Folly Current - March 5, 2010

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Vol. 2 Issue 10 Folly Beach’s Newspaper March 5, 2010 w FREE

Parking decals Exchange Club Oyster Roast

for renters FEbruary 28, 2010
By Lauren Dean
g o o d fr i e n
M ds
ayor Carl Beckmann has taken
full responsibility for the recent
problems experienced by Folly
Beach renters who were unable to obtain
parking decals. “I jumped the gun,” he
said, referring to a letter that was sent to
residents indicating that only property
owners would receive decals this year.
The letter was written by Buddy
Maupin, manager of City of Folly Beach
Parking Authority, but Beckmann
said he did edit it before it went out.
“I knew what I was trying to say,” he
said, "but I guess it came out wrong."
According to Beckmann, his intention
was to make sure that property owners
received the decals because they are the
ones who pay taxes. He said it would then
be up to the owners of the property to give
the parking stickers to their tenants.
Beckmann said City Council had been
talking about how to manage the decal
g oo d ti m
issue, which was getting out of hand,
according to Beckmann. He said that he
and the parking manager had looked at
some figures and there were more stickers
issued than there were residents on Folly
“We had people with stickers who live
on James Island who were coming to the
g ood o y
washout to surf,” he said, adding that he
felt it was unfair for Folly residents to have
s ter s
to compete for parking spaces with people
who don’t live on the island.
Beckmann said he was not aware until
the February 23 City Council meeting
that anyone had been denied a parking
permit. He said renters have been getting
decals and that those who couldn’t get
them “didn’t check, didn’t call” about it.
Beckmann said a mass mailing would

see Decals on page 6

great day!

E Justin Burke page 11 page 10 Up In the Air page 14
2 March 5, 2010

Letters to the editor... What is the justification for committing

these funds to a County parks project
verses a Folly Beach project?
Dear Editor,
Why has the Mayor and the City of
Folly Beach failed to take full advantage of
Dear Editor, that, even though they have been Folly What would be the financial benefits to the benefits available to the City of Folly
I am a member of the City of Folly mainstays for many years, have fallen into the city and residents? Beach under the “American Recovery and
Beach Parks and Recreation Committee, disrepair and are no longer habitable. I do Are all council members fully informed Investment Act” (ARRA)? ARRA included
but my comments and questions are my want to know how another County Park about this transaction and in support of new and expanded municipal bonding
own as a voter and resident. will benefit the residents of Folly Beach. it? authority which would significantly lower
It has come to my attention that Residents do not need more beach access, the City’s borrowing costs.
Last Tuesday I read this statement at the
the mayor may have committed the residents do not need parking places and City Council meeting. The Mayor refused The Mayor and the City of Folly Beach
approximately $219,000 of Green Belt residents do not need beachside showers. any public discussion and was reticent have failed to take advantage of the new
funding awarded to the City of Folly Also, in my opinion, residents do not to even admit he had such a discussion ‘Build America Bond’ program (BAB),
Beach to a joint real estate transaction need to be paying fees to use any park on with CCPRC. I came away with these which authorizes any local government
with the Charleston County Parks Folly Beach. Our city does need revenue, questions largely unanswered. Council to issue taxable BABs in calendar years
and Recreation Commission to build a so I am eager to hear about the financial members appeared to be uninformed 2009 and 2010 to finance any capital
beach park on E. Arctic Avenue at the benefit this potential transaction will about this transaction and at least three expenditures for which they otherwise
current location of The Front Beach Inn. bring us and what we would get in return had not heard anything about it from the could issue tax-exempt governmental
If this is true, my issue is not with the for such a commitment. Mayor. Yes, the Council would have to bonds. Either funding option would be
proposed park the County wants to build. It is confusing to me that Folly Beach’s vote to commit the Greenbelt funds to available to reduce the borrowing costs
There are some benefits. It would bring us Greenbelt money might be used to a County Park purchase, but how could to expand City Hall, to replace aging
a lovely park space, and more parking for subsidize a County PRC project rather they in good faith make such a decision garbage trucks at lower cost, and to acquire
tourists adjacent to the business district. It than using it to support the efforts of our without knowing all the facts or any of the clean-up equipment for the beach as well
also will involve the removal of buildings own Folly Beach Parks and Recreation facts surrounding this purchase and what as deferred fire-fighting equipment.
Committee to identify Folly Beach would get in return. There are two types of BABs: one
potential natural park I think many residents like me are fed offers a tax credit and the other a direct
Photo correction: spaces which could make up with the lack of communication with payment to the issuer. The first is a Tax
Thanks so much to use of these funds. Giving Credit Option whereby Bond proceeds
and within Council. It is my wish that
photographer Jason A. must be used to finance a governmental
away our Greenbelt money current and future Council members will
Zwicker for taking these purpose for which tax-exempt bonds can
undermines those efforts. take heed and support a more open and
incredible shots of the be issued. A taxpayer holding a BAB is
Save the Light Race on My questions are: transparent form of government. Let’s use
our votes to bring trust back to our City eligible to receive a tax credit equal to
February 6. We were so Is this true? Has 35% of the amount of interest paid on
thrilled with the pictures our Greenbelt money Council.
the bond. The second is a Direct Payment
that we forgot to give him been committed to this Christine Wilkerson
credit in the last edition! transaction? 317 W. Hudson Ave
see letters on page 3


The Folly Beach Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the following:
a. Ordinance No. 05-10 - An Ordinance adopting the new rewrite
of the zoning code for the City of Folly Beach.
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
DATE: Monday, March 8, 2010
PLACE: Folly Beach City Council Chambers
2nd Floor of City Hall
21 Center Street, Folly Beach, South Carolina

Interested citizens are invited to come and give public testimony. If you have any
questions, call Toni W. Connor-Rooks, City Administrator, 843-513-1834.
March 5, 2010 3
Option. This type of BAB may only be  Christopher Marley both property owners  as well as  renters
used for capital expenditures. It may not PO. Box 821 alike to keep their businesses running
be issued to refinance capital expenditures, Folly Beach during the off-season. 
but may be used to reimburse otherwise- Most municipalities do not pick and
eligible capital expenditures that were Dear Editor, choose which services to extend to residents Lynn Pierotti
paid or incurred after the effective date of After being denied a parking decal within their district based on whether or publisher
ARRA and that were financed originally because I do  not own the property in not one rents or owns and Folly Beach [email protected]
with temporary, short-term financing which I reside, I did two things. First, I should be no different. The refusal to issue
issued after the effective date of ARRA. researched all of  the 2009 City Council residential parking decals to some residents Kristin Hackler
The issuer of the bond will be allowed a meeting minutes in order to find evidence in the local community  simply because managing editor
credit, paid by the U.S. Department of the of a vote on the issue; thus far, I’ve found they rent sends out a negative message and [email protected]
Treasury (U.S. Treasury), equal to 35% of no record of a vote on the topic. Secondly, almost appears to categorize them as 2nd
the coupon interest payable under such I  discussed/questioned  several  residents class citizens whose opinions/ideas do not Lauren Dean
bond.  (property owners) and unnamed local matter. Many “renters” are also registered editor
government members  about the new [email protected]
ARRA included two additional types voters and this issue could likely serve as
of Bonds; Recovery Zone Economic policy to see how it had been posited. a catalyst, which brings more of them to
Swan Richards
Development Bonds (RZEBs) and The local residents that I spoke with the polls  and sparks a greater interest/ senior graphic designer
Recovery Zone Facility Bonds (RZFBs). about this were definitely surprised  with involvement in civic engagement.  [email protected]
RZEBs are a type of taxable Build America the new information concerning parking   Justin Rummage
Bond that allows Folly Beach  to achieve decals.  The Council members, on the 113 W. Hudson Avenue Ellie Smith
lower borrowing costs through a direct other hand, were aware of the action, but Folly Beach graphic designer
payment option and has a subsidy rate really didn’t have too much to say about
of  45% of the interest payable under such it. However, I will say that I was told that The Current encourages letters to Lori Dalton
bond. RZEBs can be used finance a broad the Mayor had taken it upon himself to the editor! Please include your name account executive
range of “qualified economic development make this decision---nonetheless, this is and address. Send them to lauren@ [email protected]
purposes” including public infrastructure how bad rumors are started, especially in
and facilities. the  realm of government and I do not Richard Brendel
Additionally and with a single accept this notion as truth without giving advertising
the Mayor a fair chance to respond. 843-478-0896
designation of the City of Folly Beach as a Welcome, new readers! [email protected]
“Recovery Zone,” Recovery Zone Facility According to the 2000  U.S. Census Welcome to the 987 new recipients
Bonds would be available to finance Bureau, there are approximately 2,116 of Lucky Dog publications! Lucky Dog •
a broad range of depreciable capital residents on Folly Beach. Of those
Publishing, publishers of The Island Eye
projects. A typical financing arrangement 2,116 residents, 58.3 % are property Contributors
owner occupied units while 41.7% are News, The Island Connection and The
for RZFBs would be for the City of Folly Mayor Carl Beckmann
Beach to issue conduit bonds for qualifying renters. The number of residents that are Folly Current, is happy to announce
Ben Bounds
businesses operating in its recovery zone non-property owners is a highly significant that we are now mailing directly to Brian Bunch
to fund commercial and other economic proportion of the total populace here on more than 10,000 island residents, with Megan Carroll
activities. The deadline for the issuance of Folly Beach. Moreover, renters are a vital an additional 4,000 papers distributed David Stormer
these bonds is December 31, 2010. component  of the local economy and its throughout the islands. Thank you for
establishments  that rely on  all residents, reading!
Published by
Lucky Dog Publishing
of South Carolina, LLC
P.O. Box 837
Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482

Future deadlines:
March 10 for submissions.

Oppa (Cooper) The Folly Current, a wholly owned

subsidiary of Lucky Dog Publish-
ing of South Carolina LLC, is a free,
independent newspaper published
every two weeks and is for and about
Folly Beach. Copies are mailed free of
charge to every active mailbox in our
coverage area and are also available
at area businesses and by subscrip-
tion to non-islanders. Subscriptions
are $30 per year for non-residents
and are available by sending a check
to Lucky Dog Publishing, LLC, P.O.
Box 837, Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482.
Bearby Jean Contributions of information, pictures
and articles are welcomed and are
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4 March 5, 2010
Council Candidates
by Lauren Dean

n April 6, Folly Beach voters will without public input. “Let’s get public have about Folly could be changed using portrayed as necessary evils. Breslin
choose three Council Members to input before we hire consultants,” he said, a common-sense approach, according would reshape them so they are less of an
represent their interests for the next citing the recent traffic study that he said to Hume. “Take litter, for instance,” he inconvenience to residents. She said these
four years. Seven candidates want your cost taxpayers $40,000. explained. “What if we were to issue a festivals help only some of the downtown
vote and you will be bombarded daily with Trash and litter is a major concern for bunch of tickets one week-end and have businesses and they do not keep taxes
campaign literature. Rather than add to Rich. He thinks Folly Beach should set up a story in the Post & Courier – “$72,000 from going up. “Center Street businesses
the rhetoric, I have sought to give you a feel its own recycling center, which he believes in Litter Tickets Written at Folly Beach” don’t pay accommodations taxes,” she
for who the candidates are as individuals so would pay for itself within a short period – or undercover cops issuing tickets for said, adding that it is A-tax money that
you have a clearer perspective of why they say of time. “Why should we constantly be littering?” He said it would not take long keeps taxes down.
what they say. To avoid bias, the interviews begging County for more pick-ups and for people to see the light. “We would Another concern is lack of code
are presented in the order in which they were more bins. Why should we let them come not have to do this over the long run. enforcement. She said it is distressing how
conducted. Ladies and gentlemen, I present out and make money off of us?” Perception is reality. Folly would no many good rules are not enacted because
your candidates for City Council. Rich serves on the Accommodations longer be considered the place where you Planning or Council members say “What’s
Tax Committee and received the “Good can get away with anything.” the point, it won’t be enforced anyway.”
DJ Rich Neighbor Award” in 2009 for organizing Hume said not much can be done about She would hire an Enforcement Officer
Rich came to Folly Beach in 2003 and “Follypalooza” and “A Taste of Folly” the 14,000 cars that squeeze their way to make Folly’s codes and regulations
“hasn’t looked back.” He was at Clemson to help Center Street businesses in the onto Folly Island on a summer weekend meaningful.
majoring in business management, but off-season. He said he will bring common short of putting up a gate. “We don’t want Breslin said she would bring to the job
was eager to get some “real work and life sense and a can-do attitude to City to live in a gated community,” he said, “so experience as a city planner, two years
experience.” His grandmother, Florence Council. Rich can be reached at 475-9787 we need to come up with a way to deal on the Folly Beach Planning & Zoning
O’Donnell, had been a Folly fixture for or at [email protected]. with the problem.” One of his suggestions Commission, and a conviction that the
years, operating the “Sanitary Cafe” on was to take two photos of violations – needs of residents are best served through
Center Street back in the 1970s and Rich one of the infraction and another of the open government. “City Council doesn’t
Paul Hume
spent much of his childhood here. “I offender’s license plate – so when he shows even know what’s going on sometimes. The
Hume was living in Milwaukee,
knew it was where I’d end up making my up in court he can’t wiggle out of paying City should be open about its business,”
Wisconsin, but felt the lure of the sea. He
home,” he said. his fine. she said. “The City belongs to us.”
had been up and down the East Coast
Rich was general manager at a Hume said he would bring to the job Breslin can be reached at 588-3026 or
from Florida to Virginia looking for the
restaurant, but like most folks in the his experience on the Planning & Zoning [email protected].
right place to settle in. After one night in
food and beverage industry, he wanted Commission, a pragmatic, common-sense
a house behind what was then the “Purple
a place of his own. In 2005, he and his way of looking at issues, and the ability
Pelican,” Hume and his wife leased an Pennell Clamp
grandmother took over Planet Follywood to help move things forward. Hume
off-season beach house for six months. Clamp is a native South Carolinian
on Center Street, where you can find Rich can be reached at 588-2605 or humep@
“That was 13 years ago,” Hume said, “and who bought a home on E Ashley 15 years
most days if you want to talk politics,
we’re still here. It’s easy to get hooked on ago and now lives on Oak Island. “I
which he’s happy to do. Folly.” was retired and had a lot of time on my
Rich said he was becoming more and Hume has served on the Planning & Susan Breslin hands,” Clamp said, “so I started sitting
more concerned as he watched a City Zoning Commission for six years and has Breslin got to Folly Beach the way in on Council meetings and saw things
Council so consumed with in-fighting thought about running for City Council most folks do – by accident. She came to going on I didn’t agree with.” What
that it couldn’t get any legislation passed. for some time. He said what pushed him visit and kept coming back. In 1995, she bothered Clamp most during his three-
“I was constantly having to watch what over the edge was when Council was bought a house on E Arctic. Although she year observation period was the way he
they were doing in order to protect my discussing a smoking ban and one member worked for many years as a city planner in saw Council throwing money around.
business,” Rich said. “It was time to either said “. . . there’s precedence for individuals New York City, Breslin pointed out that His research showed an annual budget
put up or shut up.” So Rich threw his hat to give up their rights” for the collective she was raised in a small town and feels that had soared from $2.2 million in 2005
in the ring. good. very much at home in Folly. to $6.1 million in 2009. In the same time
It did not seem to Rich that Council “The answer to Folly’s problems is not Breslin said she is running for City period, Clamp said the number of City
members were prepared for meetings. us who live here giving up more of our Council because the priorities of the City employees increased from 21 to 56.
“After a while you ask yourself, ‘If I’m rights,” he said. “We already have more are off-balance. “The needs and interests “I’m not a Conservative or a Liberal,”
doing more homework than they are, why laws than we probably need. Whether it’s of the residents ought to come first and far Clamp said. “I’m a realist.” Clamp ran
aren’t I on the Council?’ It just went from parking or garbage or noise, we have the too often are coming last," she said. his own business for 20 years and said
there.” ordinances. Enforce them!” It troubles Breslin that Folly is losing its the City should be run like a business.
Rich said decisions are made too often The “anything goes” attitude people sense of community. She said 80% of the It should be effective and efficient and
houses on Folly are assessed at 6%, which there should be accountability. “City Hall
indicates they are either second homes or doesn’t sell anything or produce anything.
rentals. “I would like to bring more good They have to rely on money coming from
neighbors to Folly Beach by marketing it taxpayers in order to exist. You have to be
as a place to retire or raise a family.” prudent when you are spending someone
She would go after policies unfair to else’s money. You have to spend it like it
residents, such as parking permits only was your own money.”
for property owners, requiring residents An admitted “numbers freak,” Clamp
to purchase garbage containers from the would go over the budget line by line,
City, and charging excessive minimums something he said many Council members
for water consumption. “Folly Beach is neglect to do. “You can box me up and
full of small households that use only send me to Bull Street if I ever vote for a
one-third of the water they are charged tax increase,” he said, adding that while
for and generate only a tiny amount of it’s not possible to foresee an emergency
garbage.” She said it is not fair to treat that might necessitate a tax increase, “We
them the same as vacation rentals that should turn over every stone and make
make completely different demands on sure we’re lean and clean before we ever
City services.
Festivals on Center Street have become see candidates on page 5
a way of life on Folly and are sometimes
March 5, 2010 5

candidates from page 4 traffic study, and litter problems. people have different issues and a different the budgets each year. “I can promise you
Work on the zoning re-write still has focus.” Beck can be reached at 843-224- that when I sit down, I’ve read everything
a long way to go, according to Beck. 1063 or [email protected]. that’s available because it affects me and
ask the taxpayers for more money.”
She said the City has yet to articulate a if it affects me, it affects the rest of Folly
The fragile nature of Folly’s environment Beach.”
vision of what the island should be. As Bob Hatcher
and ecosystem concern Clamp, who
an example, Beck used a Hurricane Hugo Hatcher is quick to admit that his first The City does not do enough on a
said there should be zero tolerance for
analogy in which the entire beach is wiped hurdle will be to convince Folly Beach day-to-day basis to insure that Council
abusing, misusing, neglecting, littering
out. “What do we want Folly to look like voters that he actually lives on the island. members have the information they need
or otherwise disrupting the land, beaches,
if we have to rebuild? We don’t want a While it’s true that he owns a house in to make informed decisions, and it is
waterways and marshlands of Folly Beach.
cookie-cutter approach,” she said. “We South Windermere, his home on E. Arctic not doing enough to communicate with
“There is no excuse for anyone not living
need to get creative and also make sure is his legal residence. In fact, Hatcher met its citizens, according to Hatcher. “You
in harmony with our environment and
proper design standards are put in place.” his wife there in 1947. “This is my home,” hear residents talking, they’re unhappy
ecosystem,” he said.
Regarding the traffic study, Beck said Hatcher said. “What happens in Folly with this, unhappy with that, but they’re
Clamp, who currently serves on the actually frustrated because they don’t
she relied on the advice and opinions of Beach is important to me.”
Board of Zoning Appeals, said he would know what’s going on.” He cites as an
the experts. She favors the traffic circle Since he was retired and had the
bring to the job a substantial business example, the new Folly River Bridge,
at Center Street and Indian Avenue that time, Hatcher began attending Council
background, a true interest in the which will have a huge impact on some
she said would make it easier for West side meetings and was frustrated at the lack
community, the time and inclination to residents. “The City should sit down with
residents to exit the island, a median on of communication. “I felt there were
crunch the numbers, and a talent for good, these people and say, ‘Hey, here’s what’s
Center Street to insure pedestrian safety, things I could do to help wrap things up,
honest, debate. Referring to recent issues going on.’”
and changing stop signs on Second Street a better way of asking questions to prompt
with City Council, he said “We need to
to provide for “an alternative method of thoughtful responses rather than the ‘Hey, Hatcher said he would bring a
work in harmony in the interests of the
going from North to South.” Beck said dummy, you’re doing it the wrong way’ substantial business background to the
2,200 people who live on this island.”
she would also change the direction of stop attitude I saw.” job. He has a degree in Economics and
Clamp can be reached at 518-3620 or signs at several E. Ashley intersections to has managed budgets and the logistics of
[email protected] What concerns Hatcher most is that
slow traffic on that street. managing resources to get the job done.
Folly doesn’t have a set of current zoning
Folly Beach recycles at a higher rate “Some members act like they’re running
codes and ordinances. He said people are
Laura Beck than most places, according to Beck, and for re-election at every Council meeting,”
reluctant to buy homes or invest in Folly
Beck became a full-time Folly Beach although she has not looked at the cost Hatcher said. “I’m going to work real
Beach because they don’t know what’s
resident in 2001, but has family ties issues, she said options to consider include hard to be an effective Councilman for
going to happen. “Having a moving target
going back three generations to great- taking care of our own recycling, hiring four years.” Hatcher can be reached at
is not conducive to growth,” he said.
grandparents who lived on E. Cooper. someone other than the County to pick 588-2415 or [email protected].
One of his strengths, according to
“I have history here and understand the it up, or contracting for pick-up on the
Hatcher, is his willingness to do his
changes the island has been through,” she summer weeks the County does not come Joel Flores
homework. He has read the new Zoning
said. out. Not available for interview.
Ordinance -all 278 pages - and he reads
Beck is the only incumbent City Council Beck said what distinguishes her from
member in the race. She won a Council other Council candidates is her ability
seat in 2006 after serving four years on to look at proposed legislation “through Letter from the editor . . . said, cutting her off.
the Planning & Zoning Commission the eyes of an attorney” and her status as The Mayor did say later in his
and wants to remain on Council to work a parent with young children. “I bring Despite website information closing comments, “The Front Beach
on issues such as the zoning rewrite, the balance to Council. Parents and younger outlining procedures for renters to Inn has closed, Parks & Recreation
obtain parking decals, Susan Breslin (PRC) is involved in negotiating a
complained to City Council that she contract with the owner, and the
knew of several renters whose requests Greenbelt Money has not been

Sudoku had been refused. The Mayor said

he knew of no renters who had been
denied permits. “That’s not true,”
Breslin said. “I know people who have
gone to get a permit and been denied.”
What’s wrong with this picture?
What has happened to civility? Some
might say a City Council meeting was
not the proper forum for Ms. Breslin’s
Beckmann said “Nobody who and Ms. Wilkerson’s questions. Maybe
Buddy (the Parking Czar) has turned “Citizen’s Comments” means just
away hasn’t walked over to my office that – say your piece, shut up, and sit
and worked it out with me.” down. But don’t we need to have an
“The residents of Folly Beach opportunity for the honest exchange
should not have to petition the Mayor of information? If not during Council
to have their rights,” Breslin retorted. meetings - where everyone is present
Next up was Christine Wilkerson in one room at one time - then where
who asked the Mayor point-blank and how do we raise our concerns
if he had committed Folly’s share of and get the answers to our questions?
the Greenbelt money (approximately Whatever the parameters, we need to
$219,000) to help the County buy the find an effective means and method for
Front Beach Inn property located on doing this.
E. Arctic Avenue for the purpose of There has been a lot of hoop-la
building a beach park and parking lot. recently over transparency and open
“Is this get the Mayor night?” government, so I’ve had to think about
Beckmann asked, clearly feeling as what that means. Citizen’s comments
though he were under assault. “I have become part of the public record, as
not committed it. I have discussed it does anything said by the Mayor and
with PRC.” the Councilmen. Having a public
Wilkerson is a member of the record holds government accountable,
Folly Beach Parks & Recreation and it also holds citizens accountable.
Commission, so I guess it's not So that’s all good, but residents and
unreasonable for her to expect her Council arguing with one another in
committee to have a heads up on how such a public and permanent exchange
money allocated to Folly Beach for doesn't seem right. I want open,
parks and recreation will be used. transparent government, you bet I do,
“When were you going to bring it but I want it with civility. Is that too
up?” Wilkerson asked. much to ask?
Solution on page 13 “It won’t be tonight,” Beckmann
Level: Easy
6 March 5, 2010
Mayor addresses Folly Beach City Council
after-hour 911 calls February 23, 2010
by Lauren Dean
Dear Friends and Neighbors: Knowing you have other concerns about Mayor Beckmann began the meeting agenda so it could receive first reading
this transition which you would like by handing out biodegradable trash bags and go to the Planning Commission for
On or about March 1, the Folly Beach to discuss, I am available to meet with to be placed in dispensers at the walkovers public input before the election. However,
dispatchers joined other dispatchers you during the week from 9 a.m. to 5 and passed out by the beach patrol. That on February 22, three Council members -
in Charleston County to form the 911 p.m. For your convenience, however, I happy note was short-lived as residents Beck, Goodwin and Stormer – petitioned
am extending my weekday hours to be took the podium to put the Mayor on the to put the Zoning Ordinance back on the
Consolidated Dispatch Center. Most
spot regarding parking decals for renters agenda for the February 23 meeting, and
of you are aware dispatchers are to be available from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and also
and use of Folly’s Greenbelt money. it passed unanimously. The Mayor said he
transferred; however, some of you were on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. The
A resolution (R08-10) authorizing and the Planning & Zoning Commission
not aware it would be as early as March 1. only dates and times I will be out of the
the expenditure of $7,400 to install a chairman decided not to bring the plan
Director of Public Safety Boatwright has office are Saturday, March 13, 2010, and
surveillance camera, drop box and security forward at this time because of some
sent a letter addressing the 911 system: March 15 – 18, 2010. When we meet, I
phone inside the foyer at City Hall was interesting ideas brought forth recently
what it will do, when to use it, and other will do my best to address your concerns
passed. The drop box is used primarily for that he said could result in significant
information which will be valuable to and answer questions regarding the
complaints or other communication from changes to the document.
keep for future reference. transition of the on-site dispatchers to the
The purpose of this letter is to assure Consolidated Dispatch Center and any the public and for the payment of parking “Let’s not make this a political football,”
everyone that the most important aspect other concerns you may have. tickets. Discussion centered on the merits Beck said. “What we have now is a
of all of this is you and your safety and When Council and I first addressed the of having the box and camera outside vs. patchwork quilt. We need to hit the ‘save
911 Consolidated Dispatch in 2008, inside or whether they were needed at all. button’ and continue to move forward
well being, as well as the well-being of
The telephone is automatically linked to with this ordinance.”
your animals. I am committed to making there were several reasons we made the
the 911 dispatch system, according to “This ordinance is head and shoulders
this transition as easy for you as possible decision to join other communities in
Chief Boatwright who said the phone above what we have now,” Stormer added.
while giving you this reassurance: Your Charleston County and transition to a
could be used as an “on the spot” means “Let’s turn it over to the people and let
needs, whether it concerns public works, Consolidated Dispatch Center: 1) the
of reporting emergencies and would be them have a stab at it.”
public safety or anything else have always dispatchers in the Center will be well-
particularly useful to people who don’t Goodwin said passage of the ordinance
been and will continue to be my first trained; capable of relaying information
have cell phones. would stop a moving target. “Sure it will
priority. over the phone that could save lives; 2)
I know one of the major concerns is Folly Beach had a significant number of Councilman Dave Stormer challenged be amended when we get comments from
our Folly Beach animals and what turnovers in the Dispatch Department, passage of a resolution (R10-10) authorizing the public,” he said, “but we need to get it
will happen if help is needed after 5 as many as nine in one year; 3) the calls a contract with Glick & Boehm for in front of them for their input.”
p.m., Monday through Friday, and on on non-emergency incidents will still be engineering services on the City Hall The ordinance was sent to the
handled ultimately by the Folly Beach expansion project. Stormer questioned Planning Commission and will be up
the weekends. I have met with Chief
what he referred to as a “secret, sweetheart for discussion at the March 1 regular
Boatwright to ensure animal related Public Safety; and 4) after a period of
deal” and claimed that the contract dated meeting. The formal Public Hearing
services after hours have been addressed three years, Charleston County will be
August 7, 2008 had been signed by Mayor will be in Council chambers on March 8.
in a way which will be satisfactory to paying the entire cost of the dispatchers;
Beckmann, but had come to the attention Residents are encouraged to attend both
our residents. All animal-related service Folly Beach will pay nothing. This is
of City Council members only two weeks meetings. Beck said since the ordinance
calls and non-emergency matters will a significant savings for the City of
ago and had not yet been seen by the City received first reading at the February
continue to be taken and dispatched Folly Beach and during these times of
Attorney. 23 Council meeting, the same Planning
on a 24/7 basis. Citizens only have to economic hardship, it is important that
call the number they are accustomed to the city make every effort to keep cost “This contract was not one entered Commissioners who have worked on
calling for service, which is 588-2433. at a minimum without sacrificing or into by the City of Folly Beach,” Stormer the plan for the past three years will be
After-hours animal related service calls compromising the safety and well being insisted. He suggested that the contract the ones to present the ordinance to the
will be assigned to a Folly Beach shift of our residents. be sent to the City Attorney and the public, and it will be possible to pass the
supervisor to ensure the appropriate I look forward to hearing from you and Comptroller for “stringent assurance that ordinance before the April 6 elections.
it is in the best interests of the City.” Of In other business, a resolution (R11-
animal services response is taken. Animal am hopeful this addresses some of the
particular concern to Stormer was the 10) approving the sole sourcing to B.P.
Services Officer Ralph Bryan, working concerns you may have.
stipulation that the architect would receive Barber for engineering services in the
in partnership with Carol Linville of Pet
8.25% of the construction costs, which he relocation of sewer lines off the Folly River
Helpers, will continue to build a cadre Carl B. Beckmann, Jr.
said was out of line with other contracts bridge passed unanimously; an ordinance
of animal services volunteers so that “on- Mayor of Folly Beach
he had seen. The resolution was rejected (02-10) creating a Staff Event Planning
call” assignments can be shared.
by Council. Committee passed second reading with
The new Zoning Ordinance, which had dissenting votes from Mayor Beckmann
been scheduled for the February 23 City and Councilman McCarty; an ordinance
Letter from the Mayor be improvements done in that area. Council meeting, had been scratched from clarifying the language on requests for
Folly Gras was a great success. The the agenda at the last minute. Council and “open containers” (03-10) passed first
Good morning or good afternoon! weather finally cooperated and we the Planning Commission had voted in a reading unanimously.
January and February have turned enjoyed a wonderful day. The businesses joint session to put the ordinance on the
out to be very busy months. I always were satisfied, as were the residents.
thought you slowed down during the March will be the great campaign
winter. However, not this year! We have month as we vote on April 6. Please
drainage projects being engineered listen to what all the candidates have Decals from cover Folly Beach address, a lease indicating
and in the works. I apologize for the to say so you can make an informed the tenant will be a resident through the
inconvenience at the Post Office, but decision. Be very careful of “street go out to all postal box holders within end of 2010, or a letter from the owner
this is one drainage project that must gossip,” as usually it is never correct. At the week explaining the procedures of the property stating that the renter
be done. This project, even though least not 100%! has permission to live at that address and
involved in order for renters to obtain the
on East Indian and 2nd Street, will Please vote on April 6 at Father decals. He said they must produce two will reside there through the end of 2010.
improve drainage from East Ashley. Kelly Hall. documents proving that they live at Folly The deadline for getting parking decals is
We are also doing the engineering April 30, according to Beckmann.
Beach. Acceptable documents include
around Red Sunset Lane and West Mayor Carl Beckmann a driver’s license showing a Folly Beach
Ashley at 9th to ascertain if there can
address, a Voter’s registration showing a
March 5, 2010 7
Folly Current Calendar
March 6 - March 20
Saturday, March 6 Cocktails for a Cause routes. No competition experience is necessary.  Wednesday, March 17
Join Sea Island Habitat as they host an evening Space is limited, so register early and save. For
ACA Introduction to Kayaking -Level 1 of art, drinks and hors d’oeuvres for the 2010 ages 4+. 8am-2pm. James Island County Park. St. Patrick’s Day
Let our ACA certifiedkayak instructors help Women Build Project.  Live music provided Fee: $30. 795-4386 or visit
you learn a new skill at James Island County Gary Pecorella. 6:30 – 9 p.m. at the Robert After school Climbing and Crabbing
Park. Using a variety of boats, this entry-level Lange Studio, 2 Queen Street in downtown “Murder Me, I’m Irish …” Come enjoy an afternoon of climbing and
course teaches you basic strokes and skills Charleston. Tickets are $50 each. Call 768- Join the Women’s Guild of Our Lady of Good crabbing.  We will learn a little about each
to have fun on the water!  Pre-registration 0998 or log-on to to Council at the “Shakin’ Shamrock Pub” for other and have some fun in the process!  All
required. 1-5 .p.m. Course # 22006. Age: 16 & purchase tickets. a St. Patty’s Day celebration with a forecast equipment needed is provided. Meet at
up. Fee: $42/$35 CCR Discount. 795-4386 or for murder. A traditional Irish dinner will be Palmetto Island County Park. Ages 6 – 12. Pre-
visit Folly Beach County Park Bird Walk served as participants try to solve the mystery. registration required. 3:30pm-6pm. Course #
Birding experts from Charleston County Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 each 22091. Fee: $12/$10 CCR Discount. 795-4386
Pet Support Team for Junior Volunteers Parks and the South Carolina Audubon and may be purchased after each Sunday Mass or visit
Pet Helpers Junior Volunteer Program, the Pet Society explore Folly Beach in this partnership or from members of the Women’s Guild. Fr.
Support Team, will meet at 2 p.m. Kids ages program. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.. Course # Kelly Hall at 105 West Hudson Avenue, Folly The Charleston Art & Antiques Forum
6 to 11 are invited to join this group of young 22104. Age: 12 & up. Call 795-4386 or visit Beach. Wednesday, March 17 - Sunday, March 21,
animal lovers for a monthly meeting. Email 2010. Ticket are available online at www.
Christine Bush at [email protected] to Sunday, March 14 To receive the
register for upcoming sessions. Pet Helpers is The Festival of Ballycahill 2010 program brochure, write The Charleston
located at 1447 Folly Road, James Island. Charleston’s first Irish Festival from March Daylight Savings Art & Antiques Forum; 36 Legare Street;
12 – 17, throughout downtown Charleston. “Spring” those clocks forward one hour! Charleston, SC 29401 or call (800) 926-2520.
Sunday, March 7 Enjoy arts, crafts, music, talk and merriment,
including Bling from the Bog, Way with Surfing the Runway Beach Fashion Show Thursday, March 18
Intro to Kayaking Surfing the Run­way will feature two eco-
Learn how to be safe and have fun in this Words, Greengraf 2010 and Bia Devil specials
at local Irish restaurants. For specific events and friendly fashion shows, a silent auction, 63rd Annual Festival of Houses & Gardens
on-water kayak class.  Topics include: safety, signature cocktails, gift bags, and giveaways, March 18 – April 17, 2010. Guests can discover
boat fit, getting in and out of your kayak more information, visit www.ballycahillfestival.
com all benefiting Surfer’s Healing. 5:30 p.m. at the the interiors and gardens of some of the finest
(gracefully), basic paddle strokes, and more.  Folly Beach Holiday Inn. Visit www.face­book. private residences in America during this
$45 per person includes kayak and gear.  Call com/surfingtherunway for weekly updates on month-long festival. Each tour allows visitors
Sea Kayak Carolina at 225-7969 to register. Saturday, March 13 community donations, special appearances, to explore eight to ten properties dating from
SSC Points Contest #1: Washout giveaways, and more. the American colonial period to the early 20th
Dogmore Stew Festival at Magnolia Plantation century. For more information please call 722-
March 13 & 14. Southern South Carolina
From 1 – 5 p.m., enjoy a Silent Auction, Raffle Family Climbing - Family Belay Lesson 3405 or visit
District of the Eastern Surfing Association
Prizes, Pet Fashion Show, Pet Vendors, Dog A great way to spend time together climbing  
points contest #1 at the Washout, Folly Beach.
Training Demos, Grooming Demos and more.
Tickets are $17 ($20 at door) and $10/children,
Entry deadline is March 7. Mail entry to SSC- and learning new skills!  Children ages Saturday, March 20
ESA PO Box 740, Folly Beach, SC 29439 or 4-13 will climb while parents learn to belay. 
and include admission to the plantation, a Children ages 14 and up can learn to belay as First Day of Spring
bring to any local surf shop by closing time on
Lowcountry feast of  hors d oeuvres, Frogmore well as climb.  Pre-registration required. 1 p.m.
the Sunday before the contest.www.ssc.surfesa.
Stew, and delicious desserts. For more info or - 4 p.m. at James Island County Park. Course Meet the Authors at Michelle’s Salon
tickets, call 343-8063. # 22063. Age: 4 & up. Fee: $16/$13. For more Join us from 2-5 p.m. to meet several local
2010 Tides of March: a Folly Festival of the info, call 795-4FUN(4386) or visit www.ccprc. authors at Michelle’s Salon and Spa: Bill Noel,
Friday, March 12 Arts & St. Patrick’s Day Celebration com. author of “The Washout”; Gretchen Stringer,
Saturday, March 13, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and author of “Hermie the Hermit Crab”; Douglas
Coastal Exploration Series: Monday, March 15 Bostic, author of “Morris Island and James
Birding in the ACE Basin Sunday, March 14, from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. at the
Folly River Park. Art and much more provided Island History”; and Mark R Jones, author
Tour the Bear Island Wildlife Management Ladies Night at the Climbing Wall of “Wicked Charleston.” Door Prizes and
Area with an emphasis on birding with Pete by the Folly Beach Arts and Crafts Guild. Live Come meet other local women climbers in
entertainment and performances provided by Refreshments. For more info call 588-2566.
Laurie, former DNR employee and writer for these fun activities and maybe even meet a new 103 E. Cooper St, Folly Beach.
S.C. Wildlife magazine. 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Actors’ Theatre of South Carolina. For more belay partner!  Pre-registration is not required.
For more info, call 953-9354 or www.dnr. info, call Kerry Hupp at 345-8739. 6 – 9 p.m.. Course # 21664. James Island County Park. Fee: $12/$10 CCR Discount.
Palmetto Pump & USA Climbing Competition 795-4386 /
Climbers of all ages and abilities will enjoy
competing on these new challenging and fun
10 March 5, 2010

Maybe Rabies? wHAT THE FOLLY?

F olly B e a c h c li n i c off e r s f r e e i n fo

abies is a viral disease which attacks Avoid strange-acting animals both
nerve and brain tissue. In South domestic and wild. Teach your children
Carolina, wild animals account to stay away from wild animals and
for the highest number of reported rabies unknown dogs and cats. Make sure they
cases, including raccoons, foxes, skunks tell you if they are bitten or scratched by
and bats. Rarely infected are rats, mice, an animal.
squirrels, rabbits and hamsters. To help Don’t attempt to keep wild animals as
you identify the symptoms of Rabies and pets. There is no rabies vaccine licensed
how to handle potential infections, the for use in wild animals.
City of Folly Beach is hosting a Rabies What to do if bitten by an animal
Clinic on April 3 from 9 a.m. – noon at Immediately wash any wounds with soap
the Fire Department headquarters, located and water.
in the 100 Block of West Cooper behind
City Hall. • Call your doctor and follow his
How does it spread? Rabies is • Report the bite to your local
transmitted by a rabid animal biting a health department. The Health
healthy one. The virus passes from the Department may require
saliva of the sick animal through the quarantining or testing of biting
wound into the healthy animal. It also animals for rabies.
can be spread when the saliva of a rabid • Do not kill any animal in such a
animal enters an opening in the skin, way that the head will be damaged.
such as a cut or scratch. The head must be in good condition

What are the symptoms in animals? for laboratory testing.
Rabid animals appear to act differently o you recognize this image? It was taken somewhere on Folly Beach. If you
than normal, such as: For additional information, contact know what it is, let us know at [email protected] and you could win a
• Wild animals which seem to be your local health department. The Folly free medium one-topping pizza from Woody’s!
friendly or tame. Beach Rabies Clinic is sponsored by The
• Wild animals, which you normally Brought to you by Woody’s Pizza and Laura Olsen Photography
South Carolina Department of Health
only see at night, seen in the and Environmental Control and Folly
daytime. Beach Public Safety. Everyone is invited.
• Pets which seem to have a hard time Information and other services for you and
walking, eating or drinking.
your pet will be provided.
• Signs of excitement or meanness in
animals. PHOTO BY Laura Olsen Imagery/
Don’t think that rabid animals can be
spotted easily because they drool or foam
at the mouth. This happens only some of
the time in the latter stages of the disease.
What are the symptoms is humans?
Early symptoms in humans include
irritability, headache, fever and
sometimes itching or pain at the site
of exposure. The disease eventually
progresses to paralysis, convulsions and
death. There is no cure for rabies.

Take steps for prevention. Vaccinate

your dog and cat. Pets are more likely to
be bitten by wild animals. Vaccinating
your dog and cat not only protects the
pet, but also protects family members
who come in contact with the pet. In
South Carolina, domesticated cats, dogs,
and ferrets must be vaccinated. Do not
allow your dog and cat to run free.
March 5, 2010 11

“Southern Son, So Far” Meet the author of The Edge

By Blake Bunch B o o k s i g n i n g s o n F o l ly B e a c h

inger/Song writer throughout the album, ill Noel, author of the mystery
Justin Burke has with Lotti singing backing novels Folly, The Pier, and Washout,
manned numerous vocals and Sivilli lending will be holding book signings for
musical projects before, some electric guitar solos on his latest novel in the Folly Beach Mystery
namely Jupiter’s Garden, as tracks like “In the Garden,” series, The Edge, at four locations on Folly
well as several Rock/Funk “Free Love,” and “I Know Beach between March 20 and 26. This
bands consisting of close You Will.” Band of Horses will be Mr. Noel’s first appearance on
friends, but his new album front-man Ben Bridwell also Folly Beach since The Edge was released in
harkens back to an old throws in his range of vocals January.
sound. Familiar originals are in “The Rescue.”
In a review of Noel’s The Pier, The
given new life after years of The majority of the songs Clarion notes that, “Noel writes with a
performance refinement, and feature melodic instrument fast-paced, easily read style, with plenty of
new tunes invite fans back to accompaniments in an humorous asides … With his smarts nicely
the Folk/Blues roots which almost Southern ballad-type calibrated at the average reader’s level,
have helped identify Burke structure, though the album Chris provides a good-humored, engaging
as an island icon. is also peppered with several entry into the world of Folly Beach.”
While playing with rock tunes with classic Folly Beach is unique, the novels are
And according to a review of Folly by
Jupiter’s Garden and electric guitar feedback and quirky, and the locations of the book
Grand Strand Magazine, “For those who
occasionally with local band bluegrass progressions. signings are unique in the world of literary
enjoy reading local fiction, or just want
Dangermuffin, Burke’s The content of Burke’s endeavors! But then again, what’s normal
a beach read with a bit of a twist, Folly
performances have ultimately album should be familiar on Folly Beach?
should be right up you
led to funky renditions of Justin Burke. to anyone who has lived on alley.” Mr. Noel will be signing and discussing
Beatles tunes, as well as other the island, its overall style his four books at:
classic covers. In his inaugural album reminiscent of a combination of the Avett
“Southern Son, So Far,” Burke opens the Brothers, Robert Johnson, Bob Dylan • Michelle’s Salon and Spa, 103 E.
floor to island friends and musicians, all of and The Band album “Basement Tapes.” Cooper Street, Saturday, March
whom contribute to this grassroots album His live sets are always extremely positive, 20, 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.
of folk lyrics, bluegrass breakdowns and and this mindset definitely translates into • Piggly Wiggly, 1985 Folly Road,
organic mixture of Southern music. these well recorded studio tracks. Sunday, March 21, 1 – 4 p.m.
Although it seems that the use of so The subject matters of Justin’s songs • Lost Dog Café, 106 W. Huron,
many different instruments throughout are always soulful and optimistic, mainly Tuesday, March 23, 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
the album would set the stage for more dealing with the joys of living set to clean, • Bert’s Market, 205 E, Ashley,
elaborate compositions, the songs are emotive arrangements. On songs like “I Tuesday March 23, 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
surprisingly concise and to the point. Know You Will,” and “Turn This Thing
Whether it involves keys or trumpet, banjo Around,” Burke unleashes this Dixieland South Carolina’s Folly Beach is
or mandolin, electric guitar or acoustic, sentiment: “Take me back to the good prominently featured in all four mystery
Burke and his plethora of musicians create old days, when I was young, I know you novels. For more information, visit www.
an atmosphere that is very relaxed, specific, will.”
and indefinably local.
Dan Lotti and Mike Sivilli of
Dangermuffin are audibly visible
Bill Noel.

Folly Beac h Tide Char t

Chill & Grill
Tuesdays – John Woodward and Folly music Date High Tide Low Tide
Wednesdays – Kevin West
scene Mar 5 11:39pm 5:22am/5:27pm
Thursdays – The Hawkes
Sand Dollar
3/5 - Louis B project Mar 6 12:21am/12:30pm 6:16am/6:30pm
3/5 & 6 – Fat Alice
3/6 – Stereo Reform Mar 7 1:18am/1:26pm 7:14am/7:17pm
3/12 – Soul Captive
Folly Beach Crab Shack
3/13 – Dantes Camaro Mar 8 2:18am/2:26pm 8:14am/8:20pm
Sundays – Jamisun
3/19 – Po Ridge
Mondays –Open Mic Night Mar 9 3:19am/3:26pm 9:13am/9:22pm
3/20 – The Masker Band
Tuesdays - Trivia
Mar 10 4:17am/4:24pm 10:08am/10:20pm
Wednesdays – Dave Grunstra
Thursdays – Folly Beach Bluegrass Mar 11 5:09am/5:16pm 10:57am/11:11pm
3/6 – Calvin Taylor
3/7 – Eric Penrod Mar 12 5:56am/6:04pm 11:40am/11:56pm
Fridays – Folly Dogs
3/10 – Graham Whorley
Saturdays – Sarah Smile Mar 13 6:38am/6:47pm 12:20pm
3/14 – Eric Penrod
3/17 – Elise Testone Duo Mar 14 8:17am/8:27pm 12:38am/1:57pm
Drop In Deli
3/20 – Ted McKee
Mondays – The Hawkes Mar 15 8:54am/9:03pm 2:17am/2:32pm
3/21 - Nickolai Svishev
3/9 – John Lee
Mar 16 9:29am/9:37pm 2:55am/3:05pm
Planet Follywood
Folly Brew Pub Mar 17 10:01am/10:09pm 3:32am/3:39pm
Fridays and Saturdays – Dan Clamp
 3/5        Miriam Allen
Mar 18 10:33am/10:42pm 4:09am/4:14pm
3/12      Eric Penrod
Surf Bar
3/19      Grit Biscuits 
Sundays – Dangermuffin
3/26      Howard Dlugasch
12 March 5, 2010

Police Reports
by Lauren Dean how to pull up the security footage for pointed his finger at one of the tenants as He admitted taking the glass from the
the evening. No one at Snapper Jack’s if it were a gun and he was going to shoot Surf Bar but claimed not to know he
He must have been sitting close to recalled seeing the couple in the bar that her. The clerk saw the gesture and called couldn’t drink alcohol in the street.
the door evening. The handgun was entered into the Charleston County Sheriff’s office. It After returning the glass to the Surfbar,
A suspect who walked out on a $230 the NCIC stolen guns file. is not known if anyone pressed charges. the subject became argumentative and
bar tab at the Surf Bar about 1:00 a.m. uncooperative. He would not stand
on 1/21 has not been apprehended, It’s a dog’s life Did he bite his ear off? still for the officer to complete his
according to Folly Beach police. He and While investigating an alarm call on In another tenant/landlord fracas Public paperwork. The suspect was arrested for
a male friend were seen driving off at a Seacrest Lane about 3:00 p.m. on 2/14, Safety officers were dispatched to an E. open container and disorderly conduct
fast rate of speed in a white Ford pick-up an officer was approached by a neighbor Hudson address on 2/19 due to a report and transported to Charleston County
truck. about a white female wandering around of a young man fighting an older man. Detention Center.
with a dog. The officer located the The officers could not locate the subjects,
He seemed like such a nice guy subject, who was disoriented and could but when they returned to the station the Was that Abraham Lincoln?
Police were called to the Holiday Inn not make a complete sentence. EMS was victim was there, having been walked to At around midnight on 2/20 Scott,
around 3:00 a.m. on 1/24 by a woman called and the subject was transported to City Hall by the complainant. The victim the bouncer at Snapper Jack’s, was
who reported personal items had been MUSC. The dog was placed in the kennel refused five requests for medical attention attempting to talk to a male subject
stolen from her room while she was for his own safety. and declined to press charges. Twenty on the sidewalk, who appeared to be
asleep. According to the victim, she had minutes later, officers were again called to intoxicated and was having trouble
met a man at Snapper Jack’s earlier in Bang, you’re dead the E. Hudson address. Photographs were understanding what was being
the evening. After having some drinks A Folly Beach man told Public Safety taken of the victim’s ear and hands, the said. When the officer asked for his
there, they went to her hotel room. She on 2/16 that his landlord “threatened to areas that showed the most injuries. The identification, the suspect handed him a
stated she fell asleep about midnight put a bullet in his head and put him in suspect is a tenant who was being evicted. five dollar bill. A woman who identified
with the man in the room. When she the grave” when he complained about a He was located and charged with Assault. herself as the subject’s wife came out of
awoke around 3:00 a.m., the man was leaky roof that hadn’t been repaired. He the bar, but she was intoxicated to the
gone. Also missing were the victim’s .22 said the landlord then got upset because You want me to do what? point that she rambled on and would not
magnum, $140 in twenty dollar bills, and of the complaint and decided to evict On 2/20 a victim came to the Public cooperate. The officer offered to call a cab
some costume jewelry. The victim didn’t all his tenants. The victim said he had Safety office to report a vandalism to to take them home, but at this point the
know the suspect’s name, but described not reported the threat at the time it his vehicle. The victim said he had been subjects began to use profanity, referring
him as a white male in his late 20s with occurred because he was waiting for the coming to work at Rita’s around noon to the officers as specific personal parts
a dark “military style” haircut and a eviction hearing, but when he got there and made a wide turn into the parking of the body. A crowd was forming, so the
scar on his right temple from an “Iraq the clerk rescheduled the hearing because lot to avoid a puddle. Three young boys officers arranged for the cab to meet the
war wound.” The investigating officer the magistrate was out sick. As the between the ages of 15 and 17 were on subjects at the Pantry. A friend – a sober
asked for assistance from the staff at the landlord and the tenants being evicted skate boards and they thought he was adult – showed up and offered to take
Holiday Inn, but they did not know were walking out of court, the landlord trying to hit them. The victim heard them home, so the cab was cancelled, and
them yell a profanity suggesting that he both subjects were issued citations for
do something personal to himself, and disorderly conduct.
when he returned to his vehicle several
hours later a shorter version of that same Baby, it’s cold outside
profanity was scratched into the left rear Police received a call on 2/21 that
door of his Chevy Blazer. The estimated someone was trespassing at 205 E. Arctic.
damage to the vehicle is $300. The When the officers arrived, they located
suspects have not been identified. two subjects hiding in separate rooms
on the property. They admitted they
Got beer? were not supposed to be on the property
At approximately 1:00 a.m. on 2/20, a and had jumped over a locked gate to
white male was seen staggering across gain entry. One of the suspects was
Cooper Avenue toward Center Street cited for trespassing and released. The
with a glass of beer in his hand. He was other subject gave a wrong name but the
coming from the direction of The Surf officers discovered he was misrepresenting
Bar and the glass appeared to be the same himself to avoid arrest. When his true
type used at the Surf Bar. The subject identity was discovered, he was arrested
had a strong odor of alcohol, his eyes on two outstanding bench warrants and
were red and glassy, he was unsteady on transported to the Charleston County
his feet, and he was slurring his words. Detention Center.
March 5, 2010 13
follywood Insider

Folly Beach has the Blues

By Ben Bounds

till reeling from the tragic and untimely death of Mississippi Delta bluesman Lil’ good word about both the bar and the island’s hospitality and good vibes from here to
Dave Thompson on Valentine’s Day, and reflecting on the success of this year’s North Mississippi.
Lowcountry Blues Bash, it’s as good a time as any for us to turn the spotlight on The Surf Bar kept with the Mississippi music theme the following Saturday night
the Folly Beach blues scene. when they hosted local Alt-Country / Americana act Guilt Ridden Troubadour which
As some of you may or may not know, Lil’ Dave Thompson was killed in an features Mac Leaphart and his partner in crime Reid Stone, former Daybreakdown
automobile accident on Feb. 14, after playing a gig at Fiery Ron’s Home Team BBQ on front man and Vicksburg, Mississippi, native. Stone’s musical roots and past touring
Sullivan’s Island as part of the Blues Bash. Although the club had arranged lodging for and recording experience in Mississippi led him to both personal and professional
Thompson and his band for that night, he told venue employees that he was worn out relationships with each of the aforementioned artists, and the band’s set that night
from nearly two months on the road and was longing to get back to Mississippi. seemed to take on a tone that was just a little on the Bluesy side.
“Dave was truly the most professional touring Bluesman and all around nice guy,” Considering that so many of those tightly-knit Mississippi Blues musicians were all
Home Team BBQ Talent Buyer and GM Tony McKie said in a conversation with the in Charleston on the same weekend, and that it ended with such a tragic note, you
Follywood Insider this week. “I am lucky also to have called him a friend. Hosting what can bet that there were many heavy hearts traveling that highway from here to the
turned out to be his last show leaves me with mixed emotions. He will truly be missed Crossroads. Please keep Lil’ Dave, his family and band mates in your prayers.
by Blues fans everywhere.”
Ben Bounds is the owner of Follywood Productions on Folly Beach. Follywood Productions
Thompson embodied everything that is the Mississippi Delta Blues. A throwback
strives to be the islands’ most dedicated event coordinating service, handling live entertainment
from the old days with a new generation swagger, Thompson was always on-time,
and promotion for local and regional artists, venues, festivals, fundraisers, universities and
friendly, courteous, grateful, and most importantly, he always brought his best to the
special events.  For more information, call 408-6439 or email [email protected]
This is Follywood - This is The Edge.
Although none of the venues on Folly Beach were officially involved in this year’s

U.S. Census Bureau

Blues Bash, Follywood Productions and the Surf Bar hosted one “unofficial” event on
Feb. 14, which ran simultaneously with Thompson’s last performance just an island
inlet away, featuring The Eric Deaton Trio with special guest Davis Coen. Deaton

canvassing Folly Beach

is best known for having joined North Mississippi Hill Country Blues legend Junior
Kimbrough’s back band as a bassist and sometimes guitarist when he was only 18.
When Kimbrough passed in ’98, Deaton found an immediate opening as bassist for the
Burnside Exploration with Garry Burnside, youngest son of Hill Country Blues legend By Dave Stormer
R.L. Burnside, and his cousin Cedric Burnside. He parlayed that into lead guitar roles
with both Afrissippi and Jimbo Mathus’ Knockdown South. He has since struck out on The Bureau of the Census will be canvassing Folly Beach beginning the
his own with his new trio featuring Nate Robbins of Rockett 88 and Charles Gage of week of March 1, 2010. Census workers, City residents or people familiar with
Duwayne Burnside & Mississippi Mafia. Mathus’ new band, The Tri-State Coalition, the City, will be seeking to identify any “living quarters” and handing out a
was also a part of the Blues Bash playing the Pour House on Feb. 12. 2010 census questionnaire for the occupant. Living quarters are defined as any
The show at the Surf Bar, which followed the overwhelmingly successful Folly Gras place where a person does or could live.  The census workers will be knocking
Parade, was on-fire. Deaton & Co. kicked things off with a straight-forward electric on doors and giving occupants a census questionnaire to be returned by mail. 
mix of classic blues standards and his own originals. Coen also chimed in with some They will be asking no questions except about the address of the living quarters.
originals of his own, sharing the vocals with Deaton throughout the night. The Surf Bar When no one is home, they will leave the questionnaire on or near the door.
staff was highly complimentary of the performance and said it was “exactly the right fit” Your cooperation is encouraged for a number of reasons:
for the bar’s post-parade party. Deaton and his band mates said they would spread the • South Carolina is expected to have a population increase sufficient to
add a member to the U.S.House of Representatives

Sudoku -solution • Population statistics are used by federal and state governments as the
basis for distribution of grants and services to municipal jurisdictions.
Planners use the results to project the changes that will be needed in
governmental services
• Businesses use the results to determine where and what products and
services will be needed in new areas.

The information gathered is confidential.  Census workers take an oath not

to disclose any personal information during their lifetime, or face a five-year
prison term. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
14 March 5, 2010

By Megan Carroll

ell, I feel that I have let you down. I put off seeing Natalie Keener (Anna Kendrick) feels that
“Up in the Air” until now. Why? I have no clue. the company could be more efficient and
Maybe it was George Clooney, maybe I felt there could save a lot of money by conducting
were more pressing films out there to see, or maybe it was all firings in a live chat broadcast forum.
the hype surrounding the film that put me off. All I can do Bingham’s boss (Jason Bateman) puts him
now is say,” If you haven’t seen this film, you should,” and I am in charge of showing Keener the ropes and
sorry for missing such a wonderful piece of cinematography.  places both out in the field, but his boss
 Jason Reitman’s “Up in the Air” is a brilliant, simple film makes it clear that this will be Bingham’s
that is superbly done. George Clooney plays Ryan Bingham, last dance. 
a man who fires people for a living. Large companies pay   Reitman, who has also done
Bingham to transition people from their work life to an excellent films such as  “Thank You for
uncertain future. He has the formula down to a science and Smoking”  and  “Juno”,  nails it again. His
tries to make the transition a springboard to something better films are simple with engaging storylines
in the people’s lives. The challenge for him is dealing with the and smart, witty banter between the
reactions of those he transitions out of work. Before the person characters. “Juno” is definitely my favorite,
realizes what has happened, Bingham is back in an airplane, but “Up In the Air” is a close second!
staying in whatever hotel room his expense report offers.  As I said before, there was a lot of hype
  Bingham lives out of a small piece of black, carry-on around this film. A lot of the praise focused
luggage. His little bit of joy in life is racking up rewards on the actors’ stellar performances, but it
points  through the airlines and hotels, working toward an also spoke to what was going on in our
almost incomprehensible final total. He takes advantage of society in regards to the massive corporate
those secret lounges at the airports and empty lines at the layoffs. I feel this film will become a classic
hotels with the gold plaques  in front of them, continuously because of its real focus, and it’s perspective
traveling but never really connecting to the outside world. Not on the importance of human connections.
surprisingly, he is single and disconnected from his family and In a world that is consumed by text
friends.  This is how he has chosen to live year after year and he messaging, emails and podcasts, we are
enjoys his hermit lifestyle; or so he thinks.  losing our humanity, our compassion and
 Bingham’s life of solitude comes to a quick end when he sympathy. This idea of a world disconnected
finds himself with a traveling partner. An ambitious go-getter, is something to ponder.

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