Herbal Plants
Herbal Plants
Herbal Plants
1. Akapulko(Cassia alata)
Also known as:
Akapulko is used as herbal medicine for the following skin
Tinea infections,
insect bites,
scabies and
Preparation and application of Akapulko herbal medicine
Pound Akapulko leaves, squeeze the juice and apply topically on
affected area twice a day until cured. There are commercially
available Akapulko herbal medicine lotions in the Philippine
market for skin diseases treatment.
Akapulko is used as herbal medicine for the following stomach
Laxative to expel intestinal parasites,
Strong decoction of leaves are also known to cause abortion
in pregnant women.
Preparation and application of Akapulko herbal medicine for
treatment of stomach problems
Pound or cut a cup of Akapulko seeds, Akapulko leaves and
flowers into manageable sizes then let it seep in boiling water for
10 to 15 minutes to creat an Akapulko herbal tea. Let it cool and
drink a cup three times a day. The potency of Akapulko herbal tea
is good to last for one day. Make new Akapulko herbal tea as
needed. When symptoms persist or irritation occurs stop the use
and consult your doctor.
Akapulko is used as herbal medicine for the following lung and
mouth problems:
Expectorant for bronchitis and dyspnoea,
mouthwash in stomatitis,
alleviation of asthma symptoms
Preparation and application of Akapulko herbal medicine for lung
and mouth problems
As expectorant and for the alleviation of asthma attacks. Drink a
cup of Akapulko herbal medicine tea (see above for the
preparation) three times a day until symptoms improved.
For the treatment of mouth infections such as stomatitis, gargle
the Akapulko herbal tea three times a day until symptoms
Akapulko is used as herbal medicine and is a shrub that grows
wild in the tropical climate of Philippines. Akapulko is widely used
in the Philippines as herbal medicine. The akapulko leaves contain
Ampalaya Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) also known as
Bitter Melon is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family
Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in the Amazon, Carribean, South
east Asia such as Philippines for its edible fruit. Ampalaya or bitter
melon also known as bitter gourd as the name implies has a bitter
taste due to the presence of momordicin, and is believed to be
among the most bitter of all vegetables.
Ampalaya Bitter Melon is a climbing vine that grows up to 5m,
with tendrils up to 20cm. long. Amplaya leaves are heart-shaped,
5-10 cm across, cut into 5-7 lobes. Each Ampalaya Bitter Melon
plant bears separate yellow male and female flowers. Ampalaya
bears fleshy green fruit, oblong shaped with pointed ends, ribbed
and wrinkled, bursting when mature to release seeds. Ampalaya
seeds are flat with ruminated margins.
Ampalaya, also known as Bitter Melon, is a crawling vine that
grows well in tropical countries, particularly in the Philippines. The
term Ampalaya refers to both the plant and its fruit, which is
elongated, green and has a rough and rumpled skin. Known for its
bitter taste, the Ampalaya is at once a staple ingredient in Filipino
and Asian cuisine and a reliable home remedy for various
illnesses, particularly diabetes.
Ampalaya has long been a popular part of many Asian vegetable
dishes. Though notorious for its bitter taste, Ampalaya is rich in
iron, potassium, beta-carotene and other nutrients. But aside from
its role as a healthy food, Ampalaya is especially valued by
diabetics for its known anti-diabetes properties. The traditional
remedy is made by pounding the raw fruits of Ampalaya into a
bitter liquid, or by boiling the leaves and fruits for a few minutes,
the resulting water then drank as a herbal tea.
Ampalaya has the most documented scientific reports that cite its
blood sugar-lowering benefit. Research worldwide since the 1960s
cites the plants key compounds, notably polypeptide-P, a plant
insulin known to lower blood sugar levels. The plants insulin-like
benefits have long-been enjoyed by many diabetics, who include
Ampalaya as part of their daily diet, either eaten as a vegetable
or taken as a tea.
3. Bawang(Allium Savaltium)
Bawang - Antiinfectious: Antibacterial, antifungal,
antiparasitic. Bawang juice is applied to the afflicted area.
Scientifically ajoene 0.4% cream when applied topically, has been
found 70% effective in certain dermatologic fungal infections. A
0.6% gel was effective in tinea corporis and tinea cruris.
4. Bayabas(Psidium Guajaba)
Also known as: Bayawas (Bik.), Biabas (Sul.), Gaiyabat
(If.), Gaiyabit (If.)
Geyabas (Bon.), Guayabas (Tag.), Guava (Engl.),
Guyabas(Ilk., Tag.), Kalimbahin (Tag.), Psidium cujavus
Linn. Bagabas (Ig.), Psidium aromaticum Blanco Bayabas
Bayabas or guava is a fruit bearing shrub or small tree that
grows in the tropical climate like Mexico, Peru and the Philippines.
Bayabas is widely used in the Philippines as herbal medicine and
is recognized by the Philippine Department of Health for its
antiseptic property. Bayabas or guava fruit is known for being rich
in vitamin C and vitamin A. Bayabas leaves and fruits contain
eugenol, tannin, saponins, amydalin, phenolic acids, malic acid,
ash, aldehydes, catequinic components and flavonoids.
Bayabas or guava is used in herbal medicine as antiseptic, antiinflammatory, anti-spasmodic, antioxidant hepatoprotective, antiallergy, antimicrobial, anti-plasmodial, anti-cough, antidiabetic,
and antigenotoxic.
Bayabas or guava tree grows 3 to10 meters tall with greenish to
red-brownish smooth bark. Bayabas produce a round globular
bayabas fruit that starts as a flower. The bayabas fruit is green
and turns yellowish-green and soft when ripe. Bayabas fruit has
many small hard seeds contained in a yellowish pulp. Bayabas
fruit is usually eaten while still green and hard.
5. Lagundi(Vitex Negundo)
Also knows as:
Dabtan (If.) Dangla (Ilk.) Kamalan (Tag.) Lagundi (Ibn., Tag., Bik., P.
Bis.) Ligei (Bon.) Limo-limo (Ilk.) Sagarai (Bag.) Turagay (Bis.) Fiveleaved chaste tree (Engl.) Huang Ching (Chin.) Agno-casto (Spanish)
Lagundi has been traditionally used as herbal medicine by
Philippine folks. The efficacy of Lagundi has also been verified by
the Philippine Department of Health and other Philippine based
scientists which concentrated on its use to ease respiratory
complaints. Lagundi is generally used for the treatment of coughs,
asthma symptoms, and other respiratory problems,
Lagundi is also known for its analgesic effect that helps alleviate
pain and discomfort. Other traditional benefits that are derived
from the use of Lagundi are as follows:
Relief of asthma & pharyngitis
Recommended relief of rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils,
Treatment of cough, colds, fever and flu and other
bronchopulmonary disorders
Alleviate symptoms of Chicken Pox
Removal of worms, and boils
suppress the growth of a specific tumor cell line that is particularly resistant
to many commonly used cytotoxins due to overproduction of a transport
protein in the cell wall. In contrast, a whole range of standard anti-cancer
drugs fail to be effective against this cell.
Niyog-niyogan is a large climbing, woody shrub that is native in Southeast
Asian countries including the Philippines, India, Myanmar and Malaysia.
Niyog-niyogan grows to about 20 feet in height with leaves that is rounded at
the bottom and pointed at the tips. Niyog-niyogan shrub has fragrant and
colorful flowers. Niyog-niyogan flowers exhibit varying colors, from white,
red, reddish purple, pink red to orange that sprouts into clusters. Niyogniyogan has edible fruit that is ellipsoidal in shape with five lengthwise
wings. It has seeds that are black in color.
Niyog-niyogan is also one of the herbal plants endorsed by the Philippine
Department of Health for its deworming property. Niyog-niyogan has other
medicinal benefits as discussed in the following.
7. Sambong(BLumera balsamifera)
Also knows as:
Alibum,Lakad-bulan, Alimon, Lalakdan. Sambong (Tag.),
Dalapot, Sob-sob, Gabuen. Subusub, Blumea camphor
(Engl.), Kambibon, Ngai camphor (Engl.).
Sambong roots and leaves are used as herbal treatment for
fevers, sambong leaves and roots are pounded then
dissolved in cold water. Applied with a soft cloth over the
nape, forehead, underarms and other body parts to bring
down the body temperature.
Sambong roots and leaves are also used as herbal medicine
treatment for rheumatism. Sambong roots and leaves are
pounded and applied as poultice on the affected body part.
Sambong roots and leaves may also be boiled and are
applied as warm compress onto affected area
Sambong is also used to treat headache, sambong leaves
are pounded and applied as a poultice over the forehead.
Sambong tea are also used as herbal medicine for colds and
Sambong tea are also used for herbal treatment of diarrhea
and stomach spasms.
Sambong juice are also used for treatment of cuts and
Sambong is used as herbal medicine and is a shrub that grows
wild in the tropical climate countries such as Philippines, India,
Africa and found even in eastern Himalayas. Sambong is widely
used in the Philippines as herbal medicine. Sambong leaves are
known for its ngai or Blumea camphor that is used as herbal
medicine to treat kidney stones, wounds and cuts, rheumatism,
anti-diarrhea, anti spasms, colds and coughs and hypertension.
The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development
(PCHRD) has develop the technology for a sambong herbal
medicine tablet.
Sambong is an aromatic shrub, that grows from 1 to 4 meters in
height. It is considered as a weed in some countries and is difficult
to eradicate. Sambong has yellow flowering heads that is 6 mm
long. Sambong leaves are green obloid that spreads in a
pyramidial pattern. Sambong bears fruits that are ribbed and
hairy on top. Sambong fruit has 1 seed.
8. Tsaang Gubat(Carmna restusa)
Also known as:
Alangit (Bis.) Kalamoga (Tag.)
Alangitngit (Tag., Bis.) Kalimomog (Tag.)
Balingsaa (C. Bis.) Kalimumog (Tag.)
Buntatai (P. Bis.) Mangit (Tag., Bis.)
Buyo-buyo (Sul.) Mara-mara (Bis., S.L. Bis.)
Buyok-buyok (Sul.) Maratia (Ibn.)
Cha (Tag.) Mura-mara (P. Bis.)
Pound or cut a cup of tsaang gubat leaves into manageable sizes then let it
seep in boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes to create a tsaang gubat herbal
tea. Let it cool and drink a cup three times a day. The potency of tsaang
gubat herbal tea is good to last for one day. Make new tsaang gubat herbal
tea as needed.
Tsaang gubat is used as herbal medicine for the following mouth problems:
mouthwash in stomatitis,
teeth strengthener
Tsaang Gubat is used as herbal medicine and is a shrub that grows wild in
the tropical climate of Philippines. Tsaang gubat is widely used in the
Philippines as herbal medicine. The tsaang gubat were studied for possible
anti-allergic substances to counter the histamine release from mast cells
that cause type-1 reactions. The tsaang-gubat, contains rosmarinic acid and
microphyllone which is attributed for its efficacy to control allergy. Tsaang
gubat studies also shows it has antibacterial, antinocicpetive and antiinflammatory properties. Study of tsaang gubat leaves showed a mixture
of triterpenes a-amyrin, -amyrin and baurenol and a wide range of
bioactivity. The tsaang gubat showed analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal and antibacterial activities. Tsaang gubat is commonly prepared in
pills capsules and in herbal tea bags form.
Tsaang gubat is an erect, shrub with green compound leaves. The tsaang
gubat shrub grows to about 1 to 4 meters high and can be found in
secondary forest in low and medium altitude. Tsaang gubat leaves grows in
clusters on short branches, 3-6 cm long, somewhat toothed or lobed near the
apex and pointed at the base, short stalked and rough on the upper surface.
Tsaang gubat bears small white flowers, axillary, solitary, 2 or 4 on a
common stalk. It bears yellow fruits when ripe about 4-5 mm in diameter,
fleshy, with a 4-seeded stone.
Pansit-pansitan is used as an herbal medicine for the treatment of:
Eye inflammation,
Sore throat,
Prostate problems
Skin boils,
Skin inflammation,
Abdominal pains
Renal problems
Pansit-Pansitan is a common fleshy shallow rooted herb that
grows to about 15 to 45 cm in height in damp and lightly shaded
areas. Pansit-pansitan has been used as food item as well as a
medicinal herb for its analgesic, anti-arthritic, diuretic activity. The
entire plant is edible both cooked or raw.
Pansit-pansitan plant can grow wild but also grown as ornamental
foliage. Pansit-pansitan is characterized by its shiny heart shaped
leaves about 4 cm in length, growing from an erect translucent
green stalks. Pansit-pansitan has tiny dot-like flowers that grow
from erect and slender green spikes that turn brown when
matured. The fruits are also very small, round to oblong, ridged,
first green later black. Tiny seeds drop off that grows easily in
10.Yerba Buena(Mentha arvensis linn)
also known as:
Hierba buena (Span.), Minta (Italy), Minze (Germany), Marsh mint
(English), Mint, peppermint (Engl.), Po-ho (Chin.)
Yerba buena is also know for its medicinal properties. Yerba buena is used as
herbal medicine for the treatment of many ailments which has been
traditionally used since ancient times.
Studies have shown that Yerba buena contains pulegone, menthol,
menthene, menthenone and limonene.
Common Health benefits from Yerba buena are as follows:
Yerba Buena tea used as body pain reliever . Good for headache,
stomach ache and tooth ache.
Yerba Buena tea for cough and colds . Drink as tea. Acts as an
Yerba Buena as mouth wash for swollen gums and tooth aches
steep 6 grams of fresh plant in a glass of boiling water for 30
minutes. Use solution as gargle.
Yerba Buena tea for menstrual and gas pain . Drink infusion. It
induces menstrual flow and sweating.
Yerba Buena leaves for Insect bites crush leaves and apply
juice on affected part or pound leaves until paste-like. Then rub this on
affected part.
crush leaves
Yerba Buena is a rambling aromatic herb of the mint family that is known and
used as herbal medicine worldwide.
Yerba Buena is a perennial plant that grows up to 1 meter in height with
oblong shaped leaves with toothed margins. Flowers are hairy and the color
is bluish to purplish with axillary head like whorls.
Yerba Buena are grown throughout the world from North America to Asia. The
plant takes the form of a sprawling, mat-forming perennial, and is especially
abundant close to the coast.