MI03 - Lab Manual
MI03 - Lab Manual
MI03 - Lab Manual
Before you begin......................................................................................................................................... 5
About this lab ................................................................................................................................................ 5
FactoryTalk Connector ............................................................................................................................... 7
Lab: Creating a FactoryTalk Connector ........................................................................................................ 7
FactoryTalk Live Data ............................................................................................................................... 13
Lab: Importing FactoryTalk Live Data Structures ....................................................................................... 13
Lab: Importing FactoryTalk Live Data Tags ................................................................................................ 23
Lab: Creating an Excel Report.................................................................................................................... 31
FactoryTalk Historian ............................................................................................................................... 37
Lab: Importing FactoryTalk Historian Tags ................................................................................................. 37
Lab: Creating a Trend Report ..................................................................................................................... 43
VantagePoint-Specific Tags..................................................................................................................... 47
Lab: Using a Calculated Tag to Evaluate Expressions............................................................................... 47
Logix Data Types ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Lab: Mapping a Logix Data Type ................................................................................................................ 53
Advanced Reporting ................................................................................................................................. 69
Lab: Using SQL Post-Processing in the Excel Add-In ................................................................................ 69
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FactoryTalk Connector
Launch VantagePoint Portal from the Start menu (Start > Programs > Rockwell Software >
FactoryTalk VantagePoint > Portal).
Then, in VantagePoint Portal, select this menu item Tools > Manager.
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3. In the User name field, enter ftvpadmin. In the Password field, enter ftvpadmin.
NOTE: The directory host name is set automatically depending on the settings in FactoryTalk
Administration Console.
If an existing login is used, the login user must be in the Administrators and FTHAdministrators
groups in FactoryTalk Security.
4. Click Next.
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4. Select the option I would like to import FactoryTalk Live Data tags and click Next.
5. Select the option I would like to import Logix controller structures as VanagePoint items and
click Next.
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6. In the tree structure, browse to the folder FTVP App > CLX1. The dialog should like the following
7. Click Next.
8. Click the ellipsis () button next to the Select a project file (.acd) for CLX1 field.
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9. Browse to the ACD file FTVP_Simulations_v1.ACD in the location provided to you by your
Instructor. Click Open.
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21. Click Finish. Upon completion of the import operation, you will see the following dialog.
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24. In the General tab on the right, note that the Item type property has the value
25. All WC or workcells were imported as generic User-Defined Structures (UDTs). You can view these
workcells by browsing to this location System.Sources.FactoryTalk.localhost.Applications.FTVP
App.CLX1.Online. For example, you can navigate to
26. In the General tab, note that the Item type property has the value
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5. Select the option I would like to import simple tags from Logix controllers and other data
servers and click Next.
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7. In the Tag Folders structure, browse to the following folder FTVP App > CLX1 > Online >
DispenserLine and click the > button. The dialog should like the following screenshot.
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11. Click Finish. The import may take up to 4-5 minutes. Wait for the import to complete.
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15. A shortcut to the imported folder structure was created during the import. First refresh the view by
. Now browse to this location to view the shortcut
clicking on the Refresh button
MyEnterprise.FactoryTalk.Applications. You can, for example, view the DispenserLine folder by
navigating to MyEnterprise.FactoryTalk.Applications.FTVP App.CLX1.Online.DispenserLine.
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3. On the right, select the Properties tab. Note that the HistorizedTag property is blank. Later when,
we import tags from FactoryTalk Historian, we will find that this property will be filled in automatically
with the Fully Qualified Name (FQN) of the corresponding FactoryTalk Historian tag.
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3. We want the Current Value option so we will keep the default. Click Next.
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5. Click on the tag CustomerName[0] in the items pane below and click the > button to select it.
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7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish.
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9. Ensure the Add-Ins tab is still selected. Click VantagePoint > Publish.
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16. In this lab exercise, we retrieved live data from a data source, in this case, FactoryTalk Live Data.
Similarly, we can retrieve data (e.g. live and historical data) from any of the data sources configured
in VantagePoint.
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FactoryTalk Historian
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6. You will see the following dialog when the import has completed.
7. Click OK.
8. In the model, navigate to System.Sources.FactoryTalk.localhost.Historians.Production
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9. You should see all the Historian tags imported. Make sure filtering is turned off to see the complete
list of tags. If filtering is on, you can turn it off by clicking on the Filter button
Correlation of a FactoryTalk Live Data tag with its corresponding FactoryTalk Historian tag
1. Navigate to System.Sources.FactoryTalk.localhost.Applications.FTVP
App.CLX1.Online.Program:CapperD to view the tags in this folder.
2. Turn on filtering and filter on the text temperature.
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3. In the list view below, you will see the tag Temperature1. Click on it.
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4. In the Properties tab on the right, note that the HistorizedTag property is no longer blank. This
property has been filled in automatically with the Fully Qualified Name (FQN) of the corresponding
FactoryTalk Historian tag. In this example, the tag FactoryTalk Historian tag is
Historian.Tags.[CapperD.Temperature1]. You may have to close VantagePoint Manager and open
it again to refresh this property.
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5. The list of tags is filtered to only show tags that contain temperature in the tag name. Find the
following two tags in the tags list (below the model browser) and drag-and-drop them into the trace
window on the right.
System.Sources.FactoryTalk.localhost.Historians.Production Historian.Tags.
System.Sources.FactoryTalk.localhost.Historians.Production Historian.Tags.
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Correlation of a FactoryTalk Live Data tag with its corresponding FactoryTalk Historian tag
We will now trend historical data for a FactoryTalk Live Data tag that is correlated with its corresponding
FactoryTalk Historian tag
1. In Trend, close the current trace window by clicking File > Close. Click No when prompted to save
2. Start a new trace window by clicking File > New.
3. In the model browser, click on System.Sources.FactoryTalk.localhost.Applications.FTVP
App.CLX1.Online.Program:CapperD to view the tags in this folder.
4. Filter on the text temperature.
5. In the list view below, you will see the tag Temperature1. Drag it to the trace window.
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6. Clear the text in the filter field and turn off filtering by clicking the filter icon.
7. In this lab exercise, we retrieved and analyzed historical data from a data source, in this case,
FactoryTalk Historian. Similarly, we can analyze data from any of the historical data sources (e.g.
third-party historians) configured in VantagePoint. Also, just like the Excel report we published in an
earlier lab exercise, we can also publish this Trend report so that it is accessible to users at other
client workstations.
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VantagePoint-Specific Tags
3. Right-click the Calculated Tags folder and select New > Item.
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4. In the Types tab at the bottom of the dialog, select the Core.Tag shortcut (you may have to scroll
down a bit to see the shortcut). Then, at the top, expand Core.Tag. Expand
Connector.Incuity.Calculation.Tag. Select the discrete tag item
Connector.Incuity.Calculation.DIscreteTag and click the Create button at the bottom of the dialog.
5. In the next dialog, enter PumpIsRunning for the Name and Tracks when extruder pump is running for
the Description.
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8. Highlight the text condition in the expression. Then click Item Value.
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11. The Expression Editor should resemble the following image. Click OK.
13. Click Close in the Test Results dialog, then click OK in the Expression Editor dialog.
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14. Select the Properties tab. This is where you can enter a display value for the results of your
expression. Enter the text Pump is running in the True message field and Pump is stopped in the
False message field. Then click Create.
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5. In the tree view window on the left, browse to the folder Data Types > User Defined and select
6. Double-click WorkOrder. Note the list of Members and also the Data Type of each Member.
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7. In the tree view window, right-click on the WorkOrder node and select Monitor Tags.
8. Note that WO_DB contains an array, of size 10, of the data type WorkOrder.
9. Expand WO_DB. Note that the Data Type of WO_DB[0] is WorkOrder. Click on the plus sign (+)
next to WO_DB[0] to expand this node. Note the Data Types of each of the members and also the
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5. Note also that Members of the Logix Data Type that are of the Data Type STRING have
corresponding Type properties that of the Sub Data Type Core.StringTag. For INT, it is
NOTE: As a reference, here is a list of the recommended VantagePoint SubData Types to use when
creating VantagePoint Types to match a given Logix Data Type.
Native Logix Data Types
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3. Import Rules have been defined for the Data Types you see listed. Note that currently no Import Rule
has been defined for the Logix Data Type WorkOrder.
Specify the Mapping WorkOrder
1. Right-click on the DataTypes node and select New > Item.
2. In the Name field, enter WorkOrder and click the Create button.
3. Below the WorkOrder Instance, right-click on the MappingRule node and select Assign Item.
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7. Click Create.
8. Below Mapping Rule, right-click on the Members node and select New > Item.
9. In the Name field, enter CustomerName. In the PropertyName, enter Customer Name Note that
there is a space between the words Customer and Name. In the Type field, enter STRING. The
dialog should look exactly like the screenshot below.
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11. Repeat steps 8 to 10 and create rules for all Members in the table below. Note that we have already
created the rule for the first Member in the list. Pay special attention to the spaces between words
and for the last Member Name, to how the Property Name Order Quantity is different compared to the
Member Name OrderQty.
Member Name
Property Name
Customer Name
Part Name
Order Name
Order Number
Order Quantity
12. The list of Members should look like the following screenshot.
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3. Click Next.
4. Click Next.
5. In the tree browser, select FTVP App > CLX1.
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6. Click Next.
7. Click Next.
8. Note that WorkOrder is shown in the list. This indicates that we now have an import rule defined for
this Data Type. Check the WorkOrder checkbox. Checking this checkbox means that we want this
Data Type to be imported. Also, note that the VantagePoint Type is
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9. Click Next.
10. Click Next.
11. Click Next.
12. Click Finish.
13. Click OK when the import is complete.
14. Browse to System.Sources.FactoryTalk.localhost.Applications.FTVP App.CLX1.Online.WO_DB
and expand the WO_DB node to view the imported structure.
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15. Below WO_DB, select WO_DB[0] and view its properties in the Properties pane on the right. First,
note that the Type is RSSamples.WorkOrder.WorkOrder. Also, all Properties such as Customer
Name, Part Name, etc. have been automatically populated with the relevant tags to match the way
these Work Orders were configured in the .ACD controller program. The same is true for
WO_DB[1], WO_DB[2], etc.
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16. In this lab exercise, we mapped a Logix Data Type to a VantagePoint Type. The real benefit of this is
that we are further able to create Template reports such as the one below. On the left, the list box
was automatically populated with all Work Orders items found in the VantagePoint system. The
report on the right was built once and can now be generated against any Work Order by selecting it
on the left and clicking the Generate Report button.
17. To view a similar example on your system, launch the Portal (Start > Programs > Rockwell
Software > FactoryTalk VantagePoint > Portal).
18. In the Portal, select Reports > MyEnterprise.
19. In the model browser on the left, click on
MyEnterprise.Samples.Extruders.Reports.ExtruderDashboard. This is an example of a Template
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20. Click on the Parameters tab see screenshot below for its location on the screen. You can change
the Extruder selection and click the Generate Report button to apply your selection. Note that the
Template dashboard on the right was built once but can now be used with any Extruder in the
VantagePoint system.
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Advanced Reporting
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4. Browse to the tag System.Sources.Simulator.Line 2.Tags.ProcessOrder and click the > button to
select the tag.
5. Click Next.
6. Select Last 1 hour.
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7. Click Next.
8. Uncheck the Skip advanced options checkbox.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Next.
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11. First, check the Apply SQL Post Processing checkbox. Then select Time In State query, returns
Start, End, Duration (seconds), Tag Value in the query templates drop-down list.
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15. Now we will change the formatting of columns A and B to display as a date and time. Select columns
A and B by clicking on column A and dragging to column B.
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19. Note that this ad-hoc report shows you the amount of time, in seconds, during which the value of the
tag stayed the same. Also, the start and end date times are provided for each duration. You may
want to consider ignoring the first and last rows in the record set as it would not contain the entire
duration of a given tag value.
Use a Custom Query
A user wants to determine the speed a line was running at when a certain piece of equipments downtime
code was 6 (lets say the code represents when the equipment is running but in a faulted state) and also
the orders being processed at the time. The user then wants to see only the orders being processed
when the line speed was above 250 units/second.
1. Close Excel and launch Excel again.
2. Click Add-Ins > VantagePoint > Insert Function.
3. Select History and click Next.
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5. Click Next.
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7. Click Next.
8. Select the Wide data format. Uncheck the Skip advanced options checkbox.
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9. Click Next.
10. Click Next.
11. Check the Apply SQL Post Processing checkbox. Select TagName based #TimeSeriesName
query in the query templates drop-down list. Click Test.
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13. Now modify the SQL statement to the following. Click Test.
SELECT * FROM #TimeSeriesName
WHERE Downtime = 6
AND CAST(MachineSpeed AS FLOAT) > 250
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15. Select column A and change the formatting to date and time (right-click and select Format Cells,
then select Date and 3/14/01 1:30 PM).
16. Note that this ad-hoc report shows you the orders being processed when the equipment was running
under fault conditions (Downtime = 6) and when the line speed was abnormally high (greater than
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