Aloe Vera A Review of The Scientific Literature

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July 17, 2003


Aloe Vera and the ageing process – its relation to glycation and glycosylation

This article reviews the current scientific research literature regarding Aloe Vera, its uses and place in
health and wellbeing. The literature reviewed covers in vivo and in vitro, human and animal, studies.
Special attention is given to the question – does Aloe Vera, in particular one of its polysaccharides
mannose (mannose-6-phosphate) contribute to or cause glycation? Additional topics covered: glycation
and its causational factors; the safety of long-term Aloe Vera use, internal and topical. pages 1-9

GLYCATION present will accumulate substantial amounts of

AGEs.5 This occurs on long lived proteins (i.e.
Glycation or non-enzymatic glycosylation is tissues with low turnover rate) (i.e. fibronectin,
defined as the chemical reaction between laminin, collagen, elastin, etc) 6 , when high
reducing sugars, (glucose, fructose, etc) and free concentrations of sugar are present, as with
protein amino acids. This non-enzymatic diabetes mellitus.7
modification of tissue protein amino acids by
reducing sugars is know as the Maillard or FACTORS – causes of glycation
browning reaction.1 This results in cross-linking, The factors influencing glycation and its
and the subsequent formation of reversible acceleration are: age, solar (UV) radiation, the
Amadori products. With sufficient time, the amount of caloric intake, tissue type, level of
Amadori products “spontaneously undergo reducing sugars present, smoking of tobacco,
further crosslinking to form irreversible oxidative stress, general health and metal ions.
crosslinks called advanced glycation endproducts
(AGEs)”.2 As a result the protein amino acids are Age – because glycation influences long-lived
altered in structure and function.3 proteins, it has been determined that with
advancing years (ageing), the accumulation of
In short, glycation is the inevitable “sugar- AGEs increases. In the human dermis after 35,
processing”, where sugar irreversibly attaches to glycation arises and increases with intrinsic
long-lived proteins such as collagen, ageing.8
accumulating with age. This leads to the
destructive (abnormal) cross-linking of the Solar (UV) radiation – AGEs when exposed to
structural proteins of tissues and organs. The ultra violet light (UV) A, natural or artificial
result is stiffening; decreased flexibility and source, generate reactive oxygen species (ROS).
elasticity (hardening) of the organs and tissues These promote photo-ageing in the skin.9
made up of these protein amino acids. This Exposure to UV radiation increases dermal
causes a gradual deterioration of normal tissue glycation.10 Another reason why adequate sun
and organ functioning - repair, defense and protection and taking care when outside or
coping mechanisms. exposed to sources of UV (by office lighting,
thru windows, suntan beds, etc) is a must.
Glycation is associated with both intrinsic
(internal, within the tissue itself) and actinic (due Amount of Caloric Intake – “age-related
to radiation by which chemical effects are accumulation of AGE is more closely related to
produced) ageing. AGEs are associated with [the amount of] caloric intake …than a specific
cellular dysfunction, age-related diseases and dietary carbohydrate” present in the diet.11 The
conditions.4 Besides normal aging, glycation is collagen concentrations of pentosidine, a tissue
also associated with a wide variety of conditions marker of AGE, are not affected significantly by
and diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, the type of dietary carbohydrate (mono- or
cancer, arthrosclerosis, general cardiovascular disaccharides) 12. “Specific dietary carbohydrates
disease and Alzheimer to name but a few. do not affect the aging process by altering serum
glucose concentrations or the accumulation of
Conditions for glycation and the formation of AGE in specific tissues.”12 The restriction of
AGEs must be correct however. These reactions caloric intake has a beneficial effect in helping to
take a long time to occur and only proteins with delay the physiological effects of ageing.12
significant amounts of the Amadori products 1  nkb2003
Tissue Type – different tissue types are Cooking of Foods at high temperatures –
susceptible to glycation and the accumulation of foods cooked at high temperatures exhibit higher
AGEs at different rates12. This difference may be levels of AGE formation.
due to the different types of long-lived protein
amino acids present in the specific tissue. This ALOE VERA
may also be due to the differences in the levels Aloe Vera has enjoyed a reputation as a healer
of arginine and lysine in the specific tissue and for millennia, based primarily on anecdotal
their decrease with age.13 For example, human evidence. For the last 40 years however, a
cartilage collagen, with age, shows greater concerted effort by the scientific research
glycation than human skin, which in turn shows community, through in vivo (real life) and in
higher levels of glycation than human lens vitro (within an artificial environment) studies
proteins.14 (human and animal) has shed new light on Aloe

Presence of reducing sugars – the greater the Vera and its abilities. It has brought Aloe Vera
presence of reducing sugars (i.e. the greater the out of the realm of folk medicine, providing it
caloric intake), the greater the prevalence of with a solid medical and scientific foundation as
glycation. The greater the caloric intake, the a healer.
higher the levels of serum glucose, thus the Aloe Vera’s numerous and varied constituent
greater the availability for glycation.15 (see note A) have provided this botanical with multi-faceted
Smoking of tobacco – a study from 2002 found abilities, uses and applications.
that nornicotine, obtained from smoking tobacco, Aloe Vera has been shown to assist in or with:
“causes aberrant [exceptional, abnormal] protein -
pain management – through the inhibition
glycation.”16 A direct link between tobacco use of pain producing substances such as
and AGE development was reported. The bradykinin and thromboxane 21
research data suggests, “nornicotine-based -
increase of blood circulation, vasodilation
glycation products could serve as long-lived - in wound and tissue injuries 21
sources of ‘nicotine-like’ moieties [parts], -
minimization of bruising – by speeding the
contributing to the mechanism of nicotine repair process and stimulating drainage.
addiction.”17 Nornicotine could also lead to -
immunostimulation – the stimulation of the
protein inactivation and cause adverse immune immune system, general and target-specific,
system responses.17 This may be the reason why by natural killer cell activity stimulation,
the skin around the mouth of a smoker will show due to the abundance of polysaccharides
the signs of ageing - hardening of the skin, lines found in Aloe Vera 21 (activity found in
and discoloration – much earlier and more patients with cancer, AIDS, tumors, to
prominently than the skin of a nonsmoker. name but a few)
Oxidative stress – leads to the creation of free antibacterial activity – demonstrates
radicals, which in turn promotes the conditions antibiotic properties 21
for glycation.17a -
antiviral activity – found in patients with
General health – of the body is another herpes simplex, measles, feline
important factor. Specific diseases, such as rhinotracheitis, feline leukemia, to name but
diabetes mellitus, immune stress and other health a few – increases cell viability and reduces
compromising conditions can increase the rate viral load, assisting in inhibiting
and severity of glycation.18 The increase in glycosylation of viral glycoproteins,
glycation in these conditions and diseases in turn inhibiting virus-induced cell fusion,
can result in additional complications and suppressing virus release, helping to disrupt
conditions or the worsening of the disease itself. the coating or enveloped viruses such as
herpes and influenza virus A 21
Metal ions - Glycation is also believed to occur -
antifungal activity 21
as a result of the autoxidation of glucose in the -
antioxidant activity 21
presence of transition metal ions.19 The rate of -
aspirin-like effect – due to the presence of
glycation is dependent upon the concentration of salicylates 21
metal ions present, the final amount of the -
stimulation of cell proliferation and
glycation, however, is not affected.20 Thus ions differentiation 21, 24a (in a controlled
from metals such as Iron (Fe) and Copper (Cu) manner)24a
increase the speed of glycation, not the degree. -
anti-inflammatory properties – speeding
the healing process - wound & other injuries
- assisting in scar minimization 21 2  nkb2003
assistance with, reduction in or prevention infrequent, water. The correct amount of water
of inflammatory conditions - such as is important, as it influences the amount and
adjuvant- induced arthritis 21, 21a quality of the actives, particularly the
wound and burn healing – wide range of polysaccharides, present upon harvest. Too
tissue injuries, including frostbite 21 much water causes the polysaccharide count to
carrier action – assisting other actives to decrease. Water from natural sources (i.e. rain
perform better and more efficiently, often at streams and rivers) is better than artificial
reduced dosage 21 irrigation.
bio-availability enhancement – improves The actives in any botanical are fragile, and
the absorption and efficacy of actives, with Aloe Vera is no exception. This is why it is
note both water and lipid(fat) soluble important that the Aloe Vera be promptly and
vitamins, especially vitamins C and E.33 properly handled immediately following
(see note D)
anti-tumor activity – stimulating immune harvest. A delay in stabilization and processing
system response against tumors 21 will deteriorate the quality and efficacy of the
yeast control – by stimulating immune constituents.
system response against yeast infection 21 Aloe Vera is notoriously difficult to stabilize,
gastrointestinal dysfunction – decreasing many methods have been tried, but if not done
bowel putrefaction, reducing transit time in properly, the product will quickly deteriorate -
the intestines, encouraging the increase of active botanicals, such as Aloe Vera, require
beneficial bacterial flora in the digestive stabilization to preserve the actives (phyto-
tract, improving protein digestion and nutrients). Not unlike freshly squeezed fruit
absorption 21 juice which if not immediately consumed or
peptic ulsers 21 preserved will oxidize, causing it to lose all
oral ulsers (aphthous stomatitis) – beneficial activity and become just like sugar
accelerated healing and reduced pain 21 ‘water’.
anti-diabetic activity – reduces blood sugar The method of processing is also of crucial
levels (hypoglaecemic effect) 21 importance. Chemical processing or leaching,
anti-cancer activity – through immune the most common method (to remove certain
system stimulation (with note T-cell undesirable constituents - namely aloin and aloe
activation) 21 emodin, known skin irritants) can lead to the
moisturization properties – actually more introduction of substances, which can reduce the
properly called hydrating properties, by potency and efficacy of the Aloe Vera or cause
bringing moisture deep into the skin adverse reactions. Chemical processing can also
UV radiation and burn treatment 21 degrade or adversely affect the actives’ content,
integrity and activity. The more labor-intensive
The list of the beneficial uses of Aloe Vera and expensive membrane-based mechanical
continues to grow, as more scientific research is filtration process is the superior method.
Furthermore, the traditional heating or
Sometimes the research results are pasteurizing of Aloe Vera places great stress on
contradictory, one study reporting no results, its constituents and compromise their structure
while other studies report fantastic results. This and activity. Heating denatures the amino acids,
may be attributed to a variety of factors: deactivates the enzymes and breaks the lengths
1. the quality of the Aloe Vera used of the polysaccharide chains (the longer the
2. the method of Aloe Vera cultivation polysaccharide chain, the greater its ability to
3. the location of cultivation stimulate the immune system). For these
4. the handling of the Aloe Vera reasons, Cold Processing is the superior method
immediately following harvesting to ensure and protect the activity and integrity of
5. the method of stabilization of the Aloe Aloe Vera’s constituents.
Vera In throwing away the rind or outer portions of
6. the method of processing the Aloe Vera leaf and using only the gel or
7. what parts of the Aloe Vera are used matrix, which is standard practice in the
8. what is removed from the Aloe Vera industry, the vast majority of active constituents
during processing of Aloe Vera are also thrown away. It is
The most bioactive Aloe Vera is cultivated in estimated that 80 – 85% of the actives in Aloe
those areas of the world which have arid Vera are found just underneath the surface of the
conditions, offering the plant enough, yet rind (not unlike apples where the majority of the 3  nkb2003
vitamins and minerals are found just underneath stabilized upon harvest. It is processed through a
the skin). sophisticated filtration - mechanical membrane
The medical and research community is based, chemical free – process. It is cold
beginning to realize that in the case of Aloe processed, not heated, and the whole (entire)
Vera, the whole is greater than the sum of its leaf is used. The undesirable constituents,
parts. namely aloin and aloe emodin, are removed via

There may indeed be synergies which the membrane filtration process.
would not appear if the fractions This methodology of cultivating, handling and
[separate actives isolated from Aloe processing Aloe Vera ensures Nancy K. Brown
Vera] were kept separate.” 21 that its Aloe Vera products are potent, stable,
“One feature that is becoming clear is effective and deliver results. Rich in vitamins,
that the systems undergoing healing minerals, non-denatured amino acids, active
contain several interacting factors, each enzymes and among the highest long chain
of which may be affected by more than polysaccharide counts in the industry.
one component of the raw gel.” 21 A standard many health and wellness companies
can never hope to match.
“Recognizing the possible multifarious
activities of Aloe constituents, a series Aloe Vera and Glycation
of tests of aloe gel on heat burns, So where does Aloe Vera fit into the story of
electrical burns and frostbite in guinea glycation? Is it, as has been suggested by some, a
pigs, rabbits and in clinical studies with contributor to glycation? Or is Aloe Vera a
humans demonstrated a therapeutic promoter of health and a valuable ally in the
potential across the wide variety of soft fight against disease and the adverse conditions
tissue injuries.” 21 and processes of ageing, such as glycation?
“…the gel may have more than one Yes, Aloe Vera contains mannose-6-phosphate
active constituent, which may be (mannose); yes Aloe Vera assists with and
addressing different parts of the healing increases cross-linking in collagen. The
process.” 21 questions to ask are: why and how? To merely
“The healing effects of A. vera gel are say Aloe Vera contains M-6-P and cross-linking
therefore now being seen as more takes place, thus glycation is caused by Aloe
complex than previously realized. It Vera, thus “Aloe vera has a glycation problem”
now appears that several activities are is a distortion of the evidence and demonstrates
operating each with its own part to play a complete lack of understanding. It is akin to
in the overall therapy.” 21 saying, someone drowned in water, and thus
The isolation of the constituents has given the water is bad for you, because water has a
scientific research community a basis of drowning problem. So stop drinking or using
understanding regarding the individual roles and water.
activities of these components. It is becoming With regard to mannose-6-phosphate (M-6-P),
evident, however, that there is a great deal more its role in Aloe Vera, as a constituent, is to
involved. The constituents of Aloe Vera function function as an anti-inflammatory agent and
in concert; although each may perform an active growth substance, promoting cell
individual function or functions, it is the synergy regeneration.22, 23, 24, 24a
of these functions and the resultant activity, This is of particular importance in wound
which produces the beneficial results. Aloe Vera healing, which is the body’s response to tissue
affords a holistic approach. (This can be injury, activating a process of which the aim is
compared to the scientific knowledge of the the “restoration of tissue integrity”23. The body’s
functions of the body’s individual systems and ability to heal wounds is very complicated;
organs. These however do not exist in a vacuum; putting great demands on all of the body’s
one is dependent upon the other to allow the systems, in a carefully orchestrated, multiphase
body to function normally.) process. The process can be crudely divided into
Nancy K. Brown only uses Aloe Vera (Aloe three main phases: inflammation, granulation
barbadensis), cultivated in Northern Mexico, tissue formation and remodeling of the
where conditions are ideal. The location meets extracellular matrix.24 Aloe Vera, when applied
all the criteria, low, yet sufficient water, with directly to the wound site or ingested, can play a
fertile and mineral rich soil. Nancy K. Brown very important and beneficial role as a
Aloe Vera is immediately processed and stimulator and facilitator during the wound 4  nkb2003
repair process.24 Following synthesis by fibroblasts, collagen is
In the first phase – inflammation- the secreted into the matrix where it is cross-linked
components of the extracellular matrix, GAGs to form into fibers.23 Aloe Vera treated wounds
and PGs, play an important role. ‘They prevent demonstrate a greater degree of cross-linking
blood coagulation within the vascular space, than untreated wounds. Cross-linking is
regulate inflammatory cell function and form the important as it determines the strength and
major components of the ground substance on integrity of the final structure of the healed
which collagen and elastin fibres are wound. The cross-linking associated with the
subsequently laid (they form the scaffolding stimulatory effect of Aloe Vera is not the same
upon which collagen and elastin are deposited). as the cross-linking associated with glycation.
GAGs, particularly hyaluronic acid, also Regular cross-linking of collagen and other
function as regulators of cellular proliferation, proteins is necessary for the proper construction,
migration and differentiation, and growth factor organization and functioning of tissues and
activities. The synthesis and degradation of organs. It is the abnormal (nonreversible) cross-
GAGs’ and PGs is thus of paramount linking, associated with glycation and AGEs,
importance for proper wound healing.’24 which is detrimental. During glycation-initiated
When wounds were treated with Aloe Vera cross-linking, the normal repair processes (i.e.
“significant qualitative and quantitative changes replacement cycle of the proteins and turnover of
in the GAG content were observed” 24, this was the matrix) is disrupted. This leads to
not the case in untreated wounds. (see notes B and deterioration of the quality of the tissues and
C for explanation of GAGs A and PGs B) organs, degrading their functioning and
Aloe Vera increases the amount of compromising bodily functions and processes.
glycohydrolases (responsible for the removal of The initial proliferation of type III collagen in
the damaged connective tissue matrix in the Aloe Vera treated wounds speeds the healing
wound, not unlike the demolition and removal process and results in a better-organized
crew at a worksite), during the inflammatory network of type I collagen. This in turn results
process. Aloe Vera assists in controlling this in a more stable wound. The increase in Aloe
process of breaking down (removing / recycling) Vera stimulated cross-linking of collagen results
collagen in the connective tissue of wound sites, in increased wound strength.28 The result is a
preventing the uncontrolled destruction of the faster, more efficient, stronger, better-organized
extra-cellular matrix.25 This results in an repair of the wound, with minimal or no scaring.
efficient and orderly increase in matrix
turnover.24 In the third phase - remodeling of the
extracellular matrix - the effects of Aloe Vera
In the second phase – granulation tissue become evident through its effect on collagen
formation – the ‘synthesis of the connective content and ultimate strength of the healed
tissue matrix’23 occurs. Collagen, the major wound.
component of granulation tissue, is increased in
content in wounds treated with Aloe Vera. This Wound healing can be compared to the effort
is due to Aloe Vera’s stimulation of collagen required to organize the chaos and repair the
synthesis and its role in increasing the damage caused by a bomb blast. Aloe Vera
proliferation of collagen synthesizing provides the stimulatory activity, which assists in
fibroblasts.23 improving the organizational network directing
the restoration of order, with minimization of
Initially type III collagen, (which establishes the damage. Aloe Vera’s other properties assist in
primary wound structure, guides inflammatory lessening the collateral damage, such as bacterial
cells and fibroblasts into the wound site, infection and other complications.
provides a matrix to re-establish blood supply
and regulates collagen fibre diameter and As stated above, oxidative stress is an important
organization) is most prevalent. factor in glycation, as free radicals facilitate the
Aloe Vera treated wounds exhibit a greater process. It is thus postulated, “that antioxidants
synthesis of type III collagen than untreated may prevent increased crosslinking of collagen
wounds.23 Type III is rapidly replaced in in diabetes and ageing.”20 The 2001 study by
concentration by type I collagen (which Bonnafont-Rousselot et al and the 2000 study by
provides the ultimate mechanical integrity of the Lee et al demonstrated that this is correct.
tissue). 23 When wound healing nears Anti-oxidants (free radical scavengers) can act
completion they return to their normal ratios. in one of two manners:
(1) prevent the cellular action of AGEs or 5  nkb2003
(2) by inhibiting AGE formation, by against disease. Aloe Vera shows particular
scavenging reactive carbonyl activity in the fight against the adverse
intermediates.26 conditions and processes of ageing, such as
Aloe Vera provides powerful anti-oxidant action, glycation.
due to - amongst other properties - its vitamin
content, especially vitamins A, E 26, 27, and C. In CONCLUSION
addition to its innate anti-oxidant properties and From the above information, it can be seen that
constituents, Aloe Vera has the ability to glycation is a serious problem, part and
stimulate the body’s own anti-oxidant activities. accelerator of the ageing process. Although
This results in reduced oxidative stress, which ageing is inevitable, the manner and speed of the
has been shown to “play an important role in process can be influenced. Identification of the
age related diseases” (Ikeno et al, 1998, 1999). mechanisms that lead to and accelerate the aging
process, offers the ability to improve the quality
Aloe Vera also contains amino acids, with
of life. This is only true if the information is
particular note lysine, which have “anti-
acted upon. It is possible to age gracefully.
glycating effect.”30 In the 2003 study by
There is no evidence that Aloe Vera causes
Sulochana et al, lysine demonstrated a 76% anti-
glycation or contributes to the ageing process, in
glycating activity.30
fact the scientific research and clinical studies
Further evidence for anti-glycation properties of have determined the opposite to be true.
Aloe Vera can be found in studies with
Glycation and its deleterious effects can be,
diabetics, both animal and human. Diabetes
through the identification of the causes,
mellitus, marked by insulin deficiencies and
mitigated. Adequate protection from UV
resultant inability to properly utilize glucose in
radiation, sun or other source; a sensible and
the blood, has been demonstrated to benefit
balanced diet; avoidance of tobacco; adequate
from Aloe Vera’s hypoglycemic effects.
vitamin and anti-oxidant intake; and attention
Diabetics, due to high levels of unregulated
paid to one’s general health can help in the fight.
blood glucose, demonstrate more advanced and
Proper skin care can also be of benefit in
pronounced forms and stages of glycation. Aloe
maintaining the general health and youthful
Vera assists in reducing blood glucose to more
appearance of the skin for as long as possible.
normal levels specifically in type I and type II
diabetics, not in non-diabetics.31 This indicates Aloe Vera, properly prepared as described
that the activity of Aloe Vera is condition above, used internally and/or topically, can
specific. provide great benefit. Its constituents provide
direct effect or stimulate the body’s natural
In the ground breaking 2002 study by Yuji
defenses, including those against glycation and
Ikeno et al, the long-term effects of Aloe Vera
ingestion were investigated. The researchers
found that “Aloe vera ingestion appears to exert Aloe Vera assists the skin in remaining
some beneficial effects on various age-related healthier, more vibrant and more youthful
diseases without obvious injurious effects…”.32 through its hydrating, moisturizing, tissue repair,
Aloe vera appeared to “suppress multiple causes collagen stimulating, increased matrix turnover
of death” and thus “life-long Aloe vera ingestion stimulating, enhanced bio-availability,
does not cause any obvious harmful and immunostimulation, yeast control, anti-bacterial,
deleterious side effects, and could also be anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-
beneficial for the prevention of age-related oxidant, and yes, anti-glycation activities.
pathology.”32 It is safe. The researchers Your skin can look better, longer – really!
concluded “long-term Aloe vera ingestion
lightens the disease burden during the aging Nancy K. Brown is a pioneer in the development
process.”32 Although these results were obtained of skin, body and foot care products that
from the use of a mere 1% Aloe vera, the delivery true results. The only company with a
benefits of higher concentrations can be complete skincare line based on real Whole Leaf
inferred. Cold Processed Aloe Vera. Nancy K. Brown has
pioneered the use of Glycolic, Salicylic Acid,
The evidence comes to a clear conclusion: Aloe effective Sun Protection products and
Vera assists the body with its functions, in a revolutionized the Skin Care industry with the
preventive and corrective manner. This unique introduction of concepts such as Hydration,
botanical helps the body cope with stresses Preventive and Corrective Care, but above all
(such as free radicals), assists with the repair Real Results.
of wounds and injuries, and helps in the fight Our motto is ‘RESULTS, NOT PROMISES’. 6  nkb2003

A) Reducing Sugars

aldehyde carboxylate
red precipitate

• Sugars that contain aldehyde groups that are oxidised to carboxylic acids are classified as reducing sugars.
• Common test reagents are :
o Benedicts reagent (CuSO4 / citrate)
o Fehlings reagent (CuSO4 / tartrate)
• They are classified as reducing sugars since they reduce the Cu2+ to Cu+ which forms as a red precipitate, copper (I)
• Remember that aldehydes (and hence aldoses) are readily oxidized.
• In order for oxidation to occur, the cyclic form must first ring-open to give the reactive aldehyde.
• So any sugar that contains a hemi-acetal will be a reducing sugar.
• But glycosides, which are acetals, are not reducing sugars.

β−D-glucose methyl β-d-glucopyranoside sucrose

hemi-acetal => reducing sugar acetals => non-reducing sugar

• Ketoses can also be reducing sugars because they can isomerise (a tautomerisation) to aldoses via an enediol:

B) PGs – proteoglycans, are heterogenous, non-fibrillar components of the extracellular matrix. The
main component of the ground substance. Immediately following an injury, inflammation and the
synthesis of ground substance takes place. They are macromolecules made up of a protein core
linked covalently to linear heteropolysaccharides, the GAGs.24
C) GAGs – glycosaminoglycans, linear heteropolysaccharides, part of the extracellular matrix
Regulate cellular proliferation, migration and differentiation. They also direct the activities of
growth factor (GF).24
PGs and GAGs – form the first bodily responses to wound healing and tissue reconstruction. They
prevent blood coagulation within the vascular space, regulate inflammatory cell function and form
the major components of the substructure upon which collagen and elastin are deposited.24
D) The study, by the Department of Chemistry, University of Scranton found that supplementation
with Aloe Vera improves the absorption of both vitamin C (water-soluble) and vitamin E (lipid-
soluble). The rate of absorption is slowed and as a result the vitamins last longer in blood plasma,
increasing vitamin efficacy and benefit. 7  nkb2003
1. Nicole Verzijl, Jeroen de Groot, Esther Oldenhinkel, Ruud A. Bank, Suzanne R. Thorpe, John W. Baynes, Michael T.
Bayliss, Johannes W. J. Bijlsma, Floris P.J. G. Lafeber and Johan M. Tekoppele (2000) Age-related accumulation of
Malliard reaction products in human articular cartilage collagen. Biochem. J. (2000) 350; 381-387
2. Linda B. Lingelbach, Alyson E. Mitchell, Robert B. Rucker and Roger B. McDonald (2000) Accumulation of Advanced
Glycation Endproducts in Aging Male Fisher 344 Rats during Long-Term Feeding of Various Dietary Carbohydrates.
J. Nutr. 130 May 2000 1247-1255, p 1247
3. Zenji Makita, Helen Vlassara, Anthony Cerami and Richard Bucala (1991) Immunochemical Detection of Advanced
Glycosylation End Products in Vivo. J. Bio. Chem. 1992 267 (8) 5133-5138 p5133
4. Linda B. Lingelbach, Alyson E. Mitchell, Robert B. Rucker and Roger B. McDonald (2000) Accumulation of Advanced
Glycation Endproducts in Aging Male Fisher 344 Rats during Long-Term Feeding of Various Dietary Carbohydrates.
J. Nutr. 130 May 2000 1247-1255, p 1247
5. Zenji Makita, Helen Vlassara, Anthony Cerami and Richard Bucala (1991) Immunochemical Detection of Advanced
Glycosylation End Products in Vivo. J. Bio. Chem. 1992 267 (8) 5133-5138 p5133
6. C. Jeanmarie, L. Danoux and G. Pauly (2001) Glycation during human dermal intrinsic and actinic aging: an in vivo and in
vitro study. Brit. J. Derm. 2001; 145: 10-18 p.10
7. Zenji Makita, Helen Vlassara, Anthony Cerami and Richard Bucala (1991) Immunochemical Detection of Advanced
Glycosylation End Products in Vivo. J. Bio. Chem. 1992 267 (8) 5133-5138, p5133
8. C. Jeanmarie, L. Danoux and G. Pauly (2001) Glycation during human dermal intrinsic and actinic aging: an in vivo and in
vitro study. Brit. J. Derm. 2001; 145: 10-18 p.10
9. C. Jeanmarie, L. Danoux and G. Pauly (2001) Glycation during human dermal intrinsic and actinic aging: an in vivo and in
vitro study. Brit. J. Derm. 2001; 145: 10-18 p.10 - 11
10. C. Jeanmarie, L. Danoux and G. Pauly (2001) Glycation during human dermal intrinsic and actinic aging: an in vivo and in
vitro study. Brit. J. Derm. 2001; 145: 10-18 p.13
11. Linda B. Lingelbach, Alyson E. Mitchell, Robert B. Rucker and Roger B. McDonald (2000) Accumulation of Advanced
Glycation Endproducts in Aging Male Fisher 344 Rats during Long-Term Feeding of Various Dietary Carbohydrates.
J. Nutr. 130 May 2000 1247-1255, p 1252
12. Linda B. Lingelbach, Alyson E. Mitchell, Robert B. Rucker and Roger B. McDonald (2000) Accumulation of Advanced
Glycation Endproducts in Aging Male Fisher 344 Rats during Long-Term Feeding of Various Dietary Carbohydrates.
J. Nutr. 130 May 2000 1247-1255, p 1254
13. Nicole Verzijl, Jeroen de Groot, Esther Oldenhinkel, Ruud A. Bank, Suzanne R. Thorpe, John W. Baynes, Michael T.
Bayliss, Johannes W. J. Bijlsma, Floris P.J. G. Lafeber and Johan M. Tekoppele (2000) Age-related accumulation of
Malliard reaction products in human articular cartilage collagen. Biochem. J. (2000) 350; 381-387
14. Nicole Verzijl, Jeroen de Groot, Esther Oldenhinkel, Ruud A. Bank, Suzanne R. Thorpe, John W. Baynes, Michael T.
Bayliss, Johannes W. J. Bijlsma, Floris P.J. G. Lafeber and Johan M. Tekoppele (2000) Age-related accumulation of
Malliard reaction products in human articular cartilage collagen. Biochem. J. (2000) 350; 381-387
15. Linda B. Lingelbach, Alyson E. Mitchell, Robert B. Rucker and Roger B. McDonald (2000) Accumulation of Advanced
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