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FTV - Lab Manual

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RSTechED 2010

VZ07/VZ08 FactoryTalk View Site

Edition Lab

Presenter: Tony Carrara

Rockwell Automation Control and Visualization Software

Publication Number -- Date

Copyright 2010 Rockwell Automation, Inc.

VZ07/08 FactoryTalk View SE Lab

Before you begin......................................................................................................................................... 7
About this lab ................................................................................................................................................ 7
What you will accomplish in this lab.............................................................................................................. 8
Who should complete this lab ....................................................................................................................... 8
Tools & prerequisites .................................................................................................................................... 8
Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 11
About this lab .............................................................................................................................................. 11
FactoryTalk View SE components .............................................................................................................. 11
FactoryTalk View SE - Network and Local.................................................................................................. 16
Best practice ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Section 1: Create and run a simple application ..................................................................................... 21
Creating a network HMI project in FactoryTalk View Studio....................................................................... 21
Add an Area to the application .................................................................................................................... 24
Add an HMI Server to the application ......................................................................................................... 26
Add Process Faceplates into the HMI Server ............................................................................................. 28
Add a data server........................................................................................................................................ 29
Configure Communications......................................................................................................................... 31
Create a display and add a numeric display object .................................................................................... 37
Section 2: Importing application components....................................................................................... 42
Section 3: Tags.......................................................................................................................................... 46
About this section........................................................................................................................................ 46

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Creating an HMI tag .................................................................................................................................... 46

Import/Export Tags Wizard ......................................................................................................................... 49
Add an object referencing an HMI tag ........................................................................................................ 55
Section 4: Graphic Displays, Objects and Animations ......................................................................... 61
About this section........................................................................................................................................ 61
Read about Graphic Displays ..................................................................................................................... 61
Graphic Libraries......................................................................................................................................... 62
Modify an XML file....................................................................................................................................... 63
Tooltips........................................................................................................................................................ 71
Docked displays .......................................................................................................................................... 77
Explore docked displays at run-time ........................................................................................................... 80
Commands .................................................................................................................................................. 83
Animations and expressions ....................................................................................................................... 89
The Object Explorer .................................................................................................................................... 90
Local messages .......................................................................................................................................... 95
Using Symbol Factory Graphics ............................................................................................................... 102
Color Animation Enhancements ............................................................................................................... 115
Section 5: Alarming ................................................................................................................................ 119
About this section...................................................................................................................................... 119
Read about types of alarming ................................................................................................................... 119
Add database connection.......................................................................................................................... 121
Enabling device-based alarms and events ............................................................................................... 123
Using FactoryTalk Alarm and Event Objects ............................................................................................ 125
Creating Tag-Based Alarms...................................................................................................................... 146
Section 6: Global Objects....................................................................................................................... 152
About this section...................................................................................................................................... 152
Read about Global Objects ....................................................................................................................... 152
Create reference objects........................................................................................................................... 152
Reference object properties ...................................................................................................................... 159

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Look at the Global Object defaults............................................................................................................ 161

Modifying Global Objects .......................................................................................................................... 163
Section 7: Security.................................................................................................................................. 166
About this section...................................................................................................................................... 166
Read about security .................................................................................................................................. 166
Creating a User and User Group .............................................................................................................. 167
Configuring action security........................................................................................................................ 170
Configuring runtime security ..................................................................................................................... 173
Assign security codes to commands......................................................................................................... 175
Assign security codes to displays ............................................................................................................. 177
Assign security codes to tags.................................................................................................................... 178
Verifying security settings ......................................................................................................................... 181
Section 8: Data logging and trending ................................................................................................... 186
About this section...................................................................................................................................... 186
Runtime exploration .................................................................................................................................. 186
Configuration exploration .......................................................................................................................... 187
Configuring trends..................................................................................................................................... 192
Viewing the trend at runtime ..................................................................................................................... 198
Section 9: FactoryTalk Diagnostics Setup and the Viewer................................................................. 206
About this section...................................................................................................................................... 206
Read about FactoryTalk Diagnostics ........................................................................................................ 206
Diagnostics setup...................................................................................................................................... 211
ODBC Database as a message source .................................................................................................... 215
View the ODBC Log .................................................................................................................................. 218
Section 10: Language switching ........................................................................................................... 219
About this section...................................................................................................................................... 219
Read About language switching ............................................................................................................... 219
Configuration of supported languages ...................................................................................................... 221
Language switching command ................................................................................................................. 228

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Device-based alarm language switching .................................................................................................. 231

Tag-based alarm language switching ....................................................................................................... 234
Section 11: Testing displays.................................................................................................................. 242
About this section...................................................................................................................................... 242
Test display ............................................................................................................................................... 242
Configure a client file................................................................................................................................. 244
Run client .................................................................................................................................................. 250
Verify online edits...................................................................................................................................... 251
Test commands at runtime........................................................................................................................ 252
Section 12: Advanced............................................................................................................................. 253
About this section...................................................................................................................................... 253
FactoryTalk View Application Documenter ............................................................................................... 253
Importing screens from RSView32 ........................................................................................................... 256
FactoryTalk ViewPoint .............................................................................................................................. 266

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Before you begin

This lab is intended to be a compilation of several smaller exercises designed to instruct the user on the
basics of FactoryTalk View Site Edition. Though the lab can be done linearly, where all exercises are
cumulative, the only required exercises are all of Section 1: Creating your application and Section 2:
Importing/Exporting Application Components. From there, the user may select which exercises interest
them most without having to be concerned with numerical order.
The following steps must be completed before starting the lab exercise:
1. If the Log On To Windows dialog is active, type administrator for Username and rockwell
for password.
2. Use the same Login information if prompted to Log On to the FactoryTalk Directory or when
creating a FactoryTalk Alarms and Events History Database.

About this lab

Welcome to the FactoryTalk View SE Hands-On Lab series. This session provides you with an
opportunity to explore the basics of FactoryTalk View Site Edition (FactoryTalk View SE). The following
sections explain what youll be doing in this lab session and what you will need to do to complete the
hands-on exercises.
Factory Talk View SE is an integrated package for developing and running multi-user, networked humanmachine interface (HMI) applications. FactoryTalk View SE is designed for automated process or
machine monitoring, and supervisory control.

This lab uses a modified version of FactoryTalk View SE 5.10.

The features that were modified in this version include the soon to be released FactoryTalk View SE V6.0
integration of the Symbol Factory V2.5 Library from Software Toolbox as well as the enhancement to
color animation for grouped graphical objects.
In this lab, you will be working with a network application containing an HMI Server, a data server, and a
single HMI Client. For this lab, these servers and clients will all be located on the same computer. View
Studio, the development environment, will also be on this computer. In the deployed system however,
these components could actually be on separate computers, and additional HMI clients could be used,
since View SE scales easily from small to large systems. This lab procedure contains content and
exercises for both novice and advanced users. After executing the first few sections of the lab you can
pick and choose other sections.
It is recommended that users complete remaining lab procedures in the order they are presented, time

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What you will accomplish in this lab

As you complete the exercises in this hands-on session, you will gain an understanding of the
functionality and capability of FactoryTalk View Site Edition by

creating an application

configuring an HMI server

configuring an RSLinx Enterprise data server and enabling it for alarm and event support

utilizing graphics and animation

test running displays

configuring and running an HMI client file

configuring and monitoring alarms (FactoryTalk device and tag based)

implementing security

working with data log models and trends

using the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer

working with Global Objects

configuring your application for language switching

Who should complete this lab

This hands-on lab is intended for individuals who:

Have a basic knowledge of HMI software and are involved in the design and implementation of
supervisory-level HMI projects.

Tools & prerequisites

This hands-on lab does not require any hardware. A Logix5000 controller could be used in place of
SoftLogix 5800.
Note: FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Device Based Alarms require firmware version 16.20 or higher for
ControlLogix, CompactLogix L3x and L4x, and DriveLogix.
This hands-on lab uses the following software:

FactoryTalk Services Platform v2.10

FactoryTalk View SE v5.10 (modified)

RSLinx Enterprise v5.20.01

FactoryTalk Alarms and Events v2.20 (included with FactoryTalk View Site Edition and RSLinx

RSLinx Classic (used for Logix programming) v2.55

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RSLogix5000 v17

SoftLogix v17

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is a free, redistributable version of Microsoft SQL Server.
FactoryTalk Alarms and Events use Microsoft SQL Server as the database engine for logging alarm and
event information. You can connect to an existing SQL Server database, or you can install Microsoft SQL
Server 2005 Express, Service Pack 2, which is included in the Redist folder on the FactoryTalk View SE
and RSLinx Enterprise CDs.
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) is a free, easy-to-use graphical
management tool for managing SQL Server 2005 Express. It is included in the Redist folder on the
FactoryTalk View SE and RSLinx Enterprise CDs.
Lab Files
This hands-on lab uses the following files located in the C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - Lab Files\
Language Switching contains 3 files that will be used in the language switching section of the lab

InstantFizz_Translated.xls - Translated file for FactoryTalk View SE

InstantFizz_Controller-Tags_translated.TXT - Translated file for FactoryTalk Alarms and

Events device-based alarm messages in RSLogix 5000

InstantFizz_FTAETagServer_Alarm Export_translated.xls - Translated file for FactoryTalk

Alarms and Events tag-based alarm messages in the FactoryTalk Tag Alarm and Event

RSLogix 5000 contains 1 file that can be used with RSLogix 5000.

InstantFizz_Controller.ACD control program to be used in this lab

Graphics Displays contains 18 files that have been pre-configured

alarm banner.gfx





cip - process steps.gfx

CIP - Sensor Trend.gfx

CIP - Valves.gfx

CIP Overview.gfx





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Plant Overview.gfx

Rapid Mix - Overview.gfx

Rapid Mix - Process Steps.gfx


Images contains 41 pre-configured images

Client contains a preconfigured FactoryTalk View SE Client file


Client Keys - ClientKeys.key

ODBC database - ODBC_InstantFizz.mdb
Graphic XML file - CIP - Process Steps.xml
Exported Tag database - Additional_Tags.CSV
Local Messages 2 pre-configured files



Trend Templates 9 pre-configured Trend Templates

Datalog CIP.mdf
RSView32 migration files
Global Objects - CIPComponents.ggfx

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About this lab

This lab will outline the major components and fundamental ideas of FactoryTalk View Site Edition. It will

Discuss the components of FactoryTalk View SE

Discuss the differences between FactoryTalk View SE Local and Network Application

Discuss HMI Servers, data servers, and Tag Alarm and Event Servers

Discuss FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Services for Device Based and Tag Based Alarms

FactoryTalk View SE components

FactoryTalk View Site Edition
FactoryTalk View Site Edition is an integrated software package for developing and running humanmachine interface (HMI) applications that involve multiple users and servers, distributed over a network.
A member of the FactoryTalk family of products, FactoryTalk View Site Edition (also called FactoryTalk
View SE) provides all the tools you need to create powerful, dependable process monitoring and
supervisory control applications.
FactoryTalk View SE software is designed for use with Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and 2008,
Windows XP, and Windows 2000 operating systems and Windows Vista Business.

Additional operating system support

FactoryTalk View SE version 5.1 supports additional operating systems:

Windows XP SP3

Windows Server 2008 SP 1

Windows Vista Business SP 1 (FactoryTalk View SE Station (Local) and SE Client)

FactoryTalk View Site Edition consists of several pieces of software you can use to build automation
applications. Depending on the particular software packages installed, you will have one or more of the
following pieces of software: FactoryTalk View Studio, FactoryTalk View SE Client, FactoryTalk View SE
Server, FactoryTalk Alarms and Events, FactoryTalk Services Platform, FactoryTalk Administrator
Console, FactoryTalk Directory, and FactoryTalk Activation.

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FactoryTalk View Studio

Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk View > FactoryTalk View Studio
FactoryTalk View Studio is configuration software for developing and testing FactoryTalk View SE
applications. FactoryTalk View Studio contains editors for creating complete applications, and includes
client and server software for testing the applications you create. Use the editors to create applications
that are as simple or as complex as you need. You can use FactoryTalk View Studio to develop
FactoryTalk View Site Edition (SE) and FactoryTalk View Machine Edition (ME) applications.
FactoryTalk View comes with process faceplates and graphic libraries that can be used in your
applications. Process faceplates are preconfigured to work with various Logix5000 instructions (for
example, PIDE, D2SD, and the new ALMD and ALMA instructions). Many of the graphic library objects
are preconfigured with animation. Use the objects as they are, or change them to suit your needs. As
mentioned earlier, this lab contains the integrated Symbol Factory graphics library that will be arriving in
version 6.0.
When you have finished developing an application, use FactoryTalk View SE Client to view and interact
with the application.

FactoryTalk View SE Client

Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk View > FactoryTalk View Client
FactoryTalk View SE Client is a complete runtime operating environment for viewing and interacting with
FactoryTalk View SE local and network applications. To set up a FactoryTalk View SE Client, you need to
create a configuration file using the FactoryTalk View SE Client wizard. The HMI Server does not have to
be running when you configure a FactoryTalk View SE Client. With the FactoryTalk View SE Client you

Load, view, and interact with multiple graphic displays at a time from multiple servers

Perform alarm management

View real-time and historical trends

Adjust set points

Start and stop components on any server

Provide a secure operator environment

And much more!

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FactoryTalk View Administration Console

Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk View > Tools > SE Administration
FactoryTalk View Administration Console is for administering FactoryTalk View applications after they
have been deployed. FactoryTalk View Administration Console contains a sub-set of the FactoryTalk
View Studio editors, so you can make minor changes to an application without the need for installing
FactoryTalk View Studio. The FactoryTalk View Administration Console has a two hour run-time limit. A
warning message is displayed five minutes before the time is up. To continue using it you simply shut it
down and restart it.
FactoryTalk View Administration Console allows you to:

Change the properties of an HMI server.

Change the properties of a data server.

Add FactoryTalk users to an application, using the Runtime Security editor.

Set up security for commands and macros, using the Runtime Secured Commands editor.

Run FactoryTalk View commands from the Command Line.

Change how HMI tag alarms are logged and annunciated, using the Alarm Setup editor.

Change the path of data log models.

Change which system activities are logged and how frequently, using the Diagnostics Setup
editor (on the Tools menu).

Change the location alarms are logged to, and manage log files, using the Alarm Log Setup editor
(on the Tools menu).

Import and export HMI tags using the Tag Import and Export Wizard (on the Tools menu)

FactoryTalk View SE Server

The FactoryTalk View SE Server, also called the HMI server, stores HMI project components (for
example, graphic displays, global objects, and macros) and serves them to clients. The server also
contains a database of tags, performs historical data logging, and HMI alarm monitoring. FactoryTalk
Alarms and Events can be used instead of FactoryTalk View SE HMI alarm monitoring. To maintain
compatibility with existing applications, FactoryTalk View still supports the traditional HMI alarm
The FactoryTalk View SE Server has no user interface. Once installed, it runs as a set of headless
Windows services that supply information to clients as they request it.

FactoryTalk Alarms and Events

Before FactoryTalk Alarms and Events, FactoryTalk View SE supported only HMI tag alarm monitoring.
To maintain compatibility with existing applications, FactoryTalk View still supports this type of alarm
However, FactoryTalk Alarms and Events now allows multiple FactoryTalk products to participate

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together in a common, consistent view of alarms and events throughout a FactoryTalk system.
FactoryTalk Alarms and Events support two types of alarm monitoring:
Device-based alarm monitoring - Pre-built alarm instructions, available in RSLogix 5000 v. 16 or later,
are programmed in a logic project and then downloaded into a Logix5000 controller. The controller
detects alarm conditions and publishes event information, which is routed through the system for display
and logging.
Tag-based alarm monitoring - If you are not using Logix5000 controllers, or if you do not want to use
the pre-built alarm instructions available with RSLogix 5000, tag-based alarm monitoring offers the
equivalent of HMI Tag Alarm Monitoring, but with an expanded feature set. Software-based Tag Alarm
and Event Servers monitor controllers for alarm conditions through data servers and publish event
information for display and logging. Tag-based alarm monitoring is supported for Logix5000 controllers,
PLC-5, and SLC 500 devices communicating through Rockwell Automation Device Servers (RSLinx
Enterprise), or for third-party controllers communicating through OPC data servers.

FactoryTalk Services Platform

FactoryTalk Services Platform provides common services (such as diagnostic messages, health
monitoring services, and access to real-time data) to products and applications in a FactoryTalk system.

FactoryTalk Directory
FactoryTalk Directory centralizes access to system resources (for example, FactoryTalk View SE
Servers, or OPC servers) and names (for example, data tags, graphic displays, and log models), for all of
the FactoryTalk products and components participating in an automated control system.
FactoryTalk Directory software works like a telephone directory, or electronic address book, providing a
lookup service that allows parts of an application to find each other on a single computer, or across a
Through the lookup service, application components such as tags and graphic displays can be stored in
their original environments, and yet be made available to all clients participating in an application.
No duplication is necessary.
FactoryTalk View Site Edition applications use two types of FactoryTalk Directory:
FactoryTalk Local Directory (also called the Local Directory) manages local applications. All local
application components, except for OPC data servers, must be located on the same computer.
FactoryTalk Network Directory (also called the Network Directory) manages network applications.
Network applications can consist of multiple clients and servers, distributed across several computers
connected over a network. One Network Directory manages all of the FactoryTalk products that
participate in a single network application.
Both the Local and the Network Directory are set up on the computer, when you install the FactoryTalk
Services Platform.

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FactoryTalk Administration Console

Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Administration Console
Part of the FactoryTalk Services Platform, FactoryTalk Administration Console is an optional, stand-alone
tool for developing applications and managing a FactoryTalk system. You can use FactoryTalk
Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio to develop applications and manage a FactoryTalk
system. Only FactoryTalk View Studio can be used to create HMI servers and HMI projects.
FactoryTalk Administration Console allows you to:

Create and configure application, area, and data server elements in a FactoryTalk Directory.

Create and configure alarm and event servers, including both tag-based and device-based

Configure alarm conditions for tag-based alarm detection.

Organize securable actions into groups.

Create database definitions for logging historical alarm and event messages.

Configure options for routing, logging, and viewing diagnostic messages.

Back up and restore an entire directory, an individual application, or system settings.

Set up redundancy for OPC data servers and Tag Alarm and Event Servers.

Configure client computers to recognize the location of a Network Directory Server computer.

Configure system-wide policy settings.

Secure a FactoryTalk system with security services.

FactoryTalk Activation

Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Activation > FactoryTalk Activation
FactoryTalk Activation provides a secure, software-based system for activating Rockwell Software
products and managing software activation files. With FactoryTalk Activation, there is no need for a
physical master disk or any physical media; instead, activation files are generated and distributed
FactoryTalk Activation provides these types of activations:

Local node-locked activations are locked to a single computer.

Mobile node-locked activations are locked to a hardware dongle.

Shared concurrent activations are locked to an activation server computer, and shared by
client computers on the network.

There are two types of shared concurrent activation: floating and borrowed. Floating concurrent activation
requires a continuous network connection, while borrowed concurrent activation does not.

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FactoryTalk View SE - Network and Local

Network Applications
A network application can contain several servers, running on multiple computers on a network, with
multiple client users connecting to the application simultaneously, from anywhere on the network. For
example, you may use separate servers for different functional areas or locations within your enterprise,
and allow clients to interface to any of the servers. Network applications have one or more areas (see
Areas definition below), one HMI server per area, and one or more data servers. An area may contain
another area within it.
Once you have created the applications and an HMI server, you can use the FactoryTalk View Studio
editors in the HMI server project to create application components such as graphics displays, global
objects, and data log models.
Areas: A key part of the network architecture system is the area. An area is a logical division within
your application. You can think of areas as partitions of your hard drive. The partitions are all on the
same main disk (or application, in this analogy), but they divide it logically and hold information
independently of each other. An area can also be used to organize the application in a way that
makes sense for the process it is controlling.
For example, an area might represent a portion of a process, or a region within the process facility.
An automotive plant could be divided into areas called Press and Fabrication, Body Shop, Paint
Shop, Engine, and Transmission; a bakery could be divided into areas called Ingredients, Mixing,
Baking, and Packaging. Alternatively, a plant with identical production lines could be divided into
areas called Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, and so on. This would allow you to add new, identical production
lines to the application by copying HMI server projects into new areas.

Root Area: All FactoryTalk View applications have one system-defined area called the root area,
which has the same name as the application. The application root area can contain one HMI server,
and one or more data servers.

Best practice
Since an area is nothing more than a logical method of organizing the application, and not a physical
entity, there is not a limit to the number of areas that can reside within an application. However, there is a
limit of 1 HMI server per area and 10 HMI servers per application*.
The recommended limit of data servers within an application is 10*. However, it makes sense to logically
organize the data servers that are serving alarms in order for the alarm summary to filter alarms
appropriately at runtime. For example, a single area may contain an HMI server for a physical location of
a facility, an RSLinx Enterprise data server (configured as a FactoryTalk device based alarm server), and
a 3rd party OPC server (configured with the FactoryTalk tag based alarm server). This configuration
allows for the alarm summary to filter alarms based on the area name, regardless of which server the
alarm comes from.
What you want to avoid is one physical installation of a data server to be referenced multiple times from
different areas of the application. This is not necessary because FactoryTalk allows any client to see any
data point within the application, regardless of which area it comes from.

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This is an example of a FactoryTalk View SE network application.


HMI Server


Data server

The Insta Corp application consists of four different defined areas: ie_packaging, ie_production,
is_packaging, and is_production. The areas are marked by the folders that are right off the root, which
is the application Insta Corp.
Look at one of the areas ie_packaging, the topmost area. Notice that the HMI server called
IE_CasePack is located inside the area.
The folders under the ie_packaging HMI Server titled System, HMI Tags, Graphics, Alarms, Logic and
Control, and Data Log are all different components you can configure under each HMI server they are
not areas within the area, but are actually components of an HMI server.
There is a data server called RSLinx Enterprise located under the root area (Insta Corp).

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The diagram below shows an example system architecture using a Network application as part of a
distributed FactoryTalk system.

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Local Applications
A local application is similar to an RSView32 project; all application components and the FactoryTalk
View SE client are located on a single computer. There is only one HMI server that is created for you in
the root area when the application is created. You may use local applications for parts of the plant or
process that are self-contained and are not related to other parts of the process.
The diagram below shows an example system architecture using a Local application as part of a standalone FactoryTalk system.

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Creating a new FactoryTalk View SE application

Here are the general steps for creating an application:
1) Create a local or network application
2) If its a network application, add one or more Areas
3) If its a network application, one HMI server can be added per area (local creates one
automatically). Choose to add any of the faceplate displays into the HMI server.
4) Set up data server communications. Add one or more of the following data servers
a. Rockwell Automation Device Server
b. OPC Data server
5) Set up Tag Alarm and Event Server
6) Create graphic displays, global objects, and other components into your HMI server
7) Set up historical FactoryTalk alarm and event logging
8) Set up Security
9) Set up a run-time FactoryTalk View SE Client

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Section 1: Create and run a simple application

FactoryTalk View Site Edition (SE) can be used to develop and run applications that involve single or
multiple users and servers and can be distributed over a network or can be local to a single computer.
The two types of SE applications are explained below:
1. FactoryTalk View SE Local (Station) - A local application is similar to an RSView32 project; all
application components and the FactoryTalk View SE client are located on a single computer.
There is only one HMI server that is created for you in the root area when the application is
created. You may use local applications for parts of the plant or process that are self-contained
and are not related to other parts of the process.
2. FactoryTalk View SE Network (Distributed) - A network application can contain several servers,
running on multiple computers on a network, with multiple client users connecting to the
application simultaneously, from anywhere on the network. For example, you may use separate
servers for different functional areas or locations within your enterprise, and allow clients to
interface to any of the servers. Network applications have one or more areas, one HMI server per
area, and one or more data servers. An area may contain another area within it.
You can use FactoryTalk View Studio to create application components such as graphics
displays, global objects, alarms and data log models.
In this lab we will create and run a network FactoryTalk View SE application.

About this section

In this section of the lab you will:

Create a Network Application called InstantFizz

Add an area called Area1

Add an HMI Server within Area1 called InstantFizz_HMIServer

Add Process Faceplate Displays into your HMI Project

Add a data server called RSLinx Enterprise

Configure a Communications path called shortcut that will point to the SoftLogix controller

Verify communications

Create a display, add a numeric display object

Test the display

This entire section must be completed prior to doing any other sections in this lab.

Creating a network HMI project in FactoryTalk View Studio

We are creating a network application, which supports multiple HMI, Data servers and clients distributed

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across a network. As explained in detail in the Overview section, a network application requires a
Network FactoryTalk Directory to be configured. The configuration of the FactoryTalk Directory is
generally done during the install, but it can be configured subsequently using the FactoryTalk Directory
Configuration Wizard from Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools >
FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard.
Once the FactoryTalk Directory has been configured you can specify what computer will be hosting the
Directory. The default location of the FactoryTalk Directory is the local computer, but it can be any
computer on your network. Note: For a FactoryTalk View Local application, the Local FactoryTalk
Directory must be used.

Specify the FactoryTalk Directory location

1. Specify the FactoryTalk Directory location.
Go to Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools > Specify FactoryTalk
Directory Location.
Note: In order to specify the FactoryTalk Directory Location you must have administrator rights.
During the install of the FactoryTalk Services Platform, the Windows Administrator and
Administrator groups are automatically added to the Network FactoryTalk Directory. Hence, you
can login with any user belonging to either of these groups.
2. The Specify FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility will open. In this lab we will set the
FactoryTalk Directory Location to the local computer (localhost). In a FactoryTalk View SE
Network application, the FactoryTalk Directory can be located on any computer on the network
that has the FactoryTalk Services Platform installed. Use this utility to modify the location of your
FactoryTalk Directory. Follow steps a to b to specify the FactoryTalk Directory Location.

b. Click OK to

a. Ensure the FactoryTalk

Directory Server Location is
set to localhost.

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Create a new FactoryTalk View SE (Network) application

1. Run FactoryTalk View Studio. Select the Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
View > FactoryTalk View Studio menu item.

Select FactoryTalk
View Studio

2. Create a Network application called InstantFizz by following steps a to f. You will be prompted
with the following dialog:

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b. Select

a. Select Site
Edition (Network)

c. Select
New tab.
d. Type

e. Ensure English
language is selected.

f. Select

Wait for several seconds to allow FactoryTalk View Studio to create the application.

Add an Area to the application

1. Follow steps a to c to add an Area called Area1.

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Note: the first line in the Explorer Window: Network (LOCALHOST) indicates that we are creating a
Network (Distributed) application and the FactoryTalk Directory is located on the local computer

a. Right-click on
InstantFizz and
select New Area.

b. Type area
name: Area1.

c. Click OK to

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Add an HMI Server to the application

1. Follow steps a to g to add an HMI Server to the application.

a. Expand InstantFizz to
see the Area1 icon.

b.Right-click on Area1, go
to Add New Server then
select HMI Server.

c. Select Create a
new HMI Server.

d. Select Next.

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e.Type the HMI Server name:


f. Choose which computer will host

the HMI Server. It can be any
computer on your network. For this
lab, leave this as the local
computer (default setting).

g. Click Finish to

Note: The HMI Server will take a few moments to load.

HMI Backup/Restore utility now installs with the product

The HMI Backup/Restore utility now installs with the product and includes additional improvements. This
utility was previously available on the Knowledgebase only. This HMI Backup/Restore utility provides a
means to backup and/or restore any HMI server run in a distributed SE application. The utility provides a
simple graphic user interface that follows a step-by-step process to backup or restore a server.
To open, go to Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk View > Tools > HMI Server
Backup and Restore:

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Add Process Faceplates into the HMI Server

When you add an HMI server to a network application, or when you create a new local application, you
have the option to add the process faceplate displays that are installed with FactoryTalk View SE. The
Add Process Faceplates Dialog box will open, if its set to display when you create a new HMI server.
1. Select the Clear All button.
2. Check the boxes for these display types:
Discrete 2-State Device D2SD
Help Help Browser
Your dialog window should look like this:

3. Click the OK button.

4. Observe that a network application, InstantFizz has been created. The HMI Server called
InstantFizz_HMIServer has been created under the area Area1.
5. Maximize or resize your FactoryTalk View Studio window to the desired size for working with your

28 of 304

Process Faceplate Updates

When you add an HMI server to a network application, or when you create a new local application, you
have the option to add the process faceplate displays that are installed with FactoryTalk View SE. The
Add Process Faceplates Dialog box will open, if its set to display when you create a new HMI server. If
you dont want to add faceplates, click Cancel to close the dialog box, without affecting HMI server
creation. If you dont want to be prompted every time you create an HMI Server, uncheck the option to
Display this dialog when creating a new application.
After you create the application or HMI server you can still add process faceplates by right-clicking on the
HMI server and then selecting the Add Process Faceplates menu item. If you added a display previously,
you can either replace the existing display or remove it from the list of displays.
Note: Adding faceplate displays to an application affects the license count. Each added faceplate display
(.gfx file) counts as one display for activation purposes.
Faceplates (V17)
The Internal Model Control IMC, Coordinated Control CC and Modular Multivariable Control (MMC)
faceplates are preconfigured to work with the newer RSLogix 5000 instructions that are available in V 17
or later. These faceplates along with the existing ones can be used as is or changed to suit your needs.
Translated Faceplates
Moreover all built-in faceplates have been translated to several languages: English, French, Spanish,
German, Chinese and Japanese.

Add a data server

To allow our application to monitor and control the values within the SoftLogix Controller that is running
the control program for this lab you need to add a data server. You will be adding a Rockwell Automation
Device Servers (RSLinx Enterprise). It provides the best performance when communicating with
Logix5000 controllers.
To monitor alarms in a Logix5000 controller, a Rockwell Automation Device Server (RSLinx Enterprise)
needs to be added to a FactoryTalk application.
1. Right-click on the area Area1, select the Add New Server > Rockwell Automation Device Server
(RSLinx Enterprise) context menu item.

29 of 304

Note: For this lab we are adding the RSLinx Enterprise data server to the area Area1. This is
for demonstration purposes and not recommended. Read the Area Best Practices paragraph in the
Overview section for other alternatives in a distributed application.
3. The RSLinx Enterprise Server Properties will appear. Leave the defaults on the General tab.

a. Identify the computer that will host the

RSLinx Enterprise data server. For this
lab, RSLinx Enterprise will be hosted on
the local computer (default setting).

Note: The RSLinx Enterprise Server Properties window is also used to configure Data Server
redundancy and FactoryTalk Alarms and Events.

4. Enable Alarms and Events by following steps a-d. The FactoryTalk Alarms and Events will be
discussed in more detail during the Alarming section.

30 of 304

a. Select the Alarms and Events tab

b. Check the Enable alarm and

event support option

c. Un-check the Enable history


d. Click the OK button.

4. Verify that the RSLinx Enterprise device server has been successfully added into your application.

Configure Communications
We are going to now configure a device shortcut.

31 of 304

Device Shortcuts: A Device Shortcut allows you to create a pointer to a device that you can refer to
throughout the application while developing displays. This enables the user to change the location of a
processor or other such device in one place, which then propagates throughout the rest of the project,
without having to change all tag references to that processor. A device shortcut is similar to a Windows
shortcut on your computers desktop that provides easy access to an application.

Communications Setup Editor Improvements

Offline tag browsing no longer requires you to associate the device shortcut with a controller. In previous
releases, you were required to associate a shortcut with both a controller and an offline tag file to be able
to browse the tags in the offline tag file. You can now create a shortcut that is associated only with the
offline tag file if all you want to do is browse tags in that file.
The Communication Setup editor has been enhanced to prevent the creation of shortcuts that point to
devices that do not provide data (such as communication modules and backplanes).
The Communication Setup editor now provides status messages about shortcuts as you create them as
well as a summary of all messages via a shortcut verification report.
The Communication Setup editor has a new option for enabling alarm and event support at the device
Warnings have been added to FactoryTalk to tell users if making an edit in the development environment
will adversely affect the run-time system. If the change is made through a dialog box, this warning icon
appears next to the component where the edit can be made.

1. Open the Communication Setup. Expand the RSLinx Enterprise device server. Double-click on
Communication Setup.

The Communication Setup dialog will appear to the right of the Explorer tree.

32 of 304

2. Add a Device Shortcut by following steps a-b.

a. Click the
Add button

b. Type the
shortcut name

3. Browse to the controller. Expand the EtherNet node to see the controller at IP address
and expand the Backplane under it.

Select 4, 1789-L60/A, InstantFizz_Controller.

Note: 4 is the slot number of the SoftLogix module in the chassis that is to be used for this lab. The
FactoryTalk View ME lab uses the controller at slot 2, do not select it.

33 of 304


Add an Offline Tag File. Click the Browse button next to the Offline Tag File entry field. Browse to
C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz-Lab Files\RSLogix 5000\ folder. Select the
InstantFizz_Controller.ACD file. Click the Open button.

Browse to the C:\Lab Files\FTView

SE\InstantFizz-Lab Files\RSLogix
5000\ folder and select
InstantFizz_Controller.ACD file.

Offline Tag Browsing

The offline tag file will enable you to browse a ControlLogix controller's tags when that controller is not
online. The file must be located on the local PC, not on a networked location.

Because its possible to have many application shortcuts configured to different controllers, you must
also enable Alarm and Events on your application shortcut to enable which controller you would like
to receive alarming information from.

34 of 304

5. Enable Alarm and Events by selecting Yes from the pull-down menu.

Set Enable Alarms &

Events to Yes.

6. Apply the settings to the device shortcut Shortcut by following steps a-c.
c. Click the Apply button to
apply the shortcut settings.

a. Ensure Shortcut
is highlighted.

b. Ensure 4, 1789-L60/A,
InstantFizz_Controller is

The following RSLinx Enterprise prompt will appear. The prompt lists all the changes made to the
shortcut. Make sure your shortcut is set to Shortcut as we will be using pre-configured displays

35 of 304

referencing that shortcut name. Compare your prompt to the one below. If it matches select Yes to
apply the changes.

Select Yes to

7. To verify communications at any time, select the Verify button at the bottom of the Communications
Setup window.

The Verify dialog will appear. Review your changes. Click the Close button.

8. Click OK on the Communications Setup dialog to close.

Your device shortcut has been created.

36 of 304

Create a display and add a numeric display object

Lets take a minute to verify that communications is setup correctly. Verify that you are communicating by
adding a Numeric Display Object to a display and then test that display in FactoryTalk View Studio. Verify
that you can access controller tags from the online SoftLogix Controller and the offline tags file by
performing tag browses. In the Explorer, right-click on the Display folder, select the New context menu

An untitled display will be opened.

1. Single-click to select the Numeric Input object from Objects > Numeric and String > Numeric

2. On the empty display, single-click and hold down the mouse button, drag the cursor to draw the
numeric input and release the mouse button. As you are dragging the mouse you will see a
rectangle to show the size of the object that will be created.

37 of 304

3. When you release, the Numeric Input Properties dialog will appear.

Numeric Input Min and Max

Numeric input object allows for user-assigned minimum and maximum values that are validated prior to
4. Click on the Connections tab.
5. Click on the Tags button next to the Value field.

38 of 304

6. The Tag Browser will open. If you dont see a folder for Shortcut, right-click on InstantFizz, select
the Refresh All Folders context menu item.

7. Expand the Shortcut folder, then notice two sub-folders - Online and Offline. The Online folder
references the tags of the online controller that the shortcut is pointing to (such as our SoftLogix
controller). The Offline folder references the tags in the ControlLogix controller file (.ACD). Use
the Offline tag browsing and Offline Tag File in the RSLinx Enterprise Communications Setup
when the online controller is not available, and you only have access to the controller file (.ACD).
Follow steps a to b to select the MixSteps tag.

a. Select the
Online folder.

39 of 304

b. Select the
MixSteps tag,
then click OK.

8. The tag will appear in the Tag/Expression field next to the Value. Your selected tag should look
like this:

9. Click the OK button on the Numeric Input Properties dialog.

10. After adding an object to our display, we can verify the communications to our controller and Test
the display.

Single-click on the Test

Display button from the
tool menu.

11. A value (ex. 7) should appear on the display. This actually verifies that you got the tag from the

online tag file and you are online with the controller. If you were not online with the controller, it
would appear as what is called a wireframe, because the data is not available at this time. It
would look something like this instead:

12. Click the Edit Display button to get back to edit mode.

40 of 304

13. Close the display, and when prompted to save your changes select No.
Section 1 is complete. You have created a simple network application. You have the building blocks in
place and are ready to start creating your graphic displays.

41 of 304

Section 2: Importing application components

About this section
In this section of the lab you will:

Import pre-configured Displays, Global Objects, Images, and Macros

FactoryTalk View SE allows you to import and export individual or all HMI Server components, including
Displays, Alarms, Local Messages, Images, Parameter Files, Data Logs etc.
The graphic displays are stored in gfx files. GFX files can only be modified (in this format) when imported
in FactoryTalk View Studio. You can import a display from one application to another by adding the .gfx
Following is the Application Explorer window that is used throughout this entire hands-on lab. The
Explorer allows you to select different objects, displays, and other components of the FactoryTalk View
SE application.

42 of 304

Area within the



HMI Server

Global Objects

Symbol Factory

RSLinx Enterprise
Data Server

Adding preconfigured HMI components:

There are preconfigured HMI components (i.e., Displays and macros) that will be used in this lab. Do the
following to add them to the HMI Server.
1. Right-click on Displays and select Add Component Into Application

2. Browse to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\Graphic Displays and add the
displays by following steps a-b.

43 of 304

a. Select all the GFX

files in this folder,
then click Open.

b. The graphic displays

will be migrated. This may
take about a minute.

You have now added the preconfigured graphical displays. Some of the graphic displays have
global objects. Add pre-created Global Object displays next. You can learn about Global Objects
in Section 6.
3. Right-click on Global Objects and select the Add Component Into Application. context
menu item.

4. Browse to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - Lab Files\Global Objects, select the

CIPComponents.ggfx file and click Open.
Some of the displays reference external images (JPG, bmp etc). The next few steps will show

44 of 304

you how to import these images into your application.

5. Right-click on Images and select Add Component Into Application

6. Browse to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\Images to add the images

7. Select all the .bmp

files in this folder,
then click Open.

It will take about a minute to import all the graphics files.

You have added the preconfigured graphical displays and the corresponding images. The next
two steps will show you how to add the pre-configured startup macro into your application. You
can learn more about macros in Section 4.
8. Right-click on Macros and select Add Component Into Application

45 of 304

9. Browse to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\ and select startup.mcr. Click Open
to import the pre-configured macro.

Section 3: Tags

About this section

In this section of the lab you will:

Create an HMI tag

Import and Export tags

Add an object and reference an HMI tag

Learn about Tag Labels

Creating an HMI tag

Lets create a tag in the tag database.
1. Open the Tag database from the HMI Server, InstantFizz_HMIServer. Follow steps a-i to add an
HMI tag in a folder.

a. Double-click on Tags
from the HMI Tags
folder to open the tag

While the tag database is open, select the Edit menu item to create a new folder.

46 of 304

b. Click on the Edit menu

item, then select New

Note: This menu item can be used to Add, Delete, Duplicate and Rename Tag Database folders.
Another major use is the Other Databases menu item, which allows you to import tags from other
databases such as the RSLogix 5/500 controller files (.rss, .rsp).

Setup the new tag properties as shown below :

e. Type the new tag

name WaterAmount.


Choose the tag Type

as Analog. HMI tags
can be Analog, Digital
or String Type.

47 of 304

Type the new folder

name CIP then
click OK.

g. Type the tag


h. Choose the Min,

Max, Scale, Offset
and Units as shown.

d. Ensure the CIP folder
is selected. We want
to create a tag in this

2. Click Accept to complete.

48 of 304

Click on the ellipses button to

open the tag browser. Then
browse to the following online

3. The tag database also allows you to search for tags. Follow steps a-b to search for a tag.

b. Click Close to
exit the tag
a. You can search for any tag in the tag
database using the Search For field.
Highlight the root folder then Type
the word System\Second to search
for a predefined memory tag then
press Enter.

Import/Export Tags Wizard

Let us import tags that were pre-created using the Tag Import/Export Wizard. Use the Tag Import and
Export Wizard to convert databases to and from a CSV (Comma Separated Variable) format compatible
with Excel. You can also merge one FactoryTalk View tag database with another tag database and import
an A.I. Series or Logic 5 text database.
To successfully import tags, the application you are importing tags into must be open in FactoryTalk View
Import & Export Choices:
There are several Import / Export options as shown in the Tag Import/Export Wizard.

49 of 304

Export a FactoryTalk View tag database to CSV files

Exports a FactoryTalk View tag database to CSV files.

Import FactoryTalk View tag CSV files

Imports tag information from CSV files into a FactoryTalk View database. You can create
your tags in Excel then import them into the project using this setting in the Tag
Import/Export Wizard

Merge FactoryTalk View tag database

Merges tag information from one FactoryTalk View project with another FactoryTalk View

Import A.I. Series or Logic 5 database files

Imports symbols from the Rockwell Software A.I. Series or Logic 5 CSV format into a
FactoryTalk View database.

Import RSLogix5/500 Address & Symbol ASCII files

Imports symbols from the ASCII export file of RSLogix5 or RSLogix 500 into a
FactoryTalk View database.

50 of 304

1. Review the pre-created CSV file Additional_Tags.csv from C:\Lab Files\FTView

SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\

Open the pre-created CSV file with precreated HMI tags. Go to C:\Lab Files\FTView
SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\ and double-click
on Additional_Tags.csv. Review the file and
note the Excel column/row format used.
You can add and modify tags and folders in
Excel, then import them into your application.

2. Close Excel without saving.

3. Return to FactoryTalk View Studio and open the Tag Import/Export Wizard from the Tools

4. Select the Import FactoryTalk View tag CSV files option from the drop-down and then click

51 of 304

5. Select Site Edition

as Project Type.

6. Browse to our HMI project under

C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Shared Documents\RSView
Projects\InstantFizz_HMIServer\. Select the

file InstantFizz_HMIServer.sed.

7. Select Next to

8. Make sure Tags is checked.

Select the pre-created CSV
file to import from C:\Lab
SE\InstantFizz Lab

9. Select Next to

52 of 304

10. You can skip existing

tags or update existing
tags. Leave the
default for our lab.

11. Select Next to


12. Select Finish to


53 of 304

13. View the results of the

Database Import, then
click X to close.

We have now imported the pre-created tags into our application.

14. Open the tag database editor by double-clicking on Tags to view our imported tags.

54 of 304

15. Double-click on CIP and note

the new folders and tags
added to our tag database via
the Tag Import/Export Wizard.

16. Click Close to close the Tag database.

Add an object referencing an HMI tag

1. Open a new display.

An untitled display will be opened.

2. Single-click to select the Numeric Display object from Objects > Numeric and String > Numeric

55 of 304

3. On the empty display, single-click and hold down the mouse button, drag the cursor to draw the
numeric display and release the mouse button. As you are dragging the mouse you will see a
rectangle to show the size of the object that will be created:

4. The Numeric Display Properties window will open:

4. Select Tags to open

the Tag Browser and find
a tag to reference.

56 of 304

5. The same Tag Browser window is used to browse for HMI Tags, Direct Reference Tags
associated with an online and offline controller, Diagnostic Items and pre-defined System tags.
Let us review the Tag Browser.

6. CIP and RapidMix are

folders created in the HMI
Tag Database.

7. Shortcut is the device shortcut

associated with the SoftLogix controller.
It contains all the direct reference tags
to the controller.
- Diagnostic Items: Pre-defined
diagnostics tags to Logix controllers,
such as @Mode, which indicates the
current mode of the controller (Run,
Program, Remote)
- Offline: Direct reference tags to the
Offline Tag File that was associated
with the Shortcut
- Online: Direct reference tags to the
8. System contains the
pre-defined memory tags
and are stored in the HMI
Server. For example,

Structured Tag Support in FactoryTalk Tag Browser

The tag browser lets you select a structure tag in the left-hand pane of the object browser and return a
partial tag identifier to the editor that launched the browser. This structure tag can be assigned to a
faceplate object to supply values to multiple objects.
9. Browse to the HMI tag RapidMix\WaterAmount.

57 of 304

10. Expand the RapidMix folder, then

select WaterAmount and click OK.

11. The tag has been added to the

object. Click Apply then OK to exit.

12. Add a Tag Label object on the same display to the right of the Numeric Display object.
Use label objects to display information about a tag's properties at run time. You can display the value
of one property per tag label. The properties include: Low EU (tags Minimum Value), High EU (tag
Maximum Value), Contact Value (tag Status), Engineering Units (EU) (tag Units), Tag Name, Tag
Description, Contact Open Label (tag Off Label), Contact Close Label (tag On Label).

58 of 304

13. The Tag Label Properties window will open. Set up the properties as shown below. Browse to the
same RapidMix\WaterAmount tag and set the Property to Engineering Units (EU).

14. Click OK to close.

59 of 304

15. Test the display.

15. Single-click on the

Test Display button
from the tool menu.

16. Review the display.

17. The Numeric Display
object will display the
current value of the
HMI Tag and the Tag Label
will display the defined
Engineering Units of the
HMI Tag.

Note: The Tag Label object only works with HMI Tags, because we defined the properties (such as Units)
of this tag in the HMI Tag Database. It does not work with direct references. To display the engineering
units of a direct reference you can add a Text Object and type the applicable units.
18. Click the Edit Display button to get back to edit mode.

19. Close the display without saving.

60 of 304

Section 4: Graphic Displays, Objects and Animations

About this section

In this section of the lab you will:
Configure and use Animations and Expressions
Use Commands
To help with the navigation within FactoryTalk View Studio for the components used in this section, you
can again refer to the Application Explorer image from Section 2.

Read about Graphic Displays

Types of Graphic Displays
Standard Displays - stored in the Displays folder. These are the displays that the operator sees at run
time. They present views of automated plant activity or processes. They can show system or process
data and provide operators with a way to write values to a real-time database or network devices such as
a controller.
Global Object Displays - stored in the Global Objects folder. Global object displays let you link the
appearance and behavior of a graphic object on a global object display to multiple copies of that object in
standard displays. When you make changes to the original object, the changes are automatically applied
to the copies.
Library Displays - stored in the Libraries folder. A library display contains ready-made graphic objects
that you can use in other displays.
A graphic display represents the operators view of plant activity. The display can show system or process
data, and provide operators with a way to write values to external devices such as programmable
controllers. The elements that make up a graphic display are called graphic objects. The Objects menu in
the Graphic Displays editor (Figure 1) provides simple drawing elements such as line, rectangle and
ellipse, as well as ready-made objects such as push buttons, input and display fields, and alarm
summaries. Use these elements to create visual representations of processes and activities then animate
the display by linking objects to tags so that the appearance of the objects will change as the values of
the tags change.
The graphics editor allows you to easily duplicate objects, reshape or resize objects, and arrange them in
a variety of ways like stacking them, aligning them with each other, spacing them horizontally or vertically,
flipping them horizontally or vertically, rotating them, and grouping them so they behave as a single
object. Graphic objects can be:

Created using the Graphic Display editor.

Copied and pasted from the Graphics Libraries.

Copied to the clipboard from another Windows application and then pasted into the graphics

61 of 304

Created by another Windows application and inserted into the graphic display using object linking
and embedding.

Dragged and dropped from another graphic display or library, or another Windows application.

Figure 1: Objects Menu

Graphic Libraries
FactoryTalk View SE V6.0 will offer a new graphics library called Symbol Factory while still offering the
previously available Libraries.

Symbol Factory
Symbol Factory is a new graphics library interface that can be launched from FactoryTalk View Studio
v6.0. It is a common library between FactoryTalk View Machine Edition and Site Edition. Symbol Factory
is built on Software Toolboxs Symbol Factory, and contains over 5,000 graphical objects.
Approximately 4,000 of these are grouped object based graphics with the remainder being static bitmaps.
The Symbol Factory library supports drag-and-drop and copy/paste onto a native FactoryTalk View
As stated earlier, the V5.1 version used in this lab has been modified to use this library.

62 of 304

The Graphics Library comes with a number of ready-made graphic displays containing objects that you
can use in other displays.

There are many different library objects that you can use within your applications.
Note: any animation that has been attached to an object will be included with it when it is copied into a

Modify an XML file

In FactoryTalk View Studio, you can also use the Graphics Import Export Wizard to export graphic display
information to an XML file, or to import a graphic display XML file into an application. XML has a
standardized format and structure. You can modify the elements and attributes of a graphic display by
changing them, or by adding new ones, in the XML file.
You can edit the XML files before importing them back into an application, to modify existing graphic
objects, or to add new objects to a display.
You can create or edit graphic displays independent of FactoryTalk View Studio, including display
settings, objects, object properties, connections, animations, groupings, key assignments etc.
In the previous section we have imported a few pre-configured graphic displays. Next, we will modify one
of these displays by modifying a pre-exported XML file.
1. Expand Displays and then double-click on the CIP Process Steps display to open.

63 of 304

We will modify Step 1

text of this display in
the XML file. Currently,
the text displays Step
1: Adding H2O.

2. Close the display CIP Process Steps without saving.

3. Go to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\ then double-click to open the preexported XML file CIP Process Steps.xml.
The xml file will open in Internet Explorer.

64 of 304

Review the XML file. The file

contains all the objects and
object attributes that are
contained in the CIP
Process Steps display.

4. To modify the file we must open it up in Notepad. Close the Internet Explorer file.
5. Right-click on the pre-exported XML file CIP Process Steps.xml from C:\Lab Files\FTView
SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\, then select Open With and choose Notepad.
The file will now open in Notepad:

6. We will change the text Step 1: Adding H2O to Step 1: Adding Water.

65 of 304

7. In the Notepad file,

select the Edit menu item,
then click Replace.

8. Fill the Replace window as follows then click the Replace All button.

9. Type the text as

indicated, press the
Replace All button, then
click Cancel to exit. The
Find What text is letter H,
number 2 and letter O.

10. Save the file from File>Save then Exit.

11. Lets import the modified display.
Right-click on Displays and select Import and Export.

66 of 304

Select Import graphic information into displays, then select Next.

12. Select No, then click Next.

67 of 304

13. Select Single Display Import File, then click Next.

14. Configure the window as shown below. The XML file to import can be found in C:\Lab
Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\CIP Process Steps.xml. This is the file we have just

68 of 304

15. Click Finish to complete the import.

16. The Graphics Import Export Wizard provides a status file on the success of the import/export:

17. Close the

file before continuing.

69 of 304

18. Lets review the modified display. Now, open the CIP Process Steps display by double-clicking
on it from the Displays item in FactoryTalk View Studio.

19. Review the display.

The text has been
changed from H2O to

Note: In this example it would have been easier to simple change the text in the display within
FactoryTalk View Studio. There are applications however, in which you may need to automatically create
many objects and/or displays. Creating them in an XML file can save a lot of engineering time.

70 of 304

To provide information about a graphic object to an operator, you can add a tooltip to objects:

Tooltips can be added to graphical objects

Tooltips supports embedded variables

Language switching is supported on tooltip text

By default, an object has no tooltip. If you add a tooltip, it displays at run time, when the operator
positions the pointer over the object for a few seconds.
Parameter Enhancements
Added parameter enhancements provide support for embedded variables in tooltips and title bars;
literal numbers and strings in the embedded variable syntax; and display for the right-most characters in
embedded string variables.

In this lab we will add a Numeric Input object to show a tooltip example.
1. Open the CIP Process Steps display (it should already be open.)
2. We will add a Numeric Input object to the CIP Process Steps display.

3. From the Objects

menu, select Numeric
and String, then click
on Numeric Input.

4. Add the Numeric Input object in the display location shown below.

71 of 304

5. Configure the Numeric Input Properties as shown below by following steps a-d.

a. Select the
Connections tab.
b. Click on the ellipses
button to browse and add
the Value tag:

d. Click on the ellipses

button to browse and add
the Maximum tag:

Tag Browser to select the Value, Minimum and Maximum tags:

72 of 304

c. Click on the ellipses

button to browse and add
the Minimum tag:

6. Click OK to close.
7. Save the display.

73 of 304

8. Test the display

Single-click on the Test
Display button from the
Tool menu.

9. We have specified the Minimum and Maximum values for the Numeric Input Object. Lets write a
value 22000 into our object. This value has to be higher than the Minimum and lower than the
Maximum values.
Type 22000 then
press Enter.

The object background will turn red indicating that the value enter is outside the valid minimum
and maximum bounds.
How will the operator know what the valid bounds are? Add a tooltip!
10. Click the Edit Display button to get back to edit mode.

11. Double-click on the Numeric Input object to open up its properties. Or right-click and select

12. Add a Tooltip by following steps a-e.

74 of 304

a. Select the
Common tab.

b. Type Minimum:
in the ToolTip
Text area .

c. Click on Insert
Variable and select
Numeric to add a

d. Browse to the

e. Click OK.

13. Repeat steps a-e to add the Maximum information as well. The Maximum tag to browse to is
The final ToolTip text should look as follows:

75 of 304

Click OK.

14. Save the display.

Click Save Icon

15. Test the display.

Single-click on the Test
Display button from the
Tool menu.

76 of 304

16. Lets try this again. Write a value 22000 into our object.
Type 22000 then
press Enter.

Again, the object background will turn red indicating that the value enter is outside the valid
minimum and maximum bounds.
17. Hover the mouse over the object and you should see our tooltip text indicating the proper value

18. Click the Edit Display button to get back to edit mode.

Hover mouse over

the Numeric Input
object and observe
the Tooltip text!

19. Close the display CIP Process Steps.

Docked displays
Docked Displays
At run time, graphic displays can be docked to an edge of the FactoryTalk View SE Client window,
allowing an operator to gain access to certain displays at all times. Docked displays cannot be
accidentally closed by the operator and cannot have other graphics placed on top. They will, therefore,
always remain visible to the operator.
For example, you might consider docking:

Navigational menus - that allow the operator to move among displays in an application.

Headers or banners - that provide specific information to the operator, such as the current users
name and area, or information about alarms.

Control panels - that contain standard buttons for special purposes, such as changing users, closing
open windows, or sending information to a maintenance team.

77 of 304

In this lab we will use docked displays for navigational menus and as an alarm banner. The docked
display will be visible to the operator at all times.
1. Open the display Navigation. This will be the first docked display.

2. Open the Alarm Banner display. This will be our second docked display.

3. To dock a display to an edge of the SE Client window, after the client starts up, we will use a
start-up macro that utilizes a display command.
A macro is a list of commands or command symbols stored in a text file. To run a macro you use
its name just as you would a command. The commands in the macro will be executed in the order
in which they are listed.

78 of 304

A macro can be specified on startup or shutdown of a client or display. It can be called from a
command line in FactoryTalk View Studio, from a button or from the Factory Talk View
Administration Console for system administration.
FactoryTalk View has multi-tasking capabilities that you can take advantage of when you create
Some commands (such as Print) finish quickly and the next command can start. Others, such as
Set, take longer. In the case of Set, it does not finish until the message has been sent to the
controller. In cases like that, you can set up the macro so that the next command can be
executed before the previous command is finished. Use the ampersand character (&) to do this.
You have added the start-up macro in Section 2 of this lab.

4. Expand the Macros menu item and double-click on startup to open.

on startup to

5. Review the display commands in the startup macro file:

Display Navigation /DB
Display Alarm Banner /DT

In general, to dock a display uses the syntax shown below:

To dock a display in this position
Top edge of the client window
Bottom edge of the client window
Left edge of the client window
Right edge of client window

79 of 304

Use this parameter

Display /DT
Display /DB
Display /DL
Display /DR

These commands will be executed when the macro is run at the start-up of the FactoryTalk View
SE Client.
6. Close the startup macro without saving.

Explore docked displays at run-time

Lets explore the docked displays functionality at run-time. An SE client file has already been created for
you to run with this application. Our StartUp macro will be executed when the SE client file is launched.

1. Click the Launch

SE Client icon.

2. Browse to the C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\ClientFile_DockedDisplays.cli

then click OK.

NOTE: It will take a few minutes for the client to fully load.
3. Review the layout of the client. The startup macro docked displays in 2 areas. The header display
contains an alarm banner and is located at the top of the client window; the footer display
contains navigation buttons and is located at the bottom of the client window.

80 of 304

Alarm Banner
is docked on the
top edge.

Navigation is
docked on the
bottom edge.

4. Minimize the Plant Overview display.

5. Drag the minimized title bar around to the edges of the display client:

Top edge:

Bottom edge:

6. Click the Restore button on the Plant Overview display.

7. Observe that it will not overlay the docked areas.

81 of 304

8. Drag the Plant Overview display to the lower edge or lower right corner of the client.

9. Observe that it will not overlay the docked areas and scroll bars will appear, so the display will still
be visible.
10. Move the Plant Overview display so the Close button is visible and close the display.

11. Select the Plant Overview button on the footer display to open the Plant Overview display.
Notice how it is sized to fit in the main viewable area of the docked displays.

12. Leave the Client running because we will use it in the next section.

82 of 304

FactoryTalk View commands allow you interact with and control application components. Most commands
accept parameters for added precision and control.

You can set up keys and graphic objects to run commands at run time. For example, as the
press, release, or repeat action when you assign touch animation to an object in a graphic
display, or as the action for a button

You can run commands from the HMI servers command line

You can create a list of commands in a macro, and run the macro in places where the commands
are required.

You can run commands at a particular event, using Event file

There are approximately 80 different commands. Use the Command Wizard for assistance with selecting
and building commands.
We will create a Button object with a display command.
1. In FactoryTalk View Studio, close all the currently open displays without saving.
2. Open the Rapid Mix - Overview display.

3. Select the Button menu item.

83 of 304


Draw the Button in the Rapid Mix Overview Display as shown below:

Draw the
Button here.

84 of 304

5. Configure the Button Properties by following steps a-b.

a. Select the
Action tab.

b. Click on the ellipses

button to open the
Commands Wizard.

6. Select the Display command by following steps a-b. You can either select All Commands and
Macros and find the Display command alphabetically, or select Graphics > Graphic Displays >
Navigation > Display

85 of 304

a. Select the
Display Command.

b. Click Next to

7. Fill the display command information as shown below by following steps a-b. If our application
had more than one area we could choose to open a display from a different area.

a. Fill out as shown. The

Display command has
many additional
properties, leave these
unchecked for this
b. Click Finish
to complete.

8. Add a Button Caption by following steps ab.

86 of 304

a. Select the Up
Appearance tab. Then in
the Caption field type
Rapid Mix- Process

b. Click OK to

The new button added

should look as shown
here. Resize the button if

9. Save the display

then close

87 of 304

10. Return to the running client window and select the Rapid Mix button in the navigation display.

Click on Rapid
Mix button.

11. Open the Rapid Mix Process Steps display.

In the upper right corner of

the Rapid Mix display, click on
the newly added Rapid Mix
Process Steps button.

88 of 304

Rapid Mix
Process Steps
display will open!

Using the Command Wizard we have created a button which when pressed opens another display.
The Commands Wizard contains many more commands related to closing/opening displays, alarming,
printing, languages, external applications and many others.

Animations and expressions

Animation is the ability to add logic to a graphic object so that some characteristic of the object will
change when a tag value changes. For example, an object can be made to fill (up, down, left, or right) or
change color in relation to a tag value.
Expression: An expression is a mathematical or logical equation that returns a value. It can contain tag
names, constants and mathematical, relational, logical and/or bitwise operators. A single tag name is
often used for simple expressions.
In Figure 1, the animation dialog shows that expressions are used to animate objects. There is a tab for
each type of animation. If there is a check mark in front of the animation type it means that the selected
object is using that animation. If an animation type is not available for a selected object, the fields on that
animation tab will be grayed out. In the example below, the Fill and Color animations are being used on
the selected object. Selecting a new object while the Animation dialog is opened will update the
Animation dialog for the object that was just selected.

89 of 304

Figure 1: Animation Dialog

The Object Explorer

The Object Explorer provides a list of all the objects in the current graphic display, including those that are
hidden by other objects. A group of objects has a plus sign in front of its name. Click this to expand the
list of objects that make up the group. You can expand or collapse the whole list using the Expand and
Collapse buttons.
When you click an object in the display to select it, its corresponding entry in the Object Explorer is
highlighted in gray.
When you click an item in the Object Explorer, the object it corresponds to is selected. If an object is
hidden by another, or is part of a group, when you select it in the Object Explorer the handles outlining the
selected object are visible.
Lets open up one of the displays and take a look at animation.

To open the Object Explorer

1. To open the Rapid Mix - Overview display, expand the Displays folder, double-click on the Rapid
Mix Overview display.

90 of 304

2. The Rapid Mix - Overview display will be opened.

3. Select the View > Object Explorer menu item

-orselect the Show/Hide Object Explorer button from the menu bar to show or hide it.

Once selected (indicated by a check next to the menu item name), the Object Explorer appears. The
Object Explorer can be resized and moved. You can click on any of the objects listed, and you will
notice that the objects will be highlighted in the display.

91 of 304


The Object Explorer is truly useful when you group items together and want to reference individual
elements within that group.
Grouping is useful when you have common objects that you want to move around or apply behaviors
toward, for example, animation behavior.

Look at groups and animation by using the object explorer

1. Expand and select the TankMixture group in the Object Explorer.
2. Right-click on the Water element within the TankMixture group and select the Animation > Fill
context menu item.

92 of 304


The Animation dialog will appear and open on the Fill tab.

93 of 304

The Fill animation expression has already been pre-entered for you. You can review and familiarize
yourself with the Fill and other animation properties, such as Color.
4. Close the Animation window.
5. Return to the running client and press the START button on the Rapid Mix Process Steps display to
see the animations in action.
Press the START
button to start the
Rapid Mix

6. Watch the
water tank fill!

94 of 304

Local messages
Use local message displays to provide an operator with information about a process, or about what to do
next, at run time. For example, the Rapid Mix Process Steps display contains a Local Message object
that gives the operators instructions on what the current step is in the mixing tank.
1. In the client window, close the Rapid Mix-Process Steps Display.
In the running client, close the
Rapid-Mix Process Steps
display by clicking the X
2. Return to FactoryTalk View Studio. We will import a preconfigured, Local Message file.
In the Explorer Window, right-click
on Local Messages and select
Add Component Into
3. Add all local message files from C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - Lab Files\Local
Messages into the application.

Select both Local Message files

then click Open to add to the

4. Review the RapidMix Local Message file.

Double-click on RapidMix
under Local Messages to

95 of 304

Local Message editors consist of Trigger Value and Message columns. When the value of the
Local Message tag equals to the Trigger Value, the corresponding Message will be displayed.
For example, if the tag value is equal to 6, the message STEP 6: Initiate CIP Clean will be

5. Click Close.
6. We have created the local message file. In order to view the messages on a display at run-time, a
Local Message object needs to be added.
7. Open the Rapid Mix Process Steps display.

96 of 304

8. Add the Local Message Display to Rapid Mix Process Steps display by following steps a-b.

a. Select the Local

Message Display to add.

b. Draw the Local Message

Display object as shown.

9. We will modify some properties of the message text, such as font and color. Double-click on the
Local Message Display object to view the object properties. Follow steps a-c.

a. Double-click on the Local

Message Display object to
view the object properties.

97 of 304

b. Select the
General tab.

c. Change the font

size to 16.

10. We would like this Local Message Display to display messages from the RapidMix Local
Message File, which we imported into the application. The messages will be triggered by the
[shortcut]MixSteps tag. Follow steps a-d to configure the Local Message display.

98 of 304

a. Click on the
ellipses button
to browse the
Local Message
b. Select RapidMix
then click OK to


Select the Connections tab

and browse to the
[shortcut]MixSteps tag. In
the tag browser expand
Shortcut, select Online then on
the right side select the
MixSteps tag. The value of this
tag will determine which
message will be displayed.

d. Click OK
to close.

11. The Local Message Display should look similar to the one below:

99 of 304

12. Save the display, then close.

13. View the Local Messages in action! Go back to the running client and launch the Rapid Mix
Process Steps display from the Rapid Mix Overview display. Follow steps a-c.
a. Click the Rapid Mix
Process Steps button to
open the display.

b. Click the START button at the

bottom of the Rapid Mix
Process Steps display to start
the process. It may be already

100 of 304


14. Click on the Exit button to close the client.

101 of 304

Follow the Local Message

steps/instructions and
watch the animation in the
Rapid Mix Overview

Using Symbol Factory Graphics

In this section you will create a new display and learn the ways to launch the new Symbol Factory library
as well as how to select graphics and place them on the new display. This will allow you to get a look at
the types of graphics that can be found in the Symbol Factory library, as well as how the library fits into
the FactoryTalk View Studio interface.
1. Expand the Graphics folder in the Explorer pane. Right-click Displays and select New to create a
new Display.

Right-click Displays
and select New to
create a new Display.

A new display is opened in the workspace area.

2. Select Symbol Factory from Explorer

Click Symbol

102 of 304

3. Library Browser will be displayed

4. Close Library Browser

Close library after it

is displayed

5. With Library closed after last step, select Symbol Factory icon on Objects Toolbar:

Symbol Factory icon

on Objects Toolbar

103 of 304

6. Close Library Browser

7. With Library closed after last step, select Symbol Factory from Objects pull down menu.

Symbol Factory icon on

Objects Pull down menu

8. Do not close library.

104 of 304

Symbol Factory Library layout

Symbols Thumbnail
Preview window

Categories window

9. Select different categories in Category window. You will notice that the graphical objects in each
category are displayed in the Symbols Thumbnail window.
10. When a graphical object is selected in the Symbols Thumbnail window, a larger thumbnail image is
displayed in the Preview window.

105 of 304

Adding a Symbol Factory Graphic to a display.

Copy Button
11. Select the Boilers category in Symbol Factory Library.
12. Select the Boiler 1 graphic.
13. Select

from menu above Symbols Thumbnail Windows.

14. When Copy is selected, Library window will minimize.

15. On Graphic Display, right click to display menu and select Paste.

16. Boiler 1 graphic will be copied to display as shown below.

106 of 304

17. This is one way to copy and paste a graphic to a display

Drag and Drop
18. The library browser minimizes to the Windows Task Bar when a symbol is copied. You might need to
select it from the Task Bar to display it again.
19. With Symbol Factory Library displayed, select the Buildings category.
20. Select the Factory 1 symbol from the library.

107 of 304

21. Select the Factory 1 symbol in the Preview window and with mouse button held down, drag the
Factory 1 symbol on to the display screen under the boiler symbol.

Copy and Paste / Paste Special

A third method to add a graphic to a display from the library is Copy and Paste or Paste Special.
22. With Symbol Factory Library displayed, select the Blowers Etc. category.
23. Select the Vortex blower symbol in the Preview window, select right click button on mouse to display

108 of 304

Select Copy from menu.

24. On display screen, right click and select Paste.

25. Vector blower symbol will be copied to upper left hand corner of screen.

109 of 304

26. Move the symbol from that position to another location on the display.

Those are the three main ways to move a Symbol Factory graphic from the library to a display screen.
Adding a Symbol Factory Graphic to Images for use on a button.
27. In the Explorer, right-click on the Display folder, select the New context menu item:

28. An untitled display will be opened.

110 of 304

29. Add a Command Button to the new display by selecting button icon from objects toolbar and placing
button on display.

30. Select Up Appearance Tab.

31. From bottom portion of this tab, select radio button next to Use image reference

32. Select

next to Image: name. This will launch the Image Browser dialogue.

The Image Browser dialogue has been modified to allow you to launch the Symbol Factory Library,
select and copy a symbol, and paste it into the images folder for use on buttons.

111 of 304

33. Select Launch Library to launch Symbol Factory library.

34. Select Gadget Buttons 1 category in library and select Industrial button (Red Up) symbol.

35. Select

above the Symbols Thumbnail window in library.

36. Symbol Factory Library will automatically minimize.

37. Select Paste from Library on Image Browser dialogue.

112 of 304

38. You will be prompted to enter a unique name for the image.

39. Enter Red Button Up in Image Name Entry dialogue and select OK.
40. This will paste symbol into Preview area of the Image Browser as well as add it to the images folder
for future use.

113 of 304

41. Select OK. The Image Browser will be closed and Red Button Up will be listed in the Image: entry
on the Button Properties.

42. Select OK and Button Properties closes and the image is now displayed on the button face.

43. Close this screen without saving.

114 of 304

Color Animation Enhancements

In addition to Symbol Factory graphics library, FactoryTalk View SE 6.0 also provides improved
color/shading animation. In this section you will review the new color animation capability.
Symbol Factory Color Animation Demo Screen
1. From explorer, open the display sf_color_demo.

115 of 304

2. Right click on the Blower 1 symbol under the middle Shaded area.

3. The Color tab shows a number of modifications:

Fill Styles include

Original, Shaded, and

An HMI Memory Tag, SF_Test, has been configured for this example.

116 of 304

When Fill Style is set to Original, the color indicators reflect this selection by displaying the


. This graphic symbol has been

Scroll through the A to P thresholds on the left.
configured for a color selection and value for each threshold. Threshold A (Value=0) has a Fill Style of
Original. The remaining thresholds (B to P) are configured for the Shaded Fill Style.
Thresholds K, L, and M are configured to blink the Fill Color.

4. Test Run this screen by selecting Test Display button (

Screen will appear like this when running:

) on top menu.
The Shaded Column has Fill Style set to

The Solid Column

has Fill Style set to

117 of 304

5. The starting value is zero (0). If the value shown in the right hand indicator
is not
zero, then select RESET to set it back to zero (0). Each graphic symbol is configured to maintain the
original library color at value zero (0).
6. To show the color changes on each symbol, increment the analog value by selecting the Ramp Up
. The value will increase by 1 and each symbol will change to the next color. Notice that
even with the color change, the shading of the objects in the middle column has been maintained.
7. When the value is greater than zero, notice the difference between the Solid and Shaded Fill Style

8. Ramp the value to 11, 12, and 13 to see the object blink between two colors.
9. Stop the running display by selecting Edit Display
10. Close screen and, if prompted, save changes.

118 of 304

Section 5: Alarming

About this section

In this section, you will:
Read about types of Alarming Systems

Read about FactoryTalk Alarms and Events

Read about FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Configuration

Enable Alarms and Events

Use FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Objects

Alarm Summary design and runtime behavior

Alarm Banner design and runtime behavior

Alarm Log Viewer design and runtime behavior

Alarm Status Explorer design and runtime behavior

Observe and Create Device-Based Alarms

Observe and Create Tag-Based Alarms

Read about types of alarming

Alarms are an important part of plant control applications because they alert operators when something
goes wrong. Often, it is also important to have a record of alarms, what time they occurred, and if they
were acknowledged and by whom.
FactoryTalk View SE supports the existing traditional HMI tag alarm system and the FactoryTalk Alarms
and Events system. The choices you make will depend on factors such as the design of your application,
the processes you need to monitor for alarms, the types of devices used in the application, and whether
you want to build alarm detection into those devices.
Traditional HMI Tag Alarm System
In FactoryTalk View Studio, you can set up a complete alarm system. At run time, alarm monitoring
occurs at the HMI server. If alarms are detected tag values outside the configured limits - notification is
sent to connected FactoryTalk View SE clients, where operators can view and acknowledge the alarms.
This is a traditional HMI tag alarm system.
An HMI tag alarm system only detects alarms set up for tags in an HMI servers tag database. HMI tag
alarm detection does not include FactoryTalk alarms. Use a traditional HMI tag alarm system if your
application uses HMI tags for other purposes, and you want to monitor these tags for alarms. FactoryTalk
View SE Clients receive HMI tag alarm information by way of the FactoryTalk View SE Servers (also
called HMI servers) that contain the HMI tags.

119 of 304

Traditional HMI tag alarm data is not managed by FactoryTalk Alarms and Events services. To monitor
and respond to HMI tag alarms, you must use the HMI tag alarm displays and logs available in
FactoryTalk View SE.
FactoryTalk Alarms and Events system
The FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Services centralize the distribution of device-based and tag-based
alarm data to run-time clients, through FactoryTalk alarm servers that you add to a FactoryTalk View SE
Device-based alarms - set up by programming alarm detection instructions directly into Logix5000
controllers. FactoryTalk View SE Clients receive device-based alarms by way of Rockwell Automation
Device Servers (RSLinx Enterprise) that you add to a FactoryTalk View SE application.
Tag-based alarms - set up to specify alarm conditions for tags in older programmable controllers (PLC-5
or SLC 500), in third-party devices communicating through OPC data servers, or in an HMI servers
tag database (HMI tags). FactoryTalk View SE Clients receive tag-based alarms by way of FactoryTalk
Tag Alarm and Event Servers that you add to a FactoryTalk View SE application.
FactoryTalk Alarms and Events

Provides a single, integrated set of alarm information. All participating FactoryTalk products work
together to provide a consistent way to define, manage, log, and view alarm and event information
across a FactoryTalk application.

Streamlines alarm programming and eliminates polling with device-based alarm monitoring. If your
automation system includes Logix5000 controllers, you can use pre-built alarm instructions, available
in RSLogix 5000 v16 or later, to simplify coding, and then download to the controller. Device-based
alarm monitoring eliminates the need for duplicating alarm tags in an HMI server and requires fewer
controller communication resources by eliminating polling.

Allows other controllers to participate in the integrated system with tag-based alarm monitoring. If
your automation system includes older controllers, such as PLC-5s or SLC 500s, or if you prefer not
to use the new alarm instructions with Logix5000 controllers, software-based tag servers monitor
controllers for alarm conditions and publish event information.

Allows monitoring alarms and events from third-party controllers. Tag-based alarm monitoring also
makes it possible to monitor alarm conditions from third-party controllers, which communicate through
OPC-DA servers.

Provides accurate time stamps on alarm conditions that are generated from Logix5000 controllers
using device-based alarm monitoring. With device-based alarm monitoring, time stamps are applied
immediately in the controller and are not delayed until alarms reach an HMI server. To ensure
accurate time stamps on device-based alarms, synchronize the clocks of all controllers that produce
alarms. The event time is propagated throughout the FactoryTalk Alarms and Events system, so
inaccurate time stamps can affect where alarms are displayed in the Alarm and Event Summary or
the Alarm and Event Banner as well as reports about the alarm and event history. The Logix5000
Clock Update Tool which is included with RSLogix 5000 can be used to accomplish this

Sends process data with events and messages. You can associate up to four tags with each alarm to
include process data with event information and alarm messages.

Secures access to alarm and event operations through integration with FactoryTalk Security.

Generates messages for logging, including audit messages that track operator actions, systemrelated diagnostic messages, and historical alarm and event messages.

120 of 304

Displays alarm messages and status information during run time, from FactoryTalk View graphic

Add database connection

In the next section you will be configuring the alarm and event history support. We have added the
RSLinx Enterprise server in Section 1.
FactoryTalk Alarm and Event Historian
There is a FactoryTalk Alarm and Event Historian that performs historical logging of FactoryTalk alarm
and event data (generated by one or more Rockwell Automation Device Servers (RSLinx Enterprise) or
FactoryTalk Tag Alarm and Event Servers) to a database. This component also defines and manages
database definitions between alarm and event servers and logging destinations. You can log historical
alarms and events to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SP2) database (which can be
optionally installed from the FactoryTalk View SE or RSLinx Enterprise CDs) or to your own existing
Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Before you add and configure the Rockwell Automation Device Server you are going to create a database
so you can also enable FactoryTalk Alarm and Event History logging in the next section. Alarming will be
discussed in more detail later in the lab.
1. Expand the Connections folder in the Explorer Window.
2. Right-click on Databases folder, select the New Database context menu item.

3. When the Alarm and Event Historian Database Properties opens, enter:
Definition name: FTAEHistory
Database user name: administrator
Database password: rockwell
Database name: FTAE

121 of 304

And leave the defaults for the other fields. Your properties dialog should look like this:

4. Click on OK.
5. If the database does not exist, you are prompted with the Database does not exist message box:
The database will be created. The database user will also be created. If the user already exists, the
user will be assigned access to the database. Do you want to create the database? click the Yes

122 of 304

6. After the database is created the dialog will close. Expand the Databases folder to confirm that it was

Enabling device-based alarms and events

To monitor alarms in a Logix5000 controller, Alarm and event support must be enabled in the Rockwell
Automation Device Server (RSLinx Enterprise). The device server subscribes to alarms in the
controller and then publishes the alarm information to FactoryTalk Alarms and Events services. We have
already enabled the alarms in Section 1, but we did not enable Alarm and Event History.
1. Right-click on the server node RSLinx Enterprise, select the Properties context menu item.

2. The RSLinx Enterprise Server Properties will appear. Leave defaults on the General tab. Follow
steps a-e to enable Alarms and Events:
a. Select the Alarms and Events tab

b. Check the Enable alarm and

event support option. If it is
already checked, leave as is.

c. Check the Enable history option.

d. Select the FTAEHistory

database definition.

e. Click the OK button.

123 of 304

Ensure that the Shortcut is enabled to receive Alarms from our controller.
3. In the Studio Explorer, double-click on Communication Setup under RSLinx Enterprise.

4. In the Communication Setup window that appears, select the shortcut called shortcut, and ensure
that Enable Alarm and Events is set to Yes.


Below the Enable row you will notice a Buffer Timeout (min.) property. Leave the default setting of
20 minutes.
You can specify the amount of time you want the Logix5000 controller to buffer alarms in the event
that it loses communication with RSLinx Enterprise. You can enter the desired time in the Buffer
Timeout Field in the Communications Setup editor.
Keep the following in mind when specifying the alarm buffering time:

The default value is 20 minutes

To disable the alarm buffer, enter a value of 0 (zero). Select OK and a confirmation popup
will appear. Select Yes to continue and close.

Alarms are buffered until the buffer timeout expires or until the buffer in the controller is

The timeout starts counting at the point RSLinx Enterprise and the controller stop

Buffered messages appear only in the FactoryTalk Alarms and Events log database once
the connection is re-established.

In the event the buffer overflows, the following diagnostic message is logged:
The Logix controller buffer indicated that the alarm buffer overflowed, possible loss of alarm
data occurred while disconnected.

124 of 304


Click OK on the Communication Setup and select Yes to the confirmation prompt if it opens.

In the next section, you will test your connection to the FactoryTalk Alarm and Events server for devicebased alarms.

Using FactoryTalk Alarm and Event Objects

In this section, you will observe all of the FactoryTalk Alarm and Event objects in both runtime via the SE
client and design time via FactoryTalk View Studio. You should have both FactoryTalk View Studio and
the Client opened.

Alarm and Event Summary (display: Alarms)

Use the Alarm and Event Summary object, embedded in a FactoryTalk View graphic display, to
acknowledge, disable, suppress, filter, and sort alarms during run time. You must use the Alarm Status
Explorer to un-suppress an alarm that has already been suppressed.
Run Time: Alarm Summary Object
1. If the client has not been launched, click on the SE Client icon to launch it.


From the SE client, click the

button in the navigation display.

3. The Alarm Summary display is opened.

125 of 304

4. You probably dont see any alarms displayed, so click the

generate some. (It may take a few seconds to generate the alarms.)

button to

Your summary should appear something like this:

5. Select a row in the summary list to see details about the alarm in the details pane.

6. Mouse over the toolbar on the Summary to see what the configured buttons do (read the tool tips).

Observe also the Status Bar at the bottom of the Summary. Mouse over those icons to see what
information it is telling you (read the tool tips).

126 of 304

7. Select one of the predefined filters from the filter drop down list

8. Observe that the list and count are updated in the Summary, only showing you the filtered alarms.
Note also that the Status Bar updates its counts according to what is being displayed.
9. Clear any selected filter by selecting (No filter).

10. Select a row in the Summary and click on the run alarm command
button or double-click on
the row in the Summary. The FactoryTalk View Command defined in the controller is then executed.

there is not a FactoryTalk View command associated with that

Note: If the button is gray
alarm or the row is not selected. Select a row and try it again.
For example, if you double-click on the CIPValve1 alarm, you will get the CIP Valve popup

Feel free to experiment by clicking more of the buttons in the tool bar to see what they do. Next well
move on to using the Summary object in design time.
Design Time: Alarm Summary Object
1. From the Studio Explorer, double-click on the Alarms display to open it.

127 of 304

2. Double-click on the Alarm and Event Summary Design View object in the display and the Alarm
and Event Summary Properties will open.


3. Click on each tab to look at all the properties.

A couple of things to point out here:

Button sizes and text fonts can be configured
Hide and show columns
Resize columns
Reorder columns
Toolbar and Status Bar
Hide and show buttons/panes
Reorder buttons/panes
Event Subscriptions
This Summary object will subscribe to all events with any priority
Display Filters
This Summary object has preconfigured filters. These filters were preconfigured using the Alarm
Name field that was configured for the alarm.
Configure sort order
Configure text and background colors for the alarm states and priorities

128 of 304

The Run Alarm Command will be invoked when the operator double-clicks on an alarm in the
4. Feel free to make configuration changes to the AlarmSummary display and perform a Test Display

in Studio. Alternately, you can save your changes and use the
the navigation display of the Client to open the display again to see your changes.

button on

5. Close the Alarms display in FactoryTalk View Studio when you are done.

Alarm and Event Banner (display: Alarm Banner)

Use the Alarm and Event Banner object, embedded in a FactoryTalk View graphic display, to monitor and
respond to the most current alarms requiring immediate attention.
Run Time: Alarm Banner Object
In this section, we are going to use the Alarm Summary object described in the previous section to
demonstrate the features of the Alarm Banner object. So just as in the previous section

button in the footer display.

1. From the FactoryTalk View client, click the

2. The Alarm Summary display is opened.

3. Click the

button to generate some alarms. There may be some alarms

4. Observe that the alarms appear both in the Alarm Banner located on the header of your client, as well
as in the Alarm Summary.

129 of 304



5. Now click the

button to programmatically clear the alarm status.

Observe how the alarms have cleared from the Alarm Banner but stay active in the Alarm Summary
until they are acknowledged by the operator.

6. For the next step, click the

button to enable alarms again.

Then close the Alarm Summary screen in the Client by clicking the


Select a row in the Alarm Banner in the header display and double-click.


130 of 304

7. Observe that the Alarm Summary display is automatically launched.

Note that this behavior is configurable and will be discussed on the next section.
Design Time: Alarm Banner Object
1. From the Studio Explorer, double-click on the Alarm Banner display to open it.

2. Double-click on the Alarm and Event Banner Design View object in the display,
and the Alarm and Event Banner Properties will open.

3. Click on each tab to look at all the properties.

131 of 304

A couple of things to point out here:

The Alarm and Event Summary command will be invoked when the operator double-clicks on
an alarm in the Banner. This is why the Alarm Summary display appeated when you doubleclicked on the row in the Alarm Banner.
Button sizes and text fonts can be configured
Hide and show columns
Resize columns
Reorder columns
Status Bar
Hide and show panes
Reorder panes
Event Subscriptions
This Banner object will subscribe to all events with any priority
Configure text and background colors for the alarm states and priorities
Normal and unacknowledged alarms will not appear in the banner.
4. Feel free to make configuration changes to the Alarm Banner display and perform a Test Display
in Studio.
5. Close the Alarm Banner display in FactoryTalk View Studio when you are done.

Alarm and Event Log Viewer (display: AlarmLogViewer)

Use the Alarm and Event Log Viewer object, embedded in a FactoryTalk View graphic display, to view
and filter historical alarm information stored in Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Run Time: Alarm Log Viewer Object

button in the navigation display, then click the

1. From the SE client, click the
Log Viewer button in the Alarm Summary display.
2. The AlarmLogViewer display is opened.
3. Select a row in the list to see details about the alarm.
4. Mouse over the toolbar on the Log Viewer to see what the configured buttons do.
Design Time: Alarm Log Viewer Object
5. From the Explorer, double-click on the AlarmLogViewer display to open it.

132 of 304

6. Double-click on the Alarm and Event Log Viewer Design View object in the display
and the Alarm and Event Log Viewer Properties will open.


7. Click on each tab to look at all the properties.

A couple of things to point out here:

The log must be selected
Text fonts can be configured
Hide and show columns
Resize columns
Reorder columns
Hide and show buttons
Reorder buttons
Display Filters
This Log Viewer object can have preconfigured filters.

8. Notice that there is not an Event Subscription tab. This is a historical view of what is in the log
Feel free to make configuration changes to the AlarmLogViewer display and perform a Test Display

in Studio. Alternately, you can save your changes and use the
Alarm Summary display to see your changes.

133 of 304

button from the

9. Close the AlarmLogViewer display in FactoryTalk View Studio when you are done.
Alarm Status Explorer (display: AlarmStatusExplorer)
Use the Alarm Status Explorer object, embedded in a FactoryTalk View graphic display, to enable or
disable alarms and suppress or unsuppress alarms
Run Time: Alarm Status Explorer

1. From the SE client, click the

button in the footer display, then click the

Status Explorer button in the Alarm Summary display. Or click the

Status Explorer icon from the Alarm Summary toolbar.

2. The AlarmStatusExplorer display is opened.
3. Mouse over the toolbar on the Status Explorer to see what the configured buttons do.
4. Select a row in the list and select the show details for selected alarm
Review the details window then close.
5. Select a couple of rows and then click the suppress
press the Suppress button to confirm.

button from the toolbar.

button. On the Suppress Alarm pop up

6. Click on a column header to see the list sort by that column. You may need to resize the columns to
fully see text.
7. Click the suppress column until the suppressed alarms appear at the top of the list.
8. Select all the suppressed alarms and then click the unsuppress
Alarm pop up press Unsuppress button to confirm.

button. On the Unsuppress

9. Type *Valve2* in the name field for the Alarm source filter and click the Apply Filter button.

10. Observe the list is filtered to show only the alarms that contain Valve2 in the name.

11. Click the Cancel Filter button

134 of 304

12. Observe the list shows all alarms.

Design Time: Alarm Status Explorer
1. From the Explorer, double-click on the AlarmStatusExplorer display to open it.
2. Double-click on the Alarm Status Explorer object in the display. Nothing happens.
You must right-click on the object and then select the Properties context menu item.
Now, the Alarm Status Explorer Properties will open.

3. As in the previous steps, feel free to make configuration changes and perform a

Display or Save your changes and


View your modifications in the Client.

4. Close the AlarmStatusExplorer display in FactoryTalk View Studio when you are done.

Read about Device-Based alarms

Logix controllers will serve alarm information to FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Services with FactoryTalk
View SE. Two new alarm instructions have been added to the Logix Controllers. These new instructions

135 of 304

are available in the ladder logic, function block, and structured text programming languages.
Digital Alarm (ALMD)
A digital alarm is configured to monitor its input for one of the following alarm conditions:

The input value equal to one

The input value equal to zero

When the alarm condition is true, the alarm enters the In Alarm state. When the alarm condition is false,
the alarm enters the Normal or Out of Alarm State.
Analog Alarm (ALMA)
An analog alarm can be configured to monitor for two types of alarm conditions: Level and Rate of
A Level alarm monitors an input for alarm conditions that go In Alarm when the input value goes above or
below predefined limits. When defining a level alarm, you can configure up to four alarm level conditions
each with limits (sometimes called thresholds), a severity and alarm message. The supported alarm
conditions are:

High High (HIHI)

High (HI)

Low (LO)

Low Low (LOLO)

A Rate of Change alarm monitors an input for alarm conditions that go In Alarm when the input value
changes faster or slower than predefined limits. When defining a level alarm, you can configure up to two
rate of change conditions each with limits, a severity, and an alarm message. The supported alarm
conditions are:

Rate of Change Positive (ROC_POS)

Rate of Change Negative (ROC_NEG)

Configuration Options
Lets look at some of the configuration options and how they are related to the HMI. You can make any
change to an alarm instruction while the controller is running. The changes take effect immediately and
are displayed in the FactoryTalk Alarms and Events objects the next time the alarm changes state.
The severity value can range from 1 to 1000, to indicate different levels of importance. Alarm severities
are integer values, where 1 is the least severe, and 1000 is the most severe. For example, a level alarm
may be configured with the HI level condition using a severity of 750 to warn that a vat is 80 percent full of
liquid while the HIHI level condition could use a severity of 900 to indicate that the vat is about to
Because 1000 different alarm severities can be cumbersome to work with, ranges of alarm severities are
mapped to one of four (Low, Medium, High, Urgent) alarm priorities by the FactoryTalk Alarms and
Events system.

136 of 304

Minimum Duration
The Minimum Duration specifies the minimum amount of time that the alarm condition must be true (the
Input=1 in this case) before the alarm condition goes In Alarm. This setting is used to minimize false
Associated Tags
In many cases it is useful to have additional process information associated with an alarm. When an
alarm is defined, you can associate up to four tags with the alarm. At run time, the tag values are
recorded in the Alarm and Event History Log and can also be displayed in the Alarm and Event Summary
or Alarm and Event Log Viewer, and embedded in alarm messages. The contents of the Alarm and Event
Log Viewer can be filtered based on the value of an associated tag.
Alarm Class
To help group alarms, you might want to classify alarms that relate to each other in ways that do not
include severity or priority. For example, you might want to group together alarms by function, such as
those that monitor for valves that fail to open or close, pressure, temperature, equipment running, or tank
levels. The alarm class is a text string of up to 40 characters that you enter when configuring an alarm.
At run time, the value of the alarm class is recorded in the Alarm and Event History Log and can also be
displayed in the Alarm and Event Summary or Alarm and Event Log Viewer. The contents of the Alarm
and Event Summary or Alarm and Event Log Viewer can also be filtered based on the value of the alarm
FactoryTalk View Command
You can associate a FactoryTalk View command of up to 1000 characters with any alarm. The command
is executed from the Alarm and Event Summary or Alarm and Event Banner when the operator selects an
alarm and then clicks a button. The Summary and Banner can also be configured to execute the
command when the operator double-clicks the alarm in the list. A common use for the FactoryTalk View
command is to display a screen that shows an overview of the equipment related to the alarm.

137 of 304

Observe configured alarms in Logix 5000

If you would like to take a look at the alarms that have been configured for this lab, do the following.
Open RSLogix 5000
1. Select the InstantFizz_Controller shortcut from the Start menu,

or double-click the InstantFizz_Controller.ACD from the location of C:\Lab Files\FTView

SE\InstantFizz - Lab Files\RSLogix 5000.
2. Go online with the controller by selecting the Communications > Go Online menu item.

3. If the Connected To Go Online dialog appears, select the Upload


4. Navigate to the MainTask routine if you are not already there (double click to open) and select the
Alarms subroutine.

138 of 304

View Digital Alarms

1. Observe the ALMD instructions. Click on the

button on one of the ALMDs to open the property

2. Observe the Configuration properties for the selected ALMD instruction:

3. Close the dialog when you are done.

139 of 304

View Analog Alarms

1. Go to rung 4 of the ladder logic and observe the ALMA instruction. Click on the
alarm name to open the property pages.

2. Observe the Configuration properties for the selected ALMA instruction.

Notice that the Low Limit input level is not enabled.

140 of 304

button next to the

3. Go back to your SE Client momentarily and try to simulate the LO Limit alarm for the Motor
Temperature from the Alarm Summary display.

You will see that nothing happens.

4. Return to the ALMA Properties in RSLogix5000.
Enable the Low Limit for the MotorOverheatAlarm.

5. Click on the Messages tab and configure a message for the Low Limit.

141 of 304

Tip: You may click on the

button to help you compose the message using runtime variables.

6. When finished composing your message, click OK, then Apply to load your configuration changes to
the Alarm and Events server.
7. Close the ALMA Properties dialog when you are done.
8. Again, go back to your SE Client momentarily and try to simulate the LO Limit alarm for the Motor
Temperature from the Alarm Summary display.

Guess what? Now you see the alarm with the message you configured!
9. Return to RSLogix 5000.

Create your own device-based alarm in RSLogix5000

1. While you are online with your controller in RSLogix 5000 and looking at the Alarms subroutine from
the previous section, double-click the (End) ladder rung to create a new one.

2. Click on the new rung to highlight it, then select an Examine On instruction from the Favorites tab on
the Instruction toolbar.

Your rung should look like this:

Select an ALMD instruction from the Alarms tab on the Instruction toolbar.

142 of 304

Your rung should look like this:

3. Double-click on the ? of the Examine On instruction

use the tag browser to find it.

and either type CIPAlarmTrigger[31] or

4. Double-click on the ? of the ALMD instruction

and type MyALMD. Right-click and select New MyALMD.

Click OK to accept the default tag declaration.

5. Fill-in the ProgAck, ProgReset, ProgDisable, ProgEnable parameters of the instructions by typing
in the following:

143 of 304

6. Click on the next to the alarm name to open the property pages and type a message for the

Click OK to close the property pages.

Your rung should look like this:

7. Click on the

button to finalize all edits you made to the program and download them to your

144 of 304

8. Click Yes on the confirmation popup.

9. Right-click on the CIPAlarmTrigger[31] bit and select Toggle Bit to trigger your new alarm.

145 of 304

10. Go back to your SE Client momentarily and you will see your new alarm displayed in the Alarm

Creating Tag-Based Alarms

FactoryTalk tag-based alarms are set up by specifying alarm conditions for tags in devices that do not
have built-in alarm detection. Use tag-based alarms to include these devices in an integrated FactoryTalk
Alarms and Events system.
You can set up tag-based alarms for tags in older programmable controllers (PLC-5 or SLC 500), for tags
in third-party devices communicating through OPC data servers, or for HMI tags in an HMI servers tag
You can also set up tag-based alarms for Logix5000 controllers that do support device-based alarms, if
you prefer not to set up built-in alarm detection. FactoryTalk View SE Clients receive tag-based alarm
data by way of Tag Alarm and Event Servers that you add to a FactoryTalk View SE application.
Create a Tag Alarm and Event Server
1. From the Explorer, right-click on Area1 and select the Add New Server > Tag Alarm and Event
Server context menu item.

2. On the General tab of the Tag Alarm and Event Server Properties page type FTAETagServer for
the name.

146 of 304

3. Click on the Priorities and History tab, leave the settings at the defaults:

Notice the history is being logged in English and the tag alarms will be logged in the same database
as the device-based alarms.
4. Click the OK button.
5. Tag based alarms can be created and configured with the Alarm and Event Setup Editor.
Double-click on the Alarm and Event Setup icon by first expanding the FTAETagServer in the

6. The Alarm and Event Setup Editor will open. Notice that there are no alarms. You will use the
import to create alarms.
7. Close the Alarms and Events Setup Editor.

147 of 304

Importing Tag-Based Alarm and Events

1. Right-click the FTAETagServer and select Import and Export.

2. The Alarm Import Export Wizard will appear. Select Import alarm configuration from Excel file.

Click Next.
3. Specify the file to import:

C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - Lab Files\Alarm and Events

Click Next.
4. Select the appropriate import method.

Click Finish.

148 of 304

5. The import will begin and when completed, you should see this:

When it is completed, click OK.

6. Double-click on the Alarm and Event Setup icon under the Alarm and Event Tag Server in the

And you should now see alarms in the configuration.

7. In the Alarm and Event Setup, click around the tabs and observe the contents to get yourself familiar
with the control setup.
When the input tags listed above are triggered, you will see these alarms in the same Alarm
Summary that displays the device-based alarm instructions discussed in the previous section.
8. If desired, you may simulate one of these alarms by finding the appropriate Input Tag in RSLogix5000
and setting it to 1.
For example, setting the tag AlarmLabelJam in the controller to 1:

149 of 304

Displays this in the Alarm Banner of the running client:

Create your own tag-based alarm

1. Tag based alarms can be created and configured with the Alarm and Event Setup Editor.
Double-click on the Alarm and Event Setup icon under the Alarm and Event Tag Server in the

2. The Alarm and Event Setup Editor will open. Click on the Digital tab and select the New Alarm

150 of 304

3. When the Digital Alarm Properties panel appears, fill it in as follows:

Click OK.
4. Save the Alarm and Event setup and your new alarm will automatically be downloaded to the Alarm
and Events Server.

And thats all you have to do!

5. Close the Alarm and Event Setup window.
6. If desired, you may simulate this new alarm by setting the controller tag AlarmFillerConvJam to 1 in
RSLogix5000. You should see the new alarm appear in the Alarm Summary of your SE client.

151 of 304

Section 6: Global Objects

About this section

In this section, you will learn the following about Global Objects:

Create reference objects in a display, and view the display

Using Global Object Parameters

Reference Object Properties

Modifying a global object, and view the changes in a display

Design recommendations for working with global objects

Read about Global Objects

FactoryTalk View global objects allow you to link the appearance and behavior of one graphic object to
multiple references of that object in the same application.
Global objects are created on global object displays. In FactoryTalk View Studio, you create global object
displays in the Global Objects folder, the same way you create standard graphic displays in the Displays
Changes you make to the base object are reflected in all of the reference objects linked to it the next time
a display containing the reference objects are opened, or refreshed by closing and reopening them.

Global Object Parameters

Global object parameters let you customize each reference global object instance with a specific tag(s)
for that instance without having to break the link to the base object's tags and expressions. This means
each reference object can have a unique data source(s) and still be able to be updated with changes to
other aspects of the base global object.
Parameter passing is dynamic, meaning it happens at runtime on the client. Global object parameters
give you an alternative way of using parameter passing at design time.

Create reference objects

In this section of the lab, you will use a pre-created global object and add a reference objects on a
display. You will use the parameter values to specify which tags you want to view and animate. You will
then run the client to test your work.

152 of 304

Pre-created Global Object displays

1. You have already added the pre-created global objects display in Section 2. Open the
CIPComponents global object - Expand the Global Objects folder in the Explorer, double-click
on CIPComponents.

global object display.

2. Right-click on the tank global object and select Global Object Parameter Definitions

Right-click on the tank global

object and select Global
Object Parameter

153 of 304

3. Review the Global Object Parameter Definitions for the tank global object.
Global object parameters are defined in base objects in global object displays. They let you
customize each reference global object instance with a specific tag(s) for that instance without
having to break the link to the base object's tags and expressions.
When you copy a global object from a global object display onto a standard display from the
Graphics folder, you can assign values to the global parameters in the resulting reference object.

We have defined parameters

#1 - #5 and provided a
description for each.

Click OK to close.

The placeholder parameters can be used in any object contained on the global object display but
the Global Object Parameter Definitions are assigned at the top level group.
4. Open the CIP Overview display - Expand the Displays folder in the Explorer, double-click on
CIP Overview

5. Create a reference object on the CIP - Overview display single-click on the tank global object
(in the CIPComponents) to select, drag and drop it on the tank location of the CIP Overview
display. You may need to bring the CIPComponents display to the front (by double-clicking on the
CIPComponents under Global Objects again) so that it is not covered by the CIP Overview

154 of 304

Drag and drop the tank
from the global objects
display into the CIP
Overview display.
Position the object in the
location shown.

6. Move Sanitizer text on top of the tank, to indicate what this tank represents. Follow steps a-b.
a. Right-click on
Sanitizer text, select
Arrange > Bring to
b. Move the text on top
of the tank.

155 of 304

7. The newly added reference object should look as follows:

8. Close the CIPComponents global object.

9. Open the Global Object Parameters dialog on the reference object - right-click on the reference
object and select the Global Object Parameter Values context menu item.

Right-click on the
reference object and
select the Global Object
Parameter Values context
menu item.

156 of 304

The Global Object Parameter Values dialog is opened.

Notice that there is a description for the #1 to #5 parameters. You will be browsing for several

10. Assign tags for #1 - click on the button under the Tag column for #1.
When the Tab Browser opens navigate to {[shortcut]CIPFilling[3]}

Click the OK button.

157 of 304

11. Repeat the above step for #2 - #5 using the tags below






The value of the liquid in the tank

while the tank is filling.



The value of the liquid in the tank

while the tank is emptying





Colour of the tank

CIP active?

The completed Global

Object Parameter Values
dialog should look as

12. Click the OK button on the Global Object Parameter Values dialog.
You can use the test display mode to test global objects. However, this global object uses
parameter placeholders and even though we set the values they are ignored. Remember, not all
FactoryTalk View commands work in test display mode and parameter placeholders are ignored.
13. Close the CIP Overview display and save.

Test display
Now you will have to test the display in the client.
1. Go to the running Client file. If the client is not running launch it from Studio.

Click the Launch SE

Client icon.

158 of 304

Select the C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\ClientFile_DockedDisplays.cli

then click OK.

2. Click the CIP button from the navigation bar.

3. What happens? The CIP - Overview display should be opened and you should see values and
animations for all tanks. Each one of the tanks is a reference object to the tank global object. We
have assigned unique Global Object Parameter Values for each tank, resulting in different colors,
fill values and data for every tank.

4. To see the animation in action, press the CIP Repeat Cycle button.

Reference object properties

The reference object has a LinkBaseObject property that specifies the name and location of the base
object the reference object is linked to. You cannot modify the LinkBaseObject property. If the specified
global object display or base object does not exist, the reference object will appear in red outline, with a
red cross on a white background.
Once you have a reference object, you cannot easily change the object name in the base object. You will
get a warning message when attempting to rename a base object. If you accidentally perform a name
change or delete a base object, it can be restored. To restore the reference object, you must recreate the
base global object with the same name, on the same global object display in order to allow the reference
objects to work again.
A reference object has properties that link it to its base object. When a reference object is created, the
global object defaults are used to set how the reference object will be linked to the base object. These
properties can be modified after the object has been created. You can choose to break the link to the
base object after the reference object is created. If you break the link the object will become a graphics
object and will no longer reference the base object.

159 of 304

The values of the Link properties determine whether aspects of the reference objects appearance and
behaviors are defined by the base object, or by the reference object itself.
The LinkAnimation property determines whether the reference object uses the animation set up for its
base object.
Set up the LinkAnimation property of the reference object by selecting:

Link with expressions, to use the animation, including expressions, set up for the base object.

Link without expressions, to use the animation, excluding expressions, set up for the base object.
This means you can set up the expressions for the reference object separately.

Do not link, to set up animation and expressions for the reference object separately.

For a Button push button object, the LinkAnimation property determines whether the reference object
uses the press, release, or repeat actions set up for the base object. This is true when you select either
Link with expressions or Link without expressions.

The LinkConnections property determines whether the reference object uses the connections set up for
its base object.
Set up the LinkConnections property of the reference object by selecting:

True, to use the connections assigned to the base object.

False, to set up connections for the reference object separately.

In FactoryTalk View Site Edition, a reference object that is a tag label, trend, or push button with an action
other than Command always uses the connections assigned to its base object. You cannot set up
connections for these reference objects separately.

The LinkSize property determines whether the reference object uses the height and width set up for its
base object.
Set up the LinkSize property of the reference object by selecting:

True, to use the height and width set up for the base object.

False, to set up the height and width of the reference object separately.

If you attempt to resize a reference object with its LinkSize property set to True the object will snap back
to its original size.

The LinkToolTipText property specifies whether the reference object will use the tooltip text assigned to
the base object.
Set up the LinkToolTipText property of the reference object by selecting:

160 of 304

True, to use the base objects tooltip text

False, to use the reference objects tooltip text. The reference objects tooltip can be edited.

Look at the Global Object defaults

1. Open up any display then from Explorer in FactoryTalk View Studio, select the Edit > Global Object
Defaults menu item.

These are the default settings.

Global Object Default Settings
The Global Object Defaults are now set to Link with expressions for the LinkAnimation properties and
True for the LinkConnections. These have changed because Global Object Parameters allow you to use
placeholders in the connections and expressions. This means each reference object can have a unique
data source(s), and still be able to be updated with changes to other aspects of the base global object.
All the reference objects in this application have been created with these defaults. This means that any
changes we make to the animation, connection, or size of the base object will be reflected in the
reference object.
2. Click the Cancel button to close the Global Object Defaults dialog.

161 of 304

Look at the Reference Properties

1. From Explorer, open the CIP Overview display that we just modified.
2. Open the Property Panel.

Right-click on our Sanitizer

tank and select Property

3. Observe the reference object properties

Reference object
Properties you can view
the Global Object display
name and base object
name, that this reference
object is linked with.

[LinkToolTip Text] Property

The reference object can be set to use base object tooltip text or create unique tooltip text for each
reference object.

162 of 304

4. When you are done close the display.

Modifying Global Objects

What happens when you think you have your application all done and then you get a change request?
The change could be adding a new item to a display or changing colors on an animation. Global objects
allow you to make the change in the base object and the reference objects will inherit that change. This
makes maintaining your application a lot easier.
You will be modifying the CIPComponents Global Object.

Modify text
We will change the color of text that is used several times in the CIP Overview display. Instead of
changing the color property several times for each reference, we will only change it once in the base
object and every reference object will reflect that change.
1. From Explorer, open the CIPComponents Global Object.
2. Open the Object Explorer by selecting the View > Object Explorer menu item.
3. Find the object Text1 object in the Object Explorer .

4. Double-click on Text1 to open the Text Properties dialog.

163 of 304

After Text1 properties

have been opened,
change the Fore color of
the text to RED.

5. Click the OK button.

6. Save the global object.
7. Go to the running Client.

8. Click the Close CIP button in the top right corner:

9. Click the CIP button from the navigation bar:

10. Notice four reference objects have been changed:

164 of 304

So we made a change in 1 place, the base object and the 4 reference objects now reflect the change.
The text label change would have been updated in all of the reference objects regardless of what the link
properties were set to.

165 of 304

Section 7: Security

About this section

In this section, you will learn about:


Creating a User and User Group

Configuring Action Security

Configuring Runtime Security - Assigning security codes (A - P)

Users and User Groups


Display Settings

Verifying Security Settings

Read about security

For FactoryTalk products like FactoryTalk View SE, the FactoryTalk Directory stores information about
which users are allowed access to the parts of a control system.
FactoryTalk Security uses this information to provide two basic services:

User authentication verifies the users identity, and whether a request for service actually
originated with that user.

User authorization verifies the users request to access a software resource, based on the access
rights and privileges defined for that user.

For example, when a FactoryTalk View SE network application user logs on to FactoryTalk View Studio,
FactoryTalk Security services verify the users identity first.
If authentication succeeds, security services check permissions assigned to the user, to authorize actions
performed on secured parts of the application.
In a network application, security services also check whether the user is allowed to perform authorized
actions on the current computer.
In addition, FactoryTalk Security services manage system-wide policies, such as how often users must
change their passwords, or whether users can back up and restore applications.
The security system is extremely powerful. Some particular considerations:

You can enforce line-of-sight security by restricting operators to specific computers that are
within visual range of the machine or process.

166 of 304

Inheritance allows you to define basic levels of access for a broad set of users, across a
FactoryTalk-enabled system. You can then refine security settings for selected users as
necessary, by overriding inherited permissions on lower-level resources.

In a FactoryTalk View Site Edition application, an HMI server always inherits the permissions
assigned to the area in which it resides. You cannot set up access to an HMI server separately.

You can explicitly deny rights to certain users from all computers or from specific computers.
Selecting the Deny check box for an action denies permission explicitly. This always takes
precedence over allowing permission.

If a user belongs to two different groups, and one group is allowed to delete applications but the
other group is denied that permission explicitly, then the user will not be allowed to delete

Following installation of the FactoryTalk View SE software, the All Users account is automatically added
to the Runtime Security list and allowed all run-time security codes. This gives any FactoryTalk View SE
Client user permission to run a client, open displays, write to tags, and execute commands and macros.
In a secured FactoryTalk system, you must remove the All Users account, add users to the Runtime
Security list, and then give the users the security permissions needed to run an application.
After the FactoryTalk View SE software is installed, all users have full initial access to network and local
applications on the computer.
There is no need to log on, to run FactoryTalk View Studio, the FactoryTalk View SE Administration
Console, or a FactoryTalk View SE Client. The current Windows user is automatically logged on to
FactoryTalk View SE.
However, you do need to log on and off to change users, or to gain access to secured parts of the
FactoryTalk system.
FactoryTalk View runtime security
FactoryTalk View runtime security manages run-time security for HMI project components, including
FactoryTalk View commands and macros, graphic displays, OLE objects, and HMI tags. In FactoryTalk
View Studio, you can secure access to HMI project components by assigning security codes (A - P) to
users and user groups (in the Runtime Security editor); to commands and macros (in the Runtime
Secured Commands editor), to graphic displays and OLE object animation (in the Graphics editor), and to
HMI tags (in the Tags editor).
Before you can assign FactoryTalk View security codes to users and user groups, you have to create the
user and user group accounts in FactoryTalk Security, and then add them to the Runtime Security editor.

Creating a User and User Group

When setting up security for a FactoryTalk View application, it is recommended that you create group
accounts and set up access permissions for them first. Using group accounts makes it easier to assign
and manage permissions for multiple users with similar security needs. Rather than assigning
permissions to each user in the system, you can create accounts for new users, and then add the users
the appropriate groups.

167 of 304

You are going to create a new user and user group. You will assign the user to a user group. You will do
this from FactoryTalk View Studio.
1. From the Explorer, expand the Users and Groups folder.
2. Right-click on the User Group folder, select the New > User Group context menu item.

3. The New User Group dialog will be opened.

4. Type Operators in the Name field:

5. Click the


6. The Select User or Group dialog will open, click the Show users only radio button and click Create
New > User menu item.

168 of 304

7. The New User dialog will open. Type CIPOperator for the user name, check User cannot change
password, check the Password never expires, and type password for the Password. Follow
steps a-f to configure.

a. Type CIPOperator

b. Select User cannot

change password
c. Select Password never

d. Type password
e. Type password

f. Click the OK button

Confirm the fields. Click the OK button.

8. You will be back at the Select User or Group dialog.
Select the CIPOperator

and click the


9. You will be back at the New User Group dialog. CIPOperator should be in the Members list:

10. Click the OK button.

169 of 304

11. Operators will appear under User Groups and CIPOperator will appear under Users in the

Configuring action security

When setting up security, you can specify which actions a user or group can perform on the resources in
your system while working from a particular computer or group of computers. In a FactoryTalk Local
Directory, actions can only be performed from the local computer the FactoryTalk Local Directory does
not contain any computer accounts.
An organized activity performed on a resource in order to accomplish an objective. Actions are grouped
into categories. In addition to a set of common actions that apply to most FactoryTalk products, each
product can also include its own set of actions. For information about those actions, see Help for the
FactoryTalk product.

The objects in a FactoryTalk system for which actions can be secured. Each FactoryTalk product defines
its own set of resources. For example, some products might allow you to configure security for resources
such as servers in an area. Other products might allow you to configure security for logic controllers and
other devices. FactoryTalk Administration Console allows you to configure security for the System folder
and its contents, applications, areas, and many other items. Do not confuse resources with resource
groupings: resource groupings allow you to group together control hardware represented in the Networks
and Devices tree and then configure security for the grouping in one step.
Lets specify that our operators cannot perform certain alarming actions.
1. From the Explorer, right-click on InstantFizz and select the Security context menu item.

2. Security Settings for InstantFizz dialog appears. Click the Add button.

170 of 304

In the Security Settings

for InstantFizz, click the
Add button.

3. The Select User or Computer dialog appears. Select the Operators and click the OK button.

171 of 304

4. While the Operators group is selected, expand the Alarming action, check the Deny check box next
to Alarming and check the Allow checkbox next to Acknowledge.
You are only allowing the operators to acknowledge FactoryTalk Alarm and Events Alarms. They
cannot perform the other actions.
Your dialog should look like this.

5. Click the OK button. When prompted with this message,

select the Yes button.

6. The Security Settings for InstantFizz dialog closes.

172 of 304

Configuring runtime security

After you have created users and user groups in FactoryTalk Security, you add them to the security
accounts list in the Runtime Security editor in FactoryTalk View SE. When you add an account, you also
assign the security codes that will give them access to secured HMI components. (Secured HMI
components are those that have been assigned security codes.)
These codes (A through P), along with those assigned to HMI project components, determine which
components a user has access to at run time.
To restrict access to a command, macro, graphic display, OLE object verb, or HMI tag, you assign a
security code from A through P to it, and then assign that code only to the users who are supposed to
have access to the component.

Assign security codes to users and user groups

1. Double-click on the Runtime Security icon in the Explorer

Select the Settings > Runtime Security menu item.

2. The Runtime Security dialog is opened.

173 of 304

3. Click on the Security Accounts


4. The Security Settings for InstantFizz dialog is opened.

5. Select the Add button.
6. The Select User and Computer dialog is opened.

7. Select the Operators

and click the OK


8. The Select User and Group dialog is closed and the Operators group is added to the Users list.
While it is highlighted, expand the FactoryTalk View Security Codes actions. Select the Deny
checkbox for A.
Your settings should look like this.

9. Click the OK button.

174 of 304

10. When prompted

Select the Yes button.

11. Select the Close button on the Runtime Security dialog
12. When prompted with the message Save changes to document? Select the Yes button.
13. The Runtime Security dialog closes.

Assign security codes to commands

Security can be assigned to commands to limit who can execute them.
1. Select the Settings > Runtime Secured Commands menu item.

2. The Runtime Secured Commands dialog is opened. Expand the window to see all the fields.
3. Click in a cell in row 2 to select it.

4. Click the button next to the Command field.

175 of 304

5. The Command Wizard is opened.

6. Observe all the commands that can be assigned security codes. Select the DisplayClientClose
command from the Logic and Control > Display Client folder, then click Finish.

Select the
Command then click

7. Observe the Security Code drop down list that can be used to assign a security code to a command.
Select Security Code A, then click Accept.

176 of 304

8. Click the Close button on the Runtime Secured Commands dialog.

9. When prompted with the message Save changes to document? select the Yes button.
10. The Runtime Secured Commands dialog will close.
We have secured the DisplayClientClose command. Only users with Security Code A will be able to
stop the running client.

Assign security codes to displays

Security can be assigned to displays, to limit who can have access to certain displays.
You will assign the A security code to the CIP-Valves display.
1. Open the CIP-Valves display from the Explorer.

menu item.

2. Select the Edit > Display Settings

3. The Display Settings dialog will open.

177 of 304

4. Select the A from the Security Code drop down list.

Set the display

Security Code to A.

5. Click the OK button.

6. Save the display.

7. Close the display.

We have secured the CIP - Valves display. Only users with Security Code A will be able to access this

Assign security codes to tags

Security can be assigned to tags, to limit who can write to certain or all tags.

Open the tag database from the Explorer window. Double-click on Tags to open.

178 of 304

2. The Tags dialog is opened.

You can assign

Security Codes to Tags,
to prevent users from being
able to write to certain tags.

3. Click the Close button on the Tags dialog.

4. When prompted with the message Do you wish to continue? select the Yes button.

5. Using the tag database we can secure individual tags and assign permissions to them. The users will
be able to write to some tags but not to others. If there is a need to secure ALL tags for a certain user
group or user, then we can deny the Write action for this user.

179 of 304

6. From the Explorer, right-click on InstantFizz and select the Security context menu item.

7. Security Settings for InstantFizz dialog appears.

You can select the user

group or user (for
example Operators) and
in the Common
Permissions deny the
Write action.

8. Click Cancel to exit.

180 of 304

Verifying security settings

In this section you will verify your security settings with the client. You will login in as the CIPOperator
and then try to suppress an alarm. First you will try to suppress it from the Alarm display, then from the
CIP Valves display. Your attempts should fail because of the security settings. Lets see what happens.
1. Go to the running client. Launch the client if it is not open.
2. Click on the Overview button on the navigation display to go to the plant overview.

3. Click the Security button to open the security pop-up display. Then click on Log In.

a. Click on Security

b. Click on Log In

4. Login as the new user CIPOperator using the password of password. Then click OK. Note user
name is not case sensitive.

5. The information message CIPOperator has been logged in. will appear in the diagnostics list.
6. Close the Security pop-up window.

181 of 304


7. Click on the

button from the navigation display.

8. From the CIP display click on a tank valve. The valves have Touch animation associated with them,
which when clicked opens the CIP Valves display.

9. Click on the valve

to launch the CIP
Valves display.

10. What happened? Nothing! The message Currently logged-in user does not have security
access to CIP - Valves. will appear in the diagnostics list. The display setting security worked!

182 of 304

11. Click on the

button in the footer display.

12. The Alarms is displayed. We did not secure this display. We only secured the CIP Valves display.

13. Select a row (alarm) in the summary list and click the suppress


14. When the Suppress Alarm dialog comes up, click the suppress button to confirm that you want to
suppress the alarm.

15. What happened? There is a message right? The message should read something like Failed to
Suppress Alarm alarm [alarm name] TCIPOperator does not have Suppress/Unsuppress
permission. The message will appear in the diagnostics list. If the option to display errors from
operator action in a dialog was checked when configuring the summary (which it was originally), a
dialog with the message will appear. If the message dialog appears, click the OK button.

The actions security worked!

183 of 304

16. Open the Alarm Status Explorer by clicking the

Summary display. Or click the

Alarm Summary toolbar.

Status Explorer button in the Alarm

Status Explorer icon from the

17. Select an alarm in the list and then click on each of the first 4 buttons (enable alarm, disable alarm,
suppress alarm, unsuppress alarm) to try to perform these actions. Observe what happens. The
actions are secured and the operator cannot perform them.
18. Right-click on an alarm in the summary and select one of the Ack context menu items.

19. The alarm will be acknowledged because the CIPOperator has permission to perform that action.

20. Close the Alarms display.

21. We have assigned security to the command DisplayClientClose. Only users with security code A will
be able to execute this command. Our CIPOperator does not have security code A permission.
Lets verify command security.
22. Click on the Exit button in the navigation window to close the running client.

23. What happened? The client did not close. A message will appear in the diagnostics list, indicating that
the current user does not have the permissions to close the client.

24. Click the Security button to open the security pop-up display. Then click on Log In.

184 of 304

a. Click on Security

b. Click on Log In

25. Login as the new user administrator using the password of rockwell. Then click OK. Note user
name is not case sensitive.

26. The information message administrator has been logged in. will appear in the diagnostics list.
27. Close the Security pop-up window.


28. Perform some of the steps above. Do not close the client at this time. You should be able to open the
CIP Valves display and perform all actions on the alarms.

185 of 304

Section 8: Data logging and trending

About this section

In this section, you will learn about:

Runtime Exploration

Data Logging


Configuration Exploration

Historical Trending

Runtime Trending

Data Log Models

Configuring Methods using the Invoke command

You will be using the CIP Sensor Trend display and CIP data log model that we will add Adding
existing HMI Components.

Runtime exploration
Data logging
Data logging is a FactoryTalk View component that collects and stores tag values. You specify which tag
values to collect, when to collect them, and where to store them by defining a data log model.
The HMI tag database does not store actual tag values; it only defines which values are to be collected.
The values themselves are stored on a given HMI server. When the HMI server is turned off, the value
table is cleared (excluding retentive tags). To have a permanent record of tag values, log them to the data
log file on disk. Remember: controller tags will keep their value when an HMI server is powered down
because theyre located within the controller; theyre not HMI (or memory) tags stored on the server itself.
To log tag values to disk, you create a data log model and specify the tags that are to be logged. This is
done in the Data Log Model editor. The values can also be logged to an ODBC-compliant database.
An application can have up to 20 data log models running at a time. The maximum number of tags that
can be logged by one data log model is 10,000.

A trend is a visual representation, or chart, of current or historical tag values. A trend provides operators
with a way of tracking plant activity as it is happening. The trend object displays real-time data and
historical data from the FactoryTalk View Site Edition data logs. Pens on the run-time chart represent
data from the tags and expressions that you add to the trend object. The trend object provides extensive,
flexible run-time control. You can add pens, toggle between isolated and non-isolated graphing, specify
unique line settings, plot one variable against another in XY plots, and print chart data.

186 of 304

There are two different types of Trending:

Historical Trending
Historical Trending is when a trend polls data from a data log that is previously configured. This will allow
the user to browse through a timeline to look at the data over a given period of time.
Runtime trending
A Runtime trend displays data trends directly from the processor. The trend will start trending its runtime
data from the time its first loaded on the display.

Configuration exploration
Data log models
1. Add the pre-configured datalog model to your application. From the Explorer, navigate to Data Log >
Data Log Models > Add Component Into Application
Right-click on Data
Log Models then
select Add
Components Into
2. Browse to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\DataLog and click Open to add the
CIP.mdf file

3. Double-click on the CIP datalog to open.

187 of 304

4. The CIP Data Log Model dialog opens to the Setup tab.

This is a pre-configured
System DSN pointing to a
database that is called
ODBC_InstantFizz. For this
example the ODBC data
source points to Microsoft
Access. An alternative
could be SQL Server.

Click the Create

Tables button.

You can set up logging to log to a file set or to log to any database that you can connect to with
The data log model can be configured to be stored as a file set or an ODBC database. Notice that this
data model is being stored in an ODBC database. There is a System Data Source Name (DSN) called
ODBC_InstantFizz that points to a Microsoft Access database called ODBC_InstantFizz.
An ODBC System DSN stores information about how to connect to the indicated data pointer. If you
want to see how the System DSN was configured, Select the Start > Settings > Control Panel menu
item. From the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools, and then select Data Sources (ODBC).
Look at the System DSN tab and the DSN called ODBC_InstantFizz.
5. Click the Create Tables button if you havent already done so. You should get a FactoryTalk View
Datalog Editor message saying ODBC tables were successfully created. Click the OK button.

188 of 304

6. Click on the Paths tab.

Notice Enable ODBC

Backup Path is

This configuration tab is used to set the file location of the data logs. This is useful if you have a
distributed network set up; you will want to store the logs to one common location instead of on each
individual HMI server on the network.
Notice that the Enable ODBC backup path was selected and a logging path was specified. If the
connection to the ODBC database fails (Microsoft Access) you will be able to see the historical data
in the trend display because of the secondary Backup Path.
7. Click the File Management tab.
This configuration tab is used to configure how long you want to keep logging to individual files until
you either create a new file or delete older files.

189 of 304

8. Click the Log Triggers tab.

This configuration tab is used to decide how often and based upon what event the log should be

190 of 304

Notice that the trigger for logging is Periodic.

Trigger is

Log periodically
every 3 seconds.

The data log can be configured to log Periodically, On Change, or On Demand.


To log tag values periodically, select Periodic, then type a time in the Interval field and select a
time unit to specify how often tag values will be logged. All tags will be logged each time this
interval expires.

On Change
On Change logging only logs tags whose values have changed. Use the On Change trigger to log
tag values once a certain percentage of change in the value has occurred. The percentage is
based on the tag's minimum and maximum (or High EU and Low EU) values. For example,
specifying 10 means a tag's value must change by 10 percent to be logged. This applies to
analog HMI tags only. For data server tags and digital and string HMI tags, which do not have
minimum/maximum properties, every change is logged.

On Demand
Choose On Demand as the trigger, to log data only when the FactoryTalk View command
DataLogSnapshot is issued. This command can be given anywhere that other FactoryTalk View
commands and macros can be. For example, it could be typed in the command line, or specified
as the action for an event. If you specify Periodic or On Change, you can still use on demand
logging whenever it is appropriate.

191 of 304

9. Click the Tags in Model tab.

This configuration tab is used to select what information is logged. You can add or remove different
tags from this menu using the tag browser.
10. Notice 6 tags have been added to the model.
11. Click the OK button to close the CIP Data Log Model dialog.

Configuring trends
Do not add a new trend or change this one. You can do so at the end of this section.
1. From the Explorer, double-click on the CIP Sensor Trend display to open it.
The Trend object can be created by selecting the Objects > Advanced > Trend menu item

or by selecting the Trend button on the menu bar

2. Double-click on the grid of the Trend object.

3. The Trend Properties dialog will open. Lets get familiarized with trend properties and capabilities.
4. Click on the General tab.
The general tab contains several configurable properties. The Chart Style determines the plotting
style of the chart. A trend chart can either plot values against time or against a selected pen.

192 of 304

A trend chart can either

plot values against time
or against a selected

5. Click the Pens tab.

6. Notice that the Model column has CIP which is the data model that was created.

193 of 304

These pens were added by selecting the Add Pen(s) from Model button. The Configure Tags dialog
opened. The Add All button was selected to add all the tags. Then the OK was clicked to accept the
7. Click on the X-Axis tab.
Use this tab to set up the time range and display options for the chart's run-time horizontal axis. The
Time Span controls the amount of data that displays on the run-time chart. For a standard line chart,
the time span controls the chart's horizontal scale. For an XY plot, the Min and Max properties (set up
on the Pens tab) of the selected pen control the horizontal scale, and the time span controls the
number of data points plotted.

The Time Span controls

the amount of data that
displays on the run-time

8. Click on the Y-Axis.

Use this tab to set up the minimum/maximum value options, display options, and scale options for the
chart's run-time vertical axis. For example, Isolated graphing places each pen in a separate band of
the chart. To allow pens to overlap, you would need to clear the check box.

194 of 304

You can set the

values of the trend.

Each pen can be displayed

in a separate band of the
chart (isolated) or all pens
can overlap.

9. Click on the Overlays tab.

With the trend object, you can capture and save a snapshot of graphed data at run-time and then
layer that saved data over current data in a trend. This feature allows you to overlay and compare
historical data with current data or any multiple sets of data.

You can capture a snapshot of

runtime data and overlay it over
current data in a running trend.

195 of 304

10. Click on the Template tab.

Use this tab to save the settings for the current trend as a template, to load another template for the
current trend to use, or to delete a template. The settings that are saved for the template are those
from the General, Display, Pens, and X and Y Axis tabs.
A template can be applied to all trends in an application to create a consistent appearance. You can
load templates during design time and runtime.

You can save current trend

settings in a template, than load
the template when needed,
during design time or runtime.

We will import several pre-created templates into the application. But first we will complete reviewing
the Trend properties and capabilities.
11. Click on the Runtime tab.
Use this tab to determine which trend options are available to operators at run time. To prevent
operators from changing these options, the Runtime tab is not available at run time.

196 of 304

12. Click the Cancel button on the Trend Properties dialog to close the dialog.
13. Lets import a few pre-created templates into the application.
14. In the Explorer window, right-click on Trend Templates and select Add Component Into

15. Browse to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - Lab Files\Trend Templates, select all the files and
click Open.

197 of 304

16. In the CIP Sensor Trend display, double-click on the Start


button to open the button

17. Click the Action tab and look at the Press action. This command DataLogOn CIP starts the data
logging for the model.

The datalogon command can be placed in a start-up macro as well. When the client is launched, the
datalogging is started automatically from the start-up macro.
18. Click the Cancel button to close the button properties.

19. Double-click on the Stop

button to open the button properties.

20. Click the Action tab and look at the Press action. This command DataLogOff CIP stops the data
logging for the model.

21. Click the Cancel button to close the button properties.

22. Close the CIP Sensor Trend display. If prompted to save changes, select the No button.

Viewing the trend at runtime

1. Go to the running client. If you have any open pop-up displays, please close them.

2. Click the CIP button

the top right corner

from the navigation display. Then click on CIP Trend button in

3. The CIP Sensor Trend will be displayed.

198 of 304

4. Click the Start

button. The start button will start historical logging.

5. While the CIP Sensor Trend display is open, click on the CIP Repeat Cycle button on the
CIP Overview display to start the CIP clean.

6. The CIP data is being logged. Observe the trend in the CIP Sensor Trend display. To view the
data of another CIP cleaning cycle, click the CIP Repeat Cycle button again.

CIP data trend.

trend legend.

199 of 304

7. Earlier we have executed the DataLogOn command with the START button. The trend historical
data is stored in the Microsoft Access database. If we close the trend and then re-open it, we will
still be able to view our CIP cycle from a few minutes ago.

You can try it. Click the close button

on the CIP Sensor Trend display. Then re-open

the trend display from the CIP Overview display.

You may need to Scroll back on the trend to see the CIP cycle data.

8. The CIP Sensor Trend display contains several buttons to demonstrate trend functionalities
and capabilities.

9. As seen earlier, the trend can be configured to display data in different time spans, for example 2
Minutes, 1 Hour, 1 Day etc. To view the different time spans at runtime, the trend configurations
can be saved to templates, such as the templates we had imported earlier. The templates can
then be loaded at runtime using the Invoke command.
10. Go back to FactoryTalk View Studio and open the CIP Sensor Trend display (if it is not

already open). Then double-click on the 2 Minutes button.

11. The Button Properties window will open. Select the Action tab.

200 of 304

Invoke command to
launch the template
called 2Minute at

12. Click the Cancel button to exit the button properties.

13. Go back to the running client. Click on the different time spans buttons to see the trend object
X-Axis change.

14. You can also use templates to switch between different pen views: Isolated pens or all pens on
one scale.
Click on the Pen Display buttons to see the pens change.

Isolated pens. Each

pen has a separate
trend band. Notice
the Y-axis.

201 of 304

All pens on 1
Scale. Notice the

15. Many objects in FactoryTalk View SE have Object Methods for additional object functionality.
You must use Invoke commands to call a Method.
Lets explore some Object Methods for the trend object.
16. Go back to FactoryTalk View Studio and the CIP Sensor Trend display.
17. Right-click on the trend and select Methods.

The Object Methods dialog box appears. It displays methods and properties implemented in the
selected trend object. A method is a function that is part of an object.

202 of 304

Explore the different

methods available.

18. Click Close.

19. Lets see an example where the Object Methods can be used. We have already used the
LoadTemplate method to load our Time Span templates. Double-click on the Print Trend button
on the CIP Sensor Trend display.
20. In the Button Properties, select the Action tab.
The Invoke command was used to launch the PrintChart Method.

Always use the Invoke command to call a method. When you use the Invoke command to call a
method, you need to specify the name of the object in which the method is implemented. In our
case the name of the object is Trend1. For help on how to use the Invoke command, go to
FactoryTalk View Help and search for Invoke.
21. Click Cancel to exit the Button Properties.
22. Lets see our PrintChart method in action.

203 of 304

Return to the running client. On the CIP Sensor Trend display click on the Print Trend button.

23. The Print properties will open. In this example, we are printing to a .PDF file select the
CutePDF Printer.

24. Click OK.

25. The print dialog will open.

26. Type a file name and click Save. You can open the saved PDF file to view the printed trend.

204 of 304

27. As discussed in Configuring Trends section, many of the trend properties can be configured to
be accessible during run-time. Right-click on the trend in the client and explore the options.

205 of 304

Section 9: FactoryTalk Diagnostics Setup and the Viewer

About this section

In this section, you will learn about these topics:

FactoryTalk Diagnostics

Diagnostics List

Diagnostics Viewer

Diagnostics Setup

Configuring the FactoryTalk View Diagnostics List

Configuring the Local Log

ODBC Database as a message source

Read about FactoryTalk Diagnostics

The idea behind FactoryTalk Diagnostics is to answer the question, "Why did that happen?" FactoryTalk
Diagnostics collects and provides access to a global store of time-and-date stamped messages that can
help answer that question.
The FactoryTalk Diagnostics service includes a Diagnostics Setup editor, a Diagnostics Viewer, and a
Local Log on each computer where the FactoryTalk Services Platform is installed. Other custom logging
destinations are also available. For example, the FactoryTalk AssetCentre software product provides
customized FactoryTalk Audit Logs.
Use the Diagnostics Setup editor to set up options for logging destinations and to filter the types of
messages you want to log on the local computer.
Use the Diagnostics Viewer to review diagnostics messages. You can view both local messages and
messages retrieved and merged from logs on multiple computers.
FactoryTalk View SE, FactoryTalk Alarms and Events, and other FactoryTalk software products are all
sending messages to one Local Log and to one FactoryTalk Audit Log on one computer. When you set
options for a particular logging destination, the options you choose affect the log on this computer that
any number of FactoryTalk products may be using. Likewise, when you configure message routing
options, the filtering options you choose affect the types of messages routed from all FactoryTalk
products that send messages.
Each FactoryTalk product and service categorizes the messages that it generates using a matrix of
Severity options (Error, Warning, Information, and Audit) together with Audience options (Operator,
Engineer, Developer, and Secure). For example, a product might generate a series of security messages
classified as Operator-Audit and Operator-Information, and also generate a series of communication
messages classified as Operator-Warning, Engineer-Warning, and Developer-Error.
Diagnostics information can be displayed in the Diagnostics List or in the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer.

206 of 304

The Diagnostics List is intended to show messages as they occur. Messages displayed in the Diagnostics
List are not time stamped. The Diagnostics Viewer provides a way to retrieve messages after they
occurred. New messages do not appear in the Diagnostics Viewer. A refresh can be done to reload the
messages. Messages that appear in the Diagnostic Viewer are time stamped so you know when they

Diagnostics List
The Diagnostics List can be displayed in a FactoryTalk View Studio window, FactoryTalk View SE Client,
and FactoryTalk View Administration Console window. You have used the FactoryTalk View Diagnostics
List in earlier sections of this lab. You can clear messages from the Diagnostics List by selecting a row or
multiple rows and clicking the Clear button or by clicking the Clear All button. Removing a message from
the Diagnostics List does not delete the message from the Diagnostics log. Removing a message from
one Diagnostics List does not remove it from another Diagnostics List. I.e., removing a message from the
View Studio window does not remove it from the View Client window. When the application (View Studio,
View Client, or View Administration Console) starts new messages begin to get logged to the list. Old
messages will be removed from the list as new ones come in and the message limit has been reached.
When the application is closed, the list is cleared.

Diagnostics Viewer
The FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer allows you to view both local messages and messages retrieved and
merged from multiple products running on multiple computers logging to multiple destinations.

Open the Diagnostics Viewer

1. In FactoryTalk View Studio, from the menu, select the Tools > Diagnostics Viewer menu item
select the Start > Diagnostics Viewer menu item.
2. The FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer will open.
When the Diagnostics Viewer window is open, new messages do not appear automatically. To
refresh the view and reload messages, press the F5 key or click the Refresh button.

207 of 304

Diagnostics Icons
Diagnostics messages can be easily identified with Audience and Severity icons.

Audience - intended audience for the logged message.

Severity - message categories.

3. Mouse over the toolbar and look at the menus to see the operations you can perform with the
Diagnostics Viewer.

208 of 304

Filter Diagnostics List

1. Select the View > Options menu item.

2. On the General tab of the Properties dialog, make sure message source is set to Local Log.

3. Click the
tab on the Properties dialog. Move the Properties dialog so that you can see the
items in the Diagnostic Viewer. Follow steps a e.

a. Select the Audience

c. Select Equals

e. Select the
OK button

d. Select

b. Click the
Add Where Condition button

4. Click on Apply from the Properties dialog.

5. Observe the list was updated but no messages appear in the list. Follow steps a-e to change the
Audience from Developer to Operator.

209 of 304

a. Select the Audience

= Developer

b. Click the Modify button

c. Select Equals
d. Select Operator
e. Select the
OK button

6. Click on Apply from the Properties dialog.

7. Observe the list was updated to only show messages that were created with the audience set to
8. Select the Audience = Operator select records where condition and click the Remove button.

210 of 304

9.. Create a message filter by following steps a-e.

a. Select the Message

c. Select Contains

d. Type CIP

e. Select
the OK

b. Click the
Add Where Condition button

10. Click on OK from the Properties dialog.

11. Observe the list was updated to only show messages that contained the string CIP.
12. Close the Diagnostics Viewer without saving.
Lets take a look at the diagnostics setup to see why you didnt see any developer messages.

Diagnostics setup
Open the Diagnostics Setup
1. Run the Diagnostics Setup from within the FactoryTalk View Studio. From the Tools menu, select the
Diagnostics Setup menu item.
2. The FactoryTalk Diagnostics Configuration dialog will open.

211 of 304

3. Expand the Destination Setup.

4. Click on each item and look at the settings.

Configuring the FactoryTalk View Diagnostics List

Earlier in the lab you used the Diagnostics List in FactoryTalk View Studio and Client to look at
diagnostic messages. Look at the Destination Setup and the Message Routing configuration to see what
messages got routed to the FactoryTalk View Diagnostics List.
1. Expand the Destination Setup, select the FT View Diagnostics List item. Notice that there arent
any configuration settings. The destination is the Diagnostics List, which is managed by FactoryTalk

2. Select the Message Routing setup and then select the FT View Diagnostics List. Change the
Message Routing for the FT View Diagnostics List to include all message types for the developer
audience. Check all the options in the Developer row.

Click Apply to apply your changes.

Based on the setup, messages that were intended for Operator, Engineer and Developer audience that
were of type Error, Warning, and Info appeared in the FactoryTalk View Diagnostics List.

212 of 304

Configuring the Local Log

You just used the Diagnostics Viewer to look at the local log. Now lets look at the configuration.

1. Select the Destination Setup > Local Log item.

The local log is a file that exists on this computer. There are options for overwriting events, log size,
and an option to clear the log.
2. Select the Message Routing setup and then select the Local Log.

Messages that were intended for Developer audience were not logged to the Local Log; that is why
we did not see any.

213 of 304

3. Change the Message Routing for the Local Log to include all message types for the developer
audience. Check all the options in the Developer row.

4. Click the Apply button. Minimize the Diagnostics Configuration window.

5. Go to the running client; click the clear all button in the Diagnostics List at the bottom.

6. Click on the CIP button in the navigation display.

Then click on the CIP Process

Steps display.
7. Type 7000 in the Step 1: Adding Water input field and select the Enter key.


Notice 3 messages in the diagnostics list got updated. You will need to scroll up/down in the client
Diagnostics List to view the messages

9. From FactoryTalk View Studio, select the Tools > Diagnostics Viewer menu item.

214 of 304

10. Select the last 2 messages in the list to look at the details. Notice that they are developer messages
one is of type audit and the other is of type information.

ODBC Database as a message source

Depending on the products you have installed and the configuration options you have set, FactoryTalk
Diagnostics can also route these messages to other centralized logging destinations, such as an ODBC
database or FactoryTalk Audit Log.
Use the ODBC Database Destination Setup window to send messages to an ODBC data source. To send
messages from multiple computers, configure the destination on each computer where the FactoryTalk
Diagnostics service is installed.
The ODBC Database destination supports these ODBC-compliant databases:
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Access
Some types of information cannot be logged to an ODBC database destination. This includes:

any additional database fields not included in the ODBC table format, that a FactoryTalk product
might use. Even if you create the additional fields manually, nothing will be logged to them. The
additional information logged by a FactoryTalk product will, however, appear in the Local Log on
the computer where the product is installed.

any messages where the audience type is set to Secure, or the severity type set to Audit. Secure
messages can only be logged by the FactoryTalk AssetCentre software product to the
FactoryTalk Audit Log.

Configure the ODBC Database Setup

1. Go to the Diagnostics Configuration.

You are going to configure the destination setup. You will use a System DSN called
ODBC_InstantFizz that has been configured to point to a MS Access database called

215 of 304

2. Select the Destination Setup > ODBC Database item.


3. Click the button next to the data source name. When the Select Data Source dialog opens, click
the System Data Source tab. Click the ODBC_InstantFizz data source name.
Select the System
Data Source tab.

Select the
Data Source Name.

4. Click the OK button.

216 of 304

5. Type FTDiagnostics for the target table and click the Create Table button.


Click the Create

table button

6. Click the OK button when you get the message that The table FTDiagnostics was successfully
7. Change the Log message to database every setting to be 30 seconds.

8. Select the Message Routing setup and then select the ODBC Database. Ensure that all the options
in the Developer row are checked.

Notice that Audit messages cannot be routed to the ODBC destination.

9. Click the OK button.

217 of 304

View the ODBC Log

1. Go to the Diagnostics Viewer
2. Select the View > Options menu item. Move the Properties window so you can view the list.


Click the ODBC Database as the message source.

4. Click the OK button.

5. Notice the list is empty because nothing has happened since we created this destination.
6. Go to the running client; click the clear all button in the Diagnostics List.

7. If not already open, click on the CIP button in the navigation display.

CIP Process Steps display.

8. Type 7500 in the Step 1: Adding Water input field and select the Enter key.
9. Notice a download message is logged in the Diagnostics List.

10. Go to the Diagnostics Viewer

11. Wait 30 seconds, click the Refresh


12. Notice that 2 messages got logged.

13. Close the Diagnostics Viewer window without saving.

218 of 304

Then click on the

Section 10: Language switching

About this section

In this section, you will learn about:

Language Switching

FactoryTalk View SE Language Switching


Configuration of supported languages

Export strings for translating

Translate strings

Import strings that have been translated

Language switching command

View language switching

Language switching in alarm messages (FactoryTalk Alarms and Events)

Device-based alarm language switching

Export alarm messages

Translate alarm messages

Import alarm messages

Tag-based alarm language switching


Create a Tag Alarm and Event Server

Translate alarm messages

Import alarm messages

Verify alarm import

Export alarm messages

View language switching of alarm messages

Read About language switching

Language switching allows operators to view user-defined text strings in FactoryTalk View SE Client
applications in multiple languages at run time. This includes FactoryTalk device-based alarm messages
created in RSLogix 5000 and FactoryTalk tag-based alarm messages created in the Alarm Setup Editor.
FactoryTalk historical alarm and event information is only logged in one language which is specified on
the alarm server properties.
At run time in a network application, multiple FactoryTalk View SE clients can switch between any of the
languages the application supports. Multiple clients can also run in different languages at the same time.
With language switching you can:

219 of 304

Develop an application in one language, export the user-defined text strings for the application,
and then import translated strings for up to 40 languages into the same application.

Deploy a distributed application across different countries, allowing operators in each location to
view the application in their own language.

Enable operators in multilingual countries to use the language of their choice.

Language Switching Enhancements

A default language for language switching can be specified.

Support for 40 languages. Previous to this release only 20 different languages were supported.

Local message displays support language switching

String Spreadsheet Editing

String spreadsheet editing lets you export text strings for all languages supported by an application to an
Excel spreadsheet in one easy operation. You can also import text strings in one or multiple languages
from an Excel spreadsheet to an application.
The Optimize Duplicate Strings feature allows you to translate only 1 occurrence of each string to reduce
errors and translation costs.
FactoryTalk Alarms and Events
Language switching is supported in FactoryTalk Alarms and Events.

Faceplate Language Switching

All built-in faceplates have been translated to several languages: English, French, Spanish, German,
Chinese and Japanese.

FactoryTalk View SE language switching

In general, the user-defined strings that support language switching are those that an operator sees in an
application at run time. Specifically, these are:

text you specify for graphic objects and global objects including


tool tip text

time and date embedded variables

local messages

numeric embedded variables

FactoryTalk View text objects (Note: A text object with its SizeToFit property set to True might
change in size when displayed in different languages.)

text strings defined for FactoryTalk Alarm and Event summaries, banners, and log viewers

graphic and global object display titles specified in the Display Settings dialog box

Among the text strings that do not support language switching are:

220 of 304

text strings that are part of the graphical user interface of FactoryTalk View Studio or View SE
Client software, such as menus, which are displayed in the same language as the operating
system. These are translated when FactoryTalk View is localized

text that can be displayed at run time but is used to operate the application, such as the names of
graphic displays and command strings

tag descriptions and string constants in expressions

text in the title bar of the FactoryTalk View SE Client window, which is part of the setup of the
client, not part of the application

text associated with HMI tag alarms

Alarm Fault List messages displayed in FactoryTalk Alarm and Event Summary and Banner

Configuration of supported languages

You will need to add the desired languages to the application.
1. From FactoryTalk View Studio, select the Tools > Languages menu item.

2. Click the Add button on the Language Configuration dialog.

The languages in the list are supported for language switching by the application at run time. Be sure that
these Windows languages are installed on the development and client computers before trying to switch
To find out which languages are installed on a computer, check the Regional Options (Windows 2000) or
Regional and Language Options (Windows XP and Windows Server 2003), in the Control Panel.
The languages you will be selecting are installed.

221 of 304

3. Select the German (Germany) language and click the OK button.

4. Click the Add button on the Language Configuration dialog.

5. Select the Spanish (Mexico) language and click the OK button.

222 of 304

6. Click the Add button on the Language Configuration dialog.

7. Select the Chinese (PRC) language and click the OK button.

8. Click the Add button on the Language Configuration dialog.

9. Select the Japanese language and click the OK button.

223 of 304

10. Click the Add button on the Language Configuration dialog.

11. Select the French (France) language and click the OK button.

12. Notice that these languages have been added to the list and English is set as the default language
as indicated by the check mark next to English.

224 of 304

13. Check the Display undefined strings using the default language option.

14. Click the Apply button.

Your application has been configured to support 6 languages. Now you will need to perform an export to
get the strings that you will need for translation.

Export strings for translating

There are a number of ways to change the text strings in a graphic display besides editing them
individually by object. The best approach is to export the strings to Excel and use the Optimize duplicate
strings feature. The Optimize duplicate strings feature allows strings that occur more than once in the
application to be written to the spreadsheet only once. After the first occurrence, a placeholder is inserted
into the spreadsheet for other occurrences.
1. Highlight the English language then click the Export button.

225 of 304

2. Select the Export strings for all languages to an Excel spreadsheet radio button. Check the
Optimizing duplicate strings and Open exported file options.

3. Click the Next button.

4. For a network application with multiple HMI Servers you are prompted to select a HMI Server at this
Select /Area1:InstantFizz_HMIServer, then click Next.

226 of 304

5. Leave the default location and click the Finish button.

6. The String Export in Progress will start and then complete. This may take a few minutes.
7. The Excel document will be created and opened.
Observe the open Excel file. Everywhere you see the text **REF: in the language columns (i.e., enUS, de-DE, es-MX, and zh-CN) is referencing a duplicate string in the REF column before the
language column. That means you dont have to translate the text for that object. You only have to
translate the first occurrence of that text indicated by the text **UNDEFINED**. You will use a
different file that has already been translated to do the import.
8. Close the Excel file without saving.

Translated strings
Lets look at a file that has been translated for you.
1. Go to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz Lab Files\. Open the Language Switching folder.
2. Double-click on the InstantFizz_Translated.xls file.

3. Observe the file.

227 of 304

4. Close the file.

Import strings that have been translated

Now that you have a file with translated strings, lets import them.

1. Select the Import button

from the Language Configuration dialog.

2. Select the option to Import strings from an Excel spreadsheet. from the String Import Export
Wizard dialog and click the Next button.

3. Select the Browse button and browse to this file C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - LabFiles\
Language Switching\InstantFizz_translated.xls and click the Finish button.
4. String import in Progress will start. Once it is completed, you will see the message String import
completed successfully in the Diagnostics List.
Note: You may see errors if you did not do some sections of this lab.
5. Click the OK button on the Language Configuration dialog.

Language switching command

There is a FactoryTalk View language switch command that you use to perform language switching.
Buttons that use this command have been configured on the Languages display. Lets look at them.
1. From the Explorer, open the Languages display.
2. Double-click on the US flag button to open the Button Properties dialog.

228 of 304

3. On the Button Properties dialog, click on the Action tab. Notice the Press action - Language enUS.
The Language command was added to the Press action by clicking the button and then using the
Command Wizard. The command Language is located under the System Languages folder.

Only the languages that have been added to your application will be displayed in the language ID list.

4. Click the Cancel button.

5. Repeat steps 2 4 for the other flags to observe the press action.
6. Close the Languages display.

229 of 304

View language switching

Language switch commands are ignored in Test Display mode. Since the client was up and running
before we added the new languages, we need to close the client and open it again for the additional
languages to appear.
1. Go to the running client.

2. Close the running client by pressing the Exit button in the navigation display.
3. Go back to View Studio and launch the client.
4. Click the Languages button in the navigation display. The Languages display will pop open. Go
ahead and navigate through different languages and the different displays.

230 of 304

5. Notice that on the Overview display the date and time are still displayed in English.
You can use FactoryTalk View SE system tags in an application to display text in graphic displays.
For example, the tag, system\dateandtimestring, displays the current date and time. Text in the
following system tags is always displayed in the format prescribed by the language of the Windows
operating system:








If you use the Time and Date object instead of the above system tags then the date and time will
language switch as well.
6. Notice that alarm messages are not translated. These will be translated in the next section.

Device-based alarm language switching

In RSLogix 5000, use the Alarm Properties dialog box to translate device-based alarm messages
individually. RSLogix 5000 configures alarm messages in the language of RSLogix 5000 software. For
example, the German version of RSLogix 5000 configures alarm messages in the German language. If
you add another language, then when RSLinx Enterprise connects to the controller, both languages are
uploaded and available to FactoryTalk Alarms and Events clients.
You can export alarms from RSLogix 5000 to a comma-separated variable (*.csv) or text (*.txt) file. For
double-byte character sets (for example, Chinese), export alarms in .txt format because in RSLogix 5000,
the .csv format does not support Unicode character sets.
Once you have exported the alarm messages, you can then manually add all the messages in the
languages you desire (limited to the languages supported by FactoryTalk View) and then import the file
when translation is complete. This simplifies sending the work out to translators.

Export alarm messages in RSLogix 5000

1. If it is not already open, select the InstantFizz_Controller shortcut from the Start menu.

2. Select the Tools > Export > Tags and Logic Comments menu item.
3. When the Export dialog opens, navigate to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - LabFiles\
Language Switching and keep the default filename.

231 of 304

4. Notice the Save as type options for the export file.

This lab will demonstrate how to use both formats.

5. Keep the default of RSLogix 5000 Import/Export File (*.CSV) selected.
6. Click the Export button.
If your RSLogix 5000 project includes a large number of programs, and you want to translate alarm
messages from only one of them, you can make selections in the Export dialog box to limit the data that is

Translate alarm messages

1. Go to the C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - LabFiles\ Language Switching folder.
2. Double-click on the InstantFizz_Controller-Tags.CSV file to open it in Microsoft Excel.

3. Expand the width of columns A, B, C, and D. Scroll down in the Excel sheet until you find ALM text
in column A, for example ALMMSG:en-US.
4. The alarm message text appears as the fourth column (D) from the left (Water Valve Jammed.
Open Valve.).
5. Copy the ALMMSG line for Water Valve Jammed and then paste it at the end of the file.

232 of 304

6. Change the text en-us to de-DE (for German in Germany), and then change the alarm message text
to read, Wasser-Ventil ist gestaut. ffnen Sie Ventil.
7. Save your changes. You will be prompted with several confirmation windows: Press Yes multiple
An export file C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - LabFiles\Language
Switching\InstantFizz_Controller-Tags_translated.TXT has been translated for you. The export file
was created using the RSLogix 5000 Unicode Import/Export (*.TXT) format because it includes message
strings that were translated in Chinese. You will use that file when performing an import.

Import alarm messages

1. From RSLogix 5000, if you are online with the controller then go offline by selecting the
Communications > Go Offline menu item.

2. Select the Tools > Import > Tags and Logic Comments menu item.

3. When the Import dialog opens navigate to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz LabFiles\LanguageSwitching\
4. Select the RSLogix 5000 Unicode Import/Export Files (*.TXT) file type.

5. Select the filename InstantFizz_Controller-Tags_translated.TXT, leave the default settings for the
Tags and Logic Comments.

6. Click the Import


233 of 304

7. Select the Communications > Download menu item.

8. When the Download dialog appears, select the Download


9. When prompted with the message Done downloading. Change the controller mode back to Remote
Run? select the Yes button.
10. Make sure the controller is in Remote Run mode.

If it is not, select the Communications > Run Mode menu item

11. The alarms should now be language translating in View Client. You will verify this at the end of this

Tag-based alarm language switching

When the Alarm and Event Setup editor launches in FactoryTalk Administration Console, alarm
messages display in the default language defined for the application. If a message string does not exist in
the default language a question mark character (?) is displayed.
When the Tag Alarm and Event Editor opens in FactoryTalk View Studio, alarm messages display in the
language selected during start up of the FactoryTalk View SE application. If alarm messages are not
defined in the specified language, alarm messages display in the default language defined for the
application. If a message string does not exist in the default language a question mark character (?) is
When editing alarm messages in multiple languages, the Microsoft Excel method offers the advantage
that you dont have to close and then re-open the application in the appropriate language each timeyou
can edit the text in any language in one step and then import the translated text for all languages into the
application at once.

Create a Tag Alarm and Event Server

If you completed the Alarming section then you do not need to do steps 1-4.
1. From the Explorer, right-click on Area1 and select the Add New Server > Tag Alarm and Event
Server context menu item.

234 of 304

2. On the General tab of the Tag Alarm and Event Server Properties page type FTAETagServer for
the name.
3. Click on the Priorities and History tab, leave the settings at the defaults. Note if you did not
complete the Alarming section then you did not add an Alarm and Event History database. Please
uncheck Enable History if you did not create the database in the Alarming section.

Notice the history is being logged in English and the tag alarms will be logged in the same database
as the device-based alarms.
4. Click the OK button.
5. Tag based alarms can be created and configured with the Alarm and Event Setup Editor.
Double-clicking on the Alarm and Event Setup icon under the Alarm and Event Tag Server in the

6. The Alarm and Event Setup Editor will open. If you did not complete the Alarming section you will
not see any alarms.

235 of 304

7. Close the Alarm and Event Setup Editor.

Normally, you would use the Alarm and Event Setup Editor to create your alarms, do an export, translate
the alarm messages, and then import them back into the Tag Alarm and Event Server. For this lab you
will be creating your alarms with a file that contains the alarms and the translated messages strings. You
will step through an export at the end of this section to see how it works.

Translate alarm messages

1. If you dont have the C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - LabFiles\\Language Switching\ folder
open, do so.
2. Double-click on the InstantFizz_FTAETagServer_Alarm Export_translated.xls file to open it.

3. Notice there is a worksheet for each alarm type, one for the messages, and then one for tag update

4. Click on each of the tabs and take a look. There is one digital alarm and one level alarm. Notice that
one message can be used in multiple alarms.
5. Click on the Messages tab. There is a column for each language that has been translated.
6. Close the file.

Import alarm messages

1. From the Explorer, right-click on the FTAETagServer and select the Import and Export context
menu item.

The Alarm Import Export Wizard will open.

2. Select the Import alarm configuration from Excel File options and click the Next button.

3. Click the browse button.

4. The Select Alarm Import File dialog will open.
Navigate to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - LabFiles\\Language Switching\.

236 of 304

Select the InstantFizz_FTAETagServer_Alarm Export_translated.xls file and click the Open

5. Click the Next button on the Alarm Import Export Wizard.
6. Select the Update existing alarm definitions and create new alarm definitions from the import
file option and click the Finish button.

7. A progress indicator will open. When complete, you should see this:

8. Click the OK button.

Verify alarm import

1. Double-clicking on the Alarm and Event Setup icon under the Alarm and Event Tag Server in the

2. The Alarm and Event Setup Editor will open. Notice that there are a few alarms.
Double-click on a Digital type alarm and the Digital Alarm Properties dialog will open. Look at the
Digital Tab and notice that these properties are almost the same as the device-based digital alarm
instruction property sheet that you saw in RSLogix 5000. In fact, this tag alarm will be triggered from
the same condition as a device-based alarm that was created. This is just so you can compare them.
3. Click the forward arrow button to navigate to the next alarm.

4. Click on the forward/backward arrows until a Level type alarm is displayed in the Level Alarm
Properties dialog. Look at the Level and the Messages tabs and notice that these properties are
almost the same as the device-based analog alarm instruction property sheet that you saw in
RSLogix 5000. In fact, this tag alarm will be triggered from the same condition as a device-based

237 of 304

alarm that was created. This is just so you can compare them. Notice on the Messages tab that the
same message string is used for both the High High and the High condition.
5. Click the Cancel button to close the Level Alarm Properties
6. Click the Messages tab.
Messages can be created when a new alarm is being created or they can be created from the message
tab and then they can be associated with an alarm.
You can create as many messages as you like for alarms, but each alarm can be associated with only
one message. For level alarms, you can configure one message per level condition.
Alarm messages can be shared between alarms to eliminate duplication. The Usage column on the
Message tab indicates how many alarms are referencing an alarm message.
7. To view the list of alarms that are referencing a particular alarm message, right-click the row
containing the message and then click the Usage Details context menu item. Click the OK button to
close the Message Usage Details dialog.
8. Close the Alarm and Event Setup Editor.

Export alarm messages

You will step through an export to see how it is done.
1. From the Explorer, right-click on the FTAETagServer and select the Import and Export context
menu item.

The Alarm Import Export Wizard will open.

2. Select the Export alarm configuration to Excel file and click the Next button.

238 of 304

3. Leave the defaults with all the selected alarms and click the Next button.

4. Select the Export messages for all alarms, check all the languages, and click the Next button.

239 of 304

Change the file name to MY_ InstantFizz_FTAETagServer_AlarmExport.xls and click the Finish button.

5. A progress indicator will open. When complete, click the OK button.

View translated alarm messages

When RSLinx Enterprise makes the connection to the controller, all alarm messages and their languages
are uploaded from the controller. When a FactoryTalk View SE Client runs, the FactoryTalk Alarm and
Event objects (Alarm and Event Summary, for example) connect to the Alarm and Event system and
request alarm messages in the current language. You can then switch among languages with the click of
a button on the client computer, and the alarm monitoring system and all of the client screens switch to
the appropriate language on that specific client.
Switching languages at run time does not switch time and date formats. The Alarm and Event objects in
FactoryTalk View always show the date/time format of the operating system.
Alarm Fault List messages that can be displayed from the Alarm and Event Banner and Summary do not
currently switch languages.
FactoryTalk historical alarm and event information is only logged in one language which is specified on
the alarm server properties. The contents of the Alarm and Event Log Viewer event list, which consists of
historical alarm and event information, is not translated. This data continues to appear in the same
language used when the alarm and event information was written to the alarm history database. For
example, a message logged in English will be displayed only in English, even if the language is switched
to German.
1. Go to the running client.
2. Click the different flag buttons in the Languages from the navigation display and navigate through
different displays.

Notice that language switching works and alarm messages are also being updated to the appropriate

240 of 304

4. Notice both the tag and device-based alarms appear and the message strings are language
switchable. Tag-based alarms will start with CIP. Device-based alarms will have the shortcut name at
the beginning of the alarm name i.e., [Shortcut].

241 of 304

Section 11: Testing displays

About this section

In this section of the lab you will:

Test Run Displays in the FactoryTalk View Studio Graphics Editor

Configure a FactoryTalk View Client File called InstantFizz

Observe Startup Macro

Observe Client Keys

Run the FactoryTalk View Client File called InstantFizz


Explore Docked Displays at Runtime

Verify Client Keys work at Runtime

Test navigation at runtime

Test display
Being able to test your display within View Studio without having to run it in a Client is a very powerful
feature of FactoryTalk View.
Behavior when test running a display might not always be identical to run-time behavior if changes made
during development are not saved. To make the behavior as close as possible you should save a display
before testing it.
The Microsoft VBA IDE (Visual Basic for Applications Integrated Design Environment) lets you write, edit,
test run, and debug code.
Not everything can be done by test running your display. Some FactoryTalk View commands are ignored
when run in test display mode. For example, screen navigation commands, using parameter placeholders
in a display, and using parameter values in a reference global object will not function in test display mode.
To test these features, run the display in a FactoryTalk View SE Client.
Testing a graphic display in FactoryTalk View Studio is not the same as running the display in the
FactoryTalk View SE Client. Before you deploy an application, it is recommended that you test it in the
FactoryTalk View SE Client, to verify that everything works as intended.
FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Objects
The existing (legacy) HMI Tag Alarm Summary object will not be animated when you run a display in test
display mode. The FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Objects will work in test display mode.
You can test the objects in a graphic display quickly, by switching to test display mode in the Graphics
editor. Lets try this to animate the Labeling display.
1. Open the Labeling display in FactoryTalk View Studio.

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2. From the FactoryTalk View Studio toolbar, click on the Test Display button.

3. Observe that the Labeling graphic begins to animate. Click on the Close button.
4. What happened? Nothing. Look at the Diagnostics List. The Abort Me command on the button was
issued but the command is ignored in FactoryTalk View Studio. Certain commands cannot be
executed in test display mode. You will need to configure and run a client to be able to execute these

5. Click on the START button.

You may need to select STOP first and then START.

6. What happened? Notice that the labeler animation works. You can also choose the fruit label by
selecting the appropriate button.

7. Click the Edit Display button to get back to edit mode.

Now you will need to configure a client file and run the client to finish testing the display.

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Configure a client file

Before you configure the client file, look at a few of the components that were preconfigured for you to
use with your client.

Configure a macro
A macro is a list of commands or command symbols stored in a text file. To run a macro you use its
name just as you would a command. The commands in the macro will be executed in the order in which
they are listed.
A macro can be specified on startup or shutdown of a client or display. It can be called from a command
line in FactoryTalk View Studio or from the Factory Talk View Administration Console for system
FactoryTalk View has multi-tasking capabilities that you can take advantage of when you create macros.
Generally, the commands in a macro are executed in the order in which they are listed, with one
command finishing before the next begins execution.
Some commands (such as Print) finish quickly and the next command can start. Others, such as Set, take
longer. In the case of Set, it does not finish until the message has been sent to the controller. In cases
like that, you can set up the macro so that the next command can be executed before the previous
command is finished. Use the ampersand character (&) to do this.
To invoke the command wizard from the macro file, double-click in the macro, or select Edit
Commands (Ctrl- M).

Observe the configured macro

These commands will dock displays at the top and bottom of the client window, and set tag values in the
1. From the Explorer, expand the Macros folder.

2. Double-click on the StartUp macro. The macro will be opened.

This macro will open a header display in a docked area on the top of the client. It will open a footer
display in a docked area on the bottom of the client.
3. Close the StartUp macro. If prompted to save changes, select the No button.

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Configure a client key

Sometimes it is useful to have a single key stroke perform a function or multiple functions in your
application. For example, when you press F5 in Internet Explorer you will refresh the page. FactoryTalk
View SE has similar functionality.
Client Keys allow the operator to interact with the system at run time to do things like change displays or
set tag values. Client keys are defined for an application. They are enabled whenever the application is
running on a FactoryTalk View SE Client.
There are also object and display keys. Object and display keys are defined in the Graphics editor. They
are active only when their associated object or display is. However, object and display keys take
precedence over client keys.
The order of precedence for key animation is: object keys, display keys and client keys. This means, for
example, that if a key has object and client key definitions, when the object has focus at run time and the
key is pressed, the object key action will be carried out and the client key action will not.

Observe pre-configured client keys

These commands will perform a refresh of your client. This is useful for testing since you may need to
make changes to displays and you dont want to have to close and open the client each time you add or
change something on a display.
Lets import a pre-configured Client Key file.
1. From the Explorer, right-click on the Client Keys folder and select Add Component Into

2. Browse to C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - Lab Files and add the ClientKeys.key file.

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3. Double-click on ClientKeys. The ClientKeys dialog will open.

On the release action of function key 5, all displays including docked displays will be closed. The
header display will then be re-opened and docked at the top and the footer display will be docked at
the bottom of the client.
4. Close the ClientKeys. If prompted to save changes, select the No button.

Configure client file

The FactoryTalk View Client can be launched from FactoryTalk View Studio. If a client is already running,
close it using the Exit button from the navigation display.

1. Configure and launch a new client. Select the SE Client button on the tool menu.

2. When the Launch FactoryTalk View SE Client dialog opens, select the New button.
The FactoryTalk View SE Client Wizard will open.

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Click on New.

3. Click the New button again.

4. Type InstantFizz for the name of the configuration file and click the Next button. Follow steps a-b.

a. Type InstantFizz

b. Click Next.

5. Select the Network radio button and click the Next button.

and then
6. Select the InstantFizz application and the English initial language, leave the defaults, and click the
Next button. Follow steps a-c.

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a. Select InstantFizz

b. Select English

c. Click Next

7. Select the Plant Overview display as the initial display, select the ClientKeys key file as the Initial
client key file, select the StartUp macro as the Startup macro, and click the Next button. Note: If
you used parameters in the initial display, they would be specified in the Display parameters field. If
you use a network application, the area would need to be specified for the initial display. Follow steps

a. Select Area1 as the

b. Select Plant Overview.
c. Select ClientKeys.

d. Select Startup.
e. Click Next.

9. Type InstantFizz for the title bar text, check the maximize window option, and click the Next
button. Follow steps a-c.

248 of 304

a. Type

b. Check
Window option.

c. Click Next.

10. Leave the defaults for auto logout and click the Next button.


11. Leave the default to save configuration and open FactoryTalk View SE Client now and click the
Finish button.

The FactoryTalk View Client will start with the specified configuration.

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Run client
The InstantFizz application is now running in a FactoryTalk View SE Client window. The startup macro
docked displays in 2 areas. The header display contains an alarm banner and is located at the top of the
client window; the footer display contains navigation buttons and is located at the bottom of the client
Docked Displays
At run time, graphic displays can be docked to an edge of the FactoryTalk View SE Client window,
allowing an operator to gain access to certain displays at all times. Docked displays cannot be
accidentally closed by the operator and cannot have other graphics placed on top. They will, therefore,
always remain visible to the operator.
For example, you might consider docking:

Navigational menus, that allow the operator to move among displays in an application.

Headers or banners, that provide specific information to the operator, such as the current users
name and area, or information about alarms.

Control panels, that contain standard buttons for special purposes, such as changing users, closing
open windows, or sending information to a maintenance team.

Explore docked displays

1. Minimize the Plant Overview display.
2. Drag the minimized title bar around to the edges of the display client:

Top edge:

Bottom edge:

3. Click the restore button on the Plant Overview display.

4. Observe that it will not overlay the docked areas.
5. Drag the Plant Overview display to the lower edge or lower right corner of the client.

6. Observe that it will not overlay the docked areas and scroll bars will appear so the display will still be

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Test the client keys

1. Select the F5 key (using the client keys defined to close all displays and re-display the header and
2. Observe that all displays are closed. The header and footer display are re-docked.

Verify online edits

Changes made to the development environment that can be transferred to the application while it is
running are commonly called run-time edits. These fall into four groups:

Changes that take effect immediately.

Changes that require a non-disruptive action, such as reopening a graphic display, before they
take effect.

Changes that require a disruptive action, such as restarting a server or a run-time client, before
they take effect.

Changes that cause adverse effects immediately.

Warnings have been added to FactoryTalk to tell users if making a particular change in the development
environment will adversely affect the run-time system. If the change is made through a dialog box, a
warning icon appears next to the component where the change can be made. When the mouse cursor
hovers over the icon, the following warning is displayed:
For example, you can add a FactoryTalk alarm, add a tag or change a graphic without the need to restart
the client.
We will modify one of the displays in FactoryTalk View Studio and observe the update in the client.

1. In the client, click on the Filling button

from the navigation display.

Look around the display. We will modify the display in FactoryTalk View Studio.
2. Go back to FactoryTalk View Studio.
3. Open the Filling display.
4. Select the grouped information object at the bottom and then select the delete key.

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5. Save the Filling display

6. Close the Filling display

7. Go back to client.
8. Select the F5 key (using the client keys defined to close all displays and re-display the header
and footer).
9. Observe that all displays are closed. The header and footer display are re-docked. Re-open the
Filling display. Notice that the grouped information object is no longer present.
We have just completed an online change. After modifying a display in FactoryTalk View Studio
we only needed to re-open that particular display on the client to see the updates. We did not
need to restart the client.

Test commands at runtime

1. In the Filling display select the close button

2. The Filling display will close.

Remember that the Abort command did not function when test running the display in FactoryTalk
View Studio.
This is also true for the navigation commands (i.e. Display Overview). The command will function
when executed from a client but it will not function when executed from a test display.

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Section 12: Advanced

About this section

In this section of the lab you will:

Learn about the Application Documenter

Learn how to import RSView32 displays

Learn about FactoryTalk ViewPoint

FactoryTalk View Application Documenter

FactoryTalk View ME/SE Application Documenter is a utility that provides detailed information on HMI
projects in Factory Talk View SE applications (both Network and Local) and Factory Talk View ME
applications. The utility allows a user to view, export and print the content of the HMI project components
including the tag cross reference information associated with each component as well as the VBA code
(for SE applications) associated with the graphic displays.

About this lab

In this section of the lab you will:

Learn how to use the FactoryTalk View Application Documenter

Starting FactoryTalk View Application Documenter and Opening a Project

1. Start FactoryTalk View Studio.
From the Start menu, select All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk View > Tools >
Application Documenter.
2. Select the application type as Site Edition (Network) then press OK.

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3. Select the InstantFizz application. Follow steps a to c.

a. Select the InstantFizz

application from the list.

b. Make sure English is

selected as a language.

c. Click OK.

4. Once the application is opened, the Application Documenter main window will open, presenting
the list of project components to choose from in the left pane. Navigate to Displays to open a
display. Details of this display will be shown on the right pane.
Note that a screen shot of the display is also shown.

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5. Application Documenter is capable of generating a report for the selected components and exporting
it into an html format. To generate a report select Export from the File menu. The html reports can be
exported to any location specified. Note that html report will be generated only for the components
with the check box checked.
The report contains links to other pages in the report. These other pages are stored in the xml format
in the HMI project and/or area subfolders, depending on the components the report has been
generated on.
6. Printing functions are available from the File menu. Similar to Exporting feature, the report will be
printed only for the components with the check box checked.
Feel free to play with this useful tool to check on things like tag and parameter file cross referencing.

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Importing screens from RSView32

About this section
In this section of the lab you will:

Learn how to import RSView32 project

Learn which objects and components do and which do not convert

Much like FactoryTalkView ME, screens from RSView32 can be added to FactoryTalk View SE projects.
Shown below is a screen taken from an RSView32 project.

Note the screen has the following objects:

Data displayed from the controller

an RSView32 native trend

a TrendX trend

Date and Time display

Current user name

Because RSView32 uses HMI tags to communicate with the controller, the easiest way to add View32
screens to your ViewSE application is to first convert the entire View32 project to a temporary ViewSE
application. That way the HMI tags will be converted to ViewSE format as well and the entire conversion
is less manual. Otherwise, you can add individual View32 screens to your ViewSE project and remap the

256 of 304

data points manually.

1. Start another instance of FactoryTalk View Studio from the Start menu.
You are going to create a NEW Site Edition (Local) application.
Type a name for your application and select Import (not Create).
MyView32Conversion is good name to use.

2. Click OK on the prompt.

3. Select the import type as RSView32 Project (*.rsv).

257 of 304

4. Click Next.
5. Select the project file located at:
C:\Lab Files\FTView SE\InstantFizz - Lab Files\RSView32\view32hmi\view32hmi.rsv

6. Click Finish.
The conversion will begin

and end with your new application open in Studio.

258 of 304

7. Open the TankDetail screen by double-clicking it and observe the contents:

Notice that with the exception of the RSView32 native trend, everything else on the screen has
converted and looks in FactoryTalk View SE just as it did in RSView32.
Well talk more about whats converted and whats not a little later.

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8. Before we close FactoryTalk View Studio for this application, lets export the tags and alarms.
Select the Tools menu from FactoryTalk View Studio and select Tag Import Export Wizard.

9. Select the operation: Export FactoryTalk View tag database to CSV files.

Click Next.
10. Choose Site Edition as the Project type and select your newly created application:

Click Next once more and then Finish.

11. You may close FactoryTalk View Studio for this application.
Now were going to import the Tank Detail screen and HMI tags into our InstantFizz application.
12. From the FactoryTalk View Studio instance with the InstantFizz application, right-click on the
Displays heading and select Add Component Into Application

260 of 304

13. Select the file named TankDetail.gfx located at

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RSView Enterprise\SE\HMI

14. Click Open.

15. After a few seconds, the screen is part of your project and you will see this message:

16. Open the Tank Detail screen by double-clicking it and observe the contents.
Try testing the display:

261 of 304

Youll notice that the data displays are wireframed:

and you see an error in the Diagnostics Log:

This tag error occurs because RSView32 uses HMI tags to communicate with the controller and
these HMI tags do not exist in your SE application. Because we only added a single screen, we
will also need to add the corresponding HMI tags that we exported a few minutes ago.

17. Set the screen to edit mode by selecting the stop button.
18. Select the Tools menu from FactoryTalk View Studio and select Tag Import Export Wizard.

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19. From the pull-down menu, select Import FactoryTalk View tag CSV files.

Click Next.
20. Select the project youd like to import to, which is Site Edition and InstantFizz_HMIServer.sed

Click Next.
21. At this point, we only want to import the HMI tags, so select the tag file from the newly imported
project we just created. The file is located at
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RSView Enterprise\SE\HMI

Click Next.
22. Click Next, then Finish.

263 of 304

23. After the tags have been imported, again open the Tank Detail screen by double-clicking it in the
Explorer window. Again try testing the display:
You should now see data in the displays.

24. Notice that the User Name display is still wire-framed.

In RSView32, the user name display is an HMI tag: system\User

This HMI tag does not exist in FactoryTalk View SE. The user name display is instead a system
function, CurrentUserName().
You can replace system\User with CurrentUserName() in the string display on the TankDetail

264 of 304

If you test the display again, the User Name will appear.
We are now done importing the screen. But as we observed previously, the RSView32 native trend did
not convert and there is no way around that. If you have an RSView32 project with many native
RSView32 trends, be sure to document the tags in the trends so that you can recreate them in
FactoryTalk View SE. If you have an RSView32 project with many TrendX trends, you dont have to
worry; they will all convert.
What follows is a brief list of other considerations you might have to make if you have an RSView32
project youd like to convert to FactoryTalk View SE.

View SE implements client-side VBA, but not server-side VBA

The VBA project from View32 will not migrate to View SE.
VBA code can be copied and reused in View SE. Check your code, it may need to be
redesigned for use within View SE.
Typical uses of VBA include:

modifying HMI tags, HMI alarms, and data log models

issuing commands

writing messages to diagnostics

View SE Client Object Model available in help files OR

KB Doc ID: 30478 View SE Client Object Model

View32 HMI users are not converted to FactoryTalk users.

Users and security setups must be manually configured in the new SE application, but
FactoryTalk Users and Groups allows for more flexibility.
HMI tag system/user is replaced by View SE function CurrentUserName()

Client-side Events are executed on the server in View SE.

View SE executes all commands generated by an event on the server.

Tag Monitor and Command Line Object are not supported on View SE displays.

Some RSView32 Extensions not directly supported, but some equivalents exist:
RSView32 Messenger (equivalent solution: Win911)
RSView32 RecipePro (future equivalent: RecipePlus available for SE)
RSView32 SPC (future equivalent: FT Historian SE with MS Reporting)
RSView32 WebServer (future equivalent: SE Web Client in development)
Project Documenter (equivalent solution: KB Doc ID: 46928 FT View Project Documenter)

View 32 Language String Substitution: Translated strings are not converted.

For more details about conversion issues

Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase
Doc ID 27708: RSView32 to RSViewSE Upgrade Issues

265 of 304

FactoryTalk ViewPoint
Before you begin
FactoryTalk ViewPoint is an add-on to FactoryTalk View Site Edition (SE) and FactoryTalk View Machine
Edition (ME) running on PanelView Plus that provides for a fully scalable, fully animated, read-only view
of existing applications from a Web browser.
To make information about your plant or process available on demand, from a Web browser in your
office, home, or hotel, all you have to do is select FactoryTalk View graphic displays you want to make
ready for the Web, and then publish the displays to a FactoryTalk ViewPoint Server (also called the Web
You don't need to install any Rockwell Software products on the browser computer: all you need to
connect to a published FactoryTalk ViewPoint Web application is the name (or IP address) of the
computer or PanelView Plus hosting the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Server that stores the application.

Then, you can enter a simple address directly into the Web browser, or click a link to the Web address
from some other application. For example, you could receive a link to the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Server in
an e-mail message, a Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation, or an Excel spreadsheet.
When a web browser connects to a published web application, the initial display (or displays, if specified
in a startup macro) selected for the application opens first. To navigate to other displays, use buttons and
touch animation in the initial display, or use the web browser's navigation tools.
Displays in a FactoryTalk ViewPoint application are read-only. Graphic objects in the displays are fully
animated; however, you cannot use the objects to write to tags or to start and stop HMI components. For
example, a numeric input object with a tag connection will display the tag's current value, but will not
permit download.

About this lab

This lab provides you with an opportunity to explore the basics of FactoryTalk ViewPoint SE. FactoryTalk
ViewPoint SE is used to develop and run web applications for FactoryTalk View SE network and local

What you will accomplish in this lab

As you complete the exercises in this hands-on session, you will gain an understanding of the
functionality and capability of FactoryTalk ViewPoint by:

Connecting to FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration

Publishing a FactoryTalk View SE HMI Application

Configuring FactoryTalk ViewPoint Security and Activation

Connecting to a published FactoryTalk ViewPoint Web application

Using standard browser features with FactoryTalk ViewPoint

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Tools & prerequisites

This hands-on lab does not require a Logix5000 controller however it could be used in place of SoftLogix
Note: FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Device Based Alarms requires firmware version 16.20 or higher for
ControlLogix, CompactLogix L3x and L4x, and DriveLogix.
This hands-on lab uses the following software:
FactoryTalk Services Platform v2.10.02 (CPR9 SR2)
FactoryTalk View SE v5.10 (CPR9 SR2)
FactoryTalk ViewPoint v1.10 (CPR9 SR2)
RSLinx Enterprise v5.20 (CPR 9)
FactoryTalk Alarms and Events v2.20 (included with FactoryTalk View Site Edition and RSLinx
RSLinx Classic v2.55 (used for Logix programming)
RSLogix5000 v17.01
SoftLogix v17.01
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or 8

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FactoryTalk ViewPoint SE
This section focuses on developing and running web applications for FactoryTalk View SE.
1. First, you will have the option to get familiar with the InstantFizz FactoryTalk View SE application to
be used in this lab. If you have previously worked with this FactoryTalk View SE application, you can
skip this section.
2. Second, you will follow step-by-step instructions to publish and run a FactoryTalk View SE application
within FactoryTalk ViewPoint. In this section, you will also explore other FactoryTalk ViewPoint
features and capabilities, and discover some useful tips for working with FactoryTalk ViewPoint.
In the lab youll be using a Network type application called ViewPoint that has been configured in
FactoryTalk View SE. A typical Network system could have separate machines for the FactoryTalk
View SE Server, the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Server, and the FactoryTalk ViewPoint client. For this lab
we will be running all three roles on the same server.

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Getting familiar with the FactoryTalk View SE InstantFizz application

In this section, you will get familiar with the FactoryTalk View SE Network application that will be used to
create a FactoryTalk ViewPoint Web application.

1. On the Desktop, double-click the ViewPoint-Ready InstantFizz Client.cli desktop icon.

This will run the application called ViewPoint created in FactoryTalk View SE that manufactures,
bottles and packages InstantFizz soda.
Please wait until the runtime application has fully initialized and the Overview display opens.

At this point, if you have already worked and are familiar with the InstantFizz FactoryTalk
View SE application, minimize the client window and feel free to skip to the next section titled
Setting up a FactoryTalk ViewPoint application on page 11.

269 of 304

2. The Overview display shows the plant layout for bottling and packaging InstantFizz soda. To
navigate from display to display, you can click the area names over the graphics or use the
buttons at the bottom of the display. In the Overview display, click the CIP button in the
navigation area at the bottom of the display.

3. To start the CIP process, click the CIP Repeat Cycle button at the top right of the CIP display.
This will start a sequence to purge and clean the production lines. Notice that the levels in the
different tanks change based on where the process is at.

270 of 304

4. To see the current state of the CIP process in a pop-up display, click CIP Process Steps.

5. To close the CIP Process Steps pop-up, click the black X button.
6. Navigate to different displays and familiarize yourself with the functionality and look and feel.
Minimize the InstantFizz application window. You will return to this application later in the lab.

271 of 304

Setting up a FactoryTalk ViewPoint application

In this section, you will follow step-by-step instructions to complete some basic tasks involved in working
with FactoryTalk ViewPoint and creating a Web application. For example, you will learn how to:

Connect to the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration Site

Configure FactoryTalk ViewPoint Security and Activation

Publish displays from an existing FactoryTalk View application to the FactoryTalk ViewPoint

Interact with a FactoryTalk ViewPoint application in a Web browser, and compare the experience
with running the same application in FactoryTalk View SE.

You will also learn some tips and tricks and receive supporting FactoryTalk ViewPoint information.

Connecting to the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration Site

FactoryTalk ViewPoints configuration is web enabled. This allows configuration of the FactoryTalk
ViewPoint Server from any machine with network access to the ViewPoint Server. The FactoryTalk
ViewPoint Administration is served to the connecting client computer. No additional software packages
beyond an internet browser need to be installed.
1. Double-click the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration shortcut on the desktop.

FactoryTalk ViewPoint uses Microsofts Silverlight technology to visualize FactoryTalk View

content in a browser. Microsoft Silverlight is a new Web presentation technology that was created
to run on a variety of platforms to deliver applications for the Web. It enables the creation of rich,
visually stunning and interactive experiences that can run everywhere: within browsers and on
multiple devices and desktop operating systems.
Microsoft Silverlight is the only software that will be needed on a web client to view FactoryTalk
ViewPoint content. The installation takes only a few minutes and will be available to any client
attempting to connect to the FactoryTalk ViewPoint server for the first time.
To enable Silverlight on this machine, a one-time installation of the Silverlight plug-in is required.
The Silverlight plug-in is installed from the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Server. No connection to the
Internet is required. This means plant-floor clients are able to connect to a FactoryTalk ViewPoint
Server without a need for internet connectivity.
2. In order to install Microsoft Silverlight, you must be logged in as an Administrator. Since we are
using the Administrator account on this image, click on the button to install Microsoft Silverlight.

272 of 304

3. When prompted, select Run to download Microsoft Silverlight.

4. When prompted, select Run to start the installation.

5. Choose Install now.

273 of 304


Select Close to complete the installation and then refresh (F5) the web page

7. The Welcome to FactoryTalk ViewPoint screen is displayed.

274 of 304

The FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration pages allow you to publish displays to the web, configure
security, setup activation, view server settings and access the on-line help.

Configuring FactoryTalk ViewPoint Security

FactoryTalk ViewPoint Security allows you to secure access to the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration
site and the published web application.
1. Select Security Settings on the red navigation bar in the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration
Site window.

275 of 304

2. From the Security Settings area you can change FactoryTalk ViewPoint security for currently
configured FactoryTalk users of the Application Type that has been selected. There are currently
2 users (Maintenance & Supervisor) that have been configured in FactoryTalk Security for this
application. Additional users can be added using FactoryTalk View Studio or the Administration
Console. Lets start by giving the user, Maintenance, access to the published web application.
Check the Viewer checkbox next to the Maintenance user.

3. We want the Supervisor user to be able to access the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration Site
in order to publish applications and make changes to FactoryTalk ViewPoint settings. Check the
Administrator checkbox next to Supervisor.

When a user is given Administrator access from the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration Site,
they will automatically also be granted Viewer access. This access can be removed by
deselecting the Viewer checkbox. Make sure the Viewer checkbox for the Supervisor user is
4. Since security is optional and disabled by default in FactoryTalk ViewPoint, we can enable
security by clicking the Published Web applications and FactoryTalk ViewPoint
Administration checkboxes. When you are done, your security should be setup as follows:

276 of 304

5. Finally, you need to save the security settings. Click the Save button.

6. Security can also be setup through the FactoryTalk Administration Console. Select Start >
Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Administration Console.

7. Select the Network directory and then OK.

8. Expand the Users and Groups > User Groups folder.

277 of 304

9. Two FactoryTalk user groups were created when FactoryTalk ViewPoint was installed. The
ViewPoint Administrators Group allows user access to the FactoryTalk ViewPoint
Administration Site. The ViewPoint Viewers group allows access to the published web
application. In previous steps, when we checked the boxes under Administrator or Viewer in the
FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration site we were actually adding users to these groups.
Double-click on the ViewPoint Administrators group to open the group properties dialog.
10. We had checked the Administrator box next to the Supervisor user in previous steps, so now the
Supervisor user is part of the ViewPoint Administrator group. Note that during installation, the
Windows Administrator group is also given ViewPoint Administrator access. Select OK to close
the ViewPoint Administrator Properties dialog.

11. Double-click on the ViewPoint Viewers group to open the group properties dialog.

278 of 304

12. Give the Supervisor user access to the group by selecting Add. Choose to Show users only
and select Supervisor. Select OK and then OK again to save the changes to the group.

The Supervisor is now part of the ViewPoint Viewers group. Close the FactoryTalk Administration

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13. Go back to the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration Site and refresh the web page.
14. You will notice that security is now enabled and you are required to login to access the
Administration Site. Login using the username Maintenance and password Maintenance.

You will see the message Failed to log on. The user Maintenance is not a member of the
ViewPoint Administrators group.

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15. We had only given access to the Administration site to the Supervisor user. Login using the User
Name Supervisor and the password Supervisor. Do not click Remember me on this

16. Select the Security Settings tab to view that the Supervisor account has now been given
Viewer permissions. Changes made to FactoryTalk users and security settings from the
Administration Console are automatically updated in FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration.
Likewise, changes made in FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration are automatically updated in
the Administration Console. Adding new FactoryTalk security users must be done through the
Administration console.

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17. In the top-right corner of the browser window you can see which user is currently logged in and
you are also given the option to log off.

At this time FactoryTalk ViewPoint does not use FactoryTalk View Security Codes and will ignore any
security codes used in the published web application. For example, expressions that use the
CurrentUserHasCode( ) function are not evaluated in FactoryTalk ViewPoint. This requirement will
be considered in a future release.

FactoryTalk ViewPoint Server Settings

Additional information about the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Server can be found on the Server Settings tab.

Most important is the name of the server, the port its using and the URL that is used to connect to that

Activating FactoryTalk ViewPoint

Licensing is not required for FactoryTalk ViewPoint server functionality; however, the FactoryTalk
ViewPoint clients do require a client access license (CAL) to connect to a FactoryTalk ViewPoint server.
Client access licenses (CALs) are concurrent FactoryTalk activations and are provided to the FactoryTalk
ViewPoint clients by the FactoryTalk ViewPoint server. When a client consumes a CAL, it allows three
browser or tabbed instances of the published web application to be open at a time.

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The FactoryTalk ViewPoint server is configured to consume CALs from the FactoryTalk Activation server.
In the case where multiple FactoryTalk ViewPoint servers are being used, licenses can be shared among
the FactoryTalk ViewPoint servers by configuring each server to consume a selected number of CALs.
The minimum number of CALs that a FactoryTalk ViewPoint server can consume is 1 (default is 3).

1. Select the Activation tab.

A ViewPoint server will automatically consume 3 licenses after install but this can also be configured
by entering a new number of licenses and selecting Apply. We will leave the number of assigned
licenses set to 3 for this lab. Note that the licenses are also additive; there are 4 50 client license
packs installed which allows 200 license capacity for the ViewPoint server.

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Publishing a FactoryTalk View SE application

FactoryTalk ViewPoint Administration also allows you to publish web applications to the FactoryTalk
ViewPoint server. FactoryTalk ViewPoint supports both Site Edition Network and Site Edition Local
applications. Lets go ahead and publish an application.
1. Select the Publish displays to Web tab.

2. Select Site Edition (Network) and make sure that the application ViewPoint is selected. Click
the Select graphic displays button in the bottom right corner of the browser.

FactoryTalk ViewPoint will only maintain one FactoryTalk ViewPoint application configuration
at a time.
Selecting a different FactoryTalk View application, or selecting a different set of displays to
publish, will replace the current Web application configuration and the published content.
3. A list of displays within the ViewPoint application will be displayed. Expand the area AreaVP,
if its not already, by clicking on the + next to AreaVP to view the entire list.
4. The mgr_dashboard display is not currently published so lets add it to the list by selecting
the checkbox beside the display name.

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All displays are initially selected, but you can choose which displays you would like to publish.
By default the initial displaythe first display that opens in the Web browseris the first
display listed in the Administration Site.
To remove a display from a published application, uncheck the display prior to publishing.

5. You can change the initial display by selecting an alternate display in the Initial Display
column or you can alternately select a startup macro for opening displays on startup.
Since the ViewPoint application uses a docked display, select the startup macro named
Startup. This macro displays the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen as a docked
display and then the Plant Overview screen by running the following FactoryTalk View SE
Display navigation /DB
Display "Plant Overview"
Using docked displays and a startup macro is the best approach for configuring FT View
applications with multiple display windows that also need to run in FactoryTalkViewPoint.

6. Select the Publish Displays button. Observe progress as the Site analyzes the selected displays
and prepares these displays to be hosted in the browser before publishing.

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Depending on the size of the displays, the publishing process may take several minutes when
performed for the first time. Subsequent publish actions are optimized to analyze and prepare any
displays that have been changed or selected to be published. In the interest of time, a majority of
the displays have already been published and are currently selected in the Web Enable column.
You also have the option of re-publishing all selected displays. The Re-publish all selected
displays option deletes the entire existing published content before the new content is created
based on selected displays. This selection is useful after upgrading to a new version of
ViewPoint to ensure that the published application contains the latest features.
7. When the publishing process is complete, you will be provided with a link to the publishing
report which will describe any errors or warnings that may have occurred during publication
and a link to your initial FactoryTalk ViewPoint display. Any objects which are not supported in
FactoryTalk ViewPoint will be listed as a warning.
Click the View publishing report link to open a separate browser window containing the
publishing report. When you are finished reviewing the report, close the browser window
containing the report.

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Running an application in a browser

1. After the publishing process finishes, the Open Web Application button becomes available.
Click on this button.

This opens Internet Explorer and the initial display specified in the selected startup macro.
You are still logged in using your credentials from logging into the FactoryTalk Administration Site
and will not be asked to login again. You can determine the current user or log off from the
FactoryTalk ViewPoint banner at the top of the browser screen.

Close all browser windows. From the desktop, double click on the Internet Explorer icon and point
your browser to http://core/FTVP, the default FactoryTalk ViewPoint page for published content.
Note that core is the Windows Computer Name. You will be required to login since we have
secured access to the published web application and we have closed our previous session.
Login using the username Maintenance and password Maintenance. Click Remember me on
this computer. You will not be asked to login on this computer again even after rebooting
unless you manually log off of FactoryTalk ViewPoint, your password expires, or your FactoryTalk
account is disabled.

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2. In Internet Explorer, you will see the InstantFizz Overview display. The FactoryTalk ViewPoint
screens automatically scale to fit the size of the browser window.

We had specified the Startup macro during publishing so that when a FactoryTalk ViewPoint
client connected to the Server, the macro would execute the Display commands providing the
navigation bar at the bottom of the screen as a docked display and the Plant Overview as the
initial screen.
3. Maximize the browser window if it is not already at full size.
FactoryTalk ViewPoint provides a thin client solution for FactoryTalk View. There is no need to
install and maintain any Rockwell Software on the client machine. This lowers total cost of
ownership, minimizes downtime and improves security. FactoryTalk ViewPoint also provides
convenient access to FactoryTalk View applications from anywhere (central office, home,
internet) which extends the reach of visualization to remote, casual and mobile users such as
plant managers, central maintenance engineers, OEMs and System Integrators. Think of all of
the remote users in your facility or your customers facility that could benefit from improved
access to plant floor visualization information as you run the InstantFizz application in FactoryTalk
4. FactoryTalk ViewPoint provides a rich, interactive browser user experience. All of the navigation
built into the FactoryTalk View SE application also works in the browser. In Internet Explorer,
navigate from the Overview display to the Filling display and observe how the navigation
functionality works in FactoryTalk ViewPoint.

288 of 304

5. The Filling display should now be shown in FactoryTalk ViewPoint. Observe that the animation
used to simulate the bottles filling and moving along the bottling line is fully functional in
FactoryTalk ViewPoint. FactoryTalk ViewPoint supports full animation of FactoryTalk View SE
displays without the need to refresh your browser.

6. Navigate from the Filling display to the Packaging display.

289 of 304

7. The Packaging display should now be shown in FactoryTalk ViewPoint. Once again, observe
that the packaging line objects, such as numeric displays and color animation used to show line
status, are updating dynamically. FactoryTalk ViewPoint is fully interactive and does not use
static screen captures to display information in the browser.

8. If the Internet Explorer window is maximized, you can double-click on the top blue Internet
Explorer title bar to restore the window to the previous size. Then, by clicking on the bottom right
hand corner of the internet explorer window while holding down the left mouse key and dragging,
resize the browser window again.
Notice the screen resizes at runtime. This allows you to develop a single display and run it on a
wide variety of client devices with different screen sizes and resolutions (including wireless,
mobile devices).
9. Navigate from the Packaging display to the CIP display.
10. The CIP display should now be shown in FactoryTalk ViewPoint.

290 of 304

11. The CIP- Repeat Cycle button appears in the browser and shows the current state. However,
FactoryTalk ViewPoint is currently a read-only implementation.

After clicking on the CIP Repeat Cycle button, you will see the following message:

291 of 304

From the browser, you will not be able to perform tasks such as starting and stopping batches or
changing set points. This functionality will be supported in a future release.
12. Select Close to shutdown this message window.
13. Switch to the FactoryTalk View SE Client. If the FactoryTalk View SE Client is not already
running, double-click the Viewpoint-Ready InstantFizz Client.cli desktop icon.

Navigate to the CIP display and start another CIP Repeat Cycle.

14. After the CIP Repeat Cycle starts, switch back to the browser running FactoryTalk ViewPoint.
Observe that data on the CIP display is now updating and levels are changing.
15. To view additional details, click the CIP Process Steps button.

292 of 304

16. The CIP-Process Steps display is now shown in the browser. This display has been configured
in FactoryTalk View SE as a pop-up display and is supported by FactoryTalk ViewPoint. You
can easily click on the title bar of the pop-up display and drag it with your mouse to reposition the
display, just like FactoryTalk View SE.

17. Observe that the pop-up display contains a local message display object which is also
supported by FactoryTalk ViewPoint.

293 of 304

18. Close the pop-up display by clicking on the black X.

19. Navigate back to the Overview display

20. Navigate to the Line 1 Dashboard display

294 of 304

21. The Dashboard display provides a nice example of a display specifically designed for a remote,
casual ViewPoint user such as a Plant Manager. This display provides an overview of line
status, production data, current alarms and trends. Try clicking the Line status buttons to see
how you can drill down into the application for further troubleshooting and remote monitoring
when needed

22. Click on a trend on the Dashboard display and observe the FactoryTalk ViewPoint trend control.
FactoryTalk ViewPoint currently supports real-time trending, historical trending will be included in
a future release.

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Trend title and chart

Current value legend

Value bar with

pen markers

Pan and Zoom slider

Play and pause

Y and X axes
23. Continue to browse the application with FactoryTalk ViewPoint by navigating to the Rapid Mix
and Blending displays and observing the behavior in FactoryTalk ViewPoint.
24. Navigate to the All Alarms display and observe the FactoryTalk ViewPoint alarm control.
FactoryTalk ViewPoint currently supports FactoryTalk Alarms & Events and will convert the View
SE Alarms & Events Alarm Summary object. Additional alarm functionality will be included in a
future release.

296 of 304

25. FactoryTalk ViewPoint has an informative help file that is easily accessible from any FactoryTalk
ViewPoint client or FactoryTalk Administration site.
Open the product Help file by clicking Help in the upper right hand corner.

26. The help file covers important topics like creating and viewing applications, security, alarms, and
trends. It also contains the Release Notes which outlines System Requirements, unsupported
FactoryTalk View features, and installing any prerequisite software.

Navigate through these topics and any others you choose to view what information is available.
27. Click on Troubleshooting ViewPoint from the menu on the left side.

297 of 304

This special section in the Help file allows users to learn about any issues that they may
encounter and provides assistance if troubleshooting is required. The user would find the
heading that describes what they were doing at the time and clicks on the link that best
characterizes the behavior that was observed.
28. Close the Help window by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner.

Congratulations! You have successfully published the FactoryTalk View SE ViewPoint application and
can now run it using your web browser. Note that FactoryTalk ViewPoint automatically converted and
published the displays to the FactoryTalk ViewPoint Server; you did not need to make any modifications
to the FactoryTalk View SE application to accomplish this.

You can move to the next exercise to learn how to use standard browser features with FactoryTalk

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Using browser features with FactoryTalk Viewpoint

We all use the internet frequently as a daily part of our work and home lives, so most people are familiar
with how to use Browser functionality. Many applications run in the browser but do not utilize the
features of the browser. One of the major advantages of using FactoryTalk ViewPoint is that it allows you
to use the features of the browser that you are already familiar with and does not require the installation
of any Rockwell Software. This section focuses on exploring your FactoryTalk ViewPoint project using
the features in the browser.

Using browser features

1. Launch Internet Explorer from the desktop icon.

2. Connect to the FactoryTalk ViewPoint server by typing the following link in Internet Explorer:
3. Login using the username Maintenance and password Maintenance. Click Remember me on
this computer.

299 of 304

4. Open the Packaging display using the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.

5. Select Favorites > Add to Favorites. The use of Favorites provides quick, on-demand access to
important FactoryTalk ViewPoint displays.

6. Notice that FactoryTalk ViewPoint chose a unique name for your Favorite (you can also change
this to any name that is intuitive to you).

Click New Folder to add a new folder named InstantFizz.

300 of 304

7. Name the folder InstantFizz and then click Create.

8. Click Add to add the display to you Favorites list.

9. Now navigate to the Blending, Filling & Labeling displays using the buttons built into the
InstantFizz application and create favorites for those displays as well.

301 of 304

10. Open a new tab in IE8 by clicking on the new tab button. Use tabs to organize your displays by
functional areas of the plant. Multiple tabs can connect to the same FactoryTalk ViewPoint server
or other FactoryTalk ViewPoint servers including PanelView Plus terminals that exist in your

11. Now use the favorites you created to navigate directly to the Packaging, Blending, Filling and
Labeling displays.

302 of 304

12. Try using the Back and Forward buttons in your browser. You will see that this allows you to
navigate through your browser history just as if you were viewing any other website.

13. Use the Recent Pages pull down to select from any of the displays by name from the history list.

14. Finally, we will use a lesser known feature of Internet Explorer to put the browser in full screen
mode by hitting the F11 function key. Note that you must have the Internet Explorer window
selected (in foreground) before hitting F11 to go into full screen mode. Once you have entered

303 of 304

full screen mode (your FactoryTalk ViewPoint display should take up the entire screen). Once you
have explored this feature, hit F11 again to toggle back out of IE full screen mode.

We hope you have enjoyed using some of the features present in Internet Explorer that help make using
FactoryTalk ViewPoint an intuitive and enjoyable experience.

Congratulations!! You have finished the ViewPoint SE section!

Please close the View SE client, FactoryTalk ViewPoint browser and FactoryTalk View Studio.

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