortium and is a member of
the National Association of Science Writers and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Carter Wall
Executive Director, Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust
Panelist, Financing Renewable Energy Projects in New England
Carter Wall is the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust. In this role she oversees the implementation of the Trusts programs in renewable energy development. Her background is in energy finance. Prior to joining the Trust, Carter was the Executive Vice President of PowerOptions, an energy
supply program of the Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority. Carter has also served on
planning teams for large-scale developments with significant energy infrastructure and sustainable development components, such as Harvard Universitys Allston campus and the City of Chicagos expansion of
Chicago OHare International Airport. Carter has an AB from Bryn Mawr College and an MPP from Harvards
Kennedy School of Government. She lives in Leverett, MA.

Greg Watson
Senior Advisor for Clean Energy Technology, MA Executive Office of Energy &
Environmental Affairs
Moderator, Wind Power Panel
Greg Watson is Senior Advisor for Clean Energy Technology within the Massachusetts Executive Office of
Energy and Environmental Affairs and Vice President for Sustainable Development with the Massachusetts
Technology Collaborative. He serves as the administrations point of contact for the clean energy entrepreneurial community. As MTC Vice President for Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy, Mr. Watson is also directing the Cape & Islands Offshore Wind Public Outreach Initiative and MTCs Offshore Wind
Energy Collaborative (OWC).
Greg comes to us from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, where he most recently served as Vice
President for Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy. In that capacity, he directed the Cape &
Islands Offshore Wind Public Outreach Initiative and MTCs Offshore Wind Energy Collaborative (OWC).
From 1995 to 1999 he served as Executive Director of the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative. Prior to
that he has been with: Second Nature as its Director of Educational Programs; The Nature Conservancys

Biographies 53

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Eastern Regional Office as its Director; and Massachusetts Department of Food and Agriculture as Commissioner.
Prior to that, Greg was the Executive Director of the New Alchemy Institute. In 1983, he was appointed Assistant Secretary for Science and Technology within the Massachusetts Executive Office of Economic Affairs,
a post he held until 1989. From 1983 through 1986 he also served as Deputy Director of the Massachusetts
Centers of Excellence Corporation. He became the first Director of the Massachusetts Office of Science and
Technology in 1986.
Greg serves on the board of directors of Ocean Arks International and the Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture. He attended Tufts University where he majored in Civil Engineering. He also developed
a self-directed program in Environmental Design Science at Campus-Free College in Boston.

John Woods
Vice President of Energy Development, Minas Basin Pulp & Power
Panelist, Bay of Fundy Case Study
John Woods is currently the Vice President of Energy Development at Minas Basin Pulp & Power, a company
with a decades-old history of sustainable development in Nova Scotia. In this role, Mr. Woods is able to move
past merely talking about the possibilities of renewable energies, to focus on making them a reality. As an
electrical engineer, Mr. Woods has spent most of his career in the energy industry. He has been employed as
a distribution and transmission engineer with Nova Scotia Power, has acted as a consulting engineer, and is
the former Executive Director of the Electricity Consumers Alliance of Nova Scotia (ECANS). He was also a
project coordinator of wind energy projects with Ventus Energy (presently known as Suez Energy).

James D. Worden
Founder and CEO, Solectria Renewables
Panelist, Solar Energy
Mr. James Worden is the CEO and co-founder of Solectria Renewables, LLC, a Lawrence based photovoltaics inverter company that designs, produces and distributes products for residential, commercial and utility
scale applications. Mr. Worden has been instrumental in the design of the companys inverters from 13kW
to 500kW and grown the business from a niche player to an international renewable market supplier. Prior
to Solectria Renewables, Mr. Worden co-founded Solectria Corp. in 1989, an internationally recognized developer and manufacturer of electric & hybrid vehicles and components, and served as CEO until 2005. Mr.
Worden has over 23 years experience designing and building solar photovoltaic systems, including inverters,
maximum power trackers, PV modules, arrays and complete photovoltaic systems. Mr. Worden is a graduate
of MIT.

54 Biographies

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

56 Sponsors & Hosts

November 12 & 13, 2008

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Sponsors, Affiliates & Hosts

Platinum Sponsor.................................................................................................... 58
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Gold Sponsors......................................................................................................... 59
Consulate General of Canada
Foley Hoag
Lois Paul & Partners

Silver Sponsors ....................................................................................................... 62

Bingham McCutchen LLP
Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton, P.C.
Wolf Greenfield
PR Newswire

Conference Supporters............................................................................................ 64
Applied Biogenuity Israel Innovation Center
SouthCoast Development Partnership
UK Trade and Investment Office

Nonprofit Affiliates ................................................................................................. 65

BASEA (Boston Area Solar Energy Association)
CTSI (Clean Technology and Sustainable Industries Organization
The EntreTech Forum
MassChallenge Inc.
MIT Energy Club
MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge
New England Clean Energy Council
NEEP (Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships)
REBN (Renewable Energy Business Network)
The Capital Network (TCN)
TiE (The Indus ENtrepreneurs)
University of Massachusetts

Media Sponsors...................................................................................................... 65
Greentech Media, Inc.
The Journal of BioLaw & Business
The Journal of Israel Innovation

Hosts....................................................................................................................... 66
Massachusetts Hydrogen Coaltion
The Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center

Sponsors & Hosts 57

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

the Clean

The Clean Energy Center serves as a

clearinghouse and support center for the
Commonwealth's clean energy sector.
100 Cambridge Street 10th Floor, Boston, MA 02114
Tel 617-626-7391 Fax 617-727-0030 [email protected]

58 Sponsors & Hosts

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Gold Sponsors

Partners are closer than they appear.

Think Canada
Think Green Technologies
e-mail: boston.commerce @

Sponsors & Hosts 59

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Immersion in your business and

industry is the key to success.

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Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

60 Sponsors & Hosts

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Strategic communications for high-tech, life science and clean energy companies

Proud sponsor of
the Conference on
Clean Energy
For over 23 years, LP&P has provided clients with comprehensive
PR programs as well as specialized offerings that focus on
program measurement and analysis, executive coaching and
communications, executive speaker services, social media, and
customer reference and marketing initiatives.

Sponsors & Hosts 61

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

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62 Sponsors & Hosts

Attorney Advertising

2009 Bingham McCutchen LLP One Federal Street, Boston MA 02110 T. 617.951.8000 Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Silver Sponsors

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Wolf Greenfield is pleased to support the

5th Annual Conference on Clean Energy

Our Cleantech Practice Group is dedicated to helping

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Sponsors & Hosts 63

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Conference Supporters

Applied Biogenuity
Israel Innovation Center
is pleased to be a
sponsor of the 5th Annual
Clean Energy
Conference in Boston,
Science & Technology Solutions for Global Health & the Environment TM

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The Israel Innovation Center helps academic institutions and public and private
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64 Sponsors & Hosts

For further information contact:

Rob Dietel
UK Trade & Investment, Boston
[email protected]
(617) 245-4507

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Nonprofit Affiliates

Media Sponsors




Sponsors & Hosts 65

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Dedicated to the Success of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Industry

The Voice of the Industry
The Massachusetts Hydrogen Coalition is focused on accelerating the success of the hydrogen
and fuel cell industry, encompassing industry leading job creation, market adoption, capital
formation and infrastructure investment, and research and development. The Coalition
accomplishes this by promoting our members, identifying market opportunities, organizing
business acceleration forums, locating strategic and investment partners, and pursuing policy
Coalition members represent a wide range of activities including hydrogen generation, storage
and transport, and hydrogen applications ranging from micro-fuel cells, portable power,
stationary premium and remote power and transportation, including internal combustion and
fuel cell engines. Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies provide consumers and businesses
with superior performing products and services, including: higher performance portable
power for consumer electronics and military applications; cleaner, quieter and more compact
power stationary power applications; cleaner and more efficient power for automotive and
other transportation applications; and more efficient and more environmentally benign
methodologies to produce hydrogen from a multitude of sources.
Reap the Benefits from Joining the Massachusetts Hydrogen Coalition
The Coalition works with its members to understand their unique needs and implement
programs and initiatives to accelerate their success. Principle membership benefits include:
Shape State and Federal Policies The Coalition works to align public policies with the
Coalitions core mission and members interests. This encompasses legislative initiatives
at state, regional and federal levels.
Expand Reach and Visibility The Coalition represents promotes its members and their
capabilities to potential customers, partners and investors at major international
conferences, regional events, and through the Coalitions newsletter and web site.
Business Partnering and Professional Association The Coalition annually hosts the
regions major clean energy conference. holds regular bi-monthly meetings and
participates in a range of additional conferences and forums where members increase
exposure to investors, industry partners, business opportunities and channel relationships.
Accelerated Learning and Market Opportunities Several Coalition events are
focused on helping members learn about best practices in technology, research and
development, business management and financing. The Coalition also alerts members to
specific market and business partnering opportunities.
Contact Information
Brad Bradshaw
[email protected]
(978) 232-0080
Lucy Rohner
[email protected]
(978) 232-0081
Massachusetts Hydrogen Coalition, Inc.
100 Cummings Center, Suite 326J
Beverly, MA 01915

66 Sponsors & Hosts

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

The Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center is funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Its
goal is to support technology transfer activities from public and private research institutions to companies
in Massachusetts. To achieve this goal, the Center works with technology transfer offices at Massachusetts research institutions; faculty, researchers, and students who have commercially promising ideas; and
companies across the Commonwealth.

The Center:

facilitates and accelerates technology transfer between research institutions and Massachusetts companies;
promotes collaboration between research institutions and the Commonwealths technology
assists in the growth of Massachusetts companies, including startups, by enhancing technological leadership; and
supports regional and statewide economic development priorities.
The Center supports the commercialization of research technologies through a variety of programs:
The Center provides mentoring to researchers who believe they have a technology that could serve as the
basis of a new company. The process includes the development of a business presentation for an expert
board of external reviewers.
Commercialization and Entrepreneurial Education seminars and workshops enable researchers to understand the process of commercializing technologies.
Expert technology reviews provide opportunities for Massachusetts research institutes to have external
industry experts evaluate technologies and give advice regarding their commercial potential.
Technology Forums allow investors and potential corporate partners to meet with companies formed
around technologies developed in Massachusetts research institutes.
[email protected]
Sponsors & Hosts 67

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

68 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2008

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Startup Company Profiles

About the Investor Pitches...................................................................................... 72
Investor Advisory Board.......................................................................................... 73
7 Solar Technologies, Inc.......................................................................................... 74
Peter Vandermeulen, President and CEO

Advent Technologies................................................................................................ 76
Rick Daniels, North American CEO

ARRIBA Solar........................................................................................................... 78
Soren Harrison, Co-Founder

CarbonTech, LLC...................................................................................................... 80
Daniel J. Shapiro

Cascoda Limited...................................................................................................... 82
Bruno Johnson, CEO

Cleanhydro Inc......................................................................................................... 84
Surendra K. Saxena, Professor

Cleantech BioFuels, Inc. (wait-listed)....................................................................... 86

Michael D. Kime, Chief Operating Officer

Coincident, Inc......................................................................................................... 88
Jason Hanna, President & Founder

Cormarent Limited.................................................................................................. 90
David McSherry, CEO and Founder

EHK North America/ Electronic Housekeeper........................................................... 92

Roselyn Romberg, President, North America

Electric Pipeline Corporation................................................................................... 94

Ron Todd, CTO and Director

Electric Truck, LLC.................................................................................................... 96

Peter Hughes, CTO

Energy Efficiency Monitoring and Assessment Program (EEMAP)............................. 98

Ravi Malhotra, Founder & CEO
Startup Companies 69

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Feed Resource Recovery Inc................................................................................... 100

Shane Eten, Co-Founder, CEO & President

Free Flow Power Corporation................................................................................ 102

Daniel Lissner, General Counsel

Future Solar Systems............................................................................................. 104

Jim Dunn, CEO

Green Running...................................................................................................... 106

Peter Davies, Managing Director

Grid Solutions........................................................................................................ 108

Mitchell Wondolowski, Business Development

GroundedPower, Inc.............................................................................................. 110

Carl Gustin, President

Heavy Lift Systems................................................................................................. 112

Daniel Nachbar, President

HeliaThermal......................................................................................................... 114
Eric S. Graber-Lopez, CEO

Highest Wind LLC................................................................................................... 116

Dimitri Cherny, CEO and Founder

Hy-SyEnce.............................................................................................................. 118
David J. Roache, COO

KGRA Energy, LLC................................................................................................... 120

Jason Gold, CEO

Lifecycle Renewables, Inc...................................................................................... 122

Rory Gaunt, CEO

Optiwind Corporation............................................................................................ 124

David Hurwitt, VP Marketing and Business Development

Porous Power Technologies, LLC............................................................................ 126

Timothy L. Feaver, President and CEO

Practical Solar, Inc.................................................................................................. 128

David Howell, Chief Operating Officer

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Prism Solar Technologies....................................................................................... 130

Stephen Filler, Director of Business Development

QM Power (wait-listed)......................................................................................... 132

P.J. Piper, President & CEO

Resolute Marine Energy, Inc.................................................................................. 134

Olivier Ceberio, COO

Silicon Basis Ltd..................................................................................................... 136

Robert Beat, Founder and Technology Director

Solartrec, Inc......................................................................................................... 138

Nalin Walpita, Chief Technology Officer

Solasta Inc............................................................................................................. 140

Michael J. Naughton, CTO

Tomorrow BioFuels, LLC......................................................................................... 142

Lawrence Dressler, President

Trenergi Corporation............................................................................................. 144

Charles A. Myers, President

WindSea................................................................................................................ 146
Henning Arny, Managing Director

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About the Investor Pitches

The Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center hosts several conferences a year, each focused on a different technology or industry sector. The purpose of these events is to provide a showcase for entrepreneurs
with early stage companies to make ten-minute investor pitches to the business community. Each conference also features an exhibit hall of all the startup companies in which a reception is held to maximize networking opportunities.
The pool of applicants to present has grown rapidly since our inaugural Conference on Clean Energy in
2005. Most are based in Massachusetts and have ties to Massachusetts research institutions, but this year
we have entrepreneurs from around the country as well as Europe. We have selected as broad a range of
companies as possible, from technologies still in the university laboratory to companies starting to sell product; from the most polished and experienced presenters to those who have never presented to the business
community before; from the most cutting edge technology to the most mundane processes that still support
an innovative business model.

Business and Technology Maturity

The mandate of the MTTC is to help entrepreneurs based in nonprofit research institutions to commercialize
their technologies. Thus, we always give priority to applicants from our universities. However, we are also
working toward economic development in the state, so we also welcome entrepreneurs already working in
startup companies, giving preference to those who are licensing university technology. You will hear investor
pitches from full-time professors and from managers who have been commercializing technologies for thirty
years or more. Those who have already earned significant venture capital are beyond the scope of this section of the conference but may participate in the Industry Sector Sessions organized by the Massachusetts
Hydrogen Coalition.
A few presenters are alumni of prior Conferences on Clean Energy. They are invited to participate only if they
have significant business updates to incorporate into their investor presentation.

Clean Energy Categories

We define clean energy quite broadly: any service or product that enables the end user to consume less
fossil fuels and generate less carbon dioxide. Any startup company meeting this general criterion has the
potential to enhance our energy security and reduce the environmental impact of our energy use. More energy-efficient products are just as important as technologies that provide more traditional renewable energy
businesses such as wind farms.
Our categories and some related subcategories are:

Renewable Energy: Fuel Cells, Hydro, Ocean, Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal, Waste, and
Wind technologies
Alternate Fuels: Biodiesel, Biofuels, Ethanol, and Hydrogen
Storage: Batteries and Supercaps
Energy Efficiency & Management: Control Systems, Demand Response, Engine Design, and
Green Buildings

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Investor Advisory Board

The Investor Advisory Board (IAB) was first created for the 2007 Conference on Clean Energy to help build
as strong a pool of candidates for the pitching sessions as possible. We would like to thank the IAB members for volunteering their valuable time and expertise to identify a large pool of startup companies and then
to review their applications to pitch and provide recommendations. The quality and quantity of this years
Investor Pitches is a direct result of their contributions to the process.

Investor Advisory Board Co-Chairs

Nick dArbeloff, New England Clean Energy Council (NECEC)
Linda Plano, Mass Technology Transfer Center (MTTC)
Investor Advisory Board Members
Jeff Andrews, Atlas Venture
Jerry Bird, Mass Technology Development Corporation (MTDC)
Rob Day, Black Coral Capital
Eric Emmons, Siemens Capital
Andrew Friendly, Advanced Technology Ventures
Karina Funk, Winslow Green Fund
Bob Geiman, Polaris Ventures
Jon Karlen, Flybridge Ventures
Russ Landon, Canaccord Adams
Ben Levitan, In-Q-Tel
Evan Lovell, Virgin Green Fund
Dhiraj Malkani, Rockport Capital Partners
Paul McManus, Boston University School of Management
Peter Rothstein, New England Clean Energy Council (NECEC)
Alexander Taussig, Highland Capital Partners
Bilal Zuberi, General Catalyst

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Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

7 Solar Technologies, Inc.

Presented by:

Peter Vandermeulen, President and CEO

Company Overview
7Solar is developing a fully integrated and controllable Solar PV and Solar Thermal module that combines traditional Silicon solar cells with a hot
water loop. Our AquaPanel solar module provides electricity and domestic hot water even in cold climate environments where traditional solar
panels and solar thermal systems do not perform well. Integrated control
software actively regulates the PVT module and uses the buildings energy usage patterns and weather- and energy price forecasts to actively
minimize energy costs. As a result our solution will provide 40-50% more
electricity out of the PV module over the year, while at the same time
having a 30% lower installation cost and providing a 50% reduction in
heating costs. The ROI for a homeowner is estimated to be 3 to 4 years
in stead of the more common 7-10 years for traditional installations.

Officers and Directors

Peter Vandermeulen,
President & CEO

Contact Information
7 Pine Street
Newburyport, MA
[email protected]

Our team members have 26 US patents in solar technology and 7 patents pending. We have acquired a small solar module manufacturing line
that we are setting up to develop our unique modules. We estimate the
US market for our application at 60M residences and 500,000 commercial and industrial buildings. In 2013
the total available market for 7Solar is estimated at 16.5GW.

Product/ Technology
We have acquired and are setting up a small PVT module pilot line (~6MW) to develop our production technology. We intend to outsource high volume manufacturing to a larger strategic partner once initial production
has been proven. Our PVT module will be compatible with existing module manufacturing. We are establishing development partnerships with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Fraunhofer CSE and with a
number of global strategic partners.
In the first phase in early 2011we will deploy standard cells, materials and manufacturing technologies to get
our modules certified and to perform our first installations with our web based software. In the second phase
we will deploy proprietary module materials that reduce cost and improve electrical and thermal properties.
In the third phase we will integrate new cells specifically designed for PVT applications.
We have developed and laminated a demo module and have filed 3 patent disclosures to date with additional
disclosures pending in the next few months.

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Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Markets and Applications

The global market outlook for solar PV installations in 2013 is 22GW with a growth rate of 32%. Assuming
25% of the market is residential, 50% commercial, industrial, government, and 25% utility-scale, then the
total available market for 7Solar is 16.5GW. To meet the companys growth targets, we need to capture less
that 0.5% of the total PV market by 2013. Targets are:
1. U.S. homeowners with high electricity and hot water demand or limited roof space, in states
with good incentives for solar PV and thermal systems: CA, NJ, CO, AZ, CT, NY, HI, FL.
2. U.S. Commercial/Industrial and Municipal buildings in these same states.
3. U.S. federal government buildings with high electricity and hot water demand.
4. European residential and commercial market.

Commercial Opportunity
Focus initially on U.S. commercial/industrial (primary) and residential retrofit opportunities.

U.S. Commercial/Industrial Market - Direct sales for opportunities above 200kW. Partner with
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) firms to provide financing to qualified customers.
U.S. Residential Market - Indirect sales through distributors, PV installers, and solar thermal
installers. Sell complete kits, w/BOS components and control software in a turn-key solution.

Competitive Advantage
Our sustainable advantage comes from the proprietary materials (backskin and encapsulant) in the module
and custom PVT cells that will give us an inherently lower module cost (10-15%) and a higher annual electrical production (40-50%) as compared to standard c-PV modules.
Whereas a combined installation of PV and Solar Thermal would cost approximately $8.70/We to install, our
PVT system would ultimately cost less than $4.35/We and would produce domestic hot water in addition plus
take up 30% less space.

Future Financial Plans

The company is expecting to raise $5.0m for initial development and certification of its AquaPanel modules.
A second round of approximately $12.0m is anticipated in 2011 to fund our market expansion.
In the first phase our milestones are

Develop molded heat exchanger for thermal portion by 4/2010

Laminate standard materials and combine with a water circulating backing by 7/2010.
Install Beta system with major customer by 9/2010
Obtain UL and TuV certification for PVT module by 6/2011

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Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Advent Technologies
Presented by:

Rick Daniels, North American CEO

Officers and Directors
Company Overview
ADVENT TECHNOLOGIES has developed a breakthrough in fuel cell
technology that will enable a step change in the commercial viability of
this long delayed energy technology.
The breakthrough is an advanced high temperature membrane for
polymer electrode membrane (PEM) fuel cells, enabling use with a variety of conventional fuels rather than pure Hydrogen, a lower capital
cost, and longer and reliable life.
The high temperature approach for PEM fuel cells is a recent development, and will replace low temperature PEM fuel cell technology, as
well as phosphoric acid fuel cells, quickly.

Rick Daniels, N. American CEO

Vasilis Gregoriou, CEO
Joannis Kallitsis, PhD, CTO,
Director & Co-Founder
Stylianos Neophytides, PhD,
Chairman and Director of
Research, & Co-Founder

Contact Information
One Broadway, 14th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02142
[email protected]

The company is in direct competition with only one other commercially

achievable high temperature PEM approach (recently acquired by BASF). BASF is currently in a parallel
manufacturing scale up. Advent can demonstrate both a superior material and a faster approach to manu
facturing and partnering relative to BASF, and will benefit greatly from their activities in market development
at the same customers.
Funds will be used to set up US operations, including commercial staff, a US development laboratory, and
outsourced manufacturing. The company is seeking a combination of venture capital and corporate partnering funding.

Prevailing PEM fuel cell technology is low temperature (70 to 100o C) based on a perflourinated copolymer
from DuPont and others. PEM technology has not been widely deployed as fuel cell manufacturers have
struggled since the 1980s to increase the durability and lower the cost of PEM fuel cells, which exhibit three
negative attributes that limit commercial proliferation: contamination by ppm of impurities of Hydrogen (such
as CO), membrane hydration issues, and high amounts of catalyst required. Advents high temperature
membrane functions at temperatures of 160o C to 200o C, allowing use with reformed fuels (natural gas,
propane, biofuels, and military fuels) without the inefficient and capital intensive clean up common to previous PEM technologies obtain pure Hydrogen fuel.

76 Startup Companies

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Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Markets and Applications

End use markets for high temperature fuel cells are combined heat and power (CHP) at high fuel efficiency
for residential (microCHP), commercial, and industrial facilities, portable power, military power, truck and
automotive auxiliary power units (APU), telecom backup, bus power, and larger scale CHP. These markets
are moving from only several thousand units per year worldwide to several hundred thousand by 2011, cited
by Panasonic, BASF, and independent sources. Note this is not a five or ten year forecast, but within 18
Automotive is a large potential long term market, but in the near term Advent is forecasting only demonstration programs. These will provide substantial revenue for a materials supplier like Advent.
The membrane product can also be used in hydrogen clean-up and methanol production. All of these markets mid scale power and heat generation, handling of gases and liquid fuel purification are multibillion
in scale.

Commercial Opportunity
Advents go to market strategy is quite straightforward go to low temperature PEM system designers and
fabricators and offer a simpler overall solution. The new membrane is close to drop in, although the entire
system can require simplification and re engineering.
Advent has the key technology to make high temperature PEM fuel cells. It is an attractive joint venture
partner, acquisition, or acquisition platform to forward or horizontally integrate.
Panasonic and BASF are the most credible market size estimates given their heavy investment, totaling
several hundred million USD in the past 3 years.

Competitive Advantage
Advent has only one competitor in the high temperature PEM market. There are several advantages over
the BASF offering: The membrane is available from Advent alone or in a membrane electrode assembly,
whereas BASF is supplying stacks at a significant cost uplift; and the Advent membrane is cheaper, easier to
manufacture and to handle in subsequent steps, more tailorable chemically, and can take stack pressures
the BASF membrane cannot.
Electrical testing indicates a superior performance of the membrane and longer life compared to both low
temperature and other high temperature materials.

Future Financial Plans

Funding will allow setting up commercial sales and marketing, outsourced manufacturing, and applications
laboratories (analytical and formulation laboratories accessible to customers).
The company is seeking corporate partnering for funding, manufacturing of some components, and go to
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Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Presented by:

Soren Harrison, Co-Founder

Company Overview
ARRIBA Solar is a metrology and process control company whose
mission is to accelerate solar PV to grid parity, by providing valuable,
real-time measurement of the composition and thickness of solar cells
in the manufacturing environment. Regardless of technology (thin-film,
c-Si), Solar PV manufacturers must reduce the cost per watt of their
solar panels. The ARRIBA Solar solution allows manufacturers to control and optimize their manufacturing processes and improve uniformity
of thin-film characteristics; this results in increased panel efficiencies
(closing the lab-to-fab efficiency gap), higher yields, longer uptime,
and decreased material costs. All of these improvements allow solar
panel manufacturers to decrease their cost per watt, resulting in an annual savings of $1.76M and a payback period of only 3-6 months (for
a 50MW manufacturing plant). We estimate the addressable market,
specifically for our technology, to be $280-570M in 2015. Our competitive advantage lies in our breakthrough and proprietary technology,
and our application of this technology inside the manufacturing environment. The ARRIBA Solar team, comprised of MIT/Harvard scientists
and MIT MBAs, seeks $5M in series A funding.

Officers and Directors

Dr. Soren Harrison, Co-Founder
Aditya Puri, Co-Founder
Dr. Murray McCutcheon,

Contact Information
14 Boston Street #4A
Somerville, MA 02143
[email protected]

Product/Technology Profile
The ARRIBA Solar solution consists of (in-situ) measurement sensors that go inside the manufacturing lines
of solar PV manufacturers, and measurement software that quantifies the measurements for line operators.
The core technology (the ARRIBA technique) extends accelerator based surface analysis techniques to industrial environments at a fraction of the cost and with a physical footprint that is orders of magnitude smaller.
We also provide an annually recurring maintenance contract for replacing consumables, and upgrading the
measurement and process control software.

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Markets and Applications

Arriba Solar intends to sell our metrology and process control solution to: (1) thin-film manufacturers (e.g.
First Solar, MiaSole, Showa Shell) for installation in their primary production lines, and (2) crystalline-silicon
manufacturers for installation in their vacuum-based process steps. Based on projected capacity growth of
solar panel manufacturers, we estimate the addressable market, specifically for our technology, to be $280570M in 2015.

Commercial Opportunity
Our target customers are solar PV manufacturers who used vacuum-based deposition processes in their
production lines. We plan to get designed into large target customers production facilities by working closely with them throughout the development of our alpha, beta, and commercial product. As our large customers
replicate their production lines, ARRIBA Solar can scale manufacturing and sales up quickly, without having
to service a large number of customers.

Competitive Advantage
ARRIBA Solars sustainable competitive advantage lies in its proprietary surface analysis technique, including both the hardware and software portions of its technology. The ARRIBA technique outperforms its closest technical competitors, like x-ray fluorescence (XRF), on a variety of metrics. The co-founder of ARRIBA
Solar, Dr. Soren Harrison, is the inventor and worlds expert on the ARRIBA technique. Through internal
R&D, and established connections to the research community at MIT and Harvard, further breakthroughs
will also be realized to broaden our competitive advantage. We will also leverage existing relationships with
target customers to drive adoption and sales of the ARRIBA Solar solution. A full discussion of technical and
corporate competitors can be found in our business plan.

Future Financial Plans

ARRIBA Solar seeks a Series A investment of $5 million. These funds will be used to demonstrate real-time
measurement capabilities on product, for customer testing, and for full development of a commercial product.
Other major expenses would include employee salaries, marketing, research expenditures, rent, and operating expenses. We expect this initial funding to enable our first 15 months of operations, which will result in
beta testing with customers and our commercial product release. At the end of 15 months, we will seek an
additional round of $5 million to build out our sales and service teams, and begin large-scale customer acquisition. We expect revenues of $14 million by the end of 36 months and expect to finance our operations
from organic cash flow by the end of 42 months. Our projections indicate we will have revenues of $95.6M
in 2015.

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

CarbonTech, LLC
Presented by:

Daniel J. Shapiro
Company Overview

Officers and Directors

Daniel J. Shapiro, Member
& Project Manager
Michael Japp, Founding Member

Contact Information

CarbonTech, LLC
CarbonTech holds the exclusive license to develop and commercialize
4708 W. Pasadena Avenue
the patented Cato process to convert municipal solid waste (MSW) , auGlendale, AZ 85301-7617
tomobile shredder residue (ASR) and tires into a clean coal equivalent
623.435.2852 (fax)
fuel and steam while recovering entrapped metals. The unique aspect
[email protected]
of the technology is that it uses CO2 and CO as oxidizing agents at a
controlled temperature to break down the carbon/hydrogen bonds of
the waste streams. Significant benefits to our technology are the consumption of CO2, reduced volume to landfills and the recovery of metals without degradation. A significant advantage of the technology is that it is exothermic so that it requires
very little additional energy when the reaction is active. The feedstock materials available to CarbonTech are
the 180 million tons of MSW and the 5 million tons of ASR land filled annually as well as the 20 million tons of
waste tires not currently recycled. Revenue streams include: waste product tipping fees, utilizing the carbon
generated by the process as a coal substitute under renewable portfolio standards, and scrap metal sales.

Product/Technology Profile
The patented Cato Process utilizes a CO2/CO environment at a controlled temperature to break down carbon/hydrogen bonds of waste materials. Metals are recovered in disposed of condition.

Markets and Applications

The primary markets are 180 million tons of MSW, 5 million tons of ASR and in excess of 20 million tons of
waste tires.

Commercial Opportunity
CarbonTech will target automobile shredder operators and landfills as customers. In testing, the technology
has shown an 80-90% reduction in volume of disposable wastes. In addition, previously disposed of materials are feasible as feed stocks thereby enabling the mining of existing facilities to extend usable life.

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Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Competitive Advantage
Competing technologies, such as pyrolysis, gasification and plasma arc, convert waste streams but do so at
high energy consumption and at the destruction or severe degradation of the entrapped metals. CarbonTech
is low energy due to the exothermic nature of the process and recovers metals in their disposed of condition.

Future Financial Plans

CarbonTech seeks funding to perform an extended demonstration of the technology to develop the data for
process design engineers to scale the technology for a fully functional commercial operation which may include electrical power generating capability.

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Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Cascoda Limited
Presented by:

Bruno Johnson, CEO

Company Overview
There is a growing need for smart energy-efficient homes, offices and
industrial plants, and this need is increasingly being supported by legislation. To address this need, a new class of low-power wireless protocol has been developed for the automation and control of heating, airconditioning, lighting and monitoring systems. These wireless protocols
necessitate wireless semiconductor devices. Existing devices however
suffer from low data-link reliability and poor battery life. If these problems can be overcome, the market size for such semiconductor devices is projected to be over $1 billion by 2012.

Officers and Directors

Bruno Johnson, CEO
Wolfgang Bruchner, CTO

Contact Information
Cascoda Limited
SETsquared Centre
The University of Southampton
Southampton, SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cascodas mission is to become the world-leading semiconductor supplier for such wireless control systems. In order to achieve this, Cascoda has patented a new type of radio architecture which will double receiver sensitivity over the current
state-of-the-art, whilst allowing for dynamic power control. This will deliver a dramatic increase in data-link
reliability and battery life.
Cascoda has an expert team, with a ten year history of technology commercialization. The team formed the
core of a NASDAQ listed semiconductor suppliers communications division, and has a proven track record
in the design and implementation of complex semiconductors devices. Cascoda seeks to raise US$5 million
in first-round funding, in order to complete product development.

Cascodas radio targets the 2.4GHz band of the IEEE 802.15.4 worldwide wireless standard. This is a standard which defines a low-data-rate, short-range wireless network specifically designed for the applications
referred to earlier. It is by far the most commonly used standard for such applications.
Cascoda is developing a single chip radio transceiver, which incorporates a radio, a microcontroller, on-chip
sensors and off-chip sensor interfaces. Cascodas proposition offers the worlds highest data-link reliability,
dynamic power control, ultra-low power consumption and low cost.

82 Startup Companies

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Markets and Applications

Cascodas radio transceiver can be applied to multiple markets, including industrial control, building control,
consumer electronics and medical devices. As the technology enters the growth phase, devices will increasingly be employed in applications with a requirement to operate from a low-cost battery and/or an energyharvesting power source. In these markets, ultra-low power consumption is a key success factor.
The addressable market for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless semiconductors is projected to be greater than 1 billion
US$ by 2012, with a compound annual growth rate of greater than 100% in the ensuing period.

Commercial Opportunity
The market for Cascodas radio semiconductors is truly global. The supply chain includes chipset providers,
module manufacturers, wireless system providers and back-end system providers. The downstream market
is dominated by OEMs such as Honeywell and GE Energy in the US, Siemens and ABB in Europe, and NEC
and Hitachi in Japan. In order to access such OEMs, Cascoda will partner with module manufacturers and
wireless system providers, which have a comprehensive knowledge of the application demands and software systems required within each vertical market segment.

Competitive Advantage
Cascodas competitive advantage is based upon a new type of radio architecture, which overcomes the problems of low data-link reliability and poor battery life. This architecture delivers a doubling of receiver sensitivity, for no penalty in power consumption or cost. This doubling of receiver sensitivity will greatly extend the
range and the data-link reliability over the existing state-of-the-art.
Moreover, Cascodas architecture is unique in that it can leverage this increase in receiver sensitivity to
deliver dynamic power control; the ability to dynamically trade receiver sensitivity for power consumption,
in order to maximize battery life. Cascoda has formal intellectual property rights over its radio architecture,
through patent protection. In addition, Cascoda has significant know-how and a capability to excel in the field
of low-power and wireless semiconductor design.

Future Financial Plans

Cascoda seeks to raise US$5 million in first-round funding, in order to complete product development.

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Cleanhydro Inc.
Presented by:

Surendra K. Saxena, Professor

Company Overview
This is a highly profitable venture, which will make the chlor-alkali/PVC
plant owners earn up to $50 million per year. Other coal-burning power
plant owners with access to the reactant raw material may also profit
from this venture. The power plants can be retrofitted with Cleanhydro
reactors converting carbon emissions to industrially useful solids. The
reactor also produces hydrogen with no carbon emission. Some 48
plants can be retrofitted producing products that can bring over $2 bil
lion in profit annually on the whole. The team at present consists of a
professor, a chemist, a physicist and a chemical engineer and a chemical engineer consultant. A manager and an industrial engineer will be

Product/Technology Profile
The products include hydrogen that is produced without any carbon
emission and other industrially useful products which sell with profit.
The products help reduce the CO2 emission from industrial plants that
are spewing CO2 in the atmosphere; the use of hydrogen as an energy
source further helps in reducing carbon emissions.

Officers and Directors

Surendra K. Saxena, Professor
Dr. V. Drozd
Dr. A. Durygin

Contact Information
Center for the Study of
Matter at Extreme Conditions,
College of
Engineering & Computing,
Florida International University,
Miami, FL 33199,USA
[email protected]

Markets and Applications

The Cleanhydro reactor will use a solid and gases which are byproducts of coal-burning plants. The market
for Cleanhydro products should grow many times as the countries such as India and China start using more
and more power plants for their industrial needs.
Conventional Power Plants and Chlor Alkali Plants both produce valuable products (electricity, hydrogen,
chlorine for PVC and other uses). CleanHydro utilizes well-established chemistry innovatively to convert dangerous waste: heat, carbon gases CO and CO2 into hydrogen and sequestered carbon,
thereby generating enormous profits while reducing carbon emissions.

~ 50 Co-Located plant sites in US alone

More than175 chlor-alkali enterprises in China (In recent years, the production capacity
has increased exponentially)
India has barely 15 chlor-alkali plants, which means lots of opportunities (The chlor-alkali industry is on a higher growth trajectory in India. With the expected GDP growth, the manufacturing sector is set to grow at a higher pace and consequently, the demand for basic chemicals
shall register a sharp increase).
A single reactor that uses 43,800 tons of caustic soda will sequester 96,360 tons of CO2 and will produce
464,280 tons of soda and 8,760 tons of hydrogen. Estimated 2-year payback.
Carbon Credits:
A carbon tax of $30 per ton of carbon = a gasoline tax of about 9 cents/gal.
Similarly, the tax on coal-generated electricity =1 cent /kWh, or 10 percent of the current retail price. At current levels of carbon emissions in the United States, a tax of $30 per ton of carbon would generate $50 billion
of revenue per year
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Sale of products
Hydrogen is highly valued for stationary use as a fuel and soda is a highly used chemical in many diverse
industries replacing caustic soda in many cases.

Commercial Opportunity
The target customers are coal-burning power plant and chlor-alkali plant owners who will benefit by the
profitable sale of the products from the retrofitted reactors. After the successful completion of the pilot plant,
demonstrations at the site will be conducted by inviting the companies. A web-based live demo will be also
available for remote viewing.

Competitive Advantage
This is one technology that does both reduce CO2 emission as well as produce hydrogen. The reactors are
of a flexible design such that the amount of products can be adjusted to market conditions. An investment in
CleanHydro Reactor Technology will result in a profitable and scalable business that will produce low-cost
and emission-free hydrogen, pervasively, through a modular approach, while at the same time sequester
carbon dioxide into safe and environmentally friendly byproducts that are in great demand in the industrial
marketplace. The reactor can use the reactions flexibly and produce hydrogen with or without carbonate or
carbonate and bicarbonate without hydrogen.

Future Financial Plans

Investment Opportunity I: Pilot Plant
CleanHydro is raising an initial $3 million to complete the design and the assembly of a compact CleanHydro out-of-the-lab reactor (CleanHydro Pilot Plant) to demonstrate commercial application of the technology as the first step to an industrial sized system and a scalable business model.
Investment Opportunity II:
After the completion of the pilot plant project, and with an additional round of financing, CleanHydro will work
with the plant owner in assembling industrial size reactor systems at the customers site. The owner will
be responsible for all equipment and construction cost including the initial inventory of reactor inputs. The
average CleanHydro industrial system will produce approximately 13,000 tons of hydrogen annually with the
following financial results:
Industrial Size Reactor:
Reactor Cost: $28 Million (2 yr or less payback)
Gross Profit: $30,268,000 (annual sale of hydrogen, byproducts & carbon credits) Expenses: $ 3,500,000
maintenance $ 4,000,000 labor + burden $ 2,700,000 G&A and other;Annual EBITDA: $20,068,000.
This reactor may also be used flexibly for only carbonation with larger profit if hydrogen production is not
required or produce hydrogen only or only sequester carbon.

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Cleantech BioFuels, Inc. (wait-listed)

Presented by:

Michael D. Kime, Chief Operating Officer

Company Overview
Our technology makes biofuel and bioenergy efficient. We are able to
transform the existing waste delivery and disposal infrastructure into a
means for producing a readily available supply of biomass for energy
production at predictable prices and on a year round basis. The technology is currently working at a 500 ton per day plant in Australia and
is ready for implementation in the United States today.

Product/Technology Profile
Our proprietary Biomass Recovery Process cleans and separates raw
municipal solid waste into its component part,, producing a clean homogeneous cellulosic biomass feedstock for energy production and
recovering metals and plastics for recycling.

Officers and Directors

David Bransby, PhD, Director
Michael D. Kime, COO
Edward P. Hennessey, Director
and CEO
Jackson Nickerson, PhD, Director

Contact Information
7386 Pershing Avenue
St. Louis, MO 53130
314.802.8675 (fax)
[email protected]

Markets and Applications

On a national scale, the United States generates 250 million tons of MSW annually, and after recycling, about
90 million tons, or 36%, is available as cellulosic material that could be used as a bioenergy feedstock. The
choke point in relation to taking advantage of this opportunity is the absence of a cost-effective, environmentally compliant process for recovering this cellulosic fraction from mixed MSW. CleanTech Biofuels (www., a company based in St. Louis, MO, has made excellent progress in developing a
transformational technology that can overcome this hurdle.

Commercial Opportunity
We project that our cellulosic feedstock generated from MSW can be produced for zero to $20/ton (depending on tipping fee), compared to $40 to $70/ton for forestry and agricultural feedstocks. This represents a
dramatic reduction in feedstock cost, and the technology could play an enormous role in rapidly launching
the bioenergy industry (both cellulosic biofuels and biopower).

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Competitive Advantage
High cost ($40-$70/ton) and logistical challenges related to coordinating supply of distributed forestry and
agricultural feedstocks for production of cellulosic biofuels and biopower are major choke points for the entire
cellulosic bioenergy and biopower industry. The technology barriers that are causing the cost choke points
are inefficient production, harvesting, preprocessing, storage and hauling technologies associated with forestry and agricultural feedstocks.
At the MSW level, in cases where separation and recycling is done to recover biomass resources, it currently
is done by hand separation at the household and separate curbside pickup, or by hand after delivery to a
central point. Both options are extremely inefficient and costly, and the latter involves a very unhealthy, high
risk and unpleasant (due to odor) work environment for hundreds of low income laborers.
CleanTech Biofuels has acquired and improved a technology that accomplishes this goal in an efficient and
clean manner. The process involves loading bulk MSW into a rotating vessel in which the material is subject
to treatment with steam under moderately elevated temperature and pressure. Following relatively short
residence time, the contents of the vessel are removed and screened into the cellulosic fraction, plastics and
metals. The cellulosic product has a compost-like appearance, is sterilized, producing none of its original
odor, and is suitable for compression into pellets or briquettes, or direct delivery to facilities such as boilers,
gasifiers and liquid fuel production plants. Processing costs at a 1,000 tons of MSW per day plant are anticipated to be about $20/ton of MSW. Therefore, if tipping fees are above $20/ton (national average tipping
fee is ~$35/ton), the cellulosic material can be produced on site at negative cost. Projected capital costs for
a facility that will process 1,000 tons of MSW per day are ~$22 million.

Future Financial Plans

We are seeking funds to develop projects using our technology. The amount required will vary upon project
size and the financing structure.

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Coincident, Inc.
Presented by:

Jason Hanna, President & Founder

Company Overview
Coincident is a Massachusetts technology start-up that provides
advanced metering and energy management products/services for
consumers, small businesses, and utilities.

Energy consumers need smarter devices and appliances to participate in new utility programs and achieve the financial and environmental benefits promised by smart metering initiatives. Unfortunately this new market is uniquely complex, and not particularly
well-suited for existing retail or utility business models.
The Coincident Intelligence Engine forms the basis for a new
type of online marketplace - one that brings together consumers,
utilities, manufacturers, and service providers to streamline the discovery, procurement, and installation of intelligent communicating
devices and appliances.

Officers and Directors

Jason Hanna, President & Founder
John Bryan, Senior Advisor
Kat Donnelly, Senior Advisor
Robert Cooper, PhD, Senior Adviser
Christopher Stern, Senior Advisor

Contact Information
12 Reservoir Avenue
Lakeville, MA 02347-1516
[email protected]

Coincident has also developed a product for residential and small business consumers - the Coincident
Energy Management Appliance. It provides an interoperable platform that seamlessly integrates smart
meters, programmable thermostats, and energy-aware communicating devices of differing technology standards. Its powerful software platform provides an intuitive, web-based interface that allows for secure realtime monitoring, management, and control via any web browser or smart phone.

Markets and Applications

Electric utilities and government entities will spend over 100 Billion US Dollars by 2015 to deploy smart meters to over 400 million homes and businesses worldwide. With these investments, utilities expect to achieve
operational efficiencies and the ability to implement dynamic pricing, demand response, and load management programs for their customers.
Leading utilities, industry professionals, and manufacturers have been working together for some time to develop standard protocols for connecting utility-owned advanced metering infrastructure to in-home networks
of consumer-owned appliances and devices. These groups understand resulting benefits for utilities and
consumers are not achievable unless open and interoperable products are available.
This market is typically classified as home-area networking (HAN). As evidenced by the number of competing standards, market entrants, and investment activity, this segment appears to be on-track to be a multibillion dollar opportunity within the next five years.

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Commercial Opportunity
Our retail model is based on an intelligent engine that matches consumer information to utility capability
determining the devices and appliances that are operable on any particular network and making them available for purchase. Coincident profits from the sale of devices and appliances through retail markup, and
additionally profits by connecting consumers with energy professionals in their area that can assist with the
installation and configuration of these products and services.
The revenue model for the Coincident Energy Management Appliance is based a one-time product sale
coupled with a recurring monthly service fee. The product has been designed at a price point that provides
return on investment in less than 12 months.
Because of the need for utility integration, Coincident provides a free tool for utilities to help them connect
HAN-enabled devices to their networks and minimize customer service calls. It is expected that as the market matures there will also be an opportunity to offer an enterprise software product to utilities that assists
with management of these devices.

Competitive Advantage
We believe there is a significant advantage in being the first company to create a successful retail marketplace for HAN-enabled products.
Our extensive market research, database of utility AMI programs, and experience with online commerce and
business-to-business systems allows us to quickly bring our solution to market and also provides us a sustained competitive advantage.
Complimenting our online marketplace is the Coincident Energy Management Appliance, which we believe
offers a number of differentiating features and capabilities:

Use of off-the-shelf hardware components and open source software frameworks allows us to
manufacture and produce a very low-cost product.
Modular, field upgradable design supports widest range of vendors, devices, appliances, and
Innovative combination of hardware and software enables engaging features and presentation of real-time information via web browser or mobile handset.

We also believe that our inclusion of home energy auditors and retail electric providers in our go-to-market
model allows us to place more products in the hands of consumers than could be otherwise achieved by
selling only to utilities or through traditional retail channels.
Furthermore, our current leadership team collectively brings great start-up experience, financial and business development strengths, expertise in technology systems, and research-based insights into consumer
and human behavior.

Future Financial Plans

Coincident is privately funded and finances ongoing product development through consulting and professional services engagements with utilities and technology companies. Currently we are seeking a first round
of external financing in the amount of 500,000 USD to put a dedicated team in place, accelerate our product
and online marketplace development efforts, and further develop our network of customers and partners.
Startup Companies 89

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Cormarent Limited
Presented by:

David McSherry, CEO and Founder

Company Overview
Cormarent Limited is a renewable energy technology start up
company with a novel concept for the generation of electricity
from tidal stream currents. The device has a number of features
which will enable it to leap frog existing technologies to become
a universal technology for deeper water applications, where the
majority of tidal stream resource exists.
The world market for tidal energy devices is estimated by Cormarent to exceed USD 60 billion and global annual power sales
revenue exceeding USD 10 billon.
Phase 1 laboratory tests and CFD studies have been completed
in conjuction with the University of Plymouth which validated the
core assumptions of the concept.

Officers and Directors

David McSherry, Director & Founder
Jane McSherry, Director
Peter Davies, Company Secretary

Contact Information
Carpenter House Innovation Centre
First Floor - Broad Quay
[email protected]

A further two phases of development are required to get to commercial role out:
Phase 2 will complete design optimisation and deploy a scale protype in the sea and will take 2.5 years to
Phase 3 is will design and build a commercial scale demonstrator unit and undertake commercial development, consenting key areas of sea bed and establishing joint venture partnerships with utility companies in
Phase 3.

The Technology is a buoyant, moored device capable of being deployed in waters of 40M depth or more with
simple, low cost vessels. It has very few moving parts - no trimming controls and a direct drive generator.
These features reduce the risk of mechanical failure and thereby increase its availability. It employs counter
rotating rotors, which enable the device to be deployed without the need of a rigid foundation. The device can
be recovered to be serviced onshore. The Cormarent technology provides a robust, reliable and simple tidal stream generator with a low life time cost of power.
Early tank trials and Computational Fluid Dynamic modeling
completed by Cormarent with the University of Plymouth and
industrial partners Gurit Limited and BMT Cordah Limited have
validated the core concept principles.
An artists impression of a Cormarent array is given below.

90 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Markets and Applications

The UK tidal stream resource has been estimated to be 18 TWh/yr by the UK Carbon Trust. It represents
around 15 -20 % of the known global resource.
In the U.S.A. there is an estimated 14 - 20 TWh/yr of tidal stream capacity that could be economically exploited with a similar estimate for Canada. The world tidal stream resource has been estimated at between
between 90 and 120 TWh/yr. Exploiting the global resource would require in the order of 25,000 to 35,000
units with a nominal rating of 1 MW.
The value of equipment sales could exceed USD 60 billion.
The value of power sales in the UK alone could exceed USD 1.2 billion per annum.

Commercial Opportunity
Cormarent will develop the technology in parallel with a commercial development program. The aim is to
initiate the consenting of suitable sea areas to enable a smooth progression from Technical development to
commercial exploitation. Cormarent will seek to develop joint venture partners in the UK and USA for the development of these projects from the utility sector and renewable energy project development community.

Competitive Advantage
Cormarent offers a combination of factors which make it unique:

Benefits of Cormarent
Simple = fewer breakdowns increased sales
Submerged = no storm damage and easier consenting
Buoyant = towed to shore for repair lower life-cycle costs
Moored = low cost installation & decommissioning
Effective = increased sales revenues

Future Financial Plans

Cormarent is seeking investment and development partners for the completion of Phase 2 and Phase 3 of its
development program. Investment will be drawn down against key milestones.
Phase 2 will complete design optimisation and deploy a scale protype in the sea. The cost for Phase 2 is
estimated at USD 7 m and will take 2.5 years to complete.
Phase 3 is predicted to cost USD 11 m and will take 2 years to complete. It will design and build a commercial
scale demonstrator unit. Cormarent will also undertake the commercial development, consenting key areas
of sea bed and establishing joint venture partnerships with utility companies in Phase 3.

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EHK North America/ Electronic Housekeeper

Presented by:

Roselyn Romberg, President, North America

Officers and Directors
Company Overview
Electronic Housekeeper (EHK) is an infrastructure and applications
provider that makes buildings SMART. It is an affordable, intelligent
energy and resource management technology that makes it easy for
buildings and residences to

Reduce energy and water consumption by 15-40%

Cut their carbon footprint significantly
Use energy more efficiently
Participate effectively with Demand Response programs

Save money

Product/Technology Profile

Frans Merrild, CEO & Founder

Thomas Larssen,
Board Member (Canada)
Wayne Davis,
Board Member (US)
Roselyn Romberg,
President, North America (US)
Rob Angell, CFO (US)

Contact Information
55 Fairhaven Road
Concord, MA 01742
[email protected]

Electronic Housekeeper (EHK) is Smart Home/Smart Building system

that wirelessly monitors resource use and controls building systems
(HVAC, lighting, security/alarm) and devices (appliances, lights) to
reduce consumption by up to 40%. It combines easy-to-use automation and control with sophisticated data
analysis capability and full connectivity.

Markets and Applications

EHK wants to be the Smart Grid inside the building system, partnering the outside the building utilities and
Smart Meter makers as they upgrade the 320 million residential (plus commercial) electric, gas, and water
meters in the US. This $50 billion upgrade will allow users and utilities to use resources more efficiently, manage peak demand, and save money.
Where installed, smart meters have already achieved peak demand savings of 6-10%. According to the
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), in-building/in-home Smart Grid technologies reduce energy consumption up to 25%, saving $325 billion. EHKs technology can cut consumption significantly, even with conventional meters and appliances. In the EU, EHK has reduced consumption by 15-40% with no noticeable
effect on comfort or use, resulting in a payback period of 6 to 12 months or less.

Commercial Opportunity
Our key verticals include:

Smart Grid players

-- Utilities (~3500, US and Canada)
-- Smart Meter makers (top 10)
Real estate development/property management companies (both new construction and energy efficiency retrofits)

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Educational systems (~4500 US and Canadian universities and state college systems)
Technology companies developing energy use dashboards, intelligent appliances, wireless
intelligent outlets and switches, etc. (top 15)

DOD military bases in the US (~200), slated for energy efficiency upgrades by 2015

Competitive Advantage
We have five key competitors in the North American market. Our competitive advantages include:

Cost: Lowest entry price for starter system

Versatility: Works with adapters available through standard retail outlets. Manage up to 200
devices. Systems can be chained to scale.
Standard-agnostic: Works with Zigbee, Z-Wave, WiFi, HomePlug, RS232/485, Bluetooth
Ease of use: Touchscreen icon technology, web-enabled dashboard, iPhone/mobile app
-- Monitors consumption and manages usage
-- Tracks and controls electricity and gas and water
-- Works with smart and conventional meters
-- Operates conventional appliances and adapters and intelligent appliances, wireless
adapters, and smart home devices
-- Controls individual units (lamps, air conditioners) and systems (central air conditioning,
indoor/outdoor lighting, security/alarm, home entertainment)
Extra features: Fully IP-enabled, with VoIP, SMS, satellite radio/TV, and Internet capability

Future Financial Plans

We are looking to raise $25 million to

Establish the US-based North American company (NA) (4Q09)

Move functions of corporate headquarters from Denmark to Massachusetts (1Q10)
Establish the Danish company (EU) as a wholly-owned subsidiary (4Q09-1Q10)
Transfer all IP rights and international licenses to NA (4Q09-1Q10)
Build out NA Sales and Marketing capabilities for each vertical channel (1Q-4Q10)
Expand Technical and Customer Support capabilities (global) (2Q10)
Secure 1st NA customer/partner project or pilot (1Q10)
Finalize contracts with Germany, Bahrain, and China. Accelerate negotiations with Dubai, UAE,
Scandinavia, UK, South Africa. Follow up with contacts in UAE, Israel, and Japan. (1Q10)
Secure 2nd and 3rd NA customer/partner project or pilot (2Q10)

Three-year financial projections are included in the business plan summary.

Startup Companies 93

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Electric Pipeline Corporation

Presented by:

Ron Todd, CTO and Director

Company Overview
Massive wind and solar energy farms arent being built because
the transmission lines to bring their power to market dont exist.
Without new transmission lines, wind and solar energy can make
only a small contribution to our energy economy. Overhead power
transmission lines are problematic both aesthetically and environmentally, and are virtually impossible to install in some corridors.
An underground transmission option with at least the transmission
capacity of the best state-of-the-art overhead line is needed. An
$85B/year market is anxious for a solution.

Officers and Directors

Roger Faulkner,
Chief Scientist & CEO
Ron Todd, CTO & Director
Eric Hilman, CFO
Mike Jesanis, Director
Brian Dingman, Director

Contact Information
Rethink Technologies, Inc.,
15 West Main Street
Cambridge, NY 12816
518.677.2080 (office)
781.394.0594 (fax)
617.549.9492 (mobile)

Electric Pipeline Corporation has patent-pending technologies that

solve this problem. We have developed methods to put very high
capacity non-superconducting high-voltage DC power lines into underground pipelines; similar to those that currently move natural
gas around the US. Key portions of our technologies address new
high-voltage insulators, joint reliability, and waste heat removal. We will offer substantially higher capacity
and lower cost than existing underground alternatives, and do not have the technology risks of the proposed
superconducting solutions.
EPC is in partnering talks with leading international power transmission companies, and has assembled a
world-class team of electric utility industry and technology advisers, led by a seasoned management team.
We are seeking $3.5M in A round funding to support a technology demonstration.

Working through industry partners, EPC will subcontract and/or license the manufacture of high-power (10
GW and up), high voltage (800 kVDC) electric power transmission line components that install underground,
and are nearly invisible. Similar technology has already been field proven in the nation-wide network of
underground natural gas pipelines. Our patent-pending technologies address the technical and logistical
hurdles of reliably insulating very high DC voltages, transporting and installing massive conductors, waste
heat build-up in thick insulation, thermal expansion, and splice reliability; among others. By using proven
technology (in novel ways), such as very large conventional aluminum conductors instead of superconductors, we avoid the unnecessary risk and potential operational headaches of alternate approaches, and expect to achieve a compelling cost.

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November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Markets and Applications

The current worldwide market for electric power transmission equipment is $85B/year, and growing. It is
a priority of the Obama administration to modernize the US power transmission infrastructure. Increased
transmission capacity is key to elevating the penetration of renewable power sources into the US grid, and
averaging out the intermittent production of wind and solar farms by combining their outputs with other farms
elsewhere in the country where the sun is shining or the wind is blowing. EPCs approach to this vast market
is through partnerships. EPC has already received a warm reception from several large, key, multi-national
companies that currently service this industry or stand to gain significantly by the success of EPCs approach. It is through these partnerships, enabled by EPCs technology base, that EPC has a viable way to
participate in this huge market.

Commercial Opportunity
Our initial market will be to provide underground transmission line segments on new high-voltage DC transmission links that are currently in planning, through regions that will not approve high-voltage overhead
powerlines. We have identified several such opportunities in the network upgrades planned by the New York
Power Authority and the Midwest ISO.

Competitive Advantage
Moving large amounts of electricity (for several million homes) with overhead power lines requires numerous
gargantuan towers. Because they are unsightly and for environmental and safety concerns, it is nearly impossible to get new lines approved in populated and environmentally sensitive areas. It is impractical to send
AC power farther than a fraction of the width of the US (and much less if underground), and HVDC cables are
limited to a size small enough to fit on a reel that is truck transportable. Existing underground transmission
products are several times more expensive than EPCs solution, and dont scale to the larger sizes the US
will need in the future. EPCs solution is capable of scaling to very large capacities (>200 GW), while giving
a low loss (<5%), cost competitive way to move large amounts of power from coast to coast.

Future Financial Plans

EPC is seeking a $3.5M A round investment to fund the development and lab-scale demonstration of its
technologies, and to cement its partnering activities.

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Electric Truck, LLC

Presented by:

Peter Hughes, CTO

Company Overview
Electric Truck intends to design, prototype, test & license to transportation OEMs and/or their suppliers novel electromagnetic shock absorbers and supporting equipment that provide equal or superior ride characteristics while simultaneously recovering useful energy whenever the
vehicle is in motion. The company holds the exclusive worldwide rights
to US Patent # 6,952,060 B2 issued on October 4, 2005 entitled, Electromagnetic Linear Generator and Shock Absorber assignee: Trustees
of Tufts College. The shock absorber consists of magnets & coils optimally configured for transit applications including autos, trucks, trains
and ships. We are at the proof of concept phase and have attracted
interest from several of the major auto manufacturers.

Officers and Directors

Chris Moe, CEO
Peter Hughes, CTO
Woody Neeley, Founder &
VP of Business Development

Contact Information
Electric Truck, LLC
P. O. Box 635
Greenwich, CT 06836
Peter Hughes
PO Box 54
South Harwich, MA 02661
[email protected]

Product / Technology
Shock absorbers based upon hydraulic and pneumatic technologies have been commonplace in transit applications for decades. The our electromagnetic shock absorber provides a direct replacement for conventional shocks in that it provides the same or better ride quality while at the same time recovering some of the
energy associated with the motion of traveling along a roadway. Elimination of problematic hydraulic shocks
will improve reliability and eliminate the environmental challenges of hydraulic fluid leaks.
In an electric / hybrid vehicle the electromagnetic shock will also act as a range extender by virtue of the energy recovered by the shock which will typically be directed to the battery pack. In conventional vehicles the
recovered energy can be used by the vehicle electrical loads and may provide for a reduction in component
capacities & costs.
The electromagnetic shock works very much like a linear motor/generator. It is based upon the concept of
moving a coil through a magnetic field resulting in current flow in the coil and voltage developed across the
coil . In our case the coils are arranged in a definitive configuration and are fixed. The toroidal magnets are
also oriented in a distinct manner / configuration and the motion is provided by the vibration and bumps as
the vehicle travels along the road surface. There are inner and outer coils and magnets configured in stacks
and the shocks interface with the vehicle attachment points exactly as conventional shocks. These shocks
can be scaled for use with autos, trucks, trains, subways and/or ships.

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Markets & Applications

Approximately 75 million vehicles are produced globally each year which represents a minimum of 300 million
shock absorbers. At the automotive OEM level the market for shock absorbers is estimated to be $2-5 billion
annually. As vehicle weight and size increase the application of electromagnetic shock absorbers becomes
more advantageous and cost effective. Class 8 trucks are a primary target with energy recovery potential as
high as 8.9% expected. The North American Class 8 truck market exceeds 100,000 units per year.

Commercial Opportunity
We are currently adapting a ton pickup truck with prototype electromagnetic shocks as a proof of concept.
General Motors invited Electric Truck to partner with GM to develop this important shock technology through
a DOE funded grant for car & SUV applications. We are in discussions with several OEMs regarding other
applications & opportunities. At least one major transit authority has expressed interest in evaluating rail applications of this technology. Beyond the proof of concept / demonstration phase we expect to sub-license
our designs & technology to selected global shock manufacturers.

Competitive Advantage
There are two known sources of hydraulically based energy recovery shock absorber technology. We believe that such hydraulic systems are less efficient and potentially less cost effective than an electromagnetic
shock absorber. The Electric Truck shocks require no maintenance and will last the life of the vehicle. The
electronics ( Power Conditioning Module ) associated with the electromagnetic shock will provide a superior
degree of active suspension control which provide for tailoring shock performance based upon the road conditions and vehicle characteristics ( loaded versus unloaded ).

Future Financial Plans

Electric Truck is seeking a $3M funding commitment over a three year period to support operations, product
development, marketing, intellectual property expansion , prototyping & testing. The flow of investment capital will be milestone gated with an initial minimum round of $500K.

Startup Companies 97

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Energy Efficiency Monitoring and Assessment

Program (EEMAP)
Presented by:

Ravi Malhotra, Founder & CEO

Officers and Directors
Company Overview

Ravi Malhotra, Founder & CEO

Vic Ahmed, President

EEMAP Inc. has developed an innovative software solution which sim- Contact Information
plifies the training, data entry, analysis and reporting for energy man8745 W. 14th Ave
agement of small commercial and residential buildings. EEMAP plans
Denver, CO 80215
to become the portal of choice for its target market and help its [email protected]
ers reduce their energy consumption for the rest of their life. Energy
management is the fastest growing industry both in terms of jobs created and wages, with 78% growth projected through 2016. Our estimated market size is $10B/year. We have proprietary algorithms that convert the art of energy auditing and
management into a science and allow the computer to do the work, better, faster and cheaper than any person. Our team has a good mix of theoretical and practical experience in this space along with seasoned entrepreneurs in the IT space. We are looking for seed funding of up to $1M to bring our product to market.

Product/ Technology Profile

EEMAPs ability to create a building model and find optimal energy solutions within budget decreases the
experience needed and time needed for audit inspection and reporting. Benefit: 1) training new auditors becomes faster and easier, 2) labor costs decrease/time decreases much of analysis is done by the software,
3) making sense of results and next steps in solution implementation becomes a streamlined process for
consumers through an online portal, 4) access to software and online tools to start and run an auditing business decreases initial capital investment, 5) HERS and Energy Star certification offered online, 6) integration
with Smart Grid devices for ongoing monitoring of energy use that leads to control of energy consumption.

Markets and Applications

According to US Census Bureau statistics, the management, scientific, and technical consulting industry,
which includes the environmental and energy efficiency consulting field, is the fastest growing industry both
in terms of jobs created and wages, with 78% growth projected through 2016. The market segment we are
initially pursuing is energy auditing contractors hired by utility programs and auditors/aspiring auditors in
states/cities with government weatherization/efficiency programs and utility and/or state energy efficiency
incentives. With $5 billion allocated towards weatherization through ARRA; 1057 rebate, tax, loan and other
incentive programs through states and utilities to date; and market costs for audits averaging $400 (residential) and $10,000 (commercial); we estimate the gross residential and commercial markets to be $48 billion
and $47 billion respectively.
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Commercial Opportunity
EEMAPs customers will be existing/aspiring energy auditors who execute residential and small-scale commercial energy audits. EEMAP will offer a software training course in order to grow its customer base, assuming the auditor will use EEMAP software for a fee after training. Because many aspiring auditors will come
from construction, engineering, and other technical as well as non-technical backgrounds, EEMAP will reach
its target customers through diverse channels: 1) online/print advertising targeted towards the construction,
energy, and green products and services industries, 2) partnerships with utilities offering subsidized audit
programs for which they seek contractors, 3)relationships with higher education institutions with engineering, environmental/sustainability, and urban development degree programs 4) partnerships and promotions
through employment centers and workforce development centers.

Competitive Advantage
EEMAP provides a full service package to auditors that minimizes costs, speeds up the auditing process, and
simplifies training. Homeowners use the software post-audit to make sense of recommendations and quickly
implement solutions. The audit results are accurate and verifiable, and the reporting mechanism engages the
building owner in ongoing interaction through the web portal and, later, Smart Grid device management.

Future Financial Plans

EEMAP is raising up to $1M for this round of funding to further develop its product and bring it to the marketplace in 2010. This software will make energy management a readily available and affordable service for
small commercial and residential building owners as well as create jobs nationwide. EEMAP plans to generate revenues of $100 million in 2015.

Startup Companies 99

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Feed Resource Recovery Inc.

Presented by:

Shane Eten, Co-Founder, CEO & President

Company Overview
Feed Resource Recovery Inc. (Feed) provides the Food Industry customized waste-to-energy solutions. Feeds patented process allows
customers to turn a previous liability into a valuable source of disposal
savings, clean energy, organic fertilizer and positive PR.
While a majority of the waste stream generated by the food industry
contains high energy yielding organic material, it can not be converted
into energy unless its separated from the contaminants & packaging.
Feeds patented process integrates three proven practices, one from
the pulp and paper industry (waste contaminant removal), one from the
wastewater treatment industry (high-rate biogas production) and one
from the distributed energy generation industry (Biogas-to-Electricity

Officers and Directors

Shane Eten, Co-Founder,
CEO & President
Ryan Begin, Co-Founder & VP
Nick Whitman, Co-Founder & VP

Contact Information

This proprietary combination of proven technologies allows Feed to

23 Warren Avenue
located systems at or near the source of the waste generation. In many
Boston, MA 02116
cases Feed utilizes existing customer infrastructure to consolidate
781.730.0259 (fax)
large volumes of waste. Creating a significant competitive advantage
[email protected]
by eliminating infrastructure & costs associated with traditional waste
disposal methods. Feed is creating barriers to entry around this decentralized approach using specific forms of intellectual property. This includes exclusive technology partner agreements, three patents, trade
secrets and letters of commitments from 2 of the 3 largest food retailers in the US.

Regional supermarket chains (300 stores) pay over $4M to dispose of 40,000 tons of food waste / year. With
States starting to ban food waste from landfills, supermarkets (1.46% profit margins) need and are looking
for disposal alternatives. Feed provides this alternative using a patented waste-to-energy process capable
of efficient converting packaged & unpackaged food waste into electricity and fertilizer. Providing customers
with a mechanism to unlock hidden value from a currently discarded raw material. Instead of $4M+ to get rid
of food they already purchased, Feed allows customers to turn this waste into enough electricity to power a
typical distribution center or manufacturing plant ($3.5M in electricity).

100 Startup Companies

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Markets and Applications

The U.S. generates 32 million tons of food waste per year. Traditional waste disposal providers get paid $2.4
billion to bury 97% of this waste in landfills where it releases a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more potent
than CO2. At an average all-in disposal cost of $80/ton and an average electricity price of $.09 kWh, this
represents a $4.5B market opportunity. As renewable energy, carbon and fertilizer markets continue to trend
toward the prices seen in Europe, our market could triple in the coming five years.

Commercial Opportunity
Feed partners with large supermarkets and food processors to create customized solutions for the costeffective management of food waste. Each of these customers has multiple locations where our solution can
be implemented. To increase customer adoption rates feed will develop a pay-toplay model by continuing
to focus efforts on increasing service revenue to provide customer same solution at a lower upfront costs.
We are deep in the sales pipeline with five of the top ten supermarket chains in the U.S., two of which have
already signed letters of commitment for projects located in Southern California & The Northeast.

Competitive Advantage
Traditional waste service providers (i.e. Waste Management, Local Composters, etc...) and emerging biogas
technology providers are servicing or entering the market using centralized waste disposal practices. Rather
than compete with this collect, haul and landfill/process model feed utilizes the customers existing distribution network to collect and consolidate waste.
Due to odor pollution, wastewater generation and large square footage requirements compost & landfill operations are unable to locate facilities anywhere near waste generators. In Addition, composters and most
biogas technologies are unable to handle the highly-contaminated waste streams Feeds system was specifically designed to process.

Future Financial Plans

Funds will support the development and completion of Feeds first full-scale commercial system, and the first
system of its kind in the US. A full-scale system allows Feed to prove the business model and technology. As
a result, senior debt becomes a viable alternative for system financing. This quickly increases the capital pool
and customer base for additional systems. Funds will directly support the implementation and improvement
of our core technology. Specifically, use of funds will include: working capital, project development, technology development, patents and value engineering

Startup Companies 101

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Free Flow Power Corporation

Presented by:

Daniel Lissner, General Counsel

Company Overview
Free Flow Power is an experienced multi-disciplinary team with the
mission to grow hydropower, the most proven and cost-effective form
of renewable energy, though environmentally sensitive methods. With
its integrated approach to engineering, licensing, and financing, FFP is
uniquely positioned to lead the industry as hydro grows from 7% to a
projected 20% of US energy generation. FFPs three-stage business
strategy involves generating near-term revenue and long-term growth
potential by: i) acquiring, improving, and managing existing hydro assets; ii) developing hydro on existing non-hydro dams; and iii) developing hydrokinetics to harness the flow of rivers and oceans to generate
electricity without constructing new dams.

Officers and Directors

Daniel Irvin, President and CEO
Christopher Williams,
Chief Technology Officer
Henry Dormitzer,
Chief Financial Officer
Daniel Lissner,
General Counsel

Contact Information
33 Commercial Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
978.283.2808 (fax)
[email protected]

FFP is the USs largest developer of hydrokinetic projects, including a

cluster of 55 sites on the Mississippi River that are in the environmental
study phase and have the capacity to generate over 1,000 MW. FFP
has developed and is manufacturing the second generation of its fishfriendly SmarTurbine hydrokinetic generator system, the first generation of which has undergone tank-based and live-river testing. FFP recently was awarded a DOE Advanced
Waterpower grant for a hydrokinetic demonstration project, and we are seeking to raise additional funds from
institutional investors at the corporate level and for specific hydro asset acquisitions.

The FFP SmarTurbine hydrokinetic generator is a rim-driven ducted system with a single moving part.
It is designed to be part of an integrated system which includes cost-effective approaches to installation,
maintenance and power conversion and which emphasizes mass production and large-scale deployment.
The design is applicable to a wide range of environments including flows that are unidirectional (rivers and
currents) and bi-directional (ocean tides), and to conduits and canals. FFP is developing over 55 Mississippi
River hydrokinetic projects for which the SmarTurbine will be the exclusive licensed technology.

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Markets and Applications

Hydropower is the most proven and cost-effective form of renewable energy, and it once accounted for
40% of US energy generation. Hydropower has not grown in recent decades due to lack of incentives and
concerns about the environment effects of building dams. However, recent policy changes have positioned
hydropower to grow, by some estimates, from 7% to over 20% of the US energy market, without creating
negative environmental consequences.
Important legislative changes include the recognition (in 2005 and 2008) of new hydro on existing dams and
hydrokinetics as renewable energy eligible for a 1 production tax credit, passage of a 30% investment tax
credit (in 2009) putting hydro on par with other renewable energy sources, and regulatory reforms that permit
efficient licensing of hydro projects by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Commercial Opportunity
To capitalize on the projected growth in hydropower, FFP is focused on three areas: i) optimizing output at
existing hydro facilities, many of which are underperforming significantly; ii) developing new hydro facilities
on existing dams, 97% of which currently do not generate electricity; and iii) facilitating mass production of
FFPs SmarTurbine and achieving economies of scale by developing 1,000 MW of hydrokinetic projects in
the Mississippi River, for which FFP has obtained permits and exclusive priority to file license applications.

Competitive Advantage
FFP is the only company in the hydro industry to integrate core competencies in financing, regulatory processes, and engineering, while disintermediating consultants whose interests are not aligned with cost-effective management of projects or licensing. FFPs diversified approach to capitalizing on growth in hydropower
provides for near-term revenue generation through management of existing facilities, minimizes risk by utilizing proven technologies and investing in reliable assets, and creates long-term growth potential through
efficient licensing and development of hydrokinetics and qualified hydro projects.

Future Financial Plans

FFP is currently raising $5 million through sale of equity and grant funding to fund its operations through
the end of 2010. We project a total raise of $25 million will fund operations through licensing in 2012, after
which we will finance projects through tax-investor flip structures. We are in discussions with private equity
firms regarding acquisition of up to $1 billion in revenue-generating hydro assets that will generate excellent
returns in the near term and which may reduce the amount of FFP equity to be sold.

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Future Solar Systems

Presented by:

Jim Dunn, CEO

Company Overview
Future Solar Systems is a private Massachusetts company focused
on the design, sales, installation and strategic ownership of commercial, public, and private Solar Photovoltaic, (PV) projects in the 1001500KW range. Future Solar is creating and implementing unique PV
System design and installation methods, along with simple financing
approaches that will allow customers the benefits and ultimate ownership of solar renewable energy systems with low electricity costs and
NO initial capital cost, using simplified power purchase agreements,
(PPAs), and Shared savings plans. Future Solar has a proven management team and vital relationships with key suppliers and experienced installers, serving the northeast US region.

Officers and Directors

Jim Dunn, CEO
Richard Chase, Director of Sales
& Marketing
Mike Strizki, Director of
Peter MacDougall, Project
Manager & Logistics

Contact Information
21 Davis Road
Millbury, MA 01527
508.560.9421 (phone)
508.917.8339 (fax)

Future Solar provides rapidly installed roof and ground mount PV systems to a range of key markets, and will sell specialty components and
mounting systems to other installers at competitive prices. Future Solar is positioned to competitively address a host of under-served markets by employing their unique business approach, combining optimum buying power and utilizing a network
of proven industry contractors, with unique pre-engineered assemblies, and the ability to efficiently develop
customer relationships and project commitments, and arrange project financing. FSS offers investors an
extremely attractive ROI, with an easy to ramp business in a relatively untapped growth market.

Technology/ Products
Future Solar is developing several novel ways to dramatically reduce the cost of large solar systems with preengineered arrays of PV modules, for rapid integration on rooftops, carports, and ground mounts, reducing
labor costs by over 50%, and optimizing the installation of large, 100-1500KW systems. Future Solar is also
developing a proprietary new Totally Integrated 3-5KW Solar System which can be rapidly installed as both a
standalone system, like for carports, or as a Mega-Module in large All-AC systems. This systems approach
will optimize the maximum power produced by each individual panel, providing the maximum overall power
without using micro-inverters on each panel. Over time, Future Solar will sell these items to other installers
and integrators, enhancing their total revenue and providing larger economies of scale.

Markets and Applications

The worldwide solar electric industry has seen exponential growth over the last ten years, fueled largely by
attractive incentive programs in Europe and Japan. During 2005-2008, a shortage of Silicon and bottlenecks
in the solar value chain limited production and availability of PV modules while demand throughout Europe
and the US saw rapid increase, benefitting sellers of both poly-silicon and other solar modules. However,
with the world financial downturn at the end of 2008, a major transition began in the rapidly growing PV in104 Startup Companies

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Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

dustry, due to a major oversupply of PV panels and insufficient financing to complete a host of large projects
in Spain and Italy. These key market dynamics have quickly transitioned the Solar PV manufacturing industry to a buyers market from being a sellers market. In fact, the market has not proven elastic enough to
absorb the huge oversupply, creating a major buying opportunity for both the project installer and third party
investor. Based upon projections of leading analysts, the cost of PV panels could drop so low next year, that
the key system cost driver will become the installed labor cost, which up until this time has only represented
15-20% of the total PV systems cost. This reduced pricing of key components, combined with the new US
Investment Tax Credit program and numerous state incentives and rebates, offer a very strategic opportunity
for companies like Future Solar to capitalize on this lucrative market opportunity. This market scenario provides our investors an unusually strong and secure opportunity, with high margins and solid ongoing profits,
and minimal risk.

Commercial Opportunity
Future Solars business model includes Sale of components, Installation of total systems, and Ownership
of all or a portion of LLCs under Power Purchase Agreements. Future Solar creates a new LLC for each
project, that owns the system and sells electricity produced under a PPA or Shared savings plan, with a
predictable future revenue stream. These LLCs offer Future Solars investors the immediate benefit of the
Federal ITC and Accelerated Depreciation, and long-term stable returns from the sale of Renewable Energy
Certificates, (RECs), and green electricity. Future Solar utilizes both federal and state grants/tax credits
and RECs for leveraged ownership in PV system assets, significantly enhancing the return profile for Future
Solar, their customers, and investors. Further revenue benefits and increased profits will be afforded by
Future Solars proprietary new pre-engineered arrays, which eliminate over 75% of the expensive rooftop
labor costs, reducing typical Total Project installation labor costs by over 50%, using lower cost off-site labor
in automated pre-assembly facilities, (with small increase in delivery/onsite equipment cost).

Competitive Advantage
Future Solars business strategy offers a number of key advantages, including efficient marketing, selling,
site assessment, design, and contract efforts. Future Solar purchases all major components at low contract
prices through strategic supply relationships. Future Solar is technology agnostic, but outsources the installation and system maintenance to certified installers and electrical contractors. Future Solar is able to efficiently run their business with a minimal staff, while leveraging solid buying power, and special contractor
outsourcing, and the use of our proprietary products and pre-engineered assemblies.

Future Financial Plans

Future Solar is seeking $2.5M in Series A equity capital, to launch and execute over $10M in pending PV
projects, growing to over $35M in project execution in 2010, and over $75M in project revenue in 2011. Future Solar also offers investors a series of LLC project opportunities, for investment and ownership of individual PV systems, on a case by case basis. These offer lucrative returns for the first 3 years, with attractive
ongoing ROIs for another 8 years. Future Solar has the plans, resources, technology, and partnerships to
take advantage of the recent drop in PV panel prices, with a novel way to dramatically reduce the overall total
cost of PV system installations, making us extremely competitive and more profitable, as the US PV industry
experiences rapid expansion over the next 5-10 years.
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Green Running
Presented by:

Peter Davies, Managing Director

Company Overview
The companys goal is to be the leading provider of energy management and analysis software for real-time data acquisition. Market is
SMEs datacenters, universities, Government buildings and hospitality sector with a market size of over 500,000 potential customers
in the UK alone. We have been working for the last two years on
producing effective software tools for analysis and presentation for
advanced energy management. The team consists of the UKs highest certified LabVIEW system integrators, support of SETsquared
and industrial partners in trialing the system. The Goal is to raise
100K to support sales, further R&D and marketing.

Officers and Directors

Peter Davies, Managing Director

Contact Information
[email protected]

Real Time energy monitoring with individual device analysis allowing individual device detection and real
time exception reporting with bench marking against a perfect day.

Markets and Applications

SME, University, datacenter, government buildings. Application is based around power monitoring.

Commercial Opportunity
Links with University of Bath, data centers in UK and large industrial building have completed case studies
for a sales proposition and feedback or system in those areas.

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Competitive Advantage
Customised Real-Time analysis and with a user tailored managment interface which can be viewed from
anywhere in the world. Ability to individually determine which devices are on at each time and calculate
from the data how much power an individual device has used during the course of the day from its real time
power characteristics and the softwares poweful signal analysis tools. The user has the ability to see real
time usage on their mobile phone and receive exceptions alerts via text and email for quick response time.
With the use of internet data streaming the user can see changes the second an appliance is turned on
from anywhere in thew world and have access to the historic data for advanced report generation using the
sophisiticated software created . The system allows for futher integration for the addition of Gas and Water
metering and any extra features like temperature and humidity monitoring, with a spare 30 channels for other
RT acquisition also available for streaming up to our online database.

Future Financial Plans

Mass production of the system and marketing strategy. Looking for a 100K investment.

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Grid Solutions
Presented by:

Mitchell Wondolowski, Business Development

Officers and Directors
Company Overview
Greentech Media Research expects demand response (DR) to be the
first application of the smart grid to capture a critical mass of the market
penetration. The demand response market is now being referred to as
a gold mine (New York Times) and industry analysts have called for this
market to quadruple over the next five years.

Mitchell Wondolowski,
Business Development

Contact Information
69 Washington St
Marblehead, MA 01945
[email protected]

Grid Solutions has developed a low cost residential demand response

solution for a small utility, Vineyard Power, on the island of Marthas
Vineyard, MA. Vineyard Power, a community-owned renewable energy utility, will be producing large scale
renewable energy from off-shore wind turbines. They plan to promote PHEVs as the transportation vehicle
of choice to allow the co-op storage capacity when the turbines are generating electricity at night. They are
implementing a network that will support their requirement to balance the electrical load during the course of
the day. Unlike many proposed Home Area Networks (HAN) for residential demand response that engage
the consumer in reducing their use of electricity, Grid Solutions developed a system that integrates key
source information (spot price of electricity, the amount of electricity being generated by their wind turbines,
aggregate load for its members) to a rules engine to generate automated commands to shed load or to store
energy. At a conservative 5% savings, residential DR equates to $1 biillion in savings per year, a present
value of nearly $12 billion over the next two decades, in the US alone.
EnerNOC and Comverge have been the only players to date concentrating on commercial/industrial demand
response. With GE and Whirlpools release of smart appliances beginning November 2009, the infrastructure
will be available to implement residential DR.

Residential Demand Response This is a platform based Demand-Response (DR) solution with a highly
scalable functionality. Supports unlimited number of information sources to dynamically manage performance
as well as create settlement transactions. The system allows n number of rules and conditions as transaction
parameters. Open APIs for extensibility, interfacing and integration
CurrentViews - Online information portal for ratepayers to access real-time information about their energy
consumption and for utility administrators to access realtime aggregate usage and renewable generation
from sun and wind. A simple user interface allows users to drill down to more detail.
Both applications are wrapped in a data security layer to allow management and control of data between the
consumer premises and the utility office. This allows the utility to set up a communication system that utilizes
the public commercial networks like cable or wireless or WiMax networks etc. to send and receive data securely eliminating the need for a private dedicated network.
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Markets and Applications

Demand Response during periods of peak energy demand is a clean, cheap and fast method to match supply. Simply put, it is the practice of shutting off or turning down non-essential devices in the home, campus
or business during times of peak demand. Demand Response is a critical piece of the US effort to reduce
energy consumption.
While the smart home has been an exciting proposition (for early adopters/futurists) for decades, what is different now is that for the first time an infrastructure is being deployed to support communications between
the end-user and the utility. This is an important change..
The Smart Grid market has been projected to be substantial:

$1.3 billion in VC funds have been invested between 2005 -2009

US government has budgeted $3.4 billion in smart grid investment to be released later this
EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) estimates a $165 billion investment in US over next
two decades ($8 billion/year)
Demand response market will quadruple over the next five years

Commercial Opportunity
Electric utilities domestic and foreign
Partnerships with smart grid solution providers

Competitive Advantage
Grid Solutions has developed a residential demand response solution intended for the utility. Other solutions
assume the acceptance and participation of each customer.
We are the pioneering vendor in offering a hybrid solution intended for the electric utility. First implementation
will be Q1 2010 for Vineyard Power.

Future Financial Plans

Seeking $500k line of credit to get the company to first round of funding Debt will have an option to exchange for stock at first round of funding.

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GroundedPower, Inc
Presented by:

Carl Gustin, President

Officers and Directors
Company Overview
GroundedPowers mission is to help energy consumers and companies
gain greater control over their energy usage and reduce their environmental impacts. Its technology involves real-time energy management
and a Customer Engagement System. The CES motivates and empowers consumers to achieve deeper, more persistent energy savings
through goal setting, task selection, incentives or rewards, and social
networking using a unique application of well-established principles of
It fits within a multi-billion dollar market that is growing at double-digit

Paul N. Cole, CEO

Carl Gustin, President
Mike Bukhin, VP Engineering
David Poor, Director
David Warner, Director

Contact Information
15 Plum Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
[email protected]

The team brings together people with real-world experience in the utility industry, in applications software
development and in using principles of change to bridge the gap between technology and human behavior.
GroundedPower sets itself apart from products such as in-house displays, monthly mailings, home automation and other products by its real-time monitoring and web portal that keep customers engaged in energy
efficiency through goal setting, a task selection process, real-time and relevant feedback, a rewards system
and social networking among participants.
The companys funding goal is to complete a $1 million seed round in 2009 and a $2 million to $5 million
institutional round in early 2010. Funds will be used for full-scale rollout.

GroundedPowers Energy Management and Customer Engagement System links real-time energy usage
information through a wireless network (ZigBee) with well-established principles of engagement, motivation and behavior change from the fields of psychology, health and applications software to help consumers
achieve deeper, more sustainable energy savings. GroundedPower integrates education, social networking
and energy consumption feedback in its web portal through an innovative social learning process. Smart
energy technology and consumption and rate data alone will not reduce energy consumption and demand.
Consumers adopt new technology based on relevance, ease of use and benefits. GPs expertise is directed
at bridging the gap between technology and the consumers it is designed to help. Real-time information is
obtained from either a GP-built wireless monitor or from AMR or AMI meters.

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Markets and Applications

GroundedPowers primary markets are reached through utility company efficiency and demand response
programs for residential, small commercial and municipal customers. These markets had been growing at
an average rate of 20 percent per year in recent years with total spending in 2008 approaching $4 billion.
Stimulus grants for smart grid/smart meter initiatives, block grants to states and weatherization programs
are accelerating program spending, as are carbon credit auctions in the Northeast and the development of
Forward Capacity Markets.

Commercial Opportunity
GroundedPowers primary target customers are utilities, both investor and publicly owned, large and small,
that are required to conduct energy efficiency and demand response programs funded through either approved System Benefit Charges or through rates. The utility incorporates GroundedPowers technology
into efficiency program offerings to its end-use customers. Marketing is through direct contact with utility
executives and program managers with parallel outreach to regulators and policy makers charged with and
interested in energy efficiency program effectiveness.

Competitive Advantage
Technologies seen as competing include in-house displays and plug monitors, monthly presentment of billing
information either by mail or web, and home automation. Pilot programs have generally demonstrated a lack
of persistent savings and levels of savings well below anticipated potential. GroundedPowers technology
motivates, engages and empowers consumers through a web portal that incorporates and integrates principles of behavior unlike any other product of which GP is aware. The GP technology also incorporates a
measurement and verification function, which provides utilities and regulators with real-time data on energy
savings and how those savings are achieved.

Future Financial Plans

GroundedPower is currently raising a $1 million seed round with funds dedicated primarily to product development. The company anticipates an institutional round of $2 million to $5 million in early 2010 for full-scale
rollout. Approximately 80% of funds will be allocated to product development and refinement and 20% to
business development.

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Heavy Lift Systems

Presented by:

Daniel Nachbar, President

Officers and Directors

Daniel Nachbar, President
Thomas Horton, Director
Peter Oatman, Director
Jef Sharp, Director

Company Overview
Contact Information

Large-scale wind turbine construction and maintenance are ex110 Pulpit Hill Road
periencing rapid expansion, conservatively estimated at 400% in
Amherst MA 01002
the next 10 years. However, high cost and logistical constraints
of ground-based mobile cranes have created a critical [email protected]
point on this emerging market. Heavy Lift Systems addresses
this need with an entirely new type of crane that harnesses the
buoyant lifting power of hot air. Our system combines age-old
technology with patent-pending innovations to give the wind power industry the lifting power it needs with
more rapid deployment, a far smaller infrastructure footprint, and a cost savings factor of 2-4 over current
service providers. We have completed our prototype R&D and are now seeking private equity investment to
fund our product development and market entry.

Heavy Lift Systems has developed the Tethered Aerostat Crane (TAC). Applying research results in areas of
aerodynamics, materials, and control technologies, the TAC uses the lifting power of heated air to lift heavy
loads to great heights in remote locations. The TAC incorporates several patent-pending innovations that
provide it with unmatched operational control and ease of deployment. By using a TAC rather than a conventional ground-based crane, wind power companies can build and maintain wind turbines at lower cost,
without specialized access roads, and in otherwise inaccessible locations.

Markets and Applications

The U.S. Department of Energy is pursuing a plan to provide 20% of the countrys electricity needs via wind
power by 2030. This will require constructing between 60,000 and 100,000 new large-scale turbines. The
market for cranes to support new turbine construction is currently $250 million per year and will grow to
$1.1 billion per year within 10 years. In addition to the new construction market, the growing installed base
of large turbines is creating an expanding market for cranes to support turbine operation and maintenance
(O&M). At present, the heavy lift O&M market is $80 million per year and is estimated conservatively to grow
to $400 million per year within 10 years. The figures above represent just the U.S. demand. Overseas opportunities are even larger.

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Commercial Opportunity
For the O&M market, our target customers include turbine manufactures to support maintenance of turbines
under warranty. For turbines out of warranty, our customers will be turbine maintenance companies and the
owners of large wind farms. For the new construction market, our target customers include general contractors and crane owners and operators.

Competitive Advantage
Conventional cranes require 15 to 20 tractor-trailer rigs to haul their components between job sites, as well
as days of work by large crews to assemble and disassemble these components. The TAC can be deployed
much more readily for lifts to essentially unlimited heights at difficult-to-reach locations. As a result, overall
operating costs are significantly lower (factor 2-4) than those for conventional cranes,
Double-width roads are required for conventional cranes to move around large job sites. These specialized
roads limit turbine location options, increase negative environmental impacts, and can add millions of dollars
to overall project cost. In contrast, the TAC can be transported in a single shipping container and requires
minimal on-site configuration. The TACs lower capital cost makes pre-deployment at large wind farms a
practical option.

Future Financial Plans

We have completed our prototype R&D and filed for four key patents. We now seek private equity to complete
TAC product development and entry into the turbine O&M market within 18 months of funding. Milestones
for our next phase will include:

Product Development
-- Design, engineering, and first article manufacturing
-- Field trials and design refinement
-- Initial operational deployments
Business Development
-- Identification of strategic partners for field trials, sales, and licensing
-- Development of cost models and service metrics
-- Final development of next-phase and longer-term business plans (i.e., the new construction market)
-- Initial sales and product delivery
-- Capitalization of the company for growth

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The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Presented by:

Eric S. Graber-Lopez, CEO

Company Overview
HeliaThermal is developing a new, low cost, technology that can provide zero carbon emission refrigeration and air conditioning to a variety of end-markets. The Solar-Polar Module (SPM) can be used to
refrigerate vaccines, food supplies, and many other off-grid applications. The SPM can also be easily integrated into existing centralized
cooling and refrigeration applications paving the way for entry into the
residential and commercial markets. The SolarPolar Module requires
little maintenance over its service lifetime, and will operate uninterrupted for years at a time, without consuming electricity or generating
greenhouse gas emissions. Over forty percent of institutional and
commercial electricity consumption is used to provide for lighting and
cooling/refrigeration needs. The SolarPolar Module will use the suns
heat to produce cooling and refrigeration with an efficiency factor superior to that of photovoltaic electricity conversion factors at a lower
lifetime energy cost.

Officers and Directors

Eric S. Graber-Lopez
Michael Reid
Robert Edwards
Khaled Choudhury
Alan Bates

Contact Information
1085 Commonwealth Avenue
Suite 182
Boston, MA 02215
617.395.2730 (fax)
[email protected]

Product/ Technology
The SolarPolar Module is an absorption refrigeration system. The system converts thermal energy to cooling directly in the range of temperatures achievable by available solar collectors. The SPM is low cost, uses
widely available materials, and is easily manufactured. The SPM has no moving parts and uses no electricity.
It is very reliable and will work without maintenance for many decades while using a widely available refrigerant as its heat transfer medium. The SPM provides very low cost per watt cooling with no carbon emissions,
is ideally suited for off-grid cooling and refrigeration needs and can also be integrated into existing forced-air
cooling systems.

Markets and Applications

A quarter of the worlds population has no access to refrigeration for food or medication (e.g. India loses over
50% of its food crops before they reach their destination). There are also over 65 million installed central
cooling residential systems and millions of non-mall commercial cooling and refrigeration units in the US
alone, using over 444 billion kWhs of electricity a year, accounting for over $40 billion in expenditures each
year, representing 12% of annual electricity use in the US. Solar-Polar can address the needs of these markets at an attractive price, reducing electricity expenditures for cooling/refrigeration.

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Commercial Opportunity
We intend to introduce the SolarPolar Module for use in off-grid applications, as well as pursue the commercial and insitutional air-conditioning market by developing partnerships with existing renewable energy
installers and distributors. We have established initial relationships with distribution partners for commercial
rollout once the SolarPolar Module is ready for deployment. The company will also work with regional utilities
and ESCOs during the SPM pilot program.

Competitive Advantage
The SolarPolar Module has two primary competitive advantages: 1) it is designed as a modular system and
as such can be easily matched to customer needs; and 2) our product design uses widely available components for manufacture, thus ensuring low cost per watt of installed capacity. The SolarPolar Module uses no
fuel, has negligible maintenance needs, and will be sold at attractive prices. Cost of ownership will be lower
than that of conventional cooling/refrigeration units. The SPM will be made with widely available materials
and will not need specialized manufacturing equipment.

Future Financial Plans

The SolarPolar Module is in the working prototype stage. A functional prototype has been built and tested. A
commercial quality module has been designed and suppliers have been identified. We are now working to
secure funding for the manufacture of several commercial quality units for long term testing. The company is
seeking $1,000,000 for continued product development and commercial scale test deployment of the SPM.

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Highest Wind LLC

Presented by:

Dimitri Cherny, CEO and Founder

Officers and Directors
Company Overview

Dimitri Cherny, CEO & Founder

Ursula Schwuttke, CBPO
Diane Bourque, CFO

Highest Wind Energy Gliders harvest the winds a thousand feet

above the ground blowing two to three times faster than near the Contact Information
ground. These stronger and steadier winds make Energy Gliders
117 Cushing Road
cost-effective in the low-wind locations where wind turbines are not
Newmarket, NH 03857
more than half our planet. Wind resource maps reveal that less than
[email protected]
15% of our planet has average near-ground wind speeds adequate for
producing electrical power cost-effectively. Wind turbines are limited to
harvesting near-ground winds by the height of their towers a few hundred feet at most making them cost-effective on only a small fraction
of our planet. Energy Gliders are cost-effective for at least three times more locations on earth.

Highest Wind Energy Gliders produce more than $13,000 worth of electricity annually (130,000+ kWh at
$0.10/kWh). Designed for the largest 200,000 farms in the 45 US states with winds too low for wind turbines,
Energy Gliders provide a payback in less than seven years with average 30 foot winds of just 8mph. Renewable energy incentive programs in our target states reduce that payback to less than three years. For
farms throughout the US, the USDAs REAP program reduces payback by at least two more years making
Energy Glider purchases possible in some states with no cash out-of-pocket and $13,000+/year of free
electricity every year thereafter.

Product/Technology Profile
Similar to a childs kite, patent pending Energy Gliders fly - rising and descending - a thousand feet above
the ground (but below FAA controlled airspace) pulling a high-strength tether to spin a generator on the
ground. Energy Glider systems run continuously and automatically to provide a capacity factor of greater
than 50% at a levelized cost of energy of less than five cents per kWh nearly as low as the largest utilityscale wind turbines and many times lower than the best and lowest cost solar PV systems. Our first 30kW
production unit will produce more than 130,000 kWh at sites with avg. 30ft. winds of just 8mph for a lifetime of
30 years, providing more than half the electricity needs of the average US farm. With an operational requirement of more than 160 acres of land, NIMBY is a minimal concern.

116 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Markets and Applications

Our Initial market is the 200,000 largest farms in the 45 US states with winds too low to make wind turbines
cost effective - a $14B market. Early marketing and dealer efforts are focused on the top seven states with
the best combination of high electricity prices, suitable winds, and the best renewable energy incentive programs. Initial marketing efforts are specifically targeting the largest dairy farms in those states. While they
comprise only a $290M market, with the current unsustainable market price for milk, they are eager for any
product that can reduce their costs and/or provide an additional revenue source. Our market research has
yet to find a dairy farm unwilling to purchase an Energy Glider.

Commercial Opportunity
Energy Gliders will be sold through existing networks of regional dealers currently selling agricultural or energy generation equipment, all with established relationships among our most likely prospects farms. From
a self-marketing perspective, Energy Gliders are nearly perfect visible from miles around, we anticipate
considerable word-of-mouth marketing spreading virally from each successful installation. Our marketing efforts will be primarily product-marketing, helping our dealers identify and sell to our most likely prospects in
a variety of farming verticals. Broad marketing will be mostly PR-based riding the Green wave.

Competitive Advantage
Highest Wind has discovered a blue-ocean market wind power for low-wind locations that is currently
unfulfilled by any other products. Wind turbines provide payback periods of longer than a decade in these
low-wind areas. Solar PV have even longer paybacks. Anaerobic digesters have an entry price fifteen times
higher. For any type of farm seeking distributed renewable energy, nothing else works in as many locations
so cost-effectively. Four other companies are publicly developing related Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) technology but all are targeting utility scale applications 1Mw or greater. No other AWE developers are designing distributed renewable energy generation systems to serve the agricultural market.

Future Financial Plans

Our past year of research has been supported primarily by more than $100k of investment from friends. Our
next two years of development and certification testing will be supported by the $5M in series-A investment
we now seek. That money will allow us to build the channel, marketing and service organization we require
before shipping the first production Energy Glider units by Q3-2011. Highest Wind LLC will remain a design,
marketing, sales and service organization our management teams strengths. We are outsourcing engineering and eventually manufacturing to our highly qualified partner organizations - Goss International and
EOS Research.

Startup Companies 117

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Presented by:

David J. Roache, COO

Company Overview
Hy-SyEnce is an early stage Massachusetts-based technology company in the process of proving a unique, scaleable and proprietary Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) system that will dramatically reduce the high
cost of industrial wastewater treatment, and generate clean energy.
If proven scalable, our technology will be a game-changer:

lower costs by more than 50% compared to traditional wastewater treatment

generate electricity or hydrogen
significantly inhibit methane, a greenhouse gas more damaging
than CO2.
eliminate fines and surcharges relative to BOD/COD levels
create 30+ jobs for Massachusetts

Officers and Directors

Donald Crookes, Sr.,
CEO & Founder
David J. Roache, COO

Contact Information
151 Martine Street
Fall River, MA 02723
508.910.9844 (fax)
[email protected]

Our initial focus is on the $3B food and beverage processing market. We are currently working with an industry leading company to scale and commercialize our system. Our route to market is both direct and through
strategic channels including water technology companies, energy consulting and engineering firms.
Hy-SyEnce seeks to close $1.5M round (including customer funding) in Q4 to prove next stage, and anticipates an A Round of $6-8M in Q3 2010 to scale and go to market in 2011.

Product/Technology Profile
Microbial Fuel Cells ( MFCs) are a promising next generation technology that leverage a natural process
where bacterium consume nutrients resident in wastewater to reduce pollution levels (Biological Oxygen Demand/Chemical Oxygen Demand), generate clean energy in the form of electricity or hydrogen, and inhibit
methane, a greenhouse gas more damaging than CO2.

Markets and Applications

Target wastewater treatment markets include food and beverage processors, agricultural products, wood
paper and pulp manufacturers, and municipal water systems which comprise a market > than $15B.

118 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Commercial Opportunity
Initially, we will focus on the $3B food and beverage processing market. Capturing 5% of this market alone
creates a company with $150M+ in revenue.

Competitive Advantage
Hy-Syence is focused on solving an immediate customer/target market issue; the reduction of organic content in wastewater. Our target market views the generation of clean energy as an added bonus. The majority
of our competitors are focused primarily on the generation of clean energy.
The company is consistently reducing organic content levels by 85-92% in the lab, which is consistent with
industry needs. To our knowledge, our competitors have not yet achieved these levels. On the basis of these
certified results, we have a customer willing to help fund a demonstration module on their manufacturing site
as the next step in the scaling process.
Hy-SyEnce has applied for patent protection on its core system technology and configuration which squarely
addresses the key impediment to scaling.
Hy-SyEnce seeks first mover advantage over its direct competitors Emefcy (Israel), Trophos (Somerville,
MA), and IntAct Labs (Cambridge, MA), all early stage companies that have received some funding and are
attempting to scale their respective technologies for various markets.

Future Financial Plans

Hy-SyEnce seeks to close $1.5M round (including customer funding) in Q4 2009 to prove next stage by Q3
2010. This includes the build and test of a demo and system array on our customers site. Hy-SyEnce anticipates an A Round of $6-8M in Q3 2010 to complete scaling, and to go to market in 2011.

Startup Companies 119

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

KGRA Energy, LLC

Presented by:

Jason Gold, CEO

Company Overview
KGRA develops modular, scalable geothermal power plants. The
Company is unique from traditional geothermal developers because
it avoids the costs and risks associated with exploration and well drilling by using existing wells and infrastructure of the oil and gas industry.
KGRAs facilities harness the thermal energy from the fluids found in
known hydrocarbon wells to generate and sell clean, renewable electricity at a lower price than the local utility. The Companys business
model is to build, own and operate these power plants and sell electricity to oil and gas operators under long-term fixed-price contracts
which lower their energy costs while maintaining its own operating
margins around 80%.
The market for producing geothermal electricity from oil and gas wells
has been estimated to be between 5-10 thousand megawatts in the
US alone and a multiple of that figure internationally.
Headed by a team of energy professionals, KGRA has a significant
first mover advantage. Moreover, the Companys patent portfolio
covers the application of some existing, field-proven equipment for
use in generating electricity from these hot oilfield waters.

Officers and Directors

Jason Gold, CEO
Carter Brown, CFO
Arturo Henriquez,
EVP, Business Development
Vee Li,
VP, Corporate Development
Alan Good,
Director, Business Development

Contact Information
784 Morris Turnpike, # 235
Short Hills, NJ 07078
708.810.9455 (fax)
[email protected]

KGRA is seeking roughly $4 million in development capital and a range of funding amounts for project debt
and equity.

Product/Technology Profile
KGRA develops highly repeatable, scalable, modular geothermal power plants that can be adapted to the
specifics of a hydrocarbon project site.
The Companys value proposition includes:

Extending the life of a hydrocarbon resource by lowering the energy costs of a well operator.
KGRA supplies clean, renewable energy that is cheaper than utility-sourced, fossil-fuel based
electricity improving the economics of a producing hydrocarbon site
Providing a renewable source of baseload power to these operators. Unlike wind and solar
energy, geothermal energy can provide a constant supply of electricity at a predictable price
Offering a zero-emissions energy solution that allows well operators to reduce their carbon

120 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Markets and Applications

Using 285F as a nominal temperature, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates a potential
of 7,585 MW of geothermal power to be harvested from existing domestic oil and gas sites within Alabama,
Arkansas, California, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas. Based on the little activity which
has transpired thus far within this niche, the market for extracting geothermal energy from hydrocarbon resources has barely been scratched.

Commercial Opportunity
Oil and gas operators, wich are KGRAs target customers, have been very receptive to the Companys energy solution because of its ability to extend the life of hydrocarbon sites. Electricity costs have historically
been one of the largest operating expenses in the production of oil and gas. Moreover, this cost tends to increase as wells age. As hydrocarbons are extracted, pressure within a well decreases, creating the need for
methods to enhance recovery. While they improve productivity, these methods consume an ever-increasing
amount of electricity until energy demands become so significant that production is no longer economical
and the well needs to be shut down. Power costs often represent 21% of total production expenses. By
replacing expensive, utility-sourced, fossil-fuel generated electricity with cheaper, renewable, geothermal
energy, KGRAs energy solution makes hydrocarbon recovery more economical and thereby increases the
life of these wells.
KGRA obtains customers by:

Obtaining electronic data used to screen for hydrocarbon wells where conditions exist for
economical energy production
Forming partnerships with organizations within the oil and gas industry for co-selling and siteidentification purposes
Aggressively hiring business development staff with contacts in the oil and gas industry.

Competitive Advantage
Aspects of KGRAs business plan that lead to its defensibility include:

KGRA has a first-mover advantage

Exclusive distribution territories for the equipment (negotiated with equipment supplier)
A method of use patent application on file with the US Patent Office
Ability to monetize tax credits to reduce the net cost of equipment
Repetitive, modular power plant design that allows for rapid and scalable deployment
Scale/volume purchase
Full turn-key solution

Future Financial Plans

KGRA seeks $7 million of which $4 million will be used for working capital and general corporate purposes
and $3 million will be used in the development of its first project. The amount of project funding that the
Company seeks, however, is flexible; KGRA has the project pipeline to deploy up to $100 million.

Startup Companies 121

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Lifecycle Renewables, Inc.

Presented by:

Rory Gaunt, CEO

Officers and Directors
Company Overview

Rory Gaunt, CEO

Adrian Venni
Preston Andrews

Simple truth: People consume energy, food and produce waste simultaneously and in close proximity. This means that population centers
are creating vast quantities of organic waste that can be used for their
Contact Information
benefit as renewable energy. Lifecycle Renewables Inc. (LR) produces
PO Box 1144
electricity and heat for commercial buildings with large scale diesel genMarblehead, MA 01945
erators that run on 100% waste vegetable oil (WVO). LR is focused
on acquiring WVO. We have found competitive advantage through
781.631.6550 (fax)
[email protected]
extremely low cost processing of our vegetable oil fuel, raising WVO
collection service levels beyond competitors capabilities and providing
the maximum compensation for WVO to our supply customers. Rory
Gaunt, CEO brings strong business development and logistics acumen
to this proven technology created by Adrian Venni. The first power installation is to be commercially operational at Whole Foods Market in Everett MA. LR has contracted with many supply customers such as Simon
Properties, Boston Properties, Hyatt, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Chilis, Northeastern University, Mt. Auburn
Hospital and many more.

Product/Technology Profile
LR refines WVO into a 100% vegetable oil fuel. LR installs and operates large scale combined heat and
power systems that reside at customer locations and run on LRs proprietary fuel. This proprietary fuel is
primarily comprised of the customers waste vegetable oil.

Markets and Applications

LR plays in two markets. First, the WVO supply market is 474 million gallons in the US. Secondly, the energy market (electricity and No. 2 Diesel) is vast relative to the WVO supply market. Scarcity, for LR, is only
found in the WVO supply market.

Commercial Opportunity
The target customer for LR is a large hospitality business that produces 1000 gallons or more of WVO per
week and has significant electricity demand and is located in an area with high electricity costs. Examples of
this target are in our current customer roster: Whole Foods Market, Simon Properties, Chilis We market
our collection and energy services through direct sales at C level.
122 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Competitive Advantage
Our sustainable competitive advantage:

We produce energy with WVO for the volatile petroleum market but also the more stable electricity market. This means that we are able to choose our sales channel depending on market
Our proprietary fuel is produced through a low-cost mechanical process.
We utilize a remote volume sensing technology that enables us to see capacity in the field
real-time. Therefore we can operate at industry dominating efficiencies.

These advantages enable us to compensate supply customers at higher levels than the competition. We are
considered the greenest use for this waste. High levels of compensation plus our green credentials means
we win supply business.

Future Financial Plans

LR seeks to raise $750,000 in investor capital that comes with the depth of experience necessary to guide
the company to a successful exit in year 5 of the strategic plan. Funding to date has been provided from
Lifecycle Renewables Ltd., a UK company, and through revenues.
5 Year Strategic Plan Economics:
Phase 2 two - Expansion into
new markets
Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Revenue 000 $






EBITDA 000 $






Use of Funds:

Year 1 working capital for infrastructure growth $216k

Year 1 capital expenditures to support WVO collection and processing of $219k
Cash reserves held for future financing and Phase II expansion $315k

Funds raised will be applied to increase WVO supply through direct sales of large opportunities coupled with
telesales and direct mail campaigns to target accounts. Funds will also be used to support supply growth by
building out WVO collections infrastructure.

Startup Companies 123

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Optiwind Corporation
Presented by:

David Hurwitt, VP Marketing and Business

Company Overview

Officers and Directors

Russel Marvin, CEO
David Hurwitt, VP Marketing
Ted Chadwick, VP Manufacturing
Mike Zak, Director
(Partner, Charles River Ventures)
Pat Nettles, Director (Executive
Chairman, Ciena)

Optiwind has developed a new style of wind turbine, designed specifically for the mid-sized, distributed generation market. Current
3-bladed/monopole turbines are often too large, loud and expensive
for the more populated areas where one typically find the schools,
Contact Information
manufacturing plants and big box retailers that are looking for cost
59 Field St
effective alternatives to the grid. Optiwinds 150kW and 300kW turTorrington CT 06790
bines are built around the principle of accelerating wind into a se860.237.4977
ries of smaller, low cost fans that can economically produce power
[email protected]
in areas with wind speeds as low as Class 2, dramatically increasing
the size of the available US and international markets. At the price
Optiwind is targeting, NREL estimates the market potential to be over
200k US sites, with the US representing 21% of the current global wind energy market. Optiwind is in the
process of installing its first 150kW turbine in Connecticut and will use its next round of funding (Series B) for
manufacturing and commercialization.

Product/Technology Profile
Optiwind has developed mid-sized distributed generation wind turbines that are customized for the commercial marketplace. At 150kW and 300kW, the turbines are built around a silo structure that causes the
prevailing wind to accelerate into a series of smaller 5-bladed fans mounted on the side of the structure.
This makes for a fundamentally quieter, more compact turbine that is installed and maintained without the
expense of a large crane, making it possible to produce electricity at grid competitive prices in wind speeds
as low as Class 2.

Markets and Applications

NREL estimates the US mid-sized wind turbine market potential to be up to 204,000 sites. The US represents
21% of the current global wind energy market. 53% of the US is in areas that can potentially produce wind
power (defined as areas with Class 2 or better wind speed), and of this nearly half (43%) is in Class 2 wind.
Conventional 3-bladed/monopole turbines typically require at least Class 3 wind to produce a reasonable
ROI, thereby significantly reducing their mid-sized market potential. Optiwinds design now makes these
Class 2 areas viable, representing a dramatic increase in the available market size.

124 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Commercial Opportunity
While there is broad application potential for turbines of this size by customers spending $25k to $500k per
year on electricity, Optiwinds initial target markets will be manufacturing, schools, and big box retail. Each
provides the potential for appropriate electricity usage, available land and the ability to finance the turbine.
The marketing mix for each of these target markets will include an integrated combination of online, print,
direct and event communications. PR will be more broadly used to build brand and category awareness.
Optiwind will launch initially in the northeastern US and then systematically expand into new regions, both
domestically and internationally.

Competitive Advantage
The conventional 3-bladed/monopole turbine was designed for multi-unit wind farm installation and is currently not cost competitive with the grid when installed individually (at $4-$5/watt). With significant cost advantages achieved through reduced installation, blade and maintenance costs, Optiwind expects to launch
at below current market pricing, with a clearly defined path to achieve $2/watt, making its single distributed
turbine cost comparable with industrial wind farm turbines. There are several other companies actively
pursuing wind acceleration based distributed technologies, however, Optiwind expects to be the first to commercialize this advance behind a strong patent portfolio.

Future Financial Plans

Optiwind expects to raise a Series B round of $15-$25 million in the first half of 2010. These funds will be
used for manufacturing and commercialization, with a target launch date of early 2011.

Startup Companies 125

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Porous Power Technologies, LLC

Presented by:

Timothy L. Feaver, President and CEO

Company Overview
A New Lithium-Ion Battery Paradigm:
The patent-pending SYMMETRIX production process from Porous
Power Technologies (PPT) will revolutionize the production of lithium
ion batteries by eliminating their most expensive component electrode
separator membranes now universally used while improving their
performance and safety. SYMMETRIX will enable cell manufacturers
to hit aggressive industry-specified cost targets for Electric Drive Vehicle (EDV) batteries that are unreachable with competitors expensive
roll goods. PPTs simple in-house coating equipment will form highly
porous separator films in-situ directly on electrodes, simplifying subsequent QC and assembly steps to improve yields and further reduce
costs. The process requires little or no change to existing equipment
and processes. PPT and our distribution partners will also continue to
sell SYMMETRIX in rolls.

Officers and Directors

Timothy Feaver, President & CEO
Kirby Beard, COO & VP
Bernard Perry, Senior VP,
Business Development

Contact Information
5115 Campus Drive
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
720.890.4901 (fax)
[email protected]

PPTs opportunity is timely. With over $40K in product revenues, PPT

is working with most domestic lithium-ion cell manufacturers. They are
now literally budgeting and spending billions of dollars on facilities and equipment to produce large lithiumion batteries for emerging EDVs (electric, hybrid-electric and plug-in hybrids, four- and two-wheelers, aircraft
and watercraft). Deutsche Bank predicts lithium-ion cell sales just for autos could reach $15B by 2010, and
SYMMETRIX could save producers over $1B/year by 2014. PPT sales and license revenues are projected
to exceed $40M in 2012.
Three of PPTs management team are founders or cofounders of multiple successful startups (including an
IPO and strategic acquisition). PPTs managers and board have deep experience in lithium-ion battery and
separator markets, including in top management at PPTs biggest U.S. competitor.

Product/Technology Profile
The benefits of highly porous SYMMETRIX separators have been proven in thousands of cells. Over twenty evaluation programs are active or pending. SYMMETRIX enables light-weight, large-format cells in foil
pouches that last longer, charge faster, stack easier, run cooler, are safer and cost less. Lithium-ion cell manufacturers can double or triple high-power capacity, reduce capacity fade by up to 50% (like-new capacity for
twice as many charges, critical for EDVs) and pump out 3-8X
more energy at low temperatures. Efficient operation reduces
heat buildup and has been shown to prevent fires caused by
overcharging/shorting. 14 patent applications have been filed,
and core patents are expected to be published soon.

Markets and Applications

Lithium-ion cell sales are projected to grow to $29B by 2014,
with most growth coming from high-power and large-format
cells. This emerging market segment is especially appealing
since the need for improved production equipment from domestic suppliers not associated with Asian competitors is especially strong. The entire segment is addressable by PPT,
126 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

with separator sales projected to grow at a 58% annual rate to $1.1B by 2014. Most of the separator market
for low-power cells is expected to be addressable by PPT as well.
Many additional future sales opportunities exist for PPTs versatile and unique membranes, including in other
battery chemistries, ultracapacitors, fuel cells, filters, and low-cost waterproof fabrics more breathable than
GoreTex. In general, these markets will be addressed by licensees and corporate partners, allowing PPT
to focus on energy storage applications.

Commercial Opportunity
SYMMETRIX membranes, and especially in-plant SYMMETRIX coating systems, offer cell manufacturers
an excellent value proposition, enabling them to achieve high performance and safety at higher profit margins, even at PPTs targeted 10-30% price premium. Longer cycle life will lower total ownership cost, critical for the large battery packs required for EDVs. Near-term target markets for PPT include aerospace and
military, power tools and EDVs (especially bikes/scooters/motorcycles). PPT will enjoy at least three revenue
streams: Sales of SYMMETRIX roll goods, sales of SYMMETRIX in-plant coating systems, and sales of specialty raw materials used in the production of SYMMETRIX films.
Customers include Bye Aerospace, EaglePicher Technologies, Johnson Controls, NASA and VARTA Microbattery. Many other evaluations are expected to lead to additional near-term revenues. PPT is now engaging
equipment manufacturers and other potential strategic partners to help assemble, sell and support in-plant
coating systems.
PPTs Pennsylvania R&D center is fully equipped for pilot production of films and lithium-ion cells, and a dedicated coating line at partner NEPTCO offers an annual capacity of 8 million m2 of SYMMETRIX roll goods
for those customers not opting to purchase an in-plant coating system. PPT employees and reps will sell
and support SYMMETRIX roll goods and coating systems worldwide, including into China through NEPTCO,
where bulk rolls will be shipped for processing and delivery.

Competitive Advantage
Asahi Kasei, Exxon-Mobil, Celgard and Ube own 90% of the market and are rapidly expanding production of
the lower-porosity, higher-resistance polyolefin separators that are the current standard for lithium-ion batteries. All of their products are produced using an extrusion/stretching process that limits their porosity (and
thus their performance). They would not be practical or cost-effective to implement as an in-plant coating
system. As a result, it is likely impossible that they can ever approach the low cost PPTs in-plant coating
system offers cell manufacturers. The United States Advanced Battery Consortium, an EDV industry organization made up of the DOE and the Big Three automakers, has established a cost target of $1.00/m2 for
separators, which are now priced at $2.00/m2 or higher. Cell manufacturers using the SYMMETRIX in-plant
coating system should be able to easily hit this target. For these reasons, competitors may also view PPT as
a partner or acquisition candidate. Celgard parent Polypore has purchased two separator companies since
2008 and there have been several other recent acquisitions in the field.

Future Financial Plans

Capital History & Requirements: $3.5M in cash funding to date ($341K management/advisors, $1.9M other
convertible debt, $1.3M SBIR). $2.2M is convertible into equity with the current $2M Series A (targeted close
December, 2009). $3-4M Series B anticipated Q4-10.
Anticipated use of proceeds: Sales & Marketing $752K, Production ramp-up $547K, G&A $550K, R&D
$273K, CapEx $18K.
Milestones: Close Series A, Q4-09; Strategic development agreement with equipment partner for in-plant
coating, Q4-09; Launch full-volume roll goods production at NEPTCO, Q4-09; China distribution center established, initial Chinese volume sales, Q2-10; First in-plant coating systems installed at customers, Q3-10.
Startup Companies 127

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Practical Solar, Inc.

Presented by:

David Howell, Chief Operating Officer

Company Overview

Officers and Directors

Bruce Rohr, Founder & CEO

Practical Solars mission is to develop and introduce the worlds first
David Howell,
solar product a concentrating solar (CS) system based on heliostats
Chief Operating Officer
to compete with fossil fuels in mainstream thermal energy applications. The system will be used for commercial building HVAC systems
(HVAC market) and low-mid temperature industrial processes (In- Contact Information
516 East Second Street, Unit 18
dustrial market), a combined $150 billion dollar market in the U.S. The
South Boston, MA 02127
targeted market segments exceed $30 billion dollars. Practical Solars
flagship product is the worlds most elegant and versatile CS system:
[email protected]
hand-installable heliostats (mechanized mirrors that reflect sunlight)
individually controlled by a personal computer. These heliostats are
currently being used for natural lighting, but Practical Solar will develop
a scaled-up version (the HE600) and CS receiver enabling customers to realize a 2-6 year payback on their
investment in thermal applications. The company Founder and CEO, Bruce Rohr, has several patents to his
credit and has designed an astonishing array of cutting-edge technologies used in medical, optical, scientific
and military industries. David Howell, COO, has managed several start-up companies to profitability. Practical Solar seeks $2,500,000 in equity funding to develop, test and certify the new system, and execute the
first year marketing plan.

Product/ Technology Profile

Practical Solars concentrating solar (CS) system will use heliostats (sun-tracking mirrors) and a CS receiver
to produce up to 100kW of thermal energy at 100-500F. The price (per m2 reflective surface area) of Practical Solars current heliostat (the HE500) is one-tenth that of competitive offerings, but is not competitive
with fossil fuels. It also does not include a CS receiver necessary to integrate the system with thermal
applications. Practical Solar will develop this receiver and a scaled-up heliostat (the HE600) to provide 6X
more energy per dollar and compete directly with fossil fuels in mainstream thermal applications. It will ship
in small boxes, be hand-installable and not require any set installation pattern. At $0.25/watt, it will be the
most cost-effective and versatile solar system in the world. It will overcome the deficiencies of traditional
solar products, which have low efficiency and limited output, and other CS systems that are impractical for
distributed applications.

128 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Market and Application

The addressable markets are (1) Commercial HVAC building heating, cooling (using absorption chillers)
and potable hot water heating, and (2) Low-mid temperature thermal industrial processes. The targeted market segments (U.S. regions with payback cycle of < 6 years) exceed $30 billion annually.

Commercial Opportunity
Initial marketing will be limited to the U.S. to minimize support issues. Commercial and Industrial establishments operating within 14 story flat-roofed buildings or located in suburban or remote regions generally
have suitable land or rooftop area to deploy the HE600 system. A publicity campaign will accompany the
product release, coordinated with advertising in building and industrial publications. Practical Solar will expand and certify its network of Distributor-Installers. The companys website, modified to address the target
markets, will remain a fertile source of customer leads.

Competitive Advantage
Most CS systems are used for utility-scale power generation and are too unwieldy for distributed energy applications. Smaller trough systems have recently been installed for HVAC applications, but Practical Solars
HE600 will have 2X the efficiency and far lower installation & maintenance costs. Traditional solar thermal
products such as flat plate collectors convert non-concentrated sunlight to thermal energy and have low efficiency (20% average), low output temperature (<140F) and scant output in cold weather. Payback cycles
are 12-20 years for hot water heating and they are essentially unusable for other applications. Practical
Solars CS system will average 70% efficiency, with output temperatures up to 500F (virtually unaffected by
ambient temperature), and a 2-6 year payback cycle in the target markets.

Future Financial Plans

Practical Solar seeks an equity investment of $2,500,000 to: (1) Develop a CS receiver and scaled-up heliostat; (2) Deploy a prototype system integrated with a commercial building HVAC system; (3) Execute first
year promotional activities. Milestones include: (a) Completion of finite element analysis (FEA) modeling
demonstrating HE600 wind-resistance to 110 MPH and achievement of efficiency goals; (b) Completion of
cost analyses of bills of materials, meeting cost targets for midhigh volume; (c) Achieving 6 month and 12
month sales forecasts. Breakeven is expected in Year 2 after receipt of funding. Revenues are projected to
exceed $62MM in Year 5.

Startup Companies 129

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Prism Solar Technologies

Presented by:

Stephen Filler, Director of Business Development

Company Overview
Prism Solars mission is to develop solar as a real-life replacement
of fossil fuels and in the process, grow the industry through partnerships and cooperation. Prism Solars core technology is holographic
optical film, which is a low-level concentrator that is incorporated in
PV modules and can replace up to 72% of the cell material (typically
silicon) needed in a module. Because the cell is the most expensive component in a module, the incorporation of holographic film
dramatically lowers costs, and we expect to reach grid-parity ($1/W)
in 2012. The holographic film concentrates light onto PV cells such
that power production (kWhs) is increased 20-40%. Prisms target
customers are PV module manufacturers for end-users in all markets
(utility, commercial, and residential). Prism Solars Board of Directors
and management team is composed of seasoned PV veterans with
decades of experience in the PV industry, particularly with successful
start-up companies.

Product/ Technology Profile

Prism Solars technology is holographic optical film that is incorporated into PV power modules. The film replaces up to 72% of the
silicon required in a module, and because silicon is the most expensive material in a module, the incorporation of the holographic film
dramatically lowers costs. The film also acts as a low-level concentrator that increases power production (kWh) by 20-40%, as verified
by third-party testing. This increase in power production is due to a
number of unique features of holographic film: it traps the most useful wavelengths of light (400-1100nm) and concentrates it onto the
top and bottom of bi-facial PV cells; redirects infrared and UV wavelengths away from the module to reduce temperature 10 degrees C,
thus maintaining peak cell efficiencies; accepts diffuse light during
cloudy conditions; accepts indirect light from early morning and late
evening sun and reflected light from albedo.

130 Startup Companies

Officers and Directors

Rick Lewandowski, CEO &
President, Board of Directors
Dr. Walter Robb,
Board of Directors
Paul Maycock,
Board of Directors
Richard Klein,
Board of Directors
Tim Lewin,
Board of Directors
Glenn Rosenberg, CTO
Stephen Filler, Director of Business
Tom Kacandes, Director of

Contact Information
180 South Street
Highland, NY 12528
845.883.4200 x104
[email protected]

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Markets and Applications

Worldwide PV installations reached 6 GW in 2008, representing growth of 110% over the previous year, and
generating $37 billion in global revenues. The global economic crisis and the collapse of the Spanish market
have slowed growth in the PV industry for the short-term, but long-term growth is expected to be very strong
again in 2011.

Commercial Opportunity
Prism Solars core technology is a transparent holographic optical film that acts as a low-level concentrator,
supplying up to 3x concentration onto adjacent silicon PV cells, and resulting in increased kWh production
of 20-40%. Holographic film is easily integrated into the manufacturing process of crystalline silicon PV modules. Prisms primary target customers will be PV module manufacturers and systems integrators. Prism is
currently selling test modules to target customers so they can validate the improved performance due to the
incorporation of the holographic film. Prism Solar will sell holographic film worldwide with licensing agreements and HPC modules for the US market.

Competitive Advantage
Prism Solars primary competition are PV module manufacturers like First Solar, which have low production
costs, and Sharp, which has gained a large market share. However, silicon module manufacturers, which
represent 93% of the market, are expected to be our primary customers, not our competition. Prism Solar
is also competing with silicon cell manufacturers. However, because holographic film costs much less than
$.50/W to produce, Prism Solar has a strong competitive advantage regardless of what happens to the price
of silicon.

Future Financial Plans

Prism Solar is currently in a Series B round of fundraising. The Company intends to continue to build out a
60MW manufacturing line for producing HPC modules, and to build 1 GW manufacturing line for holographic

Startup Companies 131

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

QM Power (wait-listed)
Presented by:

P.J. Piper, President & CEO

Company Profile

Officers and Directors

PJ Piper, CEO
QM Power, Inc. is commercializing proprietary and patented advances
Joe Flynn, CTO
in a unique magnetic circuit for the $70+ billion annual global electric
John Lebo, COO
motor, generator and actuator markets. QM Power is the result of the Contact Information
founders combined experience of over 40 years in the motor, electron441 Marlborough St #2
ics and clean technology industries. QM Powers Parallel Path MagBoston, MA 02115
netic Technology (PPMT) or Parallel Magnetic Circuit (PMC) is a
completely new breakthrough technology that uses permanent mag857.350.3101 (fax)
[email protected]
nets in a novel yet simple and efficient magnetic circuit design that can
substantially reduce the upfront and ongoing costs and improve the
performance of almost any electro-mechanical application. QM Power
products have higher power density, which means they are much lighter, smaller and lower cost than other alternatives of comparable power output. In addition, they operate far
more efficiently over a wider range of operating speeds than conventional/existing AC or DC electric motors,
generators and actuators. Based out of Kansas City, MO and Boston, MA, QM Power has begun delivering
prototypes to strategic industry leaders to demonstrate the improved efficiency and performance for linear a
variety of high value short term and large long term opportunities/applications. QM Power was named a Venture of the Year Finalist at the NREL Industrial Growth Forum, a Top Innovator in Missouri in 2008 (SBTDC),
nominated for an Innovation Award in New England in 2009 (SBANE) and one of the three Best Clean Energy Investment Presentations at the 2009 New Energy Symposium (NENY and E2TAC) in New York.

Product/ Technology Profile

Permanent magnets are used in electric motors, generators and actuators to replace field coils that produce
static magnetic fields to provide a reduction in the size and weight of the machine while eliminating the
I2R losses attributed to the field coils. However, replacing a machines field coils with permanent magnets
has historically had multiple trade-offs/limitations including limited controllability of the static magnetic field,
limited gap flux densities and potential reliability issues. QM Powers Parallel Path Magnetic Technology
obtains the benefits of using permanent magnets while minimizing the historical trade-offs/limitations found
in conventional permanent magnet designs. The resulting electric motors, generators and actuators are
smaller, lower weight, lower cost and have higher efficiency than competitive permanent magnet and nonpermanent magnet designs.

Markets and Applications

QM Power is enabling higher performance and lower costs for electric vehicle, wind and hydro power generation, HVAC, industrial and robotic applications. These applications represent a significant portion of the
$70+ billion annual global electric motor, generator and actuator markets.
132 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Commercial Opportunity
QM Power anticipates ramping commercial product and licensing revenues to over $100 million within 5
years by working with the incumbent market share leaders in each of its large target markets to expedite the
commercialization of PPMT. QM Power is currently cash flow positive with all of its development programs
currently supported by Government research grants from the National Science Foundation, the Department
of Energy and the Department of Defense.

Competitive Advantage
QM Power achieves higher average air gap flux density than competing permanent magnet designs by only
utilizing attractive permanent magnet flux, a higher stator-rotor interface active area and flux division and
squaring which result in a broader and higher range of torque and efficiency. The intrinsic higher power density results in lower weight, volume and upfront cost offerings, the higher efficiency results in lower ongoing
operating energy/battery costs and the unique design provides lower maintenance costs and reliability and
production advantages. The Company has several issued and pending global patents. The Companys entrepreneurial management team has a successful track record in several high growth technology companies
including Aspen Aerogels, Ametek, Black and Decker and Johnson Electric.

Future Financial Plans

The Company has minimized its capital requirements by utilizing Government research grants to fund its
research and development and by working with third party fabricators for its initial production requirements.
The Company is currently raising a $2-5 million Series B financing to expand its team and facilities, complete
field trials and provide additional working capital.

Startup Companies 133

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Resolute Marine Energy, Inc.

Presented by:

Olivier Ceberio, COO

Company Overview
Our purpose is to finalize the development and qualification of a
wave-powered seawater desalination system that, by 2014, will
serve 0.7 million people in coastal communities in developing nations and reduce greenhouse emission by approximately 78,000
Our company, Resolute Marine Energy (RME) is currently building wave energy converters (WEC) that power the offshore
aquaculture industry. For our desalination system, we are targeting off-grid coastal communities in developing nations where
a solution to persistent water shortages is urgently needed and
where our system will fill a huge gap between utility-scale and
micro-scale fresh water production systems.

Officers and Directors

Bill Staby, CEO
Olivier Ceberio, COO

Contact Information
3 Post Office Square - 3rd Floor
Boston, MA, 02109
[email protected]

South Africa, our entry market, represents a $5.4B addressable market where our wave-powered desalination system will be readily adopted because it produces large quantities of clean fresh water at an attractive
cost using very little human labor and no fossil fuels. It requires minimal capital investment, can be set up in a
matter of a few days and can easily scale to meet growing needs. Our system will displace the diesel-driven
desalination systems that currently dominate the market.
Our core expertise is in entrepreneurship, general management and ocean technology product development. We have accumulated over 20 years of professional experience and we have lived, worked and shared
our lives with people in more than 8 different developing countries.

Product/ Technology Profile

Our system is comprised of an IP-protected Wave Energy Converter (WEC) that pressurizes seawater
piped ashore to drive a reverse osmosis desalination system were jointly developing with Siemens Water
Technologies. t utilizes free energy from ocean waves, can be installed in few days and is 100% clean. A
51-WEC plant can manufacture approximately 0.9 million m3/of fresh water/year (enough to supply 2,500
households) and, in the case of our first customer, provide a 3-year payback.

Markets and Applications

Our system fills a large gap in Market between macro-scale solutions (dams, pipelines, power plants) that
require large capital investment and decades and micro-scale solutions that provide relief for relatively few
people. Our addressable market is composed of rural/off-grid communities located in coastal area in developing countries suffering water scarcity.

134 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

During a visit in March 2009 in South Africa, our first entry market, we established with the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) that the addressable market size is $5.4B for RME. This figure is conservative as DWAF suggested that installing systems in coastal communities where water supplies are currently
sufficient and redistributing the surplus to inland off-grid communities would be of potential interest.

Commercial Opportunity
We devised a strategy to expand in South Africa (1) by identifying and securing our first customer, the municipality of Ugu, with whom we plan to run a commercial pilot by end 2010 (2) and by building our local network
of engineers, consultants, development experts, entrepreneurs, and local investors. (3) We also leveraged
the support of Ugu to gain greater access to the federal government, having already established strong ties
with the DWAF that will allow us to create access to new markets. (4) Once our credibility is established in
South Africa, we will apply the same marketing strategy in other developing countries such as Morocco, Peru
or India.
Our target customers in South Africa consist mainly of municipalities located in Kwazulu-Natal (Durban),
Western Cape (Cape Town) and the North West region (Port Nolloth) suffering a cumulative water supply
deficit over 240 million m3/year in 2000.

Competitive Advantage
In our middle scale market, there is only one incumbent technology - diesel-powered systems which can
be easily displaced in coastal communities with adequate wave resources because of the following reasons:
Fuel cost: 70% of the cost of diesel-driven desalination system comes from energy cost. Our free energy
makes our system quickly competitive in term of price
Collocation: our raw material and energy source are co-located therefore without supply risk
Maintenance: diesel generators require regular maintenance by skilled mechanics our system requires limited bi-annual maintenance
Environment: Combustion engines are only about 20% efficient and emit large quantities of CO2

Future Financial Plans

Our financing strategy is in two folds: (1) government funding to mitigate the technology risk and both a
promising market and a first customer to mitigate the business risk. (2) Private investments and partnership
are then sought for low risk milestones.
RME already secured 130,000$ for previous works from DOE and NOAA and has $300,000 of pending
grants (November 2009) for the development of the WEC that will be used for our desalination system. Our
first customer is the municipality of Ugu and South Africa is a $5.4B addressable market.
We anticipate raising approximately $400,000 from angels and competition prize for the adaptation of a desalination system that would be contracted to a TBD partner.

Startup Companies 135

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Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Silicon Basis Ltd.

Presented by:

Robert Beat, Founder and Technology Director

Company Overview

Officers and Directors

The cost of designing a new chip is escalating as Moores Law advancRobert Beat, Founder &
es. Programmability is the most effective way to counter this problem:
Technology Director
one chip to address multiple markets. However, existing programmable
Paul Fellows, Commercial
hardware technologies such as FPGAs are too costly and power hungry.
Soft Gate Array (SGA) from Silicon Basis solves this pain being 8 times
Contact Information
denser, a quarter of the active power and a tenth of the standby power of
University Gate East
a standard FPGA. Silicon Basis is a fabless semiconductor company; our
Park Row
first chip will incorporate an industry standard CPU, consumer interfaces
Bristol. BS1 5UB. UK
and SGA in order to address a significant portion of the $50bn semicon011.44.7976.922720 (fax)
ductor market. Customers can use these chips to bring their products to
[email protected]
market in a third of the time and at a quarter of the cost compared with
standard hardwired chips. Our team has wide experience in the industry
and a virtual team of experts are ready to join on funding. We are seeking
400K of seed funding to produce a proof-of-concept test chip in conjunction with a corporate partner. Further rounds of funding will build Silicon Basis into a significant player addressing a wide range of applications
in the semiconductor industry.

Product/ Technology Profile

Programmable logic is a semiconductor technology that allows a chip to be reconfigured to do many different
applications. Verses existing competitive FPGA (field programmable gate array) technology, SGA offers:

8 times more logic per mm2 of silicon giving us a significant cost advantage
4 times lower operational power
10 times lower standby power
Up to 2 times the performance
Using industry standard manufacturing and design tool flows

Silicon Basis will produce chips that incorporate SGA with a CPU and industry standard interfaces so our
customers can target a wide variety of consumer applications that are not currently addressed by FPGAs due
to power consumption and cost.

136 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Markets and Applications

By virtue of its flexible nature, SGA is applicable to a large portion of the $50BN logic semiconductor market.
In our initial phase we will target a shortlist of applications that are the best fit to SGA and will provide the
quickest path to revenue. Potential applications, market size and customer reaction are being investigated
under the Carbon Trust incubator scheme and could include: internet/communications infrastructure, flexible
video processing, high performance DSP and compute acceleration.

Commercial Opportunity
Consumer electronics is always demanding more: lower power, more performance but at a lower cost. Often,
the only way to achieve these goals is to design a new chip, but this is getting expensive ($10M++). Soon,
only the biggest markets will justify the risk. Our SGA based products will quarter the cost of a new chip and
get it to market in a third of the time and will enable the chip-less business model. Our marketing will target
organizations whose innovation is being stifled by the cost of designing a new chip: innovative system house
as well as VC backed startups (we can also market to VCs who invest in such companies). We will position
our products as being the cost effective alternative to hardwired designs and the low power alternative to

Competitive Advantage
There are a number of FPGA startups that claim to offer advantages in performance or power consumption,
but none the claim significant advances in density, power consumption and performance. SGA takes programmable logic into new areas where our competitors will not be other FPGAs, but hardwired implementations such as ASICs or ASSPs. Verses ASIC we have an overwhelming cost and flexibility advantage and
verses ASSPs we can add the advantage of a custom solution.
Other competition could come from large multiprocessor based startups, but these are inherently less flexible
that programmable logic and we believe SGA could offer better power efficiency in high compute intensity

Future Financial Plans

We aim to raise 400K in seed funding to build a small team to design a proof-of-concept test chip produced
in cooperation with a corporate partner. A working test chip that can demonstrate a typical application will add
significant value to the company even at this early stage.
A further round of 4.5M will be used to design and market our first product. Further rounds of funding will be
required for follow-on products as we seek to address more applications and wider markets.

Startup Companies 137

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Solartrec, Inc.
Presented by:

Nalin Walpita, Chief Technology Officer

Company Overview
Solartrec is a Delaware corporation formed in 2005 to develop and
commercially exploit a breakthrough thermodynamic cycle. This highly
efficient conversion technology is simple, robust, low cost and scalable. It has a demonstrable edge over competitors whose products
are less efficient and therefore more costly. Solartrec has put in place
an aggressive national and international IP strategy, which includes a
patent already granted and several in process.
The company has an alpha prototype engine in operation. A low cost
proprietary software-controlled camless and crankless piston expander
integrated with a standard rotating alternator, it is capable of handling
fluids in the quality range totally wet to totally dry, and is providing operating parameters and performance figures. Solartrec is now poised
to translate the proven efficiencies of the prototype into pilot projects, in
a wide range of applications and plant sizes, using both solar thermal
and waste heat recovery technologies.

Officers and Directors

Henri-Claude Bailly, President,
CEO & Board Chairman
Jean Bailly, General Counsel &
Nalin Walpita, CTO & Director
John R. Armstrong, Director
R. Stanley Bowden, Director
Jack W. Eugster, Director

Contact Information
17 Ivaloo Street
Somerville, MA 02143
617.625.8345 (fax)
[email protected]

Solartrecs management team has strong technical expertise and decades of experience growing and leading large companies. CEO Henri-Claude Bailly is a co-founder and former chairman and CEO of Hagler
Bailly, Inc. and has long been a leader in the energy efficiency field. Dr. Nalin Walpita, Chief Technology
Officer, has many years of experience with all aspects of thermal engineering. The companys directors bring
both national and international experience in energy and manufacturing at the highest management levels.

Product Technology Profile

Solartrecs technology consists of variations to a thermodynamic cycle based on Rankine cycles, but, instead
of utilizing vapor, it uses a liquid to vapor conversion within the engine or converter. The innovation of utilizing water within the engine creates three related advantages: high efficiency and reduced complexity and
The water is heated either by a solar collector field or waste heat and can be utilized directly in the converter
without an intervening heat transfer step. Due to efficiency enhancement methods the company has developed, theoretical maximum efficiencies approach Carnot levels within the heat engine cycle.

138 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Markets and Applications

Because Solartrecs technology can use any thermal source to heat the liquid in the engine and can be
scaled up or down virtually without limit, potential markets and applications are vast. Immediate plans are
to develop solar thermal applications for: 1) residential installations (5-10kW); 2) commercial and industrial
facilities (25kW-1MW); and 3) utility power plants up to 10 MW. Industrial waste heat recovery applications
will be in the 25kW to 10 MW range.

Commercial Opportunity
There are commercial opportunities for Solartrec in three markets: distributed solar generation, base load
utility and industrial waste heat recovery. These are large markets, and, beyond its intrinsic economic and
technical advantages, Solartrecs technology will further benefit from federal and state policies and subsidies
supporting energy efficiency.

Competitive Advantage
The Solartrec technology has competitive advantages in both the solar thermal and waste heat recovery
spaces. Because of its unique thermodynamic cycle, Solartrecs solar thermal technology is cost competitive: in the range of 10-12 cents/kWh LCOE (levelized cost of electricity) without subsidy. This cost advantage is achievable because the engine is able to operate at much lower temperatures, enabling it to utilize
a simpler design with fewer and less costly materials. Lower temperatures also allow for less expensive
storage methods and materials. In the area of waste heat recovery, Solartrecs thermodynamic cycle results
in a higher percentage of heat recovery than competing systems, leading to a better economic return and
faster payback times.

Future Financial Plans

Solartrec has received several rounds of seed funding and is now seeking $4-6 million dollars in funding over
the next three years. These funds will be used to:
1. Install four to six grid-connected beta prototypes, including both 24/7 solar and waste heat
recovery units
2. Complete a detailed design of a 10 MW utility scale plant
3. Begin implementing a range of activities to support commercialization of the technology
4. Expand and deepen the IP base.

Startup Companies 139

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Solasta Inc.
Presented by:

Michael J. Naughton, CTO

Officers and Directors
Company Overview
Solasta is commercializing innovations in solar energy originally
developed at Boston College. The innovation is based on nanotechnology that dramatically improves the efficiency of solar energy generation. This improved efficiency will help Solasta-based
solar cells achieve a cost of electrical energy that is on par with
conventional grid-based energy, thereby increasing the adoption
of solar-based alternative energy generation and helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Michael Clary, CEO

Michael J. Naughton, CTO
Michael J. Burns,
Director of Research & Development
Nick Argenti,
Director of Process Engineering

Contact Information
70 Bridge Street, Suite 203
Newton, MA 02458
617.307.5031 x253
[email protected]

Product/ Technology Profile

Solasta utilizes its proprietary Nanocoax nanotechnology to improve solar photovoltaic power generation
through a unique configuration that captures more light and harvests more power than conventional thin film
cells. This technology is PV medium agnostic, such that efficiencies of many different thin film technologies
can be improved with its implementation.

Markets and Applications

The addressable market for solar energy is over $50 billion in 2009 and is expected to continue rapid growth
as the world adopts more alternative energy sources. Thin film systems are expected to displace crystalline
PV as efficiencies of the former rise to meet or exceed those of the latter, accelerating the drive of cost per
Watt toward grid parity. Ranging from amorphous silicon and other inorganic media, to OPV and polymer,
adaptation of the Nanocoax configuration will lead this cost reduction.

Commercial Opportunity
The target customer base is all present and future thin film solar cell producers, since they can utilize the
Solasta technology to increase the efficiency and lower the cost of their products. Solasta offers technology
that will enhance our customers product competitiveness within the overall solar market.

Competitive Advantage
The Solasta technology is fully protected by a large number of patents and trade secrets that will establish a
lasting proprietary advantage over any similar competitive approach.
140 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Future Financial Plans

The company is now moving from technical demonstration and feasibility to commercialization. We will
shortly be in a fund raising mode to support full commercialization, including pilot facilities, sales and marketing staffs and all the other requirements for market entry.

Startup Companies 141

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Tomorrow BioFuels, LLC

Presented by:

Lawrence Dressler, President

Company Overview
Elevator Pitch: Converting Greenhouse Gases into Green Power
Mission: To provide sustainable, domestic fuel that reduces US dependence on foreign oil, reduces flue emissions and provides green
power in populated areas. Our FALCON technology allows us to cost
efficiently capture, store, handle and use carbon dioxide from industrial
flue emissions as plant food for the commercial growth of algae. The
algae will be converted into vegetable oil and biomass for production of
green power products such as biodiesel and green electricity. No farm
land or high loss irrigation systems needed.
Market Size: A portion of U.S. diesel demand (65 billion gal./yr) and a
portion of the US power generation.

Officers and Directors

Mr. Lawrence Dressler,
Dr. Alexander Chirkov,
Executive Vice President
Mr. Wally Long,
Operations Manager

Contact Information
15 Jennifer Circle
Cranston, RI 02921
401.383.0205 (fax)
[email protected]

Competitive Advantage: FALCON Technology is an industry game changer because it allows us to capture
and use CO2 economically resulting in faster algae growth with higher vegetable oil yield
Team: Management developed business model, patent technology, process and engineering. We utilize
outside process & chemical engineers and other industry professionals.
Funding Goals: $1.450 million to be used for a portable FALCON system, install more programmable controls and increase the size of the growth reactor. New hires will be needed in the fields of engineering and

Product/ Technology Profile

Tomorrow Biofuels (TBL) FALCON technology provides flue emission reduction (namely CO2). Our platform
directs a percentage (up to 99%) of flue gas into a series of analyzers followed by our Coat (CO2 Absorption Tank) Vessel where the gas is diffused with FALCON Absorbent. After saturation the mixture is transferred to a holding tank. No pressurization or special liquefaction equipment in needed. Saturated FALCON
is collected and used as a food source at our photoautroph growth centers.

142 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Markets and Applications

Our market potential is dramatic for three reasons.
(1) Need to reduce greenhouse gases. Our FALCON absorption system can be installed at any
company looking to reduce their flue emissions (ex. coal industry). We envision installing
FALCON systems to bleed off commercial companies flue emissions in order to get them into
government compliance.
(2) US has growing demand for energy. Analysts state that by 2025 the US will need 25% more
electricity than current production. We will be producing green electricity.
(3) US Diesel fuel consumption is 65 bil gal/yr. We have a sustainable diesel replacement which
will be algae based biodiesel that can be used for home heating oil (Northeast consumes
+65%) and transportation fuel.

Commercial Opportunity
Tomorrow BioFuels has a sustainable solution to reduce CO2 while providing various types of green power.
We will be a net consumer of CO2 and thus we developed the FALCON system to reduce our costs of obtaining and using the gas. Commercially we want to install the FALCON system at customers location and bleed
off a percentage of the gas. We will charge a rental fee for our equipment, a service charge to remove their
CO2 and participate in any Cap & Trade Markets.
We plan to target this industry through business alliances with existing emission reduction companies. Other
strategies include Trade Shows such as EUEC (Energy & Environment Conference), Trade Magazines and
direct sales.
TBLs main revenue will come from sales of green electricity, biodiesel and biomass products. We have a
established a joint venture with a Massachusetts Company that produces and sells green electricity from
biogas to the local utility grid. Our pilot plant will include a 300kw/h generator that will use biofuel. We have
already identified various biodiesel blenders and consumers who are interested in our products.

Competitive Advantage
Our competitive advantage is we have a solution to a world problem which is the reduction of carbon dioxide.
We will also be able to create and control our own feedstock production which provides an advantage over
biodiesel competitors who use conventional unsustainable vegetable oils from the US Midwest.

Future Financial Plans

Tomorrow BioFuels is seeking up to $5 million dollars for start-up funding over two years. In September 2009
we reached our minimum amount of $530,000 which enables us to build a pilot plant. Additional funding will
be used for a portable FALCON platform that can be used at potential clients sites, hire chemical and process
engineers, marketing (website, tradeshows, PR, advertisement), additional bioreactor, automated controls
and analyzers.

Startup Companies 143

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Trenergi Corporation
Presented by:

Charles A. Myers, President

Company Overview
Creation of an alternative energy global microCHP product family based
on high temperature PEM fuel cells with multiple fueling options capable of seizing control of a $1B fast growing world market. The operating
temperature of our core technology will allow us to provide electricity,
heat and hot water directly from the fuel cell stack. Doing so simplifies
our system, lowers manufacturing costs and reduces long term maintenance costs. The combined team of Dr. Enayetullah, Myers, Strate,
Rosenburg, Taylor, Sabin and Schult have over 50 years of fuel cell experience and over 100 years of successful start up experience. We are
seeking funding to construct a 1 kW Proof of Concept unit and initiate
early field trials. We believe start full commercialization of one size microCHP in Year 3, a second size in Year 4 and the last size in Year 5 to
create a global product portfolio. Based on this we plan to demonstrate
positive cash flow in year 3 which in combination with the full portfolio in
Year 5 will enable us to pursue our acquisition Exit Strategy.

Product/ Technology Profile

Officers and Directors

Charles Myers, President
Dr. Mohammad Enayetullah, CTO
& Secretary
Mort Rosenburg, CFO
Alden Den Taylor,
Chairman of the Board

Contact Information
116 South Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748
[email protected]

Trenergi will develop microCHP (Combined Heat and Power) units, 1,

3 and 5 kW, for residential electrical power, heat and hot water. We will
use, high temperature PEM fuel cells operating over 160oC, eliminating the need high purity hydrogen, simplifying the fueling equation, allowing the use of a fuel flexible system
addressing world deployment. Operating this temperature we can use the stack for heat and hot water. This
improves system efficiency, simplifies installations and lowers fuel usage. We will be able to operate on natural gas, propane, kerosene, landfill gas.

Markets and Applications

Trenergi is targeting global residential power with products that will be installed at the residence providing
electricity/heat/hot water, offsetting grid power needs or as a technology to eliminate the requirement for a
grid to be built. Appliance Magazine identifies our market in North America in 2008 as 2.2 million units per
year. India has over 70 million residences without electricity. The potential in China is even larger. Trenergi
solves the needs of these markets, providing a single unit that can generate electricity, heat and hot water
and eliminate the need for a grid.

144 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Commercial Opportunity
Our comprehensive financial payback model provides Trenergi with a roadmap that identifies which consumers are the best candidates for each stage of our company growth, from early field trials through commercialization. Using a wide range of inputs, the model points us to consumers who have optimal paybacks. To
reach these consumers we will partner with regional boiler/heater manufacturers using their existing channels for sales and service. They benefit with the addition of a more efficient technology, movement into the
energy sector and the ability to establish long term service programs.

Competitive Advantage
Versus the grid, our technology is more energy efficient. For those who do not have the grid, our technology provides electricity. Versus other fuel cell technologies targeting microCHP, we will offer longer service
life, quicker response times, a simpler system, lower hydrogen purity requirements and lower manufacturing
costs. Versus other internal combustion engine microCHP technologies we will offer equal response times,
higher quality power (no variation), lower noise, and no vibration.

Future Financial Plans

Year 1
-- 1 kW Proof of Concept (POC) completed
-- Complete Intellectual Property development
-- Start exploration of Manufacturing and Sales Alliances Partners
-- Raise next round to fund development
Year 2
-- Produce 1 kW Beta pre-production units and ship to partners and users
-- Sign agreements with Sales Alliance Partners
-- Start developing 3 kW POC
Year 3
-- 1 kW unit commercializes
-- 3 kW Beta units ship to partners and users
-- Start developing 5 kW POC
-- Company becomes profitable, reaches break even
-- Raise next round to fund expansion
Year 4
-- 3 kW unit commercializes
-- 5 kW Beta units ship to partners and users
Year 5:
-- 5 kW unit commercializes
-- Trenergi has 1 kW, 3kW and 5 kW units offering complete commercial global portfolio
-- Raise final round to fund global expansion

Startup Companies 145

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Presented by:

Henning Arny, Managing Director

Company Overview

Officers and Directors

Henning Arny,
Managing Director

Contact Information
[email protected]
The need for energy world wide is increasing. It is evident that this increase
in a longer timeframe can not be covered by increased use of fossil energy
sources only. The need for clean and sustainable energy sources will increase significantly. Wind energy is one of the more significant energy sources in this respect, with a generally rather mature technology. WindSea shall
be the leading floating wind mill concept for large scale production of clean renewable electrical energy.

Product/Technology Profile
The basis for the WindSea floater design is that each self-contained vessel will perform its duties with minimal intervention as well as easily being moved into position. Perhaps the most attractive feature of the design
is that moving the vessel into port for maintenance will be little more than a tow job. This flexibility means that
WindSea floaters may be used singly or as part of a larger wind farm. In either case, to swap-out one floater
will entail little more than making anchor and electrical connections.
To accomplish the ease of movement and stability, the symmetrical, three-legged vessel design provides a
foundation for three, currently available 3.2-megawatt (MW) windmills, meaning each vessel can provide 9.6
MW of installed generator power.
The design is totally scalable which means that the when larger windmill turbines including generators are
available, the WindSea concept can easily scale the design up to handle it. Increased turbine sizes are
expect to have a minimal impact on the vessel design, as only modification of the ballast will be needed to
ensure stability.
All together, the 3,500-tonne vessel will stretch up to about 100 meters from the ocean surface, with a draft
of 23 meters when installed. Atop this will be the windmills themselves, each blade at approximately 50 meters.
At the frames lower level, a three-arm star connects the platform to the anchor system. Three anchors are
connected at the symmetrical centre of the vessel to a vertical axis that allows free rotation of the vessel
relatively the anchoring system.
The vessel is indented to rotate as a whole, so the turbines themselves will be fixed. Two rotors will face
forward, into the wind, and the third faces to the back, and the rotor located at the stern of the vessel will be
at a higher elevation than those located at the bow. This configuration ensures the vessel faces the wind for
optimum power generation.

146 Startup Companies

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Markets and Applications

GWEC predicts that in 2013, global wind generating capacity will stand at 332 GW, up from 120 GW at the
end of 2008. During 2013, 56.3 GW of wind generating capacity will be added, more than double the annual
market in 2008. The year-on-year growth rates will average 22%, which is modest compared to an average
increase of 28% over the last ten years.
The WindSea technology has a significant market potential for floating wing mills for water depths from approximately -50 meter. The locations (market area) is anticipated for areas with high or medium high wind
energy density, offshore the coastline with water depth from approximately -50 meters

Commercial Opportunity
Target Customers:
Utility companies, integrator companies and turbine manufactures.
The plan seeks to emphasize for the utility companies ( E.ON, DONG, Statoil etc.) the availability and potential of the technology and hence, the economical potential. For the integrator companies the potential for
being the EP / EPCI contractor for delivering a large number of units to the wind mill park developers. For the
turbine producers, the potential to be the supplier of turbines to the leading concept for floating wind mills.

Competitive Advantage
Based on standard submersible construction. Efficient construction. Easy towable to / from yard. No need for
large crane vessel or barge. Easy access and space for maintenance. Self oriented against the wind. Stabile
sea movements. Draft only 7 meter during transport and 22 meter installed. Centre connection of anchor
lines and cable through turret. Efficient maintenance and repair.
Coastal areas and coastline is under pressure. By locating windmill parks offshore, the majority of the obstacles can be reduced or eliminated.

Future Financial Plans

To achieve funding for further development all up to full commercialisation .This includes required engineering work, model testing, building and testing prototype
Divided in:

P1 Evaluation and Optimization. Completed 31.12.2009. Funding by present owners

P2 Development of Concept. Estimated start 1.1.2010 with estimated completion date
1.3.2011.Additional funding required
P3 Prototype. Estimated start 1.3.2011 with estimated completion date 1.9.2013.Additional
funding required
P4 Test Prototype. Estimated start 1.9.2013 with estimated completion date 1.9.2014

Startup Companies 147

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

148 Startup Companies

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Exhibitor Profiles
AirMotion Sciences, Inc......................................................................................... 152
Peter Caruso

Applied Biogenuity Israel Innovation Center.......................................................... 152

Robin JR Blatt

Aztech Associates Inc............................................................................................. 152

Geoff Salter

Bandgap Engineering, Inc...................................................................................... 153

Chris Hobson

Bingham McCutchen LLP*...................................................................................... 153

Gail Sobha

Consulate General of Canada and ACOA*.............................................................. 153

Christine Carr

Foley Hoag LLP*..................................................................................................... 154

Jennifer Houghton

International Green Technology Trade Center (IGTTC128)...................................... 154

Joshua Levitt

Lois Paul & Partners* ............................................................................................ 154

Rich Wadsworth

Massachusetts Clean Energy Center*..................................................................... 154

Jen Baker

Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton, P.C.*.............................................................. 155

Gerard P. OConnor

PR Newswire*....................................................................................................... 155
Dan Evans

Pulse Tidal............................................................................................................. 155

Bob Smith

SETsquared Partnership......................................................................................... 156

Karen Brooks
*See Sponsors Section of the Notebook for more information on these organizations.
150 Exhibitors

November 12 & 13, 2008

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Sky Vegetables...................................................................................................... 156

Lori Keenan

SouthCoast Development Partnership*................................................................. 156

Jennifer Menard

Spire Corporation.................................................................................................. 157

Mark Willingham

Sustainable Energy Developments, Inc. . ............................................................... 157

Meaghann Schulte

UK Trade and Investment Office*........................................................................... 157

Rob Dietel

University of Bath.................................................................................................. 158

Simon Bond

Wentworth Institute of Technology....................................................................... 158

Liem V. Tran

Wolf Greenfield*................................................................................................... 158

Jay Wager

Note: All Startup Companies in the Pitch Sessions, Conferences Sponsors, Organizers, and Nonprofit Affilates also have Exhibit Tables.

*See Sponsors Section of the Notebook for more information on these organizations.
Exhibitors 151

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

AirMotion Sciences, Inc

Peter Caruso
9 Green Street
Holliston, MA 01746 USA
Phone: 508.429.4411
Fax: 508.429.4401
[email protected]
AirMotion Sciences Big Smart Fans have been designed to conserve the use of energy resources by moving
air more effectively and efficiently than other HVAC solutions. The versatility of our Variable Pitch, Speed,
and MultiMode Control capabilities create more comfortable facility environments while generating significant energy cost savings and rapid payback.

Applied Biogenuity Israel Innovation Center

Robin JR Blatt
Phone: 617.633.5522
[email protected]

Aztech Associates Inc.

Geoff Salter
805 Baybridge Drive
Kingston, Ontario K7P 1T5
Phone: 613.384.9400
[email protected]
Aztech achieved international acclaim developing a remote tracking system for clients to monitor location
and status of high value assets. In 2005 leveraging its teams know-how to tackle energy challenges it added
a Clean Technology Division specializing in conservation and demand management products for the home,
rapidly becoming one of North Americas leading manufacturers of simple-to-use smart grid accessories.
With the demand for reliable energy and cost information exploding, Aztech believes its In-Home Display will
be the product of choice by consumers and utility companies alike.

*See Sponsors Section of the Notebook for more information on these organizations.

152 Exhibitors

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Bandgap Engineering, Inc.

Chris Hobson
1344 Main St
Waltham, MA, 02451
Phone: 781.209.8333
[email protected]
Bandgaps mission is to bring solar energy to grid parity by engineering high efficiency silicon-based photovoltaic cells using proprietary, low cost nanotechnology. Founded in 2007, the company is venture-backed by
New Enterprise Associates, Sumitomo Corporation and the Massachusetts Green Energy Fund and based
in Waltham, MA.

Bingham McCutchen LLP*

Gail Sobha
One Federal_Street_Boston, MA, 02110
Phone: 617.951.8607
Fax: 617.951.8736
[email protected]

Consulate General of Canada and ACOA*

Christine Carr
3 Copley Place, Suite 400
Boston, MA, 02116
Phone: 617-247-5162
Fax: 617-247-5190
[email protected]

in collaboration with

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Blue Cross Centre

3rd Floor, 644 Main Street, PO Box 6051
Moncton, NB, E1C 9J8, Canada

*See Sponsors Section of the Notebook for more information on these organizations.
Exhibitors 153

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

Foley Hoag LLP*

Jennifer Houghton
155 Seaport Boulevard
Boston, Massachusetts 02210
Phone: 617.832.7005
[email protected]

International Green Technology Trade Center (IGTTC128)

Joshua Levitt
Woburn, MA, 01801
Phone: 781 569 5901
[email protected]
The International Green Technology Trade Center ( was created to become the destination where the world meets to trade green. Our permanent trade center concept was designed to promote, market and generate sales for 250+ of the worlds most innovative Cleantech companies.

Lois Paul & Partners*

Rich Wadsworth
150 Main Street, Woburn, MA, 01867
Phone: (781) 782-5851
Fax: (781) 782-5999
[email protected]

Massachusetts Clean Energy Center*

Jen Baker
100 Cambridge Street, Fl 10
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-626-7399
Fax: 617-727-0030
[email protected]

*See Sponsors Section of the Notebook for more information on these organizations.
154 Exhibitors

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton, P.C.*

Gerard P. OConnor
Reservoir Place
1601 Trapelo Road, Suite 205
Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 781.622.5930
Fax: 781.622.5933
[email protected]

PR Newswire*
Dan Evans
101 Federal Street
Boston, MA, 02111
Phone: 201.360.6211
[email protected]

Pulse Tidal
Bob Smith
AMP Technology Centre, Brunel Way
Rotherham, UK, S60 5WG
Phone: 011.44.759.056.7120
[email protected]
Pulse Tidal is currently operating a Tidal Power plant in the shallow waters of the Humber estuary, UK. Our
technology reduces cost and risk in tidal power project development. An experienced team, proven technology & $12m public funding position the company to deliver outstanding investment returns.

*See Sponsors Section of the Notebook for more information on these organizations.
Exhibitors 155

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

SETsquared Partnership
Karen Brooks
Building 37, University of Southampton, Highfield,
Southampton, Hants, UK, SO17 1 BJ
Phone: 011.44.781.080.5406
[email protected]
SETsquared is the collaboration between the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Southampton and Surrey partnering in enterprise and collectively supporting the growth and success of new business opportunities through
spin-outs, licensing and incubation. We have supported over 100 high tech, high growth companies raising
over $500m, generating over 1,200 jobs.

Sky Vegetables
Lori Keenan
145 Rosemary Street, Suite F
Needham, MA 02494
Phonel: 781.559.8802
Fax: 781.559.8811
[email protected]
Sky Vegetables is an innovative, urban agriculture company dedicated to building sustainable, commercialscale hydroponic farms on urban rooftops across America. Our mission is to improve the health and nutrition
of city populations and provide new jobs and educational opportunities through the development of urban
sustainable agricultural communities. Each Sky Vegetables farm will provide nutritious, chemical free and
locally grown produce, while reducing environmental damage.

SouthCoast Development Partnership*

Jennifer Menard
Old Westport Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Phone: 508.999.8412
Fax: 508.910.6556
[email protected]

*See Sponsors Section of the Notebook for more information on these organizations.
156 Exhibitors

November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA

Spire Corporation
Mark Willingham
One Patriots Park
Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 781-275-6000
Fax: 781-275-7470
[email protected]
Spire Corporation is a global solar company providing turnkey solar factories and equipment to manufacture
PV modules and cells worldwide and providing systems for the commercial and federal US market. Spire
puts you in the market quickly and ready to compete with the leading technology and knowledge required for

Sustainable Energy Developments, Inc.

Meaghann Schulte
317 State Route 104
Ontario, NY, 14519
Phone: 585-265-2384
Fax: 585-265-1148
[email protected]
Sustainable Energy Developments, Inc. (SED) is a company focused on the development of high quality,
economically beneficial, decentralized wind projects in the Northeast. This work includes technical feasibility assessments, permitting, design engineering, construction and operations/maintenance for wind projects
ranging in size from 10 kW to 10 MW. Founded in April 2002, SED has provided over seven years of professional wind development and resource assessment expertise to state agencies, municipalities, businesses,
schools, farms and homeowners.

UK Trade and Investment Office*

Rob Dietel
One Memorial Drive, Suite 1500
Cambridge, MA 02142 Phone: 617-245-4507
Fax: 617-621-0220
[email protected]

*See Sponsors Section of the Notebook for more information on these organizations.
Exhibitors 157

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses

University of Bath
Simon Bond
The Innovation Centre, First Floor, Broad Quay,
Bath, B&NES, BA1 1UD
Phone: 01225 388682
Fax: 012225 388735
[email protected]
The University of Bath has leading interdisciplinary research expertise in energy, sustainability and the environment via its Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment (I-SEE) and works closely with industry in this sector through its networks: Low Carbon South West, Carbon Trust Incubation Network and

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Liem V. Tran

550 Huntington Avenue

Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617.989.4309
Fax: 617.989.4399
[email protected]
The Arioch Center @ Wentworth has been helping adult learners to achieve their educational and career
objectives, with evening and weekend courses designed to fit busy lifestyles that include families and fulltime jobs. Join our green construction programs and youll experience top-notch academics, experienced,
dedicated faculty and hands-on learning all in a highly supportive, flexible environment.

Wolf Greenfield*
Jay Wager
600 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA, 02210
Phone: 617.646.8368
Fax: 617.646.8646
[email protected]

Note: All Startup Companies in the Pitch Sessions, Conferences Sponsors, Organizers, and Nonprofit Affilates also have Exhibit Tables.

158 Exhibitors

The 5th Conference on Clean Energy:

Financing & Partnering for Emerging Businesses



November 12 & 13, 2009

Hynes Convention Center Boston, MA



The Fifth Conference on





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