Island Eye News - March 5, 2010

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Since May 2005

Volume 5 Issue 22 FREE March 5, 2010

Sullivan’s Island • Isle of Palms • Goat Island • Dewees Island

Inside Island Eye

Bustos candidacy page 6 Sullivan's Oyster Roast page 12 Island wildflowers page 20
March 5, 2010

Sullivan’s Island Council – February 16, 2010

Meeting highlights: Council member Pat O’Neil grade class from Sullivan’s w Closure of Jasper Boulevard at
Reports and Communication: shared a little of the Mardi Gras Island Elementary. Station 22 ½ Street west toward
Mayor Carl Smith stated that Dr. spirit with the assembled crowd The first graders, bedecked in Station 22 Street.
Peter DeVito, who owns a house before the Council meeting beads and smiling from ear to w Removal of concrete traffic
next to Durst Medical, asked that began, throwing handfuls of ear, opened the meeting for the island at Middle/Station 18
commercial angle parking not take green, yellow and purple beads night by leading the Council Streets – the SC DOT would
place from Durst’s office, East. “He
to the laughing attendees, in the Pledge of Allegiance. remove the traffic island and
feels that it doesn’t look good and
makes it more difficult to get in and including Mrs. Watson’s first According to their teacher, make a right hand turn at
out for residents,” said the Mayor. Council member Station 18 Street.
The Council agreed to consider Mary Jane Watson, w Central Avenue at Middle
this during discussions on the the class visit was Street yield – the SC DOT would
Commercial District plan. part of their lesson improve ADA sidewalk access
Bike-friendly island: Andy Benke on President’s Day and improve traffic merge at this
stated that the chair of the Planning and the meaning of intersection.
Commission, Hal Currey, is looking patriotism. During citizens’ comments,
into how to make the island more several residents voiced their
bike-friendly. The commission Middle Street opinion on the effect of the
needs to assess what needs to paving project closure of Jasper Boulevard on
be done to improve the current The SC DOT Myrtle Avenue, the street just
conditions, as well as what needs (South Carolina before Jasper on the approach to
to be done to certify the island as Department of the island. Many Myrtle Avenue
Transportation) has residents were concerned that
Upcoming beach runs: The first
annual Adela Cook 5K Memorial advised the Town incoming traffic would simply
Run will be held on the beach on of its intent to let turn on their street instead of
April 10, and the Cystic Fibrosis 5K the contract to pave waiting to turn on Middle Street.
Walk and Run will be held on the Middle Street from “I feel like we’re the island
beach on May 15. Station 22 ½ to stepchild,” said Myrtle Avenue
Town income report: The Town Station 12 in late resident Heidi Brown, stating
has sold approximately 570 dog March. The project that she felt closing Jasper is
licenses as of the Council meeting consists of three smart, but the SC DOT should
date, and revenue is about $7000 sections, which also study the impact on Myrtle.
over the same time last year. the Town has been Town Administrator Andy Benke
Building permits are also up by asked to comment
Council member Pat O'Neil gave away Mardi Gras beads
see SI highlights on page 4 on beforehand: see SI Council on page 4
before the February 16 meeting.
March 5, 2010
L u cky D og Pu bl i sh i n g

IOP City Council – February 23, 2010 Dog license fee increased to $5 ordinance would also require a
of S C , L L C
Publisher of the Island Eye News, The
Island Connection and The Folly Current.
Meeting highlights
Budget: Charleston County is for residents landscaping plan approval and Lynn Pierotti
behind in sending property tax In response to an outpouring installation prior to the issuance publisher
from island residents, the Isle of a certificate of occupancy. [email protected]
collections to the City, which
of Palms Ways and Means Douglas Kerr, Director of
has only received $1,450,000 to
committee voted to change Building, Planning and Zoning Kristin Hackler
date (91% of budget). However, managing editor
the City’s required dog license for the island, stated that the
Treasurer Suggs believes that [email protected]
fee from the proposed $25 per current ordinance has a limit
once the rest is received, the City license for residents to $5 per of 40% on impervious surfaces
will meet its budgeted revenue. license; a number much closer such as concrete on lots, but
Swan Richards
Business licenses are $200,000 senior graphic designer
to the current license fee of $2. there is no limit on pervious [email protected]
short and even with delinquent As for the visitor’s dog license surfaces, which could be
payments, the numbers might fee, which was proposed at $35 anything from gravel to bare Ellie Smith
not make this year’s budgeted per license, Ways and Means dirt to slotted decks. “This was graphic designer
revenue. Local options sales asked that the Public Safety proposed before about 5 or 6
taxes and residential rental Committee go back and re- years ago, but was removed by Lori Dalton
licenses are both on track. consider the changes. During the Council,” said Kerr. “Right account executive
Council video online: Council [email protected]
the Ways and Means meeting, now, you could theoretically
approved an expenditure of Council member Marty Bettelli leave a lot as dirt.” However, •
$35 per posting to post the pointed out that the decision to there was no motion to approve
city’s Council meetings on the increase dog licenses was made first reading and the ordinance Contributors
city website, with an annual in response to Sullivan’s Island died on the floor. Captain Geoff Bennett
subscription fee of $60. increasing their dog license fee Connie Darling
Priority of projects costing to $35; a ruling which might Roof deck restrictions pass Dimi Matouchev
$250,000 or more: The cause visitors with dogs to first reading Dr. John Nelson
following projects costing Sarah Reynolds
descend on the Isle of Palms in As with the vegetation SC DNR
$250,000 or more to complete order to avoid the fees. The Ways ordinance, ordinance 2010-04 Shea Stanley
were placed in order of priority and Means decision to increase was brought up as a result of Nick Strehle
for the city: Topping the list is the dog license fee to $5 was a workshop held between the Sullivan's Islanders Group
the drainage project at 54th – 5th later approved unanimously Planning Commission and the
Avenue, followed by the dredging during the Council meeting. City Council a few months ago. Published by
of the Marina, then the disaster “We heard you loud and clear,” Before the Council gave first Lucky Dog Publishing
said Council member Mike reading, Director Kerr stated of South Carolina, LLC
recovery fund increase and P.O. Box 837
finally, the scaled-back version Loftus in response to the citizens that the goal of the ordinance is Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482
of the Recreation ball field who attended the Ways and not to eliminate rooftop decks, 843-886-NEWS
reconfiguration. Means meeting to express their but to eliminate the trend of
Bike rack at the Public Safety opinion. “The Council messed up recent structures where the Submit your letters to the editor to:
building: Discussions are and we’re in the process of fixing entire top floor is a rooftop [email protected]
underway to place a bike rack at it.” deck. “With this [ordinance],” Future deadlines:
said Kerr, “any deck within 10 March 10 for all submissions.
the new Public Safety building.
Chief Buckhannon will look into Island vegetation restrictions feet of the roof is limited to 10%
pricing and report during the wilt on floor of the heated footprint of the
March meeting. First reading was given to an structure.” For example, Kerr
Disaster Preparedness Expo: ordinance which would apply stated that a 4000 square foot,
The joint Isle of Palms and to SR-1 and SR-2 districts, 2 story house with 2000 square
Sullivan’s Island Disaster requiring “At least fifty percent feet on each floor could only
Preparedness Expo will be held (50%) of the area of a lot” to have a rooftop deck measuring
at the Isle of Palms new Public be “naturally vegetated or 200 square feet. “People could
landscaped with grass or other still have rooftop decks, they The Island Eye News, a wholly owned subsid-
Safety Building on Friday, June iary of Lucky Dog Publishing of South Carolina
vegetation”, provided that it would just be smaller,” said
doesn’t limit lot coverage to LLC, is a free, independent newspaper pub-
see IOP on page 5 see IOP Council on page 5
less than 3200 square feet. The lished every two weeks and is for and about
the Isle of Palms, Sullivan’s Island, Goat Island

Civic Calendar and Dewees Island. Copies are mailed free of

charge to every active mailbox in our coverage

 
area and are also available at area businesses
Recycle - Wednesday, March 10 - Recycle and by subscription to non-islanders. Subscrip-
tions are $30 per year for non-residents and
Isle of Palms Planning Commission Meeting
are available by sending a check to Lucky
886-6428 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 9 1301 Palm Boulevard Dog Publishing, LLC, P.O. Box 837, Sullivan’s
Municipal Court Island, SC 29482. Contributions of information,
6 p.m. pictures and articles are welcomed and are
Monday, March 8 Public Safety Committee 1610 Middle Street
Meeting used according to space limitations and news
Public Works Committee value and cannot be returned except by special
Meeting 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 9
30 J.C. Long Boulevard request. Our editorial content is primarily
4 p.m. Planning Commission dedicated to the area of distribution; ad space
1303 Palm Boulevard 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 11 is open to all businesses who want to reach the
1610 Middle Street Island Eye News market. Op-ed articles do not
Tuesday, March 9 Real Property Committee
Meeting necessarily reflect the opinion of
Recreation Committee Thursday, March 11 Lucky Dog News, or its writers.
Meeting 8:30 a.m.
1207 Palm Boulevard Planning Commission All advertising rates are listed at:
4 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
24 Twenty-eighth Avenue 1610 Middle Street
Tuesday, March 6 under “advertising”.
Board of Zoning Appeals Ways and Means Committee Wednesday, March 17
5:30 p.m Meeting
1301 Palm Boulevard 5:45 p.m. Planning Commission
1207 Palm Boulevard 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 10 1610 Middle Street
Municipal Court _______________________
Tuesday, March 16
10 a.m.
1207 Palm Boulevard Sullivan's Island Regular Council Meeting
883-3198 6 p.m. 1610 Middle Street
4 March 5, 2010

front of him. He was also selfless drainage pump at Station 18.

SI Highlights from page 2 SI Council from page 2
in giving back to the community, According to Thomas & Hutton,
$17,000 from last year. pulled up a map of the area, in which he was one of the the Town could either replace
Welcome, Officer Horne! Police pointing out that the SC DOT founding fathers of the Sullivan’s the old pump with two pumps,
Chief Danny Howard stated is considering closing the left Island Fire Department. I would one working pump and one
that Officer Anthony Horne has hand turn lane onto Jasper due think it would be appropriate for back up in case the first failed;
completed his probationary period to the number of accidents that us to honor his service to our replace the old pump with one
and recommended him for full happen at that intersection, or community by naming the new structurally sound pump, or put
time status. The promotion was temporarily eliminating route bridge after him.” in a new station at the Coast
approved unanimously. traffic access to the western Guard station, grade the area
Bridge closing party a success! side of Jasper. “These are just SC DOT franchise fee increase down just a little bit and force
Council member Mary Jane The Council held first reading water into lower areas so that
suggestions,” Benke assured the
Watson reported that the Town of ordinance 2010-01, which it would flow into the adjacent
sold 250 wrist bands during the residents. Brown reasserted that
she felt the closure of Jasper changes the terms of payment in station 19 basin. The first and
Bridge Closing Party on February the contract between the Town second options would replace
7, so it was estimated that there would just shift the accidents
down a street, to which Benke and South Carolina Electric and the current broken pump, but
was an attendance of roughly 300
replied that it was a reasonable Gas Company (SCE&G) so that neither would be able to handle
residents. Watson asked if, with
the blessing of the Council, if they request and they would look into SCE&G shall pay a franchise fee a very large storm. In light of the
could begin scheduling a party for it. The Council will consider all to the Town of 5%, an increase current information, the engineer
the rededication of the bridge. The of the proposed changes and from the former 3% fee. “It’s recommended the third option
Council agreed and Watson said will discuss suggestions and equal to a mils worth, or about as the Town’s best “bang for the
she would start planning. “It was concerns with the DOT during $50 per household per year,” buck.”
one of best events for residents their next meeting in March. said Council member Mike Planning Commission chairman
we’ve ever had,” said Council Perkis. “Charleston just did it, Currey pointed out that, in his
member Perkis. Thumbs up for renaming Summerville did it, and Mount experience with altering the land,
Discussion of paid parking on Ben Sawyer to Louis P. Stith Pleasant is scheduled to do it.” the Council was in for a long,
Sullivan’s Island: Sullivan’s Island He pointed out that this is only drawn out process. He suggested
Streets and Maintenance will Memorial
Residents Leo Fetter and Julian the first reading, so the Council that the Council look into what
discuss the issue of paid parking would have time to look over drainage lines are currently in
on the island during their Streets Simons both spoke in support
of changing the name of the Ben it and hold a public hearing to the ground before going forward
and Maintenance Committee get residents’ opinion before with any of the plans. Council
meeting, scheduled for 4 p.m. on Sawyer Bridge to the Louis P.
Stith Memorial Bridge. “Louis approving the change. member Perkis stated that they
March 10 at Town Hall. For more
info, visit www.sullivansisland-sc. P. Stith was born and raised on would discuss the issue further
com or call 883-3198. Sullivan’s Island,” said Fetter. Water, water everywhere … no, at the next Committees of
“He was a Korean War and World really Council meeting on March 1.
War II vet. During his tenure as A representative from Thomas &
the judge for Sullivan’s Island, he Hutton Engineering presented
was fair to everyone who stood in the Town with some ideas on
how to handle the loss of a
March 5, 2010 5
Council member Bettelli asked where the
IOP Highlights from page 3 IOP Council from page 3
maximum number of 10 came from as it
seemed arbitrary to him. Bergwerf replied
11, 2010, from 5 – 7 p.m. Kerr. that it came from “statistics across America.
ALS Race date set: The next ALS Race on the When Council member Barbara Bergwerf Families of 10 seems like a reasonable
Isle of Palms beach will be held on Saturday, asked where the 10% figure came from, number.”
June 12. 2010. For more information, visit Kerr replied that small decks are not “What if 2 or 3 families want to share a objectionable and would still afford a good rental?” asked Bettelli. “I don’t understand
RFP for City drainage maintenance: Eadie’s view, and that the 10% restriction “seemed what we’re trying to do short of scaring
Drain and Vaccuum Services have been to be a generally good fit.” people from the Isle of Palms. Our industry
handling the maintenance of the island’s “And the reason this is being done is to is tourism. Some houses, I agree, are way
drainage ditches for almost five years and prevent …?” asked Council member Marty too big, but 10? Come on, it doesn’t make
is close to concluding their five year contact Bettelli. “It’s aesthetics, for the large part,” sense.”
with the city. The Public Works Committee said Kerr, pointing out that flat roofs with Council member Brian Duffy stepped in,
voted to draft an RFP (request for proposal) so railings were not only unattractive, they also pointing out that the ordinance wouldn’t
that other companies can bid on the drainage allowed large parties to congregate 40 feet in affect people who currently have rental
the air, which is unattractive from a noise licenses, and as long as their license
maintenance contract.
standpoint. remains current, their maximum occupancy
Fix our drainage! Several residents from
“I can understand noise pollution, wouldn’t change. “I think 10 is a number
Sparrow Drive spoke at the beginning of
but unattractiveness is in the eye of for the future,” said Duffy. “Nothing in this
the Council meeting, pointing out that their the beholder,” argued Council member
neighborhood has become a lake in excess approach takes money out of city coffers
Buckhannon. “Some houses might be a now or in the near future.”
of more than a foot deep and nothing was hideous color, but when will that legislation
being done about it. It has become dangerous “We started on this odyssey years ago when
come through?” it looked like rentals would burn down
to walk through the area and one resident Bergwerf stated that she felt the ordinance
expressed concern about liability if someone the island,” said Council member Ralph
should have a first reading so that there Piening. “No one is totally happy with this.
slipped in the permanent mud in his front could be a public hearing to discuss the The investor class is not happy, but the
yard. Mayor Cronin said he would see what pros and cons of the issue, and after a residents that supported me want to end
they could do about it. couple more minutes of discussion, the rentals right now and immediately decrease
Thanks from SIES: Sullivan’s Island Council voted, passing first reading with the number to 10. That’s not going to
Elementary principal Susan King addressed Council members Marty Bettelli, Ryan happen. Instead, we won’t build any more
the Council, thanking them for their support Buckhannon and Sandy Stone voting to rent out to 20, 24 or 28 people. It’s not
of the school. “We’re trying to rebuild our against. radical, it’s what residents want.”
school and I feel very positive about it,” said Council member Mike Loftus concurred,
King. “It’s looking good. Everyone was so 10 people per rental to be written averring that there has been a lot of
giving.” She noted that they have received into an ordinance misinformation going around, such as
more than 1000 letters of support from both Council member Bergwerf read aloud a that certain members of the Council were
islands. possible amendment to zoning, asking that trying to eliminate rentals altogether. “I
Home business ordinance deferred: An the Council consider voting to have it crafted take offense to this. I will never take that
ordinance amending home occupation for into an ordinance. The amendment amends stand. Rentals are a part of the island.”
a business on the island to allow for more section 5-4-202: Maximum Occupancy, “We’re talking about capping, not reducing
than one home occupation per dwelling unit, to read that the maximum overnight the current number,” said Council member
and to rename “home occupation” as “home occupancy of a residence obtaining and Doug Thomas. “Current licenses will stand
business occupation” was deferred pending a continuously holding a business license for as long as the owner or future owners
public hearing. since prior to March 23, 2010, shall remain have that license. It’s supply and demand,
Penalties for untimely payment of as they are currently, but the maximum basic economics.” He also noted that the
taxes: Ordinance 2010-02, which requires occupancy of a residence obtaining a infrastructure of the island didn’t seem
establishments which “tender payment for the business license after March 23, 2010, like it could hold many more large homes.
patron’s meal, food or beverage” to be subject cannot have an occupancy of more than ten “If we continue the way we have grown,
to a penalty of 25% or portion thereof of the people. we will have to burn a lot of dollars on
unpaid tax if the monthly tax is not paid by “This is an emotional issue and I’ve heard infrastructure.”
the 20th of the month, with an increase of 5% from a number of impassioned people,” In the end, the Council voted to prepare
monthly (or portion thereof) up to 50% until said Council member Stone. “And there are the amendment as an ordinance for first
the tax is paid passed second reading. some unintended consequences that we reading, with Council members Marty
Maximum occupancy at any time in need to explore.” He went on to list that the Bettellli, Ryan Buckhannon and Sandy
rentals: The Council passed first reading amendment, if put into place, would erode Stone voting against.
of an ordinance to reduce the maximum the island’s hospitality tax base since less
occupancy of a rental at any time so that the people would be able to stay on the island, All ordinances which had first reading during
total number of persons at a residence shall and the difference would “come from the this Council meeting will have a public
not exceed 2.5 times the maximum overnight backs of citizens, from businesses and from hearing starting at 6:30pm before the March
occupancy or a total of 40 persons, including business license fees.” Accomodations taxes 23 Council meeting at City Hall. The regular
children. Council members Bettelli and are already down, he stated, and would be Council meeting will begin at 7pm. City Hall
further degraded by putting the ordinance is located at 1207 Palm Boulevard. For more
Buckhannon voted against.
in place. “Where is the win-win for the info, visit or call 886-6428.
citizens?” He asked.
6 March 5, 2010

Bustos to challenge Sottile

for House Seat 112

romising to bring an end revamp the burdensome tax serious problems facing our
to “politics as usual in code to bring fairness and equity state.” He further stated that he
Columbia”, former Town back to our system. I will fight will work to protect the quality
Councilman Joe Bustos this to lower the overall tax burden of life which we currently enjoy
week announced his candidacy by lowering the size and cost in the East Cooper community,
for S.C. House of Representatives of government. I will be a solid, noting that, “One of my top
District 112, which encompasses fiscally conservative vote, just as priorities will be preserving our
Sullivan’s Island, Isle of Palms, I was on Town Council for nine neighborhood-atmosphere for
and portions of Mount Pleasant. years.” future generations.”
“The people are tired of politics According to Bustos, the Because he and his wife Kathy
as usual in Columbia, just as they incumbent has scored poorly operate two small businesses in
are tired of it in Washington,” on scorecards of current House Mount Pleasant, Bustos said that
Bustos said. “Growth of members prepared by fiscal he understands the perspective of
government is out of control, and conservative groups such as the both residents and businessmen.
we must elect new leaders to rein Club for Growth. As a Mount Pleasant native, Joe is
it in.” “We need to make sure our able to relate to both “old-timers”
Bustos, a retired Lt. Colonel in representative to the State House and newcomers.
the United States Army, served is part of the solution, not part of Bustos graduated from Gen.
nine years on Mount Pleasant the problem,” Bustos said. William Moultrie High School. Councilman Joe Bustos
Town Council, where he was As a graduate of the U.S. Army He enlisted in the U.S. Army in Bids and Purchases, Personnel
regarded as an advocate for Command and General Staff 1970, graduated from Officer and Fire Committees. He served
the taxpayers and a staunch, College, Bustos spent a career Candidate School and retired as four years with Mount Pleasant
fiscally conservative voice. He as a highly-trained leader of our a Lieutenant Colonel of Infantry Water Works as an ex-Officio
regularly spoke out against fighting men and women in the in 1995. He received a bachelor’s Commissioner, and for the last
projects which were wasteful and military. degree from Columbia College, a three years has represented
unnecessary, and became known “I want to put those leadership master’s degree in administration Mount Pleasant on the Charleston
as an “independent voice” who skills to work in the State from Central Michigan University Area Regional Transit Authority.
represented the people instead House to help bring about the and is a resident graduate of the Joe is married to the former
of the special interest groups or needed reforms out state badly U.S. Army Command and General Kathy Comar of Mount Pleasant
political power-brokers. needs,” said Bustos. “Until Staff College. Joe has served for and together they own Bustos
“I believe we must limit the we fundamentally change the nine years on the Mount Pleasant
size of government at all levels,” system of government, we can Town Council and serves as chair see Bustos on page 7
Bustos said, “and we must totally never hope to solve the many of the Planning, Water Supply,
March 5, 2010 7

Bustos from page 6 Dear Editor, “The phenomenon, known as “wreck of

The mis-information in your article regarding starfish”, is not unusual for the Atlantic.
Travel Service, where he works as a flight the recent and unprecedented beaching of Residents have most likely observed that once
instructor. They have two children and one starfish was brought to my attention by my or twice a year, consistently during winter
grandchild. Joe and Kathy attend Stella mother, who is now and has been an avid months, an onslaught of marine life is washed
Maris Catholic Church on Sullivan’s Island. beach comber since the 1940s. ashore.”
In response to Bustos’ bid for S.C. House For the record; I am a forty-four year old, Let me take the time to clarify. Please note
of Representatives District 112, incumbent
forth generation island resident who has that I said “marine life”, insinuating heavier
Mike Sottile stated that he will also be
logged as many, if not more beach hours wash up of all marine life on our local beaches,
running for reelection this year.
“I’ve served in Columbia just over one year (summer and winter) than most local residents not just starfish, during the winter months.
and in that extremely short time, I’ve backed twice my age. Throughout all of my years of My statement regarding the starfish ‘event’ not
plans to stop extreme spending, reform our beach activities COMBINED, I have never being unusual for the Atlantic was intended to
government restructuring, give more choices encountered as many beached starfish as I encompass the coastline of the entire Atlantic,
in education, and have helped to  bring tens have recently encountered within a few yards including European countries (where it occurs
of thousands of jobs to the Charleston area,” of beach. Until this December, starfish sighting most commonly and is associated with winter
said Sottile. were extremely rare. storms and cold temperatures). So while it’s
“Taxpayers are tired of politicians who Your recent article written by a “naturalist” not unusual for the Atlantic to experience
run for something every year just because claiming that thousands of starfish washing this “wreck of starfish” phenomenon once or
they want to be somebody important.  We up on local beaches occurs “once or twice a twice a year, it is important to clarify that the
need leaders who are more concerned with year,” is at most generous absurd. starfish, not just marine life, washing ashore
growing our The article’s being printed reiterates the in the numbers we saw were fairly unusual for
economy and inconsistencies in its claims and the actual our local beaches.
creating jobs facts. If this was an annual or bi-annual event Thank you for giving me the opportunity to
than their why would it merit an article in your paper or clarify my words so that the true intent could
own  political front page articles in major newspapers up be made known. For more information on this
careers.  I’m and down the East Coast? subject, type in “Wreck of Starfish” or “Starfish
running for Stranding” in an online search engine and you
reelection so Sincerely Yours, will find similar accounts of this phenomenon
that I can Russell Shiver occurring along the Atlantic coastline.
continue my 2305 Waterway Blvd.
work to bring Isle of Palms Sincerely,
jobs to District
112 and the
Jennifer Barbour
Dear Russell, Naturalist Trainer
region.” It appears that the statement below was at Kiawah Island Nature Program
House Representative Mike Sottile. the heart of your discontent:
8 March 5, 2010

The ecological treasure of Sullivan’s Island

Provided by the Sullivan’s Islanders Group

n Thursday, March previously owned by relevant to Sullivan’s the parent of an SIES student to
11, 2010, from 6:30 the US Coast Guard. Island Elementary attend.
– 7:30 p.m., John W. The area is now School, one of two The talk will begin at 6:30 p.m.,
McCord, wildlife biologist with officially designated schools on the after a short PTA meeting at 6:00
the S.C. Department of Natural as Lighthouse Inlet beach in the United p.m., in the Sullivan’s Island
Resources (SCDNR), will present Heritage Preserve, States, as it applies Elementary School Auditorium.
a talk entitled "Sullivan's Island's and is recognized as to become a partial Mr.McCord’s presentation is free
Accreted Land, An Ecological a valuable maritime magnet school with and open to all.
Treasure". This talk is sponsored ecosystem managed an educational For more information contact:
by the Sullivan's Islanders as a natural resource emphasis on Marine The Sullivan’s Islanders www.
Group in collaboration with the sanctuary. and Environmental Science. Karen
Sullivan's Island Elementary Mr. McCord has spent many Principal Susan King will explain Coste: [email protected]
School PTA. It will be held in the years studying the natural how this educational emphasis Larry Middaugh: larry.middaugh@
Sullivan’s Island Elementary resources and ecological will fit into a magnet school Sullivan’s Island
School Auditorium. characteristics of over 200 curriculum during a brief PTA Elementary PTA Susan Ballenger:
Mr. McCord has worked with coastal islands in South meeting from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m., [email protected].
the SCDNR since 1978 and is Carolina, and contributed to preceding Mr. McCord’s talk.
recognized as a premier coastal the official letter sent to the Mr. McCord’s presentation
ecologist with broad interests Sullivan’s Island Town Council is also highly relevant to the Welcome, new readers!
and expertise in the flora, fauna, to express the SC DNR opinion Town of Sullivan’s Island which Welcome to the 987 new
recipients of Lucky Dog
and wildlife of South Carolina's regarding the Sullivan’s Island is developing an improved
publications! Lucky Dog
barrier Islands. In 2003 he Accreted Land Management management plan for 90+ acres
Publishing, publishers of The
participated in a two-year SC Plan. He is the primary SC DNR of accreted beach-front land
Island Eye News, The Island
DNR federal grant to develop contributor to the Sullivan’s held in a protected Land Trust.
Connection and The Folly
a "Comprehensive Wildlife Island Nature Trail project since We invite everyone who has
Current, is happy to announce
Conservation Strategy." Mr. its inception in the 1980s. He an interest in the “Ecological that we are now mailing directly
McCord was a primary SCDNR has recently worked with Ms. Treasure” of our island to join to more than 10,000 island
participant in the development Carol Killough to update the us for what promises to be a very residents, with an additional
of a cooperative management Nature Trail and develop an educational and entertaining 4,000 papers distributed
plan for the undeveloped, interpretive brochure. presentation. You do not need throughout the islands. Thank
northeast end of Folly Beach This presentation is especially to be a member of the PTA or you for reading!

Cabinets & countertops for

new construction and renovations
630-B Johnnie Dodds Blvd  Mount Pleasant
Certified Member
March 5, 2010 9

Getting to know Hope on Goat for Haiti

“The Help” “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” ~Mohandas Gandhi

arrier Island Eco Tours and Barrier Island Eco Tours at 886-
By Connie Darling Goat Island Gatherings 5000 or email morgan@nature-
are teaming up to host an For more information
old fashioned oyster roast benefit about the American Red Cross,
for the American Red Cross Haiti please call 1-800 Help Now or
Relief and Development Fund email [email protected].
on March 6 from 1 – 6 p.m. The Goat Island Gatherings (www.
minimum $35 donation will get is a
you into the party and includes quaint and charming vacation
free parking at the Isle of Palms rental property on beautiful Goat
Marina, a boat shuttle provided Island, the sea island directly
by Barrier Island Eco Tours to behind Isle of Palms.  Barrier
and from Goat Island departing Island Eco Tours (www.nature-
every 30 minutes, local oysters, promotes awareness,
fish stew, hot dogs and live conservation and enjoyment of our
music from local talent including coastal resources. They provide
Triple Lindy naturalist-led

he Edgar Allan Poe book at the Edgar Allan Poe Library and Guests, the boat excursions to
Wyatt Garey Capers Island State
club had a very sucessful on March 27 at 10:30 to discuss
Band, and Cory Heritage Preserve
turn out this past Saturday, “Sarah’s Key” by Titiana De
Webb. year-round.
February 20. Rosnay. I would like to thank
Guests may Barrier Island
Dr. Jean Robinson, HC Lucas- everyone for their participation in
bring their own Eco Tours, Shane
Raymond, Ann Melfi, Nancy Cook, this month’s discussion and their
beverages and Ziegler, Owner,
June DeHart, Betty Driemeyer, interest in our book club.  We coolers are
Joan Whitbeck, Bev Steinsiek, would like to welcome anyone that P.O. Box 343, Isle
welcome. of Palms, SC 29451
Louise Rossell, Gretchen Kelley, would like to discuss this book For more
Patricia Ahearn, Jane Welch, Pat to the next meeting. For more Phone 886-5000,
information morgan@nature-
Ross, Judy Reese, and Gloria information, call the Poe Library and to make
McDonald all joined in a riveting at 883-3914. The Poe Library is reservations for
discussion of “The Help” by located at 1921 I’On Avenue on the event call
Kathryn Stockett.  The Beach Sullivan’s Island.
Lovers Book Club will meet again
10 March 5, 2010

Shuckin’ & Shaggin’ Shaggin’ on the Cooper

by Sarah Reynolds
on Sullivan’s Island
ance the night away this (ages 3 and up) or come with that
Saturday, March 13, on special someone to unwind after
the scenic new Mount a long week. 
Pleasant Pier with live music from  A limited number of tickets will
band 17 South.  Take advantage be sold for this event so arrive
of the beautiful spring weather early! Admission is $10. Tickets
and stunning views at the end will be available beginning at 4pm
of one of the longest piers in the the day of the event in the pier
southeast. gift shop and at the gate.  There
  17 South is an all-star eight- are many other opportunities for
member Charleston band Shaggin’ on the Cooper throughout
complete with a three person horn the year; additional events will
section. Their music ranges from take place on May 8, May 22, June
Motown, R & B and beach cover 19, July 10, August 28, September
tunes to classic big band swing 11 and October 9.  For more info,
favorites.   Although comprised visit or call 795-
of locals, 17 South has played 4FUN (4386).

with several nationally known
hether you are a it down on the dance floor. There groups, including The
“shucker” or a “shagger”, will also be a silent auction and
Temptations and Frank
you should make your free shag lessons.
way to Sullivan’s Island on Sinatra. Even if you don’t
All proceeds benefit UMRC, dance, come out to enjoy
Friday, March 19, for the last
a local non-profit organization the music and watch the
(and the best!) oyster roast of
the season. Bring your shaggin’ committed to rehabilitating homes sun set over Charleston
shoes and dance the night away and restoring hope to poverty level Harbor while sipping
under the beautiful backdrop of families living in substandard your favorite beverage,
Sullivan’s pristine beach while housing in the rural communities of available for purchase on-
listening to the music of the East Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester site (no outside alcohol or
Coast Party Band from 6-9 p.m. and Georgetown Counties. Tickets coolers permitted).
For our non-oyster eaters, there can be purchased by calling UMRC   Gates open at 7pm
will be Frogmore stew and plenty at 884-4860. Tickets are $35 per
of cold beer, wine and soft drinks and music begins at 8pm. 
person. Bring the whole family
to wet your whistle after breaking
March 5, 2010 11

Scholarships for strong minds and bodies

Announcing the PrimeTime Fitness College Scholarship Program

total of $1500 (three scholarships clippings, community team rosters despite the demands of college.
of $500 each) will be awarded this or game results, and teacher/coach • Must submit fitness goals for the
year by PrimeTime Fitness to college recommendations. upcoming semester. For example,
students and/or high school seniors who • Must submit an essay titled “The Role train for/participate in specific
demonstrate dedication to the health of Physical Fitness in My Life.” The organized sporting events, lose
and fitness of themselves and/or others. essay should include the following: weight, attend aerobics classes, set
In order to qualify for the scholarship, • How physical fitness has made an specific performance goals, etc.
recipients must: impact on my life. • Minimum GPA of 3.0 for returning
• Live in either Berkeley, Charleston, • How I make an impact to encourage a college students.
or Dorchester counties. fit community.
• Be enrolled full-time in a two- or • What or who inspires me to remain Recipients may be considered for repeat
four-year college program during the active and pursue a healthy scholarship awards. To receive funding,
semester for which the application is lifestyle. student must submit documentation of the
being submitted. • How I intend to following:
• Must participate in health and fitness lead a healthy
activities regularly through any of, lifestyle • Minimum 3.0 GPA (please attach
but not limited to: transcript)
• Organized high school or collegiate • Participation in sports or fitness
team sports activities as outlined above.
• Intramural sports • Progress made towards goals
• Active gym membership outlined above in #6.
• Coaching recreational youth teams
• Activities used to satisfy the above Repeat scholarship applications will
requirement must be documented be considered along with those received
appropriately throughout the from new applicants. Applications may be
semester immediately preceding the picked up at PrimeTime Fitness, located
scholarship semester. at 2120 Middle Street Sullivan’s Island,
• Documentation may include, but and must be returned no later than May
is not limited to, school records 1, 2010.
of team activities, newspaper
12 March 5, 2010

Sullivan's Island
Fire Dept. Oyster Roast
Saturday, February 27, 2010
March 5, 2010 13

“Hits for HALOS” Charity Tennis Pro/Am

he I’On Club will host the Summer Camp Program, which Hennessy, Elms Digestive Disease sponsorship or contribution
SunTrust “Hits for HALOS” provides financial assistance for Specialists, Eyraud Enterprises, opportunities, please contact Mike
Charity Tennis Pro/ abused and neglected children Piggly Wiggly, Pots and Petals, Morris at 860-0984 or visit www.
Am March 20-21. Community in the Charleston area to attend Pearlstine Distributors, Inc., and
members are welcome to join the a local summer camp. Each Firefly Vodka.
festivities with free admission. All summer, HALOS makes camp For additional information,
proceeds from the event will be and other activities available to silent auction item donations,
donated to the HALOS Summer at least 160 children, all of whom
Camp Program for abused and have histories of maltreatment
neglected children in Charleston and are involved with the
County. Charleston County and Berkeley
The tennis tournament will County Department of Social
couple 28 amateur players with a Services.
rotation of 14 pros from around In addition to silent auction
the Southeast for ten round-robin donations, financial contributions
sets, followed by a playoff. The supporting this cause are welcome.
festivities will continue Saturday Corporate sponsorships for the
after the tournament with a event are also available. Current
wine tasting, silent auction, and “Hits for HALOS” sponsors include
spectator party with live music by SunTrust, Motley Rice, I’On
the local band Chewbacca. Club, Jacob’s Kitchen, The Inn
The proceeds from “Hits for at I’On, Assurant Health, Merrill
HALOS” will benefit the HALOS Lynch: Costa Chakeris and Jim
The schedule for “Hits for HALOS” is as follows:
Saturday, March 20
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.: Round Robin Pro/Am Tennis Tournament
5 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Pro Exhibition and Spectator Party
5 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Wine Tasting and Silent Auction

Sunday, March 21
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Round Robin Pro/Am Tennis Tournament
2 p.m. – 5 p.m.: Tournament Playoff and Happy Hour
14 March 5, 2010 March 5, 2010 15

Friday, March 5
Sandy Bottom Bash & Mount
Houston Northcutt Blvd, A-10,
Mount Pleasant, and from 11:30
a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at Franke at
Sullivan’s. Island Gallery is
located at 2214 Middle Street.
The event is free and open to
I s l a nd E y e C a l e nd a r Page’s Thieves Estate
auction of Dr. James Ward
Sunday, March 14
Daylight Savings
Friday, March 19
Shuckin’ and Shaggin’
Pleasant Academy’s 200th Seaside, 1885 Rifle Range, Mount the public. For more info visit Page’s Thieves is fortunate “Spring” those clocks forward one Enjoy oysters for a great cause!
Enjoy a live and silent auction,
Pleasant. For more info, call 416-
1660 OR 1-800-GIVE LIFE. or call
March 5 - March 19 to be the auctioneer for
the estate of a true Mount
hour! From 6 – 9pm at the Sand Dunes
Club, Sullivan’s Island, with music
fabulous Lowcountry fare, and Pleasant fixture, Dr. James by the East Coast Party Band. All
live music with the Unofficial Hope on Goat for Haiti
programs at Charles Pinckney
Ward, whose collections range
Wednesday, March 17 proceeds benefit UMRC, a local
Creekside Band, all starting at Saturday, March 6 From 1 – 6 p.m. on Goat Island.
National Historic Site (1254 Long
Point Road) every Saturday at 2pm
Sprouts Theater presents The
Emperor’s New Clothes
from fine small antiques to locally St. Patrick’s Day non-profit organization Tickets can
7pm at Alhambra Hall.  Tickets The Art of Giving at the Island Tickets include parking at the Isle made Sweet Grass baskets. For be purchased by calling UMRC at
are $25 and can be purchased by through March, 2010. This week’s Two con-artists, posing as tailors, (843) 884-4860. Tickets are $35
Gallery of Palms Marina, a boat shuttle to more info, visit www.auctionzip.
emailing Powell Hill at aphilljr@ The Island Gallery is hosting and from Goat Island (departing
feature: Anita Singleton-Prather, take a vain emperor and his court
com or call 884-9672. 1460 Ben Thursday, March 18  per person. or calling 849-2826 “Aunt Pearlie Sue” Gullah Tales; for an invisible ride…with chilly
friends and supporters of every 30 minutes), local oysters,
and Vera Manigault, sweetgrass consequences. Designed for ages 4
Sawyer Blvd. 63rd Annual Festival
Operation Home from 6 – 10 p.m. fish stew, hot dogs and live music.
baskets. For more info, call 881- and up. 7 p.m. at Creative Spark, of Houses & Gardens
Red Cross Blood Drive 20% of all art sales will be donated BYOB. Tickets are $35. Reserve Shagging on the Cooper March 18 – April 17. For more in-
7 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. at the American 5516 or visit 757 Long Point Rd in Mt Pleasant.
to Operation Home. Enjoy wine your spot by calling Barrier Island Dance the night away under the formation please call 722-3405 or
Red Cross Blood Center, 920 Visit or call
and cheese provided by Seel’s on Eco Tours at 886-5000 or email
[email protected].
Wednesday, March 10 843-881-3780 for more info.
stars at the new Mount Pleasant
Pier while enjoying live classic
Discussion of paid parking on  
oldies and beach music from 7 –
Sullivan’s Island Friday Night Hoops
Pet Support Team for Junior 11pm.  Beverages will be available
Sullivan’s Island Streets and Girls and boys ages 7-12 can have
Volunteers for purchase on-site. Tickets are
Maintenance will discuss the issue a safe, fun Friday night shooting
Pet Helpers Junior Volunteer $10 and will only be available for
of paid parking on the island. 4 hoops.  Learn proper passing
Program, the Pet Support Team, purchase on the day of the event
p.m. at Town Hall. For more info, techniques and basic dribbling
will meet at 2 p.m. Kids ages 6 to beginning at 4pm. For more info,
visit skills during drills and games. The
11 are invited to join this group of call (843) 795-4386.
or call 883-3198. cost is $10 per athlete.  Call The
young animal lovers for a monthly
IOP Recreation Department at 886-
meeting. Email Christine Bush at Gullah Heritage celebration:
Red Cross Blood Drive 8294 to register. 
[email protected] to register Spirituals, quilting and
for upcoming sessions. Pet Helpers Noon – 6:30 p.m. at the American sweetgrass
Red Cross Blood Center, 920 The Festival of Ballycahill
is located at 1447 Folly Road, Celebrate Gullah Heritage through
Houston Northcutt Blvd, A-10, Charleston’s first Irish Festival
James Island. a series of free cultural programs
Mount Pleasant. For more info, call from March 12 – 17, throughout
at Charles Pinckney National
416-1660 OR 1-800-GIVE LIFE. downtown Charleston. Enjoy arts,
Gullah Heritage celebration: Historic Site (1254 Long Point
crafts, music, talk and merriment,
Drumming, dance, African tales Road) every Saturday at 2pm
including Bling from the Bog, Way
and Gullah cooking
Celebrate Gullah Heritage
Thursday, March 11 with Words, Greengraf 2010 and
through March, 2010. For more
info, call 881-5516 or visit www.
Sullivan’s Island’s Accreted Bia Devil specials at local Irish
through a series of free cultural
Land, An Ecological Treasure restaurants. For specific events
programs at Charles Pinckney
from 6:30 – 7:30 pm, John W. and more information, visit www.
National Historic Site (1254 Long
McCord, wildlife biologist with
Point Road) every Saturday at
2pm through March, 2010. NIA the S.C. Department of Natural
Productions, African drumming
and dance. For more info, call 881-
Resources (SCDNR), will present a
talk on Sullivan’s Island’s accreted
Saturday, March 13
5516 or visit land in the SI Elementary School Saturday Sticks at the IOP Rec
Auditorium. For more info, visit Dept. 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Free. Call The
IOP Recreation Department at
Sunday, March 7 Red Cross Blood Drive 886-8294 for more info. 24 28th
Noon – 6:30 p.m. at the American Avenue. 
Gullah Heritage celebration:
Sweetgrass and Gullah tales Red Cross Blood Center, 920
Houston Northcutt Blvd, A-10, Total Life Seminar with Dr. Ann
Celebrate Gullah Heritage through
Mount Pleasant. For more info, call Kulze
a series of free cultural
416-1660 OR 1-800-GIVE LIFE. Dr. Ann Kulze , nationally
recognized expert in nutrition,
healthy lifestyles, and disease
Friday, March 12 prevention, will speak at the Isle
Red Cross Blood Drive of Palms First United Methodist
7 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the American Church from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Red Cross Blood Center, 920 Register by calling 886-6610 or at
Houston Northcutt Blvd, A-10, [email protected].  A fee
Mount Pleasant. For info, call of $10 will help cover
416-1660/1-800-GIVE LIFE. the expenses of
the seminar.

Official St Patty's Celebration

Saturday, March 13
street closed for all the festivities!!

Bridge Run
Fish Fry Fridays through Lent
brunch & lunch
specials! 883-5030
Visit our booth at the Wine + Food Festival Run in and 2213-B Middle St,
Beer tasting Monday, March 29 @ 7pm refuel.
16 March 5, 2010

The Art of Giving Ben Sawyer Bridge

at the Island Gallery reopens
n Saturday, March 6, our work without the support and
friends and supporters of generosity of the community,” by Julie Hussey
Operation Home, a Mount said Anna Hamilton, Operation
Pleasant based non-profit that Home’s Executive Director.
addresses substandard housing This event is free and open to
issues, will gather at Island the public. For more information,
Gallery on Sullivan’s Island to visit or
celebrate the art of giving. 20% call 568-7455. The Island Gallery
of all art sales made that evening is located at 2214 Middle Street
will be donated to Operation on Sullivans Island.
Home. Guests will also have
an opportunity to make a
donation in support of a
case currently on Operation
Home’s waiting list, which
consists of over 200
In addition to perusing
fabulous art by local The first car to go over the new Ben Sawyer Bridge.

artists, guests may enjoy t 1:50 a.m. on Friday, February 19, 2010, PCL Civil
wine and cheese donated Constructors, Inc. notified the South Carolina Department
by Seel’s on Sullivan’s. of Transportation that the Ben Sawyer Bridge was open
“This event is a great example for traffic! Returning traffic onto a brand new bridge in such a
of how local businesses can short period of time wouldn’t have been possible without the
come together to support a dedication of the bridge construction team and countless others.
very worthwhile cause. With
over 200 cases on the waiting For the few who braved the cold and the wait, the opportunity to
list, the support of all sectors be one of the first to cross the open bridge was a real moment of
of the community is critical celebration. Safe travels!
in helping us carry out our The Island Gallery has a great selection of local
work. We simply couldn’t do artwork available year-round.
March 5, 2010 17

The grass isn’t always greener

By Nick Strehle

recently arrived home to hear a chainsaw Whether it’s a person arriving with a blower
cutting at full throttle on my neighbor’s or a team of experts, be sure to know
property. In total disbelief, I called the the answers to the following questions:
Town Planning Officer to hear how in the
world he was able to cut down a 26” Oak in • Do they have insurance?
good health. The tree was located within five • What is their history (for the service
feet of our shared property line so there was levels requested)?
nothing to be gained by removing the tree, • Can they describe what they do in the
but the officer informed me that my neighbor form of a process?
was granted permission because the property • Where do they look for information if
owner said the tree was in decline, and the they don’t know the solution?
officer took his word for it because he was a • How do they communicate when there
landscaper. is a problem?
This incident hit really close to home for me. $25,000. For most of the homes on the
Just like all other service-based industries, barrier islands, this number can quickly People in the green industry are provided
landscaping has several categories and levels triple or quadruple. an opportunity to care for and protect your
of competence. With Spring right around the Once the landscape value is established, investment. After you have determined the
corner, how can you be sure you’ve found a the next step is to determine the level qualities and value you are looking for in a
qualified landscaping contractor? of service. The most successful client/ landscape contractor, interview them with
Just like when you go to buy a new house contractor relationships are built when the the same scrutiny as your stock broker or
or car, there are many questions you should client understands their objectives and financial advisor. We really only receive one
ask yourself before making your purchase; the things they value. In a recent "Forbes" chance to protect and make the most of what
and when considering what to do with your magazine article, Grant Thornton (audit, we have on this planet and we should strive
landscape, you should begin by establishing tax and advisory services) published an to protect it for the generations to come.
how much of your investment is involved. advertisement with a sticky note in the middle Nick Strehle is a Purdue University Agronomy
In a Michigan State University study, it of the page. As simple as it might be, they Major, certified irrigation contractor and EPA
was determined that a highly-maintained wrote the equation “Service Quality / Fees = WaterSense Partner for Sunburst Landscaping
landscape can add up to 11% to the value of Value.” Their ad won me over immediately as Inc., leading Sunburst’s clients into the next
a home, not including an extra 7% for mature it also relates to the green industry. generation of water management. For more
shade trees. With the median home value There is not a single person, company, information, contact Sunburst at 768-2434.
in the Charleston area around $225,000, or university that knows all there is to
the value of landscaping would be close to know about how our environment works.
18 March 5, 2010

Check before you cast

The S.C. Department of Natural Resources, Gag Grouper Open Season: May 1 - December 31
in cooperation with the South Atlantic Possession Limit: Included in 3 grouper/
Fishery Management Council, reminds person/day limit.
anglers of several changes in recreational Size Limit: None
marine bottom fishing regulations. The
following is an abbreviated list of commonly
caught species, along with their regulations: Warsaw & Speckled Hind

Vermillion Snapper Open Season: May 1 - December 31

Possession Limit: No more than 1 person/
day; included in 3 grouper/person/day limit.
Size Limit: 24” min.

Scamp, Red & Yellowmouth Grouper

No Closed Season
Open Season: April 1 - December 31 Possession Limit: Included in 3 grouper/
Possession Limit: 5/person/day; excluded person/day limit; no more than 1 per vessel
from 10 snapper/person/day limit. per trip; may not be sold or traded; no
Size Limit: 12” min. transfer at sea.
Size Limit: None
Red Snapper
Open Season: May 1 - December 31 Please note possession of a de-hooking
Possession Limit: Included in 3 grouper/ device is required when fishing for snapper/
person/day limit. grouper species. Sale of snapper/grouper
Size Limit: 20” min.
under recreational bag limit is prohibited unless
the vessel owner has a Federal Commercial
Coney, Grasby, Red and Rock Hind
Snapper Grouper permit and applicable South
Carolina commercial licenses. Check the S.C.
Possession prohibited through June 2, 2010 Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Web
and may be extended 186 days. site for complete saltwater regulations: www.
March 5, 2010 19

Habitat gears up for the 2010 Women Build

very year, women from across the New this year, Habitat will be hosting an donations for the event, so if you come across
Lowcountry look forward to Sea Island event called Finders Keepers. From 1 – 6 some extra outfits while spring cleaning,
Habitat for Humanity’s annual Women p.m. on Friday, May 7, and 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. please bring them by!
Build event. This year, Habitat celebrates the on Saturday, May 8. Shop ‘til you drop with
10 year anniversary of Women Build, and Finally, from now until the May start date,
the eleventh house built by the Women Build Sea Island Habitat will also be offering the
group. To gear up for the event, and to raise “Buy a Beam” program. $10 buys you one
the necessary funds to build this year’s home, beam from the 2010 Women Build home to
Sea Island Habitat will be hosting a variety of decorate as you please. Return the beam
events around the islands; all designed with prior to the Build and it will be used in the
women in mind. construction of the home.

The fundraising series kicks off with 2010 Women Build will be held the week
Cocktails for a Cause at Robert Lange of May 1 – 8 in Brownswood Place, located
Studio in downtown Charleston on March 12. off of Brownswood Road on Johns Island.
Enjoy beer, wine, cocktails, beautiful art and Construction hours will be from 8 a.m. – 4
heavy hors d’oeuvres from 6:30 – 9 p.m. while p.m. each day. 25 – 30 volunteers will be
listening to the live music of pianist Gary needed each day, as well as three hospitality
Pecorella. Tickets are only $50 each. volunteers from 7:30a.m. – 2:30 p.m. to staff
the registration and merchandise table, as
Next, the much-anticipated Habitat for well as to organize lunch, water and snacks.
HumaniTEA Party will be held on Saturday, To sign up for the Build or to receive
April 17, at the Charleston Tea Plantation updates, please contact volunteer coordinator
on Wadmalaw Island from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. Anne Randall at 768-0998 ext.109 or email
Wear your best hat and enjoy an afternoon Anne at [email protected]
of sweet tea, lemonade, fabulous door prizes more information on any of the listed events
and scrumptious tea foods sponsored by the an incredible selection of upscale gently or to purchase tickets, please call 768-0998 or
Hat Divas of Charleston.  There will also be used clothing, sportswear, “feet repeats” log-on to The Sea
an opportunity to bid on luxurious auction and accessories at the Sea Island Habitat Island Habitat for Humanity office is located
items, with all of the proceeds going to the headquarters on Johns Island. Sea Island at 2545 Bohicket Road on Johns Island.
Women Build project. Habitat is currently looking for clothing
20 March 5, 2010

The wildflowers of Sullivan’s Island

By Kristin Hackler
But turn and turn / the crisp petals remain / brief, translucent, greenfastened,
barely touching at the edges: / blades of limpid seashell. ~ William Carlos Williams

tarting in late February, both sides of the sidewalk for and my family, and we would go Even though the plants may only
early morning visitors to almost a block along Station 22 for long walks around the island. be an inch or so tall with only
Sullivan's Island began to ½. Residents know what he's up My mother especially loved the a handful of pale green leaves
notice a person quietly watering to, but it seems curious until the wildflowers.” to their name, David can spot
first warm days start to descend David grandfather first bought them as easily as one might pick
on the Lowcountry. a house on Sullivan's in 1928, a solitary bird out of the sky. If
As the days grow longer and and David believes that his Uncle the plants are in a less-than-ideal
the sunlight gently toasts the Joe was probably one of the last location, such as in a common
sandy soil of Sullivan’s Island, people on the island to have a walkway or in a spot that will
hundreds upon thousands chicken coop. As a tribute to this, be shady when the leaves come
of native wildflowers begin David has a small concrete rooster back to the trees, David carefully
springing up along this faithfully statue in his front yard. It makes uproots them and moves them to
watered section of sidewalk; him smile every time he sees it. a place where they’ll prosper. Dry
black eyed susans bursting David himself has lived in a few plants from last year are shaken
with sun-bright yellows, Indian homes around the island, but to loosen the seed pods, and he’s
blankets radiating every shade this home, located on the bridge already prepping to begin the
of the warm color spectrum side of Doctor Durst's office, is process of daily watering so that
from blood red to beaming probably one of his favorites. It's the beautiful sun flowers will
yellow, and daisies dancing, small and comfortable with a once again smile on the residents
snow-white heads nodding in yard perfect for growing flowers; of the island.
the ocean breeze. and his location along the busy Keep your eyes open for the
No one pays him to do it, road of Station 22 ½ allows him first blossoms along Station 22
but David DeAntonio has been to share his love of wildflowers ½. David expects the first flowers
taking care of this small patch with residents and visitors alike. to start opening in mid-March
of native island wildflowers for As the season slowly but surely and from there, it will only be a
many years. shifts from winter to spring, matter of time before passerby
“It reminds me of how the David has been walking along his are smiling along with the native
David DeAntonio points out new wildflower island used to be,” said David. yard and sidewalk, checking for blooms and warming themselves
growth along Station 22 1/2. “We used to come out here, me the new growth of wildflowers. in a little patch of island history.
Sullivan’s Island
Business District Directory
Join us for Locals-Only Specials
this fall and winter. Walk-ins always
welcome in the dining room or on Sul-
livan’s only enclosed and heated deck!

883-9452 2063 Middle St

Island Gallery
2214 Middle Street

Selected items from the new spring menu...

Here to start your day
BLT Bisque with Bacon, Tomato, Sweet Leaf Basil - $7 and wine you down

always showing multiple artists and mediums Casino Style Toby Clams “Chowdah” - $9 793-4055
2213 Middle St
Sautéed Chicken Livers with Bacon, Madeira, & Sage
Beauty Gina Rowe Cream - $9
and the Julie Nestler Braised Short Rib with Butternut Squash Ravioli - $11
hair salon Grilled Peri-Peri Prawns with Thai Cucumber, Tomato,
Cilantro Salad - $10
Mon-Fri: Lunch & Dinner 11am - 10pm
Hickory Smoked Duck Breast over Spinach with Dried
Sat-Sun: Brunch 8am - 2pm,
Cranberries, Chestnut Honey Vinaigrette - $12
Now offering and Lunch & Dinner 11am - 10pm
Keratin Complex Smoothing Therapy Off the Hook Bar open 11am-last call
883-9101 2205 Middle Steet Tomato “Carpaccio” with Baby Arugula, Lemon Scented
Goat Cheese Ganache, Black Eyed Pea Relish - $9

Grilled Swordfish Topped with Dijon Rosemary Compound

Butter, Root Vegetables & Squash Puree —$26 Burgers
Fish Taco’s
Roasted Scottish Salmon with Oven Cured Tomatoes, 20 draft beers
Country Ham & Butterbean Carbonara over Pappardelle
Pasta —$26
Owned and Operated by
Sullivan’s Island Residents
Laurie and Dawn Ulmer
Now offering Small Plate Specials in addition to our well 883-0083
portioned appetizers and scrumptious salads 2210 Middle Street

Carl B. Hubbard
Attorney at Law
debt harrassment ~ credit report errors
credit denials ~ credit privacy invasion
identity theft ~ unfair bills & charges
debt collection lawsuit defense

2201 Middle St, Suite 5
[email protected]
Member of the National Association
of Consumer Advocates

Dunleavy’s Pub $10 Sullivan’s $10

Family owned and operated
for 20 years
Ten Dollar Gift Certificate
Upscale cuisine served in a casually
Monday - Thursday 5-9pm only.Cannot be
30¢ Wings elegant setting combined with any other offer.
Lunch & dinner-dine in only
Minimum $25 food purchase. Dine
in only. 18% gratuity added before
5-7pm 1/2 off Nachos 2063 Middle St 883.8492 discount. Expires April 30, 2010.
Dine in only
883-9646 2213 Middle St
883-3222 2019 Middle St
24 March 5, 2010

amily Circle Cup has announced on the stadium court
partnered with Wholly Cow on Tuesday, April 13.
Ice Cream, a premium ice Fans age 21 and older can
cream manufacturer based in send in their submissions at
Charleston, to launch the Family
Circle Cup  & Wholly Cow Ice Each “recipe” should include

Cream Create-A-Flavor Contest.  the new ice cream’s name, a prouts shows are designed take a vain Emperor and his
The contest allows the public to base flavor of ice cream and up
for children ages 4 and court for an invisible ride... with
submit personally-designed ice to two additional ingredients. An
cream flavors for a chance to win example would be “Bananarama - up, although adults have chilly consequences.
prizes, including tickets to the banana ice cream with chocolate been known to come without
tournament this April 10 – 18, chips and marshmallows.”   children to get in on the fun! Show times are:
2010. The winner will also have Specific ingredient proportions There is a “Small Sibling Show” Friday, March 12 at 7 p.m.
the chance to perform an on- or assembly instructions are not for each production, at which • Saturday, March 13 at
court pre-match coin toss in the required.  Multiple entries per children under the age of 4 are 1p.m. & 3p.m.
Family Circle Stadium.  Family person are allowed.  Submissions welcome, along with their older • Sunday, March 14 at 3 p.m.
Circle Cup fans and players will will be accepted until midnight on siblings. Most shows contain five • Friday, March 19 at 7 p.m.
judge submissions, with player Friday, March 12, 2010.  to nine musical numbers, and • Saturday, March 20 at
votes constituting a large portion For tickets or more info on each show has lively audience • 1 p.m. & 3 p.m. (ages 2 &
of the winning decision.   the Family Circle Cup or Tennis up) 
participation sequences, as well
Judging will take place on Center, call (843) 856-7900 or visit • Sunday, March 21 at 3 p.m.
March 15, with Wholly Cow and The Family as high-energy chase scenes,
both of which are SPROUTS Sprouts is a company of
a panel of judges selecting the top Circle Cup, a Sony Ericsson WTA
three finalists based on look (10%) Tour Premier Event, will be held hallmarks. Shows typically last professional artists performing
and taste (90%). Finalists will be April 10-18, 2010, at the Family between 45 minutes and an for children. Tickets are $10
notified on March 31 and will Circle Tennis Center. hour.  per person and are available at
receive two tickets In this month’s performance, www, or by
to the Family Circle two con-artists posing as tailors calling 881-3780.
Cup at 7:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, April 13,
The final round
of judging will take
place during the
Family Circle Cup,
where the three
finalists’ flavors will
be offered as free
samples from April
10 – 12. Fans and
players will vote
on their favorite
flavor and the grand
prize winner will be What new flavor of ice cream will you create?

Eye Spy
Do you know what this is?
Kids, send your guess for this week’s Eye Spy to:
[email protected] or call 886-NEWS. Please include
your mailing address with your submission. The first one to
send in the correct answer will receive a coupon for a free
ice cream at Café Medley on Sullivan's Island.

Send your guess for this week's

Eye Spy to:
[email protected].
March 5, 2010 25

The Lucky Dog is missing! Can you find him?

By Shea Stanley

omething terrible has occurred. The he was ready to party.” When I told him we didn’t sell wings, he
Lucky Dog has gone missing! I am the This was very interesting... the Lucky walked out in a huff. I have no idea why he
Island Investigator, and I have been Dog wants to party! Keeping my eyes open would ask for wings here.” I thanked Carly
assigned to find the Lucky Dog and bring him for dogs wearing beads, I ran into Café for the information and, after ordering a cup
safely home. I began my search at Sullivan’s Medley. I ordered a hot chocolate, and then of chocolate ice cream, moved across
Island Elementary. While searching up and walked back out. That’s the street to Poe’s. The place smelled of
down the hallways, my magnifying glass in when I remembered burgers and fries. It made me extremely
hand, I learned that looking at the ground and I was looking for the hungry, but I had to resist. I started
walking is not a good idea and may cause you Lucky Dog. I went back into to ask one of the cooks if he’d seen
to run into a second grader. After I helped Café Medley, and asked the Lucky. “Oh yeah, I saw him!” he
him up, and explained who I was looking for, cashier, Carly, if she had told me. “He bought one of our
Jake Fairfax told me he saw the Lucky Dog seen him. “Actually, I have,” green T-shirts. It was kind of big,
just two hours before I got there. she reported. “He came in so I helped him cut it up and make it
“He was running down the hall,” said Jake. here about an hour ago. smaller. He looked really hungry, but he
“He was wearing green beads and had a four He came up to the didn’t order any food. Said what he really
leaf clover in his mouth. He looked like he was counter and wanted was a Shepherd’s Pie, or maybe
ready for St. Patrick’s Day. I watched him run ordered some corned beef and cabbage. It was
out the door, and after he went down the wings. weird.”
slide on our playground a couple of times, I was getting really sad now. Where could
he ran off.” I asked Jake which way he the Lucky Dog be?
went and ran out the same door Lucky did.
I continued my search (after a couple runs We need your help! Do you know where
down the playground slide, of course) the Lucky Dog is? Become an Island
down to Middle Street, and entered Investigator, and find the Lucky Dog! He’s
Station 22. I met up with a waiter, hiding somewhere on Sullivan’s Island and
Carl Canteberry, and explained my The Island Eye News is offering some great
problem. rewards for whoever finds him. If you see
“He was in here a while ago,” said him, let us know immediately by calling 886-
Carl. “He had some fried oysters 6397 or emailing [email protected]
and then ran out. I heard him say he with a picture of where ol’ Lucky is hiding.
wished he had one of those headbands Keep your eyes open!!!
with the four leaf clovers on top. I think
26 March 5, 2010

Put these estate-planning moves to work

By Dimi Matouchev

ike everyone else, you want to leave a designations on various accounts, such as
legacy. To make it happen, though, you annuities and 401(k) plans, so that the assets
need to do some estate planning. For go to the right people. These designations are
most of us, that sounds like a scary task, very important, as they can supersede even
but it doesn’t have to be — as long as you the instructions in your will.
break it down into a few key moves. Here, in a • Protect against incapacity. None of us
nutshell, are some of the broad-based moves can predict the shape of our physical and
you’ll want to consider: mental well-being in the years to come. But
• Communicate your wishes. When drawing to protect your family, you’ll certainly want to
up your estate plan, you can’t leave anything be prepared for everything. That’s why you’ll
to chance — so you need to communicate want to make the appropriate arrangements,
your wishes in writing. This means you need such as establishing a power of attorney
to draw up the appropriate legal documents, and health care directive, while you’re still
such as a will and a living trust. If you die healthy. These types of documents will
intestate (without a will), your belongings will empower family members, or other people
be distributed to your “heirs” as defined by close to you, to take the necessary steps to
state laws — and these distributions may not estate plan while your children are young — carry out your wishes even if you become
be at all what you had in mind. If you want and you certainly should — you should name incapacitated. As with other aspects of your
to avoid probate and possibly draw up more a guardian for them in case you and your estate plan, however, you’ll want to review
complex instructions — for instance, leaving spouse were to die prematurely. Of course, these arrangements periodically to make sure
different amounts of money to different heirs you’ll also need to consider having the right they still reflect your current thinking.
at different points in their lives — you may type and amount of life insurance for survivor To consider making these moves — in
also need to create a trust. income and loan repayments. fact, to make any moves related to estate
• Protect your family. When you hear the • Position your investments to benefit your planning — you’ll need to work with a team
words “estate planning,” your first thoughts heirs. You can arrange for some of your of professionals, including your tax, legal
may be of what you can leave behind to investments to provide significant benefits and financial advisors. Comprehensive estate
grown children, grandchildren and even to your heirs. For example, you can stretch planning can be complex — but it’s worth the
great-grandchildren. But if you develop your your IRA to extend its key benefit — tax- effort.
deferred earnings — This article was provided by Edward Jones,
over a period of several located at 1505 Palm Blvd on the Isle of Palms.
years. You should You can reach them at 886-9229 or visit www.
also make sure you’ve
updated beneficiary
March 5, 2010 27

“Frond” of a good mystery

By Dr. John Nelson

et’s take a look at an aquatic or other waterfowl (and boats), a mat on your pond. As a pest, off, as well as the trailer, to get
plant. This one is actually which easily explains its sudden however, it is not nearly as bad as those unwanted hitchhikers out
a miniscule fern designed appearance in a pond in which other non-native aquatic invaders and prevent infesting another
specifically for floating on water. it was absent the previous year. such as the dreadful water-fern, lake.
It has tiny roots hanging into The pond in which it grows may, Salvinia molesta. Remember, one John Nelson is the curator of the
the water and the branches bear during parts of the year, develop of the best ways for aquatic plants Herbarium at the University of South
scale-like leaves. As with other a layer of it on the surface, often to hitchhike from one lake to Carolina. As a public service, USC
ferns, no flowers or seeds are showing up as a green or reddish another is on boats and/or boat offers free plant identifications.
produced; the plants reproduce mat. trailers, and it only takes a few For more information about the
by spores. Our plant is a native Some of you may have heard plants to infest a pond. After you herbarium, visit www.herbarium.
species, occurring mostly in the that this plant will cause more pull a boat out of a pond or river, org or call 803-777-8196.
coastal plain counties of the mosquitoes to breed, which is not it’s always a good idea to spray it
Southeast, and it may be found true. Actually, it is conceivable
widely in eastern North America. that a dense, floating mat of this
It’s an annual, which means plant (along with duckweeds and
that the plants last for only one other tiny plants) may make it
season. more difficult for mosquitoes to
This plant is most often green, lay their eggs, and for larvae to
but sometimes the leaves become hatch and emerge.
red, especially in very sunny Interestingly, this plant and
settings, or perhaps when the those of its related species are able
water gets hotter than usual. It to concentrate nitrogen in their
is most commonly seen in the leaves. In fact, a related species
summer, but it is also present in in Asia has been used for years
the winter. It is often mistaken as a green organic fertilizer after
for one of the duckweeds, and it has been harvested and dried.
although it often grows with Unfortunately, there are reports
them, the two plants are not at all that this Asiatic species has found
PHOTO BY John Nelson

related. Generally, our mystery its way to North America (though

plant grows on the surface of quiet not by a duck), and it may become
ponds or ditches, as it doesn’t an aquatic pest.
take to living in rapidly flowing Although this week’s Mystery
water. The plants are easily Plant is a native species, it can
carried around by untidy ducks grow fairly quickly and make Answer: “Mosquito fern,” Azolla caroliniana

Early March fishing report

By Captain Geoff Bennett

here are a lot of things of flies can be so delicate. A well- redfish. It takes some patience and enjoyable charter to anglers of
to consider when fishing cast fly landing in the water is to get to them, but casting to all skill levels and ages. For more
in the Lowcountry, but I almost imperceptible to the fish massive schools of fish can send information, call Capt. Bennett
never thought I would have to and can be cast within feet of a your heart racing. The water at 324-3332, visit his website at
worry about whether or not the school without spooking them. temperature is now firmly on the www.charlestoncharterfishing.
weight of snow would cause the Fly patterns with gold and other upswing and is setting the stage com or email him at captain@
tarp covering my boat to collapse! flashy colors work well. When for our fisheries to roar back to
Valentine’s Day weekend brought redfish refuse these, we’ll often life. It will be here before you
the first real snowfall that go to smaller flies in lighter colors know it.
Charleston has seen in quite some that resemble minnows. See you on the
time. Fortunately, the snow was If you aren’t fly fishing, you’ll water!
followed by a stretch of brilliantly still need to consider the impact Capt. Geoff
sunny days with temperatures your lure makes when it hits the Bennett operates
reaching into the 60s. Fishermen water. Redfish are defensive right Charleston
weren’t the only people now and will flee rather than Charter Fishing
celebrating the good weather; the investigate a strange sound or a providing fly
redfish were pretty darn happy, lure that makes a big splat when fishing and light
too. As the water temperature it hits the water. The standard ¼ tackle charters.
warmed, the reds really turned oz. jigheads that you could bomb Clients choose
on. It seemed everybody on or in into a school of fish in the fall and from a full menu
the water really appreciated a few draw aggressive strikes will now of fly rods,
hearty days of sun. send the entire school fleeing. artificial and
While the redfish have become Try using the least amount of live bait fishing
more active, they are still weight possible to get your lure options with
somewhat wary and cautious. in front of fish. You might have charters tailored
They continue to huddle in large to try casting lures with almost to their desires.
schools (sometimes numbering in no weight at all, which may alter USCG licensed
the hundreds), and will continue your casting range. and insured,
to do so into March. As I wrote Keep practicing the stealth and Capt. Bennett
earlier this year, fly fishermen slow deliberate movements that is committed to
enjoy a distinct advantage in these you’ve been using throughout the providing a safe
conditions since the presentation winter to sneak up on schools of This angler pulled a massive spot-tailed bass out of the water in
late February. What are you waiting for?

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